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#version 300 es
// from case 685794 at Unity; a particular form of a loop
// started to generate invalid shaders around Unity 4.6.3.
out mediump vec4 _fragData;
struct v2f_surf {
mediump vec2 uv;
highp vec4 pos;
uniform sampler2D _MainTex;
uniform mediump float _NumPasses;
uniform mediump vec4 _ContrastShift;
uniform mediump vec4 _SaturationShift;
uniform lowp vec4 _HueShift;
uniform lowp vec4 _LuminosityShift;
lowp vec3 TestCycle2( in lowp vec3 res, in mediump float val )
return ((res - 0.5) * pow( (cos(val) + 1.0), val));
lowp vec3 TestCycle( in lowp vec3 rgb, in mediump float passes )
lowp vec3 res = rgb;
// a weird form of loop that was causing a bug
highp float i = 0.0;
for ( ; (i < 4.0); i += 1.0) {
if ((i == passes)){
if ((i == 0.0)){
res = TestCycle2( res, ((_ContrastShift.x * 3.0) + 12.0));
if ((i == 1.0)){
res = TestCycle2( res, ((_SaturationShift.y * 3.0) + 12.0));
if ((i == 2.0)){
res = TestCycle2( res, ((_HueShift.z * 3.0) + 12.0));
res = TestCycle2( res, ((_LuminosityShift.x * 3.0) + 12.0));
return res;
lowp vec3 surf( in mediump vec2 uv )
lowp vec4 t = texture(_MainTex, uv);
if (_NumPasses > 0.0)
t.xyz = TestCycle(t.xyz, _NumPasses);
return t.xyz;
lowp vec4 frag_surf( in v2f_surf IN )
lowp vec3 col = surf( IN.uv);
return vec4( col, 1.0);
in mediump vec2 xlv_TEXCOORD0;
void main() {
lowp vec4 xl_retval;
v2f_surf xlt_IN;
xlt_IN.uv = vec2(xlv_TEXCOORD0);
xlt_IN.pos = vec4(0.0);
xl_retval = frag_surf(xlt_IN);
_fragData = vec4(xl_retval);