diff --git a/dist/paper-full.js b/dist/paper-full.js
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index 00000000..d3acd9a4
--- /dev/null
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+ * Paper.js v0.12.2-fix/typescript-definition-issues - The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting.
+ * http://paperjs.org/
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2011 - 2019, Juerg Lehni & Jonathan Puckey
+ * http://scratchdisk.com/ & https://puckey.studio/
+ *
+ * Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details.
+ *
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Date: Fri Jun 14 15:03:35 2019 +0200
+ *
+ ***
+ *
+ * Straps.js - Class inheritance library with support for bean-style accessors
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2006 - 2019 Juerg Lehni
+ * http://scratchdisk.com/
+ *
+ * Distributed under the MIT license.
+ *
+ ***
+ *
+ * Acorn.js
+ * https://marijnhaverbeke.nl/acorn/
+ *
+ * Acorn is a tiny, fast JavaScript parser written in JavaScript,
+ * created by Marijn Haverbeke and released under an MIT license.
+ *
+ */
+var paper = function(self, undefined) {
+self = self || require('./node/self.js');
+var window = self.window,
+ document = self.document;
+var Base = new function() {
+ var hidden = /^(statics|enumerable|beans|preserve)$/,
+ array = [],
+ slice = array.slice,
+ create = Object.create,
+ describe = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,
+ define = Object.defineProperty,
+ forEach = array.forEach || function(iter, bind) {
+ for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) {
+ iter.call(bind, this[i], i, this);
+ }
+ },
+ forIn = function(iter, bind) {
+ for (var i in this) {
+ if (this.hasOwnProperty(i))
+ iter.call(bind, this[i], i, this);
+ }
+ },
+ set = Object.assign || function(dst) {
+ for (var i = 1, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var src = arguments[i];
+ for (var key in src) {
+ if (src.hasOwnProperty(key))
+ dst[key] = src[key];
+ }
+ }
+ return dst;
+ },
+ each = function(obj, iter, bind) {
+ if (obj) {
+ var desc = describe(obj, 'length');
+ (desc && typeof desc.value === 'number' ? forEach : forIn)
+ .call(obj, iter, bind = bind || obj);
+ }
+ return bind;
+ };
+ function inject(dest, src, enumerable, beans, preserve) {
+ var beansNames = {};
+ function field(name, val) {
+ val = val || (val = describe(src, name))
+ && (val.get ? val : val.value);
+ if (typeof val === 'string' && val[0] === '#')
+ val = dest[val.substring(1)] || val;
+ var isFunc = typeof val === 'function',
+ res = val,
+ prev = preserve || isFunc && !val.base
+ ? (val && val.get ? name in dest : dest[name])
+ : null,
+ bean;
+ if (!preserve || !prev) {
+ if (isFunc && prev)
+ val.base = prev;
+ if (isFunc && beans !== false
+ && (bean = name.match(/^([gs]et|is)(([A-Z])(.*))$/)))
+ beansNames[bean[3].toLowerCase() + bean[4]] = bean[2];
+ if (!res || isFunc || !res.get || typeof res.get !== 'function'
+ || !Base.isPlainObject(res)) {
+ res = { value: res, writable: true };
+ }
+ if ((describe(dest, name)
+ || { configurable: true }).configurable) {
+ res.configurable = true;
+ res.enumerable = enumerable != null ? enumerable : !bean;
+ }
+ define(dest, name, res);
+ }
+ }
+ if (src) {
+ for (var name in src) {
+ if (src.hasOwnProperty(name) && !hidden.test(name))
+ field(name);
+ }
+ for (var name in beansNames) {
+ var part = beansNames[name],
+ set = dest['set' + part],
+ get = dest['get' + part] || set && dest['is' + part];
+ if (get && (beans === true || get.length === 0))
+ field(name, { get: get, set: set });
+ }
+ }
+ return dest;
+ }
+ function Base() {
+ for (var i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var src = arguments[i];
+ if (src)
+ set(this, src);
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ return inject(Base, {
+ inject: function(src) {
+ if (src) {
+ var statics = src.statics === true ? src : src.statics,
+ beans = src.beans,
+ preserve = src.preserve;
+ if (statics !== src)
+ inject(this.prototype, src, src.enumerable, beans, preserve);
+ inject(this, statics, null, beans, preserve);
+ }
+ for (var i = 1, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++)
+ this.inject(arguments[i]);
+ return this;
+ },
+ extend: function() {
+ var base = this,
+ ctor,
+ proto;
+ for (var i = 0, obj, l = arguments.length;
+ i < l && !(ctor && proto); i++) {
+ obj = arguments[i];
+ ctor = ctor || obj.initialize;
+ proto = proto || obj.prototype;
+ }
+ ctor = ctor || function() {
+ base.apply(this, arguments);
+ };
+ proto = ctor.prototype = proto || create(this.prototype);
+ define(proto, 'constructor',
+ { value: ctor, writable: true, configurable: true });
+ inject(ctor, this);
+ if (arguments.length)
+ this.inject.apply(ctor, arguments);
+ ctor.base = base;
+ return ctor;
+ }
+ }).inject({
+ enumerable: false,
+ initialize: Base,
+ set: Base,
+ inject: function() {
+ for (var i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var src = arguments[i];
+ if (src) {
+ inject(this, src, src.enumerable, src.beans, src.preserve);
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ extend: function() {
+ var res = create(this);
+ return res.inject.apply(res, arguments);
+ },
+ each: function(iter, bind) {
+ return each(this, iter, bind);
+ },
+ clone: function() {
+ return new this.constructor(this);
+ },
+ statics: {
+ set: set,
+ each: each,
+ create: create,
+ define: define,
+ describe: describe,
+ clone: function(obj) {
+ return set(new obj.constructor(), obj);
+ },
+ isPlainObject: function(obj) {
+ var ctor = obj != null && obj.constructor;
+ return ctor && (ctor === Object || ctor === Base
+ || ctor.name === 'Object');
+ },
+ pick: function(a, b) {
+ return a !== undefined ? a : b;
+ },
+ slice: function(list, begin, end) {
+ return slice.call(list, begin, end);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+if (typeof module !== 'undefined')
+ module.exports = Base;
+ enumerable: false,
+ toString: function() {
+ return this._id != null
+ ? (this._class || 'Object') + (this._name
+ ? " '" + this._name + "'"
+ : ' @' + this._id)
+ : '{ ' + Base.each(this, function(value, key) {
+ if (!/^_/.test(key)) {
+ var type = typeof value;
+ this.push(key + ': ' + (type === 'number'
+ ? Formatter.instance.number(value)
+ : type === 'string' ? "'" + value + "'" : value));
+ }
+ }, []).join(', ') + ' }';
+ },
+ getClassName: function() {
+ return this._class || '';
+ },
+ importJSON: function(json) {
+ return Base.importJSON(json, this);
+ },
+ exportJSON: function(options) {
+ return Base.exportJSON(this, options);
+ },
+ toJSON: function() {
+ return Base.serialize(this);
+ },
+ set: function(props, exclude) {
+ if (props)
+ Base.filter(this, props, exclude, this._prioritize);
+ return this;
+ }
+}, {
+beans: false,
+statics: {
+ exports: {},
+ extend: function extend() {
+ var res = extend.base.apply(this, arguments),
+ name = res.prototype._class;
+ if (name && !Base.exports[name])
+ Base.exports[name] = res;
+ return res;
+ },
+ equals: function(obj1, obj2) {
+ if (obj1 === obj2)
+ return true;
+ if (obj1 && obj1.equals)
+ return obj1.equals(obj2);
+ if (obj2 && obj2.equals)
+ return obj2.equals(obj1);
+ if (obj1 && obj2
+ && typeof obj1 === 'object' && typeof obj2 === 'object') {
+ if (Array.isArray(obj1) && Array.isArray(obj2)) {
+ var length = obj1.length;
+ if (length !== obj2.length)
+ return false;
+ while (length--) {
+ if (!Base.equals(obj1[length], obj2[length]))
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ var keys = Object.keys(obj1),
+ length = keys.length;
+ if (length !== Object.keys(obj2).length)
+ return false;
+ while (length--) {
+ var key = keys[length];
+ if (!(obj2.hasOwnProperty(key)
+ && Base.equals(obj1[key], obj2[key])))
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ read: function(list, start, options, amount) {
+ if (this === Base) {
+ var value = this.peek(list, start);
+ list.__index++;
+ return value;
+ }
+ var proto = this.prototype,
+ readIndex = proto._readIndex,
+ begin = start || readIndex && list.__index || 0,
+ length = list.length,
+ obj = list[begin];
+ amount = amount || length - begin;
+ if (obj instanceof this
+ || options && options.readNull && obj == null && amount <= 1) {
+ if (readIndex)
+ list.__index = begin + 1;
+ return obj && options && options.clone ? obj.clone() : obj;
+ }
+ obj = Base.create(proto);
+ if (readIndex)
+ obj.__read = true;
+ obj = obj.initialize.apply(obj, begin > 0 || begin + amount < length
+ ? Base.slice(list, begin, begin + amount)
+ : list) || obj;
+ if (readIndex) {
+ list.__index = begin + obj.__read;
+ var filtered = obj.__filtered;
+ if (filtered) {
+ list.__filtered = filtered;
+ obj.__filtered = undefined;
+ }
+ obj.__read = undefined;
+ }
+ return obj;
+ },
+ peek: function(list, start) {
+ return list[list.__index = start || list.__index || 0];
+ },
+ remain: function(list) {
+ return list.length - (list.__index || 0);
+ },
+ readList: function(list, start, options, amount) {
+ var res = [],
+ entry,
+ begin = start || 0,
+ end = amount ? begin + amount : list.length;
+ for (var i = begin; i < end; i++) {
+ res.push(Array.isArray(entry = list[i])
+ ? this.read(entry, 0, options)
+ : this.read(list, i, options, 1));
+ }
+ return res;
+ },
+ readNamed: function(list, name, start, options, amount) {
+ var value = this.getNamed(list, name),
+ hasObject = value !== undefined;
+ if (hasObject) {
+ var filtered = list.__filtered;
+ if (!filtered) {
+ filtered = list.__filtered = Base.create(list[0]);
+ filtered.__unfiltered = list[0];
+ }
+ filtered[name] = undefined;
+ }
+ var l = hasObject ? [value] : list,
+ res = this.read(l, start, options, amount);
+ return res;
+ },
+ getNamed: function(list, name) {
+ var arg = list[0];
+ if (list._hasObject === undefined)
+ list._hasObject = list.length === 1 && Base.isPlainObject(arg);
+ if (list._hasObject)
+ return name ? arg[name] : list.__filtered || arg;
+ },
+ hasNamed: function(list, name) {
+ return !!this.getNamed(list, name);
+ },
+ filter: function(dest, source, exclude, prioritize) {
+ var processed;
+ function handleKey(key) {
+ if (!(exclude && key in exclude) &&
+ !(processed && key in processed)) {
+ var value = source[key];
+ if (value !== undefined)
+ dest[key] = value;
+ }
+ }
+ if (prioritize) {
+ var keys = {};
+ for (var i = 0, key, l = prioritize.length; i < l; i++) {
+ if ((key = prioritize[i]) in source) {
+ handleKey(key);
+ keys[key] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ processed = keys;
+ }
+ Object.keys(source.__unfiltered || source).forEach(handleKey);
+ return dest;
+ },
+ isPlainValue: function(obj, asString) {
+ return Base.isPlainObject(obj) || Array.isArray(obj)
+ || asString && typeof obj === 'string';
+ },
+ serialize: function(obj, options, compact, dictionary) {
+ options = options || {};
+ var isRoot = !dictionary,
+ res;
+ if (isRoot) {
+ options.formatter = new Formatter(options.precision);
+ dictionary = {
+ length: 0,
+ definitions: {},
+ references: {},
+ add: function(item, create) {
+ var id = '#' + item._id,
+ ref = this.references[id];
+ if (!ref) {
+ this.length++;
+ var res = create.call(item),
+ name = item._class;
+ if (name && res[0] !== name)
+ res.unshift(name);
+ this.definitions[id] = res;
+ ref = this.references[id] = [id];
+ }
+ return ref;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ if (obj && obj._serialize) {
+ res = obj._serialize(options, dictionary);
+ var name = obj._class;
+ if (name && !obj._compactSerialize && (isRoot || !compact)
+ && res[0] !== name) {
+ res.unshift(name);
+ }
+ } else if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
+ res = [];
+ for (var i = 0, l = obj.length; i < l; i++)
+ res[i] = Base.serialize(obj[i], options, compact, dictionary);
+ } else if (Base.isPlainObject(obj)) {
+ res = {};
+ var keys = Object.keys(obj);
+ for (var i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var key = keys[i];
+ res[key] = Base.serialize(obj[key], options, compact,
+ dictionary);
+ }
+ } else if (typeof obj === 'number') {
+ res = options.formatter.number(obj, options.precision);
+ } else {
+ res = obj;
+ }
+ return isRoot && dictionary.length > 0
+ ? [['dictionary', dictionary.definitions], res]
+ : res;
+ },
+ deserialize: function(json, create, _data, _setDictionary, _isRoot) {
+ var res = json,
+ isFirst = !_data,
+ hasDictionary = isFirst && json && json.length
+ && json[0][0] === 'dictionary';
+ _data = _data || {};
+ if (Array.isArray(json)) {
+ var type = json[0],
+ isDictionary = type === 'dictionary';
+ if (json.length == 1 && /^#/.test(type)) {
+ return _data.dictionary[type];
+ }
+ type = Base.exports[type];
+ res = [];
+ for (var i = type ? 1 : 0, l = json.length; i < l; i++) {
+ res.push(Base.deserialize(json[i], create, _data,
+ isDictionary, hasDictionary));
+ }
+ if (type) {
+ var args = res;
+ if (create) {
+ res = create(type, args, isFirst || _isRoot);
+ } else {
+ res = new type(args);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (Base.isPlainObject(json)) {
+ res = {};
+ if (_setDictionary)
+ _data.dictionary = res;
+ for (var key in json)
+ res[key] = Base.deserialize(json[key], create, _data);
+ }
+ return hasDictionary ? res[1] : res;
+ },
+ exportJSON: function(obj, options) {
+ var json = Base.serialize(obj, options);
+ return options && options.asString == false
+ ? json
+ : JSON.stringify(json);
+ },
+ importJSON: function(json, target) {
+ return Base.deserialize(
+ typeof json === 'string' ? JSON.parse(json) : json,
+ function(ctor, args, isRoot) {
+ var useTarget = isRoot && target
+ && target.constructor === ctor,
+ obj = useTarget ? target
+ : Base.create(ctor.prototype);
+ if (args.length === 1 && obj instanceof Item
+ && (useTarget || !(obj instanceof Layer))) {
+ var arg = args[0];
+ if (Base.isPlainObject(arg)) {
+ arg.insert = false;
+ if (useTarget) {
+ args = args.concat([{ insert: true }]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ (useTarget ? obj.set : ctor).apply(obj, args);
+ if (useTarget)
+ target = null;
+ return obj;
+ });
+ },
+ push: function(list, items) {
+ var itemsLength = items.length;
+ if (itemsLength < 4096) {
+ list.push.apply(list, items);
+ } else {
+ var startLength = list.length;
+ list.length += itemsLength;
+ for (var i = 0; i < itemsLength; i++) {
+ list[startLength + i] = items[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return list;
+ },
+ splice: function(list, items, index, remove) {
+ var amount = items && items.length,
+ append = index === undefined;
+ index = append ? list.length : index;
+ if (index > list.length)
+ index = list.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < amount; i++)
+ items[i]._index = index + i;
+ if (append) {
+ Base.push(list, items);
+ return [];
+ } else {
+ var args = [index, remove];
+ if (items)
+ Base.push(args, items);
+ var removed = list.splice.apply(list, args);
+ for (var i = 0, l = removed.length; i < l; i++)
+ removed[i]._index = undefined;
+ for (var i = index + amount, l = list.length; i < l; i++)
+ list[i]._index = i;
+ return removed;
+ }
+ },
+ capitalize: function(str) {
+ return str.replace(/\b[a-z]/g, function(match) {
+ return match.toUpperCase();
+ });
+ },
+ camelize: function(str) {
+ return str.replace(/-(.)/g, function(match, chr) {
+ return chr.toUpperCase();
+ });
+ },
+ hyphenate: function(str) {
+ return str.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, '$1-$2').toLowerCase();
+ }
+var Emitter = {
+ on: function(type, func) {
+ if (typeof type !== 'string') {
+ Base.each(type, function(value, key) {
+ this.on(key, value);
+ }, this);
+ } else {
+ var types = this._eventTypes,
+ entry = types && types[type],
+ handlers = this._callbacks = this._callbacks || {};
+ handlers = handlers[type] = handlers[type] || [];
+ if (handlers.indexOf(func) === -1) {
+ handlers.push(func);
+ if (entry && entry.install && handlers.length === 1)
+ entry.install.call(this, type);
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ off: function(type, func) {
+ if (typeof type !== 'string') {
+ Base.each(type, function(value, key) {
+ this.off(key, value);
+ }, this);
+ return;
+ }
+ var types = this._eventTypes,
+ entry = types && types[type],
+ handlers = this._callbacks && this._callbacks[type],
+ index;
+ if (handlers) {
+ if (!func || (index = handlers.indexOf(func)) !== -1
+ && handlers.length === 1) {
+ if (entry && entry.uninstall)
+ entry.uninstall.call(this, type);
+ delete this._callbacks[type];
+ } else if (index !== -1) {
+ handlers.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ once: function(type, func) {
+ return this.on(type, function handler() {
+ func.apply(this, arguments);
+ this.off(type, handler);
+ });
+ },
+ emit: function(type, event) {
+ var handlers = this._callbacks && this._callbacks[type];
+ if (!handlers)
+ return false;
+ var args = Base.slice(arguments, 1),
+ setTarget = event && event.target && !event.currentTarget;
+ handlers = handlers.slice();
+ if (setTarget)
+ event.currentTarget = this;
+ for (var i = 0, l = handlers.length; i < l; i++) {
+ if (handlers[i].apply(this, args) == false) {
+ if (event && event.stop)
+ event.stop();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (setTarget)
+ delete event.currentTarget;
+ return true;
+ },
+ responds: function(type) {
+ return !!(this._callbacks && this._callbacks[type]);
+ },
+ attach: '#on',
+ detach: '#off',
+ fire: '#emit',
+ _installEvents: function(install) {
+ var types = this._eventTypes,
+ handlers = this._callbacks,
+ key = install ? 'install' : 'uninstall';
+ if (types) {
+ for (var type in handlers) {
+ if (handlers[type].length > 0) {
+ var entry = types[type],
+ func = entry && entry[key];
+ if (func)
+ func.call(this, type);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ statics: {
+ inject: function inject(src) {
+ var events = src._events;
+ if (events) {
+ var types = {};
+ Base.each(events, function(entry, key) {
+ var isString = typeof entry === 'string',
+ name = isString ? entry : key,
+ part = Base.capitalize(name),
+ type = name.substring(2).toLowerCase();
+ types[type] = isString ? {} : entry;
+ name = '_' + name;
+ src['get' + part] = function() {
+ return this[name];
+ };
+ src['set' + part] = function(func) {
+ var prev = this[name];
+ if (prev)
+ this.off(type, prev);
+ if (func)
+ this.on(type, func);
+ this[name] = func;
+ };
+ });
+ src._eventTypes = types;
+ }
+ return inject.base.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ }
+var PaperScope = Base.extend({
+ _class: 'PaperScope',
+ initialize: function PaperScope() {
+ paper = this;
+ this.settings = new Base({
+ applyMatrix: true,
+ insertItems: true,
+ handleSize: 4,
+ hitTolerance: 0
+ });
+ this.project = null;
+ this.projects = [];
+ this.tools = [];
+ this._id = PaperScope._id++;
+ PaperScope._scopes[this._id] = this;
+ var proto = PaperScope.prototype;
+ if (!this.support) {
+ var ctx = CanvasProvider.getContext(1, 1) || {};
+ proto.support = {
+ nativeDash: 'setLineDash' in ctx || 'mozDash' in ctx,
+ nativeBlendModes: BlendMode.nativeModes
+ };
+ CanvasProvider.release(ctx);
+ }
+ if (!this.agent) {
+ var user = self.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(),
+ os = (/(darwin|win|mac|linux|freebsd|sunos)/.exec(user)||[])[0],
+ platform = os === 'darwin' ? 'mac' : os,
+ agent = proto.agent = proto.browser = { platform: platform };
+ if (platform)
+ agent[platform] = true;
+ user.replace(
+ /(opera|chrome|safari|webkit|firefox|msie|trident|atom|node|jsdom)\/?\s*([.\d]+)(?:.*version\/([.\d]+))?(?:.*rv\:v?([.\d]+))?/g,
+ function(match, n, v1, v2, rv) {
+ if (!agent.chrome) {
+ var v = n === 'opera' ? v2 :
+ /^(node|trident)$/.test(n) ? rv : v1;
+ agent.version = v;
+ agent.versionNumber = parseFloat(v);
+ n = { trident: 'msie', jsdom: 'node' }[n] || n;
+ agent.name = n;
+ agent[n] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ if (agent.chrome)
+ delete agent.webkit;
+ if (agent.atom)
+ delete agent.chrome;
+ }
+ },
+ version: "0.12.2-fix/typescript-definition-issues",
+ getView: function() {
+ var project = this.project;
+ return project && project._view;
+ },
+ getPaper: function() {
+ return this;
+ },
+ execute: function(code, options) {
+ var exports = paper.PaperScript.execute(code, this, options);
+ View.updateFocus();
+ return exports;
+ },
+ install: function(scope) {
+ var that = this;
+ Base.each(['project', 'view', 'tool'], function(key) {
+ Base.define(scope, key, {
+ configurable: true,
+ get: function() {
+ return that[key];
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ for (var key in this)
+ if (!/^_/.test(key) && this[key])
+ scope[key] = this[key];
+ },
+ setup: function(element) {
+ paper = this;
+ this.project = new Project(element);
+ return this;
+ },
+ createCanvas: function(width, height) {
+ return CanvasProvider.getCanvas(width, height);
+ },
+ activate: function() {
+ paper = this;
+ },
+ clear: function() {
+ var projects = this.projects,
+ tools = this.tools;
+ for (var i = projects.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ projects[i].remove();
+ for (var i = tools.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ tools[i].remove();
+ },
+ remove: function() {
+ this.clear();
+ delete PaperScope._scopes[this._id];
+ },
+ statics: new function() {
+ function handleAttribute(name) {
+ name += 'Attribute';
+ return function(el, attr) {
+ return el[name](attr) || el[name]('data-paper-' + attr);
+ };
+ }
+ return {
+ _scopes: {},
+ _id: 0,
+ get: function(id) {
+ return this._scopes[id] || null;
+ },
+ getAttribute: handleAttribute('get'),
+ hasAttribute: handleAttribute('has')
+ };
+ }
+var PaperScopeItem = Base.extend(Emitter, {
+ initialize: function(activate) {
+ this._scope = paper;
+ this._index = this._scope[this._list].push(this) - 1;
+ if (activate || !this._scope[this._reference])
+ this.activate();
+ },
+ activate: function() {
+ if (!this._scope)
+ return false;
+ var prev = this._scope[this._reference];
+ if (prev && prev !== this)
+ prev.emit('deactivate');
+ this._scope[this._reference] = this;
+ this.emit('activate', prev);
+ return true;
+ },
+ isActive: function() {
+ return this._scope[this._reference] === this;
+ },
+ remove: function() {
+ if (this._index == null)
+ return false;
+ Base.splice(this._scope[this._list], null, this._index, 1);
+ if (this._scope[this._reference] == this)
+ this._scope[this._reference] = null;
+ this._scope = null;
+ return true;
+ },
+ getView: function() {
+ return this._scope.getView();
+ }
+var Formatter = Base.extend({
+ initialize: function(precision) {
+ this.precision = Base.pick(precision, 5);
+ this.multiplier = Math.pow(10, this.precision);
+ },
+ number: function(val) {
+ return this.precision < 16
+ ? Math.round(val * this.multiplier) / this.multiplier : val;
+ },
+ pair: function(val1, val2, separator) {
+ return this.number(val1) + (separator || ',') + this.number(val2);
+ },
+ point: function(val, separator) {
+ return this.number(val.x) + (separator || ',') + this.number(val.y);
+ },
+ size: function(val, separator) {
+ return this.number(val.width) + (separator || ',')
+ + this.number(val.height);
+ },
+ rectangle: function(val, separator) {
+ return this.point(val, separator) + (separator || ',')
+ + this.size(val, separator);
+ }
+Formatter.instance = new Formatter();
+var Numerical = new function() {
+ var abscissas = [
+ [ 0.5773502691896257645091488],
+ [0,0.7745966692414833770358531],
+ [ 0.3399810435848562648026658,0.8611363115940525752239465],
+ [0,0.5384693101056830910363144,0.9061798459386639927976269],
+ [ 0.2386191860831969086305017,0.6612093864662645136613996,0.9324695142031520278123016],
+ [0,0.4058451513773971669066064,0.7415311855993944398638648,0.9491079123427585245261897],
+ [ 0.1834346424956498049394761,0.5255324099163289858177390,0.7966664774136267395915539,0.9602898564975362316835609],
+ [0,0.3242534234038089290385380,0.6133714327005903973087020,0.8360311073266357942994298,0.9681602395076260898355762],
+ [ 0.1488743389816312108848260,0.4333953941292471907992659,0.6794095682990244062343274,0.8650633666889845107320967,0.9739065285171717200779640],
+ [0,0.2695431559523449723315320,0.5190961292068118159257257,0.7301520055740493240934163,0.8870625997680952990751578,0.9782286581460569928039380],
+ [ 0.1252334085114689154724414,0.3678314989981801937526915,0.5873179542866174472967024,0.7699026741943046870368938,0.9041172563704748566784659,0.9815606342467192506905491],
+ [0,0.2304583159551347940655281,0.4484927510364468528779129,0.6423493394403402206439846,0.8015780907333099127942065,0.9175983992229779652065478,0.9841830547185881494728294],
+ [ 0.1080549487073436620662447,0.3191123689278897604356718,0.5152486363581540919652907,0.6872929048116854701480198,0.8272013150697649931897947,0.9284348836635735173363911,0.9862838086968123388415973],
+ [0,0.2011940939974345223006283,0.3941513470775633698972074,0.5709721726085388475372267,0.7244177313601700474161861,0.8482065834104272162006483,0.9372733924007059043077589,0.9879925180204854284895657],
+ [ 0.0950125098376374401853193,0.2816035507792589132304605,0.4580167776572273863424194,0.6178762444026437484466718,0.7554044083550030338951012,0.8656312023878317438804679,0.9445750230732325760779884,0.9894009349916499325961542]
+ ];
+ var weights = [
+ [1],
+ [0.8888888888888888888888889,0.5555555555555555555555556],
+ [0.6521451548625461426269361,0.3478548451374538573730639],
+ [0.5688888888888888888888889,0.4786286704993664680412915,0.2369268850561890875142640],
+ [0.4679139345726910473898703,0.3607615730481386075698335,0.1713244923791703450402961],
+ [0.4179591836734693877551020,0.3818300505051189449503698,0.2797053914892766679014678,0.1294849661688696932706114],
+ [0.3626837833783619829651504,0.3137066458778872873379622,0.2223810344533744705443560,0.1012285362903762591525314],
+ [0.3302393550012597631645251,0.3123470770400028400686304,0.2606106964029354623187429,0.1806481606948574040584720,0.0812743883615744119718922],
+ [0.2955242247147528701738930,0.2692667193099963550912269,0.2190863625159820439955349,0.1494513491505805931457763,0.0666713443086881375935688],
+ [0.2729250867779006307144835,0.2628045445102466621806889,0.2331937645919904799185237,0.1862902109277342514260976,0.1255803694649046246346943,0.0556685671161736664827537],
+ [0.2491470458134027850005624,0.2334925365383548087608499,0.2031674267230659217490645,0.1600783285433462263346525,0.1069393259953184309602547,0.0471753363865118271946160],
+ [0.2325515532308739101945895,0.2262831802628972384120902,0.2078160475368885023125232,0.1781459807619457382800467,0.1388735102197872384636018,0.0921214998377284479144218,0.0404840047653158795200216],
+ [0.2152638534631577901958764,0.2051984637212956039659241,0.1855383974779378137417166,0.1572031671581935345696019,0.1215185706879031846894148,0.0801580871597602098056333,0.0351194603317518630318329],
+ [0.2025782419255612728806202,0.1984314853271115764561183,0.1861610000155622110268006,0.1662692058169939335532009,0.1395706779261543144478048,0.1071592204671719350118695,0.0703660474881081247092674,0.0307532419961172683546284],
+ [0.1894506104550684962853967,0.1826034150449235888667637,0.1691565193950025381893121,0.1495959888165767320815017,0.1246289712555338720524763,0.0951585116824927848099251,0.0622535239386478928628438,0.0271524594117540948517806]
+ ];
+ var abs = Math.abs,
+ sqrt = Math.sqrt,
+ pow = Math.pow,
+ log2 = Math.log2 || function(x) {
+ return Math.log(x) * Math.LOG2E;
+ },
+ EPSILON = 1e-12,
+ MACHINE_EPSILON = 1.12e-16;
+ function clamp(value, min, max) {
+ return value < min ? min : value > max ? max : value;
+ }
+ function getDiscriminant(a, b, c) {
+ function split(v) {
+ var x = v * 134217729,
+ y = v - x,
+ hi = y + x,
+ lo = v - hi;
+ return [hi, lo];
+ }
+ var D = b * b - a * c,
+ E = b * b + a * c;
+ if (abs(D) * 3 < E) {
+ var ad = split(a),
+ bd = split(b),
+ cd = split(c),
+ p = b * b,
+ dp = (bd[0] * bd[0] - p + 2 * bd[0] * bd[1]) + bd[1] * bd[1],
+ q = a * c,
+ dq = (ad[0] * cd[0] - q + ad[0] * cd[1] + ad[1] * cd[0])
+ + ad[1] * cd[1];
+ D = (p - q) + (dp - dq);
+ }
+ return D;
+ }
+ function getNormalizationFactor() {
+ var norm = Math.max.apply(Math, arguments);
+ return norm && (norm < 1e-8 || norm > 1e8)
+ ? pow(2, -Math.round(log2(norm)))
+ : 0;
+ }
+ return {
+ KAPPA: 4 * (sqrt(2) - 1) / 3,
+ isZero: function(val) {
+ return val >= -EPSILON && val <= EPSILON;
+ },
+ clamp: clamp,
+ integrate: function(f, a, b, n) {
+ var x = abscissas[n - 2],
+ w = weights[n - 2],
+ A = (b - a) * 0.5,
+ B = A + a,
+ i = 0,
+ m = (n + 1) >> 1,
+ sum = n & 1 ? w[i++] * f(B) : 0;
+ while (i < m) {
+ var Ax = A * x[i];
+ sum += w[i++] * (f(B + Ax) + f(B - Ax));
+ }
+ return A * sum;
+ },
+ findRoot: function(f, df, x, a, b, n, tolerance) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ var fx = f(x),
+ dx = fx / df(x),
+ nx = x - dx;
+ if (abs(dx) < tolerance) {
+ x = nx;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (fx > 0) {
+ b = x;
+ x = nx <= a ? (a + b) * 0.5 : nx;
+ } else {
+ a = x;
+ x = nx >= b ? (a + b) * 0.5 : nx;
+ }
+ }
+ return clamp(x, a, b);
+ },
+ solveQuadratic: function(a, b, c, roots, min, max) {
+ var x1, x2 = Infinity;
+ if (abs(a) < EPSILON) {
+ if (abs(b) < EPSILON)
+ return abs(c) < EPSILON ? -1 : 0;
+ x1 = -c / b;
+ } else {
+ b *= -0.5;
+ var D = getDiscriminant(a, b, c);
+ if (D && abs(D) < MACHINE_EPSILON) {
+ var f = getNormalizationFactor(abs(a), abs(b), abs(c));
+ if (f) {
+ a *= f;
+ b *= f;
+ c *= f;
+ D = getDiscriminant(a, b, c);
+ }
+ }
+ if (D >= -MACHINE_EPSILON) {
+ var Q = D < 0 ? 0 : sqrt(D),
+ R = b + (b < 0 ? -Q : Q);
+ if (R === 0) {
+ x1 = c / a;
+ x2 = -x1;
+ } else {
+ x1 = R / a;
+ x2 = c / R;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var count = 0,
+ boundless = min == null,
+ minB = min - EPSILON,
+ maxB = max + EPSILON;
+ if (isFinite(x1) && (boundless || x1 > minB && x1 < maxB))
+ roots[count++] = boundless ? x1 : clamp(x1, min, max);
+ if (x2 !== x1
+ && isFinite(x2) && (boundless || x2 > minB && x2 < maxB))
+ roots[count++] = boundless ? x2 : clamp(x2, min, max);
+ return count;
+ },
+ solveCubic: function(a, b, c, d, roots, min, max) {
+ var f = getNormalizationFactor(abs(a), abs(b), abs(c), abs(d)),
+ x, b1, c2, qd, q;
+ if (f) {
+ a *= f;
+ b *= f;
+ c *= f;
+ d *= f;
+ }
+ function evaluate(x0) {
+ x = x0;
+ var tmp = a * x;
+ b1 = tmp + b;
+ c2 = b1 * x + c;
+ qd = (tmp + b1) * x + c2;
+ q = c2 * x + d;
+ }
+ if (abs(a) < EPSILON) {
+ a = b;
+ b1 = c;
+ c2 = d;
+ x = Infinity;
+ } else if (abs(d) < EPSILON) {
+ b1 = b;
+ c2 = c;
+ x = 0;
+ } else {
+ evaluate(-(b / a) / 3);
+ var t = q / a,
+ r = pow(abs(t), 1/3),
+ s = t < 0 ? -1 : 1,
+ td = -qd / a,
+ rd = td > 0 ? 1.324717957244746 * Math.max(r, sqrt(td)) : r,
+ x0 = x - s * rd;
+ if (x0 !== x) {
+ do {
+ evaluate(x0);
+ x0 = qd === 0 ? x : x - q / qd / (1 + MACHINE_EPSILON);
+ } while (s * x0 > s * x);
+ if (abs(a) * x * x > abs(d / x)) {
+ c2 = -d / x;
+ b1 = (c2 - c) / x;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var count = Numerical.solveQuadratic(a, b1, c2, roots, min, max),
+ boundless = min == null;
+ if (isFinite(x) && (count === 0
+ || count > 0 && x !== roots[0] && x !== roots[1])
+ && (boundless || x > min - EPSILON && x < max + EPSILON))
+ roots[count++] = boundless ? x : clamp(x, min, max);
+ return count;
+ }
+ };
+var UID = {
+ _id: 1,
+ _pools: {},
+ get: function(name) {
+ if (name) {
+ var pool = this._pools[name];
+ if (!pool)
+ pool = this._pools[name] = { _id: 1 };
+ return pool._id++;
+ } else {
+ return this._id++;
+ }
+ }
+var Point = Base.extend({
+ _class: 'Point',
+ _readIndex: true,
+ initialize: function Point(arg0, arg1) {
+ var type = typeof arg0,
+ reading = this.__read,
+ read = 0;
+ if (type === 'number') {
+ var hasY = typeof arg1 === 'number';
+ this._set(arg0, hasY ? arg1 : arg0);
+ if (reading)
+ read = hasY ? 2 : 1;
+ } else if (type === 'undefined' || arg0 === null) {
+ this._set(0, 0);
+ if (reading)
+ read = arg0 === null ? 1 : 0;
+ } else {
+ var obj = type === 'string' ? arg0.split(/[\s,]+/) || [] : arg0;
+ read = 1;
+ if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
+ this._set(+obj[0], +(obj.length > 1 ? obj[1] : obj[0]));
+ } else if ('x' in obj) {
+ this._set(obj.x || 0, obj.y || 0);
+ } else if ('width' in obj) {
+ this._set(obj.width || 0, obj.height || 0);
+ } else if ('angle' in obj) {
+ this._set(obj.length || 0, 0);
+ this.setAngle(obj.angle || 0);
+ } else {
+ this._set(0, 0);
+ read = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (reading)
+ this.__read = read;
+ return this;
+ },
+ set: '#initialize',
+ _set: function(x, y) {
+ this.x = x;
+ this.y = y;
+ return this;
+ },
+ equals: function(point) {
+ return this === point || point
+ && (this.x === point.x && this.y === point.y
+ || Array.isArray(point)
+ && this.x === point[0] && this.y === point[1])
+ || false;
+ },
+ clone: function() {
+ return new Point(this.x, this.y);
+ },
+ toString: function() {
+ var f = Formatter.instance;
+ return '{ x: ' + f.number(this.x) + ', y: ' + f.number(this.y) + ' }';
+ },
+ _serialize: function(options) {
+ var f = options.formatter;
+ return [f.number(this.x), f.number(this.y)];
+ },
+ getLength: function() {
+ return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y);
+ },
+ setLength: function(length) {
+ if (this.isZero()) {
+ var angle = this._angle || 0;
+ this._set(
+ Math.cos(angle) * length,
+ Math.sin(angle) * length
+ );
+ } else {
+ var scale = length / this.getLength();
+ if (Numerical.isZero(scale))
+ this.getAngle();
+ this._set(
+ this.x * scale,
+ this.y * scale
+ );
+ }
+ },
+ getAngle: function() {
+ return this.getAngleInRadians.apply(this, arguments) * 180 / Math.PI;
+ },
+ setAngle: function(angle) {
+ this.setAngleInRadians.call(this, angle * Math.PI / 180);
+ },
+ getAngleInDegrees: '#getAngle',
+ setAngleInDegrees: '#setAngle',
+ getAngleInRadians: function() {
+ if (!arguments.length) {
+ return this.isZero()
+ ? this._angle || 0
+ : this._angle = Math.atan2(this.y, this.x);
+ } else {
+ var point = Point.read(arguments),
+ div = this.getLength() * point.getLength();
+ if (Numerical.isZero(div)) {
+ return NaN;
+ } else {
+ var a = this.dot(point) / div;
+ return Math.acos(a < -1 ? -1 : a > 1 ? 1 : a);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ setAngleInRadians: function(angle) {
+ this._angle = angle;
+ if (!this.isZero()) {
+ var length = this.getLength();
+ this._set(
+ Math.cos(angle) * length,
+ Math.sin(angle) * length
+ );
+ }
+ },
+ getQuadrant: function() {
+ return this.x >= 0 ? this.y >= 0 ? 1 : 4 : this.y >= 0 ? 2 : 3;
+ }
+}, {
+ beans: false,
+ getDirectedAngle: function() {
+ var point = Point.read(arguments);
+ return Math.atan2(this.cross(point), this.dot(point)) * 180 / Math.PI;
+ },
+ getDistance: function() {
+ var point = Point.read(arguments),
+ x = point.x - this.x,
+ y = point.y - this.y,
+ d = x * x + y * y,
+ squared = Base.read(arguments);
+ return squared ? d : Math.sqrt(d);
+ },
+ normalize: function(length) {
+ if (length === undefined)
+ length = 1;
+ var current = this.getLength(),
+ scale = current !== 0 ? length / current : 0,
+ point = new Point(this.x * scale, this.y * scale);
+ if (scale >= 0)
+ point._angle = this._angle;
+ return point;
+ },
+ rotate: function(angle, center) {
+ if (angle === 0)
+ return this.clone();
+ angle = angle * Math.PI / 180;
+ var point = center ? this.subtract(center) : this,
+ sin = Math.sin(angle),
+ cos = Math.cos(angle);
+ point = new Point(
+ point.x * cos - point.y * sin,
+ point.x * sin + point.y * cos
+ );
+ return center ? point.add(center) : point;
+ },
+ transform: function(matrix) {
+ return matrix ? matrix._transformPoint(this) : this;
+ },
+ add: function() {
+ var point = Point.read(arguments);
+ return new Point(this.x + point.x, this.y + point.y);
+ },
+ subtract: function() {
+ var point = Point.read(arguments);
+ return new Point(this.x - point.x, this.y - point.y);
+ },
+ multiply: function() {
+ var point = Point.read(arguments);
+ return new Point(this.x * point.x, this.y * point.y);
+ },
+ divide: function() {
+ var point = Point.read(arguments);
+ return new Point(this.x / point.x, this.y / point.y);
+ },
+ modulo: function() {
+ var point = Point.read(arguments);
+ return new Point(this.x % point.x, this.y % point.y);
+ },
+ negate: function() {
+ return new Point(-this.x, -this.y);
+ },
+ isInside: function() {
+ return Rectangle.read(arguments).contains(this);
+ },
+ isClose: function() {
+ var point = Point.read(arguments),
+ tolerance = Base.read(arguments);
+ return this.getDistance(point) <= tolerance;
+ },
+ isCollinear: function() {
+ var point = Point.read(arguments);
+ return Point.isCollinear(this.x, this.y, point.x, point.y);
+ },
+ isColinear: '#isCollinear',
+ isOrthogonal: function() {
+ var point = Point.read(arguments);
+ return Point.isOrthogonal(this.x, this.y, point.x, point.y);
+ },
+ isZero: function() {
+ var isZero = Numerical.isZero;
+ return isZero(this.x) && isZero(this.y);
+ },
+ isNaN: function() {
+ return isNaN(this.x) || isNaN(this.y);
+ },
+ isInQuadrant: function(q) {
+ return this.x * (q > 1 && q < 4 ? -1 : 1) >= 0
+ && this.y * (q > 2 ? -1 : 1) >= 0;
+ },
+ dot: function() {
+ var point = Point.read(arguments);
+ return this.x * point.x + this.y * point.y;
+ },
+ cross: function() {
+ var point = Point.read(arguments);
+ return this.x * point.y - this.y * point.x;
+ },
+ project: function() {
+ var point = Point.read(arguments),
+ scale = point.isZero() ? 0 : this.dot(point) / point.dot(point);
+ return new Point(
+ point.x * scale,
+ point.y * scale
+ );
+ },
+ statics: {
+ min: function() {
+ var point1 = Point.read(arguments),
+ point2 = Point.read(arguments);
+ return new Point(
+ Math.min(point1.x, point2.x),
+ Math.min(point1.y, point2.y)
+ );
+ },
+ max: function() {
+ var point1 = Point.read(arguments),
+ point2 = Point.read(arguments);
+ return new Point(
+ Math.max(point1.x, point2.x),
+ Math.max(point1.y, point2.y)
+ );
+ },
+ random: function() {
+ return new Point(Math.random(), Math.random());
+ },
+ isCollinear: function(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
+ return Math.abs(x1 * y2 - y1 * x2)
+ <= Math.sqrt((x1 * x1 + y1 * y1) * (x2 * x2 + y2 * y2))
+ * 1e-8;
+ },
+ isOrthogonal: function(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
+ return Math.abs(x1 * x2 + y1 * y2)
+ <= Math.sqrt((x1 * x1 + y1 * y1) * (x2 * x2 + y2 * y2))
+ * 1e-8;
+ }
+ }
+}, Base.each(['round', 'ceil', 'floor', 'abs'], function(key) {
+ var op = Math[key];
+ this[key] = function() {
+ return new Point(op(this.x), op(this.y));
+ };
+}, {}));
+var LinkedPoint = Point.extend({
+ initialize: function Point(x, y, owner, setter) {
+ this._x = x;
+ this._y = y;
+ this._owner = owner;
+ this._setter = setter;
+ },
+ _set: function(x, y, _dontNotify) {
+ this._x = x;
+ this._y = y;
+ if (!_dontNotify)
+ this._owner[this._setter](this);
+ return this;
+ },
+ getX: function() {
+ return this._x;
+ },
+ setX: function(x) {
+ this._x = x;
+ this._owner[this._setter](this);
+ },
+ getY: function() {
+ return this._y;
+ },
+ setY: function(y) {
+ this._y = y;
+ this._owner[this._setter](this);
+ },
+ isSelected: function() {
+ return !!(this._owner._selection & this._getSelection());
+ },
+ setSelected: function(selected) {
+ this._owner._changeSelection(this._getSelection(), selected);
+ },
+ _getSelection: function() {
+ return this._setter === 'setPosition' ? 4 : 0;
+ }
+var Size = Base.extend({
+ _class: 'Size',
+ _readIndex: true,
+ initialize: function Size(arg0, arg1) {
+ var type = typeof arg0,
+ reading = this.__read,
+ read = 0;
+ if (type === 'number') {
+ var hasHeight = typeof arg1 === 'number';
+ this._set(arg0, hasHeight ? arg1 : arg0);
+ if (reading)
+ read = hasHeight ? 2 : 1;
+ } else if (type === 'undefined' || arg0 === null) {
+ this._set(0, 0);
+ if (reading)
+ read = arg0 === null ? 1 : 0;
+ } else {
+ var obj = type === 'string' ? arg0.split(/[\s,]+/) || [] : arg0;
+ read = 1;
+ if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
+ this._set(+obj[0], +(obj.length > 1 ? obj[1] : obj[0]));
+ } else if ('width' in obj) {
+ this._set(obj.width || 0, obj.height || 0);
+ } else if ('x' in obj) {
+ this._set(obj.x || 0, obj.y || 0);
+ } else {
+ this._set(0, 0);
+ read = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (reading)
+ this.__read = read;
+ return this;
+ },
+ set: '#initialize',
+ _set: function(width, height) {
+ this.width = width;
+ this.height = height;
+ return this;
+ },
+ equals: function(size) {
+ return size === this || size && (this.width === size.width
+ && this.height === size.height
+ || Array.isArray(size) && this.width === size[0]
+ && this.height === size[1]) || false;
+ },
+ clone: function() {
+ return new Size(this.width, this.height);
+ },
+ toString: function() {
+ var f = Formatter.instance;
+ return '{ width: ' + f.number(this.width)
+ + ', height: ' + f.number(this.height) + ' }';
+ },
+ _serialize: function(options) {
+ var f = options.formatter;
+ return [f.number(this.width),
+ f.number(this.height)];
+ },
+ add: function() {
+ var size = Size.read(arguments);
+ return new Size(this.width + size.width, this.height + size.height);
+ },
+ subtract: function() {
+ var size = Size.read(arguments);
+ return new Size(this.width - size.width, this.height - size.height);
+ },
+ multiply: function() {
+ var size = Size.read(arguments);
+ return new Size(this.width * size.width, this.height * size.height);
+ },
+ divide: function() {
+ var size = Size.read(arguments);
+ return new Size(this.width / size.width, this.height / size.height);
+ },
+ modulo: function() {
+ var size = Size.read(arguments);
+ return new Size(this.width % size.width, this.height % size.height);
+ },
+ negate: function() {
+ return new Size(-this.width, -this.height);
+ },
+ isZero: function() {
+ var isZero = Numerical.isZero;
+ return isZero(this.width) && isZero(this.height);
+ },
+ isNaN: function() {
+ return isNaN(this.width) || isNaN(this.height);
+ },
+ statics: {
+ min: function(size1, size2) {
+ return new Size(
+ Math.min(size1.width, size2.width),
+ Math.min(size1.height, size2.height));
+ },
+ max: function(size1, size2) {
+ return new Size(
+ Math.max(size1.width, size2.width),
+ Math.max(size1.height, size2.height));
+ },
+ random: function() {
+ return new Size(Math.random(), Math.random());
+ }
+ }
+}, Base.each(['round', 'ceil', 'floor', 'abs'], function(key) {
+ var op = Math[key];
+ this[key] = function() {
+ return new Size(op(this.width), op(this.height));
+ };
+}, {}));
+var LinkedSize = Size.extend({
+ initialize: function Size(width, height, owner, setter) {
+ this._width = width;
+ this._height = height;
+ this._owner = owner;
+ this._setter = setter;
+ },
+ _set: function(width, height, _dontNotify) {
+ this._width = width;
+ this._height = height;
+ if (!_dontNotify)
+ this._owner[this._setter](this);
+ return this;
+ },
+ getWidth: function() {
+ return this._width;
+ },
+ setWidth: function(width) {
+ this._width = width;
+ this._owner[this._setter](this);
+ },
+ getHeight: function() {
+ return this._height;
+ },
+ setHeight: function(height) {
+ this._height = height;
+ this._owner[this._setter](this);
+ }
+var Rectangle = Base.extend({
+ _class: 'Rectangle',
+ _readIndex: true,
+ beans: true,
+ initialize: function Rectangle(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3) {
+ var type = typeof arg0,
+ read;
+ if (type === 'number') {
+ this._set(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3);
+ read = 4;
+ } else if (type === 'undefined' || arg0 === null) {
+ this._set(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ read = arg0 === null ? 1 : 0;
+ } else if (arguments.length === 1) {
+ if (Array.isArray(arg0)) {
+ this._set.apply(this, arg0);
+ read = 1;
+ } else if (arg0.x !== undefined || arg0.width !== undefined) {
+ this._set(arg0.x || 0, arg0.y || 0,
+ arg0.width || 0, arg0.height || 0);
+ read = 1;
+ } else if (arg0.from === undefined && arg0.to === undefined) {
+ this._set(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ Base.filter(this, arg0);
+ read = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (read === undefined) {
+ var frm = Point.readNamed(arguments, 'from'),
+ next = Base.peek(arguments),
+ x = frm.x,
+ y = frm.y,
+ width,
+ height;
+ if (next && next.x !== undefined
+ || Base.hasNamed(arguments, 'to')) {
+ var to = Point.readNamed(arguments, 'to');
+ width = to.x - x;
+ height = to.y - y;
+ if (width < 0) {
+ x = to.x;
+ width = -width;
+ }
+ if (height < 0) {
+ y = to.y;
+ height = -height;
+ }
+ } else {
+ var size = Size.read(arguments);
+ width = size.width;
+ height = size.height;
+ }
+ this._set(x, y, width, height);
+ read = arguments.__index;
+ var filtered = arguments.__filtered;
+ if (filtered)
+ this.__filtered = filtered;
+ }
+ if (this.__read)
+ this.__read = read;
+ return this;
+ },
+ set: '#initialize',
+ _set: function(x, y, width, height) {
+ this.x = x;
+ this.y = y;
+ this.width = width;
+ this.height = height;
+ return this;
+ },
+ clone: function() {
+ return new Rectangle(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height);
+ },
+ equals: function(rect) {
+ var rt = Base.isPlainValue(rect)
+ ? Rectangle.read(arguments)
+ : rect;
+ return rt === this
+ || rt && this.x === rt.x && this.y === rt.y
+ && this.width === rt.width && this.height === rt.height
+ || false;
+ },
+ toString: function() {
+ var f = Formatter.instance;
+ return '{ x: ' + f.number(this.x)
+ + ', y: ' + f.number(this.y)
+ + ', width: ' + f.number(this.width)
+ + ', height: ' + f.number(this.height)
+ + ' }';
+ },
+ _serialize: function(options) {
+ var f = options.formatter;
+ return [f.number(this.x),
+ f.number(this.y),
+ f.number(this.width),
+ f.number(this.height)];
+ },
+ getPoint: function(_dontLink) {
+ var ctor = _dontLink ? Point : LinkedPoint;
+ return new ctor(this.x, this.y, this, 'setPoint');
+ },
+ setPoint: function() {
+ var point = Point.read(arguments);
+ this.x = point.x;
+ this.y = point.y;
+ },
+ getSize: function(_dontLink) {
+ var ctor = _dontLink ? Size : LinkedSize;
+ return new ctor(this.width, this.height, this, 'setSize');
+ },
+ _fw: 1,
+ _fh: 1,
+ setSize: function() {
+ var size = Size.read(arguments),
+ sx = this._sx,
+ sy = this._sy,
+ w = size.width,
+ h = size.height;
+ if (sx) {
+ this.x += (this.width - w) * sx;
+ }
+ if (sy) {
+ this.y += (this.height - h) * sy;
+ }
+ this.width = w;
+ this.height = h;
+ this._fw = this._fh = 1;
+ },
+ getLeft: function() {
+ return this.x;
+ },
+ setLeft: function(left) {
+ if (!this._fw) {
+ var amount = left - this.x;
+ this.width -= this._sx === 0.5 ? amount * 2 : amount;
+ }
+ this.x = left;
+ this._sx = this._fw = 0;
+ },
+ getTop: function() {
+ return this.y;
+ },
+ setTop: function(top) {
+ if (!this._fh) {
+ var amount = top - this.y;
+ this.height -= this._sy === 0.5 ? amount * 2 : amount;
+ }
+ this.y = top;
+ this._sy = this._fh = 0;
+ },
+ getRight: function() {
+ return this.x + this.width;
+ },
+ setRight: function(right) {
+ if (!this._fw) {
+ var amount = right - this.x;
+ this.width = this._sx === 0.5 ? amount * 2 : amount;
+ }
+ this.x = right - this.width;
+ this._sx = 1;
+ this._fw = 0;
+ },
+ getBottom: function() {
+ return this.y + this.height;
+ },
+ setBottom: function(bottom) {
+ if (!this._fh) {
+ var amount = bottom - this.y;
+ this.height = this._sy === 0.5 ? amount * 2 : amount;
+ }
+ this.y = bottom - this.height;
+ this._sy = 1;
+ this._fh = 0;
+ },
+ getCenterX: function() {
+ return this.x + this.width / 2;
+ },
+ setCenterX: function(x) {
+ if (this._fw || this._sx === 0.5) {
+ this.x = x - this.width / 2;
+ } else {
+ if (this._sx) {
+ this.x += (x - this.x) * 2 * this._sx;
+ }
+ this.width = (x - this.x) * 2;
+ }
+ this._sx = 0.5;
+ this._fw = 0;
+ },
+ getCenterY: function() {
+ return this.y + this.height / 2;
+ },
+ setCenterY: function(y) {
+ if (this._fh || this._sy === 0.5) {
+ this.y = y - this.height / 2;
+ } else {
+ if (this._sy) {
+ this.y += (y - this.y) * 2 * this._sy;
+ }
+ this.height = (y - this.y) * 2;
+ }
+ this._sy = 0.5;
+ this._fh = 0;
+ },
+ getCenter: function(_dontLink) {
+ var ctor = _dontLink ? Point : LinkedPoint;
+ return new ctor(this.getCenterX(), this.getCenterY(), this, 'setCenter');
+ },
+ setCenter: function() {
+ var point = Point.read(arguments);
+ this.setCenterX(point.x);
+ this.setCenterY(point.y);
+ return this;
+ },
+ getArea: function() {
+ return this.width * this.height;
+ },
+ isEmpty: function() {
+ return this.width === 0 || this.height === 0;
+ },
+ contains: function(arg) {
+ return arg && arg.width !== undefined
+ || (Array.isArray(arg) ? arg : arguments).length === 4
+ ? this._containsRectangle(Rectangle.read(arguments))
+ : this._containsPoint(Point.read(arguments));
+ },
+ _containsPoint: function(point) {
+ var x = point.x,
+ y = point.y;
+ return x >= this.x && y >= this.y
+ && x <= this.x + this.width
+ && y <= this.y + this.height;
+ },
+ _containsRectangle: function(rect) {
+ var x = rect.x,
+ y = rect.y;
+ return x >= this.x && y >= this.y
+ && x + rect.width <= this.x + this.width
+ && y + rect.height <= this.y + this.height;
+ },
+ intersects: function() {
+ var rect = Rectangle.read(arguments),
+ epsilon = Base.read(arguments) || 0;
+ return rect.x + rect.width > this.x - epsilon
+ && rect.y + rect.height > this.y - epsilon
+ && rect.x < this.x + this.width + epsilon
+ && rect.y < this.y + this.height + epsilon;
+ },
+ intersect: function() {
+ var rect = Rectangle.read(arguments),
+ x1 = Math.max(this.x, rect.x),
+ y1 = Math.max(this.y, rect.y),
+ x2 = Math.min(this.x + this.width, rect.x + rect.width),
+ y2 = Math.min(this.y + this.height, rect.y + rect.height);
+ return new Rectangle(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
+ },
+ unite: function() {
+ var rect = Rectangle.read(arguments),
+ x1 = Math.min(this.x, rect.x),
+ y1 = Math.min(this.y, rect.y),
+ x2 = Math.max(this.x + this.width, rect.x + rect.width),
+ y2 = Math.max(this.y + this.height, rect.y + rect.height);
+ return new Rectangle(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
+ },
+ include: function() {
+ var point = Point.read(arguments);
+ var x1 = Math.min(this.x, point.x),
+ y1 = Math.min(this.y, point.y),
+ x2 = Math.max(this.x + this.width, point.x),
+ y2 = Math.max(this.y + this.height, point.y);
+ return new Rectangle(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
+ },
+ expand: function() {
+ var amount = Size.read(arguments),
+ hor = amount.width,
+ ver = amount.height;
+ return new Rectangle(this.x - hor / 2, this.y - ver / 2,
+ this.width + hor, this.height + ver);
+ },
+ scale: function(hor, ver) {
+ return this.expand(this.width * hor - this.width,
+ this.height * (ver === undefined ? hor : ver) - this.height);
+ }
+}, Base.each([
+ ['Top', 'Left'], ['Top', 'Right'],
+ ['Bottom', 'Left'], ['Bottom', 'Right'],
+ ['Left', 'Center'], ['Top', 'Center'],
+ ['Right', 'Center'], ['Bottom', 'Center']
+ ],
+ function(parts, index) {
+ var part = parts.join(''),
+ xFirst = /^[RL]/.test(part);
+ if (index >= 4)
+ parts[1] += xFirst ? 'Y' : 'X';
+ var x = parts[xFirst ? 0 : 1],
+ y = parts[xFirst ? 1 : 0],
+ getX = 'get' + x,
+ getY = 'get' + y,
+ setX = 'set' + x,
+ setY = 'set' + y,
+ get = 'get' + part,
+ set = 'set' + part;
+ this[get] = function(_dontLink) {
+ var ctor = _dontLink ? Point : LinkedPoint;
+ return new ctor(this[getX](), this[getY](), this, set);
+ };
+ this[set] = function() {
+ var point = Point.read(arguments);
+ this[setX](point.x);
+ this[setY](point.y);
+ };
+ }, {
+ beans: true
+ }
+var LinkedRectangle = Rectangle.extend({
+ initialize: function Rectangle(x, y, width, height, owner, setter) {
+ this._set(x, y, width, height, true);
+ this._owner = owner;
+ this._setter = setter;
+ },
+ _set: function(x, y, width, height, _dontNotify) {
+ this._x = x;
+ this._y = y;
+ this._width = width;
+ this._height = height;
+ if (!_dontNotify)
+ this._owner[this._setter](this);
+ return this;
+ }
+new function() {
+ var proto = Rectangle.prototype;
+ return Base.each(['x', 'y', 'width', 'height'], function(key) {
+ var part = Base.capitalize(key),
+ internal = '_' + key;
+ this['get' + part] = function() {
+ return this[internal];
+ };
+ this['set' + part] = function(value) {
+ this[internal] = value;
+ if (!this._dontNotify)
+ this._owner[this._setter](this);
+ };
+ }, Base.each(['Point', 'Size', 'Center',
+ 'Left', 'Top', 'Right', 'Bottom', 'CenterX', 'CenterY',
+ 'TopLeft', 'TopRight', 'BottomLeft', 'BottomRight',
+ 'LeftCenter', 'TopCenter', 'RightCenter', 'BottomCenter'],
+ function(key) {
+ var name = 'set' + key;
+ this[name] = function() {
+ this._dontNotify = true;
+ proto[name].apply(this, arguments);
+ this._dontNotify = false;
+ this._owner[this._setter](this);
+ };
+ }, {
+ isSelected: function() {
+ return !!(this._owner._selection & 2);
+ },
+ setSelected: function(selected) {
+ var owner = this._owner;
+ if (owner._changeSelection) {
+ owner._changeSelection(2, selected);
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ );
+var Matrix = Base.extend({
+ _class: 'Matrix',
+ initialize: function Matrix(arg, _dontNotify) {
+ var count = arguments.length,
+ ok = true;
+ if (count >= 6) {
+ this._set.apply(this, arguments);
+ } else if (count === 1 || count === 2) {
+ if (arg instanceof Matrix) {
+ this._set(arg._a, arg._b, arg._c, arg._d, arg._tx, arg._ty,
+ _dontNotify);
+ } else if (Array.isArray(arg)) {
+ this._set.apply(this,
+ _dontNotify ? arg.concat([_dontNotify]) : arg);
+ } else {
+ ok = false;
+ }
+ } else if (!count) {
+ this.reset();
+ } else {
+ ok = false;
+ }
+ if (!ok) {
+ throw new Error('Unsupported matrix parameters');
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ set: '#initialize',
+ _set: function(a, b, c, d, tx, ty, _dontNotify) {
+ this._a = a;
+ this._b = b;
+ this._c = c;
+ this._d = d;
+ this._tx = tx;
+ this._ty = ty;
+ if (!_dontNotify)
+ this._changed();
+ return this;
+ },
+ _serialize: function(options, dictionary) {
+ return Base.serialize(this.getValues(), options, true, dictionary);
+ },
+ _changed: function() {
+ var owner = this._owner;
+ if (owner) {
+ if (owner._applyMatrix) {
+ owner.transform(null, true);
+ } else {
+ owner._changed(25);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ clone: function() {
+ return new Matrix(this._a, this._b, this._c, this._d,
+ this._tx, this._ty);
+ },
+ equals: function(mx) {
+ return mx === this || mx && this._a === mx._a && this._b === mx._b
+ && this._c === mx._c && this._d === mx._d
+ && this._tx === mx._tx && this._ty === mx._ty;
+ },
+ toString: function() {
+ var f = Formatter.instance;
+ return '[[' + [f.number(this._a), f.number(this._c),
+ f.number(this._tx)].join(', ') + '], ['
+ + [f.number(this._b), f.number(this._d),
+ f.number(this._ty)].join(', ') + ']]';
+ },
+ reset: function(_dontNotify) {
+ this._a = this._d = 1;
+ this._b = this._c = this._tx = this._ty = 0;
+ if (!_dontNotify)
+ this._changed();
+ return this;
+ },
+ apply: function(recursively, _setApplyMatrix) {
+ var owner = this._owner;
+ if (owner) {
+ owner.transform(null, true, Base.pick(recursively, true),
+ _setApplyMatrix);
+ return this.isIdentity();
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ translate: function() {
+ var point = Point.read(arguments),
+ x = point.x,
+ y = point.y;
+ this._tx += x * this._a + y * this._c;
+ this._ty += x * this._b + y * this._d;
+ this._changed();
+ return this;
+ },
+ scale: function() {
+ var scale = Point.read(arguments),
+ center = Point.read(arguments, 0, { readNull: true });
+ if (center)
+ this.translate(center);
+ this._a *= scale.x;
+ this._b *= scale.x;
+ this._c *= scale.y;
+ this._d *= scale.y;
+ if (center)
+ this.translate(center.negate());
+ this._changed();
+ return this;
+ },
+ rotate: function(angle ) {
+ angle *= Math.PI / 180;
+ var center = Point.read(arguments, 1),
+ x = center.x,
+ y = center.y,
+ cos = Math.cos(angle),
+ sin = Math.sin(angle),
+ tx = x - x * cos + y * sin,
+ ty = y - x * sin - y * cos,
+ a = this._a,
+ b = this._b,
+ c = this._c,
+ d = this._d;
+ this._a = cos * a + sin * c;
+ this._b = cos * b + sin * d;
+ this._c = -sin * a + cos * c;
+ this._d = -sin * b + cos * d;
+ this._tx += tx * a + ty * c;
+ this._ty += tx * b + ty * d;
+ this._changed();
+ return this;
+ },
+ shear: function() {
+ var shear = Point.read(arguments),
+ center = Point.read(arguments, 0, { readNull: true });
+ if (center)
+ this.translate(center);
+ var a = this._a,
+ b = this._b;
+ this._a += shear.y * this._c;
+ this._b += shear.y * this._d;
+ this._c += shear.x * a;
+ this._d += shear.x * b;
+ if (center)
+ this.translate(center.negate());
+ this._changed();
+ return this;
+ },
+ skew: function() {
+ var skew = Point.read(arguments),
+ center = Point.read(arguments, 0, { readNull: true }),
+ toRadians = Math.PI / 180,
+ shear = new Point(Math.tan(skew.x * toRadians),
+ Math.tan(skew.y * toRadians));
+ return this.shear(shear, center);
+ },
+ append: function(mx, _dontNotify) {
+ if (mx) {
+ var a1 = this._a,
+ b1 = this._b,
+ c1 = this._c,
+ d1 = this._d,
+ a2 = mx._a,
+ b2 = mx._c,
+ c2 = mx._b,
+ d2 = mx._d,
+ tx2 = mx._tx,
+ ty2 = mx._ty;
+ this._a = a2 * a1 + c2 * c1;
+ this._c = b2 * a1 + d2 * c1;
+ this._b = a2 * b1 + c2 * d1;
+ this._d = b2 * b1 + d2 * d1;
+ this._tx += tx2 * a1 + ty2 * c1;
+ this._ty += tx2 * b1 + ty2 * d1;
+ if (!_dontNotify)
+ this._changed();
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ prepend: function(mx, _dontNotify) {
+ if (mx) {
+ var a1 = this._a,
+ b1 = this._b,
+ c1 = this._c,
+ d1 = this._d,
+ tx1 = this._tx,
+ ty1 = this._ty,
+ a2 = mx._a,
+ b2 = mx._c,
+ c2 = mx._b,
+ d2 = mx._d,
+ tx2 = mx._tx,
+ ty2 = mx._ty;
+ this._a = a2 * a1 + b2 * b1;
+ this._c = a2 * c1 + b2 * d1;
+ this._b = c2 * a1 + d2 * b1;
+ this._d = c2 * c1 + d2 * d1;
+ this._tx = a2 * tx1 + b2 * ty1 + tx2;
+ this._ty = c2 * tx1 + d2 * ty1 + ty2;
+ if (!_dontNotify)
+ this._changed();
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ appended: function(mx) {
+ return this.clone().append(mx);
+ },
+ prepended: function(mx) {
+ return this.clone().prepend(mx);
+ },
+ invert: function() {
+ var a = this._a,
+ b = this._b,
+ c = this._c,
+ d = this._d,
+ tx = this._tx,
+ ty = this._ty,
+ det = a * d - b * c,
+ res = null;
+ if (det && !isNaN(det) && isFinite(tx) && isFinite(ty)) {
+ this._a = d / det;
+ this._b = -b / det;
+ this._c = -c / det;
+ this._d = a / det;
+ this._tx = (c * ty - d * tx) / det;
+ this._ty = (b * tx - a * ty) / det;
+ res = this;
+ }
+ return res;
+ },
+ inverted: function() {
+ return this.clone().invert();
+ },
+ concatenate: '#append',
+ preConcatenate: '#prepend',
+ chain: '#appended',
+ _shiftless: function() {
+ return new Matrix(this._a, this._b, this._c, this._d, 0, 0);
+ },
+ _orNullIfIdentity: function() {
+ return this.isIdentity() ? null : this;
+ },
+ isIdentity: function() {
+ return this._a === 1 && this._b === 0 && this._c === 0 && this._d === 1
+ && this._tx === 0 && this._ty === 0;
+ },
+ isInvertible: function() {
+ var det = this._a * this._d - this._c * this._b;
+ return det && !isNaN(det) && isFinite(this._tx) && isFinite(this._ty);
+ },
+ isSingular: function() {
+ return !this.isInvertible();
+ },
+ transform: function( src, dst, count) {
+ return arguments.length < 3
+ ? this._transformPoint(Point.read(arguments))
+ : this._transformCoordinates(src, dst, count);
+ },
+ _transformPoint: function(point, dest, _dontNotify) {
+ var x = point.x,
+ y = point.y;
+ if (!dest)
+ dest = new Point();
+ return dest._set(
+ x * this._a + y * this._c + this._tx,
+ x * this._b + y * this._d + this._ty,
+ _dontNotify);
+ },
+ _transformCoordinates: function(src, dst, count) {
+ for (var i = 0, max = 2 * count; i < max; i += 2) {
+ var x = src[i],
+ y = src[i + 1];
+ dst[i] = x * this._a + y * this._c + this._tx;
+ dst[i + 1] = x * this._b + y * this._d + this._ty;
+ }
+ return dst;
+ },
+ _transformCorners: function(rect) {
+ var x1 = rect.x,
+ y1 = rect.y,
+ x2 = x1 + rect.width,
+ y2 = y1 + rect.height,
+ coords = [ x1, y1, x2, y1, x2, y2, x1, y2 ];
+ return this._transformCoordinates(coords, coords, 4);
+ },
+ _transformBounds: function(bounds, dest, _dontNotify) {
+ var coords = this._transformCorners(bounds),
+ min = coords.slice(0, 2),
+ max = min.slice();
+ for (var i = 2; i < 8; i++) {
+ var val = coords[i],
+ j = i & 1;
+ if (val < min[j]) {
+ min[j] = val;
+ } else if (val > max[j]) {
+ max[j] = val;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!dest)
+ dest = new Rectangle();
+ return dest._set(min[0], min[1], max[0] - min[0], max[1] - min[1],
+ _dontNotify);
+ },
+ inverseTransform: function() {
+ return this._inverseTransform(Point.read(arguments));
+ },
+ _inverseTransform: function(point, dest, _dontNotify) {
+ var a = this._a,
+ b = this._b,
+ c = this._c,
+ d = this._d,
+ tx = this._tx,
+ ty = this._ty,
+ det = a * d - b * c,
+ res = null;
+ if (det && !isNaN(det) && isFinite(tx) && isFinite(ty)) {
+ var x = point.x - this._tx,
+ y = point.y - this._ty;
+ if (!dest)
+ dest = new Point();
+ res = dest._set(
+ (x * d - y * c) / det,
+ (y * a - x * b) / det,
+ _dontNotify);
+ }
+ return res;
+ },
+ decompose: function() {
+ var a = this._a,
+ b = this._b,
+ c = this._c,
+ d = this._d,
+ det = a * d - b * c,
+ sqrt = Math.sqrt,
+ atan2 = Math.atan2,
+ degrees = 180 / Math.PI,
+ rotate,
+ scale,
+ skew;
+ if (a !== 0 || b !== 0) {
+ var r = sqrt(a * a + b * b);
+ rotate = Math.acos(a / r) * (b > 0 ? 1 : -1);
+ scale = [r, det / r];
+ skew = [atan2(a * c + b * d, r * r), 0];
+ } else if (c !== 0 || d !== 0) {
+ var s = sqrt(c * c + d * d);
+ rotate = Math.asin(c / s) * (d > 0 ? 1 : -1);
+ scale = [det / s, s];
+ skew = [0, atan2(a * c + b * d, s * s)];
+ } else {
+ rotate = 0;
+ skew = scale = [0, 0];
+ }
+ return {
+ translation: this.getTranslation(),
+ rotation: rotate * degrees,
+ scaling: new Point(scale),
+ skewing: new Point(skew[0] * degrees, skew[1] * degrees)
+ };
+ },
+ getValues: function() {
+ return [ this._a, this._b, this._c, this._d, this._tx, this._ty ];
+ },
+ getTranslation: function() {
+ return new Point(this._tx, this._ty);
+ },
+ getScaling: function() {
+ return this.decompose().scaling;
+ },
+ getRotation: function() {
+ return this.decompose().rotation;
+ },
+ applyToContext: function(ctx) {
+ if (!this.isIdentity()) {
+ ctx.transform(this._a, this._b, this._c, this._d,
+ this._tx, this._ty);
+ }
+ }
+}, Base.each(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'tx', 'ty'], function(key) {
+ var part = Base.capitalize(key),
+ prop = '_' + key;
+ this['get' + part] = function() {
+ return this[prop];
+ };
+ this['set' + part] = function(value) {
+ this[prop] = value;
+ this._changed();
+ };
+}, {}));
+var Line = Base.extend({
+ _class: 'Line',
+ initialize: function Line(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) {
+ var asVector = false;
+ if (arguments.length >= 4) {
+ this._px = arg0;
+ this._py = arg1;
+ this._vx = arg2;
+ this._vy = arg3;
+ asVector = arg4;
+ } else {
+ this._px = arg0.x;
+ this._py = arg0.y;
+ this._vx = arg1.x;
+ this._vy = arg1.y;
+ asVector = arg2;
+ }
+ if (!asVector) {
+ this._vx -= this._px;
+ this._vy -= this._py;
+ }
+ },
+ getPoint: function() {
+ return new Point(this._px, this._py);
+ },
+ getVector: function() {
+ return new Point(this._vx, this._vy);
+ },
+ getLength: function() {
+ return this.getVector().getLength();
+ },
+ intersect: function(line, isInfinite) {
+ return Line.intersect(
+ this._px, this._py, this._vx, this._vy,
+ line._px, line._py, line._vx, line._vy,
+ true, isInfinite);
+ },
+ getSide: function(point, isInfinite) {
+ return Line.getSide(
+ this._px, this._py, this._vx, this._vy,
+ point.x, point.y, true, isInfinite);
+ },
+ getDistance: function(point) {
+ return Math.abs(this.getSignedDistance(point));
+ },
+ getSignedDistance: function(point) {
+ return Line.getSignedDistance(this._px, this._py, this._vx, this._vy,
+ point.x, point.y, true);
+ },
+ isCollinear: function(line) {
+ return Point.isCollinear(this._vx, this._vy, line._vx, line._vy);
+ },
+ isOrthogonal: function(line) {
+ return Point.isOrthogonal(this._vx, this._vy, line._vx, line._vy);
+ },
+ statics: {
+ intersect: function(p1x, p1y, v1x, v1y, p2x, p2y, v2x, v2y, asVector,
+ isInfinite) {
+ if (!asVector) {
+ v1x -= p1x;
+ v1y -= p1y;
+ v2x -= p2x;
+ v2y -= p2y;
+ }
+ var cross = v1x * v2y - v1y * v2x;
+ if (!Numerical.isZero(cross)) {
+ var dx = p1x - p2x,
+ dy = p1y - p2y,
+ u1 = (v2x * dy - v2y * dx) / cross,
+ u2 = (v1x * dy - v1y * dx) / cross,
+ epsilon = 1e-12,
+ uMin = -epsilon,
+ uMax = 1 + epsilon;
+ if (isInfinite
+ || uMin < u1 && u1 < uMax && uMin < u2 && u2 < uMax) {
+ if (!isInfinite) {
+ u1 = u1 <= 0 ? 0 : u1 >= 1 ? 1 : u1;
+ }
+ return new Point(
+ p1x + u1 * v1x,
+ p1y + u1 * v1y);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ getSide: function(px, py, vx, vy, x, y, asVector, isInfinite) {
+ if (!asVector) {
+ vx -= px;
+ vy -= py;
+ }
+ var v2x = x - px,
+ v2y = y - py,
+ ccw = v2x * vy - v2y * vx;
+ if (!isInfinite && Numerical.isZero(ccw)) {
+ ccw = (v2x * vx + v2x * vx) / (vx * vx + vy * vy);
+ if (ccw >= 0 && ccw <= 1)
+ ccw = 0;
+ }
+ return ccw < 0 ? -1 : ccw > 0 ? 1 : 0;
+ },
+ getSignedDistance: function(px, py, vx, vy, x, y, asVector) {
+ if (!asVector) {
+ vx -= px;
+ vy -= py;
+ }
+ return vx === 0 ? vy > 0 ? x - px : px - x
+ : vy === 0 ? vx < 0 ? y - py : py - y
+ : ((x-px) * vy - (y-py) * vx) / Math.sqrt(vx * vx + vy * vy);
+ },
+ getDistance: function(px, py, vx, vy, x, y, asVector) {
+ return Math.abs(
+ Line.getSignedDistance(px, py, vx, vy, x, y, asVector));
+ }
+ }
+var Project = PaperScopeItem.extend({
+ _class: 'Project',
+ _list: 'projects',
+ _reference: 'project',
+ _compactSerialize: true,
+ initialize: function Project(element) {
+ PaperScopeItem.call(this, true);
+ this._children = [];
+ this._namedChildren = {};
+ this._activeLayer = null;
+ this._currentStyle = new Style(null, null, this);
+ this._view = View.create(this,
+ element || CanvasProvider.getCanvas(1, 1));
+ this._selectionItems = {};
+ this._selectionCount = 0;
+ this._updateVersion = 0;
+ },
+ _serialize: function(options, dictionary) {
+ return Base.serialize(this._children, options, true, dictionary);
+ },
+ _changed: function(flags, item) {
+ if (flags & 1) {
+ var view = this._view;
+ if (view) {
+ view._needsUpdate = true;
+ if (!view._requested && view._autoUpdate)
+ view.requestUpdate();
+ }
+ }
+ var changes = this._changes;
+ if (changes && item) {
+ var changesById = this._changesById,
+ id = item._id,
+ entry = changesById[id];
+ if (entry) {
+ entry.flags |= flags;
+ } else {
+ changes.push(changesById[id] = { item: item, flags: flags });
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ clear: function() {
+ var children = this._children;
+ for (var i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ children[i].remove();
+ },
+ isEmpty: function() {
+ return !this._children.length;
+ },
+ remove: function remove() {
+ if (!remove.base.call(this))
+ return false;
+ if (this._view)
+ this._view.remove();
+ return true;
+ },
+ getView: function() {
+ return this._view;
+ },
+ getCurrentStyle: function() {
+ return this._currentStyle;
+ },
+ setCurrentStyle: function(style) {
+ this._currentStyle.set(style);
+ },
+ getIndex: function() {
+ return this._index;
+ },
+ getOptions: function() {
+ return this._scope.settings;
+ },
+ getLayers: function() {
+ return this._children;
+ },
+ getActiveLayer: function() {
+ return this._activeLayer || new Layer({ project: this, insert: true });
+ },
+ getSymbolDefinitions: function() {
+ var definitions = [],
+ ids = {};
+ this.getItems({
+ class: SymbolItem,
+ match: function(item) {
+ var definition = item._definition,
+ id = definition._id;
+ if (!ids[id]) {
+ ids[id] = true;
+ definitions.push(definition);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ return definitions;
+ },
+ getSymbols: 'getSymbolDefinitions',
+ getSelectedItems: function() {
+ var selectionItems = this._selectionItems,
+ items = [];
+ for (var id in selectionItems) {
+ var item = selectionItems[id],
+ selection = item._selection;
+ if ((selection & 1) && item.isInserted()) {
+ items.push(item);
+ } else if (!selection) {
+ this._updateSelection(item);
+ }
+ }
+ return items;
+ },
+ _updateSelection: function(item) {
+ var id = item._id,
+ selectionItems = this._selectionItems;
+ if (item._selection) {
+ if (selectionItems[id] !== item) {
+ this._selectionCount++;
+ selectionItems[id] = item;
+ }
+ } else if (selectionItems[id] === item) {
+ this._selectionCount--;
+ delete selectionItems[id];
+ }
+ },
+ selectAll: function() {
+ var children = this._children;
+ for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++)
+ children[i].setFullySelected(true);
+ },
+ deselectAll: function() {
+ var selectionItems = this._selectionItems;
+ for (var i in selectionItems)
+ selectionItems[i].setFullySelected(false);
+ },
+ addLayer: function(layer) {
+ return this.insertLayer(undefined, layer);
+ },
+ insertLayer: function(index, layer) {
+ if (layer instanceof Layer) {
+ layer._remove(false, true);
+ Base.splice(this._children, [layer], index, 0);
+ layer._setProject(this, true);
+ var name = layer._name;
+ if (name)
+ layer.setName(name);
+ if (this._changes)
+ layer._changed(5);
+ if (!this._activeLayer)
+ this._activeLayer = layer;
+ } else {
+ layer = null;
+ }
+ return layer;
+ },
+ _insertItem: function(index, item, _created) {
+ item = this.insertLayer(index, item)
+ || (this._activeLayer || this._insertItem(undefined,
+ new Layer(Item.NO_INSERT), true))
+ .insertChild(index, item);
+ if (_created && item.activate)
+ item.activate();
+ return item;
+ },
+ getItems: function(options) {
+ return Item._getItems(this, options);
+ },
+ getItem: function(options) {
+ return Item._getItems(this, options, null, null, true)[0] || null;
+ },
+ importJSON: function(json) {
+ this.activate();
+ var layer = this._activeLayer;
+ return Base.importJSON(json, layer && layer.isEmpty() && layer);
+ },
+ removeOn: function(type) {
+ var sets = this._removeSets;
+ if (sets) {
+ if (type === 'mouseup')
+ sets.mousedrag = null;
+ var set = sets[type];
+ if (set) {
+ for (var id in set) {
+ var item = set[id];
+ for (var key in sets) {
+ var other = sets[key];
+ if (other && other != set)
+ delete other[item._id];
+ }
+ item.remove();
+ }
+ sets[type] = null;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ draw: function(ctx, matrix, pixelRatio) {
+ this._updateVersion++;
+ ctx.save();
+ matrix.applyToContext(ctx);
+ var children = this._children,
+ param = new Base({
+ offset: new Point(0, 0),
+ pixelRatio: pixelRatio,
+ viewMatrix: matrix.isIdentity() ? null : matrix,
+ matrices: [new Matrix()],
+ updateMatrix: true
+ });
+ for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {
+ children[i].draw(ctx, param);
+ }
+ ctx.restore();
+ if (this._selectionCount > 0) {
+ ctx.save();
+ ctx.strokeWidth = 1;
+ var items = this._selectionItems,
+ size = this._scope.settings.handleSize,
+ version = this._updateVersion;
+ for (var id in items) {
+ items[id]._drawSelection(ctx, matrix, size, items, version);
+ }
+ ctx.restore();
+ }
+ }
+var Item = Base.extend(Emitter, {
+ statics: {
+ extend: function extend(src) {
+ if (src._serializeFields)
+ src._serializeFields = Base.set({},
+ this.prototype._serializeFields, src._serializeFields);
+ return extend.base.apply(this, arguments);
+ },
+ NO_INSERT: { insert: false }
+ },
+ _class: 'Item',
+ _name: null,
+ _applyMatrix: true,
+ _canApplyMatrix: true,
+ _canScaleStroke: false,
+ _pivot: null,
+ _visible: true,
+ _blendMode: 'normal',
+ _opacity: 1,
+ _locked: false,
+ _guide: false,
+ _clipMask: false,
+ _selection: 0,
+ _selectBounds: true,
+ _selectChildren: false,
+ _serializeFields: {
+ name: null,
+ applyMatrix: null,
+ matrix: new Matrix(),
+ pivot: null,
+ visible: true,
+ blendMode: 'normal',
+ opacity: 1,
+ locked: false,
+ guide: false,
+ clipMask: false,
+ selected: false,
+ data: {}
+ },
+ _prioritize: ['applyMatrix']
+new function() {
+ var handlers = ['onMouseDown', 'onMouseUp', 'onMouseDrag', 'onClick',
+ 'onDoubleClick', 'onMouseMove', 'onMouseEnter', 'onMouseLeave'];
+ return Base.each(handlers,
+ function(name) {
+ this._events[name] = {
+ install: function(type) {
+ this.getView()._countItemEvent(type, 1);
+ },
+ uninstall: function(type) {
+ this.getView()._countItemEvent(type, -1);
+ }
+ };
+ }, {
+ _events: {
+ onFrame: {
+ install: function() {
+ this.getView()._animateItem(this, true);
+ },
+ uninstall: function() {
+ this.getView()._animateItem(this, false);
+ }
+ },
+ onLoad: {},
+ onError: {}
+ },
+ statics: {
+ _itemHandlers: handlers
+ }
+ }
+ );
+}, {
+ initialize: function Item() {
+ },
+ _initialize: function(props, point) {
+ var hasProps = props && Base.isPlainObject(props),
+ internal = hasProps && props.internal === true,
+ matrix = this._matrix = new Matrix(),
+ project = hasProps && props.project || paper.project,
+ settings = paper.settings;
+ this._id = internal ? null : UID.get();
+ this._parent = this._index = null;
+ this._applyMatrix = this._canApplyMatrix && settings.applyMatrix;
+ if (point)
+ matrix.translate(point);
+ matrix._owner = this;
+ this._style = new Style(project._currentStyle, this, project);
+ if (internal || hasProps && props.insert == false
+ || !settings.insertItems && !(hasProps && props.insert === true)) {
+ this._setProject(project);
+ } else {
+ (hasProps && props.parent || project)
+ ._insertItem(undefined, this, true);
+ }
+ if (hasProps && props !== Item.NO_INSERT) {
+ this.set(props, {
+ internal: true, insert: true, project: true, parent: true
+ });
+ }
+ return hasProps;
+ },
+ _serialize: function(options, dictionary) {
+ var props = {},
+ that = this;
+ function serialize(fields) {
+ for (var key in fields) {
+ var value = that[key];
+ if (!Base.equals(value, key === 'leading'
+ ? fields.fontSize * 1.2 : fields[key])) {
+ props[key] = Base.serialize(value, options,
+ key !== 'data', dictionary);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ serialize(this._serializeFields);
+ if (!(this instanceof Group))
+ serialize(this._style._defaults);
+ return [ this._class, props ];
+ },
+ _changed: function(flags) {
+ var symbol = this._symbol,
+ cacheParent = this._parent || symbol,
+ project = this._project;
+ if (flags & 8) {
+ this._bounds = this._position = this._decomposed = undefined;
+ }
+ if (flags & 16) {
+ this._globalMatrix = undefined;
+ }
+ if (cacheParent
+ && (flags & 72)) {
+ Item._clearBoundsCache(cacheParent);
+ }
+ if (flags & 2) {
+ Item._clearBoundsCache(this);
+ }
+ if (project)
+ project._changed(flags, this);
+ if (symbol)
+ symbol._changed(flags);
+ },
+ getId: function() {
+ return this._id;
+ },
+ getName: function() {
+ return this._name;
+ },
+ setName: function(name) {
+ if (this._name)
+ this._removeNamed();
+ if (name === (+name) + '')
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Names consisting only of numbers are not supported.');
+ var owner = this._getOwner();
+ if (name && owner) {
+ var children = owner._children,
+ namedChildren = owner._namedChildren;
+ (namedChildren[name] = namedChildren[name] || []).push(this);
+ if (!(name in children))
+ children[name] = this;
+ }
+ this._name = name || undefined;
+ this._changed(256);
+ },
+ getStyle: function() {
+ return this._style;
+ },
+ setStyle: function(style) {
+ this.getStyle().set(style);
+ }
+}, Base.each(['locked', 'visible', 'blendMode', 'opacity', 'guide'],
+ function(name) {
+ var part = Base.capitalize(name),
+ key = '_' + name,
+ flags = {
+ locked: 256,
+ visible: 265
+ };
+ this['get' + part] = function() {
+ return this[key];
+ };
+ this['set' + part] = function(value) {
+ if (value != this[key]) {
+ this[key] = value;
+ this._changed(flags[name] || 257);
+ }
+ };
+ },
+{}), {
+ beans: true,
+ getSelection: function() {
+ return this._selection;
+ },
+ setSelection: function(selection) {
+ if (selection !== this._selection) {
+ this._selection = selection;
+ var project = this._project;
+ if (project) {
+ project._updateSelection(this);
+ this._changed(257);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _changeSelection: function(flag, selected) {
+ var selection = this._selection;
+ this.setSelection(selected ? selection | flag : selection & ~flag);
+ },
+ isSelected: function() {
+ if (this._selectChildren) {
+ var children = this._children;
+ for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++)
+ if (children[i].isSelected())
+ return true;
+ }
+ return !!(this._selection & 1);
+ },
+ setSelected: function(selected) {
+ if (this._selectChildren) {
+ var children = this._children;
+ for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++)
+ children[i].setSelected(selected);
+ }
+ this._changeSelection(1, selected);
+ },
+ isFullySelected: function() {
+ var children = this._children,
+ selected = !!(this._selection & 1);
+ if (children && selected) {
+ for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++)
+ if (!children[i].isFullySelected())
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return selected;
+ },
+ setFullySelected: function(selected) {
+ var children = this._children;
+ if (children) {
+ for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++)
+ children[i].setFullySelected(selected);
+ }
+ this._changeSelection(1, selected);
+ },
+ isClipMask: function() {
+ return this._clipMask;
+ },
+ setClipMask: function(clipMask) {
+ if (this._clipMask != (clipMask = !!clipMask)) {
+ this._clipMask = clipMask;
+ if (clipMask) {
+ this.setFillColor(null);
+ this.setStrokeColor(null);
+ }
+ this._changed(257);
+ if (this._parent)
+ this._parent._changed(2048);
+ }
+ },
+ getData: function() {
+ if (!this._data)
+ this._data = {};
+ return this._data;
+ },
+ setData: function(data) {
+ this._data = data;
+ },
+ getPosition: function(_dontLink) {
+ var ctor = _dontLink ? Point : LinkedPoint;
+ var position = this._position ||
+ (this._position = this._getPositionFromBounds());
+ return new ctor(position.x, position.y, this, 'setPosition');
+ },
+ setPosition: function() {
+ this.translate(Point.read(arguments).subtract(this.getPosition(true)));
+ },
+ _getPositionFromBounds: function(bounds) {
+ return this._pivot
+ ? this._matrix._transformPoint(this._pivot)
+ : (bounds || this.getBounds()).getCenter(true);
+ },
+ getPivot: function() {
+ var pivot = this._pivot;
+ return pivot
+ ? new LinkedPoint(pivot.x, pivot.y, this, 'setPivot')
+ : null;
+ },
+ setPivot: function() {
+ this._pivot = Point.read(arguments, 0, { clone: true, readNull: true });
+ this._position = undefined;
+ }
+}, Base.each({
+ getStrokeBounds: { stroke: true },
+ getHandleBounds: { handle: true },
+ getInternalBounds: { internal: true }
+ },
+ function(options, key) {
+ this[key] = function(matrix) {
+ return this.getBounds(matrix, options);
+ };
+ },
+ beans: true,
+ getBounds: function(matrix, options) {
+ var hasMatrix = options || matrix instanceof Matrix,
+ opts = Base.set({}, hasMatrix ? options : matrix,
+ this._boundsOptions);
+ if (!opts.stroke || this.getStrokeScaling())
+ opts.cacheItem = this;
+ var rect = this._getCachedBounds(hasMatrix && matrix, opts).rect;
+ return !arguments.length
+ ? new LinkedRectangle(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height,
+ this, 'setBounds')
+ : rect;
+ },
+ setBounds: function() {
+ var rect = Rectangle.read(arguments),
+ bounds = this.getBounds(),
+ _matrix = this._matrix,
+ matrix = new Matrix(),
+ center = rect.getCenter();
+ matrix.translate(center);
+ if (rect.width != bounds.width || rect.height != bounds.height) {
+ if (!_matrix.isInvertible()) {
+ _matrix.set(_matrix._backup
+ || new Matrix().translate(_matrix.getTranslation()));
+ bounds = this.getBounds();
+ }
+ matrix.scale(
+ bounds.width !== 0 ? rect.width / bounds.width : 0,
+ bounds.height !== 0 ? rect.height / bounds.height : 0);
+ }
+ center = bounds.getCenter();
+ matrix.translate(-center.x, -center.y);
+ this.transform(matrix);
+ },
+ _getBounds: function(matrix, options) {
+ var children = this._children;
+ if (!children || !children.length)
+ return new Rectangle();
+ Item._updateBoundsCache(this, options.cacheItem);
+ return Item._getBounds(children, matrix, options);
+ },
+ _getBoundsCacheKey: function(options, internal) {
+ return [
+ options.stroke ? 1 : 0,
+ options.handle ? 1 : 0,
+ internal ? 1 : 0
+ ].join('');
+ },
+ _getCachedBounds: function(matrix, options, noInternal) {
+ matrix = matrix && matrix._orNullIfIdentity();
+ var internal = options.internal && !noInternal,
+ cacheItem = options.cacheItem,
+ _matrix = internal ? null : this._matrix._orNullIfIdentity(),
+ cacheKey = cacheItem && (!matrix || matrix.equals(_matrix))
+ && this._getBoundsCacheKey(options, internal),
+ bounds = this._bounds;
+ Item._updateBoundsCache(this._parent || this._symbol, cacheItem);
+ if (cacheKey && bounds && cacheKey in bounds) {
+ var cached = bounds[cacheKey];
+ return {
+ rect: cached.rect.clone(),
+ nonscaling: cached.nonscaling
+ };
+ }
+ var res = this._getBounds(matrix || _matrix, options),
+ rect = res.rect || res,
+ style = this._style,
+ nonscaling = res.nonscaling || style.hasStroke()
+ && !style.getStrokeScaling();
+ if (cacheKey) {
+ if (!bounds) {
+ this._bounds = bounds = {};
+ }
+ var cached = bounds[cacheKey] = {
+ rect: rect.clone(),
+ nonscaling: nonscaling,
+ internal: internal
+ };
+ }
+ return {
+ rect: rect,
+ nonscaling: nonscaling
+ };
+ },
+ _getStrokeMatrix: function(matrix, options) {
+ var parent = this.getStrokeScaling() ? null
+ : options && options.internal ? this
+ : this._parent || this._symbol && this._symbol._item,
+ mx = parent ? parent.getViewMatrix().invert() : matrix;
+ return mx && mx._shiftless();
+ },
+ statics: {
+ _updateBoundsCache: function(parent, item) {
+ if (parent && item) {
+ var id = item._id,
+ ref = parent._boundsCache = parent._boundsCache || {
+ ids: {},
+ list: []
+ };
+ if (!ref.ids[id]) {
+ ref.list.push(item);
+ ref.ids[id] = item;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _clearBoundsCache: function(item) {
+ var cache = item._boundsCache;
+ if (cache) {
+ item._bounds = item._position = item._boundsCache = undefined;
+ for (var i = 0, list = cache.list, l = list.length; i < l; i++){
+ var other = list[i];
+ if (other !== item) {
+ other._bounds = other._position = undefined;
+ if (other._boundsCache)
+ Item._clearBoundsCache(other);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _getBounds: function(items, matrix, options) {
+ var x1 = Infinity,
+ x2 = -x1,
+ y1 = x1,
+ y2 = x2,
+ nonscaling = false;
+ options = options || {};
+ for (var i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var item = items[i];
+ if (item._visible && !item.isEmpty(true)) {
+ var bounds = item._getCachedBounds(
+ matrix && matrix.appended(item._matrix), options, true),
+ rect = bounds.rect;
+ x1 = Math.min(rect.x, x1);
+ y1 = Math.min(rect.y, y1);
+ x2 = Math.max(rect.x + rect.width, x2);
+ y2 = Math.max(rect.y + rect.height, y2);
+ if (bounds.nonscaling)
+ nonscaling = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return {
+ rect: isFinite(x1)
+ ? new Rectangle(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1)
+ : new Rectangle(),
+ nonscaling: nonscaling
+ };
+ }
+ }
+}), {
+ beans: true,
+ _decompose: function() {
+ return this._applyMatrix
+ ? null
+ : this._decomposed || (this._decomposed = this._matrix.decompose());
+ },
+ getRotation: function() {
+ var decomposed = this._decompose();
+ return decomposed ? decomposed.rotation : 0;
+ },
+ setRotation: function(rotation) {
+ var current = this.getRotation();
+ if (current != null && rotation != null) {
+ var decomposed = this._decomposed;
+ this.rotate(rotation - current);
+ if (decomposed) {
+ decomposed.rotation = rotation;
+ this._decomposed = decomposed;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ getScaling: function() {
+ var decomposed = this._decompose(),
+ s = decomposed && decomposed.scaling;
+ return new LinkedPoint(s ? s.x : 1, s ? s.y : 1, this, 'setScaling');
+ },
+ setScaling: function() {
+ var current = this.getScaling(),
+ scaling = Point.read(arguments, 0, { clone: true, readNull: true });
+ if (current && scaling && !current.equals(scaling)) {
+ var rotation = this.getRotation(),
+ decomposed = this._decomposed,
+ matrix = new Matrix(),
+ center = this.getPosition(true);
+ matrix.translate(center);
+ if (rotation)
+ matrix.rotate(rotation);
+ matrix.scale(scaling.x / current.x, scaling.y / current.y);
+ if (rotation)
+ matrix.rotate(-rotation);
+ matrix.translate(center.negate());
+ this.transform(matrix);
+ if (decomposed) {
+ decomposed.scaling = scaling;
+ this._decomposed = decomposed;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ getMatrix: function() {
+ return this._matrix;
+ },
+ setMatrix: function() {
+ var matrix = this._matrix;
+ matrix.initialize.apply(matrix, arguments);
+ },
+ getGlobalMatrix: function(_dontClone) {
+ var matrix = this._globalMatrix;
+ if (matrix) {
+ var parent = this._parent;
+ var parents = [];
+ while (parent) {
+ if (!parent._globalMatrix) {
+ matrix = null;
+ for (var i = 0, l = parents.length; i < l; i++) {
+ parents[i]._globalMatrix = null;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ parents.push(parent);
+ parent = parent._parent;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!matrix) {
+ matrix = this._globalMatrix = this._matrix.clone();
+ var parent = this._parent;
+ if (parent)
+ matrix.prepend(parent.getGlobalMatrix(true));
+ }
+ return _dontClone ? matrix : matrix.clone();
+ },
+ getViewMatrix: function() {
+ return this.getGlobalMatrix().prepend(this.getView()._matrix);
+ },
+ getApplyMatrix: function() {
+ return this._applyMatrix;
+ },
+ setApplyMatrix: function(apply) {
+ if (this._applyMatrix = this._canApplyMatrix && !!apply)
+ this.transform(null, true);
+ },
+ getTransformContent: '#getApplyMatrix',
+ setTransformContent: '#setApplyMatrix',
+}, {
+ getProject: function() {
+ return this._project;
+ },
+ _setProject: function(project, installEvents) {
+ if (this._project !== project) {
+ if (this._project)
+ this._installEvents(false);
+ this._project = project;
+ var children = this._children;
+ for (var i = 0, l = children && children.length; i < l; i++)
+ children[i]._setProject(project);
+ installEvents = true;
+ }
+ if (installEvents)
+ this._installEvents(true);
+ },
+ getView: function() {
+ return this._project._view;
+ },
+ _installEvents: function _installEvents(install) {
+ _installEvents.base.call(this, install);
+ var children = this._children;
+ for (var i = 0, l = children && children.length; i < l; i++)
+ children[i]._installEvents(install);
+ },
+ getLayer: function() {
+ var parent = this;
+ while (parent = parent._parent) {
+ if (parent instanceof Layer)
+ return parent;
+ }
+ return null;
+ },
+ getParent: function() {
+ return this._parent;
+ },
+ setParent: function(item) {
+ return item.addChild(this);
+ },
+ _getOwner: '#getParent',
+ getChildren: function() {
+ return this._children;
+ },
+ setChildren: function(items) {
+ this.removeChildren();
+ this.addChildren(items);
+ },
+ getFirstChild: function() {
+ return this._children && this._children[0] || null;
+ },
+ getLastChild: function() {
+ return this._children && this._children[this._children.length - 1]
+ || null;
+ },
+ getNextSibling: function() {
+ var owner = this._getOwner();
+ return owner && owner._children[this._index + 1] || null;
+ },
+ getPreviousSibling: function() {
+ var owner = this._getOwner();
+ return owner && owner._children[this._index - 1] || null;
+ },
+ getIndex: function() {
+ return this._index;
+ },
+ equals: function(item) {
+ return item === this || item && this._class === item._class
+ && this._style.equals(item._style)
+ && this._matrix.equals(item._matrix)
+ && this._locked === item._locked
+ && this._visible === item._visible
+ && this._blendMode === item._blendMode
+ && this._opacity === item._opacity
+ && this._clipMask === item._clipMask
+ && this._guide === item._guide
+ && this._equals(item)
+ || false;
+ },
+ _equals: function(item) {
+ return Base.equals(this._children, item._children);
+ },
+ clone: function(options) {
+ var copy = new this.constructor(Item.NO_INSERT),
+ children = this._children,
+ insert = Base.pick(options ? options.insert : undefined,
+ options === undefined || options === true),
+ deep = Base.pick(options ? options.deep : undefined, true);
+ if (children)
+ copy.copyAttributes(this);
+ if (!children || deep)
+ copy.copyContent(this);
+ if (!children)
+ copy.copyAttributes(this);
+ if (insert)
+ copy.insertAbove(this);
+ var name = this._name,
+ parent = this._parent;
+ if (name && parent) {
+ var children = parent._children,
+ orig = name,
+ i = 1;
+ while (children[name])
+ name = orig + ' ' + (i++);
+ if (name !== orig)
+ copy.setName(name);
+ }
+ return copy;
+ },
+ copyContent: function(source) {
+ var children = source._children;
+ for (var i = 0, l = children && children.length; i < l; i++) {
+ this.addChild(children[i].clone(false), true);
+ }
+ },
+ copyAttributes: function(source, excludeMatrix) {
+ this.setStyle(source._style);
+ var keys = ['_locked', '_visible', '_blendMode', '_opacity',
+ '_clipMask', '_guide'];
+ for (var i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var key = keys[i];
+ if (source.hasOwnProperty(key))
+ this[key] = source[key];
+ }
+ if (!excludeMatrix)
+ this._matrix.set(source._matrix, true);
+ this.setApplyMatrix(source._applyMatrix);
+ this.setPivot(source._pivot);
+ this.setSelection(source._selection);
+ var data = source._data,
+ name = source._name;
+ this._data = data ? Base.clone(data) : null;
+ if (name)
+ this.setName(name);
+ },
+ rasterize: function(resolution, insert) {
+ var bounds = this.getStrokeBounds(),
+ scale = (resolution || this.getView().getResolution()) / 72,
+ topLeft = bounds.getTopLeft().floor(),
+ bottomRight = bounds.getBottomRight().ceil(),
+ size = new Size(bottomRight.subtract(topLeft)),
+ raster = new Raster(Item.NO_INSERT);
+ if (!size.isZero()) {
+ var canvas = CanvasProvider.getCanvas(size.multiply(scale)),
+ ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'),
+ matrix = new Matrix().scale(scale).translate(topLeft.negate());
+ ctx.save();
+ matrix.applyToContext(ctx);
+ this.draw(ctx, new Base({ matrices: [matrix] }));
+ ctx.restore();
+ raster.setCanvas(canvas);
+ }
+ raster.transform(new Matrix().translate(topLeft.add(size.divide(2)))
+ .scale(1 / scale));
+ if (insert === undefined || insert)
+ raster.insertAbove(this);
+ return raster;
+ },
+ contains: function() {
+ return !!this._contains(
+ this._matrix._inverseTransform(Point.read(arguments)));
+ },
+ _contains: function(point) {
+ var children = this._children;
+ if (children) {
+ for (var i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ if (children[i].contains(point))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ return point.isInside(this.getInternalBounds());
+ },
+ isInside: function() {
+ return Rectangle.read(arguments).contains(this.getBounds());
+ },
+ _asPathItem: function() {
+ return new Path.Rectangle({
+ rectangle: this.getInternalBounds(),
+ matrix: this._matrix,
+ insert: false,
+ });
+ },
+ intersects: function(item, _matrix) {
+ if (!(item instanceof Item))
+ return false;
+ return this._asPathItem().getIntersections(item._asPathItem(), null,
+ _matrix, true).length > 0;
+ }
+new function() {
+ function hitTest() {
+ return this._hitTest(
+ Point.read(arguments),
+ HitResult.getOptions(arguments));
+ }
+ function hitTestAll() {
+ var point = Point.read(arguments),
+ options = HitResult.getOptions(arguments),
+ all = [];
+ this._hitTest(point, Base.set({ all: all }, options));
+ return all;
+ }
+ function hitTestChildren(point, options, viewMatrix, _exclude) {
+ var children = this._children;
+ if (children) {
+ for (var i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ var child = children[i];
+ var res = child !== _exclude && child._hitTest(point, options,
+ viewMatrix);
+ if (res && !options.all)
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ Project.inject({
+ hitTest: hitTest,
+ hitTestAll: hitTestAll,
+ _hitTest: hitTestChildren
+ });
+ return {
+ hitTest: hitTest,
+ hitTestAll: hitTestAll,
+ _hitTestChildren: hitTestChildren,
+ };
+}, {
+ _hitTest: function(point, options, parentViewMatrix) {
+ if (this._locked || !this._visible || this._guide && !options.guides
+ || this.isEmpty()) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ var matrix = this._matrix,
+ viewMatrix = parentViewMatrix
+ ? parentViewMatrix.appended(matrix)
+ : this.getGlobalMatrix().prepend(this.getView()._matrix),
+ tolerance = Math.max(options.tolerance, 1e-12),
+ tolerancePadding = options._tolerancePadding = new Size(
+ Path._getStrokePadding(tolerance,
+ matrix._shiftless().invert()));
+ point = matrix._inverseTransform(point);
+ if (!point || !this._children &&
+ !this.getBounds({ internal: true, stroke: true, handle: true })
+ .expand(tolerancePadding.multiply(2))._containsPoint(point)) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ var checkSelf = !(options.guides && !this._guide
+ || options.selected && !this.isSelected()
+ || options.type && options.type !== Base.hyphenate(this._class)
+ || options.class && !(this instanceof options.class)),
+ match = options.match,
+ that = this,
+ bounds,
+ res;
+ function filter(hit) {
+ if (hit && match && !match(hit))
+ hit = null;
+ if (hit && options.all)
+ options.all.push(hit);
+ return hit;
+ }
+ function checkPoint(type, part) {
+ var pt = part ? bounds['get' + part]() : that.getPosition();
+ if (point.subtract(pt).divide(tolerancePadding).length <= 1) {
+ return new HitResult(type, that, {
+ name: part ? Base.hyphenate(part) : type,
+ point: pt
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ var checkPosition = options.position,
+ checkCenter = options.center,
+ checkBounds = options.bounds;
+ if (checkSelf && this._parent
+ && (checkPosition || checkCenter || checkBounds)) {
+ if (checkCenter || checkBounds) {
+ bounds = this.getInternalBounds();
+ }
+ res = checkPosition && checkPoint('position') ||
+ checkCenter && checkPoint('center', 'Center');
+ if (!res && checkBounds) {
+ var points = [
+ 'TopLeft', 'TopRight', 'BottomLeft', 'BottomRight',
+ 'LeftCenter', 'TopCenter', 'RightCenter', 'BottomCenter'
+ ];
+ for (var i = 0; i < 8 && !res; i++) {
+ res = checkPoint('bounds', points[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ res = filter(res);
+ }
+ if (!res) {
+ res = this._hitTestChildren(point, options, viewMatrix)
+ || checkSelf
+ && filter(this._hitTestSelf(point, options, viewMatrix,
+ this.getStrokeScaling() ? null
+ : viewMatrix._shiftless().invert()))
+ || null;
+ }
+ if (res && res.point) {
+ res.point = matrix.transform(res.point);
+ }
+ return res;
+ },
+ _hitTestSelf: function(point, options) {
+ if (options.fill && this.hasFill() && this._contains(point))
+ return new HitResult('fill', this);
+ },
+ matches: function(name, compare) {
+ function matchObject(obj1, obj2) {
+ for (var i in obj1) {
+ if (obj1.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
+ var val1 = obj1[i],
+ val2 = obj2[i];
+ if (Base.isPlainObject(val1) && Base.isPlainObject(val2)) {
+ if (!matchObject(val1, val2))
+ return false;
+ } else if (!Base.equals(val1, val2)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ var type = typeof name;
+ if (type === 'object') {
+ for (var key in name) {
+ if (name.hasOwnProperty(key) && !this.matches(key, name[key]))
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ } else if (type === 'function') {
+ return name(this);
+ } else if (name === 'match') {
+ return compare(this);
+ } else {
+ var value = /^(empty|editable)$/.test(name)
+ ? this['is' + Base.capitalize(name)]()
+ : name === 'type'
+ ? Base.hyphenate(this._class)
+ : this[name];
+ if (name === 'class') {
+ if (typeof compare === 'function')
+ return this instanceof compare;
+ value = this._class;
+ }
+ if (typeof compare === 'function') {
+ return !!compare(value);
+ } else if (compare) {
+ if (compare.test) {
+ return compare.test(value);
+ } else if (Base.isPlainObject(compare)) {
+ return matchObject(compare, value);
+ }
+ }
+ return Base.equals(value, compare);
+ }
+ },
+ getItems: function(options) {
+ return Item._getItems(this, options, this._matrix);
+ },
+ getItem: function(options) {
+ return Item._getItems(this, options, this._matrix, null, true)[0]
+ || null;
+ },
+ statics: {
+ _getItems: function _getItems(item, options, matrix, param, firstOnly) {
+ if (!param) {
+ var obj = typeof options === 'object' && options,
+ overlapping = obj && obj.overlapping,
+ inside = obj && obj.inside,
+ bounds = overlapping || inside,
+ rect = bounds && Rectangle.read([bounds]);
+ param = {
+ items: [],
+ recursive: obj && obj.recursive !== false,
+ inside: !!inside,
+ overlapping: !!overlapping,
+ rect: rect,
+ path: overlapping && new Path.Rectangle({
+ rectangle: rect,
+ insert: false
+ })
+ };
+ if (obj) {
+ options = Base.filter({}, options, {
+ recursive: true, inside: true, overlapping: true
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ var children = item._children,
+ items = param.items,
+ rect = param.rect;
+ matrix = rect && (matrix || new Matrix());
+ for (var i = 0, l = children && children.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var child = children[i],
+ childMatrix = matrix && matrix.appended(child._matrix),
+ add = true;
+ if (rect) {
+ var bounds = child.getBounds(childMatrix);
+ if (!rect.intersects(bounds))
+ continue;
+ if (!(rect.contains(bounds)
+ || param.overlapping && (bounds.contains(rect)
+ || param.path.intersects(child, childMatrix))))
+ add = false;
+ }
+ if (add && child.matches(options)) {
+ items.push(child);
+ if (firstOnly)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (param.recursive !== false) {
+ _getItems(child, options, childMatrix, param, firstOnly);
+ }
+ if (firstOnly && items.length > 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ return items;
+ }
+ }
+}, {
+ importJSON: function(json) {
+ var res = Base.importJSON(json, this);
+ return res !== this ? this.addChild(res) : res;
+ },
+ addChild: function(item) {
+ return this.insertChild(undefined, item);
+ },
+ insertChild: function(index, item) {
+ var res = item ? this.insertChildren(index, [item]) : null;
+ return res && res[0];
+ },
+ addChildren: function(items) {
+ return this.insertChildren(this._children.length, items);
+ },
+ insertChildren: function(index, items) {
+ var children = this._children;
+ if (children && items && items.length > 0) {
+ items = Base.slice(items);
+ var inserted = {};
+ for (var i = items.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ var item = items[i],
+ id = item && item._id;
+ if (!item || inserted[id]) {
+ items.splice(i, 1);
+ } else {
+ item._remove(false, true);
+ inserted[id] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ Base.splice(children, items, index, 0);
+ var project = this._project,
+ notifySelf = project._changes;
+ for (var i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var item = items[i],
+ name = item._name;
+ item._parent = this;
+ item._setProject(project, true);
+ if (name)
+ item.setName(name);
+ if (notifySelf)
+ item._changed(5);
+ }
+ this._changed(11);
+ } else {
+ items = null;
+ }
+ return items;
+ },
+ _insertItem: '#insertChild',
+ _insertAt: function(item, offset) {
+ var owner = item && item._getOwner(),
+ res = item !== this && owner ? this : null;
+ if (res) {
+ res._remove(false, true);
+ owner._insertItem(item._index + offset, res);
+ }
+ return res;
+ },
+ insertAbove: function(item) {
+ return this._insertAt(item, 1);
+ },
+ insertBelow: function(item) {
+ return this._insertAt(item, 0);
+ },
+ sendToBack: function() {
+ var owner = this._getOwner();
+ return owner ? owner._insertItem(0, this) : null;
+ },
+ bringToFront: function() {
+ var owner = this._getOwner();
+ return owner ? owner._insertItem(undefined, this) : null;
+ },
+ appendTop: '#addChild',
+ appendBottom: function(item) {
+ return this.insertChild(0, item);
+ },
+ moveAbove: '#insertAbove',
+ moveBelow: '#insertBelow',
+ addTo: function(owner) {
+ return owner._insertItem(undefined, this);
+ },
+ copyTo: function(owner) {
+ return this.clone(false).addTo(owner);
+ },
+ reduce: function(options) {
+ var children = this._children;
+ if (children && children.length === 1) {
+ var child = children[0].reduce(options);
+ if (this._parent) {
+ child.insertAbove(this);
+ this.remove();
+ } else {
+ child.remove();
+ }
+ return child;
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ _removeNamed: function() {
+ var owner = this._getOwner();
+ if (owner) {
+ var children = owner._children,
+ namedChildren = owner._namedChildren,
+ name = this._name,
+ namedArray = namedChildren[name],
+ index = namedArray ? namedArray.indexOf(this) : -1;
+ if (index !== -1) {
+ if (children[name] == this)
+ delete children[name];
+ namedArray.splice(index, 1);
+ if (namedArray.length) {
+ children[name] = namedArray[0];
+ } else {
+ delete namedChildren[name];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _remove: function(notifySelf, notifyParent) {
+ var owner = this._getOwner(),
+ project = this._project,
+ index = this._index;
+ if (this._style)
+ this._style._dispose();
+ if (owner) {
+ if (this._name)
+ this._removeNamed();
+ if (index != null) {
+ if (project._activeLayer === this)
+ project._activeLayer = this.getNextSibling()
+ || this.getPreviousSibling();
+ Base.splice(owner._children, null, index, 1);
+ }
+ this._installEvents(false);
+ if (notifySelf && project._changes)
+ this._changed(5);
+ if (notifyParent)
+ owner._changed(11, this);
+ this._parent = null;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ remove: function() {
+ return this._remove(true, true);
+ },
+ replaceWith: function(item) {
+ var ok = item && item.insertBelow(this);
+ if (ok)
+ this.remove();
+ return ok;
+ },
+ removeChildren: function(start, end) {
+ if (!this._children)
+ return null;
+ start = start || 0;
+ end = Base.pick(end, this._children.length);
+ var removed = Base.splice(this._children, null, start, end - start);
+ for (var i = removed.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ removed[i]._remove(true, false);
+ }
+ if (removed.length > 0)
+ this._changed(11);
+ return removed;
+ },
+ clear: '#removeChildren',
+ reverseChildren: function() {
+ if (this._children) {
+ this._children.reverse();
+ for (var i = 0, l = this._children.length; i < l; i++)
+ this._children[i]._index = i;
+ this._changed(11);
+ }
+ },
+ isEmpty: function(recursively) {
+ var children = this._children;
+ var numChildren = children ? children.length : 0;
+ if (recursively) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) {
+ if (!children[i].isEmpty(recursively)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ return !numChildren;
+ },
+ isEditable: function() {
+ var item = this;
+ while (item) {
+ if (!item._visible || item._locked)
+ return false;
+ item = item._parent;
+ }
+ return true;
+ },
+ hasFill: function() {
+ return this.getStyle().hasFill();
+ },
+ hasStroke: function() {
+ return this.getStyle().hasStroke();
+ },
+ hasShadow: function() {
+ return this.getStyle().hasShadow();
+ },
+ _getOrder: function(item) {
+ function getList(item) {
+ var list = [];
+ do {
+ list.unshift(item);
+ } while (item = item._parent);
+ return list;
+ }
+ var list1 = getList(this),
+ list2 = getList(item);
+ for (var i = 0, l = Math.min(list1.length, list2.length); i < l; i++) {
+ if (list1[i] != list2[i]) {
+ return list1[i]._index < list2[i]._index ? 1 : -1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ },
+ hasChildren: function() {
+ return this._children && this._children.length > 0;
+ },
+ isInserted: function() {
+ return this._parent ? this._parent.isInserted() : false;
+ },
+ isAbove: function(item) {
+ return this._getOrder(item) === -1;
+ },
+ isBelow: function(item) {
+ return this._getOrder(item) === 1;
+ },
+ isParent: function(item) {
+ return this._parent === item;
+ },
+ isChild: function(item) {
+ return item && item._parent === this;
+ },
+ isDescendant: function(item) {
+ var parent = this;
+ while (parent = parent._parent) {
+ if (parent === item)
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ isAncestor: function(item) {
+ return item ? item.isDescendant(this) : false;
+ },
+ isSibling: function(item) {
+ return this._parent === item._parent;
+ },
+ isGroupedWith: function(item) {
+ var parent = this._parent;
+ while (parent) {
+ if (parent._parent
+ && /^(Group|Layer|CompoundPath)$/.test(parent._class)
+ && item.isDescendant(parent))
+ return true;
+ parent = parent._parent;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+}, Base.each(['rotate', 'scale', 'shear', 'skew'], function(key) {
+ var rotate = key === 'rotate';
+ this[key] = function() {
+ var value = (rotate ? Base : Point).read(arguments),
+ center = Point.read(arguments, 0, { readNull: true });
+ return this.transform(new Matrix()[key](value,
+ center || this.getPosition(true)));
+ };
+}, {
+ translate: function() {
+ var mx = new Matrix();
+ return this.transform(mx.translate.apply(mx, arguments));
+ },
+ transform: function(matrix, _applyMatrix, _applyRecursively,
+ _setApplyMatrix) {
+ var _matrix = this._matrix,
+ transformMatrix = matrix && !matrix.isIdentity(),
+ applyMatrix = (_applyMatrix || this._applyMatrix)
+ && ((!_matrix.isIdentity() || transformMatrix)
+ || _applyMatrix && _applyRecursively && this._children);
+ if (!transformMatrix && !applyMatrix)
+ return this;
+ if (transformMatrix) {
+ if (!matrix.isInvertible() && _matrix.isInvertible())
+ _matrix._backup = _matrix.getValues();
+ _matrix.prepend(matrix, true);
+ var style = this._style,
+ fillColor = style.getFillColor(true),
+ strokeColor = style.getStrokeColor(true);
+ if (fillColor)
+ fillColor.transform(matrix);
+ if (strokeColor)
+ strokeColor.transform(matrix);
+ }
+ if (applyMatrix && (applyMatrix = this._transformContent(_matrix,
+ _applyRecursively, _setApplyMatrix))) {
+ var pivot = this._pivot;
+ if (pivot)
+ _matrix._transformPoint(pivot, pivot, true);
+ _matrix.reset(true);
+ if (_setApplyMatrix && this._canApplyMatrix)
+ this._applyMatrix = true;
+ }
+ var bounds = this._bounds,
+ position = this._position;
+ if (transformMatrix || applyMatrix) {
+ this._changed(25);
+ }
+ var decomp = transformMatrix && bounds && matrix.decompose();
+ if (decomp && decomp.skewing.isZero() && decomp.rotation % 90 === 0) {
+ for (var key in bounds) {
+ var cache = bounds[key];
+ if (cache.nonscaling) {
+ delete bounds[key];
+ } else if (applyMatrix || !cache.internal) {
+ var rect = cache.rect;
+ matrix._transformBounds(rect, rect);
+ }
+ }
+ this._bounds = bounds;
+ var cached = bounds[this._getBoundsCacheKey(
+ this._boundsOptions || {})];
+ if (cached) {
+ this._position = this._getPositionFromBounds(cached.rect);
+ }
+ } else if (transformMatrix && position && this._pivot) {
+ this._position = matrix._transformPoint(position, position);
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ _transformContent: function(matrix, applyRecursively, setApplyMatrix) {
+ var children = this._children;
+ if (children) {
+ for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++)
+ children[i].transform(matrix, true, applyRecursively,
+ setApplyMatrix);
+ return true;
+ }
+ },
+ globalToLocal: function() {
+ return this.getGlobalMatrix(true)._inverseTransform(
+ Point.read(arguments));
+ },
+ localToGlobal: function() {
+ return this.getGlobalMatrix(true)._transformPoint(
+ Point.read(arguments));
+ },
+ parentToLocal: function() {
+ return this._matrix._inverseTransform(Point.read(arguments));
+ },
+ localToParent: function() {
+ return this._matrix._transformPoint(Point.read(arguments));
+ },
+ fitBounds: function(rectangle, fill) {
+ rectangle = Rectangle.read(arguments);
+ var bounds = this.getBounds(),
+ itemRatio = bounds.height / bounds.width,
+ rectRatio = rectangle.height / rectangle.width,
+ scale = (fill ? itemRatio > rectRatio : itemRatio < rectRatio)
+ ? rectangle.width / bounds.width
+ : rectangle.height / bounds.height,
+ newBounds = new Rectangle(new Point(),
+ new Size(bounds.width * scale, bounds.height * scale));
+ newBounds.setCenter(rectangle.getCenter());
+ this.setBounds(newBounds);
+ }
+}), {
+ _setStyles: function(ctx, param, viewMatrix) {
+ var style = this._style,
+ matrix = this._matrix;
+ if (style.hasFill()) {
+ ctx.fillStyle = style.getFillColor().toCanvasStyle(ctx, matrix);
+ }
+ if (style.hasStroke()) {
+ ctx.strokeStyle = style.getStrokeColor().toCanvasStyle(ctx, matrix);
+ ctx.lineWidth = style.getStrokeWidth();
+ var strokeJoin = style.getStrokeJoin(),
+ strokeCap = style.getStrokeCap(),
+ miterLimit = style.getMiterLimit();
+ if (strokeJoin)
+ ctx.lineJoin = strokeJoin;
+ if (strokeCap)
+ ctx.lineCap = strokeCap;
+ if (miterLimit)
+ ctx.miterLimit = miterLimit;
+ if (paper.support.nativeDash) {
+ var dashArray = style.getDashArray(),
+ dashOffset = style.getDashOffset();
+ if (dashArray && dashArray.length) {
+ if ('setLineDash' in ctx) {
+ ctx.setLineDash(dashArray);
+ ctx.lineDashOffset = dashOffset;
+ } else {
+ ctx.mozDash = dashArray;
+ ctx.mozDashOffset = dashOffset;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (style.hasShadow()) {
+ var pixelRatio = param.pixelRatio || 1,
+ mx = viewMatrix._shiftless().prepend(
+ new Matrix().scale(pixelRatio, pixelRatio)),
+ blur = mx.transform(new Point(style.getShadowBlur(), 0)),
+ offset = mx.transform(this.getShadowOffset());
+ ctx.shadowColor = style.getShadowColor().toCanvasStyle(ctx);
+ ctx.shadowBlur = blur.getLength();
+ ctx.shadowOffsetX = offset.x;
+ ctx.shadowOffsetY = offset.y;
+ }
+ },
+ draw: function(ctx, param, parentStrokeMatrix) {
+ var updateVersion = this._updateVersion = this._project._updateVersion;
+ if (!this._visible || this._opacity === 0)
+ return;
+ var matrices = param.matrices,
+ viewMatrix = param.viewMatrix,
+ matrix = this._matrix,
+ globalMatrix = matrices[matrices.length - 1].appended(matrix);
+ if (!globalMatrix.isInvertible())
+ return;
+ viewMatrix = viewMatrix ? viewMatrix.appended(globalMatrix)
+ : globalMatrix;
+ matrices.push(globalMatrix);
+ if (param.updateMatrix) {
+ this._globalMatrix = globalMatrix;
+ }
+ var blendMode = this._blendMode,
+ opacity = this._opacity,
+ normalBlend = blendMode === 'normal',
+ nativeBlend = BlendMode.nativeModes[blendMode],
+ direct = normalBlend && opacity === 1
+ || param.dontStart
+ || param.clip
+ || (nativeBlend || normalBlend && opacity < 1)
+ && this._canComposite(),
+ pixelRatio = param.pixelRatio || 1,
+ mainCtx, itemOffset, prevOffset;
+ if (!direct) {
+ var bounds = this.getStrokeBounds(viewMatrix);
+ if (!bounds.width || !bounds.height) {
+ matrices.pop();
+ return;
+ }
+ prevOffset = param.offset;
+ itemOffset = param.offset = bounds.getTopLeft().floor();
+ mainCtx = ctx;
+ ctx = CanvasProvider.getContext(bounds.getSize().ceil().add(1)
+ .multiply(pixelRatio));
+ if (pixelRatio !== 1)
+ ctx.scale(pixelRatio, pixelRatio);
+ }
+ ctx.save();
+ var strokeMatrix = parentStrokeMatrix
+ ? parentStrokeMatrix.appended(matrix)
+ : this._canScaleStroke && !this.getStrokeScaling(true)
+ && viewMatrix,
+ clip = !direct && param.clipItem,
+ transform = !strokeMatrix || clip;
+ if (direct) {
+ ctx.globalAlpha = opacity;
+ if (nativeBlend)
+ ctx.globalCompositeOperation = blendMode;
+ } else if (transform) {
+ ctx.translate(-itemOffset.x, -itemOffset.y);
+ }
+ if (transform) {
+ (direct ? matrix : viewMatrix).applyToContext(ctx);
+ }
+ if (clip) {
+ param.clipItem.draw(ctx, param.extend({ clip: true }));
+ }
+ if (strokeMatrix) {
+ ctx.setTransform(pixelRatio, 0, 0, pixelRatio, 0, 0);
+ var offset = param.offset;
+ if (offset)
+ ctx.translate(-offset.x, -offset.y);
+ }
+ this._draw(ctx, param, viewMatrix, strokeMatrix);
+ ctx.restore();
+ matrices.pop();
+ if (param.clip && !param.dontFinish) {
+ ctx.clip(this.getFillRule());
+ }
+ if (!direct) {
+ BlendMode.process(blendMode, ctx, mainCtx, opacity,
+ itemOffset.subtract(prevOffset).multiply(pixelRatio));
+ CanvasProvider.release(ctx);
+ param.offset = prevOffset;
+ }
+ },
+ _isUpdated: function(updateVersion) {
+ var parent = this._parent;
+ if (parent instanceof CompoundPath)
+ return parent._isUpdated(updateVersion);
+ var updated = this._updateVersion === updateVersion;
+ if (!updated && parent && parent._visible
+ && parent._isUpdated(updateVersion)) {
+ this._updateVersion = updateVersion;
+ updated = true;
+ }
+ return updated;
+ },
+ _drawSelection: function(ctx, matrix, size, selectionItems, updateVersion) {
+ var selection = this._selection,
+ itemSelected = selection & 1,
+ boundsSelected = selection & 2
+ || itemSelected && this._selectBounds,
+ positionSelected = selection & 4;
+ if (!this._drawSelected)
+ itemSelected = false;
+ if ((itemSelected || boundsSelected || positionSelected)
+ && this._isUpdated(updateVersion)) {
+ var layer,
+ color = this.getSelectedColor(true) || (layer = this.getLayer())
+ && layer.getSelectedColor(true),
+ mx = matrix.appended(this.getGlobalMatrix(true)),
+ half = size / 2;
+ ctx.strokeStyle = ctx.fillStyle = color
+ ? color.toCanvasStyle(ctx) : '#009dec';
+ if (itemSelected)
+ this._drawSelected(ctx, mx, selectionItems);
+ if (positionSelected) {
+ var pos = this.getPosition(true),
+ parent = this._parent,
+ point = parent ? parent.localToGlobal(pos) : pos,
+ x = point.x,
+ y = point.y;
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ ctx.arc(x, y, half, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);
+ ctx.stroke();
+ var deltas = [[0, -1], [1, 0], [0, 1], [-1, 0]],
+ start = half,
+ end = size + 1;
+ for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ var delta = deltas[i],
+ dx = delta[0],
+ dy = delta[1];
+ ctx.moveTo(x + dx * start, y + dy * start);
+ ctx.lineTo(x + dx * end, y + dy * end);
+ ctx.stroke();
+ }
+ }
+ if (boundsSelected) {
+ var coords = mx._transformCorners(this.getInternalBounds());
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ ctx[!i ? 'moveTo' : 'lineTo'](coords[i], coords[++i]);
+ }
+ ctx.closePath();
+ ctx.stroke();
+ for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ ctx.fillRect(coords[i] - half, coords[++i] - half,
+ size, size);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _canComposite: function() {
+ return false;
+ }
+}, Base.each(['down', 'drag', 'up', 'move'], function(key) {
+ this['removeOn' + Base.capitalize(key)] = function() {
+ var hash = {};
+ hash[key] = true;
+ return this.removeOn(hash);
+ };
+}, {
+ removeOn: function(obj) {
+ for (var name in obj) {
+ if (obj[name]) {
+ var key = 'mouse' + name,
+ project = this._project,
+ sets = project._removeSets = project._removeSets || {};
+ sets[key] = sets[key] || {};
+ sets[key][this._id] = this;
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+}), {
+ tween: function(from, to, options) {
+ if (!options) {
+ options = to;
+ to = from;
+ from = null;
+ if (!options) {
+ options = to;
+ to = null;
+ }
+ }
+ var easing = options && options.easing,
+ start = options && options.start,
+ duration = options != null && (
+ typeof options === 'number' ? options : options.duration
+ ),
+ tween = new Tween(this, from, to, duration, easing, start);
+ function onFrame(event) {
+ tween._handleFrame(event.time * 1000);
+ if (!tween.running) {
+ this.off('frame', onFrame);
+ }
+ }
+ if (duration) {
+ this.on('frame', onFrame);
+ }
+ return tween;
+ },
+ tweenTo: function(to, options) {
+ return this.tween(null, to, options);
+ },
+ tweenFrom: function(from, options) {
+ return this.tween(from, null, options);
+ }
+var Group = Item.extend({
+ _class: 'Group',
+ _selectBounds: false,
+ _selectChildren: true,
+ _serializeFields: {
+ children: []
+ },
+ initialize: function Group(arg) {
+ this._children = [];
+ this._namedChildren = {};
+ if (!this._initialize(arg))
+ this.addChildren(Array.isArray(arg) ? arg : arguments);
+ },
+ _changed: function _changed(flags) {
+ _changed.base.call(this, flags);
+ if (flags & 2050) {
+ this._clipItem = undefined;
+ }
+ },
+ _getClipItem: function() {
+ var clipItem = this._clipItem;
+ if (clipItem === undefined) {
+ clipItem = null;
+ var children = this._children;
+ for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {
+ if (children[i]._clipMask) {
+ clipItem = children[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ this._clipItem = clipItem;
+ }
+ return clipItem;
+ },
+ isClipped: function() {
+ return !!this._getClipItem();
+ },
+ setClipped: function(clipped) {
+ var child = this.getFirstChild();
+ if (child)
+ child.setClipMask(clipped);
+ },
+ _getBounds: function _getBounds(matrix, options) {
+ var clipItem = this._getClipItem();
+ return clipItem
+ ? clipItem._getCachedBounds(clipItem._matrix.prepended(matrix),
+ Base.set({}, options, { stroke: false }))
+ : _getBounds.base.call(this, matrix, options);
+ },
+ _hitTestChildren: function _hitTestChildren(point, options, viewMatrix) {
+ var clipItem = this._getClipItem();
+ return (!clipItem || clipItem.contains(point))
+ && _hitTestChildren.base.call(this, point, options, viewMatrix,
+ clipItem);
+ },
+ _draw: function(ctx, param) {
+ var clip = param.clip,
+ clipItem = !clip && this._getClipItem();
+ param = param.extend({ clipItem: clipItem, clip: false });
+ if (clip) {
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ param.dontStart = param.dontFinish = true;
+ } else if (clipItem) {
+ clipItem.draw(ctx, param.extend({ clip: true }));
+ }
+ var children = this._children;
+ for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var item = children[i];
+ if (item !== clipItem)
+ item.draw(ctx, param);
+ }
+ }
+var Layer = Group.extend({
+ _class: 'Layer',
+ initialize: function Layer() {
+ Group.apply(this, arguments);
+ },
+ _getOwner: function() {
+ return this._parent || this._index != null && this._project;
+ },
+ isInserted: function isInserted() {
+ return this._parent ? isInserted.base.call(this) : this._index != null;
+ },
+ activate: function() {
+ this._project._activeLayer = this;
+ },
+ _hitTestSelf: function() {
+ }
+var Shape = Item.extend({
+ _class: 'Shape',
+ _applyMatrix: false,
+ _canApplyMatrix: false,
+ _canScaleStroke: true,
+ _serializeFields: {
+ type: null,
+ size: null,
+ radius: null
+ },
+ initialize: function Shape(props, point) {
+ this._initialize(props, point);
+ },
+ _equals: function(item) {
+ return this._type === item._type
+ && this._size.equals(item._size)
+ && Base.equals(this._radius, item._radius);
+ },
+ copyContent: function(source) {
+ this.setType(source._type);
+ this.setSize(source._size);
+ this.setRadius(source._radius);
+ },
+ getType: function() {
+ return this._type;
+ },
+ setType: function(type) {
+ this._type = type;
+ },
+ getShape: '#getType',
+ setShape: '#setType',
+ getSize: function() {
+ var size = this._size;
+ return new LinkedSize(size.width, size.height, this, 'setSize');
+ },
+ setSize: function() {
+ var size = Size.read(arguments);
+ if (!this._size) {
+ this._size = size.clone();
+ } else if (!this._size.equals(size)) {
+ var type = this._type,
+ width = size.width,
+ height = size.height;
+ if (type === 'rectangle') {
+ this._radius.set(Size.min(this._radius, size.divide(2)));
+ } else if (type === 'circle') {
+ width = height = (width + height) / 2;
+ this._radius = width / 2;
+ } else if (type === 'ellipse') {
+ this._radius._set(width / 2, height / 2);
+ }
+ this._size._set(width, height);
+ this._changed(9);
+ }
+ },
+ getRadius: function() {
+ var rad = this._radius;
+ return this._type === 'circle'
+ ? rad
+ : new LinkedSize(rad.width, rad.height, this, 'setRadius');
+ },
+ setRadius: function(radius) {
+ var type = this._type;
+ if (type === 'circle') {
+ if (radius === this._radius)
+ return;
+ var size = radius * 2;
+ this._radius = radius;
+ this._size._set(size, size);
+ } else {
+ radius = Size.read(arguments);
+ if (!this._radius) {
+ this._radius = radius.clone();
+ } else {
+ if (this._radius.equals(radius))
+ return;
+ this._radius.set(radius);
+ if (type === 'rectangle') {
+ var size = Size.max(this._size, radius.multiply(2));
+ this._size.set(size);
+ } else if (type === 'ellipse') {
+ this._size._set(radius.width * 2, radius.height * 2);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this._changed(9);
+ },
+ isEmpty: function() {
+ return false;
+ },
+ toPath: function(insert) {
+ var path = new Path[Base.capitalize(this._type)]({
+ center: new Point(),
+ size: this._size,
+ radius: this._radius,
+ insert: false
+ });
+ path.copyAttributes(this);
+ if (paper.settings.applyMatrix)
+ path.setApplyMatrix(true);
+ if (insert === undefined || insert)
+ path.insertAbove(this);
+ return path;
+ },
+ toShape: '#clone',
+ _asPathItem: function() {
+ return this.toPath(false);
+ },
+ _draw: function(ctx, param, viewMatrix, strokeMatrix) {
+ var style = this._style,
+ hasFill = style.hasFill(),
+ hasStroke = style.hasStroke(),
+ dontPaint = param.dontFinish || param.clip,
+ untransformed = !strokeMatrix;
+ if (hasFill || hasStroke || dontPaint) {
+ var type = this._type,
+ radius = this._radius,
+ isCircle = type === 'circle';
+ if (!param.dontStart)
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ if (untransformed && isCircle) {
+ ctx.arc(0, 0, radius, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);
+ } else {
+ var rx = isCircle ? radius : radius.width,
+ ry = isCircle ? radius : radius.height,
+ size = this._size,
+ width = size.width,
+ height = size.height;
+ if (untransformed && type === 'rectangle' && rx === 0 && ry === 0) {
+ ctx.rect(-width / 2, -height / 2, width, height);
+ } else {
+ var x = width / 2,
+ y = height / 2,
+ kappa = 1 - 0.5522847498307936,
+ cx = rx * kappa,
+ cy = ry * kappa,
+ c = [
+ -x, -y + ry,
+ -x, -y + cy,
+ -x + cx, -y,
+ -x + rx, -y,
+ x - rx, -y,
+ x - cx, -y,
+ x, -y + cy,
+ x, -y + ry,
+ x, y - ry,
+ x, y - cy,
+ x - cx, y,
+ x - rx, y,
+ -x + rx, y,
+ -x + cx, y,
+ -x, y - cy,
+ -x, y - ry
+ ];
+ if (strokeMatrix)
+ strokeMatrix.transform(c, c, 32);
+ ctx.moveTo(c[0], c[1]);
+ ctx.bezierCurveTo(c[2], c[3], c[4], c[5], c[6], c[7]);
+ if (x !== rx)
+ ctx.lineTo(c[8], c[9]);
+ ctx.bezierCurveTo(c[10], c[11], c[12], c[13], c[14], c[15]);
+ if (y !== ry)
+ ctx.lineTo(c[16], c[17]);
+ ctx.bezierCurveTo(c[18], c[19], c[20], c[21], c[22], c[23]);
+ if (x !== rx)
+ ctx.lineTo(c[24], c[25]);
+ ctx.bezierCurveTo(c[26], c[27], c[28], c[29], c[30], c[31]);
+ }
+ }
+ ctx.closePath();
+ }
+ if (!dontPaint && (hasFill || hasStroke)) {
+ this._setStyles(ctx, param, viewMatrix);
+ if (hasFill) {
+ ctx.fill(style.getFillRule());
+ ctx.shadowColor = 'rgba(0,0,0,0)';
+ }
+ if (hasStroke)
+ ctx.stroke();
+ }
+ },
+ _canComposite: function() {
+ return !(this.hasFill() && this.hasStroke());
+ },
+ _getBounds: function(matrix, options) {
+ var rect = new Rectangle(this._size).setCenter(0, 0),
+ style = this._style,
+ strokeWidth = options.stroke && style.hasStroke()
+ && style.getStrokeWidth();
+ if (matrix)
+ rect = matrix._transformBounds(rect);
+ return strokeWidth
+ ? rect.expand(Path._getStrokePadding(strokeWidth,
+ this._getStrokeMatrix(matrix, options)))
+ : rect;
+ }
+new function() {
+ function getCornerCenter(that, point, expand) {
+ var radius = that._radius;
+ if (!radius.isZero()) {
+ var halfSize = that._size.divide(2);
+ for (var q = 1; q <= 4; q++) {
+ var dir = new Point(q > 1 && q < 4 ? -1 : 1, q > 2 ? -1 : 1),
+ corner = dir.multiply(halfSize),
+ center = corner.subtract(dir.multiply(radius)),
+ rect = new Rectangle(
+ expand ? corner.add(dir.multiply(expand)) : corner,
+ center);
+ if (rect.contains(point))
+ return { point: center, quadrant: q };
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function isOnEllipseStroke(point, radius, padding, quadrant) {
+ var vector = point.divide(radius);
+ return (!quadrant || vector.isInQuadrant(quadrant)) &&
+ vector.subtract(vector.normalize()).multiply(radius)
+ .divide(padding).length <= 1;
+ }
+ return {
+ _contains: function _contains(point) {
+ if (this._type === 'rectangle') {
+ var center = getCornerCenter(this, point);
+ return center
+ ? point.subtract(center.point).divide(this._radius)
+ .getLength() <= 1
+ : _contains.base.call(this, point);
+ } else {
+ return point.divide(this.size).getLength() <= 0.5;
+ }
+ },
+ _hitTestSelf: function _hitTestSelf(point, options, viewMatrix,
+ strokeMatrix) {
+ var hit = false,
+ style = this._style,
+ hitStroke = options.stroke && style.hasStroke(),
+ hitFill = options.fill && style.hasFill();
+ if (hitStroke || hitFill) {
+ var type = this._type,
+ radius = this._radius,
+ strokeRadius = hitStroke ? style.getStrokeWidth() / 2 : 0,
+ strokePadding = options._tolerancePadding.add(
+ Path._getStrokePadding(strokeRadius,
+ !style.getStrokeScaling() && strokeMatrix));
+ if (type === 'rectangle') {
+ var padding = strokePadding.multiply(2),
+ center = getCornerCenter(this, point, padding);
+ if (center) {
+ hit = isOnEllipseStroke(point.subtract(center.point),
+ radius, strokePadding, center.quadrant);
+ } else {
+ var rect = new Rectangle(this._size).setCenter(0, 0),
+ outer = rect.expand(padding),
+ inner = rect.expand(padding.negate());
+ hit = outer._containsPoint(point)
+ && !inner._containsPoint(point);
+ }
+ } else {
+ hit = isOnEllipseStroke(point, radius, strokePadding);
+ }
+ }
+ return hit ? new HitResult(hitStroke ? 'stroke' : 'fill', this)
+ : _hitTestSelf.base.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ };
+}, {
+statics: new function() {
+ function createShape(type, point, size, radius, args) {
+ var item = new Shape(Base.getNamed(args), point);
+ item._type = type;
+ item._size = size;
+ item._radius = radius;
+ return item;
+ }
+ return {
+ Circle: function() {
+ var center = Point.readNamed(arguments, 'center'),
+ radius = Base.readNamed(arguments, 'radius');
+ return createShape('circle', center, new Size(radius * 2), radius,
+ arguments);
+ },
+ Rectangle: function() {
+ var rect = Rectangle.readNamed(arguments, 'rectangle'),
+ radius = Size.min(Size.readNamed(arguments, 'radius'),
+ rect.getSize(true).divide(2));
+ return createShape('rectangle', rect.getCenter(true),
+ rect.getSize(true), radius, arguments);
+ },
+ Ellipse: function() {
+ var ellipse = Shape._readEllipse(arguments),
+ radius = ellipse.radius;
+ return createShape('ellipse', ellipse.center, radius.multiply(2),
+ radius, arguments);
+ },
+ _readEllipse: function(args) {
+ var center,
+ radius;
+ if (Base.hasNamed(args, 'radius')) {
+ center = Point.readNamed(args, 'center');
+ radius = Size.readNamed(args, 'radius');
+ } else {
+ var rect = Rectangle.readNamed(args, 'rectangle');
+ center = rect.getCenter(true);
+ radius = rect.getSize(true).divide(2);
+ }
+ return { center: center, radius: radius };
+ }
+ };
+var Raster = Item.extend({
+}, {
+ _class: 'Raster',
+ _applyMatrix: false,
+ _canApplyMatrix: false,
+ _boundsOptions: { stroke: false, handle: false },
+ _serializeFields: {
+ crossOrigin: null,
+ source: null
+ },
+ _prioritize: ['crossOrigin'],
+ _smoothing: true,
+ beans: true,
+ initialize: function Raster(source, position) {
+ if (!this._initialize(source,
+ position !== undefined && Point.read(arguments))) {
+ var image,
+ type = typeof source,
+ object = type === 'string'
+ ? document.getElementById(source)
+ : type === 'object'
+ ? source
+ : null;
+ if (object && object !== Item.NO_INSERT) {
+ if (object.getContent || object.naturalHeight != null) {
+ image = object;
+ } else if (object) {
+ var size = Size.read(arguments);
+ if (!size.isZero()) {
+ image = CanvasProvider.getCanvas(size);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (image) {
+ this.setImage(image);
+ } else {
+ this.setSource(source);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!this._size) {
+ this._size = new Size();
+ this._loaded = false;
+ }
+ },
+ _equals: function(item) {
+ return this.getSource() === item.getSource();
+ },
+ copyContent: function(source) {
+ var image = source._image,
+ canvas = source._canvas;
+ if (image) {
+ this._setImage(image);
+ } else if (canvas) {
+ var copyCanvas = CanvasProvider.getCanvas(source._size);
+ copyCanvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(canvas, 0, 0);
+ this._setImage(copyCanvas);
+ }
+ this._crossOrigin = source._crossOrigin;
+ },
+ getSize: function() {
+ var size = this._size;
+ return new LinkedSize(size ? size.width : 0, size ? size.height : 0,
+ this, 'setSize');
+ },
+ setSize: function() {
+ var size = Size.read(arguments);
+ if (!size.equals(this._size)) {
+ if (size.width > 0 && size.height > 0) {
+ var element = this.getElement();
+ this._setImage(CanvasProvider.getCanvas(size));
+ if (element)
+ this.getContext(true).drawImage(element, 0, 0,
+ size.width, size.height);
+ } else {
+ if (this._canvas)
+ CanvasProvider.release(this._canvas);
+ this._size = size.clone();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ getWidth: function() {
+ return this._size ? this._size.width : 0;
+ },
+ setWidth: function(width) {
+ this.setSize(width, this.getHeight());
+ },
+ getHeight: function() {
+ return this._size ? this._size.height : 0;
+ },
+ setHeight: function(height) {
+ this.setSize(this.getWidth(), height);
+ },
+ getLoaded: function() {
+ return this._loaded;
+ },
+ isEmpty: function() {
+ var size = this._size;
+ return !size || size.width === 0 && size.height === 0;
+ },
+ getResolution: function() {
+ var matrix = this._matrix,
+ orig = new Point(0, 0).transform(matrix),
+ u = new Point(1, 0).transform(matrix).subtract(orig),
+ v = new Point(0, 1).transform(matrix).subtract(orig);
+ return new Size(
+ 72 / u.getLength(),
+ 72 / v.getLength()
+ );
+ },
+ getPpi: '#getResolution',
+ getImage: function() {
+ return this._image;
+ },
+ setImage: function(image) {
+ var that = this;
+ function emit(event) {
+ var view = that.getView(),
+ type = event && event.type || 'load';
+ if (view && that.responds(type)) {
+ paper = view._scope;
+ that.emit(type, new Event(event));
+ }
+ }
+ this._setImage(image);
+ if (this._loaded) {
+ setTimeout(emit, 0);
+ } else if (image) {
+ DomEvent.add(image, {
+ load: function(event) {
+ that._setImage(image);
+ emit(event);
+ },
+ error: emit
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ _setImage: function(image) {
+ if (this._canvas)
+ CanvasProvider.release(this._canvas);
+ if (image && image.getContext) {
+ this._image = null;
+ this._canvas = image;
+ this._loaded = true;
+ } else {
+ this._image = image;
+ this._canvas = null;
+ this._loaded = !!(image && image.src && image.complete);
+ }
+ this._size = new Size(
+ image ? image.naturalWidth || image.width : 0,
+ image ? image.naturalHeight || image.height : 0);
+ this._context = null;
+ this._changed(1033);
+ },
+ getCanvas: function() {
+ if (!this._canvas) {
+ var ctx = CanvasProvider.getContext(this._size);
+ try {
+ if (this._image)
+ ctx.drawImage(this._image, 0, 0);
+ this._canvas = ctx.canvas;
+ } catch (e) {
+ CanvasProvider.release(ctx);
+ }
+ }
+ return this._canvas;
+ },
+ setCanvas: '#setImage',
+ getContext: function(_change) {
+ if (!this._context)
+ this._context = this.getCanvas().getContext('2d');
+ if (_change) {
+ this._image = null;
+ this._changed(1025);
+ }
+ return this._context;
+ },
+ setContext: function(context) {
+ this._context = context;
+ },
+ getSource: function() {
+ var image = this._image;
+ return image && image.src || this.toDataURL();
+ },
+ setSource: function(src) {
+ var image = new self.Image(),
+ crossOrigin = this._crossOrigin;
+ if (crossOrigin)
+ image.crossOrigin = crossOrigin;
+ if (src)
+ image.src = src;
+ this.setImage(image);
+ },
+ getCrossOrigin: function() {
+ var image = this._image;
+ return image && image.crossOrigin || this._crossOrigin || '';
+ },
+ setCrossOrigin: function(crossOrigin) {
+ this._crossOrigin = crossOrigin;
+ var image = this._image;
+ if (image)
+ image.crossOrigin = crossOrigin;
+ },
+ getSmoothing: function() {
+ return this._smoothing;
+ },
+ setSmoothing: function(smoothing) {
+ this._smoothing = smoothing;
+ this._changed(257);
+ },
+ getElement: function() {
+ return this._canvas || this._loaded && this._image;
+ }
+}, {
+ beans: false,
+ getSubCanvas: function() {
+ var rect = Rectangle.read(arguments),
+ ctx = CanvasProvider.getContext(rect.getSize());
+ ctx.drawImage(this.getCanvas(), rect.x, rect.y,
+ rect.width, rect.height, 0, 0, rect.width, rect.height);
+ return ctx.canvas;
+ },
+ getSubRaster: function() {
+ var rect = Rectangle.read(arguments),
+ raster = new Raster(Item.NO_INSERT);
+ raster._setImage(this.getSubCanvas(rect));
+ raster.translate(rect.getCenter().subtract(this.getSize().divide(2)));
+ raster._matrix.prepend(this._matrix);
+ raster.insertAbove(this);
+ return raster;
+ },
+ toDataURL: function() {
+ var image = this._image,
+ src = image && image.src;
+ if (/^data:/.test(src))
+ return src;
+ var canvas = this.getCanvas();
+ return canvas ? canvas.toDataURL.apply(canvas, arguments) : null;
+ },
+ drawImage: function(image ) {
+ var point = Point.read(arguments, 1);
+ this.getContext(true).drawImage(image, point.x, point.y);
+ },
+ getAverageColor: function(object) {
+ var bounds, path;
+ if (!object) {
+ bounds = this.getBounds();
+ } else if (object instanceof PathItem) {
+ path = object;
+ bounds = object.getBounds();
+ } else if (typeof object === 'object') {
+ if ('width' in object) {
+ bounds = new Rectangle(object);
+ } else if ('x' in object) {
+ bounds = new Rectangle(object.x - 0.5, object.y - 0.5, 1, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!bounds)
+ return null;
+ var sampleSize = 32,
+ width = Math.min(bounds.width, sampleSize),
+ height = Math.min(bounds.height, sampleSize);
+ var ctx = Raster._sampleContext;
+ if (!ctx) {
+ ctx = Raster._sampleContext = CanvasProvider.getContext(
+ new Size(sampleSize));
+ } else {
+ ctx.clearRect(0, 0, sampleSize + 1, sampleSize + 1);
+ }
+ ctx.save();
+ var matrix = new Matrix()
+ .scale(width / bounds.width, height / bounds.height)
+ .translate(-bounds.x, -bounds.y);
+ matrix.applyToContext(ctx);
+ if (path)
+ path.draw(ctx, new Base({ clip: true, matrices: [matrix] }));
+ this._matrix.applyToContext(ctx);
+ var element = this.getElement(),
+ size = this._size;
+ if (element)
+ ctx.drawImage(element, -size.width / 2, -size.height / 2);
+ ctx.restore();
+ var pixels = ctx.getImageData(0.5, 0.5, Math.ceil(width),
+ Math.ceil(height)).data,
+ channels = [0, 0, 0],
+ total = 0;
+ for (var i = 0, l = pixels.length; i < l; i += 4) {
+ var alpha = pixels[i + 3];
+ total += alpha;
+ alpha /= 255;
+ channels[0] += pixels[i] * alpha;
+ channels[1] += pixels[i + 1] * alpha;
+ channels[2] += pixels[i + 2] * alpha;
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ channels[i] /= total;
+ return total ? Color.read(channels) : null;
+ },
+ getPixel: function() {
+ var point = Point.read(arguments);
+ var data = this.getContext().getImageData(point.x, point.y, 1, 1).data;
+ return new Color('rgb', [data[0] / 255, data[1] / 255, data[2] / 255],
+ data[3] / 255);
+ },
+ setPixel: function() {
+ var point = Point.read(arguments),
+ color = Color.read(arguments),
+ components = color._convert('rgb'),
+ alpha = color._alpha,
+ ctx = this.getContext(true),
+ imageData = ctx.createImageData(1, 1),
+ data = imageData.data;
+ data[0] = components[0] * 255;
+ data[1] = components[1] * 255;
+ data[2] = components[2] * 255;
+ data[3] = alpha != null ? alpha * 255 : 255;
+ ctx.putImageData(imageData, point.x, point.y);
+ },
+ clear: function() {
+ var size = this._size;
+ this.getContext(true).clearRect(0, 0, size.width + 1, size.height + 1);
+ },
+ createImageData: function() {
+ var size = Size.read(arguments);
+ return this.getContext().createImageData(size.width, size.height);
+ },
+ getImageData: function() {
+ var rect = Rectangle.read(arguments);
+ if (rect.isEmpty())
+ rect = new Rectangle(this._size);
+ return this.getContext().getImageData(rect.x, rect.y,
+ rect.width, rect.height);
+ },
+ setImageData: function(data ) {
+ var point = Point.read(arguments, 1);
+ this.getContext(true).putImageData(data, point.x, point.y);
+ },
+ _getBounds: function(matrix, options) {
+ var rect = new Rectangle(this._size).setCenter(0, 0);
+ return matrix ? matrix._transformBounds(rect) : rect;
+ },
+ _hitTestSelf: function(point) {
+ if (this._contains(point)) {
+ var that = this;
+ return new HitResult('pixel', that, {
+ offset: point.add(that._size.divide(2)).round(),
+ color: {
+ get: function() {
+ return that.getPixel(this.offset);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ _draw: function(ctx, param, viewMatrix) {
+ var element = this.getElement();
+ if (element && element.width > 0 && element.height > 0) {
+ ctx.globalAlpha = this._opacity;
+ this._setStyles(ctx, param, viewMatrix);
+ DomElement.setPrefixed(
+ ctx, 'imageSmoothingEnabled', this._smoothing
+ );
+ ctx.drawImage(element,
+ -this._size.width / 2, -this._size.height / 2);
+ }
+ },
+ _canComposite: function() {
+ return true;
+ }
+var SymbolItem = Item.extend({
+ _class: 'SymbolItem',
+ _applyMatrix: false,
+ _canApplyMatrix: false,
+ _boundsOptions: { stroke: true },
+ _serializeFields: {
+ symbol: null
+ },
+ initialize: function SymbolItem(arg0, arg1) {
+ if (!this._initialize(arg0,
+ arg1 !== undefined && Point.read(arguments, 1)))
+ this.setDefinition(arg0 instanceof SymbolDefinition ?
+ arg0 : new SymbolDefinition(arg0));
+ },
+ _equals: function(item) {
+ return this._definition === item._definition;
+ },
+ copyContent: function(source) {
+ this.setDefinition(source._definition);
+ },
+ getDefinition: function() {
+ return this._definition;
+ },
+ setDefinition: function(definition) {
+ this._definition = definition;
+ this._changed(9);
+ },
+ getSymbol: '#getDefinition',
+ setSymbol: '#setDefinition',
+ isEmpty: function() {
+ return this._definition._item.isEmpty();
+ },
+ _getBounds: function(matrix, options) {
+ var item = this._definition._item;
+ return item._getCachedBounds(item._matrix.prepended(matrix), options);
+ },
+ _hitTestSelf: function(point, options, viewMatrix) {
+ var res = this._definition._item._hitTest(point, options, viewMatrix);
+ if (res)
+ res.item = this;
+ return res;
+ },
+ _draw: function(ctx, param) {
+ this._definition._item.draw(ctx, param);
+ }
+var SymbolDefinition = Base.extend({
+ _class: 'SymbolDefinition',
+ initialize: function SymbolDefinition(item, dontCenter) {
+ this._id = UID.get();
+ this.project = paper.project;
+ if (item)
+ this.setItem(item, dontCenter);
+ },
+ _serialize: function(options, dictionary) {
+ return dictionary.add(this, function() {
+ return Base.serialize([this._class, this._item],
+ options, false, dictionary);
+ });
+ },
+ _changed: function(flags) {
+ if (flags & 8)
+ Item._clearBoundsCache(this);
+ if (flags & 1)
+ this.project._changed(flags);
+ },
+ getItem: function() {
+ return this._item;
+ },
+ setItem: function(item, _dontCenter) {
+ if (item._symbol)
+ item = item.clone();
+ if (this._item)
+ this._item._symbol = null;
+ this._item = item;
+ item.remove();
+ item.setSelected(false);
+ if (!_dontCenter)
+ item.setPosition(new Point());
+ item._symbol = this;
+ this._changed(9);
+ },
+ getDefinition: '#getItem',
+ setDefinition: '#setItem',
+ place: function(position) {
+ return new SymbolItem(this, position);
+ },
+ clone: function() {
+ return new SymbolDefinition(this._item.clone(false));
+ },
+ equals: function(symbol) {
+ return symbol === this
+ || symbol && this._item.equals(symbol._item)
+ || false;
+ }
+var HitResult = Base.extend({
+ _class: 'HitResult',
+ initialize: function HitResult(type, item, values) {
+ this.type = type;
+ this.item = item;
+ if (values)
+ this.inject(values);
+ },
+ statics: {
+ getOptions: function(args) {
+ var options = args && Base.read(args);
+ return Base.set({
+ type: null,
+ tolerance: paper.settings.hitTolerance,
+ fill: !options,
+ stroke: !options,
+ segments: !options,
+ handles: false,
+ ends: false,
+ position: false,
+ center: false,
+ bounds: false,
+ guides: false,
+ selected: false
+ }, options);
+ }
+ }
+var Segment = Base.extend({
+ _class: 'Segment',
+ beans: true,
+ _selection: 0,
+ initialize: function Segment(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) {
+ var count = arguments.length,
+ point, handleIn, handleOut, selection;
+ if (count > 0) {
+ if (arg0 == null || typeof arg0 === 'object') {
+ if (count === 1 && arg0 && 'point' in arg0) {
+ point = arg0.point;
+ handleIn = arg0.handleIn;
+ handleOut = arg0.handleOut;
+ selection = arg0.selection;
+ } else {
+ point = arg0;
+ handleIn = arg1;
+ handleOut = arg2;
+ selection = arg3;
+ }
+ } else {
+ point = [ arg0, arg1 ];
+ handleIn = arg2 !== undefined ? [ arg2, arg3 ] : null;
+ handleOut = arg4 !== undefined ? [ arg4, arg5 ] : null;
+ }
+ }
+ new SegmentPoint(point, this, '_point');
+ new SegmentPoint(handleIn, this, '_handleIn');
+ new SegmentPoint(handleOut, this, '_handleOut');
+ if (selection)
+ this.setSelection(selection);
+ },
+ _serialize: function(options, dictionary) {
+ var point = this._point,
+ selection = this._selection,
+ obj = selection || this.hasHandles()
+ ? [point, this._handleIn, this._handleOut]
+ : point;
+ if (selection)
+ obj.push(selection);
+ return Base.serialize(obj, options, true, dictionary);
+ },
+ _changed: function(point) {
+ var path = this._path;
+ if (!path)
+ return;
+ var curves = path._curves,
+ index = this._index,
+ curve;
+ if (curves) {
+ if ((!point || point === this._point || point === this._handleIn)
+ && (curve = index > 0 ? curves[index - 1] : path._closed
+ ? curves[curves.length - 1] : null))
+ curve._changed();
+ if ((!point || point === this._point || point === this._handleOut)
+ && (curve = curves[index]))
+ curve._changed();
+ }
+ path._changed(41);
+ },
+ getPoint: function() {
+ return this._point;
+ },
+ setPoint: function() {
+ this._point.set(Point.read(arguments));
+ },
+ getHandleIn: function() {
+ return this._handleIn;
+ },
+ setHandleIn: function() {
+ this._handleIn.set(Point.read(arguments));
+ },
+ getHandleOut: function() {
+ return this._handleOut;
+ },
+ setHandleOut: function() {
+ this._handleOut.set(Point.read(arguments));
+ },
+ hasHandles: function() {
+ return !this._handleIn.isZero() || !this._handleOut.isZero();
+ },
+ isSmooth: function() {
+ var handleIn = this._handleIn,
+ handleOut = this._handleOut;
+ return !handleIn.isZero() && !handleOut.isZero()
+ && handleIn.isCollinear(handleOut);
+ },
+ clearHandles: function() {
+ this._handleIn._set(0, 0);
+ this._handleOut._set(0, 0);
+ },
+ getSelection: function() {
+ return this._selection;
+ },
+ setSelection: function(selection) {
+ var oldSelection = this._selection,
+ path = this._path;
+ this._selection = selection = selection || 0;
+ if (path && selection !== oldSelection) {
+ path._updateSelection(this, oldSelection, selection);
+ path._changed(257);
+ }
+ },
+ _changeSelection: function(flag, selected) {
+ var selection = this._selection;
+ this.setSelection(selected ? selection | flag : selection & ~flag);
+ },
+ isSelected: function() {
+ return !!(this._selection & 7);
+ },
+ setSelected: function(selected) {
+ this._changeSelection(7, selected);
+ },
+ getIndex: function() {
+ return this._index !== undefined ? this._index : null;
+ },
+ getPath: function() {
+ return this._path || null;
+ },
+ getCurve: function() {
+ var path = this._path,
+ index = this._index;
+ if (path) {
+ if (index > 0 && !path._closed
+ && index === path._segments.length - 1)
+ index--;
+ return path.getCurves()[index] || null;
+ }
+ return null;
+ },
+ getLocation: function() {
+ var curve = this.getCurve();
+ return curve
+ ? new CurveLocation(curve, this === curve._segment1 ? 0 : 1)
+ : null;
+ },
+ getNext: function() {
+ var segments = this._path && this._path._segments;
+ return segments && (segments[this._index + 1]
+ || this._path._closed && segments[0]) || null;
+ },
+ smooth: function(options, _first, _last) {
+ var opts = options || {},
+ type = opts.type,
+ factor = opts.factor,
+ prev = this.getPrevious(),
+ next = this.getNext(),
+ p0 = (prev || this)._point,
+ p1 = this._point,
+ p2 = (next || this)._point,
+ d1 = p0.getDistance(p1),
+ d2 = p1.getDistance(p2);
+ if (!type || type === 'catmull-rom') {
+ var a = factor === undefined ? 0.5 : factor,
+ d1_a = Math.pow(d1, a),
+ d1_2a = d1_a * d1_a,
+ d2_a = Math.pow(d2, a),
+ d2_2a = d2_a * d2_a;
+ if (!_first && prev) {
+ var A = 2 * d2_2a + 3 * d2_a * d1_a + d1_2a,
+ N = 3 * d2_a * (d2_a + d1_a);
+ this.setHandleIn(N !== 0
+ ? new Point(
+ (d2_2a * p0._x + A * p1._x - d1_2a * p2._x) / N - p1._x,
+ (d2_2a * p0._y + A * p1._y - d1_2a * p2._y) / N - p1._y)
+ : new Point());
+ }
+ if (!_last && next) {
+ var A = 2 * d1_2a + 3 * d1_a * d2_a + d2_2a,
+ N = 3 * d1_a * (d1_a + d2_a);
+ this.setHandleOut(N !== 0
+ ? new Point(
+ (d1_2a * p2._x + A * p1._x - d2_2a * p0._x) / N - p1._x,
+ (d1_2a * p2._y + A * p1._y - d2_2a * p0._y) / N - p1._y)
+ : new Point());
+ }
+ } else if (type === 'geometric') {
+ if (prev && next) {
+ var vector = p0.subtract(p2),
+ t = factor === undefined ? 0.4 : factor,
+ k = t * d1 / (d1 + d2);
+ if (!_first)
+ this.setHandleIn(vector.multiply(k));
+ if (!_last)
+ this.setHandleOut(vector.multiply(k - t));
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw new Error('Smoothing method \'' + type + '\' not supported.');
+ }
+ },
+ getPrevious: function() {
+ var segments = this._path && this._path._segments;
+ return segments && (segments[this._index - 1]
+ || this._path._closed && segments[segments.length - 1]) || null;
+ },
+ isFirst: function() {
+ return !this._index;
+ },
+ isLast: function() {
+ var path = this._path;
+ return path && this._index === path._segments.length - 1 || false;
+ },
+ reverse: function() {
+ var handleIn = this._handleIn,
+ handleOut = this._handleOut,
+ tmp = handleIn.clone();
+ handleIn.set(handleOut);
+ handleOut.set(tmp);
+ },
+ reversed: function() {
+ return new Segment(this._point, this._handleOut, this._handleIn);
+ },
+ remove: function() {
+ return this._path ? !!this._path.removeSegment(this._index) : false;
+ },
+ clone: function() {
+ return new Segment(this._point, this._handleIn, this._handleOut);
+ },
+ equals: function(segment) {
+ return segment === this || segment && this._class === segment._class
+ && this._point.equals(segment._point)
+ && this._handleIn.equals(segment._handleIn)
+ && this._handleOut.equals(segment._handleOut)
+ || false;
+ },
+ toString: function() {
+ var parts = [ 'point: ' + this._point ];
+ if (!this._handleIn.isZero())
+ parts.push('handleIn: ' + this._handleIn);
+ if (!this._handleOut.isZero())
+ parts.push('handleOut: ' + this._handleOut);
+ return '{ ' + parts.join(', ') + ' }';
+ },
+ transform: function(matrix) {
+ this._transformCoordinates(matrix, new Array(6), true);
+ this._changed();
+ },
+ interpolate: function(from, to, factor) {
+ var u = 1 - factor,
+ v = factor,
+ point1 = from._point,
+ point2 = to._point,
+ handleIn1 = from._handleIn,
+ handleIn2 = to._handleIn,
+ handleOut2 = to._handleOut,
+ handleOut1 = from._handleOut;
+ this._point._set(
+ u * point1._x + v * point2._x,
+ u * point1._y + v * point2._y, true);
+ this._handleIn._set(
+ u * handleIn1._x + v * handleIn2._x,
+ u * handleIn1._y + v * handleIn2._y, true);
+ this._handleOut._set(
+ u * handleOut1._x + v * handleOut2._x,
+ u * handleOut1._y + v * handleOut2._y, true);
+ this._changed();
+ },
+ _transformCoordinates: function(matrix, coords, change) {
+ var point = this._point,
+ handleIn = !change || !this._handleIn.isZero()
+ ? this._handleIn : null,
+ handleOut = !change || !this._handleOut.isZero()
+ ? this._handleOut : null,
+ x = point._x,
+ y = point._y,
+ i = 2;
+ coords[0] = x;
+ coords[1] = y;
+ if (handleIn) {
+ coords[i++] = handleIn._x + x;
+ coords[i++] = handleIn._y + y;
+ }
+ if (handleOut) {
+ coords[i++] = handleOut._x + x;
+ coords[i++] = handleOut._y + y;
+ }
+ if (matrix) {
+ matrix._transformCoordinates(coords, coords, i / 2);
+ x = coords[0];
+ y = coords[1];
+ if (change) {
+ point._x = x;
+ point._y = y;
+ i = 2;
+ if (handleIn) {
+ handleIn._x = coords[i++] - x;
+ handleIn._y = coords[i++] - y;
+ }
+ if (handleOut) {
+ handleOut._x = coords[i++] - x;
+ handleOut._y = coords[i++] - y;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!handleIn) {
+ coords[i++] = x;
+ coords[i++] = y;
+ }
+ if (!handleOut) {
+ coords[i++] = x;
+ coords[i++] = y;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return coords;
+ }
+var SegmentPoint = Point.extend({
+ initialize: function SegmentPoint(point, owner, key) {
+ var x, y,
+ selected;
+ if (!point) {
+ x = y = 0;
+ } else if ((x = point[0]) !== undefined) {
+ y = point[1];
+ } else {
+ var pt = point;
+ if ((x = pt.x) === undefined) {
+ pt = Point.read(arguments);
+ x = pt.x;
+ }
+ y = pt.y;
+ selected = pt.selected;
+ }
+ this._x = x;
+ this._y = y;
+ this._owner = owner;
+ owner[key] = this;
+ if (selected)
+ this.setSelected(true);
+ },
+ _set: function(x, y) {
+ this._x = x;
+ this._y = y;
+ this._owner._changed(this);
+ return this;
+ },
+ getX: function() {
+ return this._x;
+ },
+ setX: function(x) {
+ this._x = x;
+ this._owner._changed(this);
+ },
+ getY: function() {
+ return this._y;
+ },
+ setY: function(y) {
+ this._y = y;
+ this._owner._changed(this);
+ },
+ isZero: function() {
+ var isZero = Numerical.isZero;
+ return isZero(this._x) && isZero(this._y);
+ },
+ isSelected: function() {
+ return !!(this._owner._selection & this._getSelection());
+ },
+ setSelected: function(selected) {
+ this._owner._changeSelection(this._getSelection(), selected);
+ },
+ _getSelection: function() {
+ var owner = this._owner;
+ return this === owner._point ? 1
+ : this === owner._handleIn ? 2
+ : this === owner._handleOut ? 4
+ : 0;
+ }
+var Curve = Base.extend({
+ _class: 'Curve',
+ beans: true,
+ initialize: function Curve(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7) {
+ var count = arguments.length,
+ seg1, seg2,
+ point1, point2,
+ handle1, handle2;
+ if (count === 3) {
+ this._path = arg0;
+ seg1 = arg1;
+ seg2 = arg2;
+ } else if (!count) {
+ seg1 = new Segment();
+ seg2 = new Segment();
+ } else if (count === 1) {
+ if ('segment1' in arg0) {
+ seg1 = new Segment(arg0.segment1);
+ seg2 = new Segment(arg0.segment2);
+ } else if ('point1' in arg0) {
+ point1 = arg0.point1;
+ handle1 = arg0.handle1;
+ handle2 = arg0.handle2;
+ point2 = arg0.point2;
+ } else if (Array.isArray(arg0)) {
+ point1 = [arg0[0], arg0[1]];
+ point2 = [arg0[6], arg0[7]];
+ handle1 = [arg0[2] - arg0[0], arg0[3] - arg0[1]];
+ handle2 = [arg0[4] - arg0[6], arg0[5] - arg0[7]];
+ }
+ } else if (count === 2) {
+ seg1 = new Segment(arg0);
+ seg2 = new Segment(arg1);
+ } else if (count === 4) {
+ point1 = arg0;
+ handle1 = arg1;
+ handle2 = arg2;
+ point2 = arg3;
+ } else if (count === 8) {
+ point1 = [arg0, arg1];
+ point2 = [arg6, arg7];
+ handle1 = [arg2 - arg0, arg3 - arg1];
+ handle2 = [arg4 - arg6, arg5 - arg7];
+ }
+ this._segment1 = seg1 || new Segment(point1, null, handle1);
+ this._segment2 = seg2 || new Segment(point2, handle2, null);
+ },
+ _serialize: function(options, dictionary) {
+ return Base.serialize(this.hasHandles()
+ ? [this.getPoint1(), this.getHandle1(), this.getHandle2(),
+ this.getPoint2()]
+ : [this.getPoint1(), this.getPoint2()],
+ options, true, dictionary);
+ },
+ _changed: function() {
+ this._length = this._bounds = undefined;
+ },
+ clone: function() {
+ return new Curve(this._segment1, this._segment2);
+ },
+ toString: function() {
+ var parts = [ 'point1: ' + this._segment1._point ];
+ if (!this._segment1._handleOut.isZero())
+ parts.push('handle1: ' + this._segment1._handleOut);
+ if (!this._segment2._handleIn.isZero())
+ parts.push('handle2: ' + this._segment2._handleIn);
+ parts.push('point2: ' + this._segment2._point);
+ return '{ ' + parts.join(', ') + ' }';
+ },
+ classify: function() {
+ return Curve.classify(this.getValues());
+ },
+ remove: function() {
+ var removed = false;
+ if (this._path) {
+ var segment2 = this._segment2,
+ handleOut = segment2._handleOut;
+ removed = segment2.remove();
+ if (removed)
+ this._segment1._handleOut.set(handleOut);
+ }
+ return removed;
+ },
+ getPoint1: function() {
+ return this._segment1._point;
+ },
+ setPoint1: function() {
+ this._segment1._point.set(Point.read(arguments));
+ },
+ getPoint2: function() {
+ return this._segment2._point;
+ },
+ setPoint2: function() {
+ this._segment2._point.set(Point.read(arguments));
+ },
+ getHandle1: function() {
+ return this._segment1._handleOut;
+ },
+ setHandle1: function() {
+ this._segment1._handleOut.set(Point.read(arguments));
+ },
+ getHandle2: function() {
+ return this._segment2._handleIn;
+ },
+ setHandle2: function() {
+ this._segment2._handleIn.set(Point.read(arguments));
+ },
+ getSegment1: function() {
+ return this._segment1;
+ },
+ getSegment2: function() {
+ return this._segment2;
+ },
+ getPath: function() {
+ return this._path;
+ },
+ getIndex: function() {
+ return this._segment1._index;
+ },
+ getNext: function() {
+ var curves = this._path && this._path._curves;
+ return curves && (curves[this._segment1._index + 1]
+ || this._path._closed && curves[0]) || null;
+ },
+ getPrevious: function() {
+ var curves = this._path && this._path._curves;
+ return curves && (curves[this._segment1._index - 1]
+ || this._path._closed && curves[curves.length - 1]) || null;
+ },
+ isFirst: function() {
+ return !this._segment1._index;
+ },
+ isLast: function() {
+ var path = this._path;
+ return path && this._segment1._index === path._curves.length - 1
+ || false;
+ },
+ isSelected: function() {
+ return this.getPoint1().isSelected()
+ && this.getHandle1().isSelected()
+ && this.getHandle2().isSelected()
+ && this.getPoint2().isSelected();
+ },
+ setSelected: function(selected) {
+ this.getPoint1().setSelected(selected);
+ this.getHandle1().setSelected(selected);
+ this.getHandle2().setSelected(selected);
+ this.getPoint2().setSelected(selected);
+ },
+ getValues: function(matrix) {
+ return Curve.getValues(this._segment1, this._segment2, matrix);
+ },
+ getPoints: function() {
+ var coords = this.getValues(),
+ points = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < 8; i += 2)
+ points.push(new Point(coords[i], coords[i + 1]));
+ return points;
+ }
+}, {
+ getLength: function() {
+ if (this._length == null)
+ this._length = Curve.getLength(this.getValues(), 0, 1);
+ return this._length;
+ },
+ getArea: function() {
+ return Curve.getArea(this.getValues());
+ },
+ getLine: function() {
+ return new Line(this._segment1._point, this._segment2._point);
+ },
+ getPart: function(from, to) {
+ return new Curve(Curve.getPart(this.getValues(), from, to));
+ },
+ getPartLength: function(from, to) {
+ return Curve.getLength(this.getValues(), from, to);
+ },
+ divideAt: function(location) {
+ return this.divideAtTime(location && location.curve === this
+ ? location.time : this.getTimeAt(location));
+ },
+ divideAtTime: function(time, _setHandles) {
+ var tMin = 1e-8,
+ tMax = 1 - tMin,
+ res = null;
+ if (time >= tMin && time <= tMax) {
+ var parts = Curve.subdivide(this.getValues(), time),
+ left = parts[0],
+ right = parts[1],
+ setHandles = _setHandles || this.hasHandles(),
+ seg1 = this._segment1,
+ seg2 = this._segment2,
+ path = this._path;
+ if (setHandles) {
+ seg1._handleOut._set(left[2] - left[0], left[3] - left[1]);
+ seg2._handleIn._set(right[4] - right[6],right[5] - right[7]);
+ }
+ var x = left[6], y = left[7],
+ segment = new Segment(new Point(x, y),
+ setHandles && new Point(left[4] - x, left[5] - y),
+ setHandles && new Point(right[2] - x, right[3] - y));
+ if (path) {
+ path.insert(seg1._index + 1, segment);
+ res = this.getNext();
+ } else {
+ this._segment2 = segment;
+ this._changed();
+ res = new Curve(segment, seg2);
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ },
+ splitAt: function(location) {
+ var path = this._path;
+ return path ? path.splitAt(location) : null;
+ },
+ splitAtTime: function(time) {
+ return this.splitAt(this.getLocationAtTime(time));
+ },
+ divide: function(offset, isTime) {
+ return this.divideAtTime(offset === undefined ? 0.5 : isTime ? offset
+ : this.getTimeAt(offset));
+ },
+ split: function(offset, isTime) {
+ return this.splitAtTime(offset === undefined ? 0.5 : isTime ? offset
+ : this.getTimeAt(offset));
+ },
+ reversed: function() {
+ return new Curve(this._segment2.reversed(), this._segment1.reversed());
+ },
+ clearHandles: function() {
+ this._segment1._handleOut._set(0, 0);
+ this._segment2._handleIn._set(0, 0);
+ },
+statics: {
+ getValues: function(segment1, segment2, matrix, straight) {
+ var p1 = segment1._point,
+ h1 = segment1._handleOut,
+ h2 = segment2._handleIn,
+ p2 = segment2._point,
+ x1 = p1.x, y1 = p1.y,
+ x2 = p2.x, y2 = p2.y,
+ values = straight
+ ? [ x1, y1, x1, y1, x2, y2, x2, y2 ]
+ : [
+ x1, y1,
+ x1 + h1._x, y1 + h1._y,
+ x2 + h2._x, y2 + h2._y,
+ x2, y2
+ ];
+ if (matrix)
+ matrix._transformCoordinates(values, values, 4);
+ return values;
+ },
+ subdivide: function(v, t) {
+ var x0 = v[0], y0 = v[1],
+ x1 = v[2], y1 = v[3],
+ x2 = v[4], y2 = v[5],
+ x3 = v[6], y3 = v[7];
+ if (t === undefined)
+ t = 0.5;
+ var u = 1 - t,
+ x4 = u * x0 + t * x1, y4 = u * y0 + t * y1,
+ x5 = u * x1 + t * x2, y5 = u * y1 + t * y2,
+ x6 = u * x2 + t * x3, y6 = u * y2 + t * y3,
+ x7 = u * x4 + t * x5, y7 = u * y4 + t * y5,
+ x8 = u * x5 + t * x6, y8 = u * y5 + t * y6,
+ x9 = u * x7 + t * x8, y9 = u * y7 + t * y8;
+ return [
+ [x0, y0, x4, y4, x7, y7, x9, y9],
+ [x9, y9, x8, y8, x6, y6, x3, y3]
+ ];
+ },
+ getMonoCurves: function(v, dir) {
+ var curves = [],
+ io = dir ? 0 : 1,
+ o0 = v[io + 0],
+ o1 = v[io + 2],
+ o2 = v[io + 4],
+ o3 = v[io + 6];
+ if ((o0 >= o1) === (o1 >= o2) && (o1 >= o2) === (o2 >= o3)
+ || Curve.isStraight(v)) {
+ curves.push(v);
+ } else {
+ var a = 3 * (o1 - o2) - o0 + o3,
+ b = 2 * (o0 + o2) - 4 * o1,
+ c = o1 - o0,
+ tMin = 1e-8,
+ tMax = 1 - tMin,
+ roots = [],
+ n = Numerical.solveQuadratic(a, b, c, roots, tMin, tMax);
+ if (!n) {
+ curves.push(v);
+ } else {
+ roots.sort();
+ var t = roots[0],
+ parts = Curve.subdivide(v, t);
+ curves.push(parts[0]);
+ if (n > 1) {
+ t = (roots[1] - t) / (1 - t);
+ parts = Curve.subdivide(parts[1], t);
+ curves.push(parts[0]);
+ }
+ curves.push(parts[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ return curves;
+ },
+ solveCubic: function (v, coord, val, roots, min, max) {
+ var v0 = v[coord],
+ v1 = v[coord + 2],
+ v2 = v[coord + 4],
+ v3 = v[coord + 6],
+ res = 0;
+ if ( !(v0 < val && v3 < val && v1 < val && v2 < val ||
+ v0 > val && v3 > val && v1 > val && v2 > val)) {
+ var c = 3 * (v1 - v0),
+ b = 3 * (v2 - v1) - c,
+ a = v3 - v0 - c - b;
+ res = Numerical.solveCubic(a, b, c, v0 - val, roots, min, max);
+ }
+ return res;
+ },
+ getTimeOf: function(v, point) {
+ var p0 = new Point(v[0], v[1]),
+ p3 = new Point(v[6], v[7]),
+ epsilon = 1e-12,
+ geomEpsilon = 1e-7,
+ t = point.isClose(p0, epsilon) ? 0
+ : point.isClose(p3, epsilon) ? 1
+ : null;
+ if (t === null) {
+ var coords = [point.x, point.y],
+ roots = [];
+ for (var c = 0; c < 2; c++) {
+ var count = Curve.solveCubic(v, c, coords[c], roots, 0, 1);
+ for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ var u = roots[i];
+ if (point.isClose(Curve.getPoint(v, u), geomEpsilon))
+ return u;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return point.isClose(p0, geomEpsilon) ? 0
+ : point.isClose(p3, geomEpsilon) ? 1
+ : null;
+ },
+ getNearestTime: function(v, point) {
+ if (Curve.isStraight(v)) {
+ var x0 = v[0], y0 = v[1],
+ x3 = v[6], y3 = v[7],
+ vx = x3 - x0, vy = y3 - y0,
+ det = vx * vx + vy * vy;
+ if (det === 0)
+ return 0;
+ var u = ((point.x - x0) * vx + (point.y - y0) * vy) / det;
+ return u < 1e-12 ? 0
+ : u > 0.999999999999 ? 1
+ : Curve.getTimeOf(v,
+ new Point(x0 + u * vx, y0 + u * vy));
+ }
+ var count = 100,
+ minDist = Infinity,
+ minT = 0;
+ function refine(t) {
+ if (t >= 0 && t <= 1) {
+ var dist = point.getDistance(Curve.getPoint(v, t), true);
+ if (dist < minDist) {
+ minDist = dist;
+ minT = t;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i <= count; i++)
+ refine(i / count);
+ var step = 1 / (count * 2);
+ while (step > 1e-8) {
+ if (!refine(minT - step) && !refine(minT + step))
+ step /= 2;
+ }
+ return minT;
+ },
+ getPart: function(v, from, to) {
+ var flip = from > to;
+ if (flip) {
+ var tmp = from;
+ from = to;
+ to = tmp;
+ }
+ if (from > 0)
+ v = Curve.subdivide(v, from)[1];
+ if (to < 1)
+ v = Curve.subdivide(v, (to - from) / (1 - from))[0];
+ return flip
+ ? [v[6], v[7], v[4], v[5], v[2], v[3], v[0], v[1]]
+ : v;
+ },
+ isFlatEnough: function(v, flatness) {
+ var x0 = v[0], y0 = v[1],
+ x1 = v[2], y1 = v[3],
+ x2 = v[4], y2 = v[5],
+ x3 = v[6], y3 = v[7],
+ ux = 3 * x1 - 2 * x0 - x3,
+ uy = 3 * y1 - 2 * y0 - y3,
+ vx = 3 * x2 - 2 * x3 - x0,
+ vy = 3 * y2 - 2 * y3 - y0;
+ return Math.max(ux * ux, vx * vx) + Math.max(uy * uy, vy * vy)
+ <= 16 * flatness * flatness;
+ },
+ getArea: function(v) {
+ var x0 = v[0], y0 = v[1],
+ x1 = v[2], y1 = v[3],
+ x2 = v[4], y2 = v[5],
+ x3 = v[6], y3 = v[7];
+ return 3 * ((y3 - y0) * (x1 + x2) - (x3 - x0) * (y1 + y2)
+ + y1 * (x0 - x2) - x1 * (y0 - y2)
+ + y3 * (x2 + x0 / 3) - x3 * (y2 + y0 / 3)) / 20;
+ },
+ getBounds: function(v) {
+ var min = v.slice(0, 2),
+ max = min.slice(),
+ roots = [0, 0];
+ for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ Curve._addBounds(v[i], v[i + 2], v[i + 4], v[i + 6],
+ i, 0, min, max, roots);
+ return new Rectangle(min[0], min[1], max[0] - min[0], max[1] - min[1]);
+ },
+ _addBounds: function(v0, v1, v2, v3, coord, padding, min, max, roots) {
+ function add(value, padding) {
+ var left = value - padding,
+ right = value + padding;
+ if (left < min[coord])
+ min[coord] = left;
+ if (right > max[coord])
+ max[coord] = right;
+ }
+ padding /= 2;
+ var minPad = min[coord] - padding,
+ maxPad = max[coord] + padding;
+ if ( v0 < minPad || v1 < minPad || v2 < minPad || v3 < minPad ||
+ v0 > maxPad || v1 > maxPad || v2 > maxPad || v3 > maxPad) {
+ if (v1 < v0 != v1 < v3 && v2 < v0 != v2 < v3) {
+ add(v0, padding);
+ add(v3, padding);
+ } else {
+ var a = 3 * (v1 - v2) - v0 + v3,
+ b = 2 * (v0 + v2) - 4 * v1,
+ c = v1 - v0,
+ count = Numerical.solveQuadratic(a, b, c, roots),
+ tMin = 1e-8,
+ tMax = 1 - tMin;
+ add(v3, 0);
+ for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ var t = roots[i],
+ u = 1 - t;
+ if (tMin <= t && t <= tMax)
+ add(u * u * u * v0
+ + 3 * u * u * t * v1
+ + 3 * u * t * t * v2
+ + t * t * t * v3,
+ padding);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+}}, Base.each(
+ ['getBounds', 'getStrokeBounds', 'getHandleBounds'],
+ function(name) {
+ this[name] = function() {
+ if (!this._bounds)
+ this._bounds = {};
+ var bounds = this._bounds[name];
+ if (!bounds) {
+ bounds = this._bounds[name] = Path[name](
+ [this._segment1, this._segment2], false, this._path);
+ }
+ return bounds.clone();
+ };
+ },
+}), Base.each({
+ isStraight: function(p1, h1, h2, p2) {
+ if (h1.isZero() && h2.isZero()) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ var v = p2.subtract(p1);
+ if (v.isZero()) {
+ return false;
+ } else if (v.isCollinear(h1) && v.isCollinear(h2)) {
+ var l = new Line(p1, p2),
+ epsilon = 1e-7;
+ if (l.getDistance(p1.add(h1)) < epsilon &&
+ l.getDistance(p2.add(h2)) < epsilon) {
+ var div = v.dot(v),
+ s1 = v.dot(h1) / div,
+ s2 = v.dot(h2) / div;
+ return s1 >= 0 && s1 <= 1 && s2 <= 0 && s2 >= -1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ isLinear: function(p1, h1, h2, p2) {
+ var third = p2.subtract(p1).divide(3);
+ return h1.equals(third) && h2.negate().equals(third);
+ }
+}, function(test, name) {
+ this[name] = function(epsilon) {
+ var seg1 = this._segment1,
+ seg2 = this._segment2;
+ return test(seg1._point, seg1._handleOut, seg2._handleIn, seg2._point,
+ epsilon);
+ };
+ this.statics[name] = function(v, epsilon) {
+ var x0 = v[0], y0 = v[1],
+ x3 = v[6], y3 = v[7];
+ return test(
+ new Point(x0, y0),
+ new Point(v[2] - x0, v[3] - y0),
+ new Point(v[4] - x3, v[5] - y3),
+ new Point(x3, y3), epsilon);
+ };
+}, {
+ statics: {},
+ hasHandles: function() {
+ return !this._segment1._handleOut.isZero()
+ || !this._segment2._handleIn.isZero();
+ },
+ hasLength: function(epsilon) {
+ return (!this.getPoint1().equals(this.getPoint2()) || this.hasHandles())
+ && this.getLength() > (epsilon || 0);
+ },
+ isCollinear: function(curve) {
+ return curve && this.isStraight() && curve.isStraight()
+ && this.getLine().isCollinear(curve.getLine());
+ },
+ isHorizontal: function() {
+ return this.isStraight() && Math.abs(this.getTangentAtTime(0.5).y)
+ < 1e-8;
+ },
+ isVertical: function() {
+ return this.isStraight() && Math.abs(this.getTangentAtTime(0.5).x)
+ < 1e-8;
+ }
+}), {
+ beans: false,
+ getLocationAt: function(offset, _isTime) {
+ return this.getLocationAtTime(
+ _isTime ? offset : this.getTimeAt(offset));
+ },
+ getLocationAtTime: function(t) {
+ return t != null && t >= 0 && t <= 1
+ ? new CurveLocation(this, t)
+ : null;
+ },
+ getTimeAt: function(offset, start) {
+ return Curve.getTimeAt(this.getValues(), offset, start);
+ },
+ getParameterAt: '#getTimeAt',
+ getTimesWithTangent: function () {
+ var tangent = Point.read(arguments);
+ return tangent.isZero()
+ ? []
+ : Curve.getTimesWithTangent(this.getValues(), tangent);
+ },
+ getOffsetAtTime: function(t) {
+ return this.getPartLength(0, t);
+ },
+ getLocationOf: function() {
+ return this.getLocationAtTime(this.getTimeOf(Point.read(arguments)));
+ },
+ getOffsetOf: function() {
+ var loc = this.getLocationOf.apply(this, arguments);
+ return loc ? loc.getOffset() : null;
+ },
+ getTimeOf: function() {
+ return Curve.getTimeOf(this.getValues(), Point.read(arguments));
+ },
+ getParameterOf: '#getTimeOf',
+ getNearestLocation: function() {
+ var point = Point.read(arguments),
+ values = this.getValues(),
+ t = Curve.getNearestTime(values, point),
+ pt = Curve.getPoint(values, t);
+ return new CurveLocation(this, t, pt, null, point.getDistance(pt));
+ },
+ getNearestPoint: function() {
+ var loc = this.getNearestLocation.apply(this, arguments);
+ return loc ? loc.getPoint() : loc;
+ }
+new function() {
+ var methods = ['getPoint', 'getTangent', 'getNormal', 'getWeightedTangent',
+ 'getWeightedNormal', 'getCurvature'];
+ return Base.each(methods,
+ function(name) {
+ this[name + 'At'] = function(location, _isTime) {
+ var values = this.getValues();
+ return Curve[name](values, _isTime ? location
+ : Curve.getTimeAt(values, location));
+ };
+ this[name + 'AtTime'] = function(time) {
+ return Curve[name](this.getValues(), time);
+ };
+ }, {
+ statics: {
+ _evaluateMethods: methods
+ }
+ }
+ );
+new function() {
+ function getLengthIntegrand(v) {
+ var x0 = v[0], y0 = v[1],
+ x1 = v[2], y1 = v[3],
+ x2 = v[4], y2 = v[5],
+ x3 = v[6], y3 = v[7],
+ ax = 9 * (x1 - x2) + 3 * (x3 - x0),
+ bx = 6 * (x0 + x2) - 12 * x1,
+ cx = 3 * (x1 - x0),
+ ay = 9 * (y1 - y2) + 3 * (y3 - y0),
+ by = 6 * (y0 + y2) - 12 * y1,
+ cy = 3 * (y1 - y0);
+ return function(t) {
+ var dx = (ax * t + bx) * t + cx,
+ dy = (ay * t + by) * t + cy;
+ return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
+ };
+ }
+ function getIterations(a, b) {
+ return Math.max(2, Math.min(16, Math.ceil(Math.abs(b - a) * 32)));
+ }
+ function evaluate(v, t, type, normalized) {
+ if (t == null || t < 0 || t > 1)
+ return null;
+ var x0 = v[0], y0 = v[1],
+ x1 = v[2], y1 = v[3],
+ x2 = v[4], y2 = v[5],
+ x3 = v[6], y3 = v[7],
+ isZero = Numerical.isZero;
+ if (isZero(x1 - x0) && isZero(y1 - y0)) {
+ x1 = x0;
+ y1 = y0;
+ }
+ if (isZero(x2 - x3) && isZero(y2 - y3)) {
+ x2 = x3;
+ y2 = y3;
+ }
+ var cx = 3 * (x1 - x0),
+ bx = 3 * (x2 - x1) - cx,
+ ax = x3 - x0 - cx - bx,
+ cy = 3 * (y1 - y0),
+ by = 3 * (y2 - y1) - cy,
+ ay = y3 - y0 - cy - by,
+ x, y;
+ if (type === 0) {
+ x = t === 0 ? x0 : t === 1 ? x3
+ : ((ax * t + bx) * t + cx) * t + x0;
+ y = t === 0 ? y0 : t === 1 ? y3
+ : ((ay * t + by) * t + cy) * t + y0;
+ } else {
+ var tMin = 1e-8,
+ tMax = 1 - tMin;
+ if (t < tMin) {
+ x = cx;
+ y = cy;
+ } else if (t > tMax) {
+ x = 3 * (x3 - x2);
+ y = 3 * (y3 - y2);
+ } else {
+ x = (3 * ax * t + 2 * bx) * t + cx;
+ y = (3 * ay * t + 2 * by) * t + cy;
+ }
+ if (normalized) {
+ if (x === 0 && y === 0 && (t < tMin || t > tMax)) {
+ x = x2 - x1;
+ y = y2 - y1;
+ }
+ var len = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
+ if (len) {
+ x /= len;
+ y /= len;
+ }
+ }
+ if (type === 3) {
+ var x2 = 6 * ax * t + 2 * bx,
+ y2 = 6 * ay * t + 2 * by,
+ d = Math.pow(x * x + y * y, 3 / 2);
+ x = d !== 0 ? (x * y2 - y * x2) / d : 0;
+ y = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return type === 2 ? new Point(y, -x) : new Point(x, y);
+ }
+ return { statics: {
+ classify: function(v) {
+ var x0 = v[0], y0 = v[1],
+ x1 = v[2], y1 = v[3],
+ x2 = v[4], y2 = v[5],
+ x3 = v[6], y3 = v[7],
+ a1 = x0 * (y3 - y2) + y0 * (x2 - x3) + x3 * y2 - y3 * x2,
+ a2 = x1 * (y0 - y3) + y1 * (x3 - x0) + x0 * y3 - y0 * x3,
+ a3 = x2 * (y1 - y0) + y2 * (x0 - x1) + x1 * y0 - y1 * x0,
+ d3 = 3 * a3,
+ d2 = d3 - a2,
+ d1 = d2 - a2 + a1,
+ l = Math.sqrt(d1 * d1 + d2 * d2 + d3 * d3),
+ s = l !== 0 ? 1 / l : 0,
+ isZero = Numerical.isZero,
+ serpentine = 'serpentine';
+ d1 *= s;
+ d2 *= s;
+ d3 *= s;
+ function type(type, t1, t2) {
+ var hasRoots = t1 !== undefined,
+ t1Ok = hasRoots && t1 > 0 && t1 < 1,
+ t2Ok = hasRoots && t2 > 0 && t2 < 1;
+ if (hasRoots && (!(t1Ok || t2Ok)
+ || type === 'loop' && !(t1Ok && t2Ok))) {
+ type = 'arch';
+ t1Ok = t2Ok = false;
+ }
+ return {
+ type: type,
+ roots: t1Ok || t2Ok
+ ? t1Ok && t2Ok
+ ? t1 < t2 ? [t1, t2] : [t2, t1]
+ : [t1Ok ? t1 : t2]
+ : null
+ };
+ }
+ if (isZero(d1)) {
+ return isZero(d2)
+ ? type(isZero(d3) ? 'line' : 'quadratic')
+ : type(serpentine, d3 / (3 * d2));
+ }
+ var d = 3 * d2 * d2 - 4 * d1 * d3;
+ if (isZero(d)) {
+ return type('cusp', d2 / (2 * d1));
+ }
+ var f1 = d > 0 ? Math.sqrt(d / 3) : Math.sqrt(-d),
+ f2 = 2 * d1;
+ return type(d > 0 ? serpentine : 'loop',
+ (d2 + f1) / f2,
+ (d2 - f1) / f2);
+ },
+ getLength: function(v, a, b, ds) {
+ if (a === undefined)
+ a = 0;
+ if (b === undefined)
+ b = 1;
+ if (Curve.isStraight(v)) {
+ var c = v;
+ if (b < 1) {
+ c = Curve.subdivide(c, b)[0];
+ a /= b;
+ }
+ if (a > 0) {
+ c = Curve.subdivide(c, a)[1];
+ }
+ var dx = c[6] - c[0],
+ dy = c[7] - c[1];
+ return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
+ }
+ return Numerical.integrate(ds || getLengthIntegrand(v), a, b,
+ getIterations(a, b));
+ },
+ getTimeAt: function(v, offset, start) {
+ if (start === undefined)
+ start = offset < 0 ? 1 : 0;
+ if (offset === 0)
+ return start;
+ var abs = Math.abs,
+ epsilon = 1e-12,
+ forward = offset > 0,
+ a = forward ? start : 0,
+ b = forward ? 1 : start,
+ ds = getLengthIntegrand(v),
+ rangeLength = Curve.getLength(v, a, b, ds),
+ diff = abs(offset) - rangeLength;
+ if (abs(diff) < epsilon) {
+ return forward ? b : a;
+ } else if (diff > epsilon) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ var guess = offset / rangeLength,
+ length = 0;
+ function f(t) {
+ length += Numerical.integrate(ds, start, t,
+ getIterations(start, t));
+ start = t;
+ return length - offset;
+ }
+ return Numerical.findRoot(f, ds, start + guess, a, b, 32,
+ 1e-12);
+ },
+ getPoint: function(v, t) {
+ return evaluate(v, t, 0, false);
+ },
+ getTangent: function(v, t) {
+ return evaluate(v, t, 1, true);
+ },
+ getWeightedTangent: function(v, t) {
+ return evaluate(v, t, 1, false);
+ },
+ getNormal: function(v, t) {
+ return evaluate(v, t, 2, true);
+ },
+ getWeightedNormal: function(v, t) {
+ return evaluate(v, t, 2, false);
+ },
+ getCurvature: function(v, t) {
+ return evaluate(v, t, 3, false).x;
+ },
+ getPeaks: function(v) {
+ var x0 = v[0], y0 = v[1],
+ x1 = v[2], y1 = v[3],
+ x2 = v[4], y2 = v[5],
+ x3 = v[6], y3 = v[7],
+ ax = -x0 + 3 * x1 - 3 * x2 + x3,
+ bx = 3 * x0 - 6 * x1 + 3 * x2,
+ cx = -3 * x0 + 3 * x1,
+ ay = -y0 + 3 * y1 - 3 * y2 + y3,
+ by = 3 * y0 - 6 * y1 + 3 * y2,
+ cy = -3 * y0 + 3 * y1,
+ tMin = 1e-8,
+ tMax = 1 - tMin,
+ roots = [];
+ Numerical.solveCubic(
+ 9 * (ax * ax + ay * ay),
+ 9 * (ax * bx + by * ay),
+ 2 * (bx * bx + by * by) + 3 * (cx * ax + cy * ay),
+ (cx * bx + by * cy),
+ roots, tMin, tMax);
+ return roots.sort();
+ }
+ }};
+new function() {
+ function addLocation(locations, include, c1, t1, c2, t2, overlap) {
+ var excludeStart = !overlap && c1.getPrevious() === c2,
+ excludeEnd = !overlap && c1 !== c2 && c1.getNext() === c2,
+ tMin = 1e-8,
+ tMax = 1 - tMin;
+ if (t1 !== null && t1 >= (excludeStart ? tMin : 0) &&
+ t1 <= (excludeEnd ? tMax : 1)) {
+ if (t2 !== null && t2 >= (excludeEnd ? tMin : 0) &&
+ t2 <= (excludeStart ? tMax : 1)) {
+ var loc1 = new CurveLocation(c1, t1, null, overlap),
+ loc2 = new CurveLocation(c2, t2, null, overlap);
+ loc1._intersection = loc2;
+ loc2._intersection = loc1;
+ if (!include || include(loc1)) {
+ CurveLocation.insert(locations, loc1, true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function addCurveIntersections(v1, v2, c1, c2, locations, include, flip,
+ recursion, calls, tMin, tMax, uMin, uMax) {
+ if (++calls >= 4096 || ++recursion >= 40)
+ return calls;
+ var fatLineEpsilon = 1e-9,
+ q0x = v2[0], q0y = v2[1], q3x = v2[6], q3y = v2[7],
+ getSignedDistance = Line.getSignedDistance,
+ d1 = getSignedDistance(q0x, q0y, q3x, q3y, v2[2], v2[3]),
+ d2 = getSignedDistance(q0x, q0y, q3x, q3y, v2[4], v2[5]),
+ factor = d1 * d2 > 0 ? 3 / 4 : 4 / 9,
+ dMin = factor * Math.min(0, d1, d2),
+ dMax = factor * Math.max(0, d1, d2),
+ dp0 = getSignedDistance(q0x, q0y, q3x, q3y, v1[0], v1[1]),
+ dp1 = getSignedDistance(q0x, q0y, q3x, q3y, v1[2], v1[3]),
+ dp2 = getSignedDistance(q0x, q0y, q3x, q3y, v1[4], v1[5]),
+ dp3 = getSignedDistance(q0x, q0y, q3x, q3y, v1[6], v1[7]),
+ hull = getConvexHull(dp0, dp1, dp2, dp3),
+ top = hull[0],
+ bottom = hull[1],
+ tMinClip,
+ tMaxClip;
+ if (d1 === 0 && d2 === 0
+ && dp0 === 0 && dp1 === 0 && dp2 === 0 && dp3 === 0
+ || (tMinClip = clipConvexHull(top, bottom, dMin, dMax)) == null
+ || (tMaxClip = clipConvexHull(top.reverse(), bottom.reverse(),
+ dMin, dMax)) == null)
+ return calls;
+ var tMinNew = tMin + (tMax - tMin) * tMinClip,
+ tMaxNew = tMin + (tMax - tMin) * tMaxClip;
+ if (Math.max(uMax - uMin, tMaxNew - tMinNew) < fatLineEpsilon) {
+ var t = (tMinNew + tMaxNew) / 2,
+ u = (uMin + uMax) / 2;
+ addLocation(locations, include,
+ flip ? c2 : c1, flip ? u : t,
+ flip ? c1 : c2, flip ? t : u);
+ } else {
+ v1 = Curve.getPart(v1, tMinClip, tMaxClip);
+ if (tMaxClip - tMinClip > 0.8) {
+ if (tMaxNew - tMinNew > uMax - uMin) {
+ var parts = Curve.subdivide(v1, 0.5),
+ t = (tMinNew + tMaxNew) / 2;
+ calls = addCurveIntersections(
+ v2, parts[0], c2, c1, locations, include, !flip,
+ recursion, calls, uMin, uMax, tMinNew, t);
+ calls = addCurveIntersections(
+ v2, parts[1], c2, c1, locations, include, !flip,
+ recursion, calls, uMin, uMax, t, tMaxNew);
+ } else {
+ var parts = Curve.subdivide(v2, 0.5),
+ u = (uMin + uMax) / 2;
+ calls = addCurveIntersections(
+ parts[0], v1, c2, c1, locations, include, !flip,
+ recursion, calls, uMin, u, tMinNew, tMaxNew);
+ calls = addCurveIntersections(
+ parts[1], v1, c2, c1, locations, include, !flip,
+ recursion, calls, u, uMax, tMinNew, tMaxNew);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (uMax - uMin >= fatLineEpsilon) {
+ calls = addCurveIntersections(
+ v2, v1, c2, c1, locations, include, !flip,
+ recursion, calls, uMin, uMax, tMinNew, tMaxNew);
+ } else {
+ calls = addCurveIntersections(
+ v1, v2, c1, c2, locations, include, flip,
+ recursion, calls, tMinNew, tMaxNew, uMin, uMax);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return calls;
+ }
+ function getConvexHull(dq0, dq1, dq2, dq3) {
+ var p0 = [ 0, dq0 ],
+ p1 = [ 1 / 3, dq1 ],
+ p2 = [ 2 / 3, dq2 ],
+ p3 = [ 1, dq3 ],
+ dist1 = dq1 - (2 * dq0 + dq3) / 3,
+ dist2 = dq2 - (dq0 + 2 * dq3) / 3,
+ hull;
+ if (dist1 * dist2 < 0) {
+ hull = [[p0, p1, p3], [p0, p2, p3]];
+ } else {
+ var distRatio = dist1 / dist2;
+ hull = [
+ distRatio >= 2 ? [p0, p1, p3]
+ : distRatio <= 0.5 ? [p0, p2, p3]
+ : [p0, p1, p2, p3],
+ [p0, p3]
+ ];
+ }
+ return (dist1 || dist2) < 0 ? hull.reverse() : hull;
+ }
+ function clipConvexHull(hullTop, hullBottom, dMin, dMax) {
+ if (hullTop[0][1] < dMin) {
+ return clipConvexHullPart(hullTop, true, dMin);
+ } else if (hullBottom[0][1] > dMax) {
+ return clipConvexHullPart(hullBottom, false, dMax);
+ } else {
+ return hullTop[0][0];
+ }
+ }
+ function clipConvexHullPart(part, top, threshold) {
+ var px = part[0][0],
+ py = part[0][1];
+ for (var i = 1, l = part.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var qx = part[i][0],
+ qy = part[i][1];
+ if (top ? qy >= threshold : qy <= threshold) {
+ return qy === threshold ? qx
+ : px + (threshold - py) * (qx - px) / (qy - py);
+ }
+ px = qx;
+ py = qy;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ function getCurveLineIntersections(v, px, py, vx, vy) {
+ var isZero = Numerical.isZero;
+ if (isZero(vx) && isZero(vy)) {
+ var t = Curve.getTimeOf(v, new Point(px, py));
+ return t === null ? [] : [t];
+ }
+ var angle = Math.atan2(-vy, vx),
+ sin = Math.sin(angle),
+ cos = Math.cos(angle),
+ rv = [],
+ roots = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < 8; i += 2) {
+ var x = v[i] - px,
+ y = v[i + 1] - py;
+ rv.push(
+ x * cos - y * sin,
+ x * sin + y * cos);
+ }
+ Curve.solveCubic(rv, 1, 0, roots, 0, 1);
+ return roots;
+ }
+ function addCurveLineIntersections(v1, v2, c1, c2, locations, include,
+ flip) {
+ var x1 = v2[0], y1 = v2[1],
+ x2 = v2[6], y2 = v2[7],
+ roots = getCurveLineIntersections(v1, x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
+ for (var i = 0, l = roots.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var t1 = roots[i],
+ p1 = Curve.getPoint(v1, t1),
+ t2 = Curve.getTimeOf(v2, p1);
+ if (t2 !== null) {
+ addLocation(locations, include,
+ flip ? c2 : c1, flip ? t2 : t1,
+ flip ? c1 : c2, flip ? t1 : t2);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function addLineIntersection(v1, v2, c1, c2, locations, include) {
+ var pt = Line.intersect(
+ v1[0], v1[1], v1[6], v1[7],
+ v2[0], v2[1], v2[6], v2[7]);
+ if (pt) {
+ addLocation(locations, include,
+ c1, Curve.getTimeOf(v1, pt),
+ c2, Curve.getTimeOf(v2, pt));
+ }
+ }
+ function getCurveIntersections(v1, v2, c1, c2, locations, include) {
+ var epsilon = 1e-12,
+ min = Math.min,
+ max = Math.max;
+ if (max(v1[0], v1[2], v1[4], v1[6]) + epsilon >
+ min(v2[0], v2[2], v2[4], v2[6]) &&
+ min(v1[0], v1[2], v1[4], v1[6]) - epsilon <
+ max(v2[0], v2[2], v2[4], v2[6]) &&
+ max(v1[1], v1[3], v1[5], v1[7]) + epsilon >
+ min(v2[1], v2[3], v2[5], v2[7]) &&
+ min(v1[1], v1[3], v1[5], v1[7]) - epsilon <
+ max(v2[1], v2[3], v2[5], v2[7])) {
+ var overlaps = getOverlaps(v1, v2);
+ if (overlaps) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ var overlap = overlaps[i];
+ addLocation(locations, include,
+ c1, overlap[0],
+ c2, overlap[1], true);
+ }
+ } else {
+ var straight1 = Curve.isStraight(v1),
+ straight2 = Curve.isStraight(v2),
+ straight = straight1 && straight2,
+ flip = straight1 && !straight2,
+ before = locations.length;
+ (straight
+ ? addLineIntersection
+ : straight1 || straight2
+ ? addCurveLineIntersections
+ : addCurveIntersections)(
+ flip ? v2 : v1, flip ? v1 : v2,
+ flip ? c2 : c1, flip ? c1 : c2,
+ locations, include, flip,
+ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1);
+ if (!straight || locations.length === before) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ var t1 = i >> 1,
+ t2 = i & 1,
+ i1 = t1 * 6,
+ i2 = t2 * 6,
+ p1 = new Point(v1[i1], v1[i1 + 1]),
+ p2 = new Point(v2[i2], v2[i2 + 1]);
+ if (p1.isClose(p2, epsilon)) {
+ addLocation(locations, include,
+ c1, t1,
+ c2, t2);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return locations;
+ }
+ function getLoopIntersection(v1, c1, locations, include) {
+ var info = Curve.classify(v1);
+ if (info.type === 'loop') {
+ var roots = info.roots;
+ addLocation(locations, include,
+ c1, roots[0],
+ c1, roots[1]);
+ }
+ return locations;
+ }
+ function getIntersections(curves1, curves2, include, matrix1, matrix2,
+ _returnFirst) {
+ var self = !curves2;
+ if (self)
+ curves2 = curves1;
+ var length1 = curves1.length,
+ length2 = curves2.length,
+ values2 = [],
+ arrays = [],
+ locations,
+ current;
+ for (var i = 0; i < length2; i++)
+ values2[i] = curves2[i].getValues(matrix2);
+ for (var i = 0; i < length1; i++) {
+ var curve1 = curves1[i],
+ values1 = self ? values2[i] : curve1.getValues(matrix1),
+ path1 = curve1.getPath();
+ if (path1 !== current) {
+ current = path1;
+ locations = [];
+ arrays.push(locations);
+ }
+ if (self) {
+ getLoopIntersection(values1, curve1, locations, include);
+ }
+ for (var j = self ? i + 1 : 0; j < length2; j++) {
+ if (_returnFirst && locations.length)
+ return locations;
+ getCurveIntersections(values1, values2[j], curve1, curves2[j],
+ locations, include);
+ }
+ }
+ locations = [];
+ for (var i = 0, l = arrays.length; i < l; i++) {
+ Base.push(locations, arrays[i]);
+ }
+ return locations;
+ }
+ function getOverlaps(v1, v2) {
+ function getSquaredLineLength(v) {
+ var x = v[6] - v[0],
+ y = v[7] - v[1];
+ return x * x + y * y;
+ }
+ var abs = Math.abs,
+ getDistance = Line.getDistance,
+ timeEpsilon = 1e-8,
+ geomEpsilon = 1e-7,
+ straight1 = Curve.isStraight(v1),
+ straight2 = Curve.isStraight(v2),
+ straightBoth = straight1 && straight2,
+ flip = getSquaredLineLength(v1) < getSquaredLineLength(v2),
+ l1 = flip ? v2 : v1,
+ l2 = flip ? v1 : v2,
+ px = l1[0], py = l1[1],
+ vx = l1[6] - px, vy = l1[7] - py;
+ if (getDistance(px, py, vx, vy, l2[0], l2[1], true) < geomEpsilon &&
+ getDistance(px, py, vx, vy, l2[6], l2[7], true) < geomEpsilon) {
+ if (!straightBoth &&
+ getDistance(px, py, vx, vy, l1[2], l1[3], true) < geomEpsilon &&
+ getDistance(px, py, vx, vy, l1[4], l1[5], true) < geomEpsilon &&
+ getDistance(px, py, vx, vy, l2[2], l2[3], true) < geomEpsilon &&
+ getDistance(px, py, vx, vy, l2[4], l2[5], true) < geomEpsilon) {
+ straight1 = straight2 = straightBoth = true;
+ }
+ } else if (straightBoth) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (straight1 ^ straight2) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ var v = [v1, v2],
+ pairs = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < 4 && pairs.length < 2; i++) {
+ var i1 = i & 1,
+ i2 = i1 ^ 1,
+ t1 = i >> 1,
+ t2 = Curve.getTimeOf(v[i1], new Point(
+ v[i2][t1 ? 6 : 0],
+ v[i2][t1 ? 7 : 1]));
+ if (t2 != null) {
+ var pair = i1 ? [t1, t2] : [t2, t1];
+ if (!pairs.length ||
+ abs(pair[0] - pairs[0][0]) > timeEpsilon &&
+ abs(pair[1] - pairs[0][1]) > timeEpsilon) {
+ pairs.push(pair);
+ }
+ }
+ if (i > 2 && !pairs.length)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (pairs.length !== 2) {
+ pairs = null;
+ } else if (!straightBoth) {
+ var o1 = Curve.getPart(v1, pairs[0][0], pairs[1][0]),
+ o2 = Curve.getPart(v2, pairs[0][1], pairs[1][1]);
+ if (abs(o2[2] - o1[2]) > geomEpsilon ||
+ abs(o2[3] - o1[3]) > geomEpsilon ||
+ abs(o2[4] - o1[4]) > geomEpsilon ||
+ abs(o2[5] - o1[5]) > geomEpsilon)
+ pairs = null;
+ }
+ return pairs;
+ }
+ function getTimesWithTangent(v, tangent) {
+ var x0 = v[0], y0 = v[1],
+ x1 = v[2], y1 = v[3],
+ x2 = v[4], y2 = v[5],
+ x3 = v[6], y3 = v[7],
+ normalized = tangent.normalize(),
+ tx = normalized.x,
+ ty = normalized.y,
+ ax = 3 * x3 - 9 * x2 + 9 * x1 - 3 * x0,
+ ay = 3 * y3 - 9 * y2 + 9 * y1 - 3 * y0,
+ bx = 6 * x2 - 12 * x1 + 6 * x0,
+ by = 6 * y2 - 12 * y1 + 6 * y0,
+ cx = 3 * x1 - 3 * x0,
+ cy = 3 * y1 - 3 * y0,
+ den = 2 * ax * ty - 2 * ay * tx,
+ times = [];
+ if (Math.abs(den) < Numerical.CURVETIME_EPSILON) {
+ var num = ax * cy - ay * cx,
+ den = ax * by - ay * bx;
+ if (den != 0) {
+ var t = -num / den;
+ if (t >= 0 && t <= 1) times.push(t);
+ }
+ } else {
+ var delta = (bx * bx - 4 * ax * cx) * ty * ty +
+ (-2 * bx * by + 4 * ay * cx + 4 * ax * cy) * tx * ty +
+ (by * by - 4 * ay * cy) * tx * tx,
+ k = bx * ty - by * tx;
+ if (delta >= 0 && den != 0) {
+ var d = Math.sqrt(delta),
+ t0 = -(k + d) / den,
+ t1 = (-k + d) / den;
+ if (t0 >= 0 && t0 <= 1) times.push(t0);
+ if (t1 >= 0 && t1 <= 1) times.push(t1);
+ }
+ }
+ return times;
+ }
+ return {
+ getIntersections: function(curve) {
+ var v1 = this.getValues(),
+ v2 = curve && curve !== this && curve.getValues();
+ return v2 ? getCurveIntersections(v1, v2, this, curve, [])
+ : getLoopIntersection(v1, this, []);
+ },
+ statics: {
+ getOverlaps: getOverlaps,
+ getIntersections: getIntersections,
+ getCurveLineIntersections: getCurveLineIntersections,
+ getTimesWithTangent: getTimesWithTangent
+ }
+ };
+var CurveLocation = Base.extend({
+ _class: 'CurveLocation',
+ initialize: function CurveLocation(curve, time, point, _overlap, _distance) {
+ if (time >= 0.99999999) {
+ var next = curve.getNext();
+ if (next) {
+ time = 0;
+ curve = next;
+ }
+ }
+ this._setCurve(curve);
+ this._time = time;
+ this._point = point || curve.getPointAtTime(time);
+ this._overlap = _overlap;
+ this._distance = _distance;
+ this._intersection = this._next = this._previous = null;
+ },
+ _setCurve: function(curve) {
+ var path = curve._path;
+ this._path = path;
+ this._version = path ? path._version : 0;
+ this._curve = curve;
+ this._segment = null;
+ this._segment1 = curve._segment1;
+ this._segment2 = curve._segment2;
+ },
+ _setSegment: function(segment) {
+ this._setCurve(segment.getCurve());
+ this._segment = segment;
+ this._time = segment === this._segment1 ? 0 : 1;
+ this._point = segment._point.clone();
+ },
+ getSegment: function() {
+ var segment = this._segment;
+ if (!segment) {
+ var curve = this.getCurve(),
+ time = this.getTime();
+ if (time === 0) {
+ segment = curve._segment1;
+ } else if (time === 1) {
+ segment = curve._segment2;
+ } else if (time != null) {
+ segment = curve.getPartLength(0, time)
+ < curve.getPartLength(time, 1)
+ ? curve._segment1
+ : curve._segment2;
+ }
+ this._segment = segment;
+ }
+ return segment;
+ },
+ getCurve: function() {
+ var path = this._path,
+ that = this;
+ if (path && path._version !== this._version) {
+ this._time = this._offset = this._curveOffset = this._curve = null;
+ }
+ function trySegment(segment) {
+ var curve = segment && segment.getCurve();
+ if (curve && (that._time = curve.getTimeOf(that._point)) != null) {
+ that._setCurve(curve);
+ return curve;
+ }
+ }
+ return this._curve
+ || trySegment(this._segment)
+ || trySegment(this._segment1)
+ || trySegment(this._segment2.getPrevious());
+ },
+ getPath: function() {
+ var curve = this.getCurve();
+ return curve && curve._path;
+ },
+ getIndex: function() {
+ var curve = this.getCurve();
+ return curve && curve.getIndex();
+ },
+ getTime: function() {
+ var curve = this.getCurve(),
+ time = this._time;
+ return curve && time == null
+ ? this._time = curve.getTimeOf(this._point)
+ : time;
+ },
+ getParameter: '#getTime',
+ getPoint: function() {
+ return this._point;
+ },
+ getOffset: function() {
+ var offset = this._offset;
+ if (offset == null) {
+ offset = 0;
+ var path = this.getPath(),
+ index = this.getIndex();
+ if (path && index != null) {
+ var curves = path.getCurves();
+ for (var i = 0; i < index; i++)
+ offset += curves[i].getLength();
+ }
+ this._offset = offset += this.getCurveOffset();
+ }
+ return offset;
+ },
+ getCurveOffset: function() {
+ var offset = this._curveOffset;
+ if (offset == null) {
+ var curve = this.getCurve(),
+ time = this.getTime();
+ this._curveOffset = offset = time != null && curve
+ && curve.getPartLength(0, time);
+ }
+ return offset;
+ },
+ getIntersection: function() {
+ return this._intersection;
+ },
+ getDistance: function() {
+ return this._distance;
+ },
+ divide: function() {
+ var curve = this.getCurve(),
+ res = curve && curve.divideAtTime(this.getTime());
+ if (res) {
+ this._setSegment(res._segment1);
+ }
+ return res;
+ },
+ split: function() {
+ var curve = this.getCurve(),
+ path = curve._path,
+ res = curve && curve.splitAtTime(this.getTime());
+ if (res) {
+ this._setSegment(path.getLastSegment());
+ }
+ return res;
+ },
+ equals: function(loc, _ignoreOther) {
+ var res = this === loc;
+ if (!res && loc instanceof CurveLocation) {
+ var c1 = this.getCurve(),
+ c2 = loc.getCurve(),
+ p1 = c1._path,
+ p2 = c2._path;
+ if (p1 === p2) {
+ var abs = Math.abs,
+ epsilon = 1e-7,
+ diff = abs(this.getOffset() - loc.getOffset()),
+ i1 = !_ignoreOther && this._intersection,
+ i2 = !_ignoreOther && loc._intersection;
+ res = (diff < epsilon
+ || p1 && abs(p1.getLength() - diff) < epsilon)
+ && (!i1 && !i2 || i1 && i2 && i1.equals(i2, true));
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ },
+ toString: function() {
+ var parts = [],
+ point = this.getPoint(),
+ f = Formatter.instance;
+ if (point)
+ parts.push('point: ' + point);
+ var index = this.getIndex();
+ if (index != null)
+ parts.push('index: ' + index);
+ var time = this.getTime();
+ if (time != null)
+ parts.push('time: ' + f.number(time));
+ if (this._distance != null)
+ parts.push('distance: ' + f.number(this._distance));
+ return '{ ' + parts.join(', ') + ' }';
+ },
+ isTouching: function() {
+ var inter = this._intersection;
+ if (inter && this.getTangent().isCollinear(inter.getTangent())) {
+ var curve1 = this.getCurve(),
+ curve2 = inter.getCurve();
+ return !(curve1.isStraight() && curve2.isStraight()
+ && curve1.getLine().intersect(curve2.getLine()));
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ isCrossing: function() {
+ var inter = this._intersection;
+ if (!inter)
+ return false;
+ var t1 = this.getTime(),
+ t2 = inter.getTime(),
+ tMin = 1e-8,
+ tMax = 1 - tMin,
+ t1Inside = t1 >= tMin && t1 <= tMax,
+ t2Inside = t2 >= tMin && t2 <= tMax;
+ if (t1Inside && t2Inside)
+ return !this.isTouching();
+ var c2 = this.getCurve(),
+ c1 = t1 < tMin ? c2.getPrevious() : c2,
+ c4 = inter.getCurve(),
+ c3 = t2 < tMin ? c4.getPrevious() : c4;
+ if (t1 > tMax)
+ c2 = c2.getNext();
+ if (t2 > tMax)
+ c4 = c4.getNext();
+ if (!c1 || !c2 || !c3 || !c4)
+ return false;
+ var offsets = [];
+ function addOffsets(curve, end) {
+ var v = curve.getValues(),
+ roots = Curve.classify(v).roots || Curve.getPeaks(v),
+ count = roots.length,
+ t = end && count > 1 ? roots[count - 1]
+ : count > 0 ? roots[0]
+ : 0.5;
+ offsets.push(Curve.getLength(v, end ? t : 0, end ? 1 : t) / 2);
+ }
+ function isInRange(angle, min, max) {
+ return min < max
+ ? angle > min && angle < max
+ : angle > min || angle < max;
+ }
+ if (!t1Inside) {
+ addOffsets(c1, true);
+ addOffsets(c2, false);
+ }
+ if (!t2Inside) {
+ addOffsets(c3, true);
+ addOffsets(c4, false);
+ }
+ var pt = this.getPoint(),
+ offset = Math.min.apply(Math, offsets),
+ v2 = t1Inside ? c2.getTangentAtTime(t1)
+ : c2.getPointAt(offset).subtract(pt),
+ v1 = t1Inside ? v2.negate()
+ : c1.getPointAt(-offset).subtract(pt),
+ v4 = t2Inside ? c4.getTangentAtTime(t2)
+ : c4.getPointAt(offset).subtract(pt),
+ v3 = t2Inside ? v4.negate()
+ : c3.getPointAt(-offset).subtract(pt),
+ a1 = v1.getAngle(),
+ a2 = v2.getAngle(),
+ a3 = v3.getAngle(),
+ a4 = v4.getAngle();
+ return !!(t1Inside
+ ? (isInRange(a1, a3, a4) ^ isInRange(a2, a3, a4)) &&
+ (isInRange(a1, a4, a3) ^ isInRange(a2, a4, a3))
+ : (isInRange(a3, a1, a2) ^ isInRange(a4, a1, a2)) &&
+ (isInRange(a3, a2, a1) ^ isInRange(a4, a2, a1)));
+ },
+ hasOverlap: function() {
+ return !!this._overlap;
+ }
+}, Base.each(Curve._evaluateMethods, function(name) {
+ var get = name + 'At';
+ this[name] = function() {
+ var curve = this.getCurve(),
+ time = this.getTime();
+ return time != null && curve && curve[get](time, true);
+ };
+}, {
+ preserve: true
+new function() {
+ function insert(locations, loc, merge) {
+ var length = locations.length,
+ l = 0,
+ r = length - 1;
+ function search(index, dir) {
+ for (var i = index + dir; i >= -1 && i <= length; i += dir) {
+ var loc2 = locations[((i % length) + length) % length];
+ if (!loc.getPoint().isClose(loc2.getPoint(),
+ 1e-7))
+ break;
+ if (loc.equals(loc2))
+ return loc2;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ while (l <= r) {
+ var m = (l + r) >>> 1,
+ loc2 = locations[m],
+ found;
+ if (merge && (found = loc.equals(loc2) ? loc2
+ : (search(m, -1) || search(m, 1)))) {
+ if (loc._overlap) {
+ found._overlap = found._intersection._overlap = true;
+ }
+ return found;
+ }
+ var path1 = loc.getPath(),
+ path2 = loc2.getPath(),
+ diff = path1 !== path2
+ ? path1._id - path2._id
+ : (loc.getIndex() + loc.getTime())
+ - (loc2.getIndex() + loc2.getTime());
+ if (diff < 0) {
+ r = m - 1;
+ } else {
+ l = m + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ locations.splice(l, 0, loc);
+ return loc;
+ }
+ return { statics: {
+ insert: insert,
+ expand: function(locations) {
+ var expanded = locations.slice();
+ for (var i = locations.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ insert(expanded, locations[i]._intersection, false);
+ }
+ return expanded;
+ }
+ }};
+var PathItem = Item.extend({
+ _class: 'PathItem',
+ _selectBounds: false,
+ _canScaleStroke: true,
+ beans: true,
+ initialize: function PathItem() {
+ },
+ statics: {
+ create: function(arg) {
+ var data,
+ segments,
+ compound;
+ if (Base.isPlainObject(arg)) {
+ segments = arg.segments;
+ data = arg.pathData;
+ } else if (Array.isArray(arg)) {
+ segments = arg;
+ } else if (typeof arg === 'string') {
+ data = arg;
+ }
+ if (segments) {
+ var first = segments[0];
+ compound = first && Array.isArray(first[0]);
+ } else if (data) {
+ compound = (data.match(/m/gi) || []).length > 1
+ || /z\s*\S+/i.test(data);
+ }
+ var ctor = compound ? CompoundPath : Path;
+ return new ctor(arg);
+ }
+ },
+ _asPathItem: function() {
+ return this;
+ },
+ isClockwise: function() {
+ return this.getArea() >= 0;
+ },
+ setClockwise: function(clockwise) {
+ if (this.isClockwise() != (clockwise = !!clockwise))
+ this.reverse();
+ },
+ setPathData: function(data) {
+ var parts = data && data.match(/[mlhvcsqtaz][^mlhvcsqtaz]*/ig),
+ coords,
+ relative = false,
+ previous,
+ control,
+ current = new Point(),
+ start = new Point();
+ function getCoord(index, coord) {
+ var val = +coords[index];
+ if (relative)
+ val += current[coord];
+ return val;
+ }
+ function getPoint(index) {
+ return new Point(
+ getCoord(index, 'x'),
+ getCoord(index + 1, 'y')
+ );
+ }
+ this.clear();
+ for (var i = 0, l = parts && parts.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var part = parts[i],
+ command = part[0],
+ lower = command.toLowerCase();
+ coords = part.match(/[+-]?(?:\d*\.\d+|\d+\.?)(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?/g);
+ var length = coords && coords.length;
+ relative = command === lower;
+ if (previous === 'z' && !/[mz]/.test(lower))
+ this.moveTo(current);
+ switch (lower) {
+ case 'm':
+ case 'l':
+ var move = lower === 'm';
+ for (var j = 0; j < length; j += 2) {
+ this[move ? 'moveTo' : 'lineTo'](current = getPoint(j));
+ if (move) {
+ start = current;
+ move = false;
+ }
+ }
+ control = current;
+ break;
+ case 'h':
+ case 'v':
+ var coord = lower === 'h' ? 'x' : 'y';
+ current = current.clone();
+ for (var j = 0; j < length; j++) {
+ current[coord] = getCoord(j, coord);
+ this.lineTo(current);
+ }
+ control = current;
+ break;
+ case 'c':
+ for (var j = 0; j < length; j += 6) {
+ this.cubicCurveTo(
+ getPoint(j),
+ control = getPoint(j + 2),
+ current = getPoint(j + 4));
+ }
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ for (var j = 0; j < length; j += 4) {
+ this.cubicCurveTo(
+ /[cs]/.test(previous)
+ ? current.multiply(2).subtract(control)
+ : current,
+ control = getPoint(j),
+ current = getPoint(j + 2));
+ previous = lower;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'q':
+ for (var j = 0; j < length; j += 4) {
+ this.quadraticCurveTo(
+ control = getPoint(j),
+ current = getPoint(j + 2));
+ }
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ for (var j = 0; j < length; j += 2) {
+ this.quadraticCurveTo(
+ control = (/[qt]/.test(previous)
+ ? current.multiply(2).subtract(control)
+ : current),
+ current = getPoint(j));
+ previous = lower;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'a':
+ for (var j = 0; j < length; j += 7) {
+ this.arcTo(current = getPoint(j + 5),
+ new Size(+coords[j], +coords[j + 1]),
+ +coords[j + 2], +coords[j + 4], +coords[j + 3]);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'z':
+ this.closePath(1e-12);
+ current = start;
+ break;
+ }
+ previous = lower;
+ }
+ },
+ _canComposite: function() {
+ return !(this.hasFill() && this.hasStroke());
+ },
+ _contains: function(point) {
+ var winding = point.isInside(
+ this.getBounds({ internal: true, handle: true }))
+ ? this._getWinding(point)
+ : {};
+ return winding.onPath || !!(this.getFillRule() === 'evenodd'
+ ? winding.windingL & 1 || winding.windingR & 1
+ : winding.winding);
+ },
+ getIntersections: function(path, include, _matrix, _returnFirst) {
+ var self = this === path || !path,
+ matrix1 = this._matrix._orNullIfIdentity(),
+ matrix2 = self ? matrix1
+ : (_matrix || path._matrix)._orNullIfIdentity();
+ return self || this.getBounds(matrix1).intersects(
+ path.getBounds(matrix2), 1e-12)
+ ? Curve.getIntersections(
+ this.getCurves(), !self && path.getCurves(), include,
+ matrix1, matrix2, _returnFirst)
+ : [];
+ },
+ getCrossings: function(path) {
+ return this.getIntersections(path, function(inter) {
+ return inter.hasOverlap() || inter.isCrossing();
+ });
+ },
+ getNearestLocation: function() {
+ var point = Point.read(arguments),
+ curves = this.getCurves(),
+ minDist = Infinity,
+ minLoc = null;
+ for (var i = 0, l = curves.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var loc = curves[i].getNearestLocation(point);
+ if (loc._distance < minDist) {
+ minDist = loc._distance;
+ minLoc = loc;
+ }
+ }
+ return minLoc;
+ },
+ getNearestPoint: function() {
+ var loc = this.getNearestLocation.apply(this, arguments);
+ return loc ? loc.getPoint() : loc;
+ },
+ interpolate: function(from, to, factor) {
+ var isPath = !this._children,
+ name = isPath ? '_segments' : '_children',
+ itemsFrom = from[name],
+ itemsTo = to[name],
+ items = this[name];
+ if (!itemsFrom || !itemsTo || itemsFrom.length !== itemsTo.length) {
+ throw new Error('Invalid operands in interpolate() call: ' +
+ from + ', ' + to);
+ }
+ var current = items.length,
+ length = itemsTo.length;
+ if (current < length) {
+ var ctor = isPath ? Segment : Path;
+ for (var i = current; i < length; i++) {
+ this.add(new ctor());
+ }
+ } else if (current > length) {
+ this[isPath ? 'removeSegments' : 'removeChildren'](length, current);
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ items[i].interpolate(itemsFrom[i], itemsTo[i], factor);
+ }
+ if (isPath) {
+ this.setClosed(from._closed);
+ this._changed(9);
+ }
+ },
+ compare: function(path) {
+ var ok = false;
+ if (path) {
+ var paths1 = this._children || [this],
+ paths2 = path._children ? path._children.slice() : [path],
+ length1 = paths1.length,
+ length2 = paths2.length,
+ matched = [],
+ count = 0;
+ ok = true;
+ for (var i1 = length1 - 1; i1 >= 0 && ok; i1--) {
+ var path1 = paths1[i1];
+ ok = false;
+ for (var i2 = length2 - 1; i2 >= 0 && !ok; i2--) {
+ if (path1.compare(paths2[i2])) {
+ if (!matched[i2]) {
+ matched[i2] = true;
+ count++;
+ }
+ ok = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ok = ok && count === length2;
+ }
+ return ok;
+ },
+var Path = PathItem.extend({
+ _class: 'Path',
+ _serializeFields: {
+ segments: [],
+ closed: false
+ },
+ initialize: function Path(arg) {
+ this._closed = false;
+ this._segments = [];
+ this._version = 0;
+ var segments = Array.isArray(arg)
+ ? typeof arg[0] === 'object'
+ ? arg
+ : arguments
+ : arg && (arg.size === undefined && (arg.x !== undefined
+ || arg.point !== undefined))
+ ? arguments
+ : null;
+ if (segments && segments.length > 0) {
+ this.setSegments(segments);
+ } else {
+ this._curves = undefined;
+ this._segmentSelection = 0;
+ if (!segments && typeof arg === 'string') {
+ this.setPathData(arg);
+ arg = null;
+ }
+ }
+ this._initialize(!segments && arg);
+ },
+ _equals: function(item) {
+ return this._closed === item._closed
+ && Base.equals(this._segments, item._segments);
+ },
+ copyContent: function(source) {
+ this.setSegments(source._segments);
+ this._closed = source._closed;
+ },
+ _changed: function _changed(flags) {
+ _changed.base.call(this, flags);
+ if (flags & 8) {
+ this._length = this._area = undefined;
+ if (flags & 32) {
+ this._version++;
+ } else if (this._curves) {
+ for (var i = 0, l = this._curves.length; i < l; i++)
+ this._curves[i]._changed();
+ }
+ } else if (flags & 64) {
+ this._bounds = undefined;
+ }
+ },
+ getStyle: function() {
+ var parent = this._parent;
+ return (parent instanceof CompoundPath ? parent : this)._style;
+ },
+ getSegments: function() {
+ return this._segments;
+ },
+ setSegments: function(segments) {
+ var fullySelected = this.isFullySelected(),
+ length = segments && segments.length;
+ this._segments.length = 0;
+ this._segmentSelection = 0;
+ this._curves = undefined;
+ if (length) {
+ var last = segments[length - 1];
+ if (typeof last === 'boolean') {
+ this.setClosed(last);
+ length--;
+ }
+ this._add(Segment.readList(segments, 0, {}, length));
+ }
+ if (fullySelected)
+ this.setFullySelected(true);
+ },
+ getFirstSegment: function() {
+ return this._segments[0];
+ },
+ getLastSegment: function() {
+ return this._segments[this._segments.length - 1];
+ },
+ getCurves: function() {
+ var curves = this._curves,
+ segments = this._segments;
+ if (!curves) {
+ var length = this._countCurves();
+ curves = this._curves = new Array(length);
+ for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
+ curves[i] = new Curve(this, segments[i],
+ segments[i + 1] || segments[0]);
+ }
+ return curves;
+ },
+ getFirstCurve: function() {
+ return this.getCurves()[0];
+ },
+ getLastCurve: function() {
+ var curves = this.getCurves();
+ return curves[curves.length - 1];
+ },
+ isClosed: function() {
+ return this._closed;
+ },
+ setClosed: function(closed) {
+ if (this._closed != (closed = !!closed)) {
+ this._closed = closed;
+ if (this._curves) {
+ var length = this._curves.length = this._countCurves();
+ if (closed)
+ this._curves[length - 1] = new Curve(this,
+ this._segments[length - 1], this._segments[0]);
+ }
+ this._changed(41);
+ }
+ }
+}, {
+ beans: true,
+ getPathData: function(_matrix, _precision) {
+ var segments = this._segments,
+ length = segments.length,
+ f = new Formatter(_precision),
+ coords = new Array(6),
+ first = true,
+ curX, curY,
+ prevX, prevY,
+ inX, inY,
+ outX, outY,
+ parts = [];
+ function addSegment(segment, skipLine) {
+ segment._transformCoordinates(_matrix, coords);
+ curX = coords[0];
+ curY = coords[1];
+ if (first) {
+ parts.push('M' + f.pair(curX, curY));
+ first = false;
+ } else {
+ inX = coords[2];
+ inY = coords[3];
+ if (inX === curX && inY === curY
+ && outX === prevX && outY === prevY) {
+ if (!skipLine) {
+ var dx = curX - prevX,
+ dy = curY - prevY;
+ parts.push(
+ dx === 0 ? 'v' + f.number(dy)
+ : dy === 0 ? 'h' + f.number(dx)
+ : 'l' + f.pair(dx, dy));
+ }
+ } else {
+ parts.push('c' + f.pair(outX - prevX, outY - prevY)
+ + ' ' + f.pair( inX - prevX, inY - prevY)
+ + ' ' + f.pair(curX - prevX, curY - prevY));
+ }
+ }
+ prevX = curX;
+ prevY = curY;
+ outX = coords[4];
+ outY = coords[5];
+ }
+ if (!length)
+ return '';
+ for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
+ addSegment(segments[i]);
+ if (this._closed && length > 0) {
+ addSegment(segments[0], true);
+ parts.push('z');
+ }
+ return parts.join('');
+ },
+ isEmpty: function() {
+ return !this._segments.length;
+ },
+ _transformContent: function(matrix) {
+ var segments = this._segments,
+ coords = new Array(6);
+ for (var i = 0, l = segments.length; i < l; i++)
+ segments[i]._transformCoordinates(matrix, coords, true);
+ return true;
+ },
+ _add: function(segs, index) {
+ var segments = this._segments,
+ curves = this._curves,
+ amount = segs.length,
+ append = index == null,
+ index = append ? segments.length : index;
+ for (var i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
+ var segment = segs[i];
+ if (segment._path)
+ segment = segs[i] = segment.clone();
+ segment._path = this;
+ segment._index = index + i;
+ if (segment._selection)
+ this._updateSelection(segment, 0, segment._selection);
+ }
+ if (append) {
+ Base.push(segments, segs);
+ } else {
+ segments.splice.apply(segments, [index, 0].concat(segs));
+ for (var i = index + amount, l = segments.length; i < l; i++)
+ segments[i]._index = i;
+ }
+ if (curves) {
+ var total = this._countCurves(),
+ start = index > 0 && index + amount - 1 === total ? index - 1
+ : index,
+ insert = start,
+ end = Math.min(start + amount, total);
+ if (segs._curves) {
+ curves.splice.apply(curves, [start, 0].concat(segs._curves));
+ insert += segs._curves.length;
+ }
+ for (var i = insert; i < end; i++)
+ curves.splice(i, 0, new Curve(this, null, null));
+ this._adjustCurves(start, end);
+ }
+ this._changed(41);
+ return segs;
+ },
+ _adjustCurves: function(start, end) {
+ var segments = this._segments,
+ curves = this._curves,
+ curve;
+ for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
+ curve = curves[i];
+ curve._path = this;
+ curve._segment1 = segments[i];
+ curve._segment2 = segments[i + 1] || segments[0];
+ curve._changed();
+ }
+ if (curve = curves[this._closed && !start ? segments.length - 1
+ : start - 1]) {
+ curve._segment2 = segments[start] || segments[0];
+ curve._changed();
+ }
+ if (curve = curves[end]) {
+ curve._segment1 = segments[end];
+ curve._changed();
+ }
+ },
+ _countCurves: function() {
+ var length = this._segments.length;
+ return !this._closed && length > 0 ? length - 1 : length;
+ },
+ add: function(segment1 ) {
+ return arguments.length > 1 && typeof segment1 !== 'number'
+ ? this._add(Segment.readList(arguments))
+ : this._add([ Segment.read(arguments) ])[0];
+ },
+ insert: function(index, segment1 ) {
+ return arguments.length > 2 && typeof segment1 !== 'number'
+ ? this._add(Segment.readList(arguments, 1), index)
+ : this._add([ Segment.read(arguments, 1) ], index)[0];
+ },
+ addSegment: function() {
+ return this._add([ Segment.read(arguments) ])[0];
+ },
+ insertSegment: function(index ) {
+ return this._add([ Segment.read(arguments, 1) ], index)[0];
+ },
+ addSegments: function(segments) {
+ return this._add(Segment.readList(segments));
+ },
+ insertSegments: function(index, segments) {
+ return this._add(Segment.readList(segments), index);
+ },
+ removeSegment: function(index) {
+ return this.removeSegments(index, index + 1)[0] || null;
+ },
+ removeSegments: function(start, end, _includeCurves) {
+ start = start || 0;
+ end = Base.pick(end, this._segments.length);
+ var segments = this._segments,
+ curves = this._curves,
+ count = segments.length,
+ removed = segments.splice(start, end - start),
+ amount = removed.length;
+ if (!amount)
+ return removed;
+ for (var i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
+ var segment = removed[i];
+ if (segment._selection)
+ this._updateSelection(segment, segment._selection, 0);
+ segment._index = segment._path = null;
+ }
+ for (var i = start, l = segments.length; i < l; i++)
+ segments[i]._index = i;
+ if (curves) {
+ var index = start > 0 && end === count + (this._closed ? 1 : 0)
+ ? start - 1
+ : start,
+ curves = curves.splice(index, amount);
+ for (var i = curves.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ curves[i]._path = null;
+ if (_includeCurves)
+ removed._curves = curves.slice(1);
+ this._adjustCurves(index, index);
+ }
+ this._changed(41);
+ return removed;
+ },
+ clear: '#removeSegments',
+ hasHandles: function() {
+ var segments = this._segments;
+ for (var i = 0, l = segments.length; i < l; i++) {
+ if (segments[i].hasHandles())
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ clearHandles: function() {
+ var segments = this._segments;
+ for (var i = 0, l = segments.length; i < l; i++)
+ segments[i].clearHandles();
+ },
+ getLength: function() {
+ if (this._length == null) {
+ var curves = this.getCurves(),
+ length = 0;
+ for (var i = 0, l = curves.length; i < l; i++)
+ length += curves[i].getLength();
+ this._length = length;
+ }
+ return this._length;
+ },
+ getArea: function() {
+ var area = this._area;
+ if (area == null) {
+ var segments = this._segments,
+ closed = this._closed;
+ area = 0;
+ for (var i = 0, l = segments.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var last = i + 1 === l;
+ area += Curve.getArea(Curve.getValues(
+ segments[i], segments[last ? 0 : i + 1],
+ null, last && !closed));
+ }
+ this._area = area;
+ }
+ return area;
+ },
+ isFullySelected: function() {
+ var length = this._segments.length;
+ return this.isSelected() && length > 0 && this._segmentSelection
+ === length * 7;
+ },
+ setFullySelected: function(selected) {
+ if (selected)
+ this._selectSegments(true);
+ this.setSelected(selected);
+ },
+ setSelection: function setSelection(selection) {
+ if (!(selection & 1))
+ this._selectSegments(false);
+ setSelection.base.call(this, selection);
+ },
+ _selectSegments: function(selected) {
+ var segments = this._segments,
+ length = segments.length,
+ selection = selected ? 7 : 0;
+ this._segmentSelection = selection * length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
+ segments[i]._selection = selection;
+ },
+ _updateSelection: function(segment, oldSelection, newSelection) {
+ segment._selection = newSelection;
+ var selection = this._segmentSelection += newSelection - oldSelection;
+ if (selection > 0)
+ this.setSelected(true);
+ },
+ divideAt: function(location) {
+ var loc = this.getLocationAt(location),
+ curve;
+ return loc && (curve = loc.getCurve().divideAt(loc.getCurveOffset()))
+ ? curve._segment1
+ : null;
+ },
+ splitAt: function(location) {
+ var loc = this.getLocationAt(location),
+ index = loc && loc.index,
+ time = loc && loc.time,
+ tMin = 1e-8,
+ tMax = 1 - tMin;
+ if (time > tMax) {
+ index++;
+ time = 0;
+ }
+ var curves = this.getCurves();
+ if (index >= 0 && index < curves.length) {
+ if (time >= tMin) {
+ curves[index++].divideAtTime(time);
+ }
+ var segs = this.removeSegments(index, this._segments.length, true),
+ path;
+ if (this._closed) {
+ this.setClosed(false);
+ path = this;
+ } else {
+ path = new Path(Item.NO_INSERT);
+ path.insertAbove(this);
+ path.copyAttributes(this);
+ }
+ path._add(segs, 0);
+ this.addSegment(segs[0]);
+ return path;
+ }
+ return null;
+ },
+ split: function(index, time) {
+ var curve,
+ location = time === undefined ? index
+ : (curve = this.getCurves()[index])
+ && curve.getLocationAtTime(time);
+ return location != null ? this.splitAt(location) : null;
+ },
+ join: function(path, tolerance) {
+ var epsilon = tolerance || 0;
+ if (path && path !== this) {
+ var segments = path._segments,
+ last1 = this.getLastSegment(),
+ last2 = path.getLastSegment();
+ if (!last2)
+ return this;
+ if (last1 && last1._point.isClose(last2._point, epsilon))
+ path.reverse();
+ var first2 = path.getFirstSegment();
+ if (last1 && last1._point.isClose(first2._point, epsilon)) {
+ last1.setHandleOut(first2._handleOut);
+ this._add(segments.slice(1));
+ } else {
+ var first1 = this.getFirstSegment();
+ if (first1 && first1._point.isClose(first2._point, epsilon))
+ path.reverse();
+ last2 = path.getLastSegment();
+ if (first1 && first1._point.isClose(last2._point, epsilon)) {
+ first1.setHandleIn(last2._handleIn);
+ this._add(segments.slice(0, segments.length - 1), 0);
+ } else {
+ this._add(segments.slice());
+ }
+ }
+ if (path._closed)
+ this._add([segments[0]]);
+ path.remove();
+ }
+ var first = this.getFirstSegment(),
+ last = this.getLastSegment();
+ if (first !== last && first._point.isClose(last._point, epsilon)) {
+ first.setHandleIn(last._handleIn);
+ last.remove();
+ this.setClosed(true);
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ reduce: function(options) {
+ var curves = this.getCurves(),
+ simplify = options && options.simplify,
+ tolerance = simplify ? 1e-7 : 0;
+ for (var i = curves.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ var curve = curves[i];
+ if (!curve.hasHandles() && (!curve.hasLength(tolerance)
+ || simplify && curve.isCollinear(curve.getNext())))
+ curve.remove();
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ reverse: function() {
+ this._segments.reverse();
+ for (var i = 0, l = this._segments.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var segment = this._segments[i];
+ var handleIn = segment._handleIn;
+ segment._handleIn = segment._handleOut;
+ segment._handleOut = handleIn;
+ segment._index = i;
+ }
+ this._curves = null;
+ this._changed(9);
+ },
+ flatten: function(flatness) {
+ var flattener = new PathFlattener(this, flatness || 0.25, 256, true),
+ parts = flattener.parts,
+ length = parts.length,
+ segments = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ segments.push(new Segment(parts[i].curve.slice(0, 2)));
+ }
+ if (!this._closed && length > 0) {
+ segments.push(new Segment(parts[length - 1].curve.slice(6)));
+ }
+ this.setSegments(segments);
+ },
+ simplify: function(tolerance) {
+ var segments = new PathFitter(this).fit(tolerance || 2.5);
+ if (segments)
+ this.setSegments(segments);
+ return !!segments;
+ },
+ smooth: function(options) {
+ var that = this,
+ opts = options || {},
+ type = opts.type || 'asymmetric',
+ segments = this._segments,
+ length = segments.length,
+ closed = this._closed;
+ function getIndex(value, _default) {
+ var index = value && value.index;
+ if (index != null) {
+ var path = value.path;
+ if (path && path !== that)
+ throw new Error(value._class + ' ' + index + ' of ' + path
+ + ' is not part of ' + that);
+ if (_default && value instanceof Curve)
+ index++;
+ } else {
+ index = typeof value === 'number' ? value : _default;
+ }
+ return Math.min(index < 0 && closed
+ ? index % length
+ : index < 0 ? index + length : index, length - 1);
+ }
+ var loop = closed && opts.from === undefined && opts.to === undefined,
+ from = getIndex(opts.from, 0),
+ to = getIndex(opts.to, length - 1);
+ if (from > to) {
+ if (closed) {
+ from -= length;
+ } else {
+ var tmp = from;
+ from = to;
+ to = tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ if (/^(?:asymmetric|continuous)$/.test(type)) {
+ var asymmetric = type === 'asymmetric',
+ min = Math.min,
+ amount = to - from + 1,
+ n = amount - 1,
+ padding = loop ? min(amount, 4) : 1,
+ paddingLeft = padding,
+ paddingRight = padding,
+ knots = [];
+ if (!closed) {
+ paddingLeft = min(1, from);
+ paddingRight = min(1, length - to - 1);
+ }
+ n += paddingLeft + paddingRight;
+ if (n <= 1)
+ return;
+ for (var i = 0, j = from - paddingLeft; i <= n; i++, j++) {
+ knots[i] = segments[(j < 0 ? j + length : j) % length]._point;
+ }
+ var x = knots[0]._x + 2 * knots[1]._x,
+ y = knots[0]._y + 2 * knots[1]._y,
+ f = 2,
+ n_1 = n - 1,
+ rx = [x],
+ ry = [y],
+ rf = [f],
+ px = [],
+ py = [];
+ for (var i = 1; i < n; i++) {
+ var internal = i < n_1,
+ a = internal ? 1 : asymmetric ? 1 : 2,
+ b = internal ? 4 : asymmetric ? 2 : 7,
+ u = internal ? 4 : asymmetric ? 3 : 8,
+ v = internal ? 2 : asymmetric ? 0 : 1,
+ m = a / f;
+ f = rf[i] = b - m;
+ x = rx[i] = u * knots[i]._x + v * knots[i + 1]._x - m * x;
+ y = ry[i] = u * knots[i]._y + v * knots[i + 1]._y - m * y;
+ }
+ px[n_1] = rx[n_1] / rf[n_1];
+ py[n_1] = ry[n_1] / rf[n_1];
+ for (var i = n - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
+ px[i] = (rx[i] - px[i + 1]) / rf[i];
+ py[i] = (ry[i] - py[i + 1]) / rf[i];
+ }
+ px[n] = (3 * knots[n]._x - px[n_1]) / 2;
+ py[n] = (3 * knots[n]._y - py[n_1]) / 2;
+ for (var i = paddingLeft, max = n - paddingRight, j = from;
+ i <= max; i++, j++) {
+ var segment = segments[j < 0 ? j + length : j],
+ pt = segment._point,
+ hx = px[i] - pt._x,
+ hy = py[i] - pt._y;
+ if (loop || i < max)
+ segment.setHandleOut(hx, hy);
+ if (loop || i > paddingLeft)
+ segment.setHandleIn(-hx, -hy);
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (var i = from; i <= to; i++) {
+ segments[i < 0 ? i + length : i].smooth(opts,
+ !loop && i === from, !loop && i === to);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ toShape: function(insert) {
+ if (!this._closed)
+ return null;
+ var segments = this._segments,
+ type,
+ size,
+ radius,
+ topCenter;
+ function isCollinear(i, j) {
+ var seg1 = segments[i],
+ seg2 = seg1.getNext(),
+ seg3 = segments[j],
+ seg4 = seg3.getNext();
+ return seg1._handleOut.isZero() && seg2._handleIn.isZero()
+ && seg3._handleOut.isZero() && seg4._handleIn.isZero()
+ && seg2._point.subtract(seg1._point).isCollinear(
+ seg4._point.subtract(seg3._point));
+ }
+ function isOrthogonal(i) {
+ var seg2 = segments[i],
+ seg1 = seg2.getPrevious(),
+ seg3 = seg2.getNext();
+ return seg1._handleOut.isZero() && seg2._handleIn.isZero()
+ && seg2._handleOut.isZero() && seg3._handleIn.isZero()
+ && seg2._point.subtract(seg1._point).isOrthogonal(
+ seg3._point.subtract(seg2._point));
+ }
+ function isArc(i) {
+ var seg1 = segments[i],
+ seg2 = seg1.getNext(),
+ handle1 = seg1._handleOut,
+ handle2 = seg2._handleIn,
+ kappa = 0.5522847498307936;
+ if (handle1.isOrthogonal(handle2)) {
+ var pt1 = seg1._point,
+ pt2 = seg2._point,
+ corner = new Line(pt1, handle1, true).intersect(
+ new Line(pt2, handle2, true), true);
+ return corner && Numerical.isZero(handle1.getLength() /
+ corner.subtract(pt1).getLength() - kappa)
+ && Numerical.isZero(handle2.getLength() /
+ corner.subtract(pt2).getLength() - kappa);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ function getDistance(i, j) {
+ return segments[i]._point.getDistance(segments[j]._point);
+ }
+ if (!this.hasHandles() && segments.length === 4
+ && isCollinear(0, 2) && isCollinear(1, 3) && isOrthogonal(1)) {
+ type = Shape.Rectangle;
+ size = new Size(getDistance(0, 3), getDistance(0, 1));
+ topCenter = segments[1]._point.add(segments[2]._point).divide(2);
+ } else if (segments.length === 8 && isArc(0) && isArc(2) && isArc(4)
+ && isArc(6) && isCollinear(1, 5) && isCollinear(3, 7)) {
+ type = Shape.Rectangle;
+ size = new Size(getDistance(1, 6), getDistance(0, 3));
+ radius = size.subtract(new Size(getDistance(0, 7),
+ getDistance(1, 2))).divide(2);
+ topCenter = segments[3]._point.add(segments[4]._point).divide(2);
+ } else if (segments.length === 4
+ && isArc(0) && isArc(1) && isArc(2) && isArc(3)) {
+ if (Numerical.isZero(getDistance(0, 2) - getDistance(1, 3))) {
+ type = Shape.Circle;
+ radius = getDistance(0, 2) / 2;
+ } else {
+ type = Shape.Ellipse;
+ radius = new Size(getDistance(2, 0) / 2, getDistance(3, 1) / 2);
+ }
+ topCenter = segments[1]._point;
+ }
+ if (type) {
+ var center = this.getPosition(true),
+ shape = new type({
+ center: center,
+ size: size,
+ radius: radius,
+ insert: false
+ });
+ shape.copyAttributes(this, true);
+ shape._matrix.prepend(this._matrix);
+ shape.rotate(topCenter.subtract(center).getAngle() + 90);
+ if (insert === undefined || insert)
+ shape.insertAbove(this);
+ return shape;
+ }
+ return null;
+ },
+ toPath: '#clone',
+ compare: function compare(path) {
+ if (!path || path instanceof CompoundPath)
+ return compare.base.call(this, path);
+ var curves1 = this.getCurves(),
+ curves2 = path.getCurves(),
+ length1 = curves1.length,
+ length2 = curves2.length;
+ if (!length1 || !length2) {
+ return length1 == length2;
+ }
+ var v1 = curves1[0].getValues(),
+ values2 = [],
+ pos1 = 0, pos2,
+ end1 = 0, end2;
+ for (var i = 0; i < length2; i++) {
+ var v2 = curves2[i].getValues();
+ values2.push(v2);
+ var overlaps = Curve.getOverlaps(v1, v2);
+ if (overlaps) {
+ pos2 = !i && overlaps[0][0] > 0 ? length2 - 1 : i;
+ end2 = overlaps[0][1];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ var abs = Math.abs,
+ epsilon = 1e-8,
+ v2 = values2[pos2],
+ start2;
+ while (v1 && v2) {
+ var overlaps = Curve.getOverlaps(v1, v2);
+ if (overlaps) {
+ var t1 = overlaps[0][0];
+ if (abs(t1 - end1) < epsilon) {
+ end1 = overlaps[1][0];
+ if (end1 === 1) {
+ v1 = ++pos1 < length1 ? curves1[pos1].getValues() : null;
+ end1 = 0;
+ }
+ var t2 = overlaps[0][1];
+ if (abs(t2 - end2) < epsilon) {
+ if (!start2)
+ start2 = [pos2, t2];
+ end2 = overlaps[1][1];
+ if (end2 === 1) {
+ if (++pos2 >= length2)
+ pos2 = 0;
+ v2 = values2[pos2] || curves2[pos2].getValues();
+ end2 = 0;
+ }
+ if (!v1) {
+ return start2[0] === pos2 && start2[1] === end2;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ _hitTestSelf: function(point, options, viewMatrix, strokeMatrix) {
+ var that = this,
+ style = this.getStyle(),
+ segments = this._segments,
+ numSegments = segments.length,
+ closed = this._closed,
+ tolerancePadding = options._tolerancePadding,
+ strokePadding = tolerancePadding,
+ join, cap, miterLimit,
+ area, loc, res,
+ hitStroke = options.stroke && style.hasStroke(),
+ hitFill = options.fill && style.hasFill(),
+ hitCurves = options.curves,
+ strokeRadius = hitStroke
+ ? style.getStrokeWidth() / 2
+ : hitFill && options.tolerance > 0 || hitCurves
+ ? 0 : null;
+ if (strokeRadius !== null) {
+ if (strokeRadius > 0) {
+ join = style.getStrokeJoin();
+ cap = style.getStrokeCap();
+ miterLimit = style.getMiterLimit();
+ strokePadding = strokePadding.add(
+ Path._getStrokePadding(strokeRadius, strokeMatrix));
+ } else {
+ join = cap = 'round';
+ }
+ }
+ function isCloseEnough(pt, padding) {
+ return point.subtract(pt).divide(padding).length <= 1;
+ }
+ function checkSegmentPoint(seg, pt, name) {
+ if (!options.selected || pt.isSelected()) {
+ var anchor = seg._point;
+ if (pt !== anchor)
+ pt = pt.add(anchor);
+ if (isCloseEnough(pt, strokePadding)) {
+ return new HitResult(name, that, {
+ segment: seg,
+ point: pt
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function checkSegmentPoints(seg, ends) {
+ return (ends || options.segments)
+ && checkSegmentPoint(seg, seg._point, 'segment')
+ || (!ends && options.handles) && (
+ checkSegmentPoint(seg, seg._handleIn, 'handle-in') ||
+ checkSegmentPoint(seg, seg._handleOut, 'handle-out'));
+ }
+ function addToArea(point) {
+ area.add(point);
+ }
+ function checkSegmentStroke(segment) {
+ var isJoin = closed || segment._index > 0
+ && segment._index < numSegments - 1;
+ if ((isJoin ? join : cap) === 'round') {
+ return isCloseEnough(segment._point, strokePadding);
+ } else {
+ area = new Path({ internal: true, closed: true });
+ if (isJoin) {
+ if (!segment.isSmooth()) {
+ Path._addBevelJoin(segment, join, strokeRadius,
+ miterLimit, null, strokeMatrix, addToArea, true);
+ }
+ } else if (cap === 'square') {
+ Path._addSquareCap(segment, cap, strokeRadius, null,
+ strokeMatrix, addToArea, true);
+ }
+ if (!area.isEmpty()) {
+ var loc;
+ return area.contains(point)
+ || (loc = area.getNearestLocation(point))
+ && isCloseEnough(loc.getPoint(), tolerancePadding);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (options.ends && !options.segments && !closed) {
+ if (res = checkSegmentPoints(segments[0], true)
+ || checkSegmentPoints(segments[numSegments - 1], true))
+ return res;
+ } else if (options.segments || options.handles) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < numSegments; i++)
+ if (res = checkSegmentPoints(segments[i]))
+ return res;
+ }
+ if (strokeRadius !== null) {
+ loc = this.getNearestLocation(point);
+ if (loc) {
+ var time = loc.getTime();
+ if (time === 0 || time === 1 && numSegments > 1) {
+ if (!checkSegmentStroke(loc.getSegment()))
+ loc = null;
+ } else if (!isCloseEnough(loc.getPoint(), strokePadding)) {
+ loc = null;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!loc && join === 'miter' && numSegments > 1) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < numSegments; i++) {
+ var segment = segments[i];
+ if (point.getDistance(segment._point)
+ <= miterLimit * strokeRadius
+ && checkSegmentStroke(segment)) {
+ loc = segment.getLocation();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return !loc && hitFill && this._contains(point)
+ || loc && !hitStroke && !hitCurves
+ ? new HitResult('fill', this)
+ : loc
+ ? new HitResult(hitStroke ? 'stroke' : 'curve', this, {
+ location: loc,
+ point: loc.getPoint()
+ })
+ : null;
+ }
+}, Base.each(Curve._evaluateMethods,
+ function(name) {
+ this[name + 'At'] = function(offset) {
+ var loc = this.getLocationAt(offset);
+ return loc && loc[name]();
+ };
+ },
+ beans: false,
+ getLocationOf: function() {
+ var point = Point.read(arguments),
+ curves = this.getCurves();
+ for (var i = 0, l = curves.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var loc = curves[i].getLocationOf(point);
+ if (loc)
+ return loc;
+ }
+ return null;
+ },
+ getOffsetOf: function() {
+ var loc = this.getLocationOf.apply(this, arguments);
+ return loc ? loc.getOffset() : null;
+ },
+ getLocationAt: function(offset) {
+ if (typeof offset === 'number') {
+ var curves = this.getCurves(),
+ length = 0;
+ for (var i = 0, l = curves.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var start = length,
+ curve = curves[i];
+ length += curve.getLength();
+ if (length > offset) {
+ return curve.getLocationAt(offset - start);
+ }
+ }
+ if (curves.length > 0 && offset <= this.getLength()) {
+ return new CurveLocation(curves[curves.length - 1], 1);
+ }
+ } else if (offset && offset.getPath && offset.getPath() === this) {
+ return offset;
+ }
+ return null;
+ },
+ getOffsetsWithTangent: function() {
+ var tangent = Point.read(arguments);
+ if (tangent.isZero()) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ var offsets = [];
+ var curveStart = 0;
+ var curves = this.getCurves();
+ for (var i = 0, l = curves.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var curve = curves[i];
+ var curveTimes = curve.getTimesWithTangent(tangent);
+ for (var j = 0, m = curveTimes.length; j < m; j++) {
+ var offset = curveStart + curve.getOffsetAtTime(curveTimes[j]);
+ if (offsets.indexOf(offset) < 0) {
+ offsets.push(offset);
+ }
+ }
+ curveStart += curve.length;
+ }
+ return offsets;
+ }
+new function() {
+ function drawHandles(ctx, segments, matrix, size) {
+ if (size <= 0) return;
+ var half = size / 2,
+ miniSize = size - 2,
+ miniHalf = half - 1,
+ coords = new Array(6),
+ pX, pY;
+ function drawHandle(index) {
+ var hX = coords[index],
+ hY = coords[index + 1];
+ if (pX != hX || pY != hY) {
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ ctx.moveTo(pX, pY);
+ ctx.lineTo(hX, hY);
+ ctx.stroke();
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ ctx.arc(hX, hY, half, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);
+ ctx.fill();
+ }
+ }
+ for (var i = 0, l = segments.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var segment = segments[i],
+ selection = segment._selection;
+ segment._transformCoordinates(matrix, coords);
+ pX = coords[0];
+ pY = coords[1];
+ if (selection & 2)
+ drawHandle(2);
+ if (selection & 4)
+ drawHandle(4);
+ ctx.fillRect(pX - half, pY - half, size, size);
+ if (miniSize > 0 && !(selection & 1)) {
+ var fillStyle = ctx.fillStyle;
+ ctx.fillStyle = '#ffffff';
+ ctx.fillRect(pX - miniHalf, pY - miniHalf, miniSize, miniSize);
+ ctx.fillStyle = fillStyle;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function drawSegments(ctx, path, matrix) {
+ var segments = path._segments,
+ length = segments.length,
+ coords = new Array(6),
+ first = true,
+ curX, curY,
+ prevX, prevY,
+ inX, inY,
+ outX, outY;
+ function drawSegment(segment) {
+ if (matrix) {
+ segment._transformCoordinates(matrix, coords);
+ curX = coords[0];
+ curY = coords[1];
+ } else {
+ var point = segment._point;
+ curX = point._x;
+ curY = point._y;
+ }
+ if (first) {
+ ctx.moveTo(curX, curY);
+ first = false;
+ } else {
+ if (matrix) {
+ inX = coords[2];
+ inY = coords[3];
+ } else {
+ var handle = segment._handleIn;
+ inX = curX + handle._x;
+ inY = curY + handle._y;
+ }
+ if (inX === curX && inY === curY
+ && outX === prevX && outY === prevY) {
+ ctx.lineTo(curX, curY);
+ } else {
+ ctx.bezierCurveTo(outX, outY, inX, inY, curX, curY);
+ }
+ }
+ prevX = curX;
+ prevY = curY;
+ if (matrix) {
+ outX = coords[4];
+ outY = coords[5];
+ } else {
+ var handle = segment._handleOut;
+ outX = prevX + handle._x;
+ outY = prevY + handle._y;
+ }
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
+ drawSegment(segments[i]);
+ if (path._closed && length > 0)
+ drawSegment(segments[0]);
+ }
+ return {
+ _draw: function(ctx, param, viewMatrix, strokeMatrix) {
+ var dontStart = param.dontStart,
+ dontPaint = param.dontFinish || param.clip,
+ style = this.getStyle(),
+ hasFill = style.hasFill(),
+ hasStroke = style.hasStroke(),
+ dashArray = style.getDashArray(),
+ dashLength = !paper.support.nativeDash && hasStroke
+ && dashArray && dashArray.length;
+ if (!dontStart)
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ if (hasFill || hasStroke && !dashLength || dontPaint) {
+ drawSegments(ctx, this, strokeMatrix);
+ if (this._closed)
+ ctx.closePath();
+ }
+ function getOffset(i) {
+ return dashArray[((i % dashLength) + dashLength) % dashLength];
+ }
+ if (!dontPaint && (hasFill || hasStroke)) {
+ this._setStyles(ctx, param, viewMatrix);
+ if (hasFill) {
+ ctx.fill(style.getFillRule());
+ ctx.shadowColor = 'rgba(0,0,0,0)';
+ }
+ if (hasStroke) {
+ if (dashLength) {
+ if (!dontStart)
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ var flattener = new PathFlattener(this, 0.25, 32, false,
+ strokeMatrix),
+ length = flattener.length,
+ from = -style.getDashOffset(), to,
+ i = 0;
+ from = from % length;
+ while (from > 0) {
+ from -= getOffset(i--) + getOffset(i--);
+ }
+ while (from < length) {
+ to = from + getOffset(i++);
+ if (from > 0 || to > 0)
+ flattener.drawPart(ctx,
+ Math.max(from, 0), Math.max(to, 0));
+ from = to + getOffset(i++);
+ }
+ }
+ ctx.stroke();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _drawSelected: function(ctx, matrix) {
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ drawSegments(ctx, this, matrix);
+ ctx.stroke();
+ drawHandles(ctx, this._segments, matrix, paper.settings.handleSize);
+ }
+ };
+new function() {
+ function getCurrentSegment(that) {
+ var segments = that._segments;
+ if (!segments.length)
+ throw new Error('Use a moveTo() command first');
+ return segments[segments.length - 1];
+ }
+ return {
+ moveTo: function() {
+ var segments = this._segments;
+ if (segments.length === 1)
+ this.removeSegment(0);
+ if (!segments.length)
+ this._add([ new Segment(Point.read(arguments)) ]);
+ },
+ moveBy: function() {
+ throw new Error('moveBy() is unsupported on Path items.');
+ },
+ lineTo: function() {
+ this._add([ new Segment(Point.read(arguments)) ]);
+ },
+ cubicCurveTo: function() {
+ var handle1 = Point.read(arguments),
+ handle2 = Point.read(arguments),
+ to = Point.read(arguments),
+ current = getCurrentSegment(this);
+ current.setHandleOut(handle1.subtract(current._point));
+ this._add([ new Segment(to, handle2.subtract(to)) ]);
+ },
+ quadraticCurveTo: function() {
+ var handle = Point.read(arguments),
+ to = Point.read(arguments),
+ current = getCurrentSegment(this)._point;
+ this.cubicCurveTo(
+ handle.add(current.subtract(handle).multiply(1 / 3)),
+ handle.add(to.subtract(handle).multiply(1 / 3)),
+ to
+ );
+ },
+ curveTo: function() {
+ var through = Point.read(arguments),
+ to = Point.read(arguments),
+ t = Base.pick(Base.read(arguments), 0.5),
+ t1 = 1 - t,
+ current = getCurrentSegment(this)._point,
+ handle = through.subtract(current.multiply(t1 * t1))
+ .subtract(to.multiply(t * t)).divide(2 * t * t1);
+ if (handle.isNaN())
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Cannot put a curve through points with parameter = ' + t);
+ this.quadraticCurveTo(handle, to);
+ },
+ arcTo: function() {
+ var abs = Math.abs,
+ sqrt = Math.sqrt,
+ current = getCurrentSegment(this),
+ from = current._point,
+ to = Point.read(arguments),
+ through,
+ peek = Base.peek(arguments),
+ clockwise = Base.pick(peek, true),
+ center, extent, vector, matrix;
+ if (typeof clockwise === 'boolean') {
+ var middle = from.add(to).divide(2),
+ through = middle.add(middle.subtract(from).rotate(
+ clockwise ? -90 : 90));
+ } else if (Base.remain(arguments) <= 2) {
+ through = to;
+ to = Point.read(arguments);
+ } else if (!from.equals(to)) {
+ var radius = Size.read(arguments),
+ isZero = Numerical.isZero;
+ if (isZero(radius.width) || isZero(radius.height))
+ return this.lineTo(to);
+ var rotation = Base.read(arguments),
+ clockwise = !!Base.read(arguments),
+ large = !!Base.read(arguments),
+ middle = from.add(to).divide(2),
+ pt = from.subtract(middle).rotate(-rotation),
+ x = pt.x,
+ y = pt.y,
+ rx = abs(radius.width),
+ ry = abs(radius.height),
+ rxSq = rx * rx,
+ rySq = ry * ry,
+ xSq = x * x,
+ ySq = y * y;
+ var factor = sqrt(xSq / rxSq + ySq / rySq);
+ if (factor > 1) {
+ rx *= factor;
+ ry *= factor;
+ rxSq = rx * rx;
+ rySq = ry * ry;
+ }
+ factor = (rxSq * rySq - rxSq * ySq - rySq * xSq) /
+ (rxSq * ySq + rySq * xSq);
+ if (abs(factor) < 1e-12)
+ factor = 0;
+ if (factor < 0)
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Cannot create an arc with the given arguments');
+ center = new Point(rx * y / ry, -ry * x / rx)
+ .multiply((large === clockwise ? -1 : 1) * sqrt(factor))
+ .rotate(rotation).add(middle);
+ matrix = new Matrix().translate(center).rotate(rotation)
+ .scale(rx, ry);
+ vector = matrix._inverseTransform(from);
+ extent = vector.getDirectedAngle(matrix._inverseTransform(to));
+ if (!clockwise && extent > 0)
+ extent -= 360;
+ else if (clockwise && extent < 0)
+ extent += 360;
+ }
+ if (through) {
+ var l1 = new Line(from.add(through).divide(2),
+ through.subtract(from).rotate(90), true),
+ l2 = new Line(through.add(to).divide(2),
+ to.subtract(through).rotate(90), true),
+ line = new Line(from, to),
+ throughSide = line.getSide(through);
+ center = l1.intersect(l2, true);
+ if (!center) {
+ if (!throughSide)
+ return this.lineTo(to);
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Cannot create an arc with the given arguments');
+ }
+ vector = from.subtract(center);
+ extent = vector.getDirectedAngle(to.subtract(center));
+ var centerSide = line.getSide(center, true);
+ if (centerSide === 0) {
+ extent = throughSide * abs(extent);
+ } else if (throughSide === centerSide) {
+ extent += extent < 0 ? 360 : -360;
+ }
+ }
+ if (extent) {
+ var epsilon = 1e-7,
+ ext = abs(extent),
+ count = ext >= 360 ? 4 : Math.ceil((ext - epsilon) / 90),
+ inc = extent / count,
+ half = inc * Math.PI / 360,
+ z = 4 / 3 * Math.sin(half) / (1 + Math.cos(half)),
+ segments = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i <= count; i++) {
+ var pt = to,
+ out = null;
+ if (i < count) {
+ out = vector.rotate(90).multiply(z);
+ if (matrix) {
+ pt = matrix._transformPoint(vector);
+ out = matrix._transformPoint(vector.add(out))
+ .subtract(pt);
+ } else {
+ pt = center.add(vector);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!i) {
+ current.setHandleOut(out);
+ } else {
+ var _in = vector.rotate(-90).multiply(z);
+ if (matrix) {
+ _in = matrix._transformPoint(vector.add(_in))
+ .subtract(pt);
+ }
+ segments.push(new Segment(pt, _in, out));
+ }
+ vector = vector.rotate(inc);
+ }
+ this._add(segments);
+ }
+ },
+ lineBy: function() {
+ var to = Point.read(arguments),
+ current = getCurrentSegment(this)._point;
+ this.lineTo(current.add(to));
+ },
+ curveBy: function() {
+ var through = Point.read(arguments),
+ to = Point.read(arguments),
+ parameter = Base.read(arguments),
+ current = getCurrentSegment(this)._point;
+ this.curveTo(current.add(through), current.add(to), parameter);
+ },
+ cubicCurveBy: function() {
+ var handle1 = Point.read(arguments),
+ handle2 = Point.read(arguments),
+ to = Point.read(arguments),
+ current = getCurrentSegment(this)._point;
+ this.cubicCurveTo(current.add(handle1), current.add(handle2),
+ current.add(to));
+ },
+ quadraticCurveBy: function() {
+ var handle = Point.read(arguments),
+ to = Point.read(arguments),
+ current = getCurrentSegment(this)._point;
+ this.quadraticCurveTo(current.add(handle), current.add(to));
+ },
+ arcBy: function() {
+ var current = getCurrentSegment(this)._point,
+ point = current.add(Point.read(arguments)),
+ clockwise = Base.pick(Base.peek(arguments), true);
+ if (typeof clockwise === 'boolean') {
+ this.arcTo(point, clockwise);
+ } else {
+ this.arcTo(point, current.add(Point.read(arguments)));
+ }
+ },
+ closePath: function(tolerance) {
+ this.setClosed(true);
+ this.join(this, tolerance);
+ }
+ };
+}, {
+ _getBounds: function(matrix, options) {
+ var method = options.handle
+ ? 'getHandleBounds'
+ : options.stroke
+ ? 'getStrokeBounds'
+ : 'getBounds';
+ return Path[method](this._segments, this._closed, this, matrix, options);
+ },
+statics: {
+ getBounds: function(segments, closed, path, matrix, options, strokePadding) {
+ var first = segments[0];
+ if (!first)
+ return new Rectangle();
+ var coords = new Array(6),
+ prevCoords = first._transformCoordinates(matrix, new Array(6)),
+ min = prevCoords.slice(0, 2),
+ max = min.slice(),
+ roots = new Array(2);
+ function processSegment(segment) {
+ segment._transformCoordinates(matrix, coords);
+ for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ Curve._addBounds(
+ prevCoords[i],
+ prevCoords[i + 4],
+ coords[i + 2],
+ coords[i],
+ i, strokePadding ? strokePadding[i] : 0, min, max, roots);
+ }
+ var tmp = prevCoords;
+ prevCoords = coords;
+ coords = tmp;
+ }
+ for (var i = 1, l = segments.length; i < l; i++)
+ processSegment(segments[i]);
+ if (closed)
+ processSegment(first);
+ return new Rectangle(min[0], min[1], max[0] - min[0], max[1] - min[1]);
+ },
+ getStrokeBounds: function(segments, closed, path, matrix, options) {
+ var style = path.getStyle(),
+ stroke = style.hasStroke(),
+ strokeWidth = style.getStrokeWidth(),
+ strokeMatrix = stroke && path._getStrokeMatrix(matrix, options),
+ strokePadding = stroke && Path._getStrokePadding(strokeWidth,
+ strokeMatrix),
+ bounds = Path.getBounds(segments, closed, path, matrix, options,
+ strokePadding);
+ if (!stroke)
+ return bounds;
+ var strokeRadius = strokeWidth / 2,
+ join = style.getStrokeJoin(),
+ cap = style.getStrokeCap(),
+ miterLimit = style.getMiterLimit(),
+ joinBounds = new Rectangle(new Size(strokePadding));
+ function addPoint(point) {
+ bounds = bounds.include(point);
+ }
+ function addRound(segment) {
+ bounds = bounds.unite(
+ joinBounds.setCenter(segment._point.transform(matrix)));
+ }
+ function addJoin(segment, join) {
+ if (join === 'round' || segment.isSmooth()) {
+ addRound(segment);
+ } else {
+ Path._addBevelJoin(segment, join, strokeRadius, miterLimit,
+ matrix, strokeMatrix, addPoint);
+ }
+ }
+ function addCap(segment, cap) {
+ if (cap === 'round') {
+ addRound(segment);
+ } else {
+ Path._addSquareCap(segment, cap, strokeRadius, matrix,
+ strokeMatrix, addPoint);
+ }
+ }
+ var length = segments.length - (closed ? 0 : 1);
+ for (var i = 1; i < length; i++)
+ addJoin(segments[i], join);
+ if (closed) {
+ addJoin(segments[0], join);
+ } else if (length > 0) {
+ addCap(segments[0], cap);
+ addCap(segments[segments.length - 1], cap);
+ }
+ return bounds;
+ },
+ _getStrokePadding: function(radius, matrix) {
+ if (!matrix)
+ return [radius, radius];
+ var hor = new Point(radius, 0).transform(matrix),
+ ver = new Point(0, radius).transform(matrix),
+ phi = hor.getAngleInRadians(),
+ a = hor.getLength(),
+ b = ver.getLength();
+ var sin = Math.sin(phi),
+ cos = Math.cos(phi),
+ tan = Math.tan(phi),
+ tx = Math.atan2(b * tan, a),
+ ty = Math.atan2(b, tan * a);
+ return [Math.abs(a * Math.cos(tx) * cos + b * Math.sin(tx) * sin),
+ Math.abs(b * Math.sin(ty) * cos + a * Math.cos(ty) * sin)];
+ },
+ _addBevelJoin: function(segment, join, radius, miterLimit, matrix,
+ strokeMatrix, addPoint, isArea) {
+ var curve2 = segment.getCurve(),
+ curve1 = curve2.getPrevious(),
+ point = curve2.getPoint1().transform(matrix),
+ normal1 = curve1.getNormalAtTime(1).multiply(radius)
+ .transform(strokeMatrix),
+ normal2 = curve2.getNormalAtTime(0).multiply(radius)
+ .transform(strokeMatrix),
+ angle = normal1.getDirectedAngle(normal2);
+ if (angle < 0 || angle >= 180) {
+ normal1 = normal1.negate();
+ normal2 = normal2.negate();
+ }
+ if (isArea)
+ addPoint(point);
+ addPoint(point.add(normal1));
+ if (join === 'miter') {
+ var corner = new Line(point.add(normal1),
+ new Point(-normal1.y, normal1.x), true
+ ).intersect(new Line(point.add(normal2),
+ new Point(-normal2.y, normal2.x), true
+ ), true);
+ if (corner && point.getDistance(corner) <= miterLimit * radius) {
+ addPoint(corner);
+ }
+ }
+ addPoint(point.add(normal2));
+ },
+ _addSquareCap: function(segment, cap, radius, matrix, strokeMatrix,
+ addPoint, isArea) {
+ var point = segment._point.transform(matrix),
+ loc = segment.getLocation(),
+ normal = loc.getNormal()
+ .multiply(loc.getTime() === 0 ? radius : -radius)
+ .transform(strokeMatrix);
+ if (cap === 'square') {
+ if (isArea) {
+ addPoint(point.subtract(normal));
+ addPoint(point.add(normal));
+ }
+ point = point.add(normal.rotate(-90));
+ }
+ addPoint(point.add(normal));
+ addPoint(point.subtract(normal));
+ },
+ getHandleBounds: function(segments, closed, path, matrix, options) {
+ var style = path.getStyle(),
+ stroke = options.stroke && style.hasStroke(),
+ strokePadding,
+ joinPadding;
+ if (stroke) {
+ var strokeMatrix = path._getStrokeMatrix(matrix, options),
+ strokeRadius = style.getStrokeWidth() / 2,
+ joinRadius = strokeRadius;
+ if (style.getStrokeJoin() === 'miter')
+ joinRadius = strokeRadius * style.getMiterLimit();
+ if (style.getStrokeCap() === 'square')
+ joinRadius = Math.max(joinRadius, strokeRadius * Math.SQRT2);
+ strokePadding = Path._getStrokePadding(strokeRadius, strokeMatrix);
+ joinPadding = Path._getStrokePadding(joinRadius, strokeMatrix);
+ }
+ var coords = new Array(6),
+ x1 = Infinity,
+ x2 = -x1,
+ y1 = x1,
+ y2 = x2;
+ for (var i = 0, l = segments.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var segment = segments[i];
+ segment._transformCoordinates(matrix, coords);
+ for (var j = 0; j < 6; j += 2) {
+ var padding = !j ? joinPadding : strokePadding,
+ paddingX = padding ? padding[0] : 0,
+ paddingY = padding ? padding[1] : 0,
+ x = coords[j],
+ y = coords[j + 1],
+ xn = x - paddingX,
+ xx = x + paddingX,
+ yn = y - paddingY,
+ yx = y + paddingY;
+ if (xn < x1) x1 = xn;
+ if (xx > x2) x2 = xx;
+ if (yn < y1) y1 = yn;
+ if (yx > y2) y2 = yx;
+ }
+ }
+ return new Rectangle(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
+ }
+Path.inject({ statics: new function() {
+ var kappa = 0.5522847498307936,
+ ellipseSegments = [
+ new Segment([-1, 0], [0, kappa ], [0, -kappa]),
+ new Segment([0, -1], [-kappa, 0], [kappa, 0 ]),
+ new Segment([1, 0], [0, -kappa], [0, kappa ]),
+ new Segment([0, 1], [kappa, 0 ], [-kappa, 0])
+ ];
+ function createPath(segments, closed, args) {
+ var props = Base.getNamed(args),
+ path = new Path(props && props.insert == false && Item.NO_INSERT);
+ path._add(segments);
+ path._closed = closed;
+ return path.set(props, { insert: true });
+ }
+ function createEllipse(center, radius, args) {
+ var segments = new Array(4);
+ for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ var segment = ellipseSegments[i];
+ segments[i] = new Segment(
+ segment._point.multiply(radius).add(center),
+ segment._handleIn.multiply(radius),
+ segment._handleOut.multiply(radius)
+ );
+ }
+ return createPath(segments, true, args);
+ }
+ return {
+ Line: function() {
+ return createPath([
+ new Segment(Point.readNamed(arguments, 'from')),
+ new Segment(Point.readNamed(arguments, 'to'))
+ ], false, arguments);
+ },
+ Circle: function() {
+ var center = Point.readNamed(arguments, 'center'),
+ radius = Base.readNamed(arguments, 'radius');
+ return createEllipse(center, new Size(radius), arguments);
+ },
+ Rectangle: function() {
+ var rect = Rectangle.readNamed(arguments, 'rectangle'),
+ radius = Size.readNamed(arguments, 'radius', 0,
+ { readNull: true }),
+ bl = rect.getBottomLeft(true),
+ tl = rect.getTopLeft(true),
+ tr = rect.getTopRight(true),
+ br = rect.getBottomRight(true),
+ segments;
+ if (!radius || radius.isZero()) {
+ segments = [
+ new Segment(bl),
+ new Segment(tl),
+ new Segment(tr),
+ new Segment(br)
+ ];
+ } else {
+ radius = Size.min(radius, rect.getSize(true).divide(2));
+ var rx = radius.width,
+ ry = radius.height,
+ hx = rx * kappa,
+ hy = ry * kappa;
+ segments = [
+ new Segment(bl.add(rx, 0), null, [-hx, 0]),
+ new Segment(bl.subtract(0, ry), [0, hy]),
+ new Segment(tl.add(0, ry), null, [0, -hy]),
+ new Segment(tl.add(rx, 0), [-hx, 0], null),
+ new Segment(tr.subtract(rx, 0), null, [hx, 0]),
+ new Segment(tr.add(0, ry), [0, -hy], null),
+ new Segment(br.subtract(0, ry), null, [0, hy]),
+ new Segment(br.subtract(rx, 0), [hx, 0])
+ ];
+ }
+ return createPath(segments, true, arguments);
+ },
+ RoundRectangle: '#Rectangle',
+ Ellipse: function() {
+ var ellipse = Shape._readEllipse(arguments);
+ return createEllipse(ellipse.center, ellipse.radius, arguments);
+ },
+ Oval: '#Ellipse',
+ Arc: function() {
+ var from = Point.readNamed(arguments, 'from'),
+ through = Point.readNamed(arguments, 'through'),
+ to = Point.readNamed(arguments, 'to'),
+ props = Base.getNamed(arguments),
+ path = new Path(props && props.insert == false
+ && Item.NO_INSERT);
+ path.moveTo(from);
+ path.arcTo(through, to);
+ return path.set(props);
+ },
+ RegularPolygon: function() {
+ var center = Point.readNamed(arguments, 'center'),
+ sides = Base.readNamed(arguments, 'sides'),
+ radius = Base.readNamed(arguments, 'radius'),
+ step = 360 / sides,
+ three = sides % 3 === 0,
+ vector = new Point(0, three ? -radius : radius),
+ offset = three ? -1 : 0.5,
+ segments = new Array(sides);
+ for (var i = 0; i < sides; i++)
+ segments[i] = new Segment(center.add(
+ vector.rotate((i + offset) * step)));
+ return createPath(segments, true, arguments);
+ },
+ Star: function() {
+ var center = Point.readNamed(arguments, 'center'),
+ points = Base.readNamed(arguments, 'points') * 2,
+ radius1 = Base.readNamed(arguments, 'radius1'),
+ radius2 = Base.readNamed(arguments, 'radius2'),
+ step = 360 / points,
+ vector = new Point(0, -1),
+ segments = new Array(points);
+ for (var i = 0; i < points; i++)
+ segments[i] = new Segment(center.add(vector.rotate(step * i)
+ .multiply(i % 2 ? radius2 : radius1)));
+ return createPath(segments, true, arguments);
+ }
+ };
+var CompoundPath = PathItem.extend({
+ _class: 'CompoundPath',
+ _serializeFields: {
+ children: []
+ },
+ beans: true,
+ initialize: function CompoundPath(arg) {
+ this._children = [];
+ this._namedChildren = {};
+ if (!this._initialize(arg)) {
+ if (typeof arg === 'string') {
+ this.setPathData(arg);
+ } else {
+ this.addChildren(Array.isArray(arg) ? arg : arguments);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ insertChildren: function insertChildren(index, items) {
+ var list = items,
+ first = list[0];
+ if (first && typeof first[0] === 'number')
+ list = [list];
+ for (var i = items.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ var item = list[i];
+ if (list === items && !(item instanceof Path))
+ list = Base.slice(list);
+ if (Array.isArray(item)) {
+ list[i] = new Path({ segments: item, insert: false });
+ } else if (item instanceof CompoundPath) {
+ list.splice.apply(list, [i, 1].concat(item.removeChildren()));
+ item.remove();
+ }
+ }
+ return insertChildren.base.call(this, index, list);
+ },
+ reduce: function reduce(options) {
+ var children = this._children;
+ for (var i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ var path = children[i].reduce(options);
+ if (path.isEmpty())
+ path.remove();
+ }
+ if (!children.length) {
+ var path = new Path(Item.NO_INSERT);
+ path.copyAttributes(this);
+ path.insertAbove(this);
+ this.remove();
+ return path;
+ }
+ return reduce.base.call(this);
+ },
+ isClosed: function() {
+ var children = this._children;
+ for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {
+ if (!children[i]._closed)
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ },
+ setClosed: function(closed) {
+ var children = this._children;
+ for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {
+ children[i].setClosed(closed);
+ }
+ },
+ getFirstSegment: function() {
+ var first = this.getFirstChild();
+ return first && first.getFirstSegment();
+ },
+ getLastSegment: function() {
+ var last = this.getLastChild();
+ return last && last.getLastSegment();
+ },
+ getCurves: function() {
+ var children = this._children,
+ curves = [];
+ for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {
+ Base.push(curves, children[i].getCurves());
+ }
+ return curves;
+ },
+ getFirstCurve: function() {
+ var first = this.getFirstChild();
+ return first && first.getFirstCurve();
+ },
+ getLastCurve: function() {
+ var last = this.getLastChild();
+ return last && last.getLastCurve();
+ },
+ getArea: function() {
+ var children = this._children,
+ area = 0;
+ for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++)
+ area += children[i].getArea();
+ return area;
+ },
+ getLength: function() {
+ var children = this._children,
+ length = 0;
+ for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++)
+ length += children[i].getLength();
+ return length;
+ },
+ getPathData: function(_matrix, _precision) {
+ var children = this._children,
+ paths = [];
+ for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var child = children[i],
+ mx = child._matrix;
+ paths.push(child.getPathData(_matrix && !mx.isIdentity()
+ ? _matrix.appended(mx) : _matrix, _precision));
+ }
+ return paths.join('');
+ },
+ _hitTestChildren: function _hitTestChildren(point, options, viewMatrix) {
+ return _hitTestChildren.base.call(this, point,
+ options.class === Path || options.type === 'path' ? options
+ : Base.set({}, options, { fill: false }),
+ viewMatrix);
+ },
+ _draw: function(ctx, param, viewMatrix, strokeMatrix) {
+ var children = this._children;
+ if (!children.length)
+ return;
+ param = param.extend({ dontStart: true, dontFinish: true });
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++)
+ children[i].draw(ctx, param, strokeMatrix);
+ if (!param.clip) {
+ this._setStyles(ctx, param, viewMatrix);
+ var style = this._style;
+ if (style.hasFill()) {
+ ctx.fill(style.getFillRule());
+ ctx.shadowColor = 'rgba(0,0,0,0)';
+ }
+ if (style.hasStroke())
+ ctx.stroke();
+ }
+ },
+ _drawSelected: function(ctx, matrix, selectionItems) {
+ var children = this._children;
+ for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var child = children[i],
+ mx = child._matrix;
+ if (!selectionItems[child._id]) {
+ child._drawSelected(ctx, mx.isIdentity() ? matrix
+ : matrix.appended(mx));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+new function() {
+ function getCurrentPath(that, check) {
+ var children = that._children;
+ if (check && !children.length)
+ throw new Error('Use a moveTo() command first');
+ return children[children.length - 1];
+ }
+ return Base.each(['lineTo', 'cubicCurveTo', 'quadraticCurveTo', 'curveTo',
+ 'arcTo', 'lineBy', 'cubicCurveBy', 'quadraticCurveBy', 'curveBy',
+ 'arcBy'],
+ function(key) {
+ this[key] = function() {
+ var path = getCurrentPath(this, true);
+ path[key].apply(path, arguments);
+ };
+ }, {
+ moveTo: function() {
+ var current = getCurrentPath(this),
+ path = current && current.isEmpty() ? current
+ : new Path(Item.NO_INSERT);
+ if (path !== current)
+ this.addChild(path);
+ path.moveTo.apply(path, arguments);
+ },
+ moveBy: function() {
+ var current = getCurrentPath(this, true),
+ last = current && current.getLastSegment(),
+ point = Point.read(arguments);
+ this.moveTo(last ? point.add(last._point) : point);
+ },
+ closePath: function(tolerance) {
+ getCurrentPath(this, true).closePath(tolerance);
+ }
+ }
+ );
+}, Base.each(['reverse', 'flatten', 'simplify', 'smooth'], function(key) {
+ this[key] = function(param) {
+ var children = this._children,
+ res;
+ for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {
+ res = children[i][key](param) || res;
+ }
+ return res;
+ };
+}, {}));
+PathItem.inject(new function() {
+ var min = Math.min,
+ max = Math.max,
+ abs = Math.abs,
+ operators = {
+ unite: { '1': true, '2': true },
+ intersect: { '2': true },
+ subtract: { '1': true },
+ exclude: { '1': true, '-1': true }
+ };
+ function preparePath(path, resolve) {
+ var res = path.clone(false).reduce({ simplify: true })
+ .transform(null, true, true);
+ return resolve
+ ? res.resolveCrossings().reorient(
+ res.getFillRule() === 'nonzero', true)
+ : res;
+ }
+ function createResult(paths, simplify, path1, path2, options) {
+ var result = new CompoundPath(Item.NO_INSERT);
+ result.addChildren(paths, true);
+ result = result.reduce({ simplify: simplify });
+ if (!(options && options.insert == false)) {
+ result.insertAbove(path2 && path1.isSibling(path2)
+ && path1.getIndex() < path2.getIndex() ? path2 : path1);
+ }
+ result.copyAttributes(path1, true);
+ return result;
+ }
+ function traceBoolean(path1, path2, operation, options) {
+ if (options && (options.trace == false || options.stroke) &&
+ /^(subtract|intersect)$/.test(operation))
+ return splitBoolean(path1, path2, operation);
+ var _path1 = preparePath(path1, true),
+ _path2 = path2 && path1 !== path2 && preparePath(path2, true),
+ operator = operators[operation];
+ operator[operation] = true;
+ if (_path2 && (operator.subtract || operator.exclude)
+ ^ (_path2.isClockwise() ^ _path1.isClockwise()))
+ _path2.reverse();
+ var crossings = divideLocations(
+ CurveLocation.expand(_path1.getCrossings(_path2))),
+ paths1 = _path1._children || [_path1],
+ paths2 = _path2 && (_path2._children || [_path2]),
+ segments = [],
+ curves = [],
+ paths;
+ function collect(paths) {
+ for (var i = 0, l = paths.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var path = paths[i];
+ Base.push(segments, path._segments);
+ Base.push(curves, path.getCurves());
+ path._overlapsOnly = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (crossings.length) {
+ collect(paths1);
+ if (paths2)
+ collect(paths2);
+ for (var i = 0, l = crossings.length; i < l; i++) {
+ propagateWinding(crossings[i]._segment, _path1, _path2, curves,
+ operator);
+ }
+ for (var i = 0, l = segments.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var segment = segments[i],
+ inter = segment._intersection;
+ if (!segment._winding) {
+ propagateWinding(segment, _path1, _path2, curves, operator);
+ }
+ if (!(inter && inter._overlap))
+ segment._path._overlapsOnly = false;
+ }
+ paths = tracePaths(segments, operator);
+ } else {
+ paths = reorientPaths(
+ paths2 ? paths1.concat(paths2) : paths1.slice(),
+ function(w) {
+ return !!operator[w];
+ });
+ }
+ return createResult(paths, true, path1, path2, options);
+ }
+ function splitBoolean(path1, path2, operation) {
+ var _path1 = preparePath(path1),
+ _path2 = preparePath(path2),
+ crossings = _path1.getCrossings(_path2),
+ subtract = operation === 'subtract',
+ divide = operation === 'divide',
+ added = {},
+ paths = [];
+ function addPath(path) {
+ if (!added[path._id] && (divide ||
+ _path2.contains(path.getPointAt(path.getLength() / 2))
+ ^ subtract)) {
+ paths.unshift(path);
+ return added[path._id] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ for (var i = crossings.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ var path = crossings[i].split();
+ if (path) {
+ if (addPath(path))
+ path.getFirstSegment().setHandleIn(0, 0);
+ _path1.getLastSegment().setHandleOut(0, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ addPath(_path1);
+ return createResult(paths, false, path1, path2);
+ }
+ function linkIntersections(from, to) {
+ var prev = from;
+ while (prev) {
+ if (prev === to)
+ return;
+ prev = prev._previous;
+ }
+ while (from._next && from._next !== to)
+ from = from._next;
+ if (!from._next) {
+ while (to._previous)
+ to = to._previous;
+ from._next = to;
+ to._previous = from;
+ }
+ }
+ function clearCurveHandles(curves) {
+ for (var i = curves.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ curves[i].clearHandles();
+ }
+ function reorientPaths(paths, isInside, clockwise) {
+ var length = paths && paths.length;
+ if (length) {
+ var lookup = Base.each(paths, function (path, i) {
+ this[path._id] = {
+ container: null,
+ winding: path.isClockwise() ? 1 : -1,
+ index: i
+ };
+ }, {}),
+ sorted = paths.slice().sort(function (a, b) {
+ return abs(b.getArea()) - abs(a.getArea());
+ }),
+ first = sorted[0];
+ if (clockwise == null)
+ clockwise = first.isClockwise();
+ for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ var path1 = sorted[i],
+ entry1 = lookup[path1._id],
+ point = path1.getInteriorPoint(),
+ containerWinding = 0;
+ for (var j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
+ var path2 = sorted[j];
+ if (path2.contains(point)) {
+ var entry2 = lookup[path2._id];
+ containerWinding = entry2.winding;
+ entry1.winding += containerWinding;
+ entry1.container = entry2.exclude ? entry2.container
+ : path2;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (isInside(entry1.winding) === isInside(containerWinding)) {
+ entry1.exclude = true;
+ paths[entry1.index] = null;
+ } else {
+ var container = entry1.container;
+ path1.setClockwise(container ? !container.isClockwise()
+ : clockwise);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return paths;
+ }
+ function divideLocations(locations, include, clearLater) {
+ var results = include && [],
+ tMin = 1e-8,
+ tMax = 1 - tMin,
+ clearHandles = false,
+ clearCurves = clearLater || [],
+ clearLookup = clearLater && {},
+ renormalizeLocs,
+ prevCurve,
+ prevTime;
+ function getId(curve) {
+ return curve._path._id + '.' + curve._segment1._index;
+ }
+ for (var i = (clearLater && clearLater.length) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ var curve = clearLater[i];
+ if (curve._path)
+ clearLookup[getId(curve)] = true;
+ }
+ for (var i = locations.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ var loc = locations[i],
+ time = loc._time,
+ origTime = time,
+ exclude = include && !include(loc),
+ curve = loc._curve,
+ segment;
+ if (curve) {
+ if (curve !== prevCurve) {
+ clearHandles = !curve.hasHandles()
+ || clearLookup && clearLookup[getId(curve)];
+ renormalizeLocs = [];
+ prevTime = null;
+ prevCurve = curve;
+ } else if (prevTime >= tMin) {
+ time /= prevTime;
+ }
+ }
+ if (exclude) {
+ if (renormalizeLocs)
+ renormalizeLocs.push(loc);
+ continue;
+ } else if (include) {
+ results.unshift(loc);
+ }
+ prevTime = origTime;
+ if (time < tMin) {
+ segment = curve._segment1;
+ } else if (time > tMax) {
+ segment = curve._segment2;
+ } else {
+ var newCurve = curve.divideAtTime(time, true);
+ if (clearHandles)
+ clearCurves.push(curve, newCurve);
+ segment = newCurve._segment1;
+ for (var j = renormalizeLocs.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
+ var l = renormalizeLocs[j];
+ l._time = (l._time - time) / (1 - time);
+ }
+ }
+ loc._setSegment(segment);
+ var inter = segment._intersection,
+ dest = loc._intersection;
+ if (inter) {
+ linkIntersections(inter, dest);
+ var other = inter;
+ while (other) {
+ linkIntersections(other._intersection, inter);
+ other = other._next;
+ }
+ } else {
+ segment._intersection = dest;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!clearLater)
+ clearCurveHandles(clearCurves);
+ return results || locations;
+ }
+ function getWinding(point, curves, dir, closed, dontFlip) {
+ var ia = dir ? 1 : 0,
+ io = ia ^ 1,
+ pv = [point.x, point.y],
+ pa = pv[ia],
+ po = pv[io],
+ windingEpsilon = 1e-9,
+ qualityEpsilon = 1e-6,
+ paL = pa - windingEpsilon,
+ paR = pa + windingEpsilon,
+ windingL = 0,
+ windingR = 0,
+ pathWindingL = 0,
+ pathWindingR = 0,
+ onPath = false,
+ onAnyPath = false,
+ quality = 1,
+ roots = [],
+ vPrev,
+ vClose;
+ function addWinding(v) {
+ var o0 = v[io + 0],
+ o3 = v[io + 6];
+ if (po < min(o0, o3) || po > max(o0, o3)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var a0 = v[ia + 0],
+ a1 = v[ia + 2],
+ a2 = v[ia + 4],
+ a3 = v[ia + 6];
+ if (o0 === o3) {
+ if (a0 < paR && a3 > paL || a3 < paR && a0 > paL) {
+ onPath = true;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ var t = po === o0 ? 0
+ : po === o3 ? 1
+ : paL > max(a0, a1, a2, a3) || paR < min(a0, a1, a2, a3)
+ ? 1
+ : Curve.solveCubic(v, io, po, roots, 0, 1) > 0
+ ? roots[0]
+ : 1,
+ a = t === 0 ? a0
+ : t === 1 ? a3
+ : Curve.getPoint(v, t)[dir ? 'y' : 'x'],
+ winding = o0 > o3 ? 1 : -1,
+ windingPrev = vPrev[io] > vPrev[io + 6] ? 1 : -1,
+ a3Prev = vPrev[ia + 6];
+ if (po !== o0) {
+ if (a < paL) {
+ pathWindingL += winding;
+ } else if (a > paR) {
+ pathWindingR += winding;
+ } else {
+ onPath = true;
+ }
+ if (a > pa - qualityEpsilon && a < pa + qualityEpsilon)
+ quality /= 2;
+ } else {
+ if (winding !== windingPrev) {
+ if (a0 < paL) {
+ pathWindingL += winding;
+ } else if (a0 > paR) {
+ pathWindingR += winding;
+ }
+ } else if (a0 != a3Prev) {
+ if (a3Prev < paR && a > paR) {
+ pathWindingR += winding;
+ onPath = true;
+ } else if (a3Prev > paL && a < paL) {
+ pathWindingL += winding;
+ onPath = true;
+ }
+ }
+ quality = 0;
+ }
+ vPrev = v;
+ return !dontFlip && a > paL && a < paR
+ && Curve.getTangent(v, t)[dir ? 'x' : 'y'] === 0
+ && getWinding(point, curves, !dir, closed, true);
+ }
+ function handleCurve(v) {
+ var o0 = v[io + 0],
+ o1 = v[io + 2],
+ o2 = v[io + 4],
+ o3 = v[io + 6];
+ if (po <= max(o0, o1, o2, o3) && po >= min(o0, o1, o2, o3)) {
+ var a0 = v[ia + 0],
+ a1 = v[ia + 2],
+ a2 = v[ia + 4],
+ a3 = v[ia + 6],
+ monoCurves = paL > max(a0, a1, a2, a3) ||
+ paR < min(a0, a1, a2, a3)
+ ? [v] : Curve.getMonoCurves(v, dir),
+ res;
+ for (var i = 0, l = monoCurves.length; i < l; i++) {
+ if (res = addWinding(monoCurves[i]))
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (var i = 0, l = curves.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var curve = curves[i],
+ path = curve._path,
+ v = curve.getValues(),
+ res;
+ if (!i || curves[i - 1]._path !== path) {
+ vPrev = null;
+ if (!path._closed) {
+ vClose = Curve.getValues(
+ path.getLastCurve().getSegment2(),
+ curve.getSegment1(),
+ null, !closed);
+ if (vClose[io] !== vClose[io + 6]) {
+ vPrev = vClose;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!vPrev) {
+ vPrev = v;
+ var prev = path.getLastCurve();
+ while (prev && prev !== curve) {
+ var v2 = prev.getValues();
+ if (v2[io] !== v2[io + 6]) {
+ vPrev = v2;
+ break;
+ }
+ prev = prev.getPrevious();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (res = handleCurve(v))
+ return res;
+ if (i + 1 === l || curves[i + 1]._path !== path) {
+ if (vClose && (res = handleCurve(vClose)))
+ return res;
+ if (onPath && !pathWindingL && !pathWindingR) {
+ pathWindingL = pathWindingR = path.isClockwise(closed) ^ dir
+ ? 1 : -1;
+ }
+ windingL += pathWindingL;
+ windingR += pathWindingR;
+ pathWindingL = pathWindingR = 0;
+ if (onPath) {
+ onAnyPath = true;
+ onPath = false;
+ }
+ vClose = null;
+ }
+ }
+ windingL = abs(windingL);
+ windingR = abs(windingR);
+ return {
+ winding: max(windingL, windingR),
+ windingL: windingL,
+ windingR: windingR,
+ quality: quality,
+ onPath: onAnyPath
+ };
+ }
+ function propagateWinding(segment, path1, path2, curves, operator) {
+ var chain = [],
+ start = segment,
+ totalLength = 0,
+ winding;
+ do {
+ var curve = segment.getCurve(),
+ length = curve.getLength();
+ chain.push({ segment: segment, curve: curve, length: length });
+ totalLength += length;
+ segment = segment.getNext();
+ } while (segment && !segment._intersection && segment !== start);
+ var offsets = [0.5, 0.25, 0.75],
+ winding = { winding: 0, quality: -1 },
+ tMin = 1e-8,
+ tMax = 1 - tMin;
+ for (var i = 0; i < offsets.length && winding.quality < 0.5; i++) {
+ var length = totalLength * offsets[i];
+ for (var j = 0, l = chain.length; j < l; j++) {
+ var entry = chain[j],
+ curveLength = entry.length;
+ if (length <= curveLength) {
+ var curve = entry.curve,
+ path = curve._path,
+ parent = path._parent,
+ operand = parent instanceof CompoundPath ? parent : path,
+ t = Numerical.clamp(curve.getTimeAt(length), tMin, tMax),
+ pt = curve.getPointAtTime(t),
+ dir = abs(curve.getTangentAtTime(t).y) < Math.SQRT1_2;
+ var wind = null;
+ if (operator.subtract && path2) {
+ var pathWinding = operand === path1
+ ? path2._getWinding(pt, dir, true)
+ : path1._getWinding(pt, dir, true);
+ if (operand === path1 && pathWinding.winding ||
+ operand === path2 && !pathWinding.winding) {
+ if (pathWinding.quality < 1) {
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ wind = { winding: 0, quality: 1 };
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ wind = wind || getWinding(pt, curves, dir, true);
+ if (wind.quality > winding.quality)
+ winding = wind;
+ break;
+ }
+ length -= curveLength;
+ }
+ }
+ for (var j = chain.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
+ chain[j].segment._winding = winding;
+ }
+ }
+ function tracePaths(segments, operator) {
+ var paths = [],
+ starts;
+ function isValid(seg) {
+ var winding;
+ return !!(seg && !seg._visited && (!operator
+ || operator[(winding = seg._winding || {}).winding]
+ && !(operator.unite && winding.winding === 2
+ && winding.windingL && winding.windingR)));
+ }
+ function isStart(seg) {
+ if (seg) {
+ for (var i = 0, l = starts.length; i < l; i++) {
+ if (seg === starts[i])
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ function visitPath(path) {
+ var segments = path._segments;
+ for (var i = 0, l = segments.length; i < l; i++) {
+ segments[i]._visited = true;
+ }
+ }
+ function getCrossingSegments(segment, collectStarts) {
+ var inter = segment._intersection,
+ start = inter,
+ crossings = [];
+ if (collectStarts)
+ starts = [segment];
+ function collect(inter, end) {
+ while (inter && inter !== end) {
+ var other = inter._segment,
+ path = other && other._path;
+ if (path) {
+ var next = other.getNext() || path.getFirstSegment(),
+ nextInter = next._intersection;
+ if (other !== segment && (isStart(other)
+ || isStart(next)
+ || next && (isValid(other) && (isValid(next)
+ || nextInter && isValid(nextInter._segment))))
+ ) {
+ crossings.push(other);
+ }
+ if (collectStarts)
+ starts.push(other);
+ }
+ inter = inter._next;
+ }
+ }
+ if (inter) {
+ collect(inter);
+ while (inter && inter._prev)
+ inter = inter._prev;
+ collect(inter, start);
+ }
+ return crossings;
+ }
+ segments.sort(function(seg1, seg2) {
+ var inter1 = seg1._intersection,
+ inter2 = seg2._intersection,
+ over1 = !!(inter1 && inter1._overlap),
+ over2 = !!(inter2 && inter2._overlap),
+ path1 = seg1._path,
+ path2 = seg2._path;
+ return over1 ^ over2
+ ? over1 ? 1 : -1
+ : !inter1 ^ !inter2
+ ? inter1 ? 1 : -1
+ : path1 !== path2
+ ? path1._id - path2._id
+ : seg1._index - seg2._index;
+ });
+ for (var i = 0, l = segments.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var seg = segments[i],
+ valid = isValid(seg),
+ path = null,
+ finished = false,
+ closed = true,
+ branches = [],
+ branch,
+ visited,
+ handleIn;
+ if (valid && seg._path._overlapsOnly) {
+ var path1 = seg._path,
+ path2 = seg._intersection._segment._path;
+ if (path1.compare(path2)) {
+ if (path1.getArea())
+ paths.push(path1.clone(false));
+ visitPath(path1);
+ visitPath(path2);
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ }
+ while (valid) {
+ var first = !path,
+ crossings = getCrossingSegments(seg, first),
+ other = crossings.shift(),
+ finished = !first && (isStart(seg) || isStart(other)),
+ cross = !finished && other;
+ if (first) {
+ path = new Path(Item.NO_INSERT);
+ branch = null;
+ }
+ if (finished) {
+ if (seg.isFirst() || seg.isLast())
+ closed = seg._path._closed;
+ seg._visited = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (cross && branch) {
+ branches.push(branch);
+ branch = null;
+ }
+ if (!branch) {
+ if (cross)
+ crossings.push(seg);
+ branch = {
+ start: path._segments.length,
+ crossings: crossings,
+ visited: visited = [],
+ handleIn: handleIn
+ };
+ }
+ if (cross)
+ seg = other;
+ if (!isValid(seg)) {
+ path.removeSegments(branch.start);
+ for (var j = 0, k = visited.length; j < k; j++) {
+ visited[j]._visited = false;
+ }
+ visited.length = 0;
+ do {
+ seg = branch && branch.crossings.shift();
+ if (!seg || !seg._path) {
+ seg = null;
+ branch = branches.pop();
+ if (branch) {
+ visited = branch.visited;
+ handleIn = branch.handleIn;
+ }
+ }
+ } while (branch && !isValid(seg));
+ if (!seg)
+ break;
+ }
+ var next = seg.getNext();
+ path.add(new Segment(seg._point, handleIn,
+ next && seg._handleOut));
+ seg._visited = true;
+ visited.push(seg);
+ seg = next || seg._path.getFirstSegment();
+ handleIn = next && next._handleIn;
+ }
+ if (finished) {
+ if (closed) {
+ path.getFirstSegment().setHandleIn(handleIn);
+ path.setClosed(closed);
+ }
+ if (path.getArea() !== 0) {
+ paths.push(path);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return paths;
+ }
+ return {
+ _getWinding: function(point, dir, closed) {
+ return getWinding(point, this.getCurves(), dir, closed);
+ },
+ unite: function(path, options) {
+ return traceBoolean(this, path, 'unite', options);
+ },
+ intersect: function(path, options) {
+ return traceBoolean(this, path, 'intersect', options);
+ },
+ subtract: function(path, options) {
+ return traceBoolean(this, path, 'subtract', options);
+ },
+ exclude: function(path, options) {
+ return traceBoolean(this, path, 'exclude', options);
+ },
+ divide: function(path, options) {
+ return options && (options.trace == false || options.stroke)
+ ? splitBoolean(this, path, 'divide')
+ : createResult([
+ this.subtract(path, options),
+ this.intersect(path, options)
+ ], true, this, path, options);
+ },
+ resolveCrossings: function() {
+ var children = this._children,
+ paths = children || [this];
+ function hasOverlap(seg, path) {
+ var inter = seg && seg._intersection;
+ return inter && inter._overlap && inter._path === path;
+ }
+ var hasOverlaps = false,
+ hasCrossings = false,
+ intersections = this.getIntersections(null, function(inter) {
+ return inter.hasOverlap() && (hasOverlaps = true) ||
+ inter.isCrossing() && (hasCrossings = true);
+ }),
+ clearCurves = hasOverlaps && hasCrossings && [];
+ intersections = CurveLocation.expand(intersections);
+ if (hasOverlaps) {
+ var overlaps = divideLocations(intersections, function(inter) {
+ return inter.hasOverlap();
+ }, clearCurves);
+ for (var i = overlaps.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ var overlap = overlaps[i],
+ path = overlap._path,
+ seg = overlap._segment,
+ prev = seg.getPrevious(),
+ next = seg.getNext();
+ if (hasOverlap(prev, path) && hasOverlap(next, path)) {
+ seg.remove();
+ prev._handleOut._set(0, 0);
+ next._handleIn._set(0, 0);
+ if (prev !== seg && !prev.getCurve().hasLength()) {
+ next._handleIn.set(prev._handleIn);
+ prev.remove();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (hasCrossings) {
+ divideLocations(intersections, hasOverlaps && function(inter) {
+ var curve1 = inter.getCurve(),
+ seg1 = inter.getSegment(),
+ other = inter._intersection,
+ curve2 = other._curve,
+ seg2 = other._segment;
+ if (curve1 && curve2 && curve1._path && curve2._path)
+ return true;
+ if (seg1)
+ seg1._intersection = null;
+ if (seg2)
+ seg2._intersection = null;
+ }, clearCurves);
+ if (clearCurves)
+ clearCurveHandles(clearCurves);
+ paths = tracePaths(Base.each(paths, function(path) {
+ Base.push(this, path._segments);
+ }, []));
+ }
+ var length = paths.length,
+ item;
+ if (length > 1 && children) {
+ if (paths !== children)
+ this.setChildren(paths);
+ item = this;
+ } else if (length === 1 && !children) {
+ if (paths[0] !== this)
+ this.setSegments(paths[0].removeSegments());
+ item = this;
+ }
+ if (!item) {
+ item = new CompoundPath(Item.NO_INSERT);
+ item.addChildren(paths);
+ item = item.reduce();
+ item.copyAttributes(this);
+ this.replaceWith(item);
+ }
+ return item;
+ },
+ reorient: function(nonZero, clockwise) {
+ var children = this._children;
+ if (children && children.length) {
+ this.setChildren(reorientPaths(this.removeChildren(),
+ function(w) {
+ return !!(nonZero ? w : w & 1);
+ },
+ clockwise));
+ } else if (clockwise !== undefined) {
+ this.setClockwise(clockwise);
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ getInteriorPoint: function() {
+ var bounds = this.getBounds(),
+ point = bounds.getCenter(true);
+ if (!this.contains(point)) {
+ var curves = this.getCurves(),
+ y = point.y,
+ intercepts = [],
+ roots = [];
+ for (var i = 0, l = curves.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var v = curves[i].getValues(),
+ o0 = v[1],
+ o1 = v[3],
+ o2 = v[5],
+ o3 = v[7];
+ if (y >= min(o0, o1, o2, o3) && y <= max(o0, o1, o2, o3)) {
+ var monoCurves = Curve.getMonoCurves(v);
+ for (var j = 0, m = monoCurves.length; j < m; j++) {
+ var mv = monoCurves[j],
+ mo0 = mv[1],
+ mo3 = mv[7];
+ if ((mo0 !== mo3) &&
+ (y >= mo0 && y <= mo3 || y >= mo3 && y <= mo0)){
+ var x = y === mo0 ? mv[0]
+ : y === mo3 ? mv[6]
+ : Curve.solveCubic(mv, 1, y, roots, 0, 1)
+ === 1
+ ? Curve.getPoint(mv, roots[0]).x
+ : (mv[0] + mv[6]) / 2;
+ intercepts.push(x);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (intercepts.length > 1) {
+ intercepts.sort(function(a, b) { return a - b; });
+ point.x = (intercepts[0] + intercepts[1]) / 2;
+ }
+ }
+ return point;
+ }
+ };
+var PathFlattener = Base.extend({
+ _class: 'PathFlattener',
+ initialize: function(path, flatness, maxRecursion, ignoreStraight, matrix) {
+ var curves = [],
+ parts = [],
+ length = 0,
+ minSpan = 1 / (maxRecursion || 32),
+ segments = path._segments,
+ segment1 = segments[0],
+ segment2;
+ function addCurve(segment1, segment2) {
+ var curve = Curve.getValues(segment1, segment2, matrix);
+ curves.push(curve);
+ computeParts(curve, segment1._index, 0, 1);
+ }
+ function computeParts(curve, index, t1, t2) {
+ if ((t2 - t1) > minSpan
+ && !(ignoreStraight && Curve.isStraight(curve))
+ && !Curve.isFlatEnough(curve, flatness || 0.25)) {
+ var halves = Curve.subdivide(curve, 0.5),
+ tMid = (t1 + t2) / 2;
+ computeParts(halves[0], index, t1, tMid);
+ computeParts(halves[1], index, tMid, t2);
+ } else {
+ var dx = curve[6] - curve[0],
+ dy = curve[7] - curve[1],
+ dist = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
+ if (dist > 0) {
+ length += dist;
+ parts.push({
+ offset: length,
+ curve: curve,
+ index: index,
+ time: t2,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (var i = 1, l = segments.length; i < l; i++) {
+ segment2 = segments[i];
+ addCurve(segment1, segment2);
+ segment1 = segment2;
+ }
+ if (path._closed)
+ addCurve(segment2 || segment1, segments[0]);
+ this.curves = curves;
+ this.parts = parts;
+ this.length = length;
+ this.index = 0;
+ },
+ _get: function(offset) {
+ var parts = this.parts,
+ length = parts.length,
+ start,
+ i, j = this.index;
+ for (;;) {
+ i = j;
+ if (!j || parts[--j].offset < offset)
+ break;
+ }
+ for (; i < length; i++) {
+ var part = parts[i];
+ if (part.offset >= offset) {
+ this.index = i;
+ var prev = parts[i - 1],
+ prevTime = prev && prev.index === part.index ? prev.time : 0,
+ prevOffset = prev ? prev.offset : 0;
+ return {
+ index: part.index,
+ time: prevTime + (part.time - prevTime)
+ * (offset - prevOffset) / (part.offset - prevOffset)
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ return {
+ index: parts[length - 1].index,
+ time: 1
+ };
+ },
+ drawPart: function(ctx, from, to) {
+ var start = this._get(from),
+ end = this._get(to);
+ for (var i = start.index, l = end.index; i <= l; i++) {
+ var curve = Curve.getPart(this.curves[i],
+ i === start.index ? start.time : 0,
+ i === end.index ? end.time : 1);
+ if (i === start.index)
+ ctx.moveTo(curve[0], curve[1]);
+ ctx.bezierCurveTo.apply(ctx, curve.slice(2));
+ }
+ }
+}, Base.each(Curve._evaluateMethods,
+ function(name) {
+ this[name + 'At'] = function(offset) {
+ var param = this._get(offset);
+ return Curve[name](this.curves[param.index], param.time);
+ };
+ }, {})
+var PathFitter = Base.extend({
+ initialize: function(path) {
+ var points = this.points = [],
+ segments = path._segments,
+ closed = path._closed;
+ for (var i = 0, prev, l = segments.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var point = segments[i].point;
+ if (!prev || !prev.equals(point)) {
+ points.push(prev = point.clone());
+ }
+ }
+ if (closed) {
+ points.unshift(points[points.length - 1]);
+ points.push(points[1]);
+ }
+ this.closed = closed;
+ },
+ fit: function(error) {
+ var points = this.points,
+ length = points.length,
+ segments = null;
+ if (length > 0) {
+ segments = [new Segment(points[0])];
+ if (length > 1) {
+ this.fitCubic(segments, error, 0, length - 1,
+ points[1].subtract(points[0]),
+ points[length - 2].subtract(points[length - 1]));
+ if (this.closed) {
+ segments.shift();
+ segments.pop();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return segments;
+ },
+ fitCubic: function(segments, error, first, last, tan1, tan2) {
+ var points = this.points;
+ if (last - first === 1) {
+ var pt1 = points[first],
+ pt2 = points[last],
+ dist = pt1.getDistance(pt2) / 3;
+ this.addCurve(segments, [pt1, pt1.add(tan1.normalize(dist)),
+ pt2.add(tan2.normalize(dist)), pt2]);
+ return;
+ }
+ var uPrime = this.chordLengthParameterize(first, last),
+ maxError = Math.max(error, error * error),
+ split,
+ parametersInOrder = true;
+ for (var i = 0; i <= 4; i++) {
+ var curve = this.generateBezier(first, last, uPrime, tan1, tan2);
+ var max = this.findMaxError(first, last, curve, uPrime);
+ if (max.error < error && parametersInOrder) {
+ this.addCurve(segments, curve);
+ return;
+ }
+ split = max.index;
+ if (max.error >= maxError)
+ break;
+ parametersInOrder = this.reparameterize(first, last, uPrime, curve);
+ maxError = max.error;
+ }
+ var tanCenter = points[split - 1].subtract(points[split + 1]);
+ this.fitCubic(segments, error, first, split, tan1, tanCenter);
+ this.fitCubic(segments, error, split, last, tanCenter.negate(), tan2);
+ },
+ addCurve: function(segments, curve) {
+ var prev = segments[segments.length - 1];
+ prev.setHandleOut(curve[1].subtract(curve[0]));
+ segments.push(new Segment(curve[3], curve[2].subtract(curve[3])));
+ },
+ generateBezier: function(first, last, uPrime, tan1, tan2) {
+ var epsilon = 1e-12,
+ abs = Math.abs,
+ points = this.points,
+ pt1 = points[first],
+ pt2 = points[last],
+ C = [[0, 0], [0, 0]],
+ X = [0, 0];
+ for (var i = 0, l = last - first + 1; i < l; i++) {
+ var u = uPrime[i],
+ t = 1 - u,
+ b = 3 * u * t,
+ b0 = t * t * t,
+ b1 = b * t,
+ b2 = b * u,
+ b3 = u * u * u,
+ a1 = tan1.normalize(b1),
+ a2 = tan2.normalize(b2),
+ tmp = points[first + i]
+ .subtract(pt1.multiply(b0 + b1))
+ .subtract(pt2.multiply(b2 + b3));
+ C[0][0] += a1.dot(a1);
+ C[0][1] += a1.dot(a2);
+ C[1][0] = C[0][1];
+ C[1][1] += a2.dot(a2);
+ X[0] += a1.dot(tmp);
+ X[1] += a2.dot(tmp);
+ }
+ var detC0C1 = C[0][0] * C[1][1] - C[1][0] * C[0][1],
+ alpha1,
+ alpha2;
+ if (abs(detC0C1) > epsilon) {
+ var detC0X = C[0][0] * X[1] - C[1][0] * X[0],
+ detXC1 = X[0] * C[1][1] - X[1] * C[0][1];
+ alpha1 = detXC1 / detC0C1;
+ alpha2 = detC0X / detC0C1;
+ } else {
+ var c0 = C[0][0] + C[0][1],
+ c1 = C[1][0] + C[1][1];
+ alpha1 = alpha2 = abs(c0) > epsilon ? X[0] / c0
+ : abs(c1) > epsilon ? X[1] / c1
+ : 0;
+ }
+ var segLength = pt2.getDistance(pt1),
+ eps = epsilon * segLength,
+ handle1,
+ handle2;
+ if (alpha1 < eps || alpha2 < eps) {
+ alpha1 = alpha2 = segLength / 3;
+ } else {
+ var line = pt2.subtract(pt1);
+ handle1 = tan1.normalize(alpha1);
+ handle2 = tan2.normalize(alpha2);
+ if (handle1.dot(line) - handle2.dot(line) > segLength * segLength) {
+ alpha1 = alpha2 = segLength / 3;
+ handle1 = handle2 = null;
+ }
+ }
+ return [pt1,
+ pt1.add(handle1 || tan1.normalize(alpha1)),
+ pt2.add(handle2 || tan2.normalize(alpha2)),
+ pt2];
+ },
+ reparameterize: function(first, last, u, curve) {
+ for (var i = first; i <= last; i++) {
+ u[i - first] = this.findRoot(curve, this.points[i], u[i - first]);
+ }
+ for (var i = 1, l = u.length; i < l; i++) {
+ if (u[i] <= u[i - 1])
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ },
+ findRoot: function(curve, point, u) {
+ var curve1 = [],
+ curve2 = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
+ curve1[i] = curve[i + 1].subtract(curve[i]).multiply(3);
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i <= 1; i++) {
+ curve2[i] = curve1[i + 1].subtract(curve1[i]).multiply(2);
+ }
+ var pt = this.evaluate(3, curve, u),
+ pt1 = this.evaluate(2, curve1, u),
+ pt2 = this.evaluate(1, curve2, u),
+ diff = pt.subtract(point),
+ df = pt1.dot(pt1) + diff.dot(pt2);
+ return Numerical.isZero(df) ? u : u - diff.dot(pt1) / df;
+ },
+ evaluate: function(degree, curve, t) {
+ var tmp = curve.slice();
+ for (var i = 1; i <= degree; i++) {
+ for (var j = 0; j <= degree - i; j++) {
+ tmp[j] = tmp[j].multiply(1 - t).add(tmp[j + 1].multiply(t));
+ }
+ }
+ return tmp[0];
+ },
+ chordLengthParameterize: function(first, last) {
+ var u = [0];
+ for (var i = first + 1; i <= last; i++) {
+ u[i - first] = u[i - first - 1]
+ + this.points[i].getDistance(this.points[i - 1]);
+ }
+ for (var i = 1, m = last - first; i <= m; i++) {
+ u[i] /= u[m];
+ }
+ return u;
+ },
+ findMaxError: function(first, last, curve, u) {
+ var index = Math.floor((last - first + 1) / 2),
+ maxDist = 0;
+ for (var i = first + 1; i < last; i++) {
+ var P = this.evaluate(3, curve, u[i - first]);
+ var v = P.subtract(this.points[i]);
+ var dist = v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y;
+ if (dist >= maxDist) {
+ maxDist = dist;
+ index = i;
+ }
+ }
+ return {
+ error: maxDist,
+ index: index
+ };
+ }
+var TextItem = Item.extend({
+ _class: 'TextItem',
+ _applyMatrix: false,
+ _canApplyMatrix: false,
+ _serializeFields: {
+ content: null
+ },
+ _boundsOptions: { stroke: false, handle: false },
+ initialize: function TextItem(arg) {
+ this._content = '';
+ this._lines = [];
+ var hasProps = arg && Base.isPlainObject(arg)
+ && arg.x === undefined && arg.y === undefined;
+ this._initialize(hasProps && arg, !hasProps && Point.read(arguments));
+ },
+ _equals: function(item) {
+ return this._content === item._content;
+ },
+ copyContent: function(source) {
+ this.setContent(source._content);
+ },
+ getContent: function() {
+ return this._content;
+ },
+ setContent: function(content) {
+ this._content = '' + content;
+ this._lines = this._content.split(/\r\n|\n|\r/mg);
+ this._changed(521);
+ },
+ isEmpty: function() {
+ return !this._content;
+ },
+ getCharacterStyle: '#getStyle',
+ setCharacterStyle: '#setStyle',
+ getParagraphStyle: '#getStyle',
+ setParagraphStyle: '#setStyle'
+var PointText = TextItem.extend({
+ _class: 'PointText',
+ initialize: function PointText() {
+ TextItem.apply(this, arguments);
+ },
+ getPoint: function() {
+ var point = this._matrix.getTranslation();
+ return new LinkedPoint(point.x, point.y, this, 'setPoint');
+ },
+ setPoint: function() {
+ var point = Point.read(arguments);
+ this.translate(point.subtract(this._matrix.getTranslation()));
+ },
+ _draw: function(ctx, param, viewMatrix) {
+ if (!this._content)
+ return;
+ this._setStyles(ctx, param, viewMatrix);
+ var lines = this._lines,
+ style = this._style,
+ hasFill = style.hasFill(),
+ hasStroke = style.hasStroke(),
+ leading = style.getLeading(),
+ shadowColor = ctx.shadowColor;
+ ctx.font = style.getFontStyle();
+ ctx.textAlign = style.getJustification();
+ for (var i = 0, l = lines.length; i < l; i++) {
+ ctx.shadowColor = shadowColor;
+ var line = lines[i];
+ if (hasFill) {
+ ctx.fillText(line, 0, 0);
+ ctx.shadowColor = 'rgba(0,0,0,0)';
+ }
+ if (hasStroke)
+ ctx.strokeText(line, 0, 0);
+ ctx.translate(0, leading);
+ }
+ },
+ _getBounds: function(matrix, options) {
+ var style = this._style,
+ lines = this._lines,
+ numLines = lines.length,
+ justification = style.getJustification(),
+ leading = style.getLeading(),
+ width = this.getView().getTextWidth(style.getFontStyle(), lines),
+ x = 0;
+ if (justification !== 'left')
+ x -= width / (justification === 'center' ? 2: 1);
+ var rect = new Rectangle(x,
+ numLines ? - 0.75 * leading : 0,
+ width, numLines * leading);
+ return matrix ? matrix._transformBounds(rect, rect) : rect;
+ }
+var Color = Base.extend(new function() {
+ var types = {
+ gray: ['gray'],
+ rgb: ['red', 'green', 'blue'],
+ hsb: ['hue', 'saturation', 'brightness'],
+ hsl: ['hue', 'saturation', 'lightness'],
+ gradient: ['gradient', 'origin', 'destination', 'highlight']
+ };
+ var componentParsers = {},
+ namedColors = {
+ transparent: [0, 0, 0, 0]
+ },
+ colorCtx;
+ function fromCSS(string) {
+ var match = string.match(
+ /^#([\da-f]{2})([\da-f]{2})([\da-f]{2})([\da-f]{2})?$/i
+ ) || string.match(
+ /^#([\da-f])([\da-f])([\da-f])([\da-f])?$/i
+ ),
+ type = 'rgb',
+ components;
+ if (match) {
+ var amount = match[4] ? 4 : 3;
+ components = new Array(amount);
+ for (var i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
+ var value = match[i + 1];
+ components[i] = parseInt(value.length == 1
+ ? value + value : value, 16) / 255;
+ }
+ } else if (match = string.match(/^(rgb|hsl)a?\((.*)\)$/)) {
+ type = match[1];
+ components = match[2].trim().split(/[,\s]+/g);
+ var isHSL = type === 'hsl';
+ for (var i = 0, l = Math.min(components.length, 4); i < l; i++) {
+ var component = components[i];
+ var value = parseFloat(component);
+ if (isHSL) {
+ if (i === 0) {
+ var unit = component.match(/([a-z]*)$/)[1];
+ value *= ({
+ turn: 360,
+ rad: 180 / Math.PI,
+ grad: 0.9
+ }[unit] || 1);
+ } else if (i < 3) {
+ value /= 100;
+ }
+ } else if (i < 3) {
+ value /= 255;
+ }
+ components[i] = value;
+ }
+ } else {
+ var color = namedColors[string];
+ if (!color) {
+ if (window) {
+ if (!colorCtx) {
+ colorCtx = CanvasProvider.getContext(1, 1);
+ colorCtx.globalCompositeOperation = 'copy';
+ }
+ colorCtx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0)';
+ colorCtx.fillStyle = string;
+ colorCtx.fillRect(0, 0, 1, 1);
+ var data = colorCtx.getImageData(0, 0, 1, 1).data;
+ color = namedColors[string] = [
+ data[0] / 255,
+ data[1] / 255,
+ data[2] / 255
+ ];
+ } else {
+ color = [0, 0, 0];
+ }
+ }
+ components = color.slice();
+ }
+ return [type, components];
+ }
+ var hsbIndices = [
+ [0, 3, 1],
+ [2, 0, 1],
+ [1, 0, 3],
+ [1, 2, 0],
+ [3, 1, 0],
+ [0, 1, 2]
+ ];
+ var converters = {
+ 'rgb-hsb': function(r, g, b) {
+ var max = Math.max(r, g, b),
+ min = Math.min(r, g, b),
+ delta = max - min,
+ h = delta === 0 ? 0
+ : ( max == r ? (g - b) / delta + (g < b ? 6 : 0)
+ : max == g ? (b - r) / delta + 2
+ : (r - g) / delta + 4) * 60;
+ return [h, max === 0 ? 0 : delta / max, max];
+ },
+ 'hsb-rgb': function(h, s, b) {
+ h = (((h / 60) % 6) + 6) % 6;
+ var i = Math.floor(h),
+ f = h - i,
+ i = hsbIndices[i],
+ v = [
+ b,
+ b * (1 - s),
+ b * (1 - s * f),
+ b * (1 - s * (1 - f))
+ ];
+ return [v[i[0]], v[i[1]], v[i[2]]];
+ },
+ 'rgb-hsl': function(r, g, b) {
+ var max = Math.max(r, g, b),
+ min = Math.min(r, g, b),
+ delta = max - min,
+ achromatic = delta === 0,
+ h = achromatic ? 0
+ : ( max == r ? (g - b) / delta + (g < b ? 6 : 0)
+ : max == g ? (b - r) / delta + 2
+ : (r - g) / delta + 4) * 60,
+ l = (max + min) / 2,
+ s = achromatic ? 0 : l < 0.5
+ ? delta / (max + min)
+ : delta / (2 - max - min);
+ return [h, s, l];
+ },
+ 'hsl-rgb': function(h, s, l) {
+ h = (((h / 360) % 1) + 1) % 1;
+ if (s === 0)
+ return [l, l, l];
+ var t3s = [ h + 1 / 3, h, h - 1 / 3 ],
+ t2 = l < 0.5 ? l * (1 + s) : l + s - l * s,
+ t1 = 2 * l - t2,
+ c = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ var t3 = t3s[i];
+ if (t3 < 0) t3 += 1;
+ if (t3 > 1) t3 -= 1;
+ c[i] = 6 * t3 < 1
+ ? t1 + (t2 - t1) * 6 * t3
+ : 2 * t3 < 1
+ ? t2
+ : 3 * t3 < 2
+ ? t1 + (t2 - t1) * ((2 / 3) - t3) * 6
+ : t1;
+ }
+ return c;
+ },
+ 'rgb-gray': function(r, g, b) {
+ return [r * 0.2989 + g * 0.587 + b * 0.114];
+ },
+ 'gray-rgb': function(g) {
+ return [g, g, g];
+ },
+ 'gray-hsb': function(g) {
+ return [0, 0, g];
+ },
+ 'gray-hsl': function(g) {
+ return [0, 0, g];
+ },
+ 'gradient-rgb': function() {
+ return [];
+ },
+ 'rgb-gradient': function() {
+ return [];
+ }
+ };
+ return Base.each(types, function(properties, type) {
+ componentParsers[type] = [];
+ Base.each(properties, function(name, index) {
+ var part = Base.capitalize(name),
+ hasOverlap = /^(hue|saturation)$/.test(name),
+ parser = componentParsers[type][index] = type === 'gradient'
+ ? name === 'gradient'
+ ? function(value) {
+ var current = this._components[0];
+ value = Gradient.read(
+ Array.isArray(value)
+ ? value
+ : arguments, 0, { readNull: true }
+ );
+ if (current !== value) {
+ if (current)
+ current._removeOwner(this);
+ if (value)
+ value._addOwner(this);
+ }
+ return value;
+ }
+ : function() {
+ return Point.read(arguments, 0, {
+ readNull: name === 'highlight',
+ clone: true
+ });
+ }
+ : function(value) {
+ return value == null || isNaN(value) ? 0 : +value;
+ };
+ this['get' + part] = function() {
+ return this._type === type
+ || hasOverlap && /^hs[bl]$/.test(this._type)
+ ? this._components[index]
+ : this._convert(type)[index];
+ };
+ this['set' + part] = function(value) {
+ if (this._type !== type
+ && !(hasOverlap && /^hs[bl]$/.test(this._type))) {
+ this._components = this._convert(type);
+ this._properties = types[type];
+ this._type = type;
+ }
+ this._components[index] = parser.call(this, value);
+ this._changed();
+ };
+ }, this);
+ }, {
+ _class: 'Color',
+ _readIndex: true,
+ initialize: function Color(arg) {
+ var args = arguments,
+ reading = this.__read,
+ read = 0,
+ type,
+ components,
+ alpha,
+ values;
+ if (Array.isArray(arg)) {
+ args = arg;
+ arg = args[0];
+ }
+ var argType = arg != null && typeof arg;
+ if (argType === 'string' && arg in types) {
+ type = arg;
+ arg = args[1];
+ if (Array.isArray(arg)) {
+ components = arg;
+ alpha = args[2];
+ } else {
+ if (reading)
+ read = 1;
+ args = Base.slice(args, 1);
+ argType = typeof arg;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!components) {
+ values = argType === 'number'
+ ? args
+ : argType === 'object' && arg.length != null
+ ? arg
+ : null;
+ if (values) {
+ if (!type)
+ type = values.length >= 3
+ ? 'rgb'
+ : 'gray';
+ var length = types[type].length;
+ alpha = values[length];
+ if (reading) {
+ read += values === arguments
+ ? length + (alpha != null ? 1 : 0)
+ : 1;
+ }
+ if (values.length > length)
+ values = Base.slice(values, 0, length);
+ } else if (argType === 'string') {
+ var converted = fromCSS(arg);
+ type = converted[0];
+ components = converted[1];
+ if (components.length === 4) {
+ alpha = components[3];
+ components.length--;
+ }
+ } else if (argType === 'object') {
+ if (arg.constructor === Color) {
+ type = arg._type;
+ components = arg._components.slice();
+ alpha = arg._alpha;
+ if (type === 'gradient') {
+ for (var i = 1, l = components.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var point = components[i];
+ if (point)
+ components[i] = point.clone();
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (arg.constructor === Gradient) {
+ type = 'gradient';
+ values = args;
+ } else {
+ type = 'hue' in arg
+ ? 'lightness' in arg
+ ? 'hsl'
+ : 'hsb'
+ : 'gradient' in arg || 'stops' in arg
+ || 'radial' in arg
+ ? 'gradient'
+ : 'gray' in arg
+ ? 'gray'
+ : 'rgb';
+ var properties = types[type],
+ parsers = componentParsers[type];
+ this._components = components = [];
+ for (var i = 0, l = properties.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var value = arg[properties[i]];
+ if (value == null && !i && type === 'gradient'
+ && 'stops' in arg) {
+ value = {
+ stops: arg.stops,
+ radial: arg.radial
+ };
+ }
+ value = parsers[i].call(this, value);
+ if (value != null)
+ components[i] = value;
+ }
+ alpha = arg.alpha;
+ }
+ }
+ if (reading && type)
+ read = 1;
+ }
+ this._type = type || 'rgb';
+ if (!components) {
+ this._components = components = [];
+ var parsers = componentParsers[this._type];
+ for (var i = 0, l = parsers.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var value = parsers[i].call(this, values && values[i]);
+ if (value != null)
+ components[i] = value;
+ }
+ }
+ this._components = components;
+ this._properties = types[this._type];
+ this._alpha = alpha;
+ if (reading)
+ this.__read = read;
+ return this;
+ },
+ set: '#initialize',
+ _serialize: function(options, dictionary) {
+ var components = this.getComponents();
+ return Base.serialize(
+ /^(gray|rgb)$/.test(this._type)
+ ? components
+ : [this._type].concat(components),
+ options, true, dictionary);
+ },
+ _changed: function() {
+ this._canvasStyle = null;
+ if (this._owner) {
+ this._owner[this._setter](this);
+ }
+ },
+ _convert: function(type) {
+ var converter;
+ return this._type === type
+ ? this._components.slice()
+ : (converter = converters[this._type + '-' + type])
+ ? converter.apply(this, this._components)
+ : converters['rgb-' + type].apply(this,
+ converters[this._type + '-rgb'].apply(this,
+ this._components));
+ },
+ convert: function(type) {
+ return new Color(type, this._convert(type), this._alpha);
+ },
+ getType: function() {
+ return this._type;
+ },
+ setType: function(type) {
+ this._components = this._convert(type);
+ this._properties = types[type];
+ this._type = type;
+ },
+ getComponents: function() {
+ var components = this._components.slice();
+ if (this._alpha != null)
+ components.push(this._alpha);
+ return components;
+ },
+ getAlpha: function() {
+ return this._alpha != null ? this._alpha : 1;
+ },
+ setAlpha: function(alpha) {
+ this._alpha = alpha == null ? null : Math.min(Math.max(alpha, 0), 1);
+ this._changed();
+ },
+ hasAlpha: function() {
+ return this._alpha != null;
+ },
+ equals: function(color) {
+ var col = Base.isPlainValue(color, true)
+ ? Color.read(arguments)
+ : color;
+ return col === this || col && this._class === col._class
+ && this._type === col._type
+ && this.getAlpha() === col.getAlpha()
+ && Base.equals(this._components, col._components)
+ || false;
+ },
+ toString: function() {
+ var properties = this._properties,
+ parts = [],
+ isGradient = this._type === 'gradient',
+ f = Formatter.instance;
+ for (var i = 0, l = properties.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var value = this._components[i];
+ if (value != null)
+ parts.push(properties[i] + ': '
+ + (isGradient ? value : f.number(value)));
+ }
+ if (this._alpha != null)
+ parts.push('alpha: ' + f.number(this._alpha));
+ return '{ ' + parts.join(', ') + ' }';
+ },
+ toCSS: function(hex) {
+ var components = this._convert('rgb'),
+ alpha = hex || this._alpha == null ? 1 : this._alpha;
+ function convert(val) {
+ return Math.round((val < 0 ? 0 : val > 1 ? 1 : val) * 255);
+ }
+ components = [
+ convert(components[0]),
+ convert(components[1]),
+ convert(components[2])
+ ];
+ if (alpha < 1)
+ components.push(alpha < 0 ? 0 : alpha);
+ return hex
+ ? '#' + ((1 << 24) + (components[0] << 16)
+ + (components[1] << 8)
+ + components[2]).toString(16).slice(1)
+ : (components.length == 4 ? 'rgba(' : 'rgb(')
+ + components.join(',') + ')';
+ },
+ toCanvasStyle: function(ctx, matrix) {
+ if (this._canvasStyle)
+ return this._canvasStyle;
+ if (this._type !== 'gradient')
+ return this._canvasStyle = this.toCSS();
+ var components = this._components,
+ gradient = components[0],
+ stops = gradient._stops,
+ origin = components[1],
+ destination = components[2],
+ highlight = components[3],
+ inverse = matrix && matrix.inverted(),
+ canvasGradient;
+ if (inverse) {
+ origin = inverse._transformPoint(origin);
+ destination = inverse._transformPoint(destination);
+ if (highlight)
+ highlight = inverse._transformPoint(highlight);
+ }
+ if (gradient._radial) {
+ var radius = destination.getDistance(origin);
+ if (highlight) {
+ var vector = highlight.subtract(origin);
+ if (vector.getLength() > radius)
+ highlight = origin.add(vector.normalize(radius - 0.1));
+ }
+ var start = highlight || origin;
+ canvasGradient = ctx.createRadialGradient(start.x, start.y,
+ 0, origin.x, origin.y, radius);
+ } else {
+ canvasGradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(origin.x, origin.y,
+ destination.x, destination.y);
+ }
+ for (var i = 0, l = stops.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var stop = stops[i],
+ offset = stop._offset;
+ canvasGradient.addColorStop(
+ offset == null ? i / (l - 1) : offset,
+ stop._color.toCanvasStyle());
+ }
+ return this._canvasStyle = canvasGradient;
+ },
+ transform: function(matrix) {
+ if (this._type === 'gradient') {
+ var components = this._components;
+ for (var i = 1, l = components.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var point = components[i];
+ matrix._transformPoint(point, point, true);
+ }
+ this._changed();
+ }
+ },
+ statics: {
+ _types: types,
+ random: function() {
+ var random = Math.random;
+ return new Color(random(), random(), random());
+ },
+ _setOwner: function(color, owner, setter) {
+ if (color) {
+ if (color._owner && owner && color._owner !== owner) {
+ color = color.clone();
+ }
+ if (!color._owner ^ !owner) {
+ color._owner = owner || null;
+ color._setter = setter || null;
+ }
+ }
+ return color;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+new function() {
+ var operators = {
+ add: function(a, b) {
+ return a + b;
+ },
+ subtract: function(a, b) {
+ return a - b;
+ },
+ multiply: function(a, b) {
+ return a * b;
+ },
+ divide: function(a, b) {
+ return a / b;
+ }
+ };
+ return Base.each(operators, function(operator, name) {
+ this[name] = function(color) {
+ color = Color.read(arguments);
+ var type = this._type,
+ components1 = this._components,
+ components2 = color._convert(type);
+ for (var i = 0, l = components1.length; i < l; i++)
+ components2[i] = operator(components1[i], components2[i]);
+ return new Color(type, components2,
+ this._alpha != null
+ ? operator(this._alpha, color.getAlpha())
+ : null);
+ };
+ }, {
+ });
+var LinkedColor = Color.extend({
+ initialize: function Color(color, item, setter) {
+ paper.Color.apply(this, [color]);
+ this._item = item;
+ this._setter = setter;
+ },
+ _changed: function(){
+ this._item[this._setter](this);
+ }
+var Gradient = Base.extend({
+ _class: 'Gradient',
+ initialize: function Gradient(stops, radial) {
+ this._id = UID.get();
+ if (stops && Base.isPlainObject(stops)) {
+ this.set(stops);
+ stops = radial = null;
+ }
+ if (this._stops == null) {
+ this.setStops(stops || ['white', 'black']);
+ }
+ if (this._radial == null) {
+ this.setRadial(typeof radial === 'string' && radial === 'radial'
+ || radial || false);
+ }
+ },
+ _serialize: function(options, dictionary) {
+ return dictionary.add(this, function() {
+ return Base.serialize([this._stops, this._radial],
+ options, true, dictionary);
+ });
+ },
+ _changed: function() {
+ for (var i = 0, l = this._owners && this._owners.length; i < l; i++) {
+ this._owners[i]._changed();
+ }
+ },
+ _addOwner: function(color) {
+ if (!this._owners)
+ this._owners = [];
+ this._owners.push(color);
+ },
+ _removeOwner: function(color) {
+ var index = this._owners ? this._owners.indexOf(color) : -1;
+ if (index != -1) {
+ this._owners.splice(index, 1);
+ if (!this._owners.length)
+ this._owners = undefined;
+ }
+ },
+ clone: function() {
+ var stops = [];
+ for (var i = 0, l = this._stops.length; i < l; i++) {
+ stops[i] = this._stops[i].clone();
+ }
+ return new Gradient(stops, this._radial);
+ },
+ getStops: function() {
+ return this._stops;
+ },
+ setStops: function(stops) {
+ if (stops.length < 2) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Gradient stop list needs to contain at least two stops.');
+ }
+ var _stops = this._stops;
+ if (_stops) {
+ for (var i = 0, l = _stops.length; i < l; i++)
+ _stops[i]._owner = undefined;
+ }
+ _stops = this._stops = GradientStop.readList(stops, 0, { clone: true });
+ for (var i = 0, l = _stops.length; i < l; i++)
+ _stops[i]._owner = this;
+ this._changed();
+ },
+ getRadial: function() {
+ return this._radial;
+ },
+ setRadial: function(radial) {
+ this._radial = radial;
+ this._changed();
+ },
+ equals: function(gradient) {
+ if (gradient === this)
+ return true;
+ if (gradient && this._class === gradient._class) {
+ var stops1 = this._stops,
+ stops2 = gradient._stops,
+ length = stops1.length;
+ if (length === stops2.length) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ if (!stops1[i].equals(stops2[i]))
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+var GradientStop = Base.extend({
+ _class: 'GradientStop',
+ initialize: function GradientStop(arg0, arg1) {
+ var color = arg0,
+ offset = arg1;
+ if (typeof arg0 === 'object' && arg1 === undefined) {
+ if (Array.isArray(arg0) && typeof arg0[0] !== 'number') {
+ color = arg0[0];
+ offset = arg0[1];
+ } else if ('color' in arg0 || 'offset' in arg0
+ || 'rampPoint' in arg0) {
+ color = arg0.color;
+ offset = arg0.offset || arg0.rampPoint || 0;
+ }
+ }
+ this.setColor(color);
+ this.setOffset(offset);
+ },
+ clone: function() {
+ return new GradientStop(this._color.clone(), this._offset);
+ },
+ _serialize: function(options, dictionary) {
+ var color = this._color,
+ offset = this._offset;
+ return Base.serialize(offset == null ? [color] : [color, offset],
+ options, true, dictionary);
+ },
+ _changed: function() {
+ if (this._owner)
+ this._owner._changed(129);
+ },
+ getOffset: function() {
+ return this._offset;
+ },
+ setOffset: function(offset) {
+ this._offset = offset;
+ this._changed();
+ },
+ getRampPoint: '#getOffset',
+ setRampPoint: '#setOffset',
+ getColor: function() {
+ return this._color;
+ },
+ setColor: function() {
+ Color._setOwner(this._color, null);
+ this._color = Color._setOwner(Color.read(arguments, 0), this,
+ 'setColor');
+ this._changed();
+ },
+ equals: function(stop) {
+ return stop === this || stop && this._class === stop._class
+ && this._color.equals(stop._color)
+ && this._offset == stop._offset
+ || false;
+ }
+var Style = Base.extend(new function() {
+ var itemDefaults = {
+ fillColor: null,
+ fillRule: 'nonzero',
+ strokeColor: null,
+ strokeWidth: 1,
+ strokeCap: 'butt',
+ strokeJoin: 'miter',
+ strokeScaling: true,
+ miterLimit: 10,
+ dashOffset: 0,
+ dashArray: [],
+ shadowColor: null,
+ shadowBlur: 0,
+ shadowOffset: new Point(),
+ selectedColor: null
+ },
+ groupDefaults = Base.set({}, itemDefaults, {
+ fontFamily: 'sans-serif',
+ fontWeight: 'normal',
+ fontSize: 12,
+ leading: null,
+ justification: 'left'
+ }),
+ textDefaults = Base.set({}, groupDefaults, {
+ fillColor: new Color()
+ }),
+ flags = {
+ strokeWidth: 193,
+ strokeCap: 193,
+ strokeJoin: 193,
+ strokeScaling: 201,
+ miterLimit: 193,
+ fontFamily: 9,
+ fontWeight: 9,
+ fontSize: 9,
+ font: 9,
+ leading: 9,
+ justification: 9
+ },
+ item = {
+ beans: true
+ },
+ fields = {
+ _class: 'Style',
+ beans: true,
+ initialize: function Style(style, _owner, _project) {
+ this._values = {};
+ this._owner = _owner;
+ this._project = _owner && _owner._project || _project
+ || paper.project;
+ this._defaults = !_owner || _owner instanceof Group ? groupDefaults
+ : _owner instanceof TextItem ? textDefaults
+ : itemDefaults;
+ if (style)
+ this.set(style);
+ }
+ };
+ Base.each(groupDefaults, function(value, key) {
+ var isColor = /Color$/.test(key),
+ isPoint = key === 'shadowOffset',
+ part = Base.capitalize(key),
+ flag = flags[key],
+ set = 'set' + part,
+ get = 'get' + part;
+ fields[set] = function(value) {
+ var owner = this._owner,
+ children = owner && owner._children,
+ applyToChildren = children && children.length > 0
+ && !(owner instanceof CompoundPath);
+ if (applyToChildren) {
+ for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++)
+ children[i]._style[set](value);
+ }
+ if ((key === 'selectedColor' || !applyToChildren)
+ && key in this._defaults) {
+ var old = this._values[key];
+ if (old !== value) {
+ if (isColor) {
+ if (old) {
+ Color._setOwner(old, null);
+ old._canvasStyle = null;
+ }
+ if (value && value.constructor === Color) {
+ value = Color._setOwner(value, owner, set);
+ }
+ }
+ this._values[key] = value;
+ if (owner)
+ owner._changed(flag || 129);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ fields[get] = function(_dontMerge) {
+ var owner = this._owner,
+ children = owner && owner._children,
+ value;
+ if (key in this._defaults && (!children || !children.length
+ || _dontMerge || owner instanceof CompoundPath)) {
+ var value = this._values[key];
+ if (value === undefined) {
+ value = this._defaults[key];
+ if (value && value.clone) {
+ value = value.clone();
+ }
+ } else {
+ var ctor = isColor ? Color : isPoint ? Point : null;
+ if (ctor && !(value && value.constructor === ctor)) {
+ this._values[key] = value = ctor.read([value], 0,
+ { readNull: true, clone: true });
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (children) {
+ for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var childValue = children[i]._style[get]();
+ if (!i) {
+ value = childValue;
+ } else if (!Base.equals(value, childValue)) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (value && isColor) {
+ value = Color._setOwner(value, owner, set);
+ }
+ return value;
+ };
+ item[get] = function(_dontMerge) {
+ return this._style[get](_dontMerge);
+ };
+ item[set] = function(value) {
+ this._style[set](value);
+ };
+ });
+ Base.each({
+ Font: 'FontFamily',
+ WindingRule: 'FillRule'
+ }, function(value, key) {
+ var get = 'get' + key,
+ set = 'set' + key;
+ fields[get] = item[get] = '#get' + value;
+ fields[set] = item[set] = '#set' + value;
+ });
+ Item.inject(item);
+ return fields;
+}, {
+ set: function(style) {
+ var isStyle = style instanceof Style,
+ values = isStyle ? style._values : style;
+ if (values) {
+ for (var key in values) {
+ if (key in this._defaults) {
+ var value = values[key];
+ this[key] = value && isStyle && value.clone
+ ? value.clone() : value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ equals: function(style) {
+ function compare(style1, style2, secondary) {
+ var values1 = style1._values,
+ values2 = style2._values,
+ defaults2 = style2._defaults;
+ for (var key in values1) {
+ var value1 = values1[key],
+ value2 = values2[key];
+ if (!(secondary && key in values2) && !Base.equals(value1,
+ value2 === undefined ? defaults2[key] : value2))
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ return style === this || style && this._class === style._class
+ && compare(this, style)
+ && compare(style, this, true)
+ || false;
+ },
+ _dispose: function() {
+ var color;
+ color = this.getFillColor();
+ if (color) color._canvasStyle = null;
+ color = this.getStrokeColor();
+ if (color) color._canvasStyle = null;
+ color = this.getShadowColor();
+ if (color) color._canvasStyle = null;
+ },
+ hasFill: function() {
+ var color = this.getFillColor();
+ return !!color && color.alpha > 0;
+ },
+ hasStroke: function() {
+ var color = this.getStrokeColor();
+ return !!color && color.alpha > 0 && this.getStrokeWidth() > 0;
+ },
+ hasShadow: function() {
+ var color = this.getShadowColor();
+ return !!color && color.alpha > 0 && (this.getShadowBlur() > 0
+ || !this.getShadowOffset().isZero());
+ },
+ getView: function() {
+ return this._project._view;
+ },
+ getFontStyle: function() {
+ var fontSize = this.getFontSize();
+ return this.getFontWeight()
+ + ' ' + fontSize + (/[a-z]/i.test(fontSize + '') ? ' ' : 'px ')
+ + this.getFontFamily();
+ },
+ getFont: '#getFontFamily',
+ setFont: '#setFontFamily',
+ getLeading: function getLeading() {
+ var leading = getLeading.base.call(this),
+ fontSize = this.getFontSize();
+ if (/pt|em|%|px/.test(fontSize))
+ fontSize = this.getView().getPixelSize(fontSize);
+ return leading != null ? leading : fontSize * 1.2;
+ }
+var DomElement = new function() {
+ function handlePrefix(el, name, set, value) {
+ var prefixes = ['', 'webkit', 'moz', 'Moz', 'ms', 'o'],
+ suffix = name[0].toUpperCase() + name.substring(1);
+ for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
+ var prefix = prefixes[i],
+ key = prefix ? prefix + suffix : name;
+ if (key in el) {
+ if (set) {
+ el[key] = value;
+ } else {
+ return el[key];
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return {
+ getStyles: function(el) {
+ var doc = el && el.nodeType !== 9 ? el.ownerDocument : el,
+ view = doc && doc.defaultView;
+ return view && view.getComputedStyle(el, '');
+ },
+ getBounds: function(el, viewport) {
+ var doc = el.ownerDocument,
+ body = doc.body,
+ html = doc.documentElement,
+ rect;
+ try {
+ rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
+ } catch (e) {
+ rect = { left: 0, top: 0, width: 0, height: 0 };
+ }
+ var x = rect.left - (html.clientLeft || body.clientLeft || 0),
+ y = rect.top - (html.clientTop || body.clientTop || 0);
+ if (!viewport) {
+ var view = doc.defaultView;
+ x += view.pageXOffset || html.scrollLeft || body.scrollLeft;
+ y += view.pageYOffset || html.scrollTop || body.scrollTop;
+ }
+ return new Rectangle(x, y, rect.width, rect.height);
+ },
+ getViewportBounds: function(el) {
+ var doc = el.ownerDocument,
+ view = doc.defaultView,
+ html = doc.documentElement;
+ return new Rectangle(0, 0,
+ view.innerWidth || html.clientWidth,
+ view.innerHeight || html.clientHeight
+ );
+ },
+ getOffset: function(el, viewport) {
+ return DomElement.getBounds(el, viewport).getPoint();
+ },
+ getSize: function(el) {
+ return DomElement.getBounds(el, true).getSize();
+ },
+ isInvisible: function(el) {
+ return DomElement.getSize(el).equals(new Size(0, 0));
+ },
+ isInView: function(el) {
+ return !DomElement.isInvisible(el)
+ && DomElement.getViewportBounds(el).intersects(
+ DomElement.getBounds(el, true));
+ },
+ isInserted: function(el) {
+ return document.body.contains(el);
+ },
+ getPrefixed: function(el, name) {
+ return el && handlePrefix(el, name);
+ },
+ setPrefixed: function(el, name, value) {
+ if (typeof name === 'object') {
+ for (var key in name)
+ handlePrefix(el, key, true, name[key]);
+ } else {
+ handlePrefix(el, name, true, value);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+var DomEvent = {
+ add: function(el, events) {
+ if (el) {
+ for (var type in events) {
+ var func = events[type],
+ parts = type.split(/[\s,]+/g);
+ for (var i = 0, l = parts.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var name = parts[i];
+ var options = (
+ el === document
+ && (name === 'touchstart' || name === 'touchmove')
+ ) ? { passive: false } : false;
+ el.addEventListener(name, func, options);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ remove: function(el, events) {
+ if (el) {
+ for (var type in events) {
+ var func = events[type],
+ parts = type.split(/[\s,]+/g);
+ for (var i = 0, l = parts.length; i < l; i++)
+ el.removeEventListener(parts[i], func, false);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ getPoint: function(event) {
+ var pos = event.targetTouches
+ ? event.targetTouches.length
+ ? event.targetTouches[0]
+ : event.changedTouches[0]
+ : event;
+ return new Point(
+ pos.pageX || pos.clientX + document.documentElement.scrollLeft,
+ pos.pageY || pos.clientY + document.documentElement.scrollTop
+ );
+ },
+ getTarget: function(event) {
+ return event.target || event.srcElement;
+ },
+ getRelatedTarget: function(event) {
+ return event.relatedTarget || event.toElement;
+ },
+ getOffset: function(event, target) {
+ return DomEvent.getPoint(event).subtract(DomElement.getOffset(
+ target || DomEvent.getTarget(event)));
+ }
+DomEvent.requestAnimationFrame = new function() {
+ var nativeRequest = DomElement.getPrefixed(window, 'requestAnimationFrame'),
+ requested = false,
+ callbacks = [],
+ timer;
+ function handleCallbacks() {
+ var functions = callbacks;
+ callbacks = [];
+ for (var i = 0, l = functions.length; i < l; i++)
+ functions[i]();
+ requested = nativeRequest && callbacks.length;
+ if (requested)
+ nativeRequest(handleCallbacks);
+ }
+ return function(callback) {
+ callbacks.push(callback);
+ if (nativeRequest) {
+ if (!requested) {
+ nativeRequest(handleCallbacks);
+ requested = true;
+ }
+ } else if (!timer) {
+ timer = setInterval(handleCallbacks, 1000 / 60);
+ }
+ };
+var View = Base.extend(Emitter, {
+ _class: 'View',
+ initialize: function View(project, element) {
+ function getSize(name) {
+ return element[name] || parseInt(element.getAttribute(name), 10);
+ }
+ function getCanvasSize() {
+ var size = DomElement.getSize(element);
+ return size.isNaN() || size.isZero()
+ ? new Size(getSize('width'), getSize('height'))
+ : size;
+ }
+ var size;
+ if (window && element) {
+ this._id = element.getAttribute('id');
+ if (this._id == null)
+ element.setAttribute('id', this._id = 'view-' + View._id++);
+ DomEvent.add(element, this._viewEvents);
+ var none = 'none';
+ DomElement.setPrefixed(element.style, {
+ userDrag: none,
+ userSelect: none,
+ touchCallout: none,
+ contentZooming: none,
+ tapHighlightColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'
+ });
+ if (PaperScope.hasAttribute(element, 'resize')) {
+ var that = this;
+ DomEvent.add(window, this._windowEvents = {
+ resize: function() {
+ that.setViewSize(getCanvasSize());
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ size = getCanvasSize();
+ if (PaperScope.hasAttribute(element, 'stats')
+ && typeof Stats !== 'undefined') {
+ this._stats = new Stats();
+ var stats = this._stats.domElement,
+ style = stats.style,
+ offset = DomElement.getOffset(element);
+ style.position = 'absolute';
+ style.left = offset.x + 'px';
+ style.top = offset.y + 'px';
+ document.body.appendChild(stats);
+ }
+ } else {
+ size = new Size(element);
+ element = null;
+ }
+ this._project = project;
+ this._scope = project._scope;
+ this._element = element;
+ if (!this._pixelRatio)
+ this._pixelRatio = window && window.devicePixelRatio || 1;
+ this._setElementSize(size.width, size.height);
+ this._viewSize = size;
+ View._views.push(this);
+ View._viewsById[this._id] = this;
+ (this._matrix = new Matrix())._owner = this;
+ if (!View._focused)
+ View._focused = this;
+ this._frameItems = {};
+ this._frameItemCount = 0;
+ this._itemEvents = { native: {}, virtual: {} };
+ this._autoUpdate = !paper.agent.node;
+ this._needsUpdate = false;
+ },
+ remove: function() {
+ if (!this._project)
+ return false;
+ if (View._focused === this)
+ View._focused = null;
+ View._views.splice(View._views.indexOf(this), 1);
+ delete View._viewsById[this._id];
+ var project = this._project;
+ if (project._view === this)
+ project._view = null;
+ DomEvent.remove(this._element, this._viewEvents);
+ DomEvent.remove(window, this._windowEvents);
+ this._element = this._project = null;
+ this.off('frame');
+ this._animate = false;
+ this._frameItems = {};
+ return true;
+ },
+ _events: Base.each(
+ Item._itemHandlers.concat(['onResize', 'onKeyDown', 'onKeyUp']),
+ function(name) {
+ this[name] = {};
+ }, {
+ onFrame: {
+ install: function() {
+ this.play();
+ },
+ uninstall: function() {
+ this.pause();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ),
+ _animate: false,
+ _time: 0,
+ _count: 0,
+ getAutoUpdate: function() {
+ return this._autoUpdate;
+ },
+ setAutoUpdate: function(autoUpdate) {
+ this._autoUpdate = autoUpdate;
+ if (autoUpdate)
+ this.requestUpdate();
+ },
+ update: function() {
+ },
+ draw: function() {
+ this.update();
+ },
+ requestUpdate: function() {
+ if (!this._requested) {
+ var that = this;
+ DomEvent.requestAnimationFrame(function() {
+ that._requested = false;
+ if (that._animate) {
+ that.requestUpdate();
+ var element = that._element;
+ if ((!DomElement.getPrefixed(document, 'hidden')
+ || PaperScope.getAttribute(element, 'keepalive')
+ === 'true') && DomElement.isInView(element)) {
+ that._handleFrame();
+ }
+ }
+ if (that._autoUpdate)
+ that.update();
+ });
+ this._requested = true;
+ }
+ },
+ play: function() {
+ this._animate = true;
+ this.requestUpdate();
+ },
+ pause: function() {
+ this._animate = false;
+ },
+ _handleFrame: function() {
+ paper = this._scope;
+ var now = Date.now() / 1000,
+ delta = this._last ? now - this._last : 0;
+ this._last = now;
+ this.emit('frame', new Base({
+ delta: delta,
+ time: this._time += delta,
+ count: this._count++
+ }));
+ if (this._stats)
+ this._stats.update();
+ },
+ _animateItem: function(item, animate) {
+ var items = this._frameItems;
+ if (animate) {
+ items[item._id] = {
+ item: item,
+ time: 0,
+ count: 0
+ };
+ if (++this._frameItemCount === 1)
+ this.on('frame', this._handleFrameItems);
+ } else {
+ delete items[item._id];
+ if (--this._frameItemCount === 0) {
+ this.off('frame', this._handleFrameItems);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _handleFrameItems: function(event) {
+ for (var i in this._frameItems) {
+ var entry = this._frameItems[i];
+ entry.item.emit('frame', new Base(event, {
+ time: entry.time += event.delta,
+ count: entry.count++
+ }));
+ }
+ },
+ _changed: function() {
+ this._project._changed(4097);
+ this._bounds = this._decomposed = undefined;
+ },
+ getElement: function() {
+ return this._element;
+ },
+ getPixelRatio: function() {
+ return this._pixelRatio;
+ },
+ getResolution: function() {
+ return this._pixelRatio * 72;
+ },
+ getViewSize: function() {
+ var size = this._viewSize;
+ return new LinkedSize(size.width, size.height, this, 'setViewSize');
+ },
+ setViewSize: function() {
+ var size = Size.read(arguments),
+ delta = size.subtract(this._viewSize);
+ if (delta.isZero())
+ return;
+ this._setElementSize(size.width, size.height);
+ this._viewSize.set(size);
+ this._changed();
+ this.emit('resize', { size: size, delta: delta });
+ if (this._autoUpdate) {
+ this.update();
+ }
+ },
+ _setElementSize: function(width, height) {
+ var element = this._element;
+ if (element) {
+ if (element.width !== width)
+ element.width = width;
+ if (element.height !== height)
+ element.height = height;
+ }
+ },
+ getBounds: function() {
+ if (!this._bounds)
+ this._bounds = this._matrix.inverted()._transformBounds(
+ new Rectangle(new Point(), this._viewSize));
+ return this._bounds;
+ },
+ getSize: function() {
+ return this.getBounds().getSize();
+ },
+ isVisible: function() {
+ return DomElement.isInView(this._element);
+ },
+ isInserted: function() {
+ return DomElement.isInserted(this._element);
+ },
+ getPixelSize: function(size) {
+ var element = this._element,
+ pixels;
+ if (element) {
+ var parent = element.parentNode,
+ temp = document.createElement('div');
+ temp.style.fontSize = size;
+ parent.appendChild(temp);
+ pixels = parseFloat(DomElement.getStyles(temp).fontSize);
+ parent.removeChild(temp);
+ } else {
+ pixels = parseFloat(pixels);
+ }
+ return pixels;
+ },
+ getTextWidth: function(font, lines) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+}, Base.each(['rotate', 'scale', 'shear', 'skew'], function(key) {
+ var rotate = key === 'rotate';
+ this[key] = function() {
+ var value = (rotate ? Base : Point).read(arguments),
+ center = Point.read(arguments, 0, { readNull: true });
+ return this.transform(new Matrix()[key](value,
+ center || this.getCenter(true)));
+ };
+}, {
+ _decompose: function() {
+ return this._decomposed || (this._decomposed = this._matrix.decompose());
+ },
+ translate: function() {
+ var mx = new Matrix();
+ return this.transform(mx.translate.apply(mx, arguments));
+ },
+ getCenter: function() {
+ return this.getBounds().getCenter();
+ },
+ setCenter: function() {
+ var center = Point.read(arguments);
+ this.translate(this.getCenter().subtract(center));
+ },
+ getZoom: function() {
+ var scaling = this._decompose().scaling;
+ return (scaling.x + scaling.y) / 2;
+ },
+ setZoom: function(zoom) {
+ this.transform(new Matrix().scale(zoom / this.getZoom(),
+ this.getCenter()));
+ },
+ getRotation: function() {
+ return this._decompose().rotation;
+ },
+ setRotation: function(rotation) {
+ var current = this.getRotation();
+ if (current != null && rotation != null) {
+ this.rotate(rotation - current);
+ }
+ },
+ getScaling: function() {
+ var scaling = this._decompose().scaling;
+ return new LinkedPoint(scaling.x, scaling.y, this, 'setScaling');
+ },
+ setScaling: function() {
+ var current = this.getScaling(),
+ scaling = Point.read(arguments, 0, { clone: true, readNull: true });
+ if (current && scaling) {
+ this.scale(scaling.x / current.x, scaling.y / current.y);
+ }
+ },
+ getMatrix: function() {
+ return this._matrix;
+ },
+ setMatrix: function() {
+ var matrix = this._matrix;
+ matrix.initialize.apply(matrix, arguments);
+ },
+ transform: function(matrix) {
+ this._matrix.append(matrix);
+ },
+ scrollBy: function() {
+ this.translate(Point.read(arguments).negate());
+ }
+}), {
+ projectToView: function() {
+ return this._matrix._transformPoint(Point.read(arguments));
+ },
+ viewToProject: function() {
+ return this._matrix._inverseTransform(Point.read(arguments));
+ },
+ getEventPoint: function(event) {
+ return this.viewToProject(DomEvent.getOffset(event, this._element));
+ },
+}, {
+ statics: {
+ _views: [],
+ _viewsById: {},
+ _id: 0,
+ create: function(project, element) {
+ if (document && typeof element === 'string')
+ element = document.getElementById(element);
+ var ctor = window ? CanvasView : View;
+ return new ctor(project, element);
+ }
+ }
+new function() {
+ if (!window)
+ return;
+ var prevFocus,
+ tempFocus,
+ dragging = false,
+ mouseDown = false;
+ function getView(event) {
+ var target = DomEvent.getTarget(event);
+ return target.getAttribute && View._viewsById[
+ target.getAttribute('id')];
+ }
+ function updateFocus() {
+ var view = View._focused;
+ if (!view || !view.isVisible()) {
+ for (var i = 0, l = View._views.length; i < l; i++) {
+ if ((view = View._views[i]).isVisible()) {
+ View._focused = tempFocus = view;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function handleMouseMove(view, event, point) {
+ view._handleMouseEvent('mousemove', event, point);
+ }
+ var navigator = window.navigator,
+ mousedown, mousemove, mouseup;
+ if (navigator.pointerEnabled || navigator.msPointerEnabled) {
+ mousedown = 'pointerdown MSPointerDown';
+ mousemove = 'pointermove MSPointerMove';
+ mouseup = 'pointerup pointercancel MSPointerUp MSPointerCancel';
+ } else {
+ mousedown = 'touchstart';
+ mousemove = 'touchmove';
+ mouseup = 'touchend touchcancel';
+ if (!('ontouchstart' in window && navigator.userAgent.match(
+ /mobile|tablet|ip(ad|hone|od)|android|silk/i))) {
+ mousedown += ' mousedown';
+ mousemove += ' mousemove';
+ mouseup += ' mouseup';
+ }
+ }
+ var viewEvents = {},
+ docEvents = {
+ mouseout: function(event) {
+ var view = View._focused,
+ target = DomEvent.getRelatedTarget(event);
+ if (view && (!target || target.nodeName === 'HTML')) {
+ var offset = DomEvent.getOffset(event, view._element),
+ x = offset.x,
+ abs = Math.abs,
+ ax = abs(x),
+ max = 1 << 25,
+ diff = ax - max;
+ offset.x = abs(diff) < ax ? diff * (x < 0 ? -1 : 1) : x;
+ handleMouseMove(view, event, view.viewToProject(offset));
+ }
+ },
+ scroll: updateFocus
+ };
+ viewEvents[mousedown] = function(event) {
+ var view = View._focused = getView(event);
+ if (!dragging) {
+ dragging = true;
+ view._handleMouseEvent('mousedown', event);
+ }
+ };
+ docEvents[mousemove] = function(event) {
+ var view = View._focused;
+ if (!mouseDown) {
+ var target = getView(event);
+ if (target) {
+ if (view !== target) {
+ if (view)
+ handleMouseMove(view, event);
+ if (!prevFocus)
+ prevFocus = view;
+ view = View._focused = tempFocus = target;
+ }
+ } else if (tempFocus && tempFocus === view) {
+ if (prevFocus && !prevFocus.isInserted())
+ prevFocus = null;
+ view = View._focused = prevFocus;
+ prevFocus = null;
+ updateFocus();
+ }
+ }
+ if (view)
+ handleMouseMove(view, event);
+ };
+ docEvents[mousedown] = function() {
+ mouseDown = true;
+ };
+ docEvents[mouseup] = function(event) {
+ var view = View._focused;
+ if (view && dragging)
+ view._handleMouseEvent('mouseup', event);
+ mouseDown = dragging = false;
+ };
+ DomEvent.add(document, docEvents);
+ DomEvent.add(window, {
+ load: updateFocus
+ });
+ var called = false,
+ prevented = false,
+ fallbacks = {
+ doubleclick: 'click',
+ mousedrag: 'mousemove'
+ },
+ wasInView = false,
+ overView,
+ downPoint,
+ lastPoint,
+ downItem,
+ overItem,
+ dragItem,
+ clickItem,
+ clickTime,
+ dblClick;
+ function emitMouseEvent(obj, target, type, event, point, prevPoint,
+ stopItem) {
+ var stopped = false,
+ mouseEvent;
+ function emit(obj, type) {
+ if (obj.responds(type)) {
+ if (!mouseEvent) {
+ mouseEvent = new MouseEvent(type, event, point,
+ target || obj,
+ prevPoint ? point.subtract(prevPoint) : null);
+ }
+ if (obj.emit(type, mouseEvent)) {
+ called = true;
+ if (mouseEvent.prevented)
+ prevented = true;
+ if (mouseEvent.stopped)
+ return stopped = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ var fallback = fallbacks[type];
+ if (fallback)
+ return emit(obj, fallback);
+ }
+ }
+ while (obj && obj !== stopItem) {
+ if (emit(obj, type))
+ break;
+ obj = obj._parent;
+ }
+ return stopped;
+ }
+ function emitMouseEvents(view, hitItem, type, event, point, prevPoint) {
+ view._project.removeOn(type);
+ prevented = called = false;
+ return (dragItem && emitMouseEvent(dragItem, null, type, event,
+ point, prevPoint)
+ || hitItem && hitItem !== dragItem
+ && !hitItem.isDescendant(dragItem)
+ && emitMouseEvent(hitItem, null, type === 'mousedrag' ?
+ 'mousemove' : type, event, point, prevPoint, dragItem)
+ || emitMouseEvent(view, dragItem || hitItem || view, type, event,
+ point, prevPoint));
+ }
+ var itemEventsMap = {
+ mousedown: {
+ mousedown: 1,
+ mousedrag: 1,
+ click: 1,
+ doubleclick: 1
+ },
+ mouseup: {
+ mouseup: 1,
+ mousedrag: 1,
+ click: 1,
+ doubleclick: 1
+ },
+ mousemove: {
+ mousedrag: 1,
+ mousemove: 1,
+ mouseenter: 1,
+ mouseleave: 1
+ }
+ };
+ return {
+ _viewEvents: viewEvents,
+ _handleMouseEvent: function(type, event, point) {
+ var itemEvents = this._itemEvents,
+ hitItems = itemEvents.native[type],
+ nativeMove = type === 'mousemove',
+ tool = this._scope.tool,
+ view = this;
+ function responds(type) {
+ return itemEvents.virtual[type] || view.responds(type)
+ || tool && tool.responds(type);
+ }
+ if (nativeMove && dragging && responds('mousedrag'))
+ type = 'mousedrag';
+ if (!point)
+ point = this.getEventPoint(event);
+ var inView = this.getBounds().contains(point),
+ hit = hitItems && inView && view._project.hitTest(point, {
+ tolerance: 0,
+ fill: true,
+ stroke: true
+ }),
+ hitItem = hit && hit.item || null,
+ handle = false,
+ mouse = {};
+ mouse[type.substr(5)] = true;
+ if (hitItems && hitItem !== overItem) {
+ if (overItem) {
+ emitMouseEvent(overItem, null, 'mouseleave', event, point);
+ }
+ if (hitItem) {
+ emitMouseEvent(hitItem, null, 'mouseenter', event, point);
+ }
+ overItem = hitItem;
+ }
+ if (wasInView ^ inView) {
+ emitMouseEvent(this, null, inView ? 'mouseenter' : 'mouseleave',
+ event, point);
+ overView = inView ? this : null;
+ handle = true;
+ }
+ if ((inView || mouse.drag) && !point.equals(lastPoint)) {
+ emitMouseEvents(this, hitItem, nativeMove ? type : 'mousemove',
+ event, point, lastPoint);
+ handle = true;
+ }
+ wasInView = inView;
+ if (mouse.down && inView || mouse.up && downPoint) {
+ emitMouseEvents(this, hitItem, type, event, point, downPoint);
+ if (mouse.down) {
+ dblClick = hitItem === clickItem
+ && (Date.now() - clickTime < 300);
+ downItem = clickItem = hitItem;
+ if (!prevented && hitItem) {
+ var item = hitItem;
+ while (item && !item.responds('mousedrag'))
+ item = item._parent;
+ if (item)
+ dragItem = hitItem;
+ }
+ downPoint = point;
+ } else if (mouse.up) {
+ if (!prevented && hitItem === downItem) {
+ clickTime = Date.now();
+ emitMouseEvents(this, hitItem, dblClick ? 'doubleclick'
+ : 'click', event, point, downPoint);
+ dblClick = false;
+ }
+ downItem = dragItem = null;
+ }
+ wasInView = false;
+ handle = true;
+ }
+ lastPoint = point;
+ if (handle && tool) {
+ called = tool._handleMouseEvent(type, event, point, mouse)
+ || called;
+ }
+ if (
+ event.cancelable !== false
+ && (called && !mouse.move || mouse.down && responds('mouseup'))
+ ) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ },
+ _handleKeyEvent: function(type, event, key, character) {
+ var scope = this._scope,
+ tool = scope.tool,
+ keyEvent;
+ function emit(obj) {
+ if (obj.responds(type)) {
+ paper = scope;
+ obj.emit(type, keyEvent = keyEvent
+ || new KeyEvent(type, event, key, character));
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.isVisible()) {
+ emit(this);
+ if (tool && tool.responds(type))
+ emit(tool);
+ }
+ },
+ _countItemEvent: function(type, sign) {
+ var itemEvents = this._itemEvents,
+ native = itemEvents.native,
+ virtual = itemEvents.virtual;
+ for (var key in itemEventsMap) {
+ native[key] = (native[key] || 0)
+ + (itemEventsMap[key][type] || 0) * sign;
+ }
+ virtual[type] = (virtual[type] || 0) + sign;
+ },
+ statics: {
+ updateFocus: updateFocus,
+ _resetState: function() {
+ dragging = mouseDown = called = wasInView = false;
+ prevFocus = tempFocus = overView = downPoint = lastPoint =
+ downItem = overItem = dragItem = clickItem = clickTime =
+ dblClick = null;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+var CanvasView = View.extend({
+ _class: 'CanvasView',
+ initialize: function CanvasView(project, canvas) {
+ if (!(canvas instanceof window.HTMLCanvasElement)) {
+ var size = Size.read(arguments, 1);
+ if (size.isZero())
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Cannot create CanvasView with the provided argument: '
+ + Base.slice(arguments, 1));
+ canvas = CanvasProvider.getCanvas(size);
+ }
+ var ctx = this._context = canvas.getContext('2d');
+ ctx.save();
+ this._pixelRatio = 1;
+ if (!/^off|false$/.test(PaperScope.getAttribute(canvas, 'hidpi'))) {
+ var deviceRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1,
+ backingStoreRatio = DomElement.getPrefixed(ctx,
+ 'backingStorePixelRatio') || 1;
+ this._pixelRatio = deviceRatio / backingStoreRatio;
+ }
+ View.call(this, project, canvas);
+ this._needsUpdate = true;
+ },
+ remove: function remove() {
+ this._context.restore();
+ return remove.base.call(this);
+ },
+ _setElementSize: function _setElementSize(width, height) {
+ var pixelRatio = this._pixelRatio;
+ _setElementSize.base.call(this, width * pixelRatio, height * pixelRatio);
+ if (pixelRatio !== 1) {
+ var element = this._element,
+ ctx = this._context;
+ if (!PaperScope.hasAttribute(element, 'resize')) {
+ var style = element.style;
+ style.width = width + 'px';
+ style.height = height + 'px';
+ }
+ ctx.restore();
+ ctx.save();
+ ctx.scale(pixelRatio, pixelRatio);
+ }
+ },
+ getContext: function() {
+ return this._context;
+ },
+ getPixelSize: function getPixelSize(size) {
+ var agent = paper.agent,
+ pixels;
+ if (agent && agent.firefox) {
+ pixels = getPixelSize.base.call(this, size);
+ } else {
+ var ctx = this._context,
+ prevFont = ctx.font;
+ ctx.font = size + ' serif';
+ pixels = parseFloat(ctx.font);
+ ctx.font = prevFont;
+ }
+ return pixels;
+ },
+ getTextWidth: function(font, lines) {
+ var ctx = this._context,
+ prevFont = ctx.font,
+ width = 0;
+ ctx.font = font;
+ for (var i = 0, l = lines.length; i < l; i++)
+ width = Math.max(width, ctx.measureText(lines[i]).width);
+ ctx.font = prevFont;
+ return width;
+ },
+ update: function() {
+ if (!this._needsUpdate)
+ return false;
+ var project = this._project,
+ ctx = this._context,
+ size = this._viewSize;
+ ctx.clearRect(0, 0, size.width + 1, size.height + 1);
+ if (project)
+ project.draw(ctx, this._matrix, this._pixelRatio);
+ this._needsUpdate = false;
+ return true;
+ }
+var Event = Base.extend({
+ _class: 'Event',
+ initialize: function Event(event) {
+ this.event = event;
+ this.type = event && event.type;
+ },
+ prevented: false,
+ stopped: false,
+ preventDefault: function() {
+ this.prevented = true;
+ this.event.preventDefault();
+ },
+ stopPropagation: function() {
+ this.stopped = true;
+ this.event.stopPropagation();
+ },
+ stop: function() {
+ this.stopPropagation();
+ this.preventDefault();
+ },
+ getTimeStamp: function() {
+ return this.event.timeStamp;
+ },
+ getModifiers: function() {
+ return Key.modifiers;
+ }
+var KeyEvent = Event.extend({
+ _class: 'KeyEvent',
+ initialize: function KeyEvent(type, event, key, character) {
+ this.type = type;
+ this.event = event;
+ this.key = key;
+ this.character = character;
+ },
+ toString: function() {
+ return "{ type: '" + this.type
+ + "', key: '" + this.key
+ + "', character: '" + this.character
+ + "', modifiers: " + this.getModifiers()
+ + " }";
+ }
+var Key = new function() {
+ var keyLookup = {
+ '\t': 'tab',
+ ' ': 'space',
+ '\b': 'backspace',
+ '\x7f': 'delete',
+ 'Spacebar': 'space',
+ 'Del': 'delete',
+ 'Win': 'meta',
+ 'Esc': 'escape'
+ },
+ charLookup = {
+ 'tab': '\t',
+ 'space': ' ',
+ 'enter': '\r'
+ },
+ keyMap = {},
+ charMap = {},
+ metaFixMap,
+ downKey,
+ modifiers = new Base({
+ shift: false,
+ control: false,
+ alt: false,
+ meta: false,
+ capsLock: false,
+ space: false
+ }).inject({
+ option: {
+ get: function() {
+ return this.alt;
+ }
+ },
+ command: {
+ get: function() {
+ var agent = paper && paper.agent;
+ return agent && agent.mac ? this.meta : this.control;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ function getKey(event) {
+ var key = event.key || event.keyIdentifier;
+ key = /^U\+/.test(key)
+ ? String.fromCharCode(parseInt(key.substr(2), 16))
+ : /^Arrow[A-Z]/.test(key) ? key.substr(5)
+ : key === 'Unidentified' || key === undefined
+ ? String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode)
+ : key;
+ return keyLookup[key] ||
+ (key.length > 1 ? Base.hyphenate(key) : key.toLowerCase());
+ }
+ function handleKey(down, key, character, event) {
+ var type = down ? 'keydown' : 'keyup',
+ view = View._focused,
+ name;
+ keyMap[key] = down;
+ if (down) {
+ charMap[key] = character;
+ } else {
+ delete charMap[key];
+ }
+ if (key.length > 1 && (name = Base.camelize(key)) in modifiers) {
+ modifiers[name] = down;
+ var agent = paper && paper.agent;
+ if (name === 'meta' && agent && agent.mac) {
+ if (down) {
+ metaFixMap = {};
+ } else {
+ for (var k in metaFixMap) {
+ if (k in charMap)
+ handleKey(false, k, metaFixMap[k], event);
+ }
+ metaFixMap = null;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (down && metaFixMap) {
+ metaFixMap[key] = character;
+ }
+ if (view) {
+ view._handleKeyEvent(down ? 'keydown' : 'keyup', event, key,
+ character);
+ }
+ }
+ DomEvent.add(document, {
+ keydown: function(event) {
+ var key = getKey(event),
+ agent = paper && paper.agent;
+ if (key.length > 1 || agent && (agent.chrome && (event.altKey
+ || agent.mac && event.metaKey
+ || !agent.mac && event.ctrlKey))) {
+ handleKey(true, key,
+ charLookup[key] || (key.length > 1 ? '' : key), event);
+ } else {
+ downKey = key;
+ }
+ },
+ keypress: function(event) {
+ if (downKey) {
+ var key = getKey(event),
+ code = event.charCode,
+ character = code >= 32 ? String.fromCharCode(code)
+ : key.length > 1 ? '' : key;
+ if (key !== downKey) {
+ key = character.toLowerCase();
+ }
+ handleKey(true, key, character, event);
+ downKey = null;
+ }
+ },
+ keyup: function(event) {
+ var key = getKey(event);
+ if (key in charMap)
+ handleKey(false, key, charMap[key], event);
+ }
+ });
+ DomEvent.add(window, {
+ blur: function(event) {
+ for (var key in charMap)
+ handleKey(false, key, charMap[key], event);
+ }
+ });
+ return {
+ modifiers: modifiers,
+ isDown: function(key) {
+ return !!keyMap[key];
+ }
+ };
+var MouseEvent = Event.extend({
+ _class: 'MouseEvent',
+ initialize: function MouseEvent(type, event, point, target, delta) {
+ this.type = type;
+ this.event = event;
+ this.point = point;
+ this.target = target;
+ this.delta = delta;
+ },
+ toString: function() {
+ return "{ type: '" + this.type
+ + "', point: " + this.point
+ + ', target: ' + this.target
+ + (this.delta ? ', delta: ' + this.delta : '')
+ + ', modifiers: ' + this.getModifiers()
+ + ' }';
+ }
+var ToolEvent = Event.extend({
+ _class: 'ToolEvent',
+ _item: null,
+ initialize: function ToolEvent(tool, type, event) {
+ this.tool = tool;
+ this.type = type;
+ this.event = event;
+ },
+ _choosePoint: function(point, toolPoint) {
+ return point ? point : toolPoint ? toolPoint.clone() : null;
+ },
+ getPoint: function() {
+ return this._choosePoint(this._point, this.tool._point);
+ },
+ setPoint: function(point) {
+ this._point = point;
+ },
+ getLastPoint: function() {
+ return this._choosePoint(this._lastPoint, this.tool._lastPoint);
+ },
+ setLastPoint: function(lastPoint) {
+ this._lastPoint = lastPoint;
+ },
+ getDownPoint: function() {
+ return this._choosePoint(this._downPoint, this.tool._downPoint);
+ },
+ setDownPoint: function(downPoint) {
+ this._downPoint = downPoint;
+ },
+ getMiddlePoint: function() {
+ if (!this._middlePoint && this.tool._lastPoint) {
+ return this.tool._point.add(this.tool._lastPoint).divide(2);
+ }
+ return this._middlePoint;
+ },
+ setMiddlePoint: function(middlePoint) {
+ this._middlePoint = middlePoint;
+ },
+ getDelta: function() {
+ return !this._delta && this.tool._lastPoint
+ ? this.tool._point.subtract(this.tool._lastPoint)
+ : this._delta;
+ },
+ setDelta: function(delta) {
+ this._delta = delta;
+ },
+ getCount: function() {
+ return this.tool[/^mouse(down|up)$/.test(this.type)
+ ? '_downCount' : '_moveCount'];
+ },
+ setCount: function(count) {
+ this.tool[/^mouse(down|up)$/.test(this.type) ? 'downCount' : 'count']
+ = count;
+ },
+ getItem: function() {
+ if (!this._item) {
+ var result = this.tool._scope.project.hitTest(this.getPoint());
+ if (result) {
+ var item = result.item,
+ parent = item._parent;
+ while (/^(Group|CompoundPath)$/.test(parent._class)) {
+ item = parent;
+ parent = parent._parent;
+ }
+ this._item = item;
+ }
+ }
+ return this._item;
+ },
+ setItem: function(item) {
+ this._item = item;
+ },
+ toString: function() {
+ return '{ type: ' + this.type
+ + ', point: ' + this.getPoint()
+ + ', count: ' + this.getCount()
+ + ', modifiers: ' + this.getModifiers()
+ + ' }';
+ }
+var Tool = PaperScopeItem.extend({
+ _class: 'Tool',
+ _list: 'tools',
+ _reference: 'tool',
+ _events: ['onMouseDown', 'onMouseUp', 'onMouseDrag', 'onMouseMove',
+ 'onActivate', 'onDeactivate', 'onEditOptions', 'onKeyDown',
+ 'onKeyUp'],
+ initialize: function Tool(props) {
+ PaperScopeItem.call(this);
+ this._moveCount = -1;
+ this._downCount = -1;
+ this.set(props);
+ },
+ getMinDistance: function() {
+ return this._minDistance;
+ },
+ setMinDistance: function(minDistance) {
+ this._minDistance = minDistance;
+ if (minDistance != null && this._maxDistance != null
+ && minDistance > this._maxDistance) {
+ this._maxDistance = minDistance;
+ }
+ },
+ getMaxDistance: function() {
+ return this._maxDistance;
+ },
+ setMaxDistance: function(maxDistance) {
+ this._maxDistance = maxDistance;
+ if (this._minDistance != null && maxDistance != null
+ && maxDistance < this._minDistance) {
+ this._minDistance = maxDistance;
+ }
+ },
+ getFixedDistance: function() {
+ return this._minDistance == this._maxDistance
+ ? this._minDistance : null;
+ },
+ setFixedDistance: function(distance) {
+ this._minDistance = this._maxDistance = distance;
+ },
+ _handleMouseEvent: function(type, event, point, mouse) {
+ paper = this._scope;
+ if (mouse.drag && !this.responds(type))
+ type = 'mousemove';
+ var move = mouse.move || mouse.drag,
+ responds = this.responds(type),
+ minDistance = this.minDistance,
+ maxDistance = this.maxDistance,
+ called = false,
+ tool = this;
+ function update(minDistance, maxDistance) {
+ var pt = point,
+ toolPoint = move ? tool._point : (tool._downPoint || pt);
+ if (move) {
+ if (tool._moveCount >= 0 && pt.equals(toolPoint)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (toolPoint && (minDistance != null || maxDistance != null)) {
+ var vector = pt.subtract(toolPoint),
+ distance = vector.getLength();
+ if (distance < (minDistance || 0))
+ return false;
+ if (maxDistance) {
+ pt = toolPoint.add(vector.normalize(
+ Math.min(distance, maxDistance)));
+ }
+ }
+ tool._moveCount++;
+ }
+ tool._point = pt;
+ tool._lastPoint = toolPoint || pt;
+ if (mouse.down) {
+ tool._moveCount = -1;
+ tool._downPoint = pt;
+ tool._downCount++;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ function emit() {
+ if (responds) {
+ called = tool.emit(type, new ToolEvent(tool, type, event))
+ || called;
+ }
+ }
+ if (mouse.down) {
+ update();
+ emit();
+ } else if (mouse.up) {
+ update(null, maxDistance);
+ emit();
+ } else if (responds) {
+ while (update(minDistance, maxDistance))
+ emit();
+ }
+ return called;
+ }
+var Tween = Base.extend(Emitter, {
+ _class: 'Tween',
+ statics: {
+ easings: {
+ linear: function(t) {
+ return t;
+ },
+ easeInQuad: function(t) {
+ return t * t;
+ },
+ easeOutQuad: function(t) {
+ return t * (2 - t);
+ },
+ easeInOutQuad: function(t) {
+ return t < 0.5
+ ? 2 * t * t
+ : -1 + 2 * (2 - t) * t;
+ },
+ easeInCubic: function(t) {
+ return t * t * t;
+ },
+ easeOutCubic: function(t) {
+ return --t * t * t + 1;
+ },
+ easeInOutCubic: function(t) {
+ return t < 0.5
+ ? 4 * t * t * t
+ : (t - 1) * (2 * t - 2) * (2 * t - 2) + 1;
+ },
+ easeInQuart: function(t) {
+ return t * t * t * t;
+ },
+ easeOutQuart: function(t) {
+ return 1 - (--t) * t * t * t;
+ },
+ easeInOutQuart: function(t) {
+ return t < 0.5
+ ? 8 * t * t * t * t
+ : 1 - 8 * (--t) * t * t * t;
+ },
+ easeInQuint: function(t) {
+ return t * t * t * t * t;
+ },
+ easeOutQuint: function(t) {
+ return 1 + --t * t * t * t * t;
+ },
+ easeInOutQuint: function(t) {
+ return t < 0.5
+ ? 16 * t * t * t * t * t
+ : 1 + 16 * (--t) * t * t * t * t;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ initialize: function Tween(object, from, to, duration, easing, start) {
+ this.object = object;
+ var type = typeof easing;
+ var isFunction = type === 'function';
+ this.type = isFunction
+ ? type
+ : type === 'string'
+ ? easing
+ : 'linear';
+ this.easing = isFunction ? easing : Tween.easings[this.type];
+ this.duration = duration;
+ this.running = false;
+ this._then = null;
+ this._startTime = null;
+ var state = from || to;
+ this._keys = state ? Object.keys(state) : [];
+ this._parsedKeys = this._parseKeys(this._keys);
+ this._from = state && this._getState(from);
+ this._to = state && this._getState(to);
+ if (start !== false) {
+ this.start();
+ }
+ },
+ then: function(then) {
+ this._then = then;
+ return this;
+ },
+ start: function() {
+ this._startTime = null;
+ this.running = true;
+ return this;
+ },
+ stop: function() {
+ this.running = false;
+ return this;
+ },
+ update: function(progress) {
+ if (this.running) {
+ if (progress > 1) {
+ progress = 1;
+ this.running = false;
+ }
+ var factor = this.easing(progress),
+ keys = this._keys,
+ getValue = function(value) {
+ return typeof value === 'function'
+ ? value(factor, progress)
+ : value;
+ };
+ for (var i = 0, l = keys && keys.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var key = keys[i],
+ from = getValue(this._from[key]),
+ to = getValue(this._to[key]),
+ value = (from && to && from.__add && to.__add)
+ ? to.__subtract(from).__multiply(factor).__add(from)
+ : ((to - from) * factor) + from;
+ this._setProperty(this._parsedKeys[key], value);
+ }
+ if (!this.running && this._then) {
+ this._then(this.object);
+ }
+ if (this.responds('update')) {
+ this.emit('update', new Base({
+ progress: progress,
+ factor: factor
+ }));
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ _events: {
+ onUpdate: {}
+ },
+ _handleFrame: function(time) {
+ var startTime = this._startTime,
+ progress = startTime
+ ? (time - startTime) / this.duration
+ : 0;
+ if (!startTime) {
+ this._startTime = time;
+ }
+ this.update(progress);
+ },
+ _getState: function(state) {
+ var keys = this._keys,
+ result = {};
+ for (var i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var key = keys[i],
+ path = this._parsedKeys[key],
+ current = this._getProperty(path),
+ value;
+ if (state) {
+ var resolved = this._resolveValue(current, state[key]);
+ this._setProperty(path, resolved);
+ value = this._getProperty(path);
+ value = value && value.clone ? value.clone() : value;
+ this._setProperty(path, current);
+ } else {
+ value = current && current.clone ? current.clone() : current;
+ }
+ result[key] = value;
+ }
+ return result;
+ },
+ _resolveValue: function(current, value) {
+ if (value) {
+ if (Array.isArray(value) && value.length === 2) {
+ var operator = value[0];
+ return (
+ operator &&
+ operator.match &&
+ operator.match(/^[+\-*/]=/)
+ )
+ ? this._calculate(current, operator[0], value[1])
+ : value;
+ } else if (typeof value === 'string') {
+ var match = value.match(/^[+\-*/]=(.*)/);
+ if (match) {
+ var parsed = JSON.parse(match[1].replace(
+ /(['"])?([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)(['"])?:/g,
+ '"$2": '
+ ));
+ return this._calculate(current, value[0], parsed);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return value;
+ },
+ _calculate: function(left, operator, right) {
+ return paper.PaperScript.calculateBinary(left, operator, right);
+ },
+ _parseKeys: function(keys) {
+ var parsed = {};
+ for (var i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var key = keys[i],
+ path = key
+ .replace(/\.([^.]*)/g, '/$1')
+ .replace(/\[['"]?([^'"\]]*)['"]?\]/g, '/$1');
+ parsed[key] = path.split('/');
+ }
+ return parsed;
+ },
+ _getProperty: function(path, offset) {
+ var obj = this.object;
+ for (var i = 0, l = path.length - (offset || 0); i < l && obj; i++) {
+ obj = obj[path[i]];
+ }
+ return obj;
+ },
+ _setProperty: function(path, value) {
+ var dest = this._getProperty(path, 1);
+ if (dest) {
+ dest[path[path.length - 1]] = value;
+ }
+ }
+var Http = {
+ request: function(options) {
+ var xhr = new self.XMLHttpRequest();
+ xhr.open((options.method || 'get').toUpperCase(), options.url,
+ Base.pick(options.async, true));
+ if (options.mimeType)
+ xhr.overrideMimeType(options.mimeType);
+ xhr.onload = function() {
+ var status = xhr.status;
+ if (status === 0 || status === 200) {
+ if (options.onLoad) {
+ options.onLoad.call(xhr, xhr.responseText);
+ }
+ } else {
+ xhr.onerror();
+ }
+ };
+ xhr.onerror = function() {
+ var status = xhr.status,
+ message = 'Could not load "' + options.url + '" (Status: '
+ + status + ')';
+ if (options.onError) {
+ options.onError(message, status);
+ } else {
+ throw new Error(message);
+ }
+ };
+ return xhr.send(null);
+ }
+var CanvasProvider = {
+ canvases: [],
+ getCanvas: function(width, height) {
+ if (!window)
+ return null;
+ var canvas,
+ clear = true;
+ if (typeof width === 'object') {
+ height = width.height;
+ width = width.width;
+ }
+ if (this.canvases.length) {
+ canvas = this.canvases.pop();
+ } else {
+ canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
+ clear = false;
+ }
+ var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
+ if (!ctx) {
+ throw new Error('Canvas ' + canvas +
+ ' is unable to provide a 2D context.');
+ }
+ if (canvas.width === width && canvas.height === height) {
+ if (clear)
+ ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width + 1, height + 1);
+ } else {
+ canvas.width = width;
+ canvas.height = height;
+ }
+ ctx.save();
+ return canvas;
+ },
+ getContext: function(width, height) {
+ var canvas = this.getCanvas(width, height);
+ return canvas ? canvas.getContext('2d') : null;
+ },
+ release: function(obj) {
+ var canvas = obj && obj.canvas ? obj.canvas : obj;
+ if (canvas && canvas.getContext) {
+ canvas.getContext('2d').restore();
+ this.canvases.push(canvas);
+ }
+ }
+var BlendMode = new function() {
+ var min = Math.min,
+ max = Math.max,
+ abs = Math.abs,
+ sr, sg, sb, sa,
+ br, bg, bb, ba,
+ dr, dg, db;
+ function getLum(r, g, b) {
+ return 0.2989 * r + 0.587 * g + 0.114 * b;
+ }
+ function setLum(r, g, b, l) {
+ var d = l - getLum(r, g, b);
+ dr = r + d;
+ dg = g + d;
+ db = b + d;
+ var l = getLum(dr, dg, db),
+ mn = min(dr, dg, db),
+ mx = max(dr, dg, db);
+ if (mn < 0) {
+ var lmn = l - mn;
+ dr = l + (dr - l) * l / lmn;
+ dg = l + (dg - l) * l / lmn;
+ db = l + (db - l) * l / lmn;
+ }
+ if (mx > 255) {
+ var ln = 255 - l,
+ mxl = mx - l;
+ dr = l + (dr - l) * ln / mxl;
+ dg = l + (dg - l) * ln / mxl;
+ db = l + (db - l) * ln / mxl;
+ }
+ }
+ function getSat(r, g, b) {
+ return max(r, g, b) - min(r, g, b);
+ }
+ function setSat(r, g, b, s) {
+ var col = [r, g, b],
+ mx = max(r, g, b),
+ mn = min(r, g, b),
+ md;
+ mn = mn === r ? 0 : mn === g ? 1 : 2;
+ mx = mx === r ? 0 : mx === g ? 1 : 2;
+ md = min(mn, mx) === 0 ? max(mn, mx) === 1 ? 2 : 1 : 0;
+ if (col[mx] > col[mn]) {
+ col[md] = (col[md] - col[mn]) * s / (col[mx] - col[mn]);
+ col[mx] = s;
+ } else {
+ col[md] = col[mx] = 0;
+ }
+ col[mn] = 0;
+ dr = col[0];
+ dg = col[1];
+ db = col[2];
+ }
+ var modes = {
+ multiply: function() {
+ dr = br * sr / 255;
+ dg = bg * sg / 255;
+ db = bb * sb / 255;
+ },
+ screen: function() {
+ dr = br + sr - (br * sr / 255);
+ dg = bg + sg - (bg * sg / 255);
+ db = bb + sb - (bb * sb / 255);
+ },
+ overlay: function() {
+ dr = br < 128 ? 2 * br * sr / 255 : 255 - 2 * (255 - br) * (255 - sr) / 255;
+ dg = bg < 128 ? 2 * bg * sg / 255 : 255 - 2 * (255 - bg) * (255 - sg) / 255;
+ db = bb < 128 ? 2 * bb * sb / 255 : 255 - 2 * (255 - bb) * (255 - sb) / 255;
+ },
+ 'soft-light': function() {
+ var t = sr * br / 255;
+ dr = t + br * (255 - (255 - br) * (255 - sr) / 255 - t) / 255;
+ t = sg * bg / 255;
+ dg = t + bg * (255 - (255 - bg) * (255 - sg) / 255 - t) / 255;
+ t = sb * bb / 255;
+ db = t + bb * (255 - (255 - bb) * (255 - sb) / 255 - t) / 255;
+ },
+ 'hard-light': function() {
+ dr = sr < 128 ? 2 * sr * br / 255 : 255 - 2 * (255 - sr) * (255 - br) / 255;
+ dg = sg < 128 ? 2 * sg * bg / 255 : 255 - 2 * (255 - sg) * (255 - bg) / 255;
+ db = sb < 128 ? 2 * sb * bb / 255 : 255 - 2 * (255 - sb) * (255 - bb) / 255;
+ },
+ 'color-dodge': function() {
+ dr = br === 0 ? 0 : sr === 255 ? 255 : min(255, 255 * br / (255 - sr));
+ dg = bg === 0 ? 0 : sg === 255 ? 255 : min(255, 255 * bg / (255 - sg));
+ db = bb === 0 ? 0 : sb === 255 ? 255 : min(255, 255 * bb / (255 - sb));
+ },
+ 'color-burn': function() {
+ dr = br === 255 ? 255 : sr === 0 ? 0 : max(0, 255 - (255 - br) * 255 / sr);
+ dg = bg === 255 ? 255 : sg === 0 ? 0 : max(0, 255 - (255 - bg) * 255 / sg);
+ db = bb === 255 ? 255 : sb === 0 ? 0 : max(0, 255 - (255 - bb) * 255 / sb);
+ },
+ darken: function() {
+ dr = br < sr ? br : sr;
+ dg = bg < sg ? bg : sg;
+ db = bb < sb ? bb : sb;
+ },
+ lighten: function() {
+ dr = br > sr ? br : sr;
+ dg = bg > sg ? bg : sg;
+ db = bb > sb ? bb : sb;
+ },
+ difference: function() {
+ dr = br - sr;
+ if (dr < 0)
+ dr = -dr;
+ dg = bg - sg;
+ if (dg < 0)
+ dg = -dg;
+ db = bb - sb;
+ if (db < 0)
+ db = -db;
+ },
+ exclusion: function() {
+ dr = br + sr * (255 - br - br) / 255;
+ dg = bg + sg * (255 - bg - bg) / 255;
+ db = bb + sb * (255 - bb - bb) / 255;
+ },
+ hue: function() {
+ setSat(sr, sg, sb, getSat(br, bg, bb));
+ setLum(dr, dg, db, getLum(br, bg, bb));
+ },
+ saturation: function() {
+ setSat(br, bg, bb, getSat(sr, sg, sb));
+ setLum(dr, dg, db, getLum(br, bg, bb));
+ },
+ luminosity: function() {
+ setLum(br, bg, bb, getLum(sr, sg, sb));
+ },
+ color: function() {
+ setLum(sr, sg, sb, getLum(br, bg, bb));
+ },
+ add: function() {
+ dr = min(br + sr, 255);
+ dg = min(bg + sg, 255);
+ db = min(bb + sb, 255);
+ },
+ subtract: function() {
+ dr = max(br - sr, 0);
+ dg = max(bg - sg, 0);
+ db = max(bb - sb, 0);
+ },
+ average: function() {
+ dr = (br + sr) / 2;
+ dg = (bg + sg) / 2;
+ db = (bb + sb) / 2;
+ },
+ negation: function() {
+ dr = 255 - abs(255 - sr - br);
+ dg = 255 - abs(255 - sg - bg);
+ db = 255 - abs(255 - sb - bb);
+ }
+ };
+ var nativeModes = this.nativeModes = Base.each([
+ 'source-over', 'source-in', 'source-out', 'source-atop',
+ 'destination-over', 'destination-in', 'destination-out',
+ 'destination-atop', 'lighter', 'darker', 'copy', 'xor'
+ ], function(mode) {
+ this[mode] = true;
+ }, {});
+ var ctx = CanvasProvider.getContext(1, 1);
+ if (ctx) {
+ Base.each(modes, function(func, mode) {
+ var darken = mode === 'darken',
+ ok = false;
+ ctx.save();
+ try {
+ ctx.fillStyle = darken ? '#300' : '#a00';
+ ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 1, 1);
+ ctx.globalCompositeOperation = mode;
+ if (ctx.globalCompositeOperation === mode) {
+ ctx.fillStyle = darken ? '#a00' : '#300';
+ ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 1, 1);
+ ok = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, 1, 1).data[0] !== darken
+ ? 170 : 51;
+ }
+ } catch (e) {}
+ ctx.restore();
+ nativeModes[mode] = ok;
+ });
+ CanvasProvider.release(ctx);
+ }
+ this.process = function(mode, srcContext, dstContext, alpha, offset) {
+ var srcCanvas = srcContext.canvas,
+ normal = mode === 'normal';
+ if (normal || nativeModes[mode]) {
+ dstContext.save();
+ dstContext.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
+ dstContext.globalAlpha = alpha;
+ if (!normal)
+ dstContext.globalCompositeOperation = mode;
+ dstContext.drawImage(srcCanvas, offset.x, offset.y);
+ dstContext.restore();
+ } else {
+ var process = modes[mode];
+ if (!process)
+ return;
+ var dstData = dstContext.getImageData(offset.x, offset.y,
+ srcCanvas.width, srcCanvas.height),
+ dst = dstData.data,
+ src = srcContext.getImageData(0, 0,
+ srcCanvas.width, srcCanvas.height).data;
+ for (var i = 0, l = dst.length; i < l; i += 4) {
+ sr = src[i];
+ br = dst[i];
+ sg = src[i + 1];
+ bg = dst[i + 1];
+ sb = src[i + 2];
+ bb = dst[i + 2];
+ sa = src[i + 3];
+ ba = dst[i + 3];
+ process();
+ var a1 = sa * alpha / 255,
+ a2 = 1 - a1;
+ dst[i] = a1 * dr + a2 * br;
+ dst[i + 1] = a1 * dg + a2 * bg;
+ dst[i + 2] = a1 * db + a2 * bb;
+ dst[i + 3] = sa * alpha + a2 * ba;
+ }
+ dstContext.putImageData(dstData, offset.x, offset.y);
+ }
+ };
+var SvgElement = new function() {
+ var svg = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg',
+ xmlns = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns',
+ xlink = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink',
+ attributeNamespace = {
+ href: xlink,
+ xlink: xmlns,
+ xmlns: xmlns + '/',
+ 'xmlns:xlink': xmlns + '/'
+ };
+ function create(tag, attributes, formatter) {
+ return set(document.createElementNS(svg, tag), attributes, formatter);
+ }
+ function get(node, name) {
+ var namespace = attributeNamespace[name],
+ value = namespace
+ ? node.getAttributeNS(namespace, name)
+ : node.getAttribute(name);
+ return value === 'null' ? null : value;
+ }
+ function set(node, attributes, formatter) {
+ for (var name in attributes) {
+ var value = attributes[name],
+ namespace = attributeNamespace[name];
+ if (typeof value === 'number' && formatter)
+ value = formatter.number(value);
+ if (namespace) {
+ node.setAttributeNS(namespace, name, value);
+ } else {
+ node.setAttribute(name, value);
+ }
+ }
+ return node;
+ }
+ return {
+ svg: svg,
+ xmlns: xmlns,
+ xlink: xlink,
+ create: create,
+ get: get,
+ set: set
+ };
+var SvgStyles = Base.each({
+ fillColor: ['fill', 'color'],
+ fillRule: ['fill-rule', 'string'],
+ strokeColor: ['stroke', 'color'],
+ strokeWidth: ['stroke-width', 'number'],
+ strokeCap: ['stroke-linecap', 'string'],
+ strokeJoin: ['stroke-linejoin', 'string'],
+ strokeScaling: ['vector-effect', 'lookup', {
+ true: 'none',
+ false: 'non-scaling-stroke'
+ }, function(item, value) {
+ return !value
+ && (item instanceof PathItem
+ || item instanceof Shape
+ || item instanceof TextItem);
+ }],
+ miterLimit: ['stroke-miterlimit', 'number'],
+ dashArray: ['stroke-dasharray', 'array'],
+ dashOffset: ['stroke-dashoffset', 'number'],
+ fontFamily: ['font-family', 'string'],
+ fontWeight: ['font-weight', 'string'],
+ fontSize: ['font-size', 'number'],
+ justification: ['text-anchor', 'lookup', {
+ left: 'start',
+ center: 'middle',
+ right: 'end'
+ }],
+ opacity: ['opacity', 'number'],
+ blendMode: ['mix-blend-mode', 'style']
+}, function(entry, key) {
+ var part = Base.capitalize(key),
+ lookup = entry[2];
+ this[key] = {
+ type: entry[1],
+ property: key,
+ attribute: entry[0],
+ toSVG: lookup,
+ fromSVG: lookup && Base.each(lookup, function(value, name) {
+ this[value] = name;
+ }, {}),
+ exportFilter: entry[3],
+ get: 'get' + part,
+ set: 'set' + part
+ };
+}, {});
+new function() {
+ var formatter;
+ function getTransform(matrix, coordinates, center) {
+ var attrs = new Base(),
+ trans = matrix.getTranslation();
+ if (coordinates) {
+ var point;
+ if (matrix.isInvertible()) {
+ matrix = matrix._shiftless();
+ point = matrix._inverseTransform(trans);
+ trans = null;
+ } else {
+ point = new Point();
+ }
+ attrs[center ? 'cx' : 'x'] = point.x;
+ attrs[center ? 'cy' : 'y'] = point.y;
+ }
+ if (!matrix.isIdentity()) {
+ var decomposed = matrix.decompose();
+ if (decomposed) {
+ var parts = [],
+ angle = decomposed.rotation,
+ scale = decomposed.scaling,
+ skew = decomposed.skewing;
+ if (trans && !trans.isZero())
+ parts.push('translate(' + formatter.point(trans) + ')');
+ if (angle)
+ parts.push('rotate(' + formatter.number(angle) + ')');
+ if (!Numerical.isZero(scale.x - 1)
+ || !Numerical.isZero(scale.y - 1))
+ parts.push('scale(' + formatter.point(scale) +')');
+ if (skew.x)
+ parts.push('skewX(' + formatter.number(skew.x) + ')');
+ if (skew.y)
+ parts.push('skewY(' + formatter.number(skew.y) + ')');
+ attrs.transform = parts.join(' ');
+ } else {
+ attrs.transform = 'matrix(' + matrix.getValues().join(',') + ')';
+ }
+ }
+ return attrs;
+ }
+ function exportGroup(item, options) {
+ var attrs = getTransform(item._matrix),
+ children = item._children;
+ var node = SvgElement.create('g', attrs, formatter);
+ for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var child = children[i];
+ var childNode = exportSVG(child, options);
+ if (childNode) {
+ if (child.isClipMask()) {
+ var clip = SvgElement.create('clipPath');
+ clip.appendChild(childNode);
+ setDefinition(child, clip, 'clip');
+ SvgElement.set(node, {
+ 'clip-path': 'url(#' + clip.id + ')'
+ });
+ } else {
+ node.appendChild(childNode);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return node;
+ }
+ function exportRaster(item, options) {
+ var attrs = getTransform(item._matrix, true),
+ size = item.getSize(),
+ image = item.getImage();
+ attrs.x -= size.width / 2;
+ attrs.y -= size.height / 2;
+ attrs.width = size.width;
+ attrs.height = size.height;
+ attrs.href = options.embedImages == false && image && image.src
+ || item.toDataURL();
+ return SvgElement.create('image', attrs, formatter);
+ }
+ function exportPath(item, options) {
+ var matchShapes = options.matchShapes;
+ if (matchShapes) {
+ var shape = item.toShape(false);
+ if (shape)
+ return exportShape(shape, options);
+ }
+ var segments = item._segments,
+ length = segments.length,
+ type,
+ attrs = getTransform(item._matrix);
+ if (matchShapes && length >= 2 && !item.hasHandles()) {
+ if (length > 2) {
+ type = item._closed ? 'polygon' : 'polyline';
+ var parts = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ parts.push(formatter.point(segments[i]._point));
+ }
+ attrs.points = parts.join(' ');
+ } else {
+ type = 'line';
+ var start = segments[0]._point,
+ end = segments[1]._point;
+ attrs.set({
+ x1: start.x,
+ y1: start.y,
+ x2: end.x,
+ y2: end.y
+ });
+ }
+ } else {
+ type = 'path';
+ attrs.d = item.getPathData(null, options.precision);
+ }
+ return SvgElement.create(type, attrs, formatter);
+ }
+ function exportShape(item) {
+ var type = item._type,
+ radius = item._radius,
+ attrs = getTransform(item._matrix, true, type !== 'rectangle');
+ if (type === 'rectangle') {
+ type = 'rect';
+ var size = item._size,
+ width = size.width,
+ height = size.height;
+ attrs.x -= width / 2;
+ attrs.y -= height / 2;
+ attrs.width = width;
+ attrs.height = height;
+ if (radius.isZero())
+ radius = null;
+ }
+ if (radius) {
+ if (type === 'circle') {
+ attrs.r = radius;
+ } else {
+ attrs.rx = radius.width;
+ attrs.ry = radius.height;
+ }
+ }
+ return SvgElement.create(type, attrs, formatter);
+ }
+ function exportCompoundPath(item, options) {
+ var attrs = getTransform(item._matrix);
+ var data = item.getPathData(null, options.precision);
+ if (data)
+ attrs.d = data;
+ return SvgElement.create('path', attrs, formatter);
+ }
+ function exportSymbolItem(item, options) {
+ var attrs = getTransform(item._matrix, true),
+ definition = item._definition,
+ node = getDefinition(definition, 'symbol'),
+ definitionItem = definition._item,
+ bounds = definitionItem.getBounds();
+ if (!node) {
+ node = SvgElement.create('symbol', {
+ viewBox: formatter.rectangle(bounds)
+ });
+ node.appendChild(exportSVG(definitionItem, options));
+ setDefinition(definition, node, 'symbol');
+ }
+ attrs.href = '#' + node.id;
+ attrs.x += bounds.x;
+ attrs.y += bounds.y;
+ attrs.width = bounds.width;
+ attrs.height = bounds.height;
+ attrs.overflow = 'visible';
+ return SvgElement.create('use', attrs, formatter);
+ }
+ function exportGradient(color) {
+ var gradientNode = getDefinition(color, 'color');
+ if (!gradientNode) {
+ var gradient = color.getGradient(),
+ radial = gradient._radial,
+ origin = color.getOrigin(),
+ destination = color.getDestination(),
+ attrs;
+ if (radial) {
+ attrs = {
+ cx: origin.x,
+ cy: origin.y,
+ r: origin.getDistance(destination)
+ };
+ var highlight = color.getHighlight();
+ if (highlight) {
+ attrs.fx = highlight.x;
+ attrs.fy = highlight.y;
+ }
+ } else {
+ attrs = {
+ x1: origin.x,
+ y1: origin.y,
+ x2: destination.x,
+ y2: destination.y
+ };
+ }
+ attrs.gradientUnits = 'userSpaceOnUse';
+ gradientNode = SvgElement.create((radial ? 'radial' : 'linear')
+ + 'Gradient', attrs, formatter);
+ var stops = gradient._stops;
+ for (var i = 0, l = stops.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var stop = stops[i],
+ stopColor = stop._color,
+ alpha = stopColor.getAlpha(),
+ offset = stop._offset;
+ attrs = {
+ offset: offset == null ? i / (l - 1) : offset
+ };
+ if (stopColor)
+ attrs['stop-color'] = stopColor.toCSS(true);
+ if (alpha < 1)
+ attrs['stop-opacity'] = alpha;
+ gradientNode.appendChild(
+ SvgElement.create('stop', attrs, formatter));
+ }
+ setDefinition(color, gradientNode, 'color');
+ }
+ return 'url(#' + gradientNode.id + ')';
+ }
+ function exportText(item) {
+ var node = SvgElement.create('text', getTransform(item._matrix, true),
+ formatter);
+ node.textContent = item._content;
+ return node;
+ }
+ var exporters = {
+ Group: exportGroup,
+ Layer: exportGroup,
+ Raster: exportRaster,
+ Path: exportPath,
+ Shape: exportShape,
+ CompoundPath: exportCompoundPath,
+ SymbolItem: exportSymbolItem,
+ PointText: exportText
+ };
+ function applyStyle(item, node, isRoot) {
+ var attrs = {},
+ parent = !isRoot && item.getParent(),
+ style = [];
+ if (item._name != null)
+ attrs.id = item._name;
+ Base.each(SvgStyles, function(entry) {
+ var get = entry.get,
+ type = entry.type,
+ value = item[get]();
+ if (entry.exportFilter
+ ? entry.exportFilter(item, value)
+ : !parent || !Base.equals(parent[get](), value)) {
+ if (type === 'color' && value != null) {
+ var alpha = value.getAlpha();
+ if (alpha < 1)
+ attrs[entry.attribute + '-opacity'] = alpha;
+ }
+ if (type === 'style') {
+ style.push(entry.attribute + ': ' + value);
+ } else {
+ attrs[entry.attribute] = value == null ? 'none'
+ : type === 'color' ? value.gradient
+ ? exportGradient(value, item)
+ : value.toCSS(true)
+ : type === 'array' ? value.join(',')
+ : type === 'lookup' ? entry.toSVG[value]
+ : value;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ if (style.length)
+ attrs.style = style.join(';');
+ if (attrs.opacity === 1)
+ delete attrs.opacity;
+ if (!item._visible)
+ attrs.visibility = 'hidden';
+ return SvgElement.set(node, attrs, formatter);
+ }
+ var definitions;
+ function getDefinition(item, type) {
+ if (!definitions)
+ definitions = { ids: {}, svgs: {} };
+ return item && definitions.svgs[type + '-'
+ + (item._id || item.__id || (item.__id = UID.get('svg')))];
+ }
+ function setDefinition(item, node, type) {
+ if (!definitions)
+ getDefinition();
+ var typeId = definitions.ids[type] = (definitions.ids[type] || 0) + 1;
+ node.id = type + '-' + typeId;
+ definitions.svgs[type + '-' + (item._id || item.__id)] = node;
+ }
+ function exportDefinitions(node, options) {
+ var svg = node,
+ defs = null;
+ if (definitions) {
+ svg = node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'svg' && node;
+ for (var i in definitions.svgs) {
+ if (!defs) {
+ if (!svg) {
+ svg = SvgElement.create('svg');
+ svg.appendChild(node);
+ }
+ defs = svg.insertBefore(SvgElement.create('defs'),
+ svg.firstChild);
+ }
+ defs.appendChild(definitions.svgs[i]);
+ }
+ definitions = null;
+ }
+ return options.asString
+ ? new self.XMLSerializer().serializeToString(svg)
+ : svg;
+ }
+ function exportSVG(item, options, isRoot) {
+ var exporter = exporters[item._class],
+ node = exporter && exporter(item, options);
+ if (node) {
+ var onExport = options.onExport;
+ if (onExport)
+ node = onExport(item, node, options) || node;
+ var data = JSON.stringify(item._data);
+ if (data && data !== '{}' && data !== 'null')
+ node.setAttribute('data-paper-data', data);
+ }
+ return node && applyStyle(item, node, isRoot);
+ }
+ function setOptions(options) {
+ if (!options)
+ options = {};
+ formatter = new Formatter(options.precision);
+ return options;
+ }
+ Item.inject({
+ exportSVG: function(options) {
+ options = setOptions(options);
+ return exportDefinitions(exportSVG(this, options, true), options);
+ }
+ });
+ Project.inject({
+ exportSVG: function(options) {
+ options = setOptions(options);
+ var children = this._children,
+ view = this.getView(),
+ bounds = Base.pick(options.bounds, 'view'),
+ mx = options.matrix || bounds === 'view' && view._matrix,
+ matrix = mx && Matrix.read([mx]),
+ rect = bounds === 'view'
+ ? new Rectangle([0, 0], view.getViewSize())
+ : bounds === 'content'
+ ? Item._getBounds(children, matrix, { stroke: true })
+ .rect
+ : Rectangle.read([bounds], 0, { readNull: true }),
+ attrs = {
+ version: '1.1',
+ xmlns: SvgElement.svg,
+ 'xmlns:xlink': SvgElement.xlink,
+ };
+ if (rect) {
+ attrs.width = rect.width;
+ attrs.height = rect.height;
+ if (rect.x || rect.x === 0 || rect.y || rect.y === 0)
+ attrs.viewBox = formatter.rectangle(rect);
+ }
+ var node = SvgElement.create('svg', attrs, formatter),
+ parent = node;
+ if (matrix && !matrix.isIdentity()) {
+ parent = node.appendChild(SvgElement.create('g',
+ getTransform(matrix), formatter));
+ }
+ for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {
+ parent.appendChild(exportSVG(children[i], options, true));
+ }
+ return exportDefinitions(node, options);
+ }
+ });
+new function() {
+ var definitions = {},
+ rootSize;
+ function getValue(node, name, isString, allowNull, allowPercent,
+ defaultValue) {
+ var value = SvgElement.get(node, name) || defaultValue,
+ res = value == null
+ ? allowNull
+ ? null
+ : isString ? '' : 0
+ : isString
+ ? value
+ : parseFloat(value);
+ return /%\s*$/.test(value)
+ ? (res / 100) * (allowPercent ? 1
+ : rootSize[/x|^width/.test(name) ? 'width' : 'height'])
+ : res;
+ }
+ function getPoint(node, x, y, allowNull, allowPercent, defaultX, defaultY) {
+ x = getValue(node, x || 'x', false, allowNull, allowPercent, defaultX);
+ y = getValue(node, y || 'y', false, allowNull, allowPercent, defaultY);
+ return allowNull && (x == null || y == null) ? null
+ : new Point(x, y);
+ }
+ function getSize(node, w, h, allowNull, allowPercent) {
+ w = getValue(node, w || 'width', false, allowNull, allowPercent);
+ h = getValue(node, h || 'height', false, allowNull, allowPercent);
+ return allowNull && (w == null || h == null) ? null
+ : new Size(w, h);
+ }
+ function convertValue(value, type, lookup) {
+ return value === 'none' ? null
+ : type === 'number' ? parseFloat(value)
+ : type === 'array' ?
+ value ? value.split(/[\s,]+/g).map(parseFloat) : []
+ : type === 'color' ? getDefinition(value) || value
+ : type === 'lookup' ? lookup[value]
+ : value;
+ }
+ function importGroup(node, type, options, isRoot) {
+ var nodes = node.childNodes,
+ isClip = type === 'clippath',
+ isDefs = type === 'defs',
+ item = new Group(),
+ project = item._project,
+ currentStyle = project._currentStyle,
+ children = [];
+ if (!isClip && !isDefs) {
+ item = applyAttributes(item, node, isRoot);
+ project._currentStyle = item._style.clone();
+ }
+ if (isRoot) {
+ var defs = node.querySelectorAll('defs');
+ for (var i = 0, l = defs.length; i < l; i++) {
+ importNode(defs[i], options, false);
+ }
+ }
+ for (var i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var childNode = nodes[i],
+ child;
+ if (childNode.nodeType === 1
+ && !/^defs$/i.test(childNode.nodeName)
+ && (child = importNode(childNode, options, false))
+ && !(child instanceof SymbolDefinition))
+ children.push(child);
+ }
+ item.addChildren(children);
+ if (isClip)
+ item = applyAttributes(item.reduce(), node, isRoot);
+ project._currentStyle = currentStyle;
+ if (isClip || isDefs) {
+ item.remove();
+ item = null;
+ }
+ return item;
+ }
+ function importPoly(node, type) {
+ var coords = node.getAttribute('points').match(
+ /[+-]?(?:\d*\.\d+|\d+\.?)(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?/g),
+ points = [];
+ for (var i = 0, l = coords.length; i < l; i += 2)
+ points.push(new Point(
+ parseFloat(coords[i]),
+ parseFloat(coords[i + 1])));
+ var path = new Path(points);
+ if (type === 'polygon')
+ path.closePath();
+ return path;
+ }
+ function importPath(node) {
+ return PathItem.create(node.getAttribute('d'));
+ }
+ function importGradient(node, type) {
+ var id = (getValue(node, 'href', true) || '').substring(1),
+ radial = type === 'radialgradient',
+ gradient;
+ if (id) {
+ gradient = definitions[id].getGradient();
+ if (gradient._radial ^ radial) {
+ gradient = gradient.clone();
+ gradient._radial = radial;
+ }
+ } else {
+ var nodes = node.childNodes,
+ stops = [];
+ for (var i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var child = nodes[i];
+ if (child.nodeType === 1)
+ stops.push(applyAttributes(new GradientStop(), child));
+ }
+ gradient = new Gradient(stops, radial);
+ }
+ var origin, destination, highlight,
+ scaleToBounds = getValue(node, 'gradientUnits', true) !==
+ 'userSpaceOnUse';
+ if (radial) {
+ origin = getPoint(node, 'cx', 'cy', false, scaleToBounds,
+ '50%', '50%');
+ destination = origin.add(
+ getValue(node, 'r', false, false, scaleToBounds, '50%'), 0);
+ highlight = getPoint(node, 'fx', 'fy', true, scaleToBounds);
+ } else {
+ origin = getPoint(node, 'x1', 'y1', false, scaleToBounds,
+ '0%', '0%');
+ destination = getPoint(node, 'x2', 'y2', false, scaleToBounds,
+ '100%', '0%');
+ }
+ var color = applyAttributes(
+ new Color(gradient, origin, destination, highlight), node);
+ color._scaleToBounds = scaleToBounds;
+ return null;
+ }
+ var importers = {
+ '#document': function (node, type, options, isRoot) {
+ var nodes = node.childNodes;
+ for (var i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var child = nodes[i];
+ if (child.nodeType === 1)
+ return importNode(child, options, isRoot);
+ }
+ },
+ g: importGroup,
+ svg: importGroup,
+ clippath: importGroup,
+ polygon: importPoly,
+ polyline: importPoly,
+ path: importPath,
+ lineargradient: importGradient,
+ radialgradient: importGradient,
+ image: function (node) {
+ var raster = new Raster(getValue(node, 'href', true));
+ raster.on('load', function() {
+ var size = getSize(node);
+ this.setSize(size);
+ var center = getPoint(node).add(size.divide(2));
+ this._matrix.append(new Matrix().translate(center));
+ });
+ return raster;
+ },
+ symbol: function(node, type, options, isRoot) {
+ return new SymbolDefinition(
+ importGroup(node, type, options, isRoot), true);
+ },
+ defs: importGroup,
+ use: function(node) {
+ var id = (getValue(node, 'href', true) || '').substring(1),
+ definition = definitions[id],
+ point = getPoint(node);
+ return definition
+ ? definition instanceof SymbolDefinition
+ ? definition.place(point)
+ : definition.clone().translate(point)
+ : null;
+ },
+ circle: function(node) {
+ return new Shape.Circle(
+ getPoint(node, 'cx', 'cy'),
+ getValue(node, 'r'));
+ },
+ ellipse: function(node) {
+ return new Shape.Ellipse({
+ center: getPoint(node, 'cx', 'cy'),
+ radius: getSize(node, 'rx', 'ry')
+ });
+ },
+ rect: function(node) {
+ return new Shape.Rectangle(new Rectangle(
+ getPoint(node),
+ getSize(node)
+ ), getSize(node, 'rx', 'ry'));
+ },
+ line: function(node) {
+ return new Path.Line(
+ getPoint(node, 'x1', 'y1'),
+ getPoint(node, 'x2', 'y2'));
+ },
+ text: function(node) {
+ var text = new PointText(getPoint(node).add(
+ getPoint(node, 'dx', 'dy')));
+ text.setContent(node.textContent.trim() || '');
+ return text;
+ },
+ switch: importGroup
+ };
+ function applyTransform(item, value, name, node) {
+ if (item.transform) {
+ var transforms = (node.getAttribute(name) || '').split(/\)\s*/g),
+ matrix = new Matrix();
+ for (var i = 0, l = transforms.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var transform = transforms[i];
+ if (!transform)
+ break;
+ var parts = transform.split(/\(\s*/),
+ command = parts[0],
+ v = parts[1].split(/[\s,]+/g);
+ for (var j = 0, m = v.length; j < m; j++)
+ v[j] = parseFloat(v[j]);
+ switch (command) {
+ case 'matrix':
+ matrix.append(
+ new Matrix(v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3], v[4], v[5]));
+ break;
+ case 'rotate':
+ matrix.rotate(v[0], v[1] || 0, v[2] || 0);
+ break;
+ case 'translate':
+ matrix.translate(v[0], v[1] || 0);
+ break;
+ case 'scale':
+ matrix.scale(v);
+ break;
+ case 'skewX':
+ matrix.skew(v[0], 0);
+ break;
+ case 'skewY':
+ matrix.skew(0, v[0]);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ item.transform(matrix);
+ }
+ }
+ function applyOpacity(item, value, name) {
+ var key = name === 'fill-opacity' ? 'getFillColor' : 'getStrokeColor',
+ color = item[key] && item[key]();
+ if (color)
+ color.setAlpha(parseFloat(value));
+ }
+ var attributes = Base.set(Base.each(SvgStyles, function(entry) {
+ this[entry.attribute] = function(item, value) {
+ if (item[entry.set]) {
+ item[entry.set](convertValue(value, entry.type, entry.fromSVG));
+ if (entry.type === 'color') {
+ var color = item[entry.get]();
+ if (color) {
+ if (color._scaleToBounds) {
+ var bounds = item.getBounds();
+ color.transform(new Matrix()
+ .translate(bounds.getPoint())
+ .scale(bounds.getSize()));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }, {}), {
+ id: function(item, value) {
+ definitions[value] = item;
+ if (item.setName)
+ item.setName(value);
+ },
+ 'clip-path': function(item, value) {
+ var clip = getDefinition(value);
+ if (clip) {
+ clip = clip.clone();
+ clip.setClipMask(true);
+ if (item instanceof Group) {
+ item.insertChild(0, clip);
+ } else {
+ return new Group(clip, item);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ gradientTransform: applyTransform,
+ transform: applyTransform,
+ 'fill-opacity': applyOpacity,
+ 'stroke-opacity': applyOpacity,
+ visibility: function(item, value) {
+ if (item.setVisible)
+ item.setVisible(value === 'visible');
+ },
+ display: function(item, value) {
+ if (item.setVisible)
+ item.setVisible(value !== null);
+ },
+ 'stop-color': function(item, value) {
+ if (item.setColor)
+ item.setColor(value);
+ },
+ 'stop-opacity': function(item, value) {
+ if (item._color)
+ item._color.setAlpha(parseFloat(value));
+ },
+ offset: function(item, value) {
+ if (item.setOffset) {
+ var percent = value.match(/(.*)%$/);
+ item.setOffset(percent ? percent[1] / 100 : parseFloat(value));
+ }
+ },
+ viewBox: function(item, value, name, node, styles) {
+ var rect = new Rectangle(convertValue(value, 'array')),
+ size = getSize(node, null, null, true),
+ group,
+ matrix;
+ if (item instanceof Group) {
+ var scale = size ? size.divide(rect.getSize()) : 1,
+ matrix = new Matrix().scale(scale)
+ .translate(rect.getPoint().negate());
+ group = item;
+ } else if (item instanceof SymbolDefinition) {
+ if (size)
+ rect.setSize(size);
+ group = item._item;
+ }
+ if (group) {
+ if (getAttribute(node, 'overflow', styles) !== 'visible') {
+ var clip = new Shape.Rectangle(rect);
+ clip.setClipMask(true);
+ group.addChild(clip);
+ }
+ if (matrix)
+ group.transform(matrix);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ function getAttribute(node, name, styles) {
+ var attr = node.attributes[name],
+ value = attr && attr.value;
+ if (!value && node.style) {
+ var style = Base.camelize(name);
+ value = node.style[style];
+ if (!value && styles.node[style] !== styles.parent[style])
+ value = styles.node[style];
+ }
+ return !value ? undefined
+ : value === 'none' ? null
+ : value;
+ }
+ function applyAttributes(item, node, isRoot) {
+ var parent = node.parentNode,
+ styles = {
+ node: DomElement.getStyles(node) || {},
+ parent: !isRoot && !/^defs$/i.test(parent.tagName)
+ && DomElement.getStyles(parent) || {}
+ };
+ Base.each(attributes, function(apply, name) {
+ var value = getAttribute(node, name, styles);
+ item = value !== undefined
+ && apply(item, value, name, node, styles) || item;
+ });
+ return item;
+ }
+ function getDefinition(value) {
+ var match = value && value.match(/\((?:["'#]*)([^"')]+)/),
+ name = match && match[1],
+ res = name && definitions[window
+ ? name.replace(window.location.href.split('#')[0] + '#', '')
+ : name];
+ if (res && res._scaleToBounds) {
+ res = res.clone();
+ res._scaleToBounds = true;
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ function importNode(node, options, isRoot) {
+ var type = node.nodeName.toLowerCase(),
+ isElement = type !== '#document',
+ body = document.body,
+ container,
+ parent,
+ next;
+ if (isRoot && isElement) {
+ rootSize = paper.getView().getSize();
+ rootSize = getSize(node, null, null, true) || rootSize;
+ container = SvgElement.create('svg', {
+ style: 'stroke-width: 1px; stroke-miterlimit: 10'
+ });
+ parent = node.parentNode;
+ next = node.nextSibling;
+ container.appendChild(node);
+ body.appendChild(container);
+ }
+ var settings = paper.settings,
+ applyMatrix = settings.applyMatrix,
+ insertItems = settings.insertItems;
+ settings.applyMatrix = false;
+ settings.insertItems = false;
+ var importer = importers[type],
+ item = importer && importer(node, type, options, isRoot) || null;
+ settings.insertItems = insertItems;
+ settings.applyMatrix = applyMatrix;
+ if (item) {
+ if (isElement && !(item instanceof Group))
+ item = applyAttributes(item, node, isRoot);
+ var onImport = options.onImport,
+ data = isElement && node.getAttribute('data-paper-data');
+ if (onImport)
+ item = onImport(node, item, options) || item;
+ if (options.expandShapes && item instanceof Shape) {
+ item.remove();
+ item = item.toPath();
+ }
+ if (data)
+ item._data = JSON.parse(data);
+ }
+ if (container) {
+ body.removeChild(container);
+ if (parent) {
+ if (next) {
+ parent.insertBefore(node, next);
+ } else {
+ parent.appendChild(node);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (isRoot) {
+ definitions = {};
+ if (item && Base.pick(options.applyMatrix, applyMatrix))
+ item.matrix.apply(true, true);
+ }
+ return item;
+ }
+ function importSVG(source, options, owner) {
+ if (!source)
+ return null;
+ options = typeof options === 'function' ? { onLoad: options }
+ : options || {};
+ var scope = paper,
+ item = null;
+ function onLoad(svg) {
+ try {
+ var node = typeof svg === 'object' ? svg : new self.DOMParser()
+ .parseFromString(svg, 'image/svg+xml');
+ if (!node.nodeName) {
+ node = null;
+ throw new Error('Unsupported SVG source: ' + source);
+ }
+ paper = scope;
+ item = importNode(node, options, true);
+ if (!options || options.insert !== false) {
+ owner._insertItem(undefined, item);
+ }
+ var onLoad = options.onLoad;
+ if (onLoad)
+ onLoad(item, svg);
+ } catch (e) {
+ onError(e);
+ }
+ }
+ function onError(message, status) {
+ var onError = options.onError;
+ if (onError) {
+ onError(message, status);
+ } else {
+ throw new Error(message);
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof source === 'string' && !/^.* 3) {
+ cats.sort(function(a, b) {return b.length - a.length;});
+ f += "switch(str.length){";
+ for (var i = 0; i < cats.length; ++i) {
+ var cat = cats[i];
+ f += "case " + cat[0].length + ":";
+ compareTo(cat);
+ }
+ f += "}";
+ } else {
+ compareTo(words);
+ }
+ return new Function("str", f);
+ }
+ var isReservedWord3 = makePredicate("abstract boolean byte char class double enum export extends final float goto implements import int interface long native package private protected public short static super synchronized throws transient volatile");
+ var isReservedWord5 = makePredicate("class enum extends super const export import");
+ var isStrictReservedWord = makePredicate("implements interface let package private protected public static yield");
+ var isStrictBadIdWord = makePredicate("eval arguments");
+ var isKeyword = makePredicate("break case catch continue debugger default do else finally for function if return switch throw try var while with null true false instanceof typeof void delete new in this");
+ var nonASCIIwhitespace = /[\u1680\u180e\u2000-\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\ufeff]/;
+ var nonASCIIidentifierStartChars = "\xaa\xb5\xba\xc0-\xd6\xd8-\xf6\xf8-\u02c1\u02c6-\u02d1\u02e0-\u02e4\u02ec\u02ee\u0370-\u0374\u0376\u0377\u037a-\u037d\u0386\u0388-\u038a\u038c\u038e-\u03a1\u03a3-\u03f5\u03f7-\u0481\u048a-\u0527\u0531-\u0556\u0559\u0561-\u0587\u05d0-\u05ea\u05f0-\u05f2\u0620-\u064a\u066e\u066f\u0671-\u06d3\u06d5\u06e5\u06e6\u06ee\u06ef\u06fa-\u06fc\u06ff\u0710\u0712-\u072f\u074d-\u07a5\u07b1\u07ca-\u07ea\u07f4\u07f5\u07fa\u0800-\u0815\u081a\u0824\u0828\u0840-\u0858\u08a0\u08a2-\u08ac\u0904-\u0939\u093d\u0950\u0958-\u0961\u0971-\u0977\u0979-\u097f\u0985-\u098c\u098f\u0990\u0993-\u09a8\u09aa-\u09b0\u09b2\u09b6-\u09b9\u09bd\u09ce\u09dc\u09dd\u09df-\u09e1\u09f0\u09f1\u0a05-\u0a0a\u0a0f\u0a10\u0a13-\u0a28\u0a2a-\u0a30\u0a32\u0a33\u0a35\u0a36\u0a38\u0a39\u0a59-\u0a5c\u0a5e\u0a72-\u0a74\u0a85-\u0a8d\u0a8f-\u0a91\u0a93-\u0aa8\u0aaa-\u0ab0\u0ab2\u0ab3\u0ab5-\u0ab9\u0abd\u0ad0\u0ae0\u0ae1\u0b05-\u0b0c\u0b0f\u0b10\u0b13-\u0b28\u0b2a-\u0b30\u0b32\u0b33\u0b35-\u0b39\u0b3d\u0b5c\u0b5d\u0b5f-\u0b61\u0b71\u0b83\u0b85-\u0b8a\u0b8e-\u0b90\u0b92-\u0b95\u0b99\u0b9a\u0b9c\u0b9e\u0b9f\u0ba3\u0ba4\u0ba8-\u0baa\u0bae-\u0bb9\u0bd0\u0c05-\u0c0c\u0c0e-\u0c10\u0c12-\u0c28\u0c2a-\u0c33\u0c35-\u0c39\u0c3d\u0c58\u0c59\u0c60\u0c61\u0c85-\u0c8c\u0c8e-\u0c90\u0c92-\u0ca8\u0caa-\u0cb3\u0cb5-\u0cb9\u0cbd\u0cde\u0ce0\u0ce1\u0cf1\u0cf2\u0d05-\u0d0c\u0d0e-\u0d10\u0d12-\u0d3a\u0d3d\u0d4e\u0d60\u0d61\u0d7a-\u0d7f\u0d85-\u0d96\u0d9a-\u0db1\u0db3-\u0dbb\u0dbd\u0dc0-\u0dc6\u0e01-\u0e30\u0e32\u0e33\u0e40-\u0e46\u0e81\u0e82\u0e84\u0e87\u0e88\u0e8a\u0e8d\u0e94-\u0e97\u0e99-\u0e9f\u0ea1-\u0ea3\u0ea5\u0ea7\u0eaa\u0eab\u0ead-\u0eb0\u0eb2\u0eb3\u0ebd\u0ec0-\u0ec4\u0ec6\u0edc-\u0edf\u0f00\u0f40-\u0f47\u0f49-\u0f6c\u0f88-\u0f8c\u1000-\u102a\u103f\u1050-\u1055\u105a-\u105d\u1061\u1065\u1066\u106e-\u1070\u1075-\u1081\u108e\u10a0-\u10c5\u10c7\u10cd\u10d0-\u10fa\u10fc-\u1248\u124a-\u124d\u1250-\u1256\u1258\u125a-\u125d\u1260-\u1288\u128a-\u128d\u1290-\u12b0\u12b2-\u12b5\u12b8-\u12be\u12c0\u12c2-\u12c5\u12c8-\u12d6\u12d8-\u1310\u1312-\u1315\u1318-\u135a\u1380-\u138f\u13a0-\u13f4\u1401-\u166c\u166f-\u167f\u1681-\u169a\u16a0-\u16ea\u16ee-\u16f0\u1700-\u170c\u170e-\u1711\u1720-\u1731\u1740-\u1751\u1760-\u176c\u176e-\u1770\u1780-\u17b3\u17d7\u17dc\u1820-\u1877\u1880-\u18a8\u18aa\u18b0-\u18f5\u1900-\u191c\u1950-\u196d\u1970-\u1974\u1980-\u19ab\u19c1-\u19c7\u1a00-\u1a16\u1a20-\u1a54\u1aa7\u1b05-\u1b33\u1b45-\u1b4b\u1b83-\u1ba0\u1bae\u1baf\u1bba-\u1be5\u1c00-\u1c23\u1c4d-\u1c4f\u1c5a-\u1c7d\u1ce9-\u1cec\u1cee-\u1cf1\u1cf5\u1cf6\u1d00-\u1dbf\u1e00-\u1f15\u1f18-\u1f1d\u1f20-\u1f45\u1f48-\u1f4d\u1f50-\u1f57\u1f59\u1f5b\u1f5d\u1f5f-\u1f7d\u1f80-\u1fb4\u1fb6-\u1fbc\u1fbe\u1fc2-\u1fc4\u1fc6-\u1fcc\u1fd0-\u1fd3\u1fd6-\u1fdb\u1fe0-\u1fec\u1ff2-\u1ff4\u1ff6-\u1ffc\u2071\u207f\u2090-\u209c\u2102\u2107\u210a-\u2113\u2115\u2119-\u211d\u2124\u2126\u2128\u212a-\u212d\u212f-\u2139\u213c-\u213f\u2145-\u2149\u214e\u2160-\u2188\u2c00-\u2c2e\u2c30-\u2c5e\u2c60-\u2ce4\u2ceb-\u2cee\u2cf2\u2cf3\u2d00-\u2d25\u2d27\u2d2d\u2d30-\u2d67\u2d6f\u2d80-\u2d96\u2da0-\u2da6\u2da8-\u2dae\u2db0-\u2db6\u2db8-\u2dbe\u2dc0-\u2dc6\u2dc8-\u2dce\u2dd0-\u2dd6\u2dd8-\u2dde\u2e2f\u3005-\u3007\u3021-\u3029\u3031-\u3035\u3038-\u303c\u3041-\u3096\u309d-\u309f\u30a1-\u30fa\u30fc-\u30ff\u3105-\u312d\u3131-\u318e\u31a0-\u31ba\u31f0-\u31ff\u3400-\u4db5\u4e00-\u9fcc\ua000-\ua48c\ua4d0-\ua4fd\ua500-\ua60c\ua610-\ua61f\ua62a\ua62b\ua640-\ua66e\ua67f-\ua697\ua6a0-\ua6ef\ua717-\ua71f\ua722-\ua788\ua78b-\ua78e\ua790-\ua793\ua7a0-\ua7aa\ua7f8-\ua801\ua803-\ua805\ua807-\ua80a\ua80c-\ua822\ua840-\ua873\ua882-\ua8b3\ua8f2-\ua8f7\ua8fb\ua90a-\ua925\ua930-\ua946\ua960-\ua97c\ua984-\ua9b2\ua9cf\uaa00-\uaa28\uaa40-\uaa42\uaa44-\uaa4b\uaa60-\uaa76\uaa7a\uaa80-\uaaaf\uaab1\uaab5\uaab6\uaab9-\uaabd\uaac0\uaac2\uaadb-\uaadd\uaae0-\uaaea\uaaf2-\uaaf4\uab01-\uab06\uab09-\uab0e\uab11-\uab16\uab20-\uab26\uab28-\uab2e\uabc0-\uabe2\uac00-\ud7a3\ud7b0-\ud7c6\ud7cb-\ud7fb\uf900-\ufa6d\ufa70-\ufad9\ufb00-\ufb06\ufb13-\ufb17\ufb1d\ufb1f-\ufb28\ufb2a-\ufb36\ufb38-\ufb3c\ufb3e\ufb40\ufb41\ufb43\ufb44\ufb46-\ufbb1\ufbd3-\ufd3d\ufd50-\ufd8f\ufd92-\ufdc7\ufdf0-\ufdfb\ufe70-\ufe74\ufe76-\ufefc\uff21-\uff3a\uff41-\uff5a\uff66-\uffbe\uffc2-\uffc7\uffca-\uffcf\uffd2-\uffd7\uffda-\uffdc";
+ var nonASCIIidentifierChars = "\u0300-\u036f\u0483-\u0487\u0591-\u05bd\u05bf\u05c1\u05c2\u05c4\u05c5\u05c7\u0610-\u061a\u0620-\u0649\u0672-\u06d3\u06e7-\u06e8\u06fb-\u06fc\u0730-\u074a\u0800-\u0814\u081b-\u0823\u0825-\u0827\u0829-\u082d\u0840-\u0857\u08e4-\u08fe\u0900-\u0903\u093a-\u093c\u093e-\u094f\u0951-\u0957\u0962-\u0963\u0966-\u096f\u0981-\u0983\u09bc\u09be-\u09c4\u09c7\u09c8\u09d7\u09df-\u09e0\u0a01-\u0a03\u0a3c\u0a3e-\u0a42\u0a47\u0a48\u0a4b-\u0a4d\u0a51\u0a66-\u0a71\u0a75\u0a81-\u0a83\u0abc\u0abe-\u0ac5\u0ac7-\u0ac9\u0acb-\u0acd\u0ae2-\u0ae3\u0ae6-\u0aef\u0b01-\u0b03\u0b3c\u0b3e-\u0b44\u0b47\u0b48\u0b4b-\u0b4d\u0b56\u0b57\u0b5f-\u0b60\u0b66-\u0b6f\u0b82\u0bbe-\u0bc2\u0bc6-\u0bc8\u0bca-\u0bcd\u0bd7\u0be6-\u0bef\u0c01-\u0c03\u0c46-\u0c48\u0c4a-\u0c4d\u0c55\u0c56\u0c62-\u0c63\u0c66-\u0c6f\u0c82\u0c83\u0cbc\u0cbe-\u0cc4\u0cc6-\u0cc8\u0cca-\u0ccd\u0cd5\u0cd6\u0ce2-\u0ce3\u0ce6-\u0cef\u0d02\u0d03\u0d46-\u0d48\u0d57\u0d62-\u0d63\u0d66-\u0d6f\u0d82\u0d83\u0dca\u0dcf-\u0dd4\u0dd6\u0dd8-\u0ddf\u0df2\u0df3\u0e34-\u0e3a\u0e40-\u0e45\u0e50-\u0e59\u0eb4-\u0eb9\u0ec8-\u0ecd\u0ed0-\u0ed9\u0f18\u0f19\u0f20-\u0f29\u0f35\u0f37\u0f39\u0f41-\u0f47\u0f71-\u0f84\u0f86-\u0f87\u0f8d-\u0f97\u0f99-\u0fbc\u0fc6\u1000-\u1029\u1040-\u1049\u1067-\u106d\u1071-\u1074\u1082-\u108d\u108f-\u109d\u135d-\u135f\u170e-\u1710\u1720-\u1730\u1740-\u1750\u1772\u1773\u1780-\u17b2\u17dd\u17e0-\u17e9\u180b-\u180d\u1810-\u1819\u1920-\u192b\u1930-\u193b\u1951-\u196d\u19b0-\u19c0\u19c8-\u19c9\u19d0-\u19d9\u1a00-\u1a15\u1a20-\u1a53\u1a60-\u1a7c\u1a7f-\u1a89\u1a90-\u1a99\u1b46-\u1b4b\u1b50-\u1b59\u1b6b-\u1b73\u1bb0-\u1bb9\u1be6-\u1bf3\u1c00-\u1c22\u1c40-\u1c49\u1c5b-\u1c7d\u1cd0-\u1cd2\u1d00-\u1dbe\u1e01-\u1f15\u200c\u200d\u203f\u2040\u2054\u20d0-\u20dc\u20e1\u20e5-\u20f0\u2d81-\u2d96\u2de0-\u2dff\u3021-\u3028\u3099\u309a\ua640-\ua66d\ua674-\ua67d\ua69f\ua6f0-\ua6f1\ua7f8-\ua800\ua806\ua80b\ua823-\ua827\ua880-\ua881\ua8b4-\ua8c4\ua8d0-\ua8d9\ua8f3-\ua8f7\ua900-\ua909\ua926-\ua92d\ua930-\ua945\ua980-\ua983\ua9b3-\ua9c0\uaa00-\uaa27\uaa40-\uaa41\uaa4c-\uaa4d\uaa50-\uaa59\uaa7b\uaae0-\uaae9\uaaf2-\uaaf3\uabc0-\uabe1\uabec\uabed\uabf0-\uabf9\ufb20-\ufb28\ufe00-\ufe0f\ufe20-\ufe26\ufe33\ufe34\ufe4d-\ufe4f\uff10-\uff19\uff3f";
+ var nonASCIIidentifierStart = new RegExp("[" + nonASCIIidentifierStartChars + "]");
+ var nonASCIIidentifier = new RegExp("[" + nonASCIIidentifierStartChars + nonASCIIidentifierChars + "]");
+ var newline = /[\n\r\u2028\u2029]/;
+ var lineBreak = /\r\n|[\n\r\u2028\u2029]/g;
+ var isIdentifierStart = exports.isIdentifierStart = function(code) {
+ if (code < 65) return code === 36;
+ if (code < 91) return true;
+ if (code < 97) return code === 95;
+ if (code < 123)return true;
+ return code >= 0xaa && nonASCIIidentifierStart.test(String.fromCharCode(code));
+ };
+ var isIdentifierChar = exports.isIdentifierChar = function(code) {
+ if (code < 48) return code === 36;
+ if (code < 58) return true;
+ if (code < 65) return false;
+ if (code < 91) return true;
+ if (code < 97) return code === 95;
+ if (code < 123)return true;
+ return code >= 0xaa && nonASCIIidentifier.test(String.fromCharCode(code));
+ };
+ function line_loc_t() {
+ this.line = tokCurLine;
+ this.column = tokPos - tokLineStart;
+ }
+ function initTokenState() {
+ tokCurLine = 1;
+ tokPos = tokLineStart = 0;
+ tokRegexpAllowed = true;
+ skipSpace();
+ }
+ function finishToken(type, val) {
+ tokEnd = tokPos;
+ if (options.locations) tokEndLoc = new line_loc_t;
+ tokType = type;
+ skipSpace();
+ tokVal = val;
+ tokRegexpAllowed = type.beforeExpr;
+ }
+ function skipBlockComment() {
+ var startLoc = options.onComment && options.locations && new line_loc_t;
+ var start = tokPos, end = input.indexOf("*/", tokPos += 2);
+ if (end === -1) raise(tokPos - 2, "Unterminated comment");
+ tokPos = end + 2;
+ if (options.locations) {
+ lineBreak.lastIndex = start;
+ var match;
+ while ((match = lineBreak.exec(input)) && match.index < tokPos) {
+ ++tokCurLine;
+ tokLineStart = match.index + match[0].length;
+ }
+ }
+ if (options.onComment)
+ options.onComment(true, input.slice(start + 2, end), start, tokPos,
+ startLoc, options.locations && new line_loc_t);
+ }
+ function skipLineComment() {
+ var start = tokPos;
+ var startLoc = options.onComment && options.locations && new line_loc_t;
+ var ch = input.charCodeAt(tokPos+=2);
+ while (tokPos < inputLen && ch !== 10 && ch !== 13 && ch !== 8232 && ch !== 8233) {
+ ++tokPos;
+ ch = input.charCodeAt(tokPos);
+ }
+ if (options.onComment)
+ options.onComment(false, input.slice(start + 2, tokPos), start, tokPos,
+ startLoc, options.locations && new line_loc_t);
+ }
+ function skipSpace() {
+ while (tokPos < inputLen) {
+ var ch = input.charCodeAt(tokPos);
+ if (ch === 32) {
+ ++tokPos;
+ } else if (ch === 13) {
+ ++tokPos;
+ var next = input.charCodeAt(tokPos);
+ if (next === 10) {
+ ++tokPos;
+ }
+ if (options.locations) {
+ ++tokCurLine;
+ tokLineStart = tokPos;
+ }
+ } else if (ch === 10 || ch === 8232 || ch === 8233) {
+ ++tokPos;
+ if (options.locations) {
+ ++tokCurLine;
+ tokLineStart = tokPos;
+ }
+ } else if (ch > 8 && ch < 14) {
+ ++tokPos;
+ } else if (ch === 47) {
+ var next = input.charCodeAt(tokPos + 1);
+ if (next === 42) {
+ skipBlockComment();
+ } else if (next === 47) {
+ skipLineComment();
+ } else break;
+ } else if (ch === 160) {
+ ++tokPos;
+ } else if (ch >= 5760 && nonASCIIwhitespace.test(String.fromCharCode(ch))) {
+ ++tokPos;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function readToken_dot() {
+ var next = input.charCodeAt(tokPos + 1);
+ if (next >= 48 && next <= 57) return readNumber(true);
+ ++tokPos;
+ return finishToken(_dot);
+ }
+ function readToken_slash() {
+ var next = input.charCodeAt(tokPos + 1);
+ if (tokRegexpAllowed) {++tokPos; return readRegexp();}
+ if (next === 61) return finishOp(_assign, 2);
+ return finishOp(_slash, 1);
+ }
+ function readToken_mult_modulo() {
+ var next = input.charCodeAt(tokPos + 1);
+ if (next === 61) return finishOp(_assign, 2);
+ return finishOp(_multiplyModulo, 1);
+ }
+ function readToken_pipe_amp(code) {
+ var next = input.charCodeAt(tokPos + 1);
+ if (next === code) return finishOp(code === 124 ? _logicalOR : _logicalAND, 2);
+ if (next === 61) return finishOp(_assign, 2);
+ return finishOp(code === 124 ? _bitwiseOR : _bitwiseAND, 1);
+ }
+ function readToken_caret() {
+ var next = input.charCodeAt(tokPos + 1);
+ if (next === 61) return finishOp(_assign, 2);
+ return finishOp(_bitwiseXOR, 1);
+ }
+ function readToken_plus_min(code) {
+ var next = input.charCodeAt(tokPos + 1);
+ if (next === code) {
+ if (next == 45 && input.charCodeAt(tokPos + 2) == 62 &&
+ newline.test(input.slice(lastEnd, tokPos))) {
+ tokPos += 3;
+ skipLineComment();
+ skipSpace();
+ return readToken();
+ }
+ return finishOp(_incDec, 2);
+ }
+ if (next === 61) return finishOp(_assign, 2);
+ return finishOp(_plusMin, 1);
+ }
+ function readToken_lt_gt(code) {
+ var next = input.charCodeAt(tokPos + 1);
+ var size = 1;
+ if (next === code) {
+ size = code === 62 && input.charCodeAt(tokPos + 2) === 62 ? 3 : 2;
+ if (input.charCodeAt(tokPos + size) === 61) return finishOp(_assign, size + 1);
+ return finishOp(_bitShift, size);
+ }
+ if (next == 33 && code == 60 && input.charCodeAt(tokPos + 2) == 45 &&
+ input.charCodeAt(tokPos + 3) == 45) {
+ tokPos += 4;
+ skipLineComment();
+ skipSpace();
+ return readToken();
+ }
+ if (next === 61)
+ size = input.charCodeAt(tokPos + 2) === 61 ? 3 : 2;
+ return finishOp(_relational, size);
+ }
+ function readToken_eq_excl(code) {
+ var next = input.charCodeAt(tokPos + 1);
+ if (next === 61) return finishOp(_equality, input.charCodeAt(tokPos + 2) === 61 ? 3 : 2);
+ return finishOp(code === 61 ? _eq : _prefix, 1);
+ }
+ function getTokenFromCode(code) {
+ switch(code) {
+ case 46:
+ return readToken_dot();
+ case 40: ++tokPos; return finishToken(_parenL);
+ case 41: ++tokPos; return finishToken(_parenR);
+ case 59: ++tokPos; return finishToken(_semi);
+ case 44: ++tokPos; return finishToken(_comma);
+ case 91: ++tokPos; return finishToken(_bracketL);
+ case 93: ++tokPos; return finishToken(_bracketR);
+ case 123: ++tokPos; return finishToken(_braceL);
+ case 125: ++tokPos; return finishToken(_braceR);
+ case 58: ++tokPos; return finishToken(_colon);
+ case 63: ++tokPos; return finishToken(_question);
+ case 48:
+ var next = input.charCodeAt(tokPos + 1);
+ if (next === 120 || next === 88) return readHexNumber();
+ case 49: case 50: case 51: case 52: case 53: case 54: case 55: case 56: case 57:
+ return readNumber(false);
+ case 34: case 39:
+ return readString(code);
+ case 47:
+ return readToken_slash(code);
+ case 37: case 42:
+ return readToken_mult_modulo();
+ case 124: case 38:
+ return readToken_pipe_amp(code);
+ case 94:
+ return readToken_caret();
+ case 43: case 45:
+ return readToken_plus_min(code);
+ case 60: case 62:
+ return readToken_lt_gt(code);
+ case 61: case 33:
+ return readToken_eq_excl(code);
+ case 126:
+ return finishOp(_prefix, 1);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ function readToken(forceRegexp) {
+ if (!forceRegexp) tokStart = tokPos;
+ else tokPos = tokStart + 1;
+ if (options.locations) tokStartLoc = new line_loc_t;
+ if (forceRegexp) return readRegexp();
+ if (tokPos >= inputLen) return finishToken(_eof);
+ var code = input.charCodeAt(tokPos);
+ if (isIdentifierStart(code) || code === 92 ) return readWord();
+ var tok = getTokenFromCode(code);
+ if (tok === false) {
+ var ch = String.fromCharCode(code);
+ if (ch === "\\" || nonASCIIidentifierStart.test(ch)) return readWord();
+ raise(tokPos, "Unexpected character '" + ch + "'");
+ }
+ return tok;
+ }
+ function finishOp(type, size) {
+ var str = input.slice(tokPos, tokPos + size);
+ tokPos += size;
+ finishToken(type, str);
+ }
+ function readRegexp() {
+ var content = "", escaped, inClass, start = tokPos;
+ for (;;) {
+ if (tokPos >= inputLen) raise(start, "Unterminated regular expression");
+ var ch = input.charAt(tokPos);
+ if (newline.test(ch)) raise(start, "Unterminated regular expression");
+ if (!escaped) {
+ if (ch === "[") inClass = true;
+ else if (ch === "]" && inClass) inClass = false;
+ else if (ch === "/" && !inClass) break;
+ escaped = ch === "\\";
+ } else escaped = false;
+ ++tokPos;
+ }
+ var content = input.slice(start, tokPos);
+ ++tokPos;
+ var mods = readWord1();
+ if (mods && !/^[gmsiy]*$/.test(mods)) raise(start, "Invalid regexp flag");
+ try {
+ var value = new RegExp(content, mods);
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (e instanceof SyntaxError) raise(start, e.message);
+ raise(e);
+ }
+ return finishToken(_regexp, value);
+ }
+ function readInt(radix, len) {
+ var start = tokPos, total = 0;
+ for (var i = 0, e = len == null ? Infinity : len; i < e; ++i) {
+ var code = input.charCodeAt(tokPos), val;
+ if (code >= 97) val = code - 97 + 10;
+ else if (code >= 65) val = code - 65 + 10;
+ else if (code >= 48 && code <= 57) val = code - 48;
+ else val = Infinity;
+ if (val >= radix) break;
+ ++tokPos;
+ total = total * radix + val;
+ }
+ if (tokPos === start || len != null && tokPos - start !== len) return null;
+ return total;
+ }
+ function readHexNumber() {
+ tokPos += 2;
+ var val = readInt(16);
+ if (val == null) raise(tokStart + 2, "Expected hexadecimal number");
+ if (isIdentifierStart(input.charCodeAt(tokPos))) raise(tokPos, "Identifier directly after number");
+ return finishToken(_num, val);
+ }
+ function readNumber(startsWithDot) {
+ var start = tokPos, isFloat = false, octal = input.charCodeAt(tokPos) === 48;
+ if (!startsWithDot && readInt(10) === null) raise(start, "Invalid number");
+ if (input.charCodeAt(tokPos) === 46) {
+ ++tokPos;
+ readInt(10);
+ isFloat = true;
+ }
+ var next = input.charCodeAt(tokPos);
+ if (next === 69 || next === 101) {
+ next = input.charCodeAt(++tokPos);
+ if (next === 43 || next === 45) ++tokPos;
+ if (readInt(10) === null) raise(start, "Invalid number");
+ isFloat = true;
+ }
+ if (isIdentifierStart(input.charCodeAt(tokPos))) raise(tokPos, "Identifier directly after number");
+ var str = input.slice(start, tokPos), val;
+ if (isFloat) val = parseFloat(str);
+ else if (!octal || str.length === 1) val = parseInt(str, 10);
+ else if (/[89]/.test(str) || strict) raise(start, "Invalid number");
+ else val = parseInt(str, 8);
+ return finishToken(_num, val);
+ }
+ function readString(quote) {
+ tokPos++;
+ var out = "";
+ for (;;) {
+ if (tokPos >= inputLen) raise(tokStart, "Unterminated string constant");
+ var ch = input.charCodeAt(tokPos);
+ if (ch === quote) {
+ ++tokPos;
+ return finishToken(_string, out);
+ }
+ if (ch === 92) {
+ ch = input.charCodeAt(++tokPos);
+ var octal = /^[0-7]+/.exec(input.slice(tokPos, tokPos + 3));
+ if (octal) octal = octal[0];
+ while (octal && parseInt(octal, 8) > 255) octal = octal.slice(0, -1);
+ if (octal === "0") octal = null;
+ ++tokPos;
+ if (octal) {
+ if (strict) raise(tokPos - 2, "Octal literal in strict mode");
+ out += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(octal, 8));
+ tokPos += octal.length - 1;
+ } else {
+ switch (ch) {
+ case 110: out += "\n"; break;
+ case 114: out += "\r"; break;
+ case 120: out += String.fromCharCode(readHexChar(2)); break;
+ case 117: out += String.fromCharCode(readHexChar(4)); break;
+ case 85: out += String.fromCharCode(readHexChar(8)); break;
+ case 116: out += "\t"; break;
+ case 98: out += "\b"; break;
+ case 118: out += "\u000b"; break;
+ case 102: out += "\f"; break;
+ case 48: out += "\0"; break;
+ case 13: if (input.charCodeAt(tokPos) === 10) ++tokPos;
+ case 10:
+ if (options.locations) { tokLineStart = tokPos; ++tokCurLine; }
+ break;
+ default: out += String.fromCharCode(ch); break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (ch === 13 || ch === 10 || ch === 8232 || ch === 8233) raise(tokStart, "Unterminated string constant");
+ out += String.fromCharCode(ch);
+ ++tokPos;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function readHexChar(len) {
+ var n = readInt(16, len);
+ if (n === null) raise(tokStart, "Bad character escape sequence");
+ return n;
+ }
+ var containsEsc;
+ function readWord1() {
+ containsEsc = false;
+ var word, first = true, start = tokPos;
+ for (;;) {
+ var ch = input.charCodeAt(tokPos);
+ if (isIdentifierChar(ch)) {
+ if (containsEsc) word += input.charAt(tokPos);
+ ++tokPos;
+ } else if (ch === 92) {
+ if (!containsEsc) word = input.slice(start, tokPos);
+ containsEsc = true;
+ if (input.charCodeAt(++tokPos) != 117)
+ raise(tokPos, "Expecting Unicode escape sequence \\uXXXX");
+ ++tokPos;
+ var esc = readHexChar(4);
+ var escStr = String.fromCharCode(esc);
+ if (!escStr) raise(tokPos - 1, "Invalid Unicode escape");
+ if (!(first ? isIdentifierStart(esc) : isIdentifierChar(esc)))
+ raise(tokPos - 4, "Invalid Unicode escape");
+ word += escStr;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ first = false;
+ }
+ return containsEsc ? word : input.slice(start, tokPos);
+ }
+ function readWord() {
+ var word = readWord1();
+ var type = _name;
+ if (!containsEsc && isKeyword(word))
+ type = keywordTypes[word];
+ return finishToken(type, word);
+ }
+ function next() {
+ lastStart = tokStart;
+ lastEnd = tokEnd;
+ lastEndLoc = tokEndLoc;
+ readToken();
+ }
+ function setStrict(strct) {
+ strict = strct;
+ tokPos = tokStart;
+ if (options.locations) {
+ while (tokPos < tokLineStart) {
+ tokLineStart = input.lastIndexOf("\n", tokLineStart - 2) + 1;
+ --tokCurLine;
+ }
+ }
+ skipSpace();
+ readToken();
+ }
+ function node_t() {
+ this.type = null;
+ this.start = tokStart;
+ this.end = null;
+ }
+ function node_loc_t() {
+ this.start = tokStartLoc;
+ this.end = null;
+ if (sourceFile !== null) this.source = sourceFile;
+ }
+ function startNode() {
+ var node = new node_t();
+ if (options.locations)
+ node.loc = new node_loc_t();
+ if (options.directSourceFile)
+ node.sourceFile = options.directSourceFile;
+ if (options.ranges)
+ node.range = [tokStart, 0];
+ return node;
+ }
+ function startNodeFrom(other) {
+ var node = new node_t();
+ node.start = other.start;
+ if (options.locations) {
+ node.loc = new node_loc_t();
+ node.loc.start = other.loc.start;
+ }
+ if (options.ranges)
+ node.range = [other.range[0], 0];
+ return node;
+ }
+ function finishNode(node, type) {
+ node.type = type;
+ node.end = lastEnd;
+ if (options.locations)
+ node.loc.end = lastEndLoc;
+ if (options.ranges)
+ node.range[1] = lastEnd;
+ return node;
+ }
+ function isUseStrict(stmt) {
+ return options.ecmaVersion >= 5 && stmt.type === "ExpressionStatement" &&
+ stmt.expression.type === "Literal" && stmt.expression.value === "use strict";
+ }
+ function eat(type) {
+ if (tokType === type) {
+ next();
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ function canInsertSemicolon() {
+ return !options.strictSemicolons &&
+ (tokType === _eof || tokType === _braceR || newline.test(input.slice(lastEnd, tokStart)));
+ }
+ function semicolon() {
+ if (!eat(_semi) && !canInsertSemicolon()) unexpected();
+ }
+ function expect(type) {
+ if (tokType === type) next();
+ else unexpected();
+ }
+ function unexpected() {
+ raise(tokStart, "Unexpected token");
+ }
+ function checkLVal(expr) {
+ if (expr.type !== "Identifier" && expr.type !== "MemberExpression")
+ raise(expr.start, "Assigning to rvalue");
+ if (strict && expr.type === "Identifier" && isStrictBadIdWord(expr.name))
+ raise(expr.start, "Assigning to " + expr.name + " in strict mode");
+ }
+ function parseTopLevel(program) {
+ lastStart = lastEnd = tokPos;
+ if (options.locations) lastEndLoc = new line_loc_t;
+ inFunction = strict = null;
+ labels = [];
+ readToken();
+ var node = program || startNode(), first = true;
+ if (!program) node.body = [];
+ while (tokType !== _eof) {
+ var stmt = parseStatement();
+ node.body.push(stmt);
+ if (first && isUseStrict(stmt)) setStrict(true);
+ first = false;
+ }
+ return finishNode(node, "Program");
+ }
+ var loopLabel = {kind: "loop"}, switchLabel = {kind: "switch"};
+ function parseStatement() {
+ if (tokType === _slash || tokType === _assign && tokVal == "/=")
+ readToken(true);
+ var starttype = tokType, node = startNode();
+ switch (starttype) {
+ case _break: case _continue:
+ next();
+ var isBreak = starttype === _break;
+ if (eat(_semi) || canInsertSemicolon()) node.label = null;
+ else if (tokType !== _name) unexpected();
+ else {
+ node.label = parseIdent();
+ semicolon();
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < labels.length; ++i) {
+ var lab = labels[i];
+ if (node.label == null || lab.name === node.label.name) {
+ if (lab.kind != null && (isBreak || lab.kind === "loop")) break;
+ if (node.label && isBreak) break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i === labels.length) raise(node.start, "Unsyntactic " + starttype.keyword);
+ return finishNode(node, isBreak ? "BreakStatement" : "ContinueStatement");
+ case _debugger:
+ next();
+ semicolon();
+ return finishNode(node, "DebuggerStatement");
+ case _do:
+ next();
+ labels.push(loopLabel);
+ node.body = parseStatement();
+ labels.pop();
+ expect(_while);
+ node.test = parseParenExpression();
+ semicolon();
+ return finishNode(node, "DoWhileStatement");
+ case _for:
+ next();
+ labels.push(loopLabel);
+ expect(_parenL);
+ if (tokType === _semi) return parseFor(node, null);
+ if (tokType === _var) {
+ var init = startNode();
+ next();
+ parseVar(init, true);
+ finishNode(init, "VariableDeclaration");
+ if (init.declarations.length === 1 && eat(_in))
+ return parseForIn(node, init);
+ return parseFor(node, init);
+ }
+ var init = parseExpression(false, true);
+ if (eat(_in)) {checkLVal(init); return parseForIn(node, init);}
+ return parseFor(node, init);
+ case _function:
+ next();
+ return parseFunction(node, true);
+ case _if:
+ next();
+ node.test = parseParenExpression();
+ node.consequent = parseStatement();
+ node.alternate = eat(_else) ? parseStatement() : null;
+ return finishNode(node, "IfStatement");
+ case _return:
+ if (!inFunction && !options.allowReturnOutsideFunction)
+ raise(tokStart, "'return' outside of function");
+ next();
+ if (eat(_semi) || canInsertSemicolon()) node.argument = null;
+ else { node.argument = parseExpression(); semicolon(); }
+ return finishNode(node, "ReturnStatement");
+ case _switch:
+ next();
+ node.discriminant = parseParenExpression();
+ node.cases = [];
+ expect(_braceL);
+ labels.push(switchLabel);
+ for (var cur, sawDefault; tokType != _braceR;) {
+ if (tokType === _case || tokType === _default) {
+ var isCase = tokType === _case;
+ if (cur) finishNode(cur, "SwitchCase");
+ node.cases.push(cur = startNode());
+ cur.consequent = [];
+ next();
+ if (isCase) cur.test = parseExpression();
+ else {
+ if (sawDefault) raise(lastStart, "Multiple default clauses"); sawDefault = true;
+ cur.test = null;
+ }
+ expect(_colon);
+ } else {
+ if (!cur) unexpected();
+ cur.consequent.push(parseStatement());
+ }
+ }
+ if (cur) finishNode(cur, "SwitchCase");
+ next();
+ labels.pop();
+ return finishNode(node, "SwitchStatement");
+ case _throw:
+ next();
+ if (newline.test(input.slice(lastEnd, tokStart)))
+ raise(lastEnd, "Illegal newline after throw");
+ node.argument = parseExpression();
+ semicolon();
+ return finishNode(node, "ThrowStatement");
+ case _try:
+ next();
+ node.block = parseBlock();
+ node.handler = null;
+ if (tokType === _catch) {
+ var clause = startNode();
+ next();
+ expect(_parenL);
+ clause.param = parseIdent();
+ if (strict && isStrictBadIdWord(clause.param.name))
+ raise(clause.param.start, "Binding " + clause.param.name + " in strict mode");
+ expect(_parenR);
+ clause.guard = null;
+ clause.body = parseBlock();
+ node.handler = finishNode(clause, "CatchClause");
+ }
+ node.guardedHandlers = empty;
+ node.finalizer = eat(_finally) ? parseBlock() : null;
+ if (!node.handler && !node.finalizer)
+ raise(node.start, "Missing catch or finally clause");
+ return finishNode(node, "TryStatement");
+ case _var:
+ next();
+ parseVar(node);
+ semicolon();
+ return finishNode(node, "VariableDeclaration");
+ case _while:
+ next();
+ node.test = parseParenExpression();
+ labels.push(loopLabel);
+ node.body = parseStatement();
+ labels.pop();
+ return finishNode(node, "WhileStatement");
+ case _with:
+ if (strict) raise(tokStart, "'with' in strict mode");
+ next();
+ node.object = parseParenExpression();
+ node.body = parseStatement();
+ return finishNode(node, "WithStatement");
+ case _braceL:
+ return parseBlock();
+ case _semi:
+ next();
+ return finishNode(node, "EmptyStatement");
+ default:
+ var maybeName = tokVal, expr = parseExpression();
+ if (starttype === _name && expr.type === "Identifier" && eat(_colon)) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < labels.length; ++i)
+ if (labels[i].name === maybeName) raise(expr.start, "Label '" + maybeName + "' is already declared");
+ var kind = tokType.isLoop ? "loop" : tokType === _switch ? "switch" : null;
+ labels.push({name: maybeName, kind: kind});
+ node.body = parseStatement();
+ labels.pop();
+ node.label = expr;
+ return finishNode(node, "LabeledStatement");
+ } else {
+ node.expression = expr;
+ semicolon();
+ return finishNode(node, "ExpressionStatement");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function parseParenExpression() {
+ expect(_parenL);
+ var val = parseExpression();
+ expect(_parenR);
+ return val;
+ }
+ function parseBlock(allowStrict) {
+ var node = startNode(), first = true, strict = false, oldStrict;
+ node.body = [];
+ expect(_braceL);
+ while (!eat(_braceR)) {
+ var stmt = parseStatement();
+ node.body.push(stmt);
+ if (first && allowStrict && isUseStrict(stmt)) {
+ oldStrict = strict;
+ setStrict(strict = true);
+ }
+ first = false;
+ }
+ if (strict && !oldStrict) setStrict(false);
+ return finishNode(node, "BlockStatement");
+ }
+ function parseFor(node, init) {
+ node.init = init;
+ expect(_semi);
+ node.test = tokType === _semi ? null : parseExpression();
+ expect(_semi);
+ node.update = tokType === _parenR ? null : parseExpression();
+ expect(_parenR);
+ node.body = parseStatement();
+ labels.pop();
+ return finishNode(node, "ForStatement");
+ }
+ function parseForIn(node, init) {
+ node.left = init;
+ node.right = parseExpression();
+ expect(_parenR);
+ node.body = parseStatement();
+ labels.pop();
+ return finishNode(node, "ForInStatement");
+ }
+ function parseVar(node, noIn) {
+ node.declarations = [];
+ node.kind = "var";
+ for (;;) {
+ var decl = startNode();
+ decl.id = parseIdent();
+ if (strict && isStrictBadIdWord(decl.id.name))
+ raise(decl.id.start, "Binding " + decl.id.name + " in strict mode");
+ decl.init = eat(_eq) ? parseExpression(true, noIn) : null;
+ node.declarations.push(finishNode(decl, "VariableDeclarator"));
+ if (!eat(_comma)) break;
+ }
+ return node;
+ }
+ function parseExpression(noComma, noIn) {
+ var expr = parseMaybeAssign(noIn);
+ if (!noComma && tokType === _comma) {
+ var node = startNodeFrom(expr);
+ node.expressions = [expr];
+ while (eat(_comma)) node.expressions.push(parseMaybeAssign(noIn));
+ return finishNode(node, "SequenceExpression");
+ }
+ return expr;
+ }
+ function parseMaybeAssign(noIn) {
+ var left = parseMaybeConditional(noIn);
+ if (tokType.isAssign) {
+ var node = startNodeFrom(left);
+ node.operator = tokVal;
+ node.left = left;
+ next();
+ node.right = parseMaybeAssign(noIn);
+ checkLVal(left);
+ return finishNode(node, "AssignmentExpression");
+ }
+ return left;
+ }
+ function parseMaybeConditional(noIn) {
+ var expr = parseExprOps(noIn);
+ if (eat(_question)) {
+ var node = startNodeFrom(expr);
+ node.test = expr;
+ node.consequent = parseExpression(true);
+ expect(_colon);
+ node.alternate = parseExpression(true, noIn);
+ return finishNode(node, "ConditionalExpression");
+ }
+ return expr;
+ }
+ function parseExprOps(noIn) {
+ return parseExprOp(parseMaybeUnary(), -1, noIn);
+ }
+ function parseExprOp(left, minPrec, noIn) {
+ var prec = tokType.binop;
+ if (prec != null && (!noIn || tokType !== _in)) {
+ if (prec > minPrec) {
+ var node = startNodeFrom(left);
+ node.left = left;
+ node.operator = tokVal;
+ var op = tokType;
+ next();
+ node.right = parseExprOp(parseMaybeUnary(), prec, noIn);
+ var exprNode = finishNode(node, (op === _logicalOR || op === _logicalAND) ? "LogicalExpression" : "BinaryExpression");
+ return parseExprOp(exprNode, minPrec, noIn);
+ }
+ }
+ return left;
+ }
+ function parseMaybeUnary() {
+ if (tokType.prefix) {
+ var node = startNode(), update = tokType.isUpdate;
+ node.operator = tokVal;
+ node.prefix = true;
+ tokRegexpAllowed = true;
+ next();
+ node.argument = parseMaybeUnary();
+ if (update) checkLVal(node.argument);
+ else if (strict && node.operator === "delete" &&
+ node.argument.type === "Identifier")
+ raise(node.start, "Deleting local variable in strict mode");
+ return finishNode(node, update ? "UpdateExpression" : "UnaryExpression");
+ }
+ var expr = parseExprSubscripts();
+ while (tokType.postfix && !canInsertSemicolon()) {
+ var node = startNodeFrom(expr);
+ node.operator = tokVal;
+ node.prefix = false;
+ node.argument = expr;
+ checkLVal(expr);
+ next();
+ expr = finishNode(node, "UpdateExpression");
+ }
+ return expr;
+ }
+ function parseExprSubscripts() {
+ return parseSubscripts(parseExprAtom());
+ }
+ function parseSubscripts(base, noCalls) {
+ if (eat(_dot)) {
+ var node = startNodeFrom(base);
+ node.object = base;
+ node.property = parseIdent(true);
+ node.computed = false;
+ return parseSubscripts(finishNode(node, "MemberExpression"), noCalls);
+ } else if (eat(_bracketL)) {
+ var node = startNodeFrom(base);
+ node.object = base;
+ node.property = parseExpression();
+ node.computed = true;
+ expect(_bracketR);
+ return parseSubscripts(finishNode(node, "MemberExpression"), noCalls);
+ } else if (!noCalls && eat(_parenL)) {
+ var node = startNodeFrom(base);
+ node.callee = base;
+ node.arguments = parseExprList(_parenR, false);
+ return parseSubscripts(finishNode(node, "CallExpression"), noCalls);
+ } else return base;
+ }
+ function parseExprAtom() {
+ switch (tokType) {
+ case _this:
+ var node = startNode();
+ next();
+ return finishNode(node, "ThisExpression");
+ case _name:
+ return parseIdent();
+ case _num: case _string: case _regexp:
+ var node = startNode();
+ node.value = tokVal;
+ node.raw = input.slice(tokStart, tokEnd);
+ next();
+ return finishNode(node, "Literal");
+ case _null: case _true: case _false:
+ var node = startNode();
+ node.value = tokType.atomValue;
+ node.raw = tokType.keyword;
+ next();
+ return finishNode(node, "Literal");
+ case _parenL:
+ var tokStartLoc1 = tokStartLoc, tokStart1 = tokStart;
+ next();
+ var val = parseExpression();
+ val.start = tokStart1;
+ val.end = tokEnd;
+ if (options.locations) {
+ val.loc.start = tokStartLoc1;
+ val.loc.end = tokEndLoc;
+ }
+ if (options.ranges)
+ val.range = [tokStart1, tokEnd];
+ expect(_parenR);
+ return val;
+ case _bracketL:
+ var node = startNode();
+ next();
+ node.elements = parseExprList(_bracketR, true, true);
+ return finishNode(node, "ArrayExpression");
+ case _braceL:
+ return parseObj();
+ case _function:
+ var node = startNode();
+ next();
+ return parseFunction(node, false);
+ case _new:
+ return parseNew();
+ default:
+ unexpected();
+ }
+ }
+ function parseNew() {
+ var node = startNode();
+ next();
+ node.callee = parseSubscripts(parseExprAtom(), true);
+ if (eat(_parenL)) node.arguments = parseExprList(_parenR, false);
+ else node.arguments = empty;
+ return finishNode(node, "NewExpression");
+ }
+ function parseObj() {
+ var node = startNode(), first = true, sawGetSet = false;
+ node.properties = [];
+ next();
+ while (!eat(_braceR)) {
+ if (!first) {
+ expect(_comma);
+ if (options.allowTrailingCommas && eat(_braceR)) break;
+ } else first = false;
+ var prop = {key: parsePropertyName()}, isGetSet = false, kind;
+ if (eat(_colon)) {
+ prop.value = parseExpression(true);
+ kind = prop.kind = "init";
+ } else if (options.ecmaVersion >= 5 && prop.key.type === "Identifier" &&
+ (prop.key.name === "get" || prop.key.name === "set")) {
+ isGetSet = sawGetSet = true;
+ kind = prop.kind = prop.key.name;
+ prop.key = parsePropertyName();
+ if (tokType !== _parenL) unexpected();
+ prop.value = parseFunction(startNode(), false);
+ } else unexpected();
+ if (prop.key.type === "Identifier" && (strict || sawGetSet)) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < node.properties.length; ++i) {
+ var other = node.properties[i];
+ if (other.key.name === prop.key.name) {
+ var conflict = kind == other.kind || isGetSet && other.kind === "init" ||
+ kind === "init" && (other.kind === "get" || other.kind === "set");
+ if (conflict && !strict && kind === "init" && other.kind === "init") conflict = false;
+ if (conflict) raise(prop.key.start, "Redefinition of property");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ node.properties.push(prop);
+ }
+ return finishNode(node, "ObjectExpression");
+ }
+ function parsePropertyName() {
+ if (tokType === _num || tokType === _string) return parseExprAtom();
+ return parseIdent(true);
+ }
+ function parseFunction(node, isStatement) {
+ if (tokType === _name) node.id = parseIdent();
+ else if (isStatement) unexpected();
+ else node.id = null;
+ node.params = [];
+ var first = true;
+ expect(_parenL);
+ while (!eat(_parenR)) {
+ if (!first) expect(_comma); else first = false;
+ node.params.push(parseIdent());
+ }
+ var oldInFunc = inFunction, oldLabels = labels;
+ inFunction = true; labels = [];
+ node.body = parseBlock(true);
+ inFunction = oldInFunc; labels = oldLabels;
+ if (strict || node.body.body.length && isUseStrict(node.body.body[0])) {
+ for (var i = node.id ? -1 : 0; i < node.params.length; ++i) {
+ var id = i < 0 ? node.id : node.params[i];
+ if (isStrictReservedWord(id.name) || isStrictBadIdWord(id.name))
+ raise(id.start, "Defining '" + id.name + "' in strict mode");
+ if (i >= 0) for (var j = 0; j < i; ++j) if (id.name === node.params[j].name)
+ raise(id.start, "Argument name clash in strict mode");
+ }
+ }
+ return finishNode(node, isStatement ? "FunctionDeclaration" : "FunctionExpression");
+ }
+ function parseExprList(close, allowTrailingComma, allowEmpty) {
+ var elts = [], first = true;
+ while (!eat(close)) {
+ if (!first) {
+ expect(_comma);
+ if (allowTrailingComma && options.allowTrailingCommas && eat(close)) break;
+ } else first = false;
+ if (allowEmpty && tokType === _comma) elts.push(null);
+ else elts.push(parseExpression(true));
+ }
+ return elts;
+ }
+ function parseIdent(liberal) {
+ var node = startNode();
+ if (liberal && options.forbidReserved == "everywhere") liberal = false;
+ if (tokType === _name) {
+ if (!liberal &&
+ (options.forbidReserved &&
+ (options.ecmaVersion === 3 ? isReservedWord3 : isReservedWord5)(tokVal) ||
+ strict && isStrictReservedWord(tokVal)) &&
+ input.slice(tokStart, tokEnd).indexOf("\\") == -1)
+ raise(tokStart, "The keyword '" + tokVal + "' is reserved");
+ node.name = tokVal;
+ } else if (liberal && tokType.keyword) {
+ node.name = tokType.keyword;
+ } else {
+ unexpected();
+ }
+ tokRegexpAllowed = false;
+ next();
+ return finishNode(node, "Identifier");
+ }
+ if (!acorn.version)
+ acorn = null;
+ }
+ function parse(code, options) {
+ return (global.acorn || acorn).parse(code, options);
+ }
+ var binaryOperators = {
+ '+': '__add',
+ '-': '__subtract',
+ '*': '__multiply',
+ '/': '__divide',
+ '%': '__modulo',
+ '==': '__equals',
+ '!=': '__equals'
+ };
+ var unaryOperators = {
+ '-': '__negate',
+ '+': '__self'
+ };
+ var fields = Base.each(
+ ['add', 'subtract', 'multiply', 'divide', 'modulo', 'equals', 'negate'],
+ function(name) {
+ this['__' + name] = '#' + name;
+ },
+ {
+ __self: function() {
+ return this;
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ Point.inject(fields);
+ Size.inject(fields);
+ Color.inject(fields);
+ function __$__(left, operator, right) {
+ var handler = binaryOperators[operator];
+ if (left && left[handler]) {
+ var res = left[handler](right);
+ return operator === '!=' ? !res : res;
+ }
+ switch (operator) {
+ case '+': return left + right;
+ case '-': return left - right;
+ case '*': return left * right;
+ case '/': return left / right;
+ case '%': return left % right;
+ case '==': return left == right;
+ case '!=': return left != right;
+ }
+ }
+ function $__(operator, value) {
+ var handler = unaryOperators[operator];
+ if (value && value[handler])
+ return value[handler]();
+ switch (operator) {
+ case '+': return +value;
+ case '-': return -value;
+ }
+ }
+ function compile(code, options) {
+ if (!code)
+ return '';
+ options = options || {};
+ var insertions = [];
+ function getOffset(offset) {
+ for (var i = 0, l = insertions.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var insertion = insertions[i];
+ if (insertion[0] >= offset)
+ break;
+ offset += insertion[1];
+ }
+ return offset;
+ }
+ function getCode(node) {
+ return code.substring(getOffset(node.range[0]),
+ getOffset(node.range[1]));
+ }
+ function getBetween(left, right) {
+ return code.substring(getOffset(left.range[1]),
+ getOffset(right.range[0]));
+ }
+ function replaceCode(node, str) {
+ var start = getOffset(node.range[0]),
+ end = getOffset(node.range[1]),
+ insert = 0;
+ for (var i = insertions.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ if (start > insertions[i][0]) {
+ insert = i + 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ insertions.splice(insert, 0, [start, str.length - end + start]);
+ code = code.substring(0, start) + str + code.substring(end);
+ }
+ function walkAST(node, parent) {
+ if (!node)
+ return;
+ for (var key in node) {
+ if (key === 'range' || key === 'loc')
+ continue;
+ var value = node[key];
+ if (Array.isArray(value)) {
+ for (var i = 0, l = value.length; i < l; i++)
+ walkAST(value[i], node);
+ } else if (value && typeof value === 'object') {
+ walkAST(value, node);
+ }
+ }
+ switch (node.type) {
+ case 'UnaryExpression':
+ if (node.operator in unaryOperators
+ && node.argument.type !== 'Literal') {
+ var arg = getCode(node.argument);
+ replaceCode(node, '$__("' + node.operator + '", '
+ + arg + ')');
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'BinaryExpression':
+ if (node.operator in binaryOperators
+ && node.left.type !== 'Literal') {
+ var left = getCode(node.left),
+ right = getCode(node.right),
+ between = getBetween(node.left, node.right),
+ operator = node.operator;
+ replaceCode(node, '__$__(' + left + ','
+ + between.replace(new RegExp('\\' + operator),
+ '"' + operator + '"')
+ + ', ' + right + ')');
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'UpdateExpression':
+ case 'AssignmentExpression':
+ var parentType = parent && parent.type;
+ if (!(
+ parentType === 'ForStatement'
+ || parentType === 'BinaryExpression'
+ && /^[=!<>]/.test(parent.operator)
+ || parentType === 'MemberExpression' && parent.computed
+ )) {
+ if (node.type === 'UpdateExpression') {
+ var arg = getCode(node.argument),
+ exp = '__$__(' + arg + ', "' + node.operator[0]
+ + '", 1)',
+ str = arg + ' = ' + exp;
+ if (node.prefix) {
+ str = '(' + str + ')';
+ } else if (
+ parentType === 'AssignmentExpression' ||
+ parentType === 'VariableDeclarator' ||
+ parentType === 'BinaryExpression'
+ ) {
+ if (getCode(parent.left || parent.id) === arg)
+ str = exp;
+ str = arg + '; ' + str;
+ }
+ replaceCode(node, str);
+ } else {
+ if (/^.=$/.test(node.operator)
+ && node.left.type !== 'Literal') {
+ var left = getCode(node.left),
+ right = getCode(node.right),
+ exp = left + ' = __$__(' + left + ', "'
+ + node.operator[0] + '", ' + right + ')';
+ replaceCode(node, /^\(.*\)$/.test(getCode(node))
+ ? '(' + exp + ')' : exp);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'ExportDefaultDeclaration':
+ replaceCode({
+ range: [node.start, node.declaration.start]
+ }, 'module.exports = ');
+ break;
+ case 'ExportNamedDeclaration':
+ var declaration = node.declaration;
+ var specifiers = node.specifiers;
+ if (declaration) {
+ var declarations = declaration.declarations;
+ if (declarations) {
+ declarations.forEach(function(dec) {
+ replaceCode(dec, 'module.exports.' + getCode(dec));
+ });
+ replaceCode({
+ range: [
+ node.start,
+ declaration.start + declaration.kind.length
+ ]
+ }, '');
+ }
+ } else if (specifiers) {
+ var exports = specifiers.map(function(specifier) {
+ var name = getCode(specifier);
+ return 'module.exports.' + name + ' = ' + name + '; ';
+ }).join('');
+ if (exports) {
+ replaceCode(node, exports);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ function encodeVLQ(value) {
+ var res = '',
+ base64 = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';
+ value = (Math.abs(value) << 1) + (value < 0 ? 1 : 0);
+ while (value || !res) {
+ var next = value & (32 - 1);
+ value >>= 5;
+ if (value)
+ next |= 32;
+ res += base64[next];
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ var url = options.url || '',
+ agent = paper.agent,
+ version = agent.versionNumber,
+ offsetCode = false,
+ sourceMaps = options.sourceMaps,
+ source = options.source || code,
+ lineBreaks = /\r\n|\n|\r/mg,
+ offset = options.offset || 0,
+ map;
+ if (sourceMaps && (agent.chrome && version >= 30
+ || agent.webkit && version >= 537.76
+ || agent.firefox && version >= 23
+ || agent.node)) {
+ if (agent.node) {
+ offset -= 2;
+ } else if (window && url && !window.location.href.indexOf(url)) {
+ var html = document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].innerHTML;
+ offset = html.substr(0, html.indexOf(code) + 1).match(
+ lineBreaks).length + 1;
+ }
+ offsetCode = offset > 0 && !(
+ agent.chrome && version >= 36 ||
+ agent.safari && version >= 600 ||
+ agent.firefox && version >= 40 ||
+ agent.node);
+ var mappings = ['AA' + encodeVLQ(offsetCode ? 0 : offset) + 'A'];
+ mappings.length = (code.match(lineBreaks) || []).length + 1
+ + (offsetCode ? offset : 0);
+ map = {
+ version: 3,
+ file: url,
+ names:[],
+ mappings: mappings.join(';AACA'),
+ sourceRoot: '',
+ sources: [url],
+ sourcesContent: [source]
+ };
+ }
+ walkAST(parse(code, {
+ ranges: true,
+ preserveParens: true,
+ sourceType: 'module'
+ }));
+ if (map) {
+ if (offsetCode) {
+ code = new Array(offset + 1).join('\n') + code;
+ }
+ if (/^(inline|both)$/.test(sourceMaps)) {
+ code += "\n//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,"
+ + self.btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(
+ JSON.stringify(map))));
+ }
+ code += "\n//# sourceURL=" + (url || 'paperscript');
+ }
+ return {
+ url: url,
+ source: source,
+ code: code,
+ map: map
+ };
+ }
+ function execute(code, scope, options) {
+ paper = scope;
+ var view = scope.getView(),
+ tool = /\btool\.\w+|\s+on(?:Key|Mouse)(?:Up|Down|Move|Drag)\b/
+ .test(code) && !/\bnew\s+Tool\b/.test(code)
+ ? new Tool() : null,
+ toolHandlers = tool ? tool._events : [],
+ handlers = ['onFrame', 'onResize'].concat(toolHandlers),
+ params = [],
+ args = [],
+ func,
+ compiled = typeof code === 'object' ? code : compile(code, options);
+ code = compiled.code;
+ function expose(scope, hidden) {
+ for (var key in scope) {
+ if ((hidden || !/^_/.test(key)) && new RegExp('([\\b\\s\\W]|^)'
+ + key.replace(/\$/g, '\\$') + '\\b').test(code)) {
+ params.push(key);
+ args.push(scope[key]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ expose({ __$__: __$__, $__: $__, paper: scope, tool: tool },
+ true);
+ expose(scope);
+ code = 'var module = { exports: {} }; ' + code;
+ var exports = Base.each(handlers, function(key) {
+ if (new RegExp('\\s+' + key + '\\b').test(code)) {
+ params.push(key);
+ this.push('module.exports.' + key + ' = ' + key + ';');
+ }
+ }, []).join('\n');
+ if (exports) {
+ code += '\n' + exports;
+ }
+ code += '\nreturn module.exports;';
+ var agent = paper.agent;
+ if (document && (agent.chrome
+ || agent.firefox && agent.versionNumber < 40)) {
+ var script = document.createElement('script'),
+ head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
+ if (agent.firefox)
+ code = '\n' + code;
+ script.appendChild(document.createTextNode(
+ 'document.__paperscript__ = function(' + params + ') {' +
+ code +
+ '\n}'
+ ));
+ head.appendChild(script);
+ func = document.__paperscript__;
+ delete document.__paperscript__;
+ head.removeChild(script);
+ } else {
+ func = Function(params, code);
+ }
+ var exports = func && func.apply(scope, args);
+ var obj = exports || {};
+ Base.each(toolHandlers, function(key) {
+ var value = obj[key];
+ if (value)
+ tool[key] = value;
+ });
+ if (view) {
+ if (obj.onResize)
+ view.setOnResize(obj.onResize);
+ view.emit('resize', {
+ size: view.size,
+ delta: new Point()
+ });
+ if (obj.onFrame)
+ view.setOnFrame(obj.onFrame);
+ view.requestUpdate();
+ }
+ return exports;
+ }
+ function loadScript(script) {
+ if (/^text\/(?:x-|)paperscript$/.test(script.type)
+ && PaperScope.getAttribute(script, 'ignore') !== 'true') {
+ var canvasId = PaperScope.getAttribute(script, 'canvas'),
+ canvas = document.getElementById(canvasId),
+ src = script.src || script.getAttribute('data-src'),
+ async = PaperScope.hasAttribute(script, 'async'),
+ scopeAttribute = 'data-paper-scope';
+ if (!canvas)
+ throw new Error('Unable to find canvas with id "'
+ + canvasId + '"');
+ var scope = PaperScope.get(canvas.getAttribute(scopeAttribute))
+ || new PaperScope().setup(canvas);
+ canvas.setAttribute(scopeAttribute, scope._id);
+ if (src) {
+ Http.request({
+ url: src,
+ async: async,
+ mimeType: 'text/plain',
+ onLoad: function(code) {
+ execute(code, scope, src);
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ execute(script.innerHTML, scope, script.baseURI);
+ }
+ script.setAttribute('data-paper-ignore', 'true');
+ return scope;
+ }
+ }
+ function loadAll() {
+ Base.each(document && document.getElementsByTagName('script'),
+ loadScript);
+ }
+ function load(script) {
+ return script ? loadScript(script) : loadAll();
+ }
+ if (window) {
+ if (document.readyState === 'complete') {
+ setTimeout(loadAll);
+ } else {
+ DomEvent.add(window, { load: loadAll });
+ }
+ }
+ return {
+ compile: compile,
+ execute: execute,
+ load: load,
+ parse: parse,
+ calculateBinary: __$__,
+ calculateUnary: $__
+ };
+var paper = new (PaperScope.inject(Base.exports, {
+ Base: Base,
+ Numerical: Numerical,
+ Key: Key,
+ DomEvent: DomEvent,
+ DomElement: DomElement,
+ document: document,
+ window: window,
+ Symbol: SymbolDefinition,
+ PlacedSymbol: SymbolItem
+if (paper.agent.node) {
+ require('./node/extend.js')(paper);
+if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
+ define('paper', paper);
+} else if (typeof module === 'object' && module) {
+ module.exports = paper;
+return paper;
+}.call(this, typeof self === 'object' ? self : null);
diff --git a/dist/paper.d.ts b/dist/paper.d.ts
index 981e2e34..0f56d7a3 100644
--- a/dist/paper.d.ts
+++ b/dist/paper.d.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Paper.js v0.12.2 - The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting.
+ * Paper.js v0.12.2-fix/typescript-definition-issues - The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting.
* http://paperjs.org/
* Copyright (c) 2011 - 2019, Juerg Lehni & Jonathan Puckey
@@ -9,49 +9,105 @@
* All rights reserved.
- * Date: Tue Jun 11 21:31:28 2019 +0200
+ * Date: Fri Jun 14 15:03:35 2019 +0200
* This is an auto-generated type definition.
declare module paper {
- * The project for which the PaperScript is executed.
- *
- * Note that when working with multiple projects, this does not necessarily
- * reflect the currently active project. For this, use
- * {@link PaperScope#project} instead.
+ * The version of Paper.js, as a string.
- let project: Project
+ let version: string
+ /**
+ * Gives access to paper's configurable settings.
+ *
+ * @option [settings.insertItems=true] {Boolean} controls whether newly
+ * created items are automatically inserted into the scene graph, by
+ * adding them to {@link Project#activeLayer}
+ * @option [settings.applyMatrix=true] {Boolean} controls what value newly
+ * created items have their {@link Item#applyMatrix} property set to
+ * (Note that not all items can set this to `false`)
+ * @option [settings.handleSize=4] {Number} the size of the curve handles
+ * when drawing selections
+ * @option [settings.hitTolerance=0] {Number} the default tolerance for hit-
+ * tests, when no value is specified
+ */
+ let settings: any
+ /**
+ * The currently active project.
+ */
+ let project: Project | null
* The list of all open projects within the current Paper.js context.
- let projects: Project[]
+ let projects: Project[] | null
- * The reference to the project's view.
- *
- * Note that when working with multiple projects, this does not necessarily
- * reflect the view of the currently active project. For this, use
- * {@link PaperScope#view} instead.
+ * The reference to the active project's view.
let view: View
- * The reference to the tool object which is automatically created when global
- * tool event handlers are defined.
- *
- * Note that when working with multiple tools, this does not necessarily
- * reflect the currently active tool. For this, use {@link PaperScope#tool}
- * instead.
+ * The reference to the active tool.
- let tool: Tool
+ let tool: Tool | null
* The list of available tools.
- let tools: Tool[]
+ let tools: Tool[] | null
+ /**
+ * Compiles the PaperScript code into a compiled function and executes it.
+ * The compiled function receives all properties of this {@link PaperScope}
+ * as arguments, to emulate a global scope with unaffected performance. It
+ * also installs global view and tool handlers automatically on the
+ * respective objects.
+ *
+ * @option options.url {String} the url of the source, for source-map
+ * debugging
+ * @option options.source {String} the source to be used for the source-
+ * mapping, in case the code that's passed in has already been mingled.
+ *
+ * @param code - the PaperScript code
+ * @param options - the compilation options
+ */
+ function execute(code: string, options?: object): void
+ /**
+ * Injects the paper scope into any other given scope. Can be used for
+ * example to inject the currently active PaperScope into the window's
+ * global scope, to emulate PaperScript-style globally accessible Paper
+ * classes and objects.
+ *
+ * Please note: Using this method may override native constructors
+ * (e.g. Path). This may cause problems when using Paper.js in conjunction
+ * with other libraries that rely on these constructors. Keep the library
+ * scoped if you encounter issues caused by this.
+ */
+ function install(scope: any): void
+ /**
+ * Sets up an empty project for us. If a canvas is provided, it also creates
+ * a {@link View} for it, both linked to this scope.
+ *
+ * @param element - the HTML canvas element
+ * this scope should be associated with, or an ID string by which to find
+ * the element, or the size of the canvas to be created for usage in a web
+ * worker.
+ */
+ function setup(element: HTMLCanvasElement | string | Size): void
+ /**
+ * Activates this PaperScope, so all newly created items will be placed
+ * in its active project.
+ */
+ function activate(): void
@@ -65,7 +121,7 @@ declare module paper {
* The type of the color as a string.
- type: string
+ type: string | null
* The color components that define the color, including the alpha value
@@ -77,59 +133,59 @@ declare module paper {
* The color's alpha value as a number between `0` and `1`.
* All colors of the different subclasses support alpha values.
- alpha: number
+ alpha: number | null
* The amount of red in the color as a value between `0` and `1`.
- red: number
+ red: number | null
* The amount of green in the color as a value between `0` and `1`.
- green: number
+ green: number | null
* The amount of blue in the color as a value between `0` and `1`.
- blue: number
+ blue: number | null
* The amount of gray in the color as a value between `0` and `1`.
- gray: number
+ gray: number | null
* The hue of the color as a value in degrees between `0` and `360`.
- hue: number
+ hue: number | null
* The saturation of the color as a value between `0` and `1`.
- saturation: number
+ saturation: number | null
* The brightness of the color as a value between `0` and `1`.
- brightness: number
+ brightness: number | null
* The lightness of the color as a value between `0` and `1`.
* Note that all other components are shared with HSB.
- lightness: number
+ lightness: number | null
* The gradient object describing the type of gradient and the stops.
- gradient: Gradient
+ gradient: Gradient | null
* The highlight point of the gradient.
- highlight: Point
+ highlight: Point | null
@@ -390,7 +446,7 @@ declare module paper {
* @see Path#closed
- closed: boolean
+ closed: boolean | null
* The first Segment contained within the compound-path, a short-cut to
@@ -473,22 +529,22 @@ declare module paper {
* The first anchor point of the curve.
- point1: Point
+ point1: Point | null
* The second anchor point of the curve.
- point2: Point
+ point2: Point | null
* The handle point that describes the tangent in the first anchor point.
- handle1: Point
+ handle1: Point | null
* The handle point that describes the tangent in the second anchor point.
- handle2: Point
+ handle2: Point | null
* The first segment of the curve.
@@ -525,7 +581,7 @@ declare module paper {
* Specifies whether the points and handles of the curve are selected.
- selected: boolean
+ selected: boolean | null
* An array of 8 float values, describing this curve's geometry in four
@@ -558,17 +614,17 @@ declare module paper {
* The bounding rectangle of the curve excluding stroke width.
- bounds: Rectangle
+ bounds: Rectangle | null
* The bounding rectangle of the curve including stroke width.
- strokeBounds: Rectangle
+ strokeBounds: Rectangle | null
* The bounding rectangle of the curve including handles.
- handleBounds: Rectangle
+ handleBounds: Rectangle | null
@@ -1189,7 +1245,7 @@ declare module paper {
* @see Key.modifiers
- readonly modifiers: object
+ readonly modifiers: any
@@ -1222,12 +1278,12 @@ declare module paper {
* The gradient stops on the gradient ramp.
- stops: GradientStop[]
+ stops: GradientStop[] | null
* Specifies whether the gradient is radial or linear.
- radial: boolean
+ radial: boolean | null
@@ -1251,12 +1307,12 @@ declare module paper {
* The ramp-point of the gradient stop as a value between `0` and `1`.
- offset: number
+ offset: number | null
* The color of the gradient stop.
- color: Color
+ color: Color | null
@@ -1287,7 +1343,7 @@ declare module paper {
* `true`, the first child in the group is automatically defined as the
* clipping mask.
- clipped: boolean
+ clipped: boolean | null
@@ -1318,43 +1374,43 @@ declare module paper {
* Describes the type of the hit result. For example, if you hit a segment
* point, the type would be `'segment'`.
- type: string
+ type: string | null
* If the HitResult has a {@link HitResult#type} of `'bounds'`, this
* property describes which corner of the bounding rectangle was hit.
- name: string
+ name: string | null
* The item that was hit.
- item: Item
+ item: Item | null
* If the HitResult has a type of 'curve' or 'stroke', this property gives
* more information about the exact position that was hit on the path.
- location: CurveLocation
+ location: CurveLocation | null
* If the HitResult has a type of 'pixel', this property refers to the color
* of the pixel on the {@link Raster} that was hit.
- color: Color
+ color: Color | null
* If the HitResult has a type of 'stroke', 'segment', 'handle-in' or
* 'handle-out', this property refers to the segment that was hit or that
* is closest to the hitResult.location on the curve.
- segment: Segment
+ segment: Segment | null
* Describes the actual coordinates of the segment, handle or bounding box
* corner that was hit.
- point: Point
+ point: Point | null
@@ -1376,30 +1432,30 @@ declare module paper {
* The class name of the item as a string.
- className: string
+ className: string | null
* The name of the item. If the item has a name, it can be accessed by name
* through its parent's children list.
- name: string
+ name: string | null
* The path style of the item.
- style: Style
+ style: Style | null
* Specifies whether the item is locked. When set to `true`, item
* interactions with the mouse are disabled.
- locked: boolean
+ locked: boolean | null
* Specifies whether the item is visible. When set to `false`, the item
* won't be drawn.
- visible: boolean
+ visible: boolean | null
* The blend mode with which the item is composited onto the canvas. Both
@@ -1407,12 +1463,12 @@ declare module paper {
* are supported. If blend-modes cannot be rendered natively, they are
* emulated. Be aware that emulation can have an impact on performance.
- blendMode: string
+ blendMode: string | null
* The opacity of the item as a value between `0` and `1`.
- opacity: number
+ opacity: number | null
* Specifies whether the item is selected. This will also return `true` for
@@ -1429,27 +1485,27 @@ declare module paper {
* @see Curve#selected
* @see Point#selected
- selected: boolean
+ selected: boolean | null
* Specifies whether the item defines a clip mask. This can only be set on
* paths, compound paths, and text frame objects, and only if the item is
* already contained within a clipping group.
- clipMask: boolean
+ clipMask: boolean | null
* A plain javascript object which can be used to store
* arbitrary data on the item.
- data: object
+ data: any
* The item's position within the parent item's coordinate system. By
* default, this is the {@link Rectangle#center} of the item's
* {@link #bounds} rectangle.
- position: Point
+ position: Point | null
* The item's pivot point specified in the item coordinate system, defining
@@ -1458,22 +1514,22 @@ declare module paper {
* meaning the {@link Rectangle#center} of the item's {@link #bounds}
* rectangle is used as pivot.
- pivot: Point
+ pivot: Point | null
* The bounding rectangle of the item excluding stroke width.
- bounds: Rectangle
+ bounds: Rectangle | null
* The bounding rectangle of the item including stroke width.
- strokeBounds: Rectangle
+ strokeBounds: Rectangle | null
* The bounding rectangle of the item including handles.
- handleBounds: Rectangle
+ handleBounds: Rectangle | null
* The current rotation angle of the item, as described by its
@@ -1482,7 +1538,7 @@ declare module paper {
* {@link #applyMatrix} set to `false`, meaning they do not directly bake
* transformations into their content.
- rotation: number
+ rotation: number | null
* The current scale factor of the item, as described by its
@@ -1491,13 +1547,13 @@ declare module paper {
* {@link #applyMatrix} set to `false`, meaning they do not directly bake
* transformations into their content.
- scaling: Point
+ scaling: Point | null
* The item's transformation matrix, defining position and dimensions in
* relation to its parent item in which it is contained.
- matrix: Matrix
+ matrix: Matrix | null
* The item's global transformation matrix in relation to the global project
@@ -1521,7 +1577,7 @@ declare module paper {
* on to the segments in {@link Path} items, the children of {@link Group}
* items, etc.).
- applyMatrix: boolean
+ applyMatrix: boolean | null
* The project that this item belongs to.
@@ -1541,7 +1597,7 @@ declare module paper {
* The item that this item is contained within.
- parent: Item
+ parent: Item | null
* The children items contained within this item. Items that define a
@@ -1553,7 +1609,7 @@ declare module paper {
* {@link Item#removeChildren}. To add items to the children list, use
* {@link Item#addChild} or {@link Item#insertChild}.
- children: Item[]
+ children: Item[] | null
* The first item contained within this item. This is a shortcut for
@@ -1585,41 +1641,41 @@ declare module paper {
* The color of the stroke.
- strokeColor: Color
+ strokeColor: Color | null
* The width of the stroke.
- strokeWidth: number
+ strokeWidth: number | null
* The shape to be used at the beginning and end of open {@link Path} items,
* when they have a stroke.
- strokeCap: string
+ strokeCap: string | null
* The shape to be used at the segments and corners of {@link Path} items
* when they have a stroke.
- strokeJoin: string
+ strokeJoin: string | null
* The dash offset of the stroke.
- dashOffset: number
+ dashOffset: number | null
* Specifies whether the stroke is to be drawn taking the current affine
* transformation into account (the default behavior), or whether it should
* appear as a non-scaling stroke.
- strokeScaling: boolean
+ strokeScaling: boolean | null
* Specifies an array containing the dash and gap lengths of the stroke.
- dashArray: number[]
+ dashArray: number[] | null
* The miter limit of the stroke.
@@ -1629,39 +1685,39 @@ declare module paper {
* miterLimit imposes a limit on the ratio of the miter length to the
* {@link Item#strokeWidth}.
- miterLimit: number
+ miterLimit: number | null
* The fill color of the item.
- fillColor: Color
+ fillColor: Color | null
* The fill-rule with which the shape gets filled. Please note that only
* modern browsers support fill-rules other than `'nonzero'`.
- fillRule: string
+ fillRule: string | null
* The shadow color.
- shadowColor: Color
+ shadowColor: Color | null
* The shadow's blur radius.
- shadowBlur: number
+ shadowBlur: number | null
* The shadow's offset.
- shadowOffset: Point
+ shadowOffset: Point | null
* The color the item is highlighted with when selected. If the item does
* not specify its own color, the color defined by its layer is used instead.
- selectedColor: Color
+ selectedColor: Color | null
* Item level handler function to be called on each frame of an animation.
@@ -1677,7 +1733,7 @@ declare module paper {
* @option event.delta {Number} the time passed in seconds since the last
* frame event
- onFrame: Function
+ onFrame: Function | null
* The function to be called when the mouse button is pushed down on the
@@ -1689,7 +1745,7 @@ declare module paper {
* @see View#onMouseDown
- onMouseDown: Function
+ onMouseDown: Function | null
* The function to be called when the mouse position changes while the mouse
@@ -1701,7 +1757,7 @@ declare module paper {
* @see View#onMouseDrag
- onMouseDrag: Function
+ onMouseDrag: Function | null
* The function to be called when the mouse button is released over the item.
@@ -1713,7 +1769,7 @@ declare module paper {
* @see View#onMouseUp
- onMouseUp: Function
+ onMouseUp: Function | null
* The function to be called when the mouse clicks on the item. The function
@@ -1725,7 +1781,7 @@ declare module paper {
* @see View#onClick
- onClick: Function
+ onClick: Function | null
* The function to be called when the mouse double clicks on the item. The
@@ -1737,7 +1793,7 @@ declare module paper {
* @see View#onDoubleClick
- onDoubleClick: Function
+ onDoubleClick: Function | null
* The function to be called repeatedly while the mouse moves over the item.
@@ -1749,7 +1805,7 @@ declare module paper {
* @see View#onMouseMove
- onMouseMove: Function
+ onMouseMove: Function | null
* The function to be called when the mouse moves over the item. This
@@ -1762,7 +1818,7 @@ declare module paper {
* @see View#onMouseEnter
- onMouseEnter: Function
+ onMouseEnter: Function | null
* The function to be called when the mouse moves out of the item.
@@ -1774,7 +1830,7 @@ declare module paper {
* @see View#onMouseLeave
- onMouseLeave: Function
+ onMouseLeave: Function | null
@@ -2694,7 +2750,7 @@ declare module paper {
* @option modifiers.command {Boolean} {@true if the meta key is pressed
* on Mac, or the control key is pressed on Windows and Linux}.
- static modifiers: object
+ static modifiers: any
@@ -2721,20 +2777,20 @@ declare module paper {
* The type of mouse event.
- type: string
+ type: string | null
* The character representation of the key that caused this key event,
* taking into account the current key-modifiers (e.g. shift, control,
* caps-lock, etc.)
- character: string
+ character: string | null
* The key that caused this key event, either as a lower-case character or
* special key descriptor.
- key: string
+ key: string | null
@@ -2807,37 +2863,37 @@ declare module paper {
* The value that affects the transformation along the x axis when scaling
* or rotating, positioned at (0, 0) in the transformation matrix.
- a: number
+ a: number | null
* The value that affects the transformation along the y axis when rotating
* or skewing, positioned at (1, 0) in the transformation matrix.
- b: number
+ b: number | null
* The value that affects the transformation along the x axis when rotating
* or skewing, positioned at (0, 1) in the transformation matrix.
- c: number
+ c: number | null
* The value that affects the transformation along the y axis when scaling
* or rotating, positioned at (1, 1) in the transformation matrix.
- d: number
+ d: number | null
* The distance by which to translate along the x axis, positioned at (2, 0)
* in the transformation matrix.
- tx: number
+ tx: number | null
* The distance by which to translate along the y axis, positioned at (2, 1)
* in the transformation matrix.
- ty: number
+ ty: number | null
* The matrix values as an array, in the same sequence as they are passed
@@ -3184,20 +3240,20 @@ declare module paper {
* The type of mouse event.
- type: string
+ type: string | null
* The position of the mouse in project coordinates when the event was
* fired.
- point: Point
+ point: Point | null
* The item that dispatched the event. It is different from
* {@link #currentTarget} when the event handler is called during
* the bubbling phase of the event.
- target: Item
+ target: Item | null
* The current target for the event, as the event traverses the scene graph.
@@ -3205,10 +3261,10 @@ declare module paper {
* opposed to {@link #target} which identifies the element on
* which the event occurred.
- currentTarget: Item
+ currentTarget: Item | null
- delta: Point
+ delta: Point | null
@@ -3242,7 +3298,7 @@ declare module paper {
* The version of Paper.js, as a string.
- version: string
+ readonly version: string
* Gives access to paper's configurable settings.
@@ -3258,17 +3314,17 @@ declare module paper {
* @option [settings.hitTolerance=0] {Number} the default tolerance for hit-
* tests, when no value is specified
- settings: object
+ settings: any
* The currently active project.
- project: Project
+ project: Project | null
* The list of all open projects within the current Paper.js context.
- projects: Project[]
+ projects: Project[] | null
* The reference to the active project's view.
@@ -3278,13 +3334,47 @@ declare module paper {
* The reference to the active tool.
- tool: Tool
+ tool: Tool | null
* The list of available tools.
- tools: Tool[]
+ tools: Tool[] | null
+ Color: typeof Color
+ CompoundPath: typeof CompoundPath
+ Curve: typeof Curve
+ CurveLocation: typeof CurveLocation
+ Event: typeof Event
+ Gradient: typeof Gradient
+ GradientStop: typeof GradientStop
+ Group: typeof Group
+ HitResult: typeof HitResult
+ Item: typeof Item
+ Key: typeof Key
+ KeyEvent: typeof KeyEvent
+ Layer: typeof Layer
+ Matrix: typeof Matrix
+ MouseEvent: typeof MouseEvent
+ PaperScript: typeof PaperScript
+ Path: typeof Path
+ PathItem: typeof PathItem
+ Point: typeof Point
+ PointText: typeof PointText
+ Project: typeof Project
+ Raster: typeof Raster
+ Rectangle: typeof Rectangle
+ Segment: typeof Segment
+ Shape: typeof Shape
+ Size: typeof Size
+ Style: typeof Style
+ SymbolDefinition: typeof SymbolDefinition
+ SymbolItem: typeof SymbolItem
+ TextItem: typeof TextItem
+ Tool: typeof Tool
+ ToolEvent: typeof ToolEvent
+ Tween: typeof Tween
+ View: typeof View
* Creates a PaperScope object.
@@ -3411,7 +3501,7 @@ declare module paper {
* The segments contained within the path.
- segments: Segment[]
+ segments: Segment[] | null
* The first Segment contained within the path.
@@ -3442,7 +3532,7 @@ declare module paper {
* Specifies whether the path is closed. If it is closed, Paper.js connects
* the first and last segments.
- closed: boolean
+ closed: boolean | null
* The approximate length of the path.
@@ -3459,7 +3549,7 @@ declare module paper {
* Specifies whether the path and all its segments are selected. Cannot be
* `true` on an empty path.
- fullySelected: boolean
+ fullySelected: boolean | null
@@ -3502,12 +3592,14 @@ declare module paper {
* Adds one or more segments to the end of the {@link #segments} array of
* this path.
- * @param segment - the segment or point to be added.
+ * @param segment - the segment or point to be
+ * added.
- * @return the added segment. This is not necessarily the same
- * object, e.g. if the segment to be added already belongs to another path
+ * @return the added segment(s). This is not necessarily
+ * the same object, e.g. if the segment to be added already belongs to
+ * another path.
- add(segment: Segment | Point): Segment
+ add(...segment: (Segment | Point | Number[])[]): Segment | Segment[]
* Inserts one or more segments at a given index in the list of this path's
@@ -3937,12 +4029,12 @@ declare module paper {
* @see Path#area
* @see CompoundPath#area
- clockwise: boolean
+ clockwise: boolean | null
* The path's geometry, formatted as SVG style path data.
- pathData: string
+ pathData: string | null
@@ -4454,12 +4546,12 @@ declare module paper {
* The x coordinate of the point
- x: number
+ x: number | null
* The y coordinate of the point
- y: number
+ y: number | null
* The length of the vector that is represented by this point's coordinates.
@@ -4467,17 +4559,17 @@ declare module paper {
* = 0`, `y = 0`) to the point's location. Setting the length changes the
* location but keeps the vector's angle.
- length: number
+ length: number | null
* The vector's angle in degrees, measured from the x-axis to the vector.
- angle: number
+ angle: number | null
* The vector's angle in radians, measured from the x-axis to the vector.
- angleInRadians: number
+ angleInRadians: number | null
* The quadrant of the {@link #angle} of the point.
@@ -4502,7 +4594,7 @@ declare module paper {
* Paper.js renders selected points on top of your project. This is very
* useful when debugging.
- selected: boolean
+ selected: boolean | null
@@ -4891,7 +4983,7 @@ declare module paper {
* The PointText's anchor point
- point: Point
+ point: Point | null
@@ -4940,7 +5032,7 @@ declare module paper {
* The currently active path style. All selected items and newly
* created items will be styled with this style.
- currentStyle: Style
+ currentStyle: Style | null
* The index of the project in the {@link PaperScope#projects} list.
@@ -5266,17 +5358,17 @@ declare module paper {
* The size of the raster in pixels.
- size: Size
+ size: Size | null
* The width of the raster in pixels.
- width: number
+ width: number | null
* The height of the raster in pixels.
- height: number
+ height: number | null
* The loading state of the raster image.
@@ -5296,7 +5388,7 @@ declare module paper {
* the raster even if the image has already finished loading before, or if
* we are setting the raster to a canvas.
- image: HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement
+ image: HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement | null
* The Canvas object of the raster. If the raster was created from an image,
@@ -5304,12 +5396,12 @@ declare module paper {
* image into it. Depending on security policies, this might fail, in which
* case `null` is returned instead.
- canvas: HTMLCanvasElement
+ canvas: HTMLCanvasElement | null
* The Canvas 2D drawing context of the raster.
- context: CanvasRenderingContext2D
+ context: CanvasRenderingContext2D | null
* The source of the raster, which can be set using a DOM Image, a Canvas,
@@ -5320,7 +5412,7 @@ declare module paper {
* Note that for consistency, a {@link #onLoad} event will be triggered on
* the raster even if the image has already finished loading before.
- source: HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement | string
+ source: HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement | string | null
* The crossOrigin value to be used when loading the image resource, in
@@ -5328,13 +5420,13 @@ declare module paper {
* {@link #source} property in order to always work (e.g. when the image is
* cached in the browser).
- crossOrigin: string
+ crossOrigin: string | null
* Specifies if the raster should be smoothed when scaled up or if the
* pixels should be scaled up by repeating the nearest neighboring pixels.
- smoothing: boolean
+ smoothing: boolean | null
* The event handler function to be called when the underlying image has
@@ -5342,13 +5434,13 @@ declare module paper {
* the image is already loaded, or when a canvas is used instead of an
* image.
- onLoad: Function
+ onLoad: Function | null
* The event handler function to be called when there is an error loading
* the underlying image.
- onError: Function
+ onError: Function | null
@@ -5482,101 +5574,101 @@ declare module paper {
* The x position of the rectangle.
- x: number
+ x: number | null
* The y position of the rectangle.
- y: number
+ y: number | null
* The width of the rectangle.
- width: number
+ width: number | null
* The height of the rectangle.
- height: number
+ height: number | null
* The top-left point of the rectangle
- point: Point
+ point: Point | null
* The size of the rectangle
- size: Size
+ size: Size | null
* The position of the left hand side of the rectangle. Note that this
* doesn't move the whole rectangle; the right hand side stays where it was.
- left: number
+ left: number | null
* The top coordinate of the rectangle. Note that this doesn't move the
* whole rectangle: the bottom won't move.
- top: number
+ top: number | null
* The position of the right hand side of the rectangle. Note that this
* doesn't move the whole rectangle; the left hand side stays where it was.
- right: number
+ right: number | null
* The bottom coordinate of the rectangle. Note that this doesn't move the
* whole rectangle: the top won't move.
- bottom: number
+ bottom: number | null
* The center point of the rectangle.
- center: Point
+ center: Point | null
* The top-left point of the rectangle.
- topLeft: Point
+ topLeft: Point | null
* The top-right point of the rectangle.
- topRight: Point
+ topRight: Point | null
* The bottom-left point of the rectangle.
- bottomLeft: Point
+ bottomLeft: Point | null
* The bottom-right point of the rectangle.
- bottomRight: Point
+ bottomRight: Point | null
* The left-center point of the rectangle.
- leftCenter: Point
+ leftCenter: Point | null
* The top-center point of the rectangle.
- topCenter: Point
+ topCenter: Point | null
* The right-center point of the rectangle.
- rightCenter: Point
+ rightCenter: Point | null
* The bottom-center point of the rectangle.
- bottomCenter: Point
+ bottomCenter: Point | null
* The area of the rectangle.
@@ -5589,7 +5681,7 @@ declare module paper {
* Paper.js draws the bounds of items with selected bounds on top of
* your project. This is very useful when debugging.
- selected: boolean
+ selected: boolean | null
@@ -5792,24 +5884,24 @@ declare module paper {
* The anchor point of the segment.
- point: Point
+ point: Point | null
* The handle point relative to the anchor point of the segment that
* describes the in tangent of the segment.
- handleIn: Point
+ handleIn: Point | null
* The handle point relative to the anchor point of the segment that
* describes the out tangent of the segment.
- handleOut: Point
+ handleOut: Point | null
* Specifies whether the segment is selected.
- selected: boolean
+ selected: boolean | null
* The index of the segment in the {@link Path#segments} array that the
@@ -6008,18 +6100,18 @@ declare module paper {
* The type of shape of the item as a string.
- type: string
+ type: string | null
* The size of the shape.
- size: Size
+ size: Size | null
* The radius of the shape, as a number if it is a circle, or a size object
* for ellipses and rounded rectangles.
- radius: number | Size
+ radius: number | Size | null
@@ -6127,12 +6219,12 @@ declare module paper {
* The width of the size
- width: number
+ width: number | null
* The height of the size
- height: number
+ height: number | null
@@ -6377,41 +6469,41 @@ declare module paper {
* The color of the stroke.
- strokeColor: Color
+ strokeColor: Color | null
* The width of the stroke.
- strokeWidth: number
+ strokeWidth: number | null
* The shape to be used at the beginning and end of open {@link Path} items,
* when they have a stroke.
- strokeCap: string
+ strokeCap: string | null
* The shape to be used at the segments and corners of {@link Path} items
* when they have a stroke.
- strokeJoin: string
+ strokeJoin: string | null
* Specifies whether the stroke is to be drawn taking the current affine
* transformation into account (the default behavior), or whether it should
* appear as a non-scaling stroke.
- strokeScaling: boolean
+ strokeScaling: boolean | null
* The dash offset of the stroke.
- dashOffset: number
+ dashOffset: number | null
* Specifies an array containing the dash and gap lengths of the stroke.
- dashArray: number[]
+ dashArray: number[] | null
* The miter limit of the stroke. When two line segments meet at a sharp
@@ -6420,65 +6512,65 @@ declare module paper {
* the path. The miterLimit imposes a limit on the ratio of the miter length
* to the {@link #strokeWidth}.
- miterLimit: number
+ miterLimit: number | null
* The fill color.
- fillColor: Color
+ fillColor: Color | null
* The fill-rule with which the shape gets filled. Please note that only
* modern browsers support fill-rules other than `'nonzero'`.
- fillRule: string
+ fillRule: string | null
* The shadow color.
- shadowColor: Color
+ shadowColor: Color | null
* The shadow's blur radius.
- shadowBlur: number
+ shadowBlur: number | null
* The shadow's offset.
- shadowOffset: Point
+ shadowOffset: Point | null
* The color the item is highlighted with when selected. If the item does
* not specify its own color, the color defined by its layer is used instead.
- selectedColor: Color
+ selectedColor: Color | null
* The font-family to be used in text content.
- fontFamily: string
+ fontFamily: string | null
* The font-weight to be used in text content.
- fontWeight: string | number
+ fontWeight: string | number | null
* The font size of text content, as a number in pixels, or as a string with
* optional units `'px'`, `'pt'` and `'em'`.
- fontSize: number | string
+ fontSize: number | string | null
* The text leading of text content.
- leading: number | string
+ leading: number | string | null
* The justification of text paragraphs.
- justification: string
+ justification: string | null
@@ -6506,7 +6598,7 @@ declare module paper {
* The item used as the symbol's definition.
- item: Item
+ item: Item | null
@@ -6546,7 +6638,7 @@ declare module paper {
* The symbol definition that the placed symbol refers to.
- definition: SymbolDefinition
+ definition: SymbolDefinition | null
@@ -6571,33 +6663,33 @@ declare module paper {
* The text contents of the text item.
- content: string
+ content: string | null
* The font-family to be used in text content.
- fontFamily: string
+ fontFamily: string | null
* The font-weight to be used in text content.
- fontWeight: string | number
+ fontWeight: string | number | null
* The font size of text content, as a number in pixels, or as a string with
* optional units `'px'`, `'pt'` and `'em'`.
- fontSize: number | string
+ fontSize: number | string | null
* The text leading of text content.
- leading: number | string
+ leading: number | string | null
* The justification of text paragraphs.
- justification: string
+ justification: string | null
@@ -6618,44 +6710,44 @@ declare module paper {
* The minimum distance the mouse has to drag before firing the onMouseDrag
* event, since the last onMouseDrag event.
- minDistance: number
+ minDistance: number | null
* The maximum distance the mouse has to drag before firing the onMouseDrag
* event, since the last onMouseDrag event.
- maxDistance: number
+ maxDistance: number | null
- fixedDistance: number
+ fixedDistance: number | null
* The function to be called when the mouse button is pushed down. The
* function receives a {@link ToolEvent} object which contains information
* about the tool event.
- onMouseDown: Function
+ onMouseDown: Function | null
* The function to be called when the mouse position changes while the mouse
* is being dragged. The function receives a {@link ToolEvent} object which
* contains information about the tool event.
- onMouseDrag: Function
+ onMouseDrag: Function | null
* The function to be called the mouse moves within the project view. The
* function receives a {@link ToolEvent} object which contains information
* about the tool event.
- onMouseMove: Function
+ onMouseMove: Function | null
* The function to be called when the mouse button is released. The function
* receives a {@link ToolEvent} object which contains information about the
* tool event.
- onMouseUp: Function
+ onMouseUp: Function | null
* The function to be called when the user presses a key on the keyboard.
@@ -6666,7 +6758,7 @@ declare module paper {
* from bubbling up. This can be used for example to stop the window from
* scrolling, when you need the user to interact with arrow keys.
- onKeyDown: Function
+ onKeyDown: Function | null
* The function to be called when the user releases a key on the keyboard.
@@ -6677,7 +6769,7 @@ declare module paper {
* from bubbling up. This can be used for example to stop the window from
* scrolling, when you need the user to interact with arrow keys.
- onKeyUp: Function
+ onKeyUp: Function | null
@@ -6772,25 +6864,25 @@ declare module paper {
* The type of tool event.
- type: string
+ type: string | null
* The position of the mouse in project coordinates when the event was
* fired.
- point: Point
+ point: Point | null
* The position of the mouse in project coordinates when the previous
* event was fired.
- lastPoint: Point
+ lastPoint: Point | null
* The position of the mouse in project coordinates when the mouse button
* was last clicked.
- downPoint: Point
+ downPoint: Point | null
* The point in the middle between {@link #lastPoint} and
@@ -6798,19 +6890,19 @@ declare module paper {
* artwork based on the moving direction of the mouse, as returned by
* {@link #delta}.
- middlePoint: Point
+ middlePoint: Point | null
* The difference between the current position and the last position of the
* mouse when the event was fired. In case of the mouseup event, the
* difference to the mousedown position is returned.
- delta: Point
+ delta: Point | null
* The number of times the mouse event was fired.
- count: number
+ count: number | null
* The item at the position of the mouse (if any).
@@ -6819,7 +6911,7 @@ declare module paper {
* {@link CompoundPath} items, the most top level group or compound path
* that it is contained within is returned.
- item: Item
+ item: Item | null
@@ -6847,7 +6939,7 @@ declare module paper {
* object as its sole argument, containing the current progress of the
* tweening and the factor calculated by the easing function.
- onUpdate: Function
+ onUpdate: Function | null
@@ -6898,7 +6990,7 @@ declare module paper {
* Note that this is `true` by default, except for Node.js, where manual
* updates make more sense.
- autoUpdate: boolean
+ autoUpdate: boolean | null
* The underlying native element.
@@ -6924,7 +7016,7 @@ declare module paper {
* The size of the view. Changing the view's size will resize it's
* underlying element.
- viewSize: Size
+ viewSize: Size | null
* The bounds of the currently visible area in project coordinates.
@@ -6939,20 +7031,20 @@ declare module paper {
* The center of the visible area in project coordinates.
- center: Point
+ center: Point | null
* The view's zoom factor by which the project coordinates are magnified.
* @see #scaling
- zoom: number
+ zoom: number | null
* The current rotation angle of the view, as described by its
* {@link #matrix}.
- rotation: number
+ rotation: number | null
* The current scale factor of the view, as described by its
@@ -6960,13 +7052,13 @@ declare module paper {
* @see #zoom
- scaling: Point
+ scaling: Point | null
* The view's transformation matrix, defining the view onto the project's
* contents (position, zoom level, rotation, etc).
- matrix: Matrix
+ matrix: Matrix | null
* Handler function to be called on each frame of an animation.
@@ -6982,12 +7074,12 @@ declare module paper {
* @option event.delta {Number} the time passed in seconds since the last
* frame event
- onFrame: Function
+ onFrame: Function | null
* Handler function that is called whenever a view is resized.
- onResize: Function
+ onResize: Function | null
* The function to be called when the mouse button is pushed down on the
@@ -6999,7 +7091,7 @@ declare module paper {
* @see Item#onMouseDown
- onMouseDown: Function
+ onMouseDown: Function | null
* The function to be called when the mouse position changes while the mouse
@@ -7011,7 +7103,7 @@ declare module paper {
* @see Item#onMouseDrag
- onMouseDrag: Function
+ onMouseDrag: Function | null
* The function to be called when the mouse button is released over the item.
@@ -7020,7 +7112,7 @@ declare module paper {
* @see Item#onMouseUp
- onMouseUp: Function
+ onMouseUp: Function | null
* The function to be called when the mouse clicks on the view. The function
@@ -7032,7 +7124,7 @@ declare module paper {
* @see Item#onClick
- onClick: Function
+ onClick: Function | null
* The function to be called when the mouse double clicks on the view. The
@@ -7044,7 +7136,7 @@ declare module paper {
* @see Item#onDoubleClick
- onDoubleClick: Function
+ onDoubleClick: Function | null
* The function to be called repeatedly while the mouse moves over the
@@ -7056,7 +7148,7 @@ declare module paper {
* @see Item#onMouseMove
- onMouseMove: Function
+ onMouseMove: Function | null
* The function to be called when the mouse moves over the view. This
@@ -7069,7 +7161,7 @@ declare module paper {
* @see Item#onMouseEnter
- onMouseEnter: Function
+ onMouseEnter: Function | null
* The function to be called when the mouse moves out of the view.
@@ -7081,7 +7173,7 @@ declare module paper {
* @see View#onMouseLeave
- onMouseLeave: Function
+ onMouseLeave: Function | null
diff --git a/gulp/tasks/docs.js b/gulp/tasks/docs.js
index d893eae2..bbb30aed 100644
--- a/gulp/tasks/docs.js
+++ b/gulp/tasks/docs.js
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ gulp.task('docs:typescript:build', function() {
// ...then generate definition from parsed data...
.pipe(shell('node gulp/typescript/typescript-definition-generator.js'))
// ...finally test the definition by compiling a typescript file.
- .pipe(shell('node node_modules/typescript/bin/tsc gulp/typescript/typescript-definition-test.ts'));
+ .pipe(shell('node node_modules/typescript/bin/tsc --project gulp/typescript'));
// ...finally remove all unneeded temporary files that were used for building.
gulp.task('docs:typescript:clean:after', function() {
diff --git a/gulp/typescript/tsconfig.json b/gulp/typescript/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7fbc4091
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gulp/typescript/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ "compilerOptions": {
+ "target": "ES5",
+ "strictNullChecks": true
+ },
+ "files" : [
+ "typescript-definition-test.ts"
+ ]
diff --git a/gulp/typescript/typescript-definition-generator.js b/gulp/typescript/typescript-definition-generator.js
index eac10f7a..7a8df070 100644
--- a/gulp/typescript/typescript-definition-generator.js
+++ b/gulp/typescript/typescript-definition-generator.js
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ const mustache = require('mustache');
// Retrieve JSDoc data.
const data = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/typescript-definition-data.json', 'utf8'));
const classes = data.classes;
-let globals = data.global.properties;
// Format classes.
classes.forEach(cls => {
@@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ classes.forEach(cls => {
.map(it => ({
name: it._name,
- type: formatType(it.type),
+ type: formatType(it.type, { isProperty: true, isSettableProperty: !it.readOnly }),
static: formatStatic(it.isStatic),
readOnly: formatReadOnly(it.readOnly),
comment: formatComment(it.comment)
@@ -48,7 +47,7 @@ classes.forEach(cls => {
name: name,
// Constructors don't need return type.
type: !it.isConstructor
- ? formatType(getMethodReturnType(it), true)
+ ? formatType(getMethodReturnType(it), { isMethodReturnType: true })
: '',
static: formatStatic(it.isStatic),
// This flag is only used below to filter methods.
@@ -89,21 +88,25 @@ classes.forEach(cls => {
cls.hasStaticConstructors = cls.staticConstructors.length > 0;
-// Format global vriables.
-globals = globals
-// Filter global variables that make no sense in type definition.
- .filter(it => !/^on/.test(it._name) && it._name !== 'paper')
- .map(it => ({
- name: it._name,
- type: formatType(it.type),
- comment: formatComment(it.comment)
- }));
+// PaperScope class needs to be handled slightly differently because it "owns"
+// all the other classes as properties. Eg. we can do `new paperScope.Path()`.
+// So we add a `classesPointers` property that the template will use.
+const paperScopeClass = classes.find(_ => _.className === 'PaperScope');
+paperScopeClass.classesPointers = classes.filter(_ => _.className !== 'PaperScope').map(_ => ({ name: _.className }));
+// Since paper.js module is at the same time a PaperScope instance, we need to
+// duplicate PaperScope instance properties and methods in the module scope.
+// For that, we expose a special variable to the template.
+const paperInstance = { ...paperScopeClass };
+// We filter static properties and methods for module scope.
+paperInstance.properties = paperInstance.properties.filter(_ => !_.static);
+paperInstance.methods = paperInstance.methods.filter(_ => !_.static && _.name !== 'constructor');
// Format data trough a mustache template.
// Prepare data for the template.
const context = {
+ paperInstance: paperInstance,
classes: classes,
- globals: globals,
version: data.version,
date: data.date,
// {{#doc}} blocks are used in template to automatically generate a JSDoc
@@ -130,48 +133,69 @@ function formatStatic(isStatic) {
return isStatic ? 'static ' : null;
-function formatType(type, isMethodReturnType, staticConstructorClass) {
- return ': ' + parseType(type, isMethodReturnType, staticConstructorClass);
+function formatType(type, options) {
+ return ': ' + parseType(type, options);
-function parseType(type, isMethodReturnType, staticConstructorClass) {
+function parseType(type, options) {
// Always return a type even if input type is empty. In that case, return
// `void` for method return type and `any` for the rest.
if (!type) {
- return isMethodReturnType ? 'void' : 'any';
- }
- if (type === '*') {
- return 'any';
+ return options.isMethodReturnType ? 'void' : 'any';
// Prefer `any[]` over `Array` to be more consistent with other types.
if (type === 'Array') {
return 'any[]';
+ // Handle any type: `*` => `any`
+ type = type.replace('*', 'any');
+ // Check if type is a "rest" type (meaning that an infinite number of
+ // parameter of this type can be passed). In that case, we need to remove
+ // `...` prefix and add `[]` as a suffix:
+ // - `...Type` => `Type[]`
+ // - `...(TypeA|TypeB)` => `(TypeA|TypeB)[]`
+ const isRestType = type.startsWith('...');
+ if (isRestType) {
+ type = type.replace(/^\.\.\./, '');
+ }
// Handle multiple types possibility by splitting on `|` then re-joining
// back parsed types.
- return type.split('|').map(type => {
- // Handle rest parameter pattern: `...Type` => `Type[]`
- const matches = type.match(/^\.\.\.(.+)$/);
- if (matches) {
- return parseType(matches[1]) + '[]';
- }
+ type = type.split('|').map(splittedType => {
// Get type without array suffix `[]` for easier matching.
- const singleType = type.replace(/(\[\])+$/, '');
+ const singleType = splittedType.replace(/(\[\])+$/, '');
// Handle eventual type conflict in static constructors block. For
// example, in `Path.Rectangle(rectangle: Rectangle)` method,
// `rectangle` parameter type must be mapped to `paper.Rectangle` as it
// is declared inside a `Path` namespace and would otherwise be wrongly
// assumed as being the type of `Path.Rectangle` class.
- if (staticConstructorClass && staticConstructorClass.methods.find(it => it.isStatic && it.isConstructor && formatMethodName(it._name) === singleType)
+ if (options.staticConstructorClass && options.staticConstructorClass.methods.find(it => it.isStatic && it.isConstructor && formatMethodName(it._name) === singleType)
) {
- return 'paper.' + type;
+ return 'paper.' + splittedType;
// Convert primitive types to their lowercase equivalent to suit
// typescript best practices.
- return ['Number', 'String', 'Boolean', 'Object'].indexOf(singleType) >= 0
- ? type.toLowerCase()
- : type;
+ if (['Number', 'String', 'Boolean', 'Object'].indexOf(singleType) >= 0) {
+ splittedType = splittedType.toLowerCase();
+ }
+ // Properties `object` type need to be turned into `any` to avoid
+ // errors when reading object properties. Eg. if `property` is of type
+ // `object`, `property.key` access is forbidden.
+ if (options.isProperty && splittedType === 'object') {
+ return 'any';
+ }
+ return splittedType;
}).join(' | ');
+ if (isRestType) {
+ type += '[]';
+ }
+ // We declare settable properties as nullable to be compatible with
+ // TypeScript `strictNullChecks` option (#1664).
+ if (options.isSettableProperty && type !== 'any') {
+ type += ' | null';
+ }
+ return type;
function formatMethodName(methodName) {
@@ -195,7 +219,7 @@ function formatParameter(param, staticConstructorClass) {
if (param.isOptional) {
content += '?';
- content += formatType(param.type, false, staticConstructorClass);
+ content += formatType(param.type, { staticConstructorClass });
return content;
@@ -306,11 +330,9 @@ function sortMethods(methodA, methodB) {
if (methodB.params === 'object: object') {
return -1;
- }
- else if (aIsContructor) {
+ } else if (aIsContructor) {
return -1;
- }
- else if (bIsContructor) {
+ } else if (bIsContructor) {
return 1;
return 0;
diff --git a/gulp/typescript/typescript-definition-template.mustache b/gulp/typescript/typescript-definition-template.mustache
index 1065b606..3de46bcc 100644
--- a/gulp/typescript/typescript-definition-template.mustache
+++ b/gulp/typescript/typescript-definition-template.mustache
@@ -15,11 +15,19 @@
declare module paper {
- {{#globals}}
+ {{#paperInstance}}
+ {{#properties}}
let {{name}}{{type}}
- {{/globals}}
+ {{/properties}}
+ {{#methods}}
+ {{#doc}}4{{/doc}}
+ function {{name}}({{params}}){{type}}
+ {{/methods}}
+ {{/paperInstance}}
@@ -30,6 +38,9 @@ declare module paper {
+ {{#classesPointers}}
+ {{name}}: typeof {{name}}
+ {{/classesPointers}}
diff --git a/gulp/typescript/typescript-definition-test.ts b/gulp/typescript/typescript-definition-test.ts
index ee06d975..0d0cead4 100644
--- a/gulp/typescript/typescript-definition-test.ts
+++ b/gulp/typescript/typescript-definition-test.ts
@@ -13,17 +13,6 @@
import * as paper from 'paper';
-// Global
// Utility variables
@@ -368,6 +357,7 @@ item.strokeScaling;
+item.fillColor && item.fillColor.red;
@@ -538,6 +528,8 @@ raster.source;
+raster.onLoad = () => {};
+raster.onLoad = null;
@@ -662,6 +654,9 @@ path.length;
+path.add(segment, point, [0,0]);
path.insert(0, segment);
path.addSegments([ segment ]);
path.insertSegments(0, [ segment ]);
@@ -1048,6 +1043,7 @@ view.responds('');
@@ -1128,6 +1124,7 @@ keyEvent.toString();
new paper.PaperScope();
+paperScope.settings = null;
@@ -1141,6 +1138,60 @@ paperScope.setup({} as HTMLCanvasElement);
+new paperScope.Color('');
+new paperScope.CompoundPath('');
+new paperScope.Curve(segment, segment);
+new paperScope.CurveLocation(curve, 0);
+new paperScope.Event();
+new paperScope.Gradient();
+new paperScope.GradientStop();
+new paperScope.Group();
+new paperScope.HitResult();
+new paperScope.Item();
+new paperScope.Key();
+new paperScope.KeyEvent();
+new paperScope.Layer();
+new paperScope.Matrix();
+new paperScope.MouseEvent();
+new paperScope.PaperScript();
+new paperScope.Path();
+new paperScope.PathItem();
+new paperScope.Point(0, 0);
+new paperScope.PointText(point);
+new paperScope.Project(size);
+new paperScope.Raster();
+new paperScope.Rectangle(point, size);
+new paperScope.Segment();
+new paperScope.Shape();
+new paperScope.Size(0,0);
+new paperScope.Style(object);
+new paperScope.SymbolDefinition(item);
+new paperScope.SymbolItem(symbolDefinition);
+new paperScope.TextItem();
+new paperScope.Tool();
+new paperScope.ToolEvent();
+new paperScope.Tween(object, object, object, 0);
+new paperScope.View();
+// Global PaperScope instance
+paper.execute('', object);
+paper.setup({} as HTMLCanvasElement);
diff --git a/src/core/PaperScope.js b/src/core/PaperScope.js
index 1d066707..2d4f9670 100644
--- a/src/core/PaperScope.js
+++ b/src/core/PaperScope.js
@@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ var PaperScope = Base.extend(/** @lends PaperScope# */{
* The version of Paper.js, as a string.
* @type String
+ * @readonly
version: /*#=*/__options.version,
diff --git a/src/docs/global.js b/src/docs/global.js
index 6345b861..29de23d9 100644
--- a/src/docs/global.js
+++ b/src/docs/global.js
@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@
* @name view
* @type View
+ * @readonly
diff --git a/src/path/Path.js b/src/path/Path.js
index 5385e349..aa25ce07 100644
--- a/src/path/Path.js
+++ b/src/path/Path.js
@@ -483,9 +483,11 @@ var Path = PathItem.extend(/** @lends Path# */{
* Adds one or more segments to the end of the {@link #segments} array of
* this path.
- * @param {Segment|Point} segment the segment or point to be added.
- * @return {Segment} the added segment. This is not necessarily the same
- * object, e.g. if the segment to be added already belongs to another path
+ * @param {...(Segment|Point|Number[])} segment the segment or point to be
+ * added.
+ * @return {Segment|Segment[]} the added segment(s). This is not necessarily
+ * the same object, e.g. if the segment to be added already belongs to
+ * another path.
* @example {@paperscript}
* // Adding segments to a path using point objects: