diff --git a/test/index.html b/test/index.html
index d9b49da3..16b85fce 100644
--- a/test/index.html
+++ b/test/index.html
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
@@ -29,12 +30,14 @@
diff --git a/test/tests/Layer.js b/test/tests/Layer.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cc608b0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/tests/Layer.js
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+test('previousSibling / nextSibling', function() {
+ var doc = new Doc();
+ var firstLayer = doc.activeLayer;
+ var secondLayer = new Layer();
+ equals(secondLayer.previousSibling == firstLayer, true);
+ equals(secondLayer.nextSibling == null, true);
+ // Move another layer into secondLayer and check nextSibling /
+ // previousSibling:
+ var path = new Path();
+ var thirdLayer = new Layer();
+ secondLayer.appendBottom(thirdLayer);
+ equals(secondLayer.children.length, 2);
+ equals(thirdLayer.nextSibling == path, true);
+ secondLayer.appendTop(thirdLayer);
+ equals(thirdLayer.nextSibling == null, true);
+ equals(thirdLayer.previousSibling == path, true);
+ equals(doc.layers.length == 2, true);
+ firstLayer.appendTop(secondLayer);
+ equals(doc.layers.length == 1, true);
+test('moveAbove / moveBelow', function() {
+ var doc = new Doc();
+ var firstLayer = doc.activeLayer;
+ var secondLayer = new Layer();
+ secondLayer.moveBelow(firstLayer);
+ equals(secondLayer.previousSibling == null, true);
+ equals(secondLayer.nextSibling == firstLayer, true);
+ var path = new Path();
+ firstLayer.appendTop(path);
+ // move the layer above the path, inside the firstLayer:
+ secondLayer.moveAbove(path);
+ equals(secondLayer.previousSibling == path, true);
+ equals(secondLayer.parent == firstLayer, true);
+ // There should now only be one layer left:
+ equals(doc.layers.length, 1);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/tests/PathStyle.js b/test/tests/PathStyle.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..627aaf02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/tests/PathStyle.js
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+module('Path Style');
+test('currentStyle', function() {
+ var doc = new Doc();
+ doc.currentStyle.fillColor = 'black';
+ var path = new Path();
+ equals(path.fillColor, 'black');
+ // When changing the current style of the document, the style of
+ // paths created using document.currentStyle should not change.
+ doc.currentStyle.fillColor = 'red';
+ equals(path.fillColor, 'black');
+test('setting currentStyle to an object', function() {
+ var doc = new Doc();
+ doc.currentStyle = {
+ fillColor: 'red',
+ strokeColor: 'green'
+ };
+ var path = new Path();
+ equals(path.fillColor, 'red');
+ equals(path.strokeColor, 'green');
+test('setting path styles to an object', function() {
+ var doc = new Doc();
+ var path = new Path();
+ path.style = {
+ fillColor: 'red',
+ strokeColor: 'green'
+ };
+ equals(path.fillColor, 'red');
+ equals(path.strokeColor, 'green');
+test('setting group styles to an object', function() {
+ var doc = new Doc();
+ var group = new Group();
+ var path = new Path();
+ group.appendTop(path);
+ group.style = {
+ fillColor: 'red',
+ strokeColor: 'green'
+ };
+ equals(path.fillColor, 'red');
+ equals(path.strokeColor, 'green');
+test('getting group styles', function() {
+ var doc = new Doc();
+ var group = new Group();
+ var path = new Path();
+ path.fillColor = 'red';
+ group.appendTop(path);
+ equals(group.fillColor, 'red');
+ var secondPath = new Path();
+ secondPath.fillColor = 'black';
+ group.appendTop(secondPath);
+ // the group now contains two paths with different fillColors and therefore
+ // should return null:
+ equals(group.fillColor, null);
+ //If we remove the first path, it should now return 'black':
+ group.children[0].remove();
+ equals(group.fillColor, 'black');
+test('setting group styles', function() {
+ var doc = new Doc();
+ var group = new Group();
+ var path = new Path();
+ path.fillColor = 'red';
+ group.appendTop(path);
+ var secondPath = new Path();
+ secondPath.fillColor = 'blue';
+ secondPath.strokeColor = 'red';
+ group.appendTop(secondPath);
+ // Change the fill color of the group:
+ group.fillColor = 'black';
+ // the paths contained in the group should now both have their fillColor
+ // set to black:
+ equals(path.fillColor, 'black');
+ equals(secondPath.fillColor, 'black');
+ // The second path still has its strokeColor set to red:
+ equals(secondPath.strokeColor, 'red');
+test('setting group styles 2', function() {
+ var doc = new Doc();
+ var group = new Group();
+ var path = new Path();
+ path.fillColor = 'red';
+ group.appendTop(path);
+ equals(group.fillColor, 'red');
+ var secondPath = new Path();
+ secondPath.fillColor = 'blue';
+ secondPath.strokeColor = 'red';
+ group.appendTop(secondPath);
+ equals(secondPath.fillColor, 'blue');
+ equals(secondPath.strokeColor, 'red');
+ // By appending a path with a different fillcolor,
+ // the group's fillColor should return null:
+ equals(group.fillColor, null);
+ // But, both paths have a red strokeColor, so:
+ equals(group.strokeColor, 'red');
+ // Change the fill color of the group's style:
+ group.style.fillColor = 'black';
+ // the paths contained in the group should now both have their fillColor
+ // set to black:
+ equals(path.fillColor, 'black');
+ equals(secondPath.fillColor, 'black');
+ // The second path still has its strokeColor set to red:
+ equals(secondPath.strokeColor, 'red');
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