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1149 lines
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1149 lines
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// Scintilla source code edit control
/** @file LexOthers.cxx
** Lexers for batch files, diff results, properties files, make files and error lists.
// Copyright 1998-2001 by Neil Hodgson <neilh@scintilla.org>
// The License.txt file describes the conditions under which this software may be distributed.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "ILexer.h"
#include "Scintilla.h"
#include "SciLexer.h"
#include "WordList.h"
#include "LexAccessor.h"
#include "Accessor.h"
#include "StyleContext.h"
#include "CharacterSet.h"
#include "LexerModule.h"
using namespace Scintilla;
static bool strstart(const char *haystack, const char *needle) {
return strncmp(haystack, needle, strlen(needle)) == 0;
static bool Is0To9(char ch) {
return (ch >= '0') && (ch <= '9');
static bool Is1To9(char ch) {
return (ch >= '1') && (ch <= '9');
static bool IsAlphabetic(int ch) {
return IsASCII(ch) && isalpha(ch);
static inline bool AtEOL(Accessor &styler, unsigned int i) {
return (styler[i] == '\n') ||
((styler[i] == '\r') && (styler.SafeGetCharAt(i + 1) != '\n'));
// Tests for BATCH Operators
static bool IsBOperator(char ch) {
return (ch == '=') || (ch == '+') || (ch == '>') || (ch == '<') ||
(ch == '|') || (ch == '?') || (ch == '*');
// Tests for BATCH Separators
static bool IsBSeparator(char ch) {
return (ch == '\\') || (ch == '.') || (ch == ';') ||
(ch == '\"') || (ch == '\'') || (ch == '/');
static void ColouriseBatchLine(
char *lineBuffer,
unsigned int lengthLine,
unsigned int startLine,
unsigned int endPos,
WordList *keywordlists[],
Accessor &styler) {
unsigned int offset = 0; // Line Buffer Offset
unsigned int cmdLoc; // External Command / Program Location
char wordBuffer[81]; // Word Buffer - large to catch long paths
unsigned int wbl; // Word Buffer Length
unsigned int wbo; // Word Buffer Offset - also Special Keyword Buffer Length
WordList &keywords = *keywordlists[0]; // Internal Commands
WordList &keywords2 = *keywordlists[1]; // External Commands (optional)
// CHOICE, ECHO, GOTO, PROMPT and SET have Default Text that may contain Regular Keywords
// Toggling Regular Keyword Checking off improves readability
// Other Regular Keywords and External Commands / Programs might also benefit from toggling
// Need a more robust algorithm to properly toggle Regular Keyword Checking
bool continueProcessing = true; // Used to toggle Regular Keyword Checking
// Special Keywords are those that allow certain characters without whitespace after the command
// Examples are: cd. cd\ md. rd. dir| dir> echo: echo. path=
// Special Keyword Buffer used to determine if the first n characters is a Keyword
char sKeywordBuffer[10]; // Special Keyword Buffer
bool sKeywordFound; // Exit Special Keyword for-loop if found
// Skip initial spaces
while ((offset < lengthLine) && (isspacechar(lineBuffer[offset]))) {
// Colorize Default Text
styler.ColourTo(startLine + offset - 1, SCE_BAT_DEFAULT);
// Set External Command / Program Location
cmdLoc = offset;
// Check for Fake Label (Comment) or Real Label - return if found
if (lineBuffer[offset] == ':') {
if (lineBuffer[offset + 1] == ':') {
// Colorize Fake Label (Comment) - :: is similar to REM, see http://content.techweb.com/winmag/columns/explorer/2000/21.htm
styler.ColourTo(endPos, SCE_BAT_COMMENT);
} else {
// Colorize Real Label
styler.ColourTo(endPos, SCE_BAT_LABEL);
// Check for Drive Change (Drive Change is internal command) - return if found
} else if ((IsAlphabetic(lineBuffer[offset])) &&
(lineBuffer[offset + 1] == ':') &&
((isspacechar(lineBuffer[offset + 2])) ||
(((lineBuffer[offset + 2] == '\\')) &&
(isspacechar(lineBuffer[offset + 3]))))) {
// Colorize Regular Keyword
styler.ColourTo(endPos, SCE_BAT_WORD);
// Check for Hide Command (@ECHO OFF/ON)
if (lineBuffer[offset] == '@') {
styler.ColourTo(startLine + offset, SCE_BAT_HIDE);
// Skip next spaces
while ((offset < lengthLine) && (isspacechar(lineBuffer[offset]))) {
// Read remainder of line word-at-a-time or remainder-of-word-at-a-time
while (offset < lengthLine) {
if (offset > startLine) {
// Colorize Default Text
styler.ColourTo(startLine + offset - 1, SCE_BAT_DEFAULT);
// Copy word from Line Buffer into Word Buffer
wbl = 0;
for (; offset < lengthLine && wbl < 80 &&
!isspacechar(lineBuffer[offset]); wbl++, offset++) {
wordBuffer[wbl] = static_cast<char>(tolower(lineBuffer[offset]));
wordBuffer[wbl] = '\0';
wbo = 0;
// Check for Comment - return if found
if (CompareCaseInsensitive(wordBuffer, "rem") == 0) {
styler.ColourTo(endPos, SCE_BAT_COMMENT);
// Check for Separator
if (IsBSeparator(wordBuffer[0])) {
// Check for External Command / Program
if ((cmdLoc == offset - wbl) &&
((wordBuffer[0] == ':') ||
(wordBuffer[0] == '\\') ||
(wordBuffer[0] == '.'))) {
// Reset Offset to re-process remainder of word
offset -= (wbl - 1);
// Colorize External Command / Program
if (!keywords2) {
styler.ColourTo(startLine + offset - 1, SCE_BAT_COMMAND);
} else if (keywords2.InList(wordBuffer)) {
styler.ColourTo(startLine + offset - 1, SCE_BAT_COMMAND);
} else {
styler.ColourTo(startLine + offset - 1, SCE_BAT_DEFAULT);
// Reset External Command / Program Location
cmdLoc = offset;
} else {
// Reset Offset to re-process remainder of word
offset -= (wbl - 1);
// Colorize Default Text
styler.ColourTo(startLine + offset - 1, SCE_BAT_DEFAULT);
// Check for Regular Keyword in list
} else if ((keywords.InList(wordBuffer)) &&
(continueProcessing)) {
// ECHO, GOTO, PROMPT and SET require no further Regular Keyword Checking
if ((CompareCaseInsensitive(wordBuffer, "echo") == 0) ||
(CompareCaseInsensitive(wordBuffer, "goto") == 0) ||
(CompareCaseInsensitive(wordBuffer, "prompt") == 0) ||
(CompareCaseInsensitive(wordBuffer, "set") == 0)) {
continueProcessing = false;
// Identify External Command / Program Location for ERRORLEVEL, and EXIST
if ((CompareCaseInsensitive(wordBuffer, "errorlevel") == 0) ||
(CompareCaseInsensitive(wordBuffer, "exist") == 0)) {
// Reset External Command / Program Location
cmdLoc = offset;
// Skip next spaces
while ((cmdLoc < lengthLine) &&
(isspacechar(lineBuffer[cmdLoc]))) {
// Skip comparison
while ((cmdLoc < lengthLine) &&
(!isspacechar(lineBuffer[cmdLoc]))) {
// Skip next spaces
while ((cmdLoc < lengthLine) &&
(isspacechar(lineBuffer[cmdLoc]))) {
// Identify External Command / Program Location for CALL, DO, LOADHIGH and LH
} else if ((CompareCaseInsensitive(wordBuffer, "call") == 0) ||
(CompareCaseInsensitive(wordBuffer, "do") == 0) ||
(CompareCaseInsensitive(wordBuffer, "loadhigh") == 0) ||
(CompareCaseInsensitive(wordBuffer, "lh") == 0)) {
// Reset External Command / Program Location
cmdLoc = offset;
// Skip next spaces
while ((cmdLoc < lengthLine) &&
(isspacechar(lineBuffer[cmdLoc]))) {
// Colorize Regular keyword
styler.ColourTo(startLine + offset - 1, SCE_BAT_WORD);
// No need to Reset Offset
// Check for Special Keyword in list, External Command / Program, or Default Text
} else if ((wordBuffer[0] != '%') &&
(wordBuffer[0] != '!') &&
(!IsBOperator(wordBuffer[0])) &&
(continueProcessing)) {
// Check for Special Keyword
// Affected Commands are in Length range 2-6
// Good that ERRORLEVEL, EXIST, CALL, DO, LOADHIGH, and LH are unaffected
sKeywordFound = false;
for (unsigned int keywordLength = 2; keywordLength < wbl && keywordLength < 7 && !sKeywordFound; keywordLength++) {
wbo = 0;
// Copy Keyword Length from Word Buffer into Special Keyword Buffer
for (; wbo < keywordLength; wbo++) {
sKeywordBuffer[wbo] = static_cast<char>(wordBuffer[wbo]);
sKeywordBuffer[wbo] = '\0';
// Check for Special Keyword in list
if ((keywords.InList(sKeywordBuffer)) &&
((IsBOperator(wordBuffer[wbo])) ||
(IsBSeparator(wordBuffer[wbo])))) {
sKeywordFound = true;
// ECHO requires no further Regular Keyword Checking
if (CompareCaseInsensitive(sKeywordBuffer, "echo") == 0) {
continueProcessing = false;
// Colorize Special Keyword as Regular Keyword
styler.ColourTo(startLine + offset - 1 - (wbl - wbo), SCE_BAT_WORD);
// Reset Offset to re-process remainder of word
offset -= (wbl - wbo);
// Check for External Command / Program or Default Text
if (!sKeywordFound) {
wbo = 0;
// Check for External Command / Program
if (cmdLoc == offset - wbl) {
// Read up to %, Operator or Separator
while ((wbo < wbl) &&
(wordBuffer[wbo] != '%') &&
(wordBuffer[wbo] != '!') &&
(!IsBOperator(wordBuffer[wbo])) &&
(!IsBSeparator(wordBuffer[wbo]))) {
// Reset External Command / Program Location
cmdLoc = offset - (wbl - wbo);
// Reset Offset to re-process remainder of word
offset -= (wbl - wbo);
// CHOICE requires no further Regular Keyword Checking
if (CompareCaseInsensitive(wordBuffer, "choice") == 0) {
continueProcessing = false;
// Check for START (and its switches) - What follows is External Command \ Program
if (CompareCaseInsensitive(wordBuffer, "start") == 0) {
// Reset External Command / Program Location
cmdLoc = offset;
// Skip next spaces
while ((cmdLoc < lengthLine) &&
(isspacechar(lineBuffer[cmdLoc]))) {
// Reset External Command / Program Location if command switch detected
if (lineBuffer[cmdLoc] == '/') {
// Skip command switch
while ((cmdLoc < lengthLine) &&
(!isspacechar(lineBuffer[cmdLoc]))) {
// Skip next spaces
while ((cmdLoc < lengthLine) &&
(isspacechar(lineBuffer[cmdLoc]))) {
// Colorize External Command / Program
if (!keywords2) {
styler.ColourTo(startLine + offset - 1, SCE_BAT_COMMAND);
} else if (keywords2.InList(wordBuffer)) {
styler.ColourTo(startLine + offset - 1, SCE_BAT_COMMAND);
} else {
styler.ColourTo(startLine + offset - 1, SCE_BAT_DEFAULT);
// No need to Reset Offset
// Check for Default Text
} else {
// Read up to %, Operator or Separator
while ((wbo < wbl) &&
(wordBuffer[wbo] != '%') &&
(wordBuffer[wbo] != '!') &&
(!IsBOperator(wordBuffer[wbo])) &&
(!IsBSeparator(wordBuffer[wbo]))) {
// Colorize Default Text
styler.ColourTo(startLine + offset - 1 - (wbl - wbo), SCE_BAT_DEFAULT);
// Reset Offset to re-process remainder of word
offset -= (wbl - wbo);
// Check for Argument (%n), Environment Variable (%x...%) or Local Variable (%%a)
} else if (wordBuffer[0] == '%') {
// Colorize Default Text
styler.ColourTo(startLine + offset - 1 - wbl, SCE_BAT_DEFAULT);
// Search to end of word for second % (can be a long path)
while ((wbo < wbl) &&
(wordBuffer[wbo] != '%') &&
(!IsBOperator(wordBuffer[wbo])) &&
(!IsBSeparator(wordBuffer[wbo]))) {
// Check for Argument (%n) or (%*)
if (((Is0To9(wordBuffer[1])) || (wordBuffer[1] == '*')) &&
(wordBuffer[wbo] != '%')) {
// Check for External Command / Program
if (cmdLoc == offset - wbl) {
cmdLoc = offset - (wbl - 2);
// Colorize Argument
styler.ColourTo(startLine + offset - 1 - (wbl - 2), SCE_BAT_IDENTIFIER);
// Reset Offset to re-process remainder of word
offset -= (wbl - 2);
// Check for Expanded Argument (%~...) / Variable (%%~...)
} else if (((wbl > 1) && (wordBuffer[1] == '~')) ||
((wbl > 2) && (wordBuffer[1] == '%') && (wordBuffer[2] == '~'))) {
// Check for External Command / Program
if (cmdLoc == offset - wbl) {
cmdLoc = offset - (wbl - wbo);
// Colorize Expanded Argument / Variable
styler.ColourTo(startLine + offset - 1 - (wbl - wbo), SCE_BAT_IDENTIFIER);
// Reset Offset to re-process remainder of word
offset -= (wbl - wbo);
// Check for Environment Variable (%x...%)
} else if ((wordBuffer[1] != '%') &&
(wordBuffer[wbo] == '%')) {
// Check for External Command / Program
if (cmdLoc == offset - wbl) {
cmdLoc = offset - (wbl - wbo);
// Colorize Environment Variable
styler.ColourTo(startLine + offset - 1 - (wbl - wbo), SCE_BAT_IDENTIFIER);
// Reset Offset to re-process remainder of word
offset -= (wbl - wbo);
// Check for Local Variable (%%a)
} else if (
(wbl > 2) &&
(wordBuffer[1] == '%') &&
(wordBuffer[2] != '%') &&
(!IsBOperator(wordBuffer[2])) &&
(!IsBSeparator(wordBuffer[2]))) {
// Check for External Command / Program
if (cmdLoc == offset - wbl) {
cmdLoc = offset - (wbl - 3);
// Colorize Local Variable
styler.ColourTo(startLine + offset - 1 - (wbl - 3), SCE_BAT_IDENTIFIER);
// Reset Offset to re-process remainder of word
offset -= (wbl - 3);
// Check for Environment Variable (!x...!)
} else if (wordBuffer[0] == '!') {
// Colorize Default Text
styler.ColourTo(startLine + offset - 1 - wbl, SCE_BAT_DEFAULT);
// Search to end of word for second ! (can be a long path)
while ((wbo < wbl) &&
(wordBuffer[wbo] != '!') &&
(!IsBOperator(wordBuffer[wbo])) &&
(!IsBSeparator(wordBuffer[wbo]))) {
if (wordBuffer[wbo] == '!') {
// Check for External Command / Program
if (cmdLoc == offset - wbl) {
cmdLoc = offset - (wbl - wbo);
// Colorize Environment Variable
styler.ColourTo(startLine + offset - 1 - (wbl - wbo), SCE_BAT_IDENTIFIER);
// Reset Offset to re-process remainder of word
offset -= (wbl - wbo);
// Check for Operator
} else if (IsBOperator(wordBuffer[0])) {
// Colorize Default Text
styler.ColourTo(startLine + offset - 1 - wbl, SCE_BAT_DEFAULT);
// Check for Comparison Operator
if ((wordBuffer[0] == '=') && (wordBuffer[1] == '=')) {
// Identify External Command / Program Location for IF
cmdLoc = offset;
// Skip next spaces
while ((cmdLoc < lengthLine) &&
(isspacechar(lineBuffer[cmdLoc]))) {
// Colorize Comparison Operator
styler.ColourTo(startLine + offset - 1 - (wbl - 2), SCE_BAT_OPERATOR);
// Reset Offset to re-process remainder of word
offset -= (wbl - 2);
// Check for Pipe Operator
} else if (wordBuffer[0] == '|') {
// Reset External Command / Program Location
cmdLoc = offset - wbl + 1;
// Skip next spaces
while ((cmdLoc < lengthLine) &&
(isspacechar(lineBuffer[cmdLoc]))) {
// Colorize Pipe Operator
styler.ColourTo(startLine + offset - 1 - (wbl - 1), SCE_BAT_OPERATOR);
// Reset Offset to re-process remainder of word
offset -= (wbl - 1);
// Check for Other Operator
} else {
// Check for > Operator
if (wordBuffer[0] == '>') {
// Turn Keyword and External Command / Program checking back on
continueProcessing = true;
// Colorize Other Operator
styler.ColourTo(startLine + offset - 1 - (wbl - 1), SCE_BAT_OPERATOR);
// Reset Offset to re-process remainder of word
offset -= (wbl - 1);
// Check for Default Text
} else {
// Read up to %, Operator or Separator
while ((wbo < wbl) &&
(wordBuffer[wbo] != '%') &&
(wordBuffer[wbo] != '!') &&
(!IsBOperator(wordBuffer[wbo])) &&
(!IsBSeparator(wordBuffer[wbo]))) {
// Colorize Default Text
styler.ColourTo(startLine + offset - 1 - (wbl - wbo), SCE_BAT_DEFAULT);
// Reset Offset to re-process remainder of word
offset -= (wbl - wbo);
// Skip next spaces - nothing happens if Offset was Reset
while ((offset < lengthLine) && (isspacechar(lineBuffer[offset]))) {
// Colorize Default Text for remainder of line - currently not lexed
styler.ColourTo(endPos, SCE_BAT_DEFAULT);
static void ColouriseBatchDoc(
unsigned int startPos,
int length,
int /*initStyle*/,
WordList *keywordlists[],
Accessor &styler) {
char lineBuffer[1024];
unsigned int linePos = 0;
unsigned int startLine = startPos;
for (unsigned int i = startPos; i < startPos + length; i++) {
lineBuffer[linePos++] = styler[i];
if (AtEOL(styler, i) || (linePos >= sizeof(lineBuffer) - 1)) {
// End of line (or of line buffer) met, colourise it
lineBuffer[linePos] = '\0';
ColouriseBatchLine(lineBuffer, linePos, startLine, i, keywordlists, styler);
linePos = 0;
startLine = i + 1;
if (linePos > 0) { // Last line does not have ending characters
lineBuffer[linePos] = '\0';
ColouriseBatchLine(lineBuffer, linePos, startLine, startPos + length - 1,
keywordlists, styler);
// Note that ColouriseDiffLine analyzes only the first DIFF_BUFFER_START_SIZE
// characters of each line to classify the line.
static void ColouriseDiffLine(char *lineBuffer, int endLine, Accessor &styler) {
// It is needed to remember the current state to recognize starting
// comment lines before the first "diff " or "--- ". If a real
// difference starts then each line starting with ' ' is a whitespace
// otherwise it is considered a comment (Only in..., Binary file...)
if (0 == strncmp(lineBuffer, "diff ", 5)) {
styler.ColourTo(endLine, SCE_DIFF_COMMAND);
} else if (0 == strncmp(lineBuffer, "Index: ", 7)) { // For subversion's diff
styler.ColourTo(endLine, SCE_DIFF_COMMAND);
} else if (0 == strncmp(lineBuffer, "---", 3) && lineBuffer[3] != '-') {
// In a context diff, --- appears in both the header and the position markers
if (lineBuffer[3] == ' ' && atoi(lineBuffer + 4) && !strchr(lineBuffer, '/'))
styler.ColourTo(endLine, SCE_DIFF_POSITION);
else if (lineBuffer[3] == '\r' || lineBuffer[3] == '\n')
styler.ColourTo(endLine, SCE_DIFF_POSITION);
styler.ColourTo(endLine, SCE_DIFF_HEADER);
} else if (0 == strncmp(lineBuffer, "+++ ", 4)) {
// I don't know of any diff where "+++ " is a position marker, but for
// consistency, do the same as with "--- " and "*** ".
if (atoi(lineBuffer+4) && !strchr(lineBuffer, '/'))
styler.ColourTo(endLine, SCE_DIFF_POSITION);
styler.ColourTo(endLine, SCE_DIFF_HEADER);
} else if (0 == strncmp(lineBuffer, "====", 4)) { // For p4's diff
styler.ColourTo(endLine, SCE_DIFF_HEADER);
} else if (0 == strncmp(lineBuffer, "***", 3)) {
// In a context diff, *** appears in both the header and the position markers.
// Also ******** is a chunk header, but here it's treated as part of the
// position marker since there is no separate style for a chunk header.
if (lineBuffer[3] == ' ' && atoi(lineBuffer+4) && !strchr(lineBuffer, '/'))
styler.ColourTo(endLine, SCE_DIFF_POSITION);
else if (lineBuffer[3] == '*')
styler.ColourTo(endLine, SCE_DIFF_POSITION);
styler.ColourTo(endLine, SCE_DIFF_HEADER);
} else if (0 == strncmp(lineBuffer, "? ", 2)) { // For difflib
styler.ColourTo(endLine, SCE_DIFF_HEADER);
} else if (lineBuffer[0] == '@') {
styler.ColourTo(endLine, SCE_DIFF_POSITION);
} else if (lineBuffer[0] >= '0' && lineBuffer[0] <= '9') {
styler.ColourTo(endLine, SCE_DIFF_POSITION);
} else if (lineBuffer[0] == '-' || lineBuffer[0] == '<') {
styler.ColourTo(endLine, SCE_DIFF_DELETED);
} else if (lineBuffer[0] == '+' || lineBuffer[0] == '>') {
styler.ColourTo(endLine, SCE_DIFF_ADDED);
} else if (lineBuffer[0] == '!') {
styler.ColourTo(endLine, SCE_DIFF_CHANGED);
} else if (lineBuffer[0] != ' ') {
styler.ColourTo(endLine, SCE_DIFF_COMMENT);
} else {
styler.ColourTo(endLine, SCE_DIFF_DEFAULT);
static void ColouriseDiffDoc(unsigned int startPos, int length, int, WordList *[], Accessor &styler) {
char lineBuffer[DIFF_BUFFER_START_SIZE] = "";
unsigned int linePos = 0;
for (unsigned int i = startPos; i < startPos + length; i++) {
if (AtEOL(styler, i)) {
lineBuffer[linePos] = 0;
ColouriseDiffLine(lineBuffer, i, styler);
linePos = 0;
} else if (linePos < DIFF_BUFFER_START_SIZE - 1) {
lineBuffer[linePos++] = styler[i];
} else if (linePos == DIFF_BUFFER_START_SIZE - 1) {
lineBuffer[linePos++] = 0;
if (linePos > 0) { // Last line does not have ending characters
lineBuffer[linePos] = 0;
ColouriseDiffLine(lineBuffer, startPos + length - 1, styler);
static void FoldDiffDoc(unsigned int startPos, int length, int, WordList *[], Accessor &styler) {
int curLine = styler.GetLine(startPos);
int curLineStart = styler.LineStart(curLine);
int prevLevel = curLine > 0 ? styler.LevelAt(curLine - 1) : SC_FOLDLEVELBASE;
int nextLevel;
do {
int lineType = styler.StyleAt(curLineStart);
if (lineType == SCE_DIFF_COMMAND)
else if (lineType == SCE_DIFF_HEADER)
else if (lineType == SCE_DIFF_POSITION && styler[curLineStart] != '-')
else if (prevLevel & SC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG)
nextLevel = (prevLevel & SC_FOLDLEVELNUMBERMASK) + 1;
nextLevel = prevLevel;
if ((nextLevel & SC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG) && (nextLevel == prevLevel))
styler.SetLevel(curLine-1, prevLevel & ~SC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG);
styler.SetLevel(curLine, nextLevel);
prevLevel = nextLevel;
curLineStart = styler.LineStart(++curLine);
} while (static_cast<int>(startPos) + length > curLineStart);
static inline bool isassignchar(unsigned char ch) {
return (ch == '=') || (ch == ':');
static void ColourisePropsLine(
char *lineBuffer,
unsigned int lengthLine,
unsigned int startLine,
unsigned int endPos,
Accessor &styler,
bool allowInitialSpaces) {
unsigned int i = 0;
if (allowInitialSpaces) {
while ((i < lengthLine) && isspacechar(lineBuffer[i])) // Skip initial spaces
} else {
if (isspacechar(lineBuffer[i])) // don't allow initial spaces
i = lengthLine;
if (i < lengthLine) {
if (lineBuffer[i] == '#' || lineBuffer[i] == '!' || lineBuffer[i] == ';') {
styler.ColourTo(endPos, SCE_PROPS_COMMENT);
} else if (lineBuffer[i] == '[') {
styler.ColourTo(endPos, SCE_PROPS_SECTION);
} else if (lineBuffer[i] == '@') {
styler.ColourTo(startLine + i, SCE_PROPS_DEFVAL);
if (isassignchar(lineBuffer[i++]))
styler.ColourTo(startLine + i, SCE_PROPS_ASSIGNMENT);
styler.ColourTo(endPos, SCE_PROPS_DEFAULT);
} else {
// Search for the '=' character
while ((i < lengthLine) && !isassignchar(lineBuffer[i]))
if ((i < lengthLine) && isassignchar(lineBuffer[i])) {
styler.ColourTo(startLine + i - 1, SCE_PROPS_KEY);
styler.ColourTo(startLine + i, SCE_PROPS_ASSIGNMENT);
styler.ColourTo(endPos, SCE_PROPS_DEFAULT);
} else {
styler.ColourTo(endPos, SCE_PROPS_DEFAULT);
} else {
styler.ColourTo(endPos, SCE_PROPS_DEFAULT);
static void ColourisePropsDoc(unsigned int startPos, int length, int, WordList *[], Accessor &styler) {
char lineBuffer[1024];
unsigned int linePos = 0;
unsigned int startLine = startPos;
// property lexer.props.allow.initial.spaces
// For properties files, set to 0 to style all lines that start with whitespace in the default style.
// This is not suitable for SciTE .properties files which use indentation for flow control but
// can be used for RFC2822 text where indentation is used for continuation lines.
bool allowInitialSpaces = styler.GetPropertyInt("lexer.props.allow.initial.spaces", 1) != 0;
for (unsigned int i = startPos; i < startPos + length; i++) {
lineBuffer[linePos++] = styler[i];
if (AtEOL(styler, i) || (linePos >= sizeof(lineBuffer) - 1)) {
// End of line (or of line buffer) met, colourise it
lineBuffer[linePos] = '\0';
ColourisePropsLine(lineBuffer, linePos, startLine, i, styler, allowInitialSpaces);
linePos = 0;
startLine = i + 1;
if (linePos > 0) { // Last line does not have ending characters
ColourisePropsLine(lineBuffer, linePos, startLine, startPos + length - 1, styler, allowInitialSpaces);
// adaption by ksc, using the "} else {" trick of 1.53
// 030721
static void FoldPropsDoc(unsigned int startPos, int length, int, WordList *[], Accessor &styler) {
bool foldCompact = styler.GetPropertyInt("fold.compact", 1) != 0;
unsigned int endPos = startPos + length;
int visibleChars = 0;
int lineCurrent = styler.GetLine(startPos);
char chNext = styler[startPos];
int styleNext = styler.StyleAt(startPos);
bool headerPoint = false;
int lev;
for (unsigned int i = startPos; i < endPos; i++) {
char ch = chNext;
chNext = styler[i+1];
int style = styleNext;
styleNext = styler.StyleAt(i + 1);
bool atEOL = (ch == '\r' && chNext != '\n') || (ch == '\n');
if (style == SCE_PROPS_SECTION) {
headerPoint = true;
if (atEOL) {
if (lineCurrent > 0) {
int levelPrevious = styler.LevelAt(lineCurrent - 1);
if (levelPrevious & SC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG) {
} else {
lev = levelPrevious & SC_FOLDLEVELNUMBERMASK;
if (headerPoint) {
if (visibleChars == 0 && foldCompact)
if (headerPoint) {
if (lev != styler.LevelAt(lineCurrent)) {
styler.SetLevel(lineCurrent, lev);
visibleChars = 0;
headerPoint = false;
if (!isspacechar(ch))
if (lineCurrent > 0) {
int levelPrevious = styler.LevelAt(lineCurrent - 1);
if (levelPrevious & SC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG) {
} else {
lev = levelPrevious & SC_FOLDLEVELNUMBERMASK;
} else {
int flagsNext = styler.LevelAt(lineCurrent);
styler.SetLevel(lineCurrent, lev | (flagsNext & ~SC_FOLDLEVELNUMBERMASK));
static void ColouriseMakeLine(
char *lineBuffer,
unsigned int lengthLine,
unsigned int startLine,
unsigned int endPos,
Accessor &styler) {
unsigned int i = 0;
int lastNonSpace = -1;
unsigned int state = SCE_MAKE_DEFAULT;
bool bSpecial = false;
// check for a tab character in column 0 indicating a command
bool bCommand = false;
if ((lengthLine > 0) && (lineBuffer[0] == '\t'))
bCommand = true;
// Skip initial spaces
while ((i < lengthLine) && isspacechar(lineBuffer[i])) {
if (i < lengthLine) {
if (lineBuffer[i] == '#') { // Comment
styler.ColourTo(endPos, SCE_MAKE_COMMENT);
if (lineBuffer[i] == '!') { // Special directive
styler.ColourTo(endPos, SCE_MAKE_PREPROCESSOR);
int varCount = 0;
while (i < lengthLine) {
if (((i + 1) < lengthLine) && (lineBuffer[i] == '$' && lineBuffer[i + 1] == '(')) {
styler.ColourTo(startLine + i - 1, state);
} else if (state == SCE_MAKE_IDENTIFIER && lineBuffer[i] == ')') {
if (--varCount == 0) {
styler.ColourTo(startLine + i, state);
// skip identifier and target styling if this is a command line
if (!bSpecial && !bCommand) {
if (lineBuffer[i] == ':') {
if (((i + 1) < lengthLine) && (lineBuffer[i + 1] == '=')) {
// it's a ':=', so style as an identifier
if (lastNonSpace >= 0)
styler.ColourTo(startLine + lastNonSpace, SCE_MAKE_IDENTIFIER);
styler.ColourTo(startLine + i - 1, SCE_MAKE_DEFAULT);
styler.ColourTo(startLine + i + 1, SCE_MAKE_OPERATOR);
} else {
// We should check that no colouring was made since the beginning of the line,
// to avoid colouring stuff like /OUT:file
if (lastNonSpace >= 0)
styler.ColourTo(startLine + lastNonSpace, SCE_MAKE_TARGET);
styler.ColourTo(startLine + i - 1, SCE_MAKE_DEFAULT);
styler.ColourTo(startLine + i, SCE_MAKE_OPERATOR);
bSpecial = true; // Only react to the first ':' of the line
} else if (lineBuffer[i] == '=') {
if (lastNonSpace >= 0)
styler.ColourTo(startLine + lastNonSpace, SCE_MAKE_IDENTIFIER);
styler.ColourTo(startLine + i - 1, SCE_MAKE_DEFAULT);
styler.ColourTo(startLine + i, SCE_MAKE_OPERATOR);
bSpecial = true; // Only react to the first '=' of the line
if (!isspacechar(lineBuffer[i])) {
lastNonSpace = i;
if (state == SCE_MAKE_IDENTIFIER) {
styler.ColourTo(endPos, SCE_MAKE_IDEOL); // Error, variable reference not ended
} else {
styler.ColourTo(endPos, SCE_MAKE_DEFAULT);
static void ColouriseMakeDoc(unsigned int startPos, int length, int, WordList *[], Accessor &styler) {
char lineBuffer[1024];
unsigned int linePos = 0;
unsigned int startLine = startPos;
for (unsigned int i = startPos; i < startPos + length; i++) {
lineBuffer[linePos++] = styler[i];
if (AtEOL(styler, i) || (linePos >= sizeof(lineBuffer) - 1)) {
// End of line (or of line buffer) met, colourise it
lineBuffer[linePos] = '\0';
ColouriseMakeLine(lineBuffer, linePos, startLine, i, styler);
linePos = 0;
startLine = i + 1;
if (linePos > 0) { // Last line does not have ending characters
ColouriseMakeLine(lineBuffer, linePos, startLine, startPos + length - 1, styler);
static int RecogniseErrorListLine(const char *lineBuffer, unsigned int lengthLine, int &startValue) {
if (lineBuffer[0] == '>') {
// Command or return status
return SCE_ERR_CMD;
} else if (lineBuffer[0] == '<') {
// Diff removal.
} else if (lineBuffer[0] == '!') {
} else if (lineBuffer[0] == '+') {
if (strstart(lineBuffer, "+++ ")) {
} else {
} else if (lineBuffer[0] == '-') {
if (strstart(lineBuffer, "--- ")) {
} else {
} else if (strstart(lineBuffer, "cf90-")) {
// Absoft Pro Fortran 90/95 v8.2 error and/or warning message
return SCE_ERR_ABSF;
} else if (strstart(lineBuffer, "fortcom:")) {
// Intel Fortran Compiler v8.0 error/warning message
} else if (strstr(lineBuffer, "File \"") && strstr(lineBuffer, ", line ")) {
} else if (strstr(lineBuffer, " in ") && strstr(lineBuffer, " on line ")) {
return SCE_ERR_PHP;
} else if ((strstart(lineBuffer, "Error ") ||
strstart(lineBuffer, "Warning ")) &&
strstr(lineBuffer, " at (") &&
strstr(lineBuffer, ") : ") &&
(strstr(lineBuffer, " at (") < strstr(lineBuffer, ") : "))) {
// Intel Fortran Compiler error/warning message
return SCE_ERR_IFC;
} else if (strstart(lineBuffer, "Error ")) {
// Borland error message
} else if (strstart(lineBuffer, "Warning ")) {
// Borland warning message
} else if (strstr(lineBuffer, "at line ") &&
(strstr(lineBuffer, "at line ") < (lineBuffer + lengthLine)) &&
strstr(lineBuffer, "file ") &&
(strstr(lineBuffer, "file ") < (lineBuffer + lengthLine))) {
// Lua 4 error message
return SCE_ERR_LUA;
} else if (strstr(lineBuffer, " at ") &&
(strstr(lineBuffer, " at ") < (lineBuffer + lengthLine)) &&
strstr(lineBuffer, " line ") &&
(strstr(lineBuffer, " line ") < (lineBuffer + lengthLine)) &&
(strstr(lineBuffer, " at ") + 4 < (strstr(lineBuffer, " line ")))) {
// perl error message:
// <message> at <file> line <line>
return SCE_ERR_PERL;
} else if ((memcmp(lineBuffer, " at ", 6) == 0) &&
strstr(lineBuffer, ":line ")) {
// A .NET traceback
return SCE_ERR_NET;
} else if (strstart(lineBuffer, "Line ") &&
strstr(lineBuffer, ", file ")) {
// Essential Lahey Fortran error message
return SCE_ERR_ELF;
} else if (strstart(lineBuffer, "line ") &&
strstr(lineBuffer, " column ")) {
// HTML tidy style: line 42 column 1
return SCE_ERR_TIDY;
} else if (strstart(lineBuffer, "\tat ") &&
strstr(lineBuffer, "(") &&
strstr(lineBuffer, ".java:")) {
// Java stack back trace
} else if (strstart(lineBuffer, "In file included from ") ||
strstart(lineBuffer, " from ")) {
// GCC showing include path to following error
} else {
// Look for one of the following formats:
// GCC: <filename>:<line>:<message>
// Microsoft: <filename>(<line>) :<message>
// Common: <filename>(<line>): warning|error|note|remark|catastrophic|fatal
// Common: <filename>(<line>) warning|error|note|remark|catastrophic|fatal
// Microsoft: <filename>(<line>,<column>)<message>
// CTags: <identifier>\t<filename>\t<message>
// Lua 5 traceback: \t<filename>:<line>:<message>
// Lua 5.1: <exe>: <filename>:<line>:<message>
bool initialTab = (lineBuffer[0] == '\t');
bool initialColonPart = false;
bool canBeCtags = !initialTab; // For ctags must have an identifier with no spaces then a tab
enum { stInitial,
stGccStart, stGccDigit, stGccColumn, stGcc,
stMsStart, stMsDigit, stMsBracket, stMsVc, stMsDigitComma, stMsDotNet,
stCtagsStart, stCtagsFile, stCtagsStartString, stCtagsStringDollar, stCtags,
} state = stInitial;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lengthLine; i++) {
char ch = lineBuffer[i];
char chNext = ' ';
if ((i + 1) < lengthLine)
chNext = lineBuffer[i + 1];
if (state == stInitial) {
if (ch == ':') {
// May be GCC, or might be Lua 5 (Lua traceback same but with tab prefix)
if ((chNext != '\\') && (chNext != '/') && (chNext != ' ')) {
// This check is not completely accurate as may be on
// GTK+ with a file name that includes ':'.
state = stGccStart;
} else if (chNext == ' ') { // indicates a Lua 5.1 error message
initialColonPart = true;
} else if ((ch == '(') && Is1To9(chNext) && (!initialTab)) {
// May be Microsoft
// Check against '0' often removes phone numbers
state = stMsStart;
} else if ((ch == '\t') && canBeCtags) {
// May be CTags
state = stCtagsStart;
} else if (ch == ' ') {
canBeCtags = false;
} else if (state == stGccStart) { // <filename>:
state = Is1To9(ch) ? stGccDigit : stUnrecognized;
} else if (state == stGccDigit) { // <filename>:<line>
if (ch == ':') {
state = stGccColumn; // :9.*: is GCC
startValue = i + 1;
} else if (!Is0To9(ch)) {
state = stUnrecognized;
} else if (state == stGccColumn) { // <filename>:<line>:<column>
if (!Is0To9(ch)) {
state = stGcc;
if (ch == ':')
startValue = i + 1;
} else if (state == stMsStart) { // <filename>(
state = Is0To9(ch) ? stMsDigit : stUnrecognized;
} else if (state == stMsDigit) { // <filename>(<line>
if (ch == ',') {
state = stMsDigitComma;
} else if (ch == ')') {
state = stMsBracket;
} else if ((ch != ' ') && !Is0To9(ch)) {
state = stUnrecognized;
} else if (state == stMsBracket) { // <filename>(<line>)
if ((ch == ' ') && (chNext == ':')) {
state = stMsVc;
} else if ((ch == ':' && chNext == ' ') || (ch == ' ')) {
// Possibly Delphi.. don't test against chNext as it's one of the strings below.
char word[512];
unsigned int j, chPos;
unsigned numstep;
chPos = 0;
if (ch == ' ')
numstep = 1; // ch was ' ', handle as if it's a delphi errorline, only add 1 to i.
numstep = 2; // otherwise add 2.
for (j = i + numstep; j < lengthLine && IsAlphabetic(lineBuffer[j]) && chPos < sizeof(word) - 1; j++)
word[chPos++] = lineBuffer[j];
word[chPos] = 0;
if (!CompareCaseInsensitive(word, "error") || !CompareCaseInsensitive(word, "warning") ||
!CompareCaseInsensitive(word, "fatal") || !CompareCaseInsensitive(word, "catastrophic") ||
!CompareCaseInsensitive(word, "note") || !CompareCaseInsensitive(word, "remark")) {
state = stMsVc;
} else {
state = stUnrecognized;
} else {
state = stUnrecognized;
} else if (state == stMsDigitComma) { // <filename>(<line>,
if (ch == ')') {
state = stMsDotNet;
} else if ((ch != ' ') && !Is0To9(ch)) {
state = stUnrecognized;
} else if (state == stCtagsStart) {
if (ch == '\t') {
state = stCtagsFile;
} else if (state == stCtagsFile) {
if ((lineBuffer[i - 1] == '\t') &&
((ch == '/' && chNext == '^') || Is0To9(ch))) {
state = stCtags;
} else if ((ch == '/') && (chNext == '^')) {
state = stCtagsStartString;
} else if ((state == stCtagsStartString) && ((lineBuffer[i] == '$') && (lineBuffer[i + 1] == '/'))) {
state = stCtagsStringDollar;
if (state == stGcc) {
return initialColonPart ? SCE_ERR_LUA : SCE_ERR_GCC;
} else if ((state == stMsVc) || (state == stMsDotNet)) {
return SCE_ERR_MS;
} else if ((state == stCtagsStringDollar) || (state == stCtags)) {
return SCE_ERR_CTAG;
} else {
static void ColouriseErrorListLine(
char *lineBuffer,
unsigned int lengthLine,
unsigned int endPos,
Accessor &styler,
bool valueSeparate) {
int startValue = -1;
int style = RecogniseErrorListLine(lineBuffer, lengthLine, startValue);
if (valueSeparate && (startValue >= 0)) {
styler.ColourTo(endPos - (lengthLine - startValue), style);
styler.ColourTo(endPos, SCE_ERR_VALUE);
} else {
styler.ColourTo(endPos, style);
static void ColouriseErrorListDoc(unsigned int startPos, int length, int, WordList *[], Accessor &styler) {
char lineBuffer[10000];
unsigned int linePos = 0;
// property lexer.errorlist.value.separate
// For lines in the output pane that are matches from Find in Files or GCC-style
// diagnostics, style the path and line number separately from the rest of the
// line with style 21 used for the rest of the line.
// This allows matched text to be more easily distinguished from its location.
bool valueSeparate = styler.GetPropertyInt("lexer.errorlist.value.separate", 0) != 0;
for (unsigned int i = startPos; i < startPos + length; i++) {
lineBuffer[linePos++] = styler[i];
if (AtEOL(styler, i) || (linePos >= sizeof(lineBuffer) - 1)) {
// End of line (or of line buffer) met, colourise it
lineBuffer[linePos] = '\0';
ColouriseErrorListLine(lineBuffer, linePos, i, styler, valueSeparate);
linePos = 0;
if (linePos > 0) { // Last line does not have ending characters
ColouriseErrorListLine(lineBuffer, linePos, startPos + length - 1, styler, valueSeparate);
static const char *const batchWordListDesc[] = {
"Internal Commands",
"External Commands",
static const char *const emptyWordListDesc[] = {
static void ColouriseNullDoc(unsigned int startPos, int length, int, WordList *[],
Accessor &styler) {
// Null language means all style bytes are 0 so just mark the end - no need to fill in.
if (length > 0) {
styler.StartAt(startPos + length - 1);
styler.StartSegment(startPos + length - 1);
styler.ColourTo(startPos + length - 1, 0);
LexerModule lmBatch(SCLEX_BATCH, ColouriseBatchDoc, "batch", 0, batchWordListDesc);
LexerModule lmDiff(SCLEX_DIFF, ColouriseDiffDoc, "diff", FoldDiffDoc, emptyWordListDesc);
LexerModule lmProps(SCLEX_PROPERTIES, ColourisePropsDoc, "props", FoldPropsDoc, emptyWordListDesc);
LexerModule lmMake(SCLEX_MAKEFILE, ColouriseMakeDoc, "makefile", 0, emptyWordListDesc);
LexerModule lmErrorList(SCLEX_ERRORLIST, ColouriseErrorListDoc, "errorlist", 0, emptyWordListDesc);
LexerModule lmNull(SCLEX_NULL, ColouriseNullDoc, "null");