/* * Copyright 2011-2014 Branimir Karadzic. All rights reserved. * License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause */ #ifndef BGFX_C99_H_HEADER_GUARD #define BGFX_C99_H_HEADER_GUARD #include // bool #include // uint32_t #include // size_t #include "bgfxdefines.h" typedef enum bgfx_renderer_type { BGFX_RENDERER_TYPE_NULL, BGFX_RENDERER_TYPE_DIRECT3D9, BGFX_RENDERER_TYPE_DIRECT3D11, BGFX_RENDERER_TYPE_OPENGLES, BGFX_RENDERER_TYPE_OPENGL, BGFX_RENDERER_TYPE_COUNT } bgfx_renderer_type_t; typedef enum bgfx_attrib { BGFX_ATTRIB_POSITION, BGFX_ATTRIB_NORMAL, BGFX_ATTRIB_TANGENT, BGFX_ATTRIB_COLOR0, BGFX_ATTRIB_COLOR1, BGFX_ATTRIB_INDICES, BGFX_ATTRIB_WEIGHT, BGFX_ATTRIB_TEXCOORD0, BGFX_ATTRIB_TEXCOORD1, BGFX_ATTRIB_TEXCOORD2, BGFX_ATTRIB_TEXCOORD3, BGFX_ATTRIB_TEXCOORD4, BGFX_ATTRIB_TEXCOORD5, BGFX_ATTRIB_TEXCOORD6, BGFX_ATTRIB_TEXCOORD7, BGFX_ATTRIB_COUNT } bgfx_attrib_t; typedef enum bgfx_attrib_type { BGFX_ATTRIB_TYPE_UINT8, BGFX_ATTRIB_TYPE_INT16, BGFX_ATTRIB_TYPE_HALF, BGFX_ATTRIB_TYPE_FLOAT, BGFX_ATTRIB_TYPE_COUNT } bgfx_attrib_type_t; typedef enum bgfx_texture_format { BGFX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_BC1, BGFX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_BC2, BGFX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_BC3, BGFX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_BC4, BGFX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_BC5, BGFX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_ETC1, BGFX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_ETC2, BGFX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_ETC2A, BGFX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_ETC2A1, BGFX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_PTC12, BGFX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_PTC14, BGFX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_PTC12A, BGFX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_PTC14A, BGFX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_PTC22, BGFX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_PTC24, BGFX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN, BGFX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_R8, BGFX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_R16, BGFX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_R16F, BGFX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_BGRA8, BGFX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_RGBA16, BGFX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_RGBA16F, BGFX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_R5G6B5, BGFX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_RGBA4, BGFX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_RGB5A1, BGFX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_RGB10A2, BGFX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN_DEPTH, BGFX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_D16, BGFX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_D24, BGFX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_D24S8, BGFX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_D32, BGFX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_D16F, BGFX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_D24F, BGFX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_D32F, BGFX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_D0S8, BGFX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_COUNT } bgfx_texture_format_t; typedef enum bgfx_uniform_type { BGFX_UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM1I, BGFX_UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM1F, BGFX_UNIFORM_TYPE_END, BGFX_UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM1IV, BGFX_UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM1FV, BGFX_UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM2FV, BGFX_UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM3FV, BGFX_UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM4FV, BGFX_UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM3X3FV, BGFX_UNIFORM_TYPE_UNIFORM4X4FV, BGFX_UNIFORM_TYPE_COUNT } bgfx_uniform_type_t; #define BGFX_HANDLE_T(_name) \ typedef struct _name { uint16_t idx; } _name##_t; BGFX_HANDLE_T(bgfx_dynamic_index_buffer_handle); BGFX_HANDLE_T(bgfx_dynamic_vertex_buffer_handle); BGFX_HANDLE_T(bgfx_frame_buffer_handle); BGFX_HANDLE_T(bgfx_index_buffer_handle); BGFX_HANDLE_T(bgfx_program_handle); BGFX_HANDLE_T(bgfx_shader_handle); BGFX_HANDLE_T(bgfx_texture_handle); BGFX_HANDLE_T(bgfx_uniform_handle); BGFX_HANDLE_T(bgfx_vertex_buffer_handle); BGFX_HANDLE_T(bgfx_vertex_decl_handle); #undef BGFX_HANDLE_T /** */ typedef struct bgfx_memory { uint8_t* data; uint32_t size; } bgfx_memory_t; /** * Vertex declaration. */ typedef struct bgfx_vertex_decl { uint32_t hash; uint16_t stride; uint16_t offset[BGFX_ATTRIB_COUNT]; uint8_t attributes[BGFX_ATTRIB_COUNT]; } bgfx_vertex_decl_t; /** */ typedef struct bgfx_transient_index_buffer { uint8_t* data; uint32_t size; bgfx_index_buffer_handle_t handle; uint32_t startIndex; } bgfx_transient_index_buffer_t; /** */ typedef struct bgfx_transient_vertex_buffer { uint8_t* data; uint32_t size; uint32_t startVertex; uint16_t stride; bgfx_vertex_buffer_handle_t handle; bgfx_vertex_decl_handle_t decl; } bgfx_transient_vertex_buffer_t; /** */ typedef struct bgfx_instance_data_buffer { uint8_t* data; uint32_t size; uint32_t offset; uint16_t stride; uint16_t num; bgfx_vertex_buffer_handle_t handle; } bgfx_instance_data_buffer_t; /** */ typedef struct bgfx_texture_info { bgfx_texture_format_t format; uint32_t storageSize; uint16_t width; uint16_t height; uint16_t depth; uint8_t numMips; uint8_t bitsPerPixel; } bgfx_texture_info_t; /** * Renderer capabilities. */ typedef struct bgfx_caps { /** * Renderer backend type. */ bgfx_renderer_type_t rendererType; /** * Supported functionality, it includes emulated functionality. * Checking supported and not emulated will give functionality * natively supported by renderer. */ uint64_t supported; /** * Emulated functionality. For example some texture compression * modes are not natively supported by all renderers. The library * internally decompresses texture into supported format. */ uint64_t emulated; uint16_t maxTextureSize; /* < Maximum texture size. */ uint16_t maxDrawCalls; /* < Maximum draw calls. */ uint8_t maxFBAttachments; /* < Maximum frame buffer attachments. */ } bgfx_caps_t; /** */ typedef enum bgfx_fatal { BGFX_FATAL_DEBUG_CHECK, BGFX_FATAL_MINIMUM_REQUIRED_SPECS, BGFX_FATAL_INVALID_SHADER, BGFX_FATAL_UNABLE_TO_INITIALIZE, BGFX_FATAL_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_TEXTURE, } bgfx_fatal_t; /** * Callback interface to implement application specific behavior. * Cached items are currently used only for OpenGL binary shaders. * * NOTE: * 'fatal' callback can be called from any thread. Other callbacks * are called from the render thread. */ typedef struct bgfx_callback_vtbl { /** * If fatal code code is not Fatal::DebugCheck this callback is * called on unrecoverable error. It's not safe to continue, inform * user and terminate application from this call. */ void (*fatal)(bgfx_fatal_t _code, const char* _str); /** * Return size of for cached item. Return 0 if no cached item was * found. */ uint32_t (*cache_read_size)(uint64_t _id); /** * Read cached item. */ bool (*cache_read)(uint64_t _id, void* _data, uint32_t _size); /** * Write cached item. */ void (*cache_write)(uint64_t _id, const void* _data, uint32_t _size); /** * Screenshot captured. Screenshot format is always 4-byte BGRA. */ void (*screen_shot)(const char* _filePath, uint32_t _width, uint32_t _height, uint32_t _pitch, const void* _data, uint32_t _size, bool _yflip); /** * Called when capture begins. */ void (*capture_begin)(uint32_t _width, uint32_t _height, uint32_t _pitch, bgfx_texture_format_t _format, bool _yflip); /** * Called when capture ends. */ void (*capture_end)(); /** * Captured frame. */ void (*capture_frame)(const void* _data, uint32_t _size); } bgfx_callback_vtbl_t; /** */ typedef struct bgfx_callback_interface { const bgfx_callback_vtbl_t* vtbl; } bgfx_callback_interface_t; /** */ typedef struct bgfx_reallocator_vtbl { void* (*alloc)(size_t _size, size_t _align, const char* _file, uint32_t _line); void (*free)(void* _ptr, size_t _align, const char* _file, uint32_t _line); void* (*realloc)(void* _ptr, size_t _size, size_t _align, const char* _file, uint32_t _line); } bgfx_reallocator_vtbl_t; /** */ typedef struct bgfx_reallocator_interface { const bgfx_reallocator_vtbl_t* vtbl; } bgfx_reallocator_interface_t; #if defined(__cplusplus) # define BGFX_C_API extern "C" #else # define BGFX_C_API #endif // defined(__cplusplus) /** * Start vertex declaration. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_vertex_decl_begin(bgfx_vertex_decl_t* _decl, bgfx_renderer_type_t _renderer); /** * Add attribute to vertex declaration. * * @param _attrib Attribute semantics. * @param _num Number of elements 1, 2, 3 or 4. * @param _type Element type. * @param _normalized When using fixed point AttribType (f.e. Uint8) * value will be normalized for vertex shader usage. When normalized * is set to true, AttribType::Uint8 value in range 0-255 will be * in range 0.0-1.0 in vertex shader. * @param _asInt Packaging rule for vertexPack, vertexUnpack, and * vertexConvert for AttribType::Uint8 and AttribType::Int16. * Unpacking code must be implemented inside vertex shader. * * NOTE: * Must be called between begin/end. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_vertex_decl_add(bgfx_vertex_decl_t* _decl, bgfx_attrib_t _attrib, uint8_t _num, bgfx_attrib_type_t _type, bool _normalized, bool _asInt); /** * Skip _num bytes in vertex stream. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_vertex_decl_skip(bgfx_vertex_decl_t* _decl, uint8_t _num); /** * End vertex declaration. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_vertex_decl_end(bgfx_vertex_decl_t* _decl); /** * Initialize bgfx library. * * @param _type Select rendering backend. When set to RendererType::Count * default rendering backend will be selected. * * @param _callback Provide application specific callback interface. * See: CallbackI * * @param _reallocator Custom allocator. When custom allocator is not * specified, library uses default CRT allocator. The library assumes * custom allocator is thread safe. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_init(bgfx_renderer_type_t _type, bgfx_callback_interface_t* _callback, bgfx_reallocator_interface_t* _allocator); /** * Shutdown bgfx library. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_shutdown(); /** * Reset graphic settings. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_reset(uint32_t _width, uint32_t _height, uint32_t _flags); /** * Advance to next frame. When using multithreaded renderer, this call * just swaps internal buffers, kicks render thread, and returns. In * singlethreaded renderer this call does frame rendering. * * @returns Current frame number. This might be used in conjunction with * double/multi buffering data outside the library and passing it to * library via makeRef calls. */ BGFX_C_API uint32_t bgfx_frame(); /** * Returns current renderer backend API type. * * NOTE: * Library must be initialized. */ BGFX_C_API bgfx_renderer_type_t bgfx_get_renderer_type(); /** * Allocate buffer to pass to bgfx calls. Data will be freed inside bgfx. */ BGFX_C_API const bgfx_memory_t* bgfx_alloc(uint32_t _size); /** * Allocate buffer and copy data into it. Data will be freed inside bgfx. */ BGFX_C_API const bgfx_memory_t* bgfx_copy(const void* _data, uint32_t _size); /** * Make reference to data to pass to bgfx. Unlike bgfx::alloc this call * doesn't allocate memory for data. It just copies pointer to data. * You must make sure data is available for at least 2 bgfx::frame calls. */ BGFX_C_API const bgfx_memory_t* bgfx_make_ref(const void* _data, uint32_t _size); /** * Set debug flags. * * @param _debug Available flags: * * BGFX_DEBUG_IFH - Infinitely fast hardware. When this flag is set * all rendering calls will be skipped. It's useful when profiling * to quickly assess bottleneck between CPU and GPU. * * BGFX_DEBUG_STATS - Display internal statistics. * * BGFX_DEBUG_TEXT - Display debug text. * * BGFX_DEBUG_WIREFRAME - Wireframe rendering. All rendering * primitives will be rendered as lines. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_debug(uint32_t _debug); /** * Clear internal debug text buffer. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_dbg_text_clear(uint8_t _attr, bool _small); /** * Print into internal debug text buffer. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_dbg_text_printf(uint16_t _x, uint16_t _y, uint8_t _attr, const char* _format, ...); /** * Create static index buffer. * * NOTE: * Only 16-bit index buffer is supported. */ BGFX_C_API bgfx_index_buffer_handle_t bgfx_create_index_buffer(const bgfx_memory_t* _mem); /** * Destroy static index buffer. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_destroy_index_buffer(bgfx_index_buffer_handle_t _handle); /** * Create static vertex buffer. * * @param _mem Vertex buffer data. * @param _decl Vertex declaration. * @returns Static vertex buffer handle. */ BGFX_C_API bgfx_vertex_buffer_handle_t bgfx_create_vertex_buffer(const bgfx_memory_t* _mem, const bgfx_vertex_decl_t* _decl); /** * Destroy static vertex buffer. * * @param _handle Static vertex buffer handle. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_destroy_vertex_buffer(bgfx_vertex_buffer_handle_t _handle); /** * Create empty dynamic index buffer. * * @param _num Number of indices. * * NOTE: * Only 16-bit index buffer is supported. */ BGFX_C_API bgfx_dynamic_index_buffer_handle_t bgfx_create_dynamic_index_buffer(uint32_t _num); /** * Create dynamic index buffer and initialized it. * * @param _mem Index buffer data. * * NOTE: * Only 16-bit index buffer is supported. */ BGFX_C_API bgfx_dynamic_index_buffer_handle_t bgfx_create_dynamic_index_buffer_mem(const bgfx_memory_t* _mem); /** * Update dynamic index buffer. * * @param _handle Dynamic index buffer handle. * @param _mem Index buffer data. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_update_dynamic_index_buffer(bgfx_dynamic_index_buffer_handle_t _handle, const bgfx_memory_t* _mem); /** * Destroy dynamic index buffer. * * @param _handle Dynamic index buffer handle. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_destroy_dynamic_index_buffer(bgfx_dynamic_index_buffer_handle_t _handle); /** * Create empty dynamic vertex buffer. * * @param _num Number of vertices. * @param _decl Vertex declaration. */ BGFX_C_API bgfx_dynamic_vertex_buffer_handle_t bgfx_create_dynamic_vertex_buffer(uint16_t _num, const bgfx_vertex_decl_t* _decl); /** * Create dynamic vertex buffer and initialize it. * * @param _mem Vertex buffer data. * @param _decl Vertex declaration. */ BGFX_C_API bgfx_dynamic_vertex_buffer_handle_t bgfx_create_dynamic_vertex_buffer_mem(const bgfx_memory_t* _mem, const bgfx_vertex_decl_t* _decl); /** * Update dynamic vertex buffer. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_update_dynamic_vertex_buffer(bgfx_dynamic_vertex_buffer_handle_t _handle, const bgfx_memory_t* _mem); /** * Destroy dynamic vertex buffer. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_destroy_dynamic_vertex_buffer(bgfx_dynamic_vertex_buffer_handle_t _handle); /** * Returns true if internal transient index buffer has enough space. * * @param _num Number of indices. */ BGFX_C_API bool bgfx_check_avail_transient_index_buffer(uint32_t _num); /** * Returns true if internal transient vertex buffer has enough space. * * @param _num Number of vertices. * @param _decl Vertex declaration. */ BGFX_C_API bool bgfx_check_avail_transient_vertex_buffer(uint32_t _num, const bgfx_vertex_decl_t* _decl); /** * Returns true if internal instance data buffer has enough space. * * @param _num Number of instances. * @param _stride Stride per instance. */ BGFX_C_API bool bgfx_check_avail_instance_data_buffer(uint32_t _num, uint16_t _stride); /** * Returns true if both internal transient index and vertex buffer have * enough space. * * @param _numVertices Number of vertices. * @param _decl Vertex declaration. * @param _numIndices Number of indices. */ BGFX_C_API bool bgfx_check_avail_transient_buffers(uint32_t _numVertices, const bgfx_vertex_decl_t* _decl, uint32_t _numIndices); /** * Allocate transient index buffer. * * @param[out] _tib TransientIndexBuffer structure is filled and is valid * for the duration of frame, and it can be reused for multiple draw * calls. * @param _num Number of indices to allocate. * * NOTE: * 1. You must call setIndexBuffer after alloc in order to avoid memory * leak. * 2. Only 16-bit index buffer is supported. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_alloc_transient_index_buffer(bgfx_transient_index_buffer_t* _tib, uint32_t _num); /** * Allocate transient vertex buffer. * * @param[out] _tvb TransientVertexBuffer structure is filled and is valid * for the duration of frame, and it can be reused for multiple draw * calls. * @param _num Number of vertices to allocate. * @param _decl Vertex declaration. * * NOTE: * You must call setVertexBuffer after alloc in order to avoid memory * leak. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_alloc_transient_vertex_buffer(bgfx_transient_vertex_buffer_t* _tvb, uint32_t _num, const bgfx_vertex_decl_t* _decl); /** * Check for required space and allocate transient vertex and index * buffers. If both space requirements are satisfied function returns * true. * * NOTE: * Only 16-bit index buffer is supported. */ BGFX_C_API bool bgfx_alloc_transient_buffers(bgfx_transient_vertex_buffer_t* _tvb, const bgfx_vertex_decl_t* _decl, uint16_t _numVertices, bgfx_transient_index_buffer_t* _tib, uint16_t _numIndices); /** * Allocate instance data buffer. * * NOTE: * You must call setInstanceDataBuffer after alloc in order to avoid * memory leak. */ BGFX_C_API const bgfx_instance_data_buffer_t* bgfx_alloc_instance_data_buffer(uint32_t _num, uint16_t _stride); /** * Create shader from memory buffer. */ BGFX_C_API bgfx_shader_handle_t bgfx_create_shader(const bgfx_memory_t* _mem); /** * Returns num of uniforms, and uniform handles used inside shader. * * @param _handle Shader handle. * @param _uniforms UniformHandle array where data will be stored. * @param _max Maximum capacity of array. * @returns Number of uniforms used by shader. * * NOTE: * Only non-predefined uniforms are returned. */ BGFX_C_API uint16_t bgfx_get_shader_uniforms(bgfx_shader_handle_t _handle, bgfx_uniform_handle_t* _uniforms, uint16_t _max); /** * Destroy shader. Once program is created with shader it is safe to * destroy shader. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_destroy_shader(bgfx_shader_handle_t _handle); /** * Create program with vertex and fragment shaders. * * @param _vsh Vertex shader. * @param _fsh Fragment shader. * @param _destroyShaders If true, shaders will be destroyed when * program is destroyed. * @returns Program handle if vertex shader output and fragment shader * input are matching, otherwise returns invalid program handle. */ BGFX_C_API bgfx_program_handle_t bgfx_create_program(bgfx_shader_handle_t _vsh, bgfx_shader_handle_t _fsh, bool _destroyShaders); /** * Destroy program. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_destroy_program(bgfx_program_handle_t _handle); /** * Calculate amount of memory required for texture. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_calc_texture_size(bgfx_texture_info_t* _info, uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height, uint16_t _depth, uint8_t _numMips, bgfx_texture_format_t _format); /** * Create texture from memory buffer. * * @param _mem DDS, KTX or PVR texture data. * @param _flags Default texture sampling mode is linear, and wrap mode * is repeat. * * BGFX_TEXTURE_[U/V/W]_[MIRROR/CLAMP] - Mirror or clamp to edge wrap * mode. * * BGFX_TEXTURE_[MIN/MAG/MIP]_[POINT/ANISOTROPIC] - Point or anisotropic * sampling. * * @param _skip Skip top level mips when parsing texture. * @param _info Returns parsed texture information. * @returns Texture handle. */ BGFX_C_API bgfx_texture_handle_t bgfx_create_texture(const bgfx_memory_t* _mem, uint32_t _flags, uint8_t _skip, bgfx_texture_info_t* _info); /** * Create 2D texture. * * @param _width * @param _height * @param _numMips * @param _format * @param _flags * @param _mem */ BGFX_C_API bgfx_texture_handle_t bgfx_create_texture_2d(uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height, uint8_t _numMips, bgfx_texture_format_t _format, uint32_t _flags, const bgfx_memory_t* _mem); /** * Create 3D texture. * * @param _width * @param _height * @param _depth * @param _numMips * @param _format * @param _flags * @param _mem */ BGFX_C_API bgfx_texture_handle_t bgfx_create_texture_3d(uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height, uint16_t _depth, uint8_t _numMips, bgfx_texture_format_t _format, uint32_t _flags, const bgfx_memory_t* _mem); /** * Create Cube texture. * * @param _size * @param _numMips * @param _format * @param _flags * @param _mem */ BGFX_C_API bgfx_texture_handle_t bgfx_create_texture_cube(uint16_t _size, uint8_t _numMips, bgfx_texture_format_t _format, uint32_t _flags, const bgfx_memory_t* _mem); /** * Update 2D texture. * * @param _handle * @param _mip * @param _x * @param _y * @param _width * @param _height * @param _mem * @param _pitch Pitch of input image (bytes). When _pitch is set to * UINT16_MAX, it will be calculated internally based on _width. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_update_texture_2d(bgfx_texture_handle_t _handle, uint8_t _mip, uint16_t _x, uint16_t _y, uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height, const bgfx_memory_t* _mem, uint16_t _pitch); /** * Update 3D texture. * * @param _handle * @param _mip * @param _x * @param _y * @param _z * @param _width * @param _height * @param _depth * @param _mem */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_update_texture_3d(bgfx_texture_handle_t _handle, uint8_t _mip, uint16_t _x, uint16_t _y, uint16_t _z, uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height, uint16_t _depth, const bgfx_memory_t* _mem); /** * Update Cube texture. * * @param _handle * @param _side Cubemap side, where 0 is +X, 1 is -X, 2 is +Y, 3 is * -Y, 4 is +Z, and 5 is -Z. * * +----------+ * |-z 2| * | ^ +y | * | | | * | +---->+x | * +----------+----------+----------+----------+ * |+y 1|+y 4|+y 0|+y 5| * | ^ -x | ^ +z | ^ +x | ^ -z | * | | | | | | | | | * | +---->+z | +---->+x | +---->-z | +---->-x | * +----------+----------+----------+----------+ * |+z 3| * | ^ -y | * | | | * | +---->+x | * +----------+ * * @param _mip * @param _x * @param _y * @param _width * @param _height * @param _mem * @param _pitch Pitch of input image (bytes). When _pitch is set to * UINT16_MAX, it will be calculated internally based on _width. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_update_texture_cube(bgfx_texture_handle_t _handle, uint8_t _side, uint8_t _mip, uint16_t _x, uint16_t _y, uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height, const bgfx_memory_t* _mem, uint16_t _pitch); /** * Destroy texture. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_destroy_texture(bgfx_texture_handle_t _handle); /** * Create frame buffer (simple). * * @param _width Texture width. * @param _height Texture height. * @param _format Texture format. * @param _textureFlags Texture flags. */ BGFX_C_API bgfx_frame_buffer_handle_t bgfx_create_frame_buffer(uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height, bgfx_texture_format_t _format, uint32_t _textureFlags); /** * Create frame buffer. * * @param _num Number of texture attachments. * @param _handles Texture attachments. * @param _destroyTextures If true, textures will be destroyed when * frame buffer is destroyed. */ BGFX_C_API bgfx_frame_buffer_handle_t bgfx_create_frame_buffer_from_handles(uint8_t _num, bgfx_texture_handle_t* _handles, bool _destroyTextures); /** * Destroy frame buffer. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_destroy_frame_buffer(bgfx_frame_buffer_handle_t _handle); /** * Create shader uniform parameter. * * @param _name Uniform name in shader. * @param _type Type of uniform (See: UniformType). * @param _num Number of elements in array. * * Predefined uniforms: * * u_viewRect vec4(x, y, width, height) - view rectangle for current * view. * * u_viewTexel vec4(1.0/width, 1.0/height, undef, undef) - inverse * width and height * * u_view mat4 - view matrix * * u_invView mat4 - inverted view matrix * * u_proj mat4 - projection matrix * * u_invProj mat4 - inverted projection matrix * * u_viewProj mat4 - concatenated view projection matrix * * u_invViewProj mat4 - concatenated inverted view projection matrix * * u_model mat4[BGFX_CONFIG_MAX_BONES] - array of model matrices. * * u_modelView mat4 - concatenated model view matrix, only first * model matrix from array is used. * * u_modelViewProj mat4 - concatenated model view projection matrix. * * u_alphaRef float - alpha reference value for alpha test. */ BGFX_C_API bgfx_uniform_handle_t bgfx_create_uniform(const char* _name, bgfx_uniform_type_t _type, uint16_t _num); /** * Destroy shader uniform parameter. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_destroy_uniform(bgfx_uniform_handle_t _handle); /** * Set view name. * * @param _id View id. * @param _name View name. * * NOTE: * This is debug only feature. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_view_name(uint8_t _id, const char* _name); /** * Set view rectangle. Draw primitive outside view will be clipped. * * @param _id View id. * @param _x Position x from the left corner of the window. * @param _y Position y from the top corner of the window. * @param _width Width of view port region. * @param _height Height of view port region. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_view_rect(uint8_t _id, uint16_t _x, uint16_t _y, uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height); /** * Set view rectangle for multiple views. * * @param _viewMask Bit mask representing affected views. * @param _x Position x from the left corner of the window. * @param _y Position y from the top corner of the window. * @param _width Width of view port region. * @param _height Height of view port region. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_view_rect_mask(uint32_t _viewMask, uint16_t _x, uint16_t _y, uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height); /** * Set view scissor. Draw primitive outside view will be clipped. When * _x, _y, _width and _height are set to 0, scissor will be disabled. * * @param _x Position x from the left corner of the window. * @param _y Position y from the top corner of the window. * @param _width Width of scissor region. * @param _height Height of scissor region. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_view_scissor(uint8_t _id, uint16_t _x, uint16_t _y, uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height); /** * Set view scissor for multiple views. When _x, _y, _width and _height * are set to 0, scissor will be disabled. * * @param _id View id. * @param _viewMask Bit mask representing affected views. * @param _x Position x from the left corner of the window. * @param _y Position y from the top corner of the window. * @param _width Width of scissor region. * @param _height Height of scissor region. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_view_scissor_mask(uint32_t _viewMask, uint16_t _x, uint16_t _y, uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height); /** * Set view clear flags. * * @param _id View id. * @param _flags Clear flags. Use BGFX_CLEAR_NONE to remove any clear * operation. See: BGFX_CLEAR_*. * @param _rgba Color clear value. * @param _depth Depth clear value. * @param _stencil Stencil clear value. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_view_clear(uint8_t _id, uint8_t _flags, uint32_t _rgba, float _depth, uint8_t _stencil); /** * Set view clear flags for multiple views. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_view_clear_mask(uint32_t _viewMask, uint8_t _flags, uint32_t _rgba, float _depth, uint8_t _stencil); /** * Set view into sequential mode. Draw calls will be sorted in the same * order in which submit calls were called. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_view_seq(uint8_t _id, bool _enabled); /** * Set multiple views into sequential mode. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_view_seq_mask(uint32_t _viewMask, bool _enabled); /** * Set view frame buffer. * * @param _id View id. * @param _handle Frame buffer handle. Passing BGFX_INVALID_HANDLE as * frame buffer handle will draw primitives from this view into * default back buffer. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_view_frame_buffer(uint8_t _id, bgfx_frame_buffer_handle_t _handle); /** * Set view frame buffer for multiple views. * * @param _viewMask View mask. * @param _handle Frame buffer handle. Passing BGFX_INVALID_HANDLE as * frame buffer handle will draw primitives from this view into * default back buffer. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_view_frame_buffer_mask(uint32_t _viewMask, bgfx_frame_buffer_handle_t _handle); /** * Set view view and projection matrices, all draw primitives in this * view will use these matrices. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_view_transform(uint8_t _id, const void* _view, const void* _proj); /** * Set view view and projection matrices for multiple views. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_view_transform_mask(uint32_t _viewMask, const void* _view, const void* _proj); /** * Sets debug marker. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_marker(const char* _marker); /** * Set render states for draw primitive. * * @param _state State flags. Default state for primitive type is * triangles. See: BGFX_STATE_DEFAULT. * * BGFX_STATE_ALPHA_WRITE - Enable alpha write. * BGFX_STATE_DEPTH_WRITE - Enable depth write. * BGFX_STATE_DEPTH_TEST_* - Depth test function. * BGFX_STATE_BLEND_* - See NOTE 1: BGFX_STATE_BLEND_FUNC. * BGFX_STATE_BLEND_EQUATION_* - See NOTE 2. * BGFX_STATE_CULL_* - Backface culling mode. * BGFX_STATE_RGB_WRITE - Enable RGB write. * BGFX_STATE_MSAA - Enable MSAA. * BGFX_STATE_PT_[LINES/POINTS] - Primitive type. * * @param _rgba Sets blend factor used by BGFX_STATE_BLEND_FACTOR and * BGFX_STATE_BLEND_INV_FACTOR blend modes. * * NOTE: * 1. Use BGFX_STATE_ALPHA_REF, BGFX_STATE_POINT_SIZE and * BGFX_STATE_BLEND_FUNC macros to setup more complex states. * 2. BGFX_STATE_BLEND_EQUATION_ADD is set when no other blend * equation is specified. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_state(uint64_t _state, uint32_t _rgba); /** * Set stencil test state. * * @param _fstencil Front stencil state. * @param _bstencil Back stencil state. If back is set to BGFX_STENCIL_NONE * _fstencil is applied to both front and back facing primitives. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_stencil(uint32_t _fstencil, uint32_t _bstencil); /** * Set scissor for draw primitive. For scissor for all primitives in * view see setViewScissor. * * @param _x Position x from the left corner of the window. * @param _y Position y from the top corner of the window. * @param _width Width of scissor region. * @param _height Height of scissor region. * @returns Scissor cache index. */ BGFX_C_API uint16_t bgfx_set_scissor(uint16_t _x, uint16_t _y, uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height); /** * Set scissor from cache for draw primitive. * * @param _cache Index in scissor cache. Passing UINT16_MAX unset primitive * scissor and primitive will use view scissor instead. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_scissor_cached(uint16_t _cache); /** * Set model matrix for draw primitive. If it is not called model will * be rendered with identity model matrix. * * @param _mtx Pointer to first matrix in array. * @param _num Number of matrices in array. * @returns index into matrix cache in case the same model matrix has * to be used for other draw primitive call. */ BGFX_C_API uint32_t bgfx_set_transform(const void* _mtx, uint16_t _num); /** * Set model matrix from matrix cache for draw primitive. * * @param _cache Index in matrix cache. * @param _num Number of matrices from cache. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_transform_cached(uint32_t _cache, uint16_t _num); /** * Set shader uniform parameter for draw primitive. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_uniform(bgfx_uniform_handle_t _handle, const void* _value, uint16_t _num); /** * Set index buffer for draw primitive. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_index_buffer(bgfx_index_buffer_handle_t _handle, uint32_t _firstIndex, uint32_t _numIndices); /** * Set index buffer for draw primitive. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_dynamic_index_buffer(bgfx_dynamic_index_buffer_handle_t _handle, uint32_t _firstIndex, uint32_t _numIndices); /** * Set index buffer for draw primitive. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_transient_index_buffer(const bgfx_transient_index_buffer_t* _tib, uint32_t _firstIndex, uint32_t _numIndices); /** * Set vertex buffer for draw primitive. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_vertex_buffer(bgfx_vertex_buffer_handle_t _handle, uint32_t _startVertex, uint32_t _numVertices); /** * Set vertex buffer for draw primitive. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_dynamic_vertex_buffer(bgfx_dynamic_vertex_buffer_handle_t _handle, uint32_t _numVertices); /** * Set vertex buffer for draw primitive. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_transient_vertex_buffer(const bgfx_transient_vertex_buffer_t* _tvb, uint32_t _startVertex, uint32_t _numVertices); /** * Set instance data buffer for draw primitive. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_instance_data_buffer(const bgfx_instance_data_buffer_t* _idb, uint16_t _num); /** * Set program for draw primitive. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_program(bgfx_program_handle_t _handle); /** * Set texture stage for draw primitive. * * @param _stage Texture unit. * @param _sampler Program sampler. * @param _handle Texture handle. * @param _flags Texture sampling mode. Default value UINT32_MAX uses * texture sampling settings from the texture. * * BGFX_TEXTURE_[U/V/W]_[MIRROR/CLAMP] - Mirror or clamp to edge wrap * mode. * * BGFX_TEXTURE_[MIN/MAG/MIP]_[POINT/ANISOTROPIC] - Point or anisotropic * sampling. * * @param _flags Texture sampler filtering flags. UINT32_MAX use the * sampler filtering mode set by texture. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_texture(uint8_t _stage, bgfx_uniform_handle_t _sampler, bgfx_texture_handle_t _handle, uint32_t _flags); /** * Set texture stage for draw primitive. * * @param _stage Texture unit. * @param _sampler Program sampler. * @param _handle Frame buffer handle. * @param _attachment Attachment index. * @param _flags Texture sampling mode. Default value UINT32_MAX uses * texture sampling settings from the texture. * * BGFX_TEXTURE_[U/V/W]_[MIRROR/CLAMP] - Mirror or clamp to edge wrap * mode. * * BGFX_TEXTURE_[MIN/MAG/MIP]_[POINT/ANISOTROPIC] - Point or anisotropic * sampling. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_texture_from_frame_buffer(uint8_t _stage, bgfx_uniform_handle_t _sampler, bgfx_frame_buffer_handle_t _handle, uint8_t _attachment, uint32_t _flags); /** * Submit primitive for rendering into single view. * * @param _id View id. * @param _depth Depth for sorting. * @returns Number of draw calls. */ BGFX_C_API uint32_t bgfx_submit(uint8_t _id, int32_t _depth); /** * Submit primitive for rendering into multiple views. * * @param _viewMask Mask to which views to submit draw primitive calls. * @param _depth Depth for sorting. * @returns Number of draw calls. */ BGFX_C_API uint32_t bgfx_submit_mask(uint32_t _viewMask, int32_t _depth); /** * Discard all previously set state for draw call. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_discard(); /** * Request screen shot. * * @param _filePath Will be passed to CallbackI::screenShot callback. * * NOTE: * CallbackI::screenShot must be implemented. */ BGFX_C_API void bgfx_save_screen_shot(const char* _filePath); #undef BGFX_C_API #endif // BGFX_C99_H_HEADER_GUARD