var PaperScript = new function() { //TODO: Make sure there are all the correct copyrights for the inlined //parse-js: //#include "../../lib/parse-js-min.js" // Handle Math Operators var operators = { '+': 'add', '-': 'subtract', '*': 'multiply', '/': 'divide', '%': 'modulo', '==': 'equals', '!=': 'equals' }; paper.handleOperator = function(left, operator, right) { var handler = operators[operator]; if (left && left[handler]) { var res = left[handler](right); return operator == '!=' ? !res : res; } switch (operator) { case '+': return left + right; case '-': return left - right; case '*': return left * right; case '/': return left / right; case '%': return left % right; case '==': return left == right; case '!=': return left != right; default: throw new Error('Implement Operator: ' + operator); } }; // Handle Sign Operators var signOperator = { '-': 'negate' }; paper.handleSignOperator = function(operator, exp) { var handler = signOperator[operator]; if (exp && exp[handler]) { return exp[handler](); } switch (operator) { case '+': return +exp; case '-': return -exp; default: throw new Error('Implement Sign Operator: ' + operator); } } // AST Helpers function isDynamic(exp) { var type = exp[0]; return type != 'num' && type != 'string'; } function handleOperator(operator, left, right) { // Only replace operators with calls to paper.handleOperator if // the left hand side is potentially an object. if (operators[operator] && isDynamic(left)) { // Replace with paper.handleOperator(operator, left, right): return ['call', ['dot', ['name', 'paper'], 'handleOperator'], [left, ['string', operator], right]]; } } function compile(code) { // Use parse-js to translate the code into a AST structure which is then // walked and parsed for operators to overload. The resulting AST is // translated back to code and evaluated. var ast = parse_js.parse(code), walker = parse_js.walker(), walk = walker.walk; ast = walker.with_walkers({ 'binary': function(operator, left, right) { // Handle simple mathematical operators here: return handleOperator(operator, left = walk(left), right = walk(right)) // Always return something since we're walking left and // right for the handleOperator() call already. || [this[0], operator, left, right]; }, 'assign': function(operator, left, right) { // Handle assignments like +=, -=, etc: // Check if the assignment operator needs to be handled by paper // if so, convert the assignment to a simple = and use result of // of handleOperator on the right hand side. var res = handleOperator(operator, left = walk(left), right = walk(right)); if (res) return [this[0], true, left, res]; // Always return something for the same reason as in binary return [this[0], operator, left, right]; }, 'unary-prefix': function(operator, exp) { if (signOperator[operator] && isDynamic(exp)) { return ['call', ['dot', ['name', 'paper'], 'handleSignOperator'], [['string', operator], walk(exp)]]; } } }, function() { return walk(ast); }); return parse_js.stringify(ast, true); } function run(code) { // Use paper.extend() to create a paper scope within which the code is // evaluated. with (paper.extend()) { var tool = /onMouse(?:Up|Down|Move|Drag)/.test(code) && new Tool(); var res = eval(compile(code)); if (tool) { Base.each(['onEditOptions', 'onOptions', 'onSelect', 'onDeselect', 'onReselect', 'onMouseDown', 'onMouseUp', 'onMouseDrag', 'onMouseMove'], function(key) { try { tool[key] = eval(key); } catch (e) { } }); } return res; } } //#ifdef BROWSER // Code borrowed from Coffee Script: function load(url) { var xhr = new (window.ActiveXObject || XMLHttpRequest)('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');'GET', url, true); if ('overrideMimeType' in xhr) { xhr.overrideMimeType('text/plain'); } xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr.readyState === 4) { return run(xhr.responseText); } }; return xhr.send(null); } function runScripts() { var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); for (var i = 0, l = scripts.length; i < l; i++) { var script = scripts[i]; if (script.type === 'text/paperscript') { // If a canvas id is provided, create a document for it now, so // the active document is defined. var canvas = script.getAttribute('canvas'); if (canvas && (canvas = document.getElementById(canvas))) { new Document(canvas); } if (script.src) { load(script.src); } else { run(script.innerHTML); } } } return null; } if (window.addEventListener) { addEventListener('load', runScripts, false); } else { attachEvent('onload', runScripts); } //#endif // BROWSER return { compile: compile, run: run }; };