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Rate-limit any operation, backed by Redis.
- Inspired by ratelimiter
- But uses a fixed-window algorithm
- Great performance (>10000 checks/sec on local redis)
- No race conditions
Very easy to plug into Express
or Restify
to rate limit your Node.js
Step 1: create a Redis connection
var redis = require('redis');
var client = redis.createClient(6379, 'localhost', {enable_offline_queue: false});
Step 2: create your rate limiter
var rateLimiter = require('redis-rate-limiter');
var limit = rateLimiter.create({
redis: client,
key: function(x) { return x.id },
rate: '100/minute'
And go
limit(request, function(err, rate) {
if (err) {
console.warn('Rate limiting not available');
} else {
console.log('Rate window: ' + rate.window); // 60
console.log('Rate limit: ' + rate.limit); // 100
console.log('Rate current: ' + rate.current); // 74
if (rate.over) {
console.error('Over the limit!');
A pre-created Redis client. Make sure offline queueing is disabled.
var client = redis.createClient(6379, 'localhost', {
enable_offline_queue: false
The key is how requests are grouped for rate-limiting. Typically, this would be a user ID, a type of operation... There are several helpers built-in:
// identify users by IP
key: 'ip'
// identify users by their IP network ( mask)
key: 'ip/32'
// identify users by the X-Forwarded-For header
// careful: this is just an HTTP header and can easily be spoofed
key: 'x-forwarded-for'
You can also specify any custom function:
// rate-limit each user separately
key: function(x) { return x.user.id; }
// rate limit per user and operation type
key: function(x) { return x.user.id + ':' + x.operation; }
// rate limit everyone in the same bucket
key: function(x) { return 'single-bucket'; }
This is the duration over which rate-limiting is applied, in seconds.
// rate limit per minute
window: 60
// rate limit per hour
window: 3600
Note that this is not a rolling window.
If you specify 10 requests / minute
, a user would be able
to execute 10 requests at 00:59
and another 10 at 01:01
Then they won't be able to make another request until 02:00
This is the total number of requests a unique key
can make during the window
limit: 100
Rate is a shorthand notation to combine limit
and window
rate: '10/second'
rate: '100/minute'
rate: '1000/hour'
Or the even shorter
rate: '10/s'
rate: '100/m'
rate: '100/h'
Note: the rate is parsed ahead of time, so this notation doesn't affect performance.
HTTP middleware
This package contains a pre-built middleware, which takes the same options
var rateLimiter = require('redis-rate-limiter');
var middleware = rateLimiter.middleware({
redis: client,
key: 'ip',
rate: '100/minute'
It rejects any rate-limited requests with a status code of HTTP 429
and an empty body.
Note: if you want to rate limit several routes individually, don't forget to use the route name as part of the key
, for example using Restify:
function ipAndRoute(req) {
return req.connection.remoteAddress + ':' + req.route.name;
{name: 'routeA', path: '/a'},
rateLimiter.middleware({redis: client, key: ipAndRoute, rate: '10/minute'}),
{name: 'routeB', path: '/b'},
rateLimiter.middleware({redis: client, key: ipAndRoute, rate: '20/minute'}),