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synced 2025-03-24 05:41:54 -04:00
208 lines
4.8 KiB
208 lines
4.8 KiB
* Copyright 2011-2015 Branimir Karadzic. All rights reserved.
* License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause
#include "shaderc.h"
#include "glsl_optimizer.h"
bool compileGLSLShader(bx::CommandLine& _cmdLine, uint32_t _gles, const std::string& _code, bx::WriterI* _writer)
char ch = tolower(_cmdLine.findOption('\0', "type")[0]);
const glslopt_shader_type type = ch == 'f'
? kGlslOptShaderFragment
: (ch == 'c' ? kGlslOptShaderCompute : kGlslOptShaderVertex);
glslopt_target target = kGlslTargetOpenGL;
switch (_gles)
case 2:
target = kGlslTargetOpenGLES20;
case 3:
target = kGlslTargetOpenGLES30;
target = kGlslTargetOpenGL;
glslopt_ctx* ctx = glslopt_initialize(target);
glslopt_shader* shader = glslopt_optimize(ctx, type, _code.c_str(), 0);
if (!glslopt_get_status(shader) )
const char* log = glslopt_get_log(shader);
int32_t source = 0;
int32_t line = 0;
int32_t column = 0;
int32_t start = 0;
int32_t end = INT32_MAX;
if (3 == sscanf(log, "%u:%u(%u):", &source, &line, &column)
&& 0 != line)
start = bx::uint32_imax(1, line-10);
end = start + 20;
printCode(_code.c_str(), line, start, end);
fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", log);
return false;
const char* optimizedShader = glslopt_get_output(shader);
// Trim all directives.
while ('#' == *optimizedShader)
optimizedShader = bx::strnl(optimizedShader);
if (0 != _gles)
char* shader = const_cast<char*>(optimizedShader);
strreplace(shader, "gl_FragDepthEXT", "gl_FragDepth");
strreplace(shader, "texture2DLodEXT", "texture2DLod");
strreplace(shader, "texture2DProjLodEXT", "texture2DProjLod");
strreplace(shader, "textureCubeLodEXT", "textureCubeLod");
strreplace(shader, "texture2DGradEXT", "texture2DGrad");
strreplace(shader, "texture2DProjGradEXT", "texture2DProjGrad");
strreplace(shader, "textureCubeGradEXT", "textureCubeGrad");
strreplace(shader, "shadow2DEXT", "shadow2D");
strreplace(shader, "shadow2DProjEXT", "shadow2DProj");
UniformArray uniforms;
const char* parse = optimizedShader;
while (NULL != parse
&& *parse != '\0')
parse = bx::strws(parse);
const char* eol = strchr(parse, ';');
if (NULL != eol)
const char* qualifier = parse;
parse = bx::strws(bx::strword(parse) );
if (0 == strncmp(qualifier, "attribute", 9)
|| 0 == strncmp(qualifier, "varying", 7) )
// skip attributes and varyings.
parse = eol + 1;
if (0 != strncmp(qualifier, "uniform", 7) )
// end if there is no uniform keyword.
parse = NULL;
const char* precision = NULL;
const char* type = parse;
if (0 == strncmp(type, "lowp", 4)
|| 0 == strncmp(type, "mediump", 7)
|| 0 == strncmp(type, "highp", 5) )
precision = type;
type = parse = bx::strws(bx::strword(parse) );
char uniformType[256];
parse = bx::strword(parse);
if (0 == strncmp(type, "sampler", 7) )
strcpy(uniformType, "int");
bx::strlcpy(uniformType, type, parse-type+1);
const char* name = parse = bx::strws(parse);
char uniformName[256];
uint8_t num = 1;
const char* array = bx::strnstr(name, "[", eol-parse);
if (NULL != array)
bx::strlcpy(uniformName, name, array-name+1);
char arraySize[32];
const char* end = bx::strnstr(array, "]", eol-array);
bx::strlcpy(arraySize, array+1, end-array);
num = atoi(arraySize);
bx::strlcpy(uniformName, name, eol-name+1);
Uniform un;
un.type = nameToUniformTypeEnum(uniformType);
if (UniformType::Count != un.type)
BX_TRACE("name: %s (type %d, num %d)", uniformName, un.type, num);
un.name = uniformName;
un.num = num;
un.regIndex = 0;
un.regCount = num;
parse = eol + 1;
uint16_t count = (uint16_t)uniforms.size();
bx::write(_writer, count);
for (UniformArray::const_iterator it = uniforms.begin(); it != uniforms.end(); ++it)
const Uniform& un = *it;
uint8_t nameSize = (uint8_t)un.name.size();
bx::write(_writer, nameSize);
bx::write(_writer, un.name.c_str(), nameSize);
uint8_t type = un.type;
bx::write(_writer, type);
bx::write(_writer, un.num);
bx::write(_writer, un.regIndex);
bx::write(_writer, un.regCount);
BX_TRACE("%s, %s, %d, %d, %d"
, un.name.c_str()
, getUniformTypeName(un.type)
, un.num
, un.regIndex
, un.regCount
uint32_t shaderSize = (uint32_t)strlen(optimizedShader);
bx::write(_writer, shaderSize);
bx::write(_writer, optimizedShader, shaderSize);
uint8_t nul = 0;
bx::write(_writer, nul);
return true;