/* * Copyright 2013 Dario Manesku. All rights reserved. * License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause */ #include "common.h" #include #include #include #include "entry/entry.h" #include "fpumath.h" #include "imgui/imgui.h" #include #include #define RENDER_VIEWID_RANGE1_PASS_0 1 #define RENDER_VIEWID_RANGE1_PASS_1 2 #define RENDER_VIEWID_RANGE1_PASS_2 3 #define RENDER_VIEWID_RANGE1_PASS_3 4 #define RENDER_VIEWID_RANGE1_PASS_4 5 #define RENDER_VIEWID_RANGE1_PASS_5 6 #define RENDER_VIEWID_RANGE5_PASS_6 7 #define RENDER_VIEWID_RANGE1_PASS_7 13 #define MAX_NUM_LIGHTS 5 uint32_t packUint32(uint8_t _x, uint8_t _y, uint8_t _z, uint8_t _w) { union { uint32_t ui32; uint8_t arr[4]; } un; un.arr[0] = _x; un.arr[1] = _y; un.arr[2] = _z; un.arr[3] = _w; return un.ui32; } uint32_t packF4u(float _x, float _y = 0.0f, float _z = 0.0f, float _w = 0.0f) { const uint8_t xx = uint8_t(_x*127.0f + 128.0f); const uint8_t yy = uint8_t(_y*127.0f + 128.0f); const uint8_t zz = uint8_t(_z*127.0f + 128.0f); const uint8_t ww = uint8_t(_w*127.0f + 128.0f); return packUint32(xx, yy, zz, ww); } struct PosNormalTexcoordVertex { float m_x; float m_y; float m_z; uint32_t m_normal; float m_u; float m_v; }; static const float s_texcoord = 5.0f; static const uint32_t s_numHPlaneVertices = 4; static PosNormalTexcoordVertex s_hplaneVertices[s_numHPlaneVertices] = { { -1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, packF4u(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), s_texcoord, s_texcoord }, { 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, packF4u(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), s_texcoord, 0.0f }, { -1.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, packF4u(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), 0.0f, s_texcoord }, { 1.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, packF4u(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), 0.0f, 0.0f }, }; static const uint32_t s_numVPlaneVertices = 4; static PosNormalTexcoordVertex s_vplaneVertices[s_numVPlaneVertices] = { { -1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, packF4u(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f), 1.0f, 1.0f }, { 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, packF4u(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f), 1.0f, 0.0f }, { -1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, packF4u(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f), 0.0f, 1.0f }, { 1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, packF4u(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f), 0.0f, 0.0f }, }; static const uint32_t s_numCubeVertices = 24; static const PosNormalTexcoordVertex s_cubeVertices[s_numCubeVertices] = { { -1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, packF4u( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), 1.0f, 1.0f }, { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, packF4u( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), 0.0f, 1.0f }, { -1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, packF4u( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), 1.0f, 0.0f }, { 1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, packF4u( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), 0.0f, 0.0f }, { -1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, packF4u( 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f), 1.0f, 1.0f }, { 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, packF4u( 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f), 0.0f, 1.0f }, { -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, packF4u( 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f), 1.0f, 0.0f }, { 1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, packF4u( 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f), 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, packF4u( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, packF4u( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), 0.0f, 1.0f }, { -1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, packF4u( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), 1.0f, 0.0f }, { -1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, packF4u( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), 1.0f, 1.0f }, { 1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, packF4u( 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f), 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, packF4u( 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f), 0.0f, 1.0f }, { -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, packF4u( 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f), 1.0f, 0.0f }, { -1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, packF4u( 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f), 1.0f, 1.0f }, { 1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, packF4u( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 1.0f, 1.0f }, { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, packF4u( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 0.0f, 1.0f }, { 1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, packF4u( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 1.0f, 0.0f }, { 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, packF4u( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 0.0f, 0.0f }, { -1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, packF4u(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 1.0f, 1.0f }, { -1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, packF4u(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 0.0f, 1.0f }, { -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, packF4u(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 1.0f, 0.0f }, { -1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, packF4u(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 0.0f, 0.0f }, }; static const uint32_t s_numCubeIndices = 36; static const uint16_t s_cubeIndices[s_numCubeIndices] = { 0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2, 4, 6, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 9, 11, 10, 12, 14, 13, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 17, 19, 18, 20, 22, 21, 21, 22, 23, }; static const uint32_t s_numPlaneIndices = 6; static const uint16_t s_planeIndices[s_numPlaneIndices] = { 0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2, }; static const char* s_shaderPath = NULL; static bool s_flipV = false; static uint32_t s_viewMask = 0; static uint32_t s_clearMask = 0; static bgfx::UniformHandle u_texColor; static void shaderFilePath(char* _out, const char* _name) { strcpy(_out, s_shaderPath); strcat(_out, _name); strcat(_out, ".bin"); } long int fsize(FILE* _file) { long int pos = ftell(_file); fseek(_file, 0L, SEEK_END); long int size = ftell(_file); fseek(_file, pos, SEEK_SET); return size; } static const bgfx::Memory* load(const char* _filePath) { FILE* file = fopen(_filePath, "rb"); if (NULL != file) { uint32_t size = (uint32_t)fsize(file); const bgfx::Memory* mem = bgfx::alloc(size+1); size_t ignore = fread(mem->data, 1, size, file); BX_UNUSED(ignore); fclose(file); mem->data[mem->size-1] = '\0'; return mem; } return NULL; } static const bgfx::Memory* loadShader(const char* _name) { char filePath[512]; shaderFilePath(filePath, _name); return load(filePath); } static const bgfx::Memory* loadTexture(const char* _name) { char filePath[512]; strcpy(filePath, "textures/"); strcat(filePath, _name); return load(filePath); } static bgfx::ProgramHandle loadProgram(const char* _vsName, const char* _fsName) { const bgfx::Memory* mem; // Load vertex shader. mem = loadShader(_vsName); bgfx::VertexShaderHandle vsh = bgfx::createVertexShader(mem); // Load fragment shader. mem = loadShader(_fsName); bgfx::FragmentShaderHandle fsh = bgfx::createFragmentShader(mem); // Create program from shaders. bgfx::ProgramHandle program = bgfx::createProgram(vsh, fsh); // We can destroy vertex and fragment shader here since // their reference is kept inside bgfx after calling createProgram. // Vertex and fragment shader will be destroyed once program is // destroyed. bgfx::destroyVertexShader(vsh); bgfx::destroyFragmentShader(fsh); return program; } void mtxScaleRotateTranslate(float* _result , const float _scaleX , const float _scaleY , const float _scaleZ , const float _rotX , const float _rotY , const float _rotZ , const float _translateX , const float _translateY , const float _translateZ ) { float mtxRotateTranslate[16]; float mtxScale[16]; mtxRotateXYZ(mtxRotateTranslate, _rotX, _rotY, _rotZ); mtxRotateTranslate[12] = _translateX; mtxRotateTranslate[13] = _translateY; mtxRotateTranslate[14] = _translateZ; memset(mtxScale, 0, sizeof(float)*16); mtxScale[0] = _scaleX; mtxScale[5] = _scaleY; mtxScale[10] = _scaleZ; mtxScale[15] = 1.0f; mtxMul(_result, mtxScale, mtxRotateTranslate); } void mtxReflected(float*__restrict _result , const float* __restrict _p /* plane */ , const float* __restrict _n /* normal */ ) { float dot = vec3Dot(_p, _n); _result[ 0] = 1.0f - 2.0f * _n[0] * _n[0]; //1-2Nx^2 _result[ 1] = -2.0f * _n[0] * _n[1]; //-2*Nx*Ny _result[ 2] = -2.0f * _n[0] * _n[2]; //-2*NxNz _result[ 3] = 0.0f; //0 _result[ 4] = -2.0f * _n[0] * _n[1]; //-2*NxNy _result[ 5] = 1.0f - 2.0f * _n[1] * _n[1]; //1-2*Ny^2 _result[ 6] = -2.0f * _n[1] * _n[2]; //-2*NyNz _result[ 7] = 0.0f; //0 _result[ 8] = -2.0f * _n[0] * _n[2]; //-2*NxNz _result[ 9] = -2.0f * _n[1] * _n[2]; //-2NyNz _result[10] = 1.0f - 2.0f * _n[2] * _n[2]; //1-2*Nz^2 _result[11] = 0.0f; //0 _result[12] = 2.0f * dot * _n[0]; //2*dot*Nx _result[13] = 2.0f * dot * _n[1]; //2*dot*Ny _result[14] = 2.0f * dot * _n[2]; //2*dot*Nz _result[15] = 1.0f; //1 } void mtxShadow(float* __restrict _result , const float* __restrict _ground , const float* __restrict _light ) { float dot = _ground[0] * _light[0] + _ground[1] * _light[1] + _ground[2] * _light[2] + _ground[3] * _light[3] ; _result[ 0] = dot - _light[0] * _ground[0]; _result[ 1] = 0.0f - _light[1] * _ground[0]; _result[ 2] = 0.0f - _light[2] * _ground[0]; _result[ 3] = 0.0f - _light[3] * _ground[0]; _result[ 4] = 0.0f - _light[0] * _ground[1]; _result[ 5] = dot - _light[1] * _ground[1]; _result[ 6] = 0.0f - _light[2] * _ground[1]; _result[ 7] = 0.0f - _light[3] * _ground[1]; _result[ 8] = 0.0f - _light[0] * _ground[2]; _result[ 9] = 0.0f - _light[1] * _ground[2]; _result[10] = dot - _light[2] * _ground[2]; _result[11] = 0.0f - _light[3] * _ground[2]; _result[12] = 0.0f - _light[0] * _ground[3]; _result[13] = 0.0f - _light[1] * _ground[3]; _result[14] = 0.0f - _light[2] * _ground[3]; _result[15] = dot - _light[3] * _ground[3]; } void mtxBillboard(float* __restrict _result , const float* __restrict _view , const float* __restrict _pos , const float* __restrict _scale) { _result[ 0] = _view[0] * _scale[0]; _result[ 1] = _view[4] * _scale[0]; _result[ 2] = _view[8] * _scale[0]; _result[ 3] = 0.0f; _result[ 4] = _view[1] * _scale[1]; _result[ 5] = _view[5] * _scale[1]; _result[ 6] = _view[9] * _scale[1]; _result[ 7] = 0.0f; _result[ 8] = _view[2] * _scale[2]; _result[ 9] = _view[6] * _scale[2]; _result[10] = _view[10] * _scale[2]; _result[11] = 0.0f; _result[12] = _pos[0]; _result[13] = _pos[1]; _result[14] = _pos[2]; _result[15] = 1.0f; } struct Uniforms { void init() { m_params.m_ambientPass = 1.0f; m_params.m_lightningPass = 1.0f; m_params.m_lightCount = 4.0f; m_params.m_lightIndex = 4.0f; m_ambient[0] = 0.05f; m_ambient[1] = 0.05f; m_ambient[2] = 0.05f; m_ambient[3] = 0.0f; //unused m_diffuse[0] = 0.8f; m_diffuse[1] = 0.8f; m_diffuse[2] = 0.8f; m_diffuse[3] = 0.0f; //unused m_specular_shininess[0] = 1.0f; m_specular_shininess[1] = 1.0f; m_specular_shininess[2] = 1.0f; m_specular_shininess[3] = 25.0f; //shininess m_color[0] = 1.0f; m_color[1] = 1.0f; m_color[2] = 1.0f; m_color[3] = 1.0; m_time = 0.0f; for (uint8_t ii = 0; ii < MAX_NUM_LIGHTS; ++ii) { m_lightPosRadius[ii][0] = 0.0f; m_lightPosRadius[ii][1] = 0.0f; m_lightPosRadius[ii][2] = 0.0f; m_lightPosRadius[ii][3] = 1.0f; m_lightRgbInnerR[ii][0] = 1.0f; m_lightRgbInnerR[ii][1] = 1.0f; m_lightRgbInnerR[ii][2] = 1.0f; m_lightRgbInnerR[ii][3] = 1.0f; } u_params = bgfx::createUniform("u_params", bgfx::UniformType::Uniform4fv); u_ambient = bgfx::createUniform("u_ambient", bgfx::UniformType::Uniform4fv); u_diffuse = bgfx::createUniform("u_diffuse", bgfx::UniformType::Uniform4fv); u_specular_shininess = bgfx::createUniform("u_specular_shininess", bgfx::UniformType::Uniform4fv); u_color = bgfx::createUniform("u_color", bgfx::UniformType::Uniform4fv); u_time = bgfx::createUniform("u_time", bgfx::UniformType::Uniform1f ); u_lightPosRadius = bgfx::createUniform("u_lightPosRadius", bgfx::UniformType::Uniform4fv, MAX_NUM_LIGHTS); u_lightRgbInnerR = bgfx::createUniform("u_lightRgbInnerR", bgfx::UniformType::Uniform4fv, MAX_NUM_LIGHTS); } //call this once at initialization void submitConstUniforms() { bgfx::setUniform(u_ambient, &m_ambient); bgfx::setUniform(u_diffuse, &m_diffuse); bgfx::setUniform(u_specular_shininess, &m_specular_shininess); } //call this once per frame void submitPerFrameUniforms() { bgfx::setUniform(u_time, &m_time); } //call this before each draw call void submitPerDrawUniforms() { bgfx::setUniform(u_params, &m_params); bgfx::setUniform(u_color, &m_color); bgfx::setUniform(u_lightPosRadius, &m_lightPosRadius, MAX_NUM_LIGHTS); bgfx::setUniform(u_lightRgbInnerR, &m_lightRgbInnerR, MAX_NUM_LIGHTS); } void destroy() { bgfx::destroyUniform(u_params); bgfx::destroyUniform(u_ambient); bgfx::destroyUniform(u_diffuse); bgfx::destroyUniform(u_specular_shininess); bgfx::destroyUniform(u_time); bgfx::destroyUniform(u_lightPosRadius); bgfx::destroyUniform(u_lightRgbInnerR); } struct Params { float m_ambientPass; float m_lightningPass; float m_lightCount; float m_lightIndex; }; struct SvParams { float m_useStencilTex; float m_dfail; float m_unused0; float m_unused1; }; Params m_params; SvParams m_svparams; float m_ambient[4]; float m_diffuse[4]; float m_specular_shininess[4]; float m_color[4]; float m_time; float m_lightPosRadius[MAX_NUM_LIGHTS][4]; float m_lightRgbInnerR[MAX_NUM_LIGHTS][4]; /** * u_params.x - u_ambientPass * u_params.y - u_lightningPass * u_params.z - u_lightCount * u_params.w - u_lightIndex */ bgfx::UniformHandle u_params; bgfx::UniformHandle u_ambient; bgfx::UniformHandle u_diffuse; bgfx::UniformHandle u_specular_shininess; bgfx::UniformHandle u_color; bgfx::UniformHandle u_time; bgfx::UniformHandle u_lightPosRadius; bgfx::UniformHandle u_lightRgbInnerR; }; static Uniforms s_uniforms; //------------------------------------------------- // Render state //------------------------------------------------- struct RenderState { enum Enum { StencilReflection_CraftStencil = 0, StencilReflection_DrawReflected, StencilReflection_DarkenReflections, StencilReflection_BlendPlane, StencilReflection_DrawScene, ProjectionShadows_DrawAmbient, ProjectionShadows_CraftStencil, ProjectionShadows_DrawDiffuse, Custom_BlendLightTexture, Custom_DrawPlaneBottom, Count }; uint64_t m_state; uint32_t m_blendFactorRgba; uint32_t m_fstencil; uint32_t m_bstencil; }; static RenderState s_renderStates[RenderState::Count] = { { // StencilReflection_CraftStencil BGFX_STATE_MSAA , UINT32_MAX , BGFX_STENCIL_TEST_ALWAYS // pass always | BGFX_STENCIL_FUNC_REF(1) // value = 1 | BGFX_STENCIL_FUNC_RMASK(0xff) | BGFX_STENCIL_OP_FAIL_S_REPLACE | BGFX_STENCIL_OP_FAIL_Z_REPLACE | BGFX_STENCIL_OP_PASS_Z_REPLACE // store the value , BGFX_STENCIL_NONE }, { // StencilReflection_DrawReflected BGFX_STATE_RGB_WRITE | BGFX_STATE_ALPHA_WRITE | BGFX_STATE_DEPTH_WRITE | BGFX_STATE_DEPTH_TEST_LESS | BGFX_STATE_CULL_CW //reflection matrix has inverted normals. using CCW instead of CW. | BGFX_STATE_MSAA , UINT32_MAX , BGFX_STENCIL_TEST_EQUAL | BGFX_STENCIL_FUNC_REF(1) | BGFX_STENCIL_FUNC_RMASK(1) | BGFX_STENCIL_OP_FAIL_S_KEEP | BGFX_STENCIL_OP_FAIL_Z_KEEP | BGFX_STENCIL_OP_PASS_Z_KEEP , BGFX_STENCIL_NONE }, { // StencilReflection_DarkenReflections BGFX_STATE_RGB_WRITE | BGFX_STATE_DEPTH_WRITE | BGFX_STATE_BLEND_FUNC(BGFX_STATE_BLEND_ZERO, BGFX_STATE_BLEND_FACTOR) | BGFX_STATE_DEPTH_TEST_LESS | BGFX_STATE_CULL_CCW | BGFX_STATE_MSAA , UINT32_MAX , BGFX_STENCIL_NONE , BGFX_STENCIL_NONE }, { // StencilReflection_BlendPlane BGFX_STATE_RGB_WRITE | BGFX_STATE_DEPTH_WRITE | BGFX_STATE_BLEND_LIGHTEN | BGFX_STATE_DEPTH_TEST_EQUAL | BGFX_STATE_CULL_CCW | BGFX_STATE_MSAA , UINT32_MAX , BGFX_STENCIL_NONE , BGFX_STENCIL_NONE }, { // StencilReflection_DrawScene BGFX_STATE_RGB_WRITE | BGFX_STATE_DEPTH_WRITE | BGFX_STATE_DEPTH_TEST_LESS | BGFX_STATE_CULL_CCW | BGFX_STATE_MSAA , UINT32_MAX , BGFX_STENCIL_NONE , BGFX_STENCIL_NONE }, { // ProjectionShadows_DrawAmbient BGFX_STATE_RGB_WRITE | BGFX_STATE_DEPTH_WRITE // write depth ! | BGFX_STATE_DEPTH_TEST_LESS | BGFX_STATE_CULL_CCW | BGFX_STATE_MSAA , UINT32_MAX , BGFX_STENCIL_NONE , BGFX_STENCIL_NONE }, { // ProjectionShadows_CraftStencil BGFX_STATE_DEPTH_TEST_LESS | BGFX_STATE_MSAA , UINT32_MAX , BGFX_STENCIL_TEST_ALWAYS // pass always | BGFX_STENCIL_FUNC_REF(1) // value = 1 | BGFX_STENCIL_FUNC_RMASK(0xff) | BGFX_STENCIL_OP_FAIL_S_KEEP | BGFX_STENCIL_OP_FAIL_Z_KEEP | BGFX_STENCIL_OP_PASS_Z_REPLACE // store the value , BGFX_STENCIL_NONE }, { // ProjectionShadows_DrawDiffuse BGFX_STATE_RGB_WRITE | BGFX_STATE_BLEND_FUNC(BGFX_STATE_BLEND_ONE, BGFX_STATE_BLEND_ONE) | BGFX_STATE_DEPTH_TEST_EQUAL | BGFX_STATE_CULL_CCW | BGFX_STATE_MSAA , UINT32_MAX , BGFX_STENCIL_TEST_NOTEQUAL | BGFX_STENCIL_FUNC_REF(1) | BGFX_STENCIL_FUNC_RMASK(1) | BGFX_STENCIL_OP_FAIL_S_KEEP | BGFX_STENCIL_OP_FAIL_Z_KEEP | BGFX_STENCIL_OP_PASS_Z_KEEP , BGFX_STENCIL_NONE }, { // Custom_BlendLightTexture BGFX_STATE_RGB_WRITE | BGFX_STATE_ALPHA_WRITE | BGFX_STATE_DEPTH_WRITE | BGFX_STATE_DEPTH_TEST_LESS | BGFX_STATE_BLEND_FUNC(BGFX_STATE_BLEND_SRC_COLOR, BGFX_STATE_BLEND_INV_SRC_COLOR) | BGFX_STATE_CULL_CCW | BGFX_STATE_MSAA , UINT32_MAX , BGFX_STENCIL_NONE , BGFX_STENCIL_NONE }, { // Custom_DrawPlaneBottom BGFX_STATE_RGB_WRITE | BGFX_STATE_CULL_CW | BGFX_STATE_MSAA , UINT32_MAX , BGFX_STENCIL_NONE , BGFX_STENCIL_NONE }, }; struct ViewState { ViewState(uint32_t _width = 1280 , uint32_t _height = 720 ) : m_width(_width) , m_height(_height) { } uint32_t m_width; uint32_t m_height; float m_view[16], m_proj[16]; }; struct ClearValues { ClearValues(uint32_t _clearRgba = 0x30303000 , float _clearDepth = 1.0f , uint8_t _clearStencil = 0 ) : m_clearRgba(_clearRgba) , m_clearDepth(_clearDepth) , m_clearStencil(_clearStencil) { } uint32_t m_clearRgba; float m_clearDepth; uint8_t m_clearStencil; }; void setViewRectTransform(uint8_t _view, const ViewState& _viewState) { bgfx::setViewRect(_view, 0, 0, _viewState.m_width, _viewState.m_height); bgfx::setViewTransform(_view, _viewState.m_view, _viewState.m_proj); } void setViewRectTransformMask(uint32_t _viewMask, const ViewState& _viewState) { bgfx::setViewRectMask(_viewMask, 0, 0, _viewState.m_width, _viewState.m_height); bgfx::setViewTransformMask(_viewMask, _viewState.m_view, _viewState.m_proj); } void clearView(uint8_t _id, uint8_t _flags, const ClearValues& _clearValues) { bgfx::setViewClear(_id , _flags , _clearValues.m_clearRgba , _clearValues.m_clearDepth , _clearValues.m_clearStencil ); // Keep track of cleared views s_clearMask |= 1 << _id; } void clearViewMask(uint32_t _viewMask, uint8_t _flags, const ClearValues& _clearValues) { bgfx::setViewClearMask(_viewMask , _flags , _clearValues.m_clearRgba , _clearValues.m_clearDepth , _clearValues.m_clearStencil ); // Keep track of cleared views s_clearMask |= _viewMask; } void submit(uint8_t _id, int32_t _depth = 0) { // Submit bgfx::submit(_id, _depth); // Keep track of submited view ids s_viewMask |= 1 << _id; } void submitMask(uint32_t _viewMask, int32_t _depth = 0) { // Submit bgfx::submitMask(_viewMask, _depth); // Keep track of submited view ids s_viewMask |= _viewMask; } struct Aabb { float m_min[3]; float m_max[3]; }; struct Obb { float m_mtx[16]; }; struct Sphere { float m_center[3]; float m_radius; }; struct Primitive { uint32_t m_startIndex; uint32_t m_numIndices; uint32_t m_startVertex; uint32_t m_numVertices; Sphere m_sphere; Aabb m_aabb; Obb m_obb; }; typedef std::vector PrimitiveArray; struct Group { Group() { reset(); } void reset() { m_vbh.idx = bgfx::invalidHandle; m_ibh.idx = bgfx::invalidHandle; m_prims.clear(); } bgfx::VertexBufferHandle m_vbh; bgfx::IndexBufferHandle m_ibh; Sphere m_sphere; Aabb m_aabb; Obb m_obb; PrimitiveArray m_prims; }; struct Mesh { void load(const void* _vertices, uint32_t _numVertices, const bgfx::VertexDecl _decl , const uint16_t* _indices, uint32_t _numIndices) { Group group; const bgfx::Memory* mem; uint32_t size; size = _numVertices*_decl.getStride(); mem = bgfx::makeRef(_vertices, size); group.m_vbh = bgfx::createVertexBuffer(mem, _decl); size = _numIndices*2; mem = bgfx::makeRef(_indices, size); group.m_ibh = bgfx::createIndexBuffer(mem); //TODO: // group.m_sphere = ... // group.m_aabb = ... // group.m_obb = ... // group.m_prims = ... m_groups.push_back(group); } void load(const char* _filePath) { #define BGFX_CHUNK_MAGIC_VB BX_MAKEFOURCC('V', 'B', ' ', 0x0) #define BGFX_CHUNK_MAGIC_IB BX_MAKEFOURCC('I', 'B', ' ', 0x0) #define BGFX_CHUNK_MAGIC_PRI BX_MAKEFOURCC('P', 'R', 'I', 0x0) bx::CrtFileReader reader; reader.open(_filePath); Group group; uint32_t chunk; while (4 == bx::read(&reader, chunk) ) { switch (chunk) { case BGFX_CHUNK_MAGIC_VB: { bx::read(&reader, group.m_sphere); bx::read(&reader, group.m_aabb); bx::read(&reader, group.m_obb); bx::read(&reader, m_decl); uint16_t stride = m_decl.getStride(); uint16_t numVertices; bx::read(&reader, numVertices); const bgfx::Memory* mem = bgfx::alloc(numVertices*stride); bx::read(&reader, mem->data, mem->size); group.m_vbh = bgfx::createVertexBuffer(mem, m_decl); } break; case BGFX_CHUNK_MAGIC_IB: { uint32_t numIndices; bx::read(&reader, numIndices); const bgfx::Memory* mem = bgfx::alloc(numIndices*2); bx::read(&reader, mem->data, mem->size); group.m_ibh = bgfx::createIndexBuffer(mem); } break; case BGFX_CHUNK_MAGIC_PRI: { uint16_t len; bx::read(&reader, len); std::string material; material.resize(len); bx::read(&reader, const_cast(material.c_str() ), len); uint16_t num; bx::read(&reader, num); for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < num; ++ii) { bx::read(&reader, len); std::string name; name.resize(len); bx::read(&reader, const_cast(name.c_str() ), len); Primitive prim; bx::read(&reader, prim.m_startIndex); bx::read(&reader, prim.m_numIndices); bx::read(&reader, prim.m_startVertex); bx::read(&reader, prim.m_numVertices); bx::read(&reader, prim.m_sphere); bx::read(&reader, prim.m_aabb); bx::read(&reader, prim.m_obb); group.m_prims.push_back(prim); } m_groups.push_back(group); group.reset(); } break; default: DBG("%08x at %d", chunk, reader.seek() ); break; } } reader.close(); } void unload() { for (GroupArray::const_iterator it = m_groups.begin(), itEnd = m_groups.end(); it != itEnd; ++it) { const Group& group = *it; bgfx::destroyVertexBuffer(group.m_vbh); if (bgfx::invalidHandle != group.m_ibh.idx) { bgfx::destroyIndexBuffer(group.m_ibh); } } m_groups.clear(); } void submit(uint8_t _viewId, float* _mtx, bgfx::ProgramHandle _program, const RenderState& _renderState) { bgfx::TextureHandle texture = BGFX_INVALID_HANDLE; submit(_viewId, _mtx, _program, _renderState, texture); } void submit(uint8_t _viewId, float* _mtx, bgfx::ProgramHandle _program, const RenderState& _renderState, bgfx::TextureHandle _texture) { for (GroupArray::const_iterator it = m_groups.begin(), itEnd = m_groups.end(); it != itEnd; ++it) { const Group& group = *it; // Set uniforms s_uniforms.submitPerDrawUniforms(); // Set model matrix for rendering. bgfx::setTransform(_mtx); bgfx::setProgram(_program); bgfx::setIndexBuffer(group.m_ibh); bgfx::setVertexBuffer(group.m_vbh); // Set texture if (bgfx::invalidHandle != _texture.idx) { bgfx::setTexture(0, u_texColor, _texture); } // Apply render state bgfx::setStencil(_renderState.m_fstencil, _renderState.m_bstencil); bgfx::setState(_renderState.m_state, _renderState.m_blendFactorRgba); // Submit ::submit(_viewId); } } bgfx::VertexDecl m_decl; typedef std::vector GroupArray; GroupArray m_groups; }; int _main_(int /*_argc*/, char** /*_argv*/) { ViewState viewState(1280, 720); ClearValues clearValues(0x30303000, 1.0f, 0); uint32_t debug = BGFX_DEBUG_TEXT; uint32_t reset = BGFX_RESET_VSYNC; bgfx::init(); bgfx::reset(viewState.m_width, viewState.m_height, reset); // Enable debug text. bgfx::setDebug(debug); // Setup root path for binary shaders. Shader binaries are different // for each renderer. switch (bgfx::getRendererType() ) { default: case bgfx::RendererType::Direct3D9: s_shaderPath = "shaders/dx9/"; break; case bgfx::RendererType::Direct3D11: s_shaderPath = "shaders/dx11/"; break; case bgfx::RendererType::OpenGL: s_shaderPath = "shaders/glsl/"; s_flipV = true; break; case bgfx::RendererType::OpenGLES2: case bgfx::RendererType::OpenGLES3: s_shaderPath = "shaders/gles/"; s_flipV = true; break; } FILE* file = fopen("font/droidsans.ttf", "rb"); uint32_t size = (uint32_t)fsize(file); void* data = malloc(size); size_t ignore = fread(data, 1, size, file); BX_UNUSED(ignore); fclose(file); imguiCreate(data, size); bgfx::VertexDecl PosNormalTexcoordDecl; PosNormalTexcoordDecl.begin(); PosNormalTexcoordDecl.add(bgfx::Attrib::Position, 3, bgfx::AttribType::Float); PosNormalTexcoordDecl.add(bgfx::Attrib::Normal, 4, bgfx::AttribType::Uint8, true, true); PosNormalTexcoordDecl.add(bgfx::Attrib::TexCoord0, 2, bgfx::AttribType::Float); PosNormalTexcoordDecl.end(); s_uniforms.init(); s_uniforms.submitConstUniforms(); u_texColor = bgfx::createUniform("u_texColor", bgfx::UniformType::Uniform1iv); bgfx::ProgramHandle programTextureLightning = loadProgram("vs_stencil_texture_lightning", "fs_stencil_texture_lightning"); bgfx::ProgramHandle programColorLightning = loadProgram("vs_stencil_color_lightning", "fs_stencil_color_lightning" ); bgfx::ProgramHandle programColorTexture = loadProgram("vs_stencil_color_texture", "fs_stencil_color_texture" ); bgfx::ProgramHandle programColorBlack = loadProgram("vs_stencil_color", "fs_stencil_color_black" ); bgfx::ProgramHandle programTexture = loadProgram("vs_stencil_texture", "fs_stencil_texture" ); Mesh bunnyMesh; Mesh columnMesh; Mesh cubeMesh; Mesh hplaneMesh; Mesh vplaneMesh; bunnyMesh.load("meshes/bunny.bin"); columnMesh.load("meshes/column.bin"); cubeMesh.load(s_cubeVertices, s_numCubeVertices, PosNormalTexcoordDecl, s_cubeIndices, s_numCubeIndices); hplaneMesh.load(s_hplaneVertices, s_numHPlaneVertices, PosNormalTexcoordDecl, s_planeIndices, s_numPlaneIndices); vplaneMesh.load(s_vplaneVertices, s_numVPlaneVertices, PosNormalTexcoordDecl, s_planeIndices, s_numPlaneIndices); const bgfx::Memory* mem; mem = loadTexture("figure-rgba.dds"); bgfx::TextureHandle figureTex = bgfx::createTexture(mem); mem = loadTexture("flare.dds"); bgfx::TextureHandle flareTex = bgfx::createTexture(mem); mem = loadTexture("fieldstone-rgba.dds"); bgfx::TextureHandle fieldstoneTex = bgfx::createTexture(mem); // Setup lights. const uint8_t colorCount = 5; const float rgbInnerR[colorCount][4] = { { 1.0f, 0.7f, 0.2f, 0.0f }, //yellow { 0.7f, 0.2f, 1.0f, 0.0f }, //purple { 0.2f, 1.0f, 0.7f, 0.0f }, //cyan { 1.0f, 0.4f, 0.2f, 0.0f }, //orange { 0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 0.0f }, //white }; float lightRgbInnerR[MAX_NUM_LIGHTS][4]; for (uint8_t ii = 0, jj = 0; ii < MAX_NUM_LIGHTS; ++ii, ++jj) { const uint8_t index = jj%colorCount; lightRgbInnerR[ii][0] = rgbInnerR[index][0]; lightRgbInnerR[ii][1] = rgbInnerR[index][1]; lightRgbInnerR[ii][2] = rgbInnerR[index][2]; lightRgbInnerR[ii][3] = rgbInnerR[index][3]; } memcpy(s_uniforms.m_lightRgbInnerR, lightRgbInnerR, MAX_NUM_LIGHTS * 4*sizeof(float)); int64_t timeOffset = bx::getHPCounter(); enum Scene { StencilReflectionScene = 0, ProjectionShadowsScene, }; Scene scene = StencilReflectionScene; float settings_numLights = 4.0f; float settings_reflectionValue = 0.8f; bool settings_updateLights = true; bool settings_updateScene = true; static const char* titles[3] = { "Stencil Reflection Scene", "Projection Shadows Scene", }; entry::MouseState mouseState; while (!entry::processEvents(viewState.m_width, viewState.m_height, debug, reset, &mouseState) ) { imguiBeginFrame(mouseState.m_mx , mouseState.m_my , (mouseState.m_buttons[entry::MouseButton::Left ] ? IMGUI_MBUT_LEFT : 0) | (mouseState.m_buttons[entry::MouseButton::Right ] ? IMGUI_MBUT_RIGHT : 0) , 0 , viewState.m_width , viewState.m_height ); static int32_t scrollArea = 0; imguiBeginScrollArea("Settings", viewState.m_width - 256 - 10, 10, 256, 215, &scrollArea); if (imguiCheck(titles[StencilReflectionScene], StencilReflectionScene == scene) ) { scene = StencilReflectionScene; settings_numLights = 4.0f; } if (imguiCheck(titles[ProjectionShadowsScene], ProjectionShadowsScene == scene) ) { scene = ProjectionShadowsScene; settings_numLights = 1.0f; } imguiSeparatorLine(); imguiSlider("Lights", &settings_numLights, 1.0f, float(MAX_NUM_LIGHTS), 1.0f); if (scene == StencilReflectionScene) { imguiSlider("Reflection value", &settings_reflectionValue, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.01f); } if (imguiCheck("Update lights", settings_updateLights) ) { settings_updateLights = !settings_updateLights; } if (imguiCheck("Update scene", settings_updateScene) ) { settings_updateScene = !settings_updateScene; } imguiEndScrollArea(); imguiEndFrame(); // Update settings. uint8_t numLights = (uint8_t)settings_numLights; s_uniforms.m_params.m_ambientPass = 1.0f; s_uniforms.m_params.m_lightningPass = 1.0f; s_uniforms.m_params.m_lightCount = settings_numLights; s_uniforms.m_params.m_lightIndex = 0.0f; s_uniforms.submitPerFrameUniforms(); // Time. int64_t now = bx::getHPCounter(); static int64_t last = now; const int64_t frameTime = now - last; last = now; const double freq = double(bx::getHPFrequency() ); const double toMs = 1000.0/freq; float time = (float)( (now - timeOffset)/double(bx::getHPFrequency() ) ); const float deltaTime = float(frameTime/freq); s_uniforms.m_time = time; // Use debug font to print information about this example. bgfx::dbgTextClear(); bgfx::dbgTextPrintf(0, 1, 0x4f, "bgfx/examples/13-stencil"); bgfx::dbgTextPrintf(0, 2, 0x6f, "Description: Stencil reflections and shadows."); bgfx::dbgTextPrintf(0, 3, 0x0f, "Frame: % 7.3f[ms]", double(frameTime)*toMs); // Set view and projection matrices. const float aspect = float(viewState.m_width)/float(viewState.m_height); mtxProj(viewState.m_proj, 60.0f, aspect, 0.1f, 100.0f); float at[3] = { 0.0f, 5.0f, 0.0f }; float eye[3] = { 0.0f, 18.0f, -40.0f }; mtxLookAt(viewState.m_view, eye, at); static float lightTimeAccumulator = 0.0f; if (settings_updateLights) { lightTimeAccumulator += deltaTime; } static float sceneTimeAccumulator = 0.0f; if (settings_updateScene) { sceneTimeAccumulator += deltaTime; } float lightPosRadius[MAX_NUM_LIGHTS][4]; const float radius = (scene == StencilReflectionScene) ? 15.0f : 25.0f; for (uint8_t ii = 0; ii < numLights; ++ii) { lightPosRadius[ii][0] = sin( (lightTimeAccumulator*1.1f + ii*0.03f + float(ii*M_PI_2)*1.07f ) )*20.0f; lightPosRadius[ii][1] = 8.0f + (1.0f - cos( (lightTimeAccumulator*1.5f + ii*0.29f + float(ii*M_PI_2)*1.49f ) ))*4.0f; lightPosRadius[ii][2] = cos( (lightTimeAccumulator*1.3f + ii*0.13f + float(ii*M_PI_2)*1.79f ) )*20.0f; lightPosRadius[ii][3] = radius; } memcpy(s_uniforms.m_lightPosRadius, lightPosRadius, numLights * 4*sizeof(float)); // Floor position. float floorMtx[16]; mtxScaleRotateTranslate(floorMtx , 20.0f //scaleX , 20.0f //scaleY , 20.0f //scaleZ , 0.0f //rotX , 0.0f //rotY , 0.0f //rotZ , 0.0f //translateX , 0.0f //translateY , 0.0f //translateZ ); // Bunny position. float bunnyMtx[16]; mtxScaleRotateTranslate(bunnyMtx , 5.0f , 5.0f , 5.0f , 0.0f , 1.56f - sceneTimeAccumulator , 0.0f , 0.0f , 2.0f , 0.0f ); // Columns position. const float dist = 14.0f; const float columnPositions[4][3] = { { dist, 0.0f, dist }, { -dist, 0.0f, dist }, { dist, 0.0f, -dist }, { -dist, 0.0f, -dist }, }; float columnMtx[4][16]; for (uint8_t ii = 0; ii < 4; ++ii) { mtxScaleRotateTranslate(columnMtx[ii] , 1.0f , 1.0f , 1.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f , columnPositions[ii][0] , columnPositions[ii][1] , columnPositions[ii][2] ); } const uint8_t numCubes = 9; float cubeMtx[numCubes][16]; for (uint16_t ii = 0; ii < numCubes; ++ii) { mtxScaleRotateTranslate(cubeMtx[ii] , 1.0f , 1.0f , 1.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f , sin(ii * 2.0f + 13.0f - sceneTimeAccumulator) * 13.0f , 4.0f , cos(ii * 2.0f + 13.0f - sceneTimeAccumulator) * 13.0f ); } // Make sure at the beginning everything gets cleared. clearView(0, BGFX_CLEAR_COLOR_BIT | BGFX_CLEAR_DEPTH_BIT | BGFX_CLEAR_STENCIL_BIT, clearValues); submit(0); // Bunny and columns color. s_uniforms.m_color[0] = 0.70f; s_uniforms.m_color[1] = 0.65f; s_uniforms.m_color[2] = 0.60f; switch (scene) { case StencilReflectionScene: { // First pass - Draw plane. // Setup params for this scene. s_uniforms.m_params.m_ambientPass = 1.0f; s_uniforms.m_params.m_lightningPass = 1.0f; // Floor. hplaneMesh.submit(RENDER_VIEWID_RANGE1_PASS_0 , floorMtx , programColorBlack , s_renderStates[RenderState::StencilReflection_CraftStencil] ); // Second pass - Draw reflected objects. // Compute reflected matrix. float reflectMtx[16]; float plane_pos[3] = { 0.0f, 0.01f, 0.0f }; float normal[3] = { 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f }; mtxReflected(reflectMtx, plane_pos, normal); // Reflect lights. float reflectedLights[MAX_NUM_LIGHTS][4]; for (uint8_t ii = 0; ii < numLights; ++ii) { vec3MulMtx(reflectedLights[ii], lightPosRadius[ii], reflectMtx); reflectedLights[ii][3] = lightPosRadius[ii][3]; } memcpy(s_uniforms.m_lightPosRadius, reflectedLights, numLights * 4*sizeof(float)); // Reflect and submit bunny. float mtxReflectedBunny[16]; mtxMul(mtxReflectedBunny, bunnyMtx, reflectMtx); bunnyMesh.submit(RENDER_VIEWID_RANGE1_PASS_1 , mtxReflectedBunny , programColorLightning , s_renderStates[RenderState::StencilReflection_DrawReflected] ); // Reflect and submit columns. float mtxReflectedColumn[16]; for (uint8_t ii = 0; ii < 4; ++ii) { mtxMul(mtxReflectedColumn, columnMtx[ii], reflectMtx); columnMesh.submit(RENDER_VIEWID_RANGE1_PASS_1 , mtxReflectedColumn , programColorLightning , s_renderStates[RenderState::StencilReflection_DrawReflected] ); } // Set lights back. memcpy(s_uniforms.m_lightPosRadius, lightPosRadius, numLights * 4*sizeof(float)); // Third pass - Darken reflected objects. uint8_t val = uint8_t(settings_reflectionValue * UINT8_MAX); uint32_t factor = (val << 24) | (val << 16) | (val << 8 ) | (val << 0 ) ; s_renderStates[RenderState::StencilReflection_DarkenReflections].m_blendFactorRgba = factor; // Floor. hplaneMesh.submit(RENDER_VIEWID_RANGE1_PASS_2 , floorMtx , programColorBlack , s_renderStates[RenderState::StencilReflection_DarkenReflections] ); // Fourth pass - Draw plane. (blend plane with what's behind it) // Floor. hplaneMesh.submit(RENDER_VIEWID_RANGE1_PASS_3 , floorMtx , programTextureLightning , s_renderStates[RenderState::StencilReflection_BlendPlane] , fieldstoneTex ); // Fifth pass - Draw everything else but the plane. // Bunny. bunnyMesh.submit(RENDER_VIEWID_RANGE1_PASS_4 , bunnyMtx , programColorLightning , s_renderStates[RenderState::StencilReflection_DrawScene] ); // Columns. for (uint8_t ii = 0; ii < 4; ++ii) { columnMesh.submit(RENDER_VIEWID_RANGE1_PASS_4 , columnMtx[ii] , programColorLightning , s_renderStates[RenderState::StencilReflection_DrawScene] ); } } break; case ProjectionShadowsScene: { // First pass - Draw entire scene. (ambient only). s_uniforms.m_params.m_ambientPass = 1.0f; s_uniforms.m_params.m_lightningPass = 0.0f; // Bunny. bunnyMesh.submit(RENDER_VIEWID_RANGE1_PASS_0 , bunnyMtx , programColorLightning , s_renderStates[RenderState::ProjectionShadows_DrawAmbient] ); // Floor. hplaneMesh.submit(RENDER_VIEWID_RANGE1_PASS_0 , floorMtx , programTextureLightning , s_renderStates[RenderState::ProjectionShadows_DrawAmbient] , fieldstoneTex ); // Cubes. for (uint8_t ii = 0; ii < numCubes; ++ii) { cubeMesh.submit(RENDER_VIEWID_RANGE1_PASS_0 , cubeMtx[ii] , programTextureLightning , s_renderStates[RenderState::ProjectionShadows_DrawAmbient] , figureTex ); } // Ground plane. float ground[4]; float plane_pos[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; float normal[3] = { 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f }; memcpy(ground, normal, sizeof(float) * 3); ground[3] = -vec3Dot(plane_pos, normal) - 0.01f; // - 0.01 against z-fighting for (uint8_t ii = 0, viewId = RENDER_VIEWID_RANGE5_PASS_6; ii < numLights; ++ii, ++viewId) { // Clear stencil for this light source. clearView(viewId, BGFX_CLEAR_STENCIL_BIT, clearValues); // Draw shadow projection of scene objects. // Get homogeneous light pos. float* lightPos = lightPosRadius[ii]; float pos[4]; memcpy(pos, lightPos, sizeof(float) * 3); pos[3] = 1.0f; // Calculate shadow mtx for current light. float shadowMtx[16]; mtxShadow(shadowMtx, ground, pos); // Submit bunny's shadow. float mtxShadowedBunny[16]; mtxMul(mtxShadowedBunny, bunnyMtx, shadowMtx); bunnyMesh.submit(viewId , mtxShadowedBunny , programColorBlack , s_renderStates[RenderState::ProjectionShadows_CraftStencil] ); // Submit cube shadows. float mtxShadowedCube[16]; for (uint8_t jj = 0; jj < numCubes; ++jj) { mtxMul(mtxShadowedCube, cubeMtx[jj], shadowMtx); cubeMesh.submit(viewId , mtxShadowedCube , programColorBlack , s_renderStates[RenderState::ProjectionShadows_CraftStencil] ); } // Draw entire scene. (lightning pass only. blending is on) s_uniforms.m_params.m_ambientPass = 0.0f; s_uniforms.m_params.m_lightningPass = 1.0f; s_uniforms.m_params.m_lightCount = 1.0f; s_uniforms.m_params.m_lightIndex = float(ii); // Bunny. bunnyMesh.submit(viewId , bunnyMtx , programColorLightning , s_renderStates[RenderState::ProjectionShadows_DrawDiffuse] ); // Floor. hplaneMesh.submit(viewId , floorMtx , programTextureLightning , s_renderStates[RenderState::ProjectionShadows_DrawDiffuse] , fieldstoneTex ); // Cubes. for (uint8_t ii = 0; ii < numCubes; ++ii) { cubeMesh.submit(viewId , cubeMtx[ii] , programTextureLightning , s_renderStates[RenderState::ProjectionShadows_DrawDiffuse] , figureTex ); } } // Reset these to default.. s_uniforms.m_params.m_ambientPass = 1.0f; s_uniforms.m_params.m_lightningPass = 1.0f; } break; }; //lights const float lightScale[3] = { 1.5f, 1.5f, 1.5f }; float lightMtx[16]; for (uint8_t ii = 0; ii < numLights; ++ii) { s_uniforms.m_color[0] = lightRgbInnerR[ii][0]; s_uniforms.m_color[1] = lightRgbInnerR[ii][1]; s_uniforms.m_color[2] = lightRgbInnerR[ii][2]; mtxBillboard(lightMtx, viewState.m_view, lightPosRadius[ii], lightScale); vplaneMesh.submit(RENDER_VIEWID_RANGE1_PASS_7 , lightMtx , programColorTexture , s_renderStates[RenderState::Custom_BlendLightTexture] , flareTex ); } // Draw floor bottom. float floorBottomMtx[16]; mtxScaleRotateTranslate(floorBottomMtx , 20.0f //scaleX , 20.0f //scaleY , 20.0f //scaleZ , 0.0f //rotX , 0.0f //rotY , 0.0f //rotZ , 0.0f //translateX , -0.1f //translateY , 0.0f //translateZ ); hplaneMesh.submit(RENDER_VIEWID_RANGE1_PASS_7 , floorBottomMtx , programTexture , s_renderStates[RenderState::Custom_DrawPlaneBottom] , figureTex ); // Setup view rect and transform for all used views. setViewRectTransformMask(s_viewMask, viewState); s_viewMask = 0; // Advance to next frame. Rendering thread will be kicked to // process submitted rendering primitives. bgfx::frame(); //reset clear values on used views clearViewMask(s_clearMask, BGFX_CLEAR_NONE, clearValues); s_clearMask = 0; } // Cleanup. bunnyMesh.unload(); columnMesh.unload(); cubeMesh.unload(); hplaneMesh.unload(); vplaneMesh.unload(); bgfx::destroyTexture(figureTex); bgfx::destroyTexture(fieldstoneTex); bgfx::destroyTexture(flareTex); bgfx::destroyProgram(programTextureLightning); bgfx::destroyProgram(programColorLightning); bgfx::destroyProgram(programColorTexture); bgfx::destroyProgram(programColorBlack); bgfx::destroyProgram(programTexture); bgfx::destroyUniform(u_texColor); s_uniforms.destroy(); imguiDestroy(); // Shutdown bgfx. bgfx::shutdown(); return 0; }