/* * Copyright 2011-2014 Branimir Karadzic. All rights reserved. * License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause */ #include "bgfx_p.h" namespace bgfx { #define BGFX_MAIN_THREAD_MAGIC 0x78666762 #if BGFX_CONFIG_MULTITHREADED && !BX_PLATFORM_OSX && !BX_PLATFORM_IOS # define BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD() \ BX_CHECK(NULL != s_ctx, "Library is not initialized yet."); \ BX_CHECK(BGFX_MAIN_THREAD_MAGIC == s_threadIndex, "Must be called from main thread.") # define BGFX_CHECK_RENDER_THREAD() BX_CHECK(BGFX_MAIN_THREAD_MAGIC != s_threadIndex, "Must be called from render thread.") #else # define BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD() # define BGFX_CHECK_RENDER_THREAD() #endif // BGFX_CONFIG_MULTITHREADED && !BX_PLATFORM_OSX && !BX_PLATFORM_IOS #if BX_PLATFORM_ANDROID ::ANativeWindow* g_bgfxAndroidWindow = NULL; void androidSetWindow(::ANativeWindow* _window) { g_bgfxAndroidWindow = _window; } #elif BX_PLATFORM_IOS void* g_bgfxEaglLayer = NULL; void iosSetEaglLayer(void* _layer) { g_bgfxEaglLayer = _layer; } #elif BX_PLATFORM_OSX void* g_bgfxNSWindow = NULL; void osxSetNSWindow(void* _window) { g_bgfxNSWindow = _window; } #elif BX_PLATFORM_WINDOWS ::HWND g_bgfxHwnd = NULL; void winSetHwnd(::HWND _window) { g_bgfxHwnd = _window; } #endif // BX_PLATFORM_* #if BGFX_CONFIG_USE_TINYSTL void* TinyStlAllocator::static_allocate(size_t _bytes) { return BX_ALLOC(g_allocator, _bytes); } void TinyStlAllocator::static_deallocate(void* _ptr, size_t /*_bytes*/) { if (NULL != _ptr) { BX_FREE(g_allocator, _ptr); } } #endif // BGFX_CONFIG_USE_TINYSTL struct CallbackStub : public CallbackI { virtual ~CallbackStub() { } virtual void fatal(Fatal::Enum _code, const char* _str) BX_OVERRIDE { if (Fatal::DebugCheck == _code) { bx::debugBreak(); } else { BX_TRACE("0x%08x: %s", _code, _str); BX_UNUSED(_code, _str); abort(); } } virtual uint32_t cacheReadSize(uint64_t /*_id*/) BX_OVERRIDE { return 0; } virtual bool cacheRead(uint64_t /*_id*/, void* /*_data*/, uint32_t /*_size*/) BX_OVERRIDE { return false; } virtual void cacheWrite(uint64_t /*_id*/, const void* /*_data*/, uint32_t /*_size*/) BX_OVERRIDE { } virtual void screenShot(const char* _filePath, uint32_t _width, uint32_t _height, uint32_t _pitch, const void* _data, uint32_t _size, bool _yflip) BX_OVERRIDE { BX_UNUSED(_filePath, _width, _height, _pitch, _data, _size, _yflip); #if BX_CONFIG_CRT_FILE_READER_WRITER char* filePath = (char*)alloca(strlen(_filePath)+5); strcpy(filePath, _filePath); strcat(filePath, ".tga"); bx::CrtFileWriter writer; if (0 == writer.open(filePath) ) { imageWriteTga(&writer, _width, _height, _pitch, _data, false, _yflip); writer.close(); } #endif // BX_CONFIG_CRT_FILE_READER_WRITER } virtual void captureBegin(uint32_t /*_width*/, uint32_t /*_height*/, uint32_t /*_pitch*/, TextureFormat::Enum /*_format*/, bool /*_yflip*/) BX_OVERRIDE { BX_TRACE("Warning: using capture without callback (a.k.a. pointless)."); } virtual void captureEnd() BX_OVERRIDE { } virtual void captureFrame(const void* /*_data*/, uint32_t /*_size*/) BX_OVERRIDE { } }; #ifndef BGFX_CONFIG_MEMORY_TRACKING # define BGFX_CONFIG_MEMORY_TRACKING (BGFX_CONFIG_DEBUG && BX_CONFIG_SUPPORTED_THREADING) #endif // BGFX_CONFIG_MEMORY_TRACKING class AllocatorStub : public bx::ReallocatorI { public: AllocatorStub() #if BGFX_CONFIG_MEMORY_TRACKING : m_numBlocks(0) , m_maxBlocks(0) #endif // BGFX_CONFIG_MEMORY_TRACKING { } virtual void* alloc(size_t _size, size_t _align, const char* _file, uint32_t _line) BX_OVERRIDE { if (BX_CONFIG_ALLOCATOR_NATURAL_ALIGNMENT >= _align) { #if BGFX_CONFIG_MEMORY_TRACKING { bx::LwMutexScope scope(m_mutex); ++m_numBlocks; m_maxBlocks = bx::uint32_max(m_maxBlocks, m_numBlocks); } #endif // BGFX_CONFIG_MEMORY_TRACKING return ::malloc(_size); } return bx::alignedAlloc(this, _size, _align, _file, _line); } virtual void free(void* _ptr, size_t _align, const char* _file, uint32_t _line) BX_OVERRIDE { if (NULL != _ptr) { if (BX_CONFIG_ALLOCATOR_NATURAL_ALIGNMENT >= _align) { #if BGFX_CONFIG_MEMORY_TRACKING { bx::LwMutexScope scope(m_mutex); BX_CHECK(m_numBlocks > 0, "Number of blocks is 0. Possible alloc/free mismatch?"); --m_numBlocks; } #endif // BGFX_CONFIG_MEMORY_TRACKING ::free(_ptr); } else { bx::alignedFree(this, _ptr, _align, _file, _line); } } } virtual void* realloc(void* _ptr, size_t _size, size_t _align, const char* _file, uint32_t _line) BX_OVERRIDE { if (BX_CONFIG_ALLOCATOR_NATURAL_ALIGNMENT >= _align) { #if BGFX_CONFIG_MEMORY_TRACKING if (NULL == _ptr) { bx::LwMutexScope scope(m_mutex); ++m_numBlocks; m_maxBlocks = bx::uint32_max(m_maxBlocks, m_numBlocks); } #endif // BGFX_CONFIG_MEMORY_TRACKING return ::realloc(_ptr, _size); } return bx::alignedRealloc(this, _ptr, _size, _align, _file, _line); } void checkLeaks() { #if BGFX_CONFIG_MEMORY_TRACKING BX_WARN(0 == m_numBlocks, "MEMORY LEAK: %d (max: %d)", m_numBlocks, m_maxBlocks); #endif // BGFX_CONFIG_MEMORY_TRACKING } protected: #if BGFX_CONFIG_MEMORY_TRACKING bx::LwMutex m_mutex; uint32_t m_numBlocks; uint32_t m_maxBlocks; #endif // BGFX_CONFIG_MEMORY_TRACKING }; static CallbackStub* s_callbackStub = NULL; static AllocatorStub* s_allocatorStub = NULL; static bool s_graphicsDebuggerPresent = false; CallbackI* g_callback = NULL; bx::ReallocatorI* g_allocator = NULL; Caps g_caps; static BX_THREAD uint32_t s_threadIndex = 0; static Context* s_ctx = NULL; static bool s_renderFrameCalled = false; void setGraphicsDebuggerPresent(bool _present) { BX_TRACE("Graphics debugger is %spresent.", _present ? "" : "not "); s_graphicsDebuggerPresent = _present; } bool isGraphicsDebuggerPresent() { return s_graphicsDebuggerPresent; } void fatal(Fatal::Enum _code, const char* _format, ...) { char temp[8192]; va_list argList; va_start(argList, _format); bx::vsnprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), _format, argList); va_end(argList); temp[sizeof(temp)-1] = '\0'; g_callback->fatal(_code, temp); } void mtxOrtho(float* _result, float _left, float _right, float _bottom, float _top, float _near, float _far) { const float aa = 2.0f/(_right - _left); const float bb = 2.0f/(_top - _bottom); const float cc = 1.0f/(_far - _near); const float dd = (_left + _right)/(_left - _right); const float ee = (_top + _bottom)/(_bottom - _top); const float ff = _near / (_near - _far); memset(_result, 0, sizeof(float)*16); _result[0] = aa; _result[5] = bb; _result[10] = cc; _result[12] = dd; _result[13] = ee; _result[14] = ff; _result[15] = 1.0f; } #include "charset.h" void charsetFillTexture(const uint8_t* _charset, uint8_t* _rgba, uint32_t _height, uint32_t _pitch, uint32_t _bpp) { for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < 256; ++ii) { uint8_t* pix = &_rgba[ii*8*_bpp]; for (uint32_t yy = 0; yy < _height; ++yy) { for (uint32_t xx = 0; xx < 8; ++xx) { uint8_t bit = 1<<(7-xx); memset(&pix[xx*_bpp], _charset[ii*_height+yy]&bit ? 255 : 0, _bpp); } pix += _pitch; } } } static const uint32_t numCharsPerBatch = 1024; static const uint32_t numBatchVertices = numCharsPerBatch*4; static const uint32_t numBatchIndices = numCharsPerBatch*6; void TextVideoMemBlitter::init() { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); m_decl .begin() .add(Attrib::Position, 3, AttribType::Float) .add(Attrib::Color0, 4, AttribType::Uint8, true) .add(Attrib::Color1, 4, AttribType::Uint8, true) .add(Attrib::TexCoord0, 2, AttribType::Float) .end(); uint16_t width = 2048; uint16_t height = 24; uint8_t bpp = 1; uint32_t pitch = width*bpp; const Memory* mem; mem = alloc(pitch*height); uint8_t* rgba = mem->data; charsetFillTexture(vga8x8, rgba, 8, pitch, bpp); charsetFillTexture(vga8x16, &rgba[8*pitch], 16, pitch, bpp); m_texture = createTexture2D(width, height, 1, TextureFormat::R8 , BGFX_TEXTURE_MIN_POINT | BGFX_TEXTURE_MAG_POINT | BGFX_TEXTURE_MIP_POINT | BGFX_TEXTURE_U_CLAMP | BGFX_TEXTURE_V_CLAMP , mem ); switch (g_caps.rendererType) { case RendererType::Direct3D9: mem = makeRef(vs_debugfont_dx9, sizeof(vs_debugfont_dx9) ); break; case RendererType::Direct3D11: mem = makeRef(vs_debugfont_dx11, sizeof(vs_debugfont_dx11) ); break; default: mem = makeRef(vs_debugfont_glsl, sizeof(vs_debugfont_glsl) ); break; } ShaderHandle vsh = createShader(mem); switch (g_caps.rendererType) { case RendererType::Direct3D9: mem = makeRef(fs_debugfont_dx9, sizeof(fs_debugfont_dx9) ); break; case RendererType::Direct3D11: mem = makeRef(fs_debugfont_dx11, sizeof(fs_debugfont_dx11) ); break; default: mem = makeRef(fs_debugfont_glsl, sizeof(fs_debugfont_glsl) ); break; } ShaderHandle fsh = createShader(mem); m_program = createProgram(vsh, fsh, true); m_vb = s_ctx->createTransientVertexBuffer(numBatchVertices*m_decl.m_stride, &m_decl); m_ib = s_ctx->createTransientIndexBuffer(numBatchIndices*2); } void TextVideoMemBlitter::shutdown() { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); destroyProgram(m_program); destroyTexture(m_texture); s_ctx->destroyTransientVertexBuffer(m_vb); s_ctx->destroyTransientIndexBuffer(m_ib); } void blit(RendererContextI* _renderCtx, TextVideoMemBlitter& _blitter, const TextVideoMem& _mem) { BGFX_CHECK_RENDER_THREAD(); struct Vertex { float m_x; float m_y; float m_z; uint32_t m_fg; uint32_t m_bg; float m_u; float m_v; }; static uint32_t palette[16] = { 0x0, 0xff0000cc, 0xff069a4e, 0xff00a0c4, 0xffa46534, 0xff7b5075, 0xff9a9806, 0xffcfd7d3, 0xff535755, 0xff2929ef, 0xff34e28a, 0xff4fe9fc, 0xffcf9f72, 0xffa87fad, 0xffe2e234, 0xffeceeee, }; uint32_t yy = 0; uint32_t xx = 0; const float texelWidth = 1.0f/2048.0f; const float texelWidthHalf = texelWidth*0.5f; const float texelHeight = 1.0f/24.0f; const float texelHeightHalf = RendererType::Direct3D9 == g_caps.rendererType ? texelHeight*0.5f : 0.0f; const float utop = (_mem.m_small ? 0.0f : 8.0f)*texelHeight + texelHeightHalf; const float ubottom = (_mem.m_small ? 8.0f : 24.0f)*texelHeight + texelHeightHalf; const float fontHeight = (_mem.m_small ? 8.0f : 16.0f); _renderCtx->blitSetup(_blitter); for (;yy < _mem.m_height;) { Vertex* vertex = (Vertex*)_blitter.m_vb->data; uint16_t* indices = (uint16_t*)_blitter.m_ib->data; uint32_t startVertex = 0; uint32_t numIndices = 0; for (; yy < _mem.m_height && numIndices < numBatchIndices; ++yy) { xx = xx < _mem.m_width ? xx : 0; const uint8_t* line = &_mem.m_mem[(yy*_mem.m_width+xx)*2]; for (; xx < _mem.m_width && numIndices < numBatchIndices; ++xx) { uint8_t ch = line[0]; uint8_t attr = line[1]; if (0 != (ch|attr) && (' ' != ch || 0 != (attr&0xf0) ) ) { uint32_t fg = palette[attr&0xf]; uint32_t bg = palette[(attr>>4)&0xf]; Vertex vert[4] = { { (xx )*8.0f, (yy )*fontHeight, 0.0f, fg, bg, (ch )*8.0f*texelWidth - texelWidthHalf, utop }, { (xx+1)*8.0f, (yy )*fontHeight, 0.0f, fg, bg, (ch+1)*8.0f*texelWidth - texelWidthHalf, utop }, { (xx+1)*8.0f, (yy+1)*fontHeight, 0.0f, fg, bg, (ch+1)*8.0f*texelWidth - texelWidthHalf, ubottom }, { (xx )*8.0f, (yy+1)*fontHeight, 0.0f, fg, bg, (ch )*8.0f*texelWidth - texelWidthHalf, ubottom }, }; memcpy(vertex, vert, sizeof(vert) ); vertex += 4; indices[0] = startVertex+0; indices[1] = startVertex+1; indices[2] = startVertex+2; indices[3] = startVertex+2; indices[4] = startVertex+3; indices[5] = startVertex+0; startVertex += 4; indices += 6; numIndices += 6; } line += 2; } if (numIndices >= numBatchIndices) { break; } } _renderCtx->blitRender(_blitter, numIndices); } } void ClearQuad::init() { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); if (BX_ENABLED(BGFX_CONFIG_CLEAR_QUAD) && RendererType::OpenGLES != g_caps.rendererType && RendererType::Direct3D9 != g_caps.rendererType && RendererType::Null != g_caps.rendererType) { m_decl .begin() .add(Attrib::Position, 3, AttribType::Float) .add(Attrib::Color0, 4, AttribType::Uint8, true) .end(); ShaderHandle vsh = BGFX_INVALID_HANDLE; const Memory* fragMem[BGFX_CONFIG_MAX_FRAME_BUFFER_ATTACHMENTS]; if (RendererType::Direct3D11 == g_caps.rendererType) { vsh = createShader(makeRef(vs_clear_dx11, sizeof(vs_clear_dx11) ) ); fragMem[0] = makeRef(fs_clear0_dx11, sizeof(fs_clear0_dx11) ); fragMem[1] = makeRef(fs_clear1_dx11, sizeof(fs_clear1_dx11) ); fragMem[2] = makeRef(fs_clear2_dx11, sizeof(fs_clear2_dx11) ); fragMem[3] = makeRef(fs_clear3_dx11, sizeof(fs_clear3_dx11) ); } else if (RendererType::OpenGL == g_caps.rendererType) { vsh = createShader(makeRef(vs_clear_glsl, sizeof(vs_clear_glsl) ) ); fragMem[0] = makeRef(fs_clear0_glsl, sizeof(fs_clear0_glsl) ); fragMem[1] = makeRef(fs_clear1_glsl, sizeof(fs_clear1_glsl) ); fragMem[2] = makeRef(fs_clear2_glsl, sizeof(fs_clear2_glsl) ); fragMem[3] = makeRef(fs_clear3_glsl, sizeof(fs_clear3_glsl) ); } for (uint32_t ii = 0, num = g_caps.maxFBAttachments; ii < num; ++ii) { ShaderHandle fsh = createShader(fragMem[ii]); m_program[ii] = createProgram(vsh, fsh); destroyShader(fsh); } destroyShader(vsh); m_vb = s_ctx->createTransientVertexBuffer(4*m_decl.m_stride, &m_decl); const Memory* mem = alloc(6*sizeof(uint16_t) ); uint16_t* indices = (uint16_t*)mem->data; indices[0] = 0; indices[1] = 1; indices[2] = 2; indices[3] = 2; indices[4] = 3; indices[5] = 0; m_ib = s_ctx->createIndexBuffer(mem); } } void ClearQuad::shutdown() { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); if (BX_ENABLED(BGFX_CONFIG_CLEAR_QUAD) && RendererType::OpenGLES != g_caps.rendererType && RendererType::Direct3D9 != g_caps.rendererType && RendererType::Null != g_caps.rendererType) { for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < BGFX_CONFIG_MAX_FRAME_BUFFER_ATTACHMENTS; ++ii) { if (isValid(m_program[ii]) ) { destroyProgram(m_program[ii]); m_program[ii].idx = invalidHandle; } } destroyIndexBuffer(m_ib); s_ctx->destroyTransientVertexBuffer(m_vb); } } const char* s_uniformTypeName[UniformType::Count] = { "int", "float", NULL, "int", "float", "vec2", "vec3", "vec4", "mat3", "mat4", }; const char* getUniformTypeName(UniformType::Enum _enum) { return s_uniformTypeName[_enum]; } UniformType::Enum nameToUniformTypeEnum(const char* _name) { for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < UniformType::Count; ++ii) { if (NULL != s_uniformTypeName[ii] && 0 == strcmp(_name, s_uniformTypeName[ii]) ) { return UniformType::Enum(ii); } } return UniformType::Count; } static const char* s_predefinedName[PredefinedUniform::Count] = { "u_viewRect", "u_viewTexel", "u_view", "u_invView", "u_proj", "u_invProj", "u_viewProj", "u_invViewProj", "u_model", "u_modelView", "u_modelViewProj", "u_alphaRef", }; const char* getPredefinedUniformName(PredefinedUniform::Enum _enum) { return s_predefinedName[_enum]; } PredefinedUniform::Enum nameToPredefinedUniformEnum(const char* _name) { for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < PredefinedUniform::Count; ++ii) { if (0 == strcmp(_name, s_predefinedName[ii]) ) { return PredefinedUniform::Enum(ii); } } return PredefinedUniform::Count; } uint32_t Frame::submit(uint8_t _id, int32_t _depth) { if (m_discard) { discard(); return m_num; } if (BGFX_CONFIG_MAX_DRAW_CALLS-1 <= m_num || (0 == m_state.m_numVertices && 0 == m_state.m_numIndices) ) { ++m_numDropped; return m_num; } BX_WARN(invalidHandle != m_key.m_program, "Program with invalid handle"); if (invalidHandle != m_key.m_program) { m_key.m_depth = _depth; m_key.m_view = _id; m_key.m_seq = s_ctx->m_seq[_id] & s_ctx->m_seqMask[_id]; s_ctx->m_seq[_id]++; uint64_t key = m_key.encode(); m_sortKeys[m_num] = key; m_sortValues[m_num] = m_numRenderStates; ++m_num; m_state.m_constEnd = m_constantBuffer->getPos(); m_state.m_flags |= m_flags; m_renderState[m_numRenderStates] = m_state; ++m_numRenderStates; } m_state.clear(); m_flags = BGFX_STATE_NONE; return m_num; } uint32_t Frame::submitMask(uint32_t _viewMask, int32_t _depth) { if (m_discard) { discard(); return m_num; } if (BGFX_CONFIG_MAX_DRAW_CALLS-1 <= m_num || (0 == m_state.m_numVertices && 0 == m_state.m_numIndices) ) { m_numDropped += bx::uint32_cntbits(_viewMask); return m_num; } BX_WARN(invalidHandle != m_key.m_program, "Program with invalid handle"); if (invalidHandle != m_key.m_program) { m_key.m_depth = _depth; for (uint32_t id = 0, viewMask = _viewMask, ntz = bx::uint32_cnttz(_viewMask); 0 != viewMask; viewMask >>= 1, id += 1, ntz = bx::uint32_cnttz(viewMask) ) { viewMask >>= ntz; id += ntz; m_key.m_view = id; m_key.m_seq = s_ctx->m_seq[id] & s_ctx->m_seqMask[id]; s_ctx->m_seq[id]++; uint64_t key = m_key.encode(); m_sortKeys[m_num] = key; m_sortValues[m_num] = m_numRenderStates; ++m_num; } m_state.m_constEnd = m_constantBuffer->getPos(); m_state.m_flags |= m_flags; m_renderState[m_numRenderStates] = m_state; ++m_numRenderStates; } m_state.clear(); m_flags = BGFX_STATE_NONE; return m_num; } void Frame::sort() { bx::radixSort64(m_sortKeys, s_ctx->m_tempKeys, m_sortValues, s_ctx->m_tempValues, m_num); } RenderFrame::Enum renderFrame() { if (NULL == s_ctx) { s_renderFrameCalled = true; return RenderFrame::NoContext; } BGFX_CHECK_RENDER_THREAD(); if (s_ctx->renderFrame() ) { return RenderFrame::Exiting; } return RenderFrame::Render; } const uint32_t g_uniformTypeSize[UniformType::Count+1] = { sizeof(int32_t), sizeof(float), 0, 1*sizeof(int32_t), 1*sizeof(float), 2*sizeof(float), 3*sizeof(float), 4*sizeof(float), 3*3*sizeof(float), 4*4*sizeof(float), 1, }; void ConstantBuffer::writeUniform(UniformType::Enum _type, uint16_t _loc, const void* _value, uint16_t _num) { uint32_t opcode = encodeOpcode(_type, _loc, _num, true); write(opcode); write(_value, g_uniformTypeSize[_type]*_num); } void ConstantBuffer::writeUniformHandle(UniformType::Enum _type, uint16_t _loc, UniformHandle _handle, uint16_t _num) { uint32_t opcode = encodeOpcode(_type, _loc, _num, false); write(opcode); write(&_handle, sizeof(UniformHandle) ); } void ConstantBuffer::writeMarker(const char* _marker) { uint16_t num = (uint16_t)strlen(_marker)+1; uint32_t opcode = encodeOpcode(bgfx::UniformType::Count, 0, num, true); write(opcode); write(_marker, num); } struct CapsFlags { uint64_t m_flag; const char* m_str; }; static const CapsFlags s_capsFlags[] = { #define CAPS_FLAGS(_x) { _x, #_x } CAPS_FLAGS(BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_FORMAT_BC1), CAPS_FLAGS(BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_FORMAT_BC2), CAPS_FLAGS(BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_FORMAT_BC3), CAPS_FLAGS(BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_FORMAT_BC4), CAPS_FLAGS(BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_FORMAT_BC5), CAPS_FLAGS(BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_FORMAT_ETC1), CAPS_FLAGS(BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_FORMAT_ETC2), CAPS_FLAGS(BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_FORMAT_ETC2A), CAPS_FLAGS(BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_FORMAT_ETC2A1), CAPS_FLAGS(BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_FORMAT_PTC12), CAPS_FLAGS(BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_FORMAT_PTC14), CAPS_FLAGS(BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_FORMAT_PTC14A), CAPS_FLAGS(BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_FORMAT_PTC12A), CAPS_FLAGS(BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_FORMAT_PTC22), CAPS_FLAGS(BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_FORMAT_PTC24), CAPS_FLAGS(BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_FORMAT_D16), CAPS_FLAGS(BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_FORMAT_D24), CAPS_FLAGS(BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_FORMAT_D24S8), CAPS_FLAGS(BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_FORMAT_D32), CAPS_FLAGS(BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_FORMAT_D16F), CAPS_FLAGS(BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_FORMAT_D24F), CAPS_FLAGS(BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_FORMAT_D32F), CAPS_FLAGS(BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_FORMAT_D0S8), CAPS_FLAGS(BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_COMPARE_LEQUAL), CAPS_FLAGS(BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_COMPARE_ALL), CAPS_FLAGS(BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_3D), CAPS_FLAGS(BGFX_CAPS_VERTEX_ATTRIB_HALF), CAPS_FLAGS(BGFX_CAPS_INSTANCING), CAPS_FLAGS(BGFX_CAPS_RENDERER_MULTITHREADED), CAPS_FLAGS(BGFX_CAPS_FRAGMENT_DEPTH), CAPS_FLAGS(BGFX_CAPS_BLEND_INDEPENDENT), #undef CAPS_FLAGS }; static void dumpCaps() { BX_TRACE("Supported capabilities (%s):", s_ctx->m_renderCtx->getRendererName() ); for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < BX_COUNTOF(s_capsFlags); ++ii) { if (0 != (g_caps.supported & s_capsFlags[ii].m_flag) ) { BX_TRACE("\t%s", s_capsFlags[ii].m_str); } } BX_TRACE("Emulated capabilities:"); for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < BX_COUNTOF(s_capsFlags); ++ii) { if (0 != (g_caps.emulated & s_capsFlags[ii].m_flag) ) { BX_TRACE("\t%s", s_capsFlags[ii].m_str); } } BX_TRACE("Max FB attachments: %d", g_caps.maxFBAttachments); } void Context::init(RendererType::Enum _type) { BX_CHECK(!m_rendererInitialized, "Already initialized?"); m_exit = false; m_frames = 0; m_render = &m_frame[0]; m_submit = &m_frame[1]; m_debug = BGFX_DEBUG_NONE; m_submit->create(); m_render->create(); #if BGFX_CONFIG_MULTITHREADED if (s_renderFrameCalled) { // When bgfx::renderFrame is called before init render thread // should not be created. BX_TRACE("Application called bgfx::renderFrame directly, not creating render thread."); } else { BX_TRACE("Creating rendering thread."); m_thread.init(renderThread, this); } #else BX_TRACE("Multithreaded renderer is disabled."); #endif // BGFX_CONFIG_MULTITHREADED memset(m_fb, 0xff, sizeof(m_fb) ); memset(m_clear, 0, sizeof(m_clear) ); memset(m_rect, 0, sizeof(m_rect) ); memset(m_scissor, 0, sizeof(m_scissor) ); memset(m_seq, 0, sizeof(m_seq) ); memset(m_seqMask, 0, sizeof(m_seqMask) ); for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < BX_COUNTOF(m_rect); ++ii) { m_rect[ii].m_width = 1; m_rect[ii].m_height = 1; } m_declRef.init(); CommandBuffer& cmdbuf = getCommandBuffer(CommandBuffer::RendererInit); cmdbuf.write(_type); frameNoRenderWait(); // Make sure renderer init is called from render thread. // g_caps is initialized and available after this point. frame(); const uint64_t emulatedCaps = 0 | BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_FORMAT_BC1 | BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_FORMAT_BC2 | BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_FORMAT_BC3 | BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_FORMAT_BC4 | BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_FORMAT_BC5 | BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_FORMAT_ETC1 | BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_FORMAT_ETC2 | BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_FORMAT_ETC2A | BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_FORMAT_ETC2A1 ; g_caps.emulated |= emulatedCaps ^ (g_caps.supported & emulatedCaps); g_caps.rendererType = m_renderCtx->getRendererType(); initAttribTypeSizeTable(g_caps.rendererType); dumpCaps(); m_textVideoMemBlitter.init(); m_clearQuad.init(); m_submit->m_transientVb = createTransientVertexBuffer(BGFX_CONFIG_TRANSIENT_VERTEX_BUFFER_SIZE); m_submit->m_transientIb = createTransientIndexBuffer(BGFX_CONFIG_TRANSIENT_INDEX_BUFFER_SIZE); frame(); m_submit->m_transientVb = createTransientVertexBuffer(BGFX_CONFIG_TRANSIENT_VERTEX_BUFFER_SIZE); m_submit->m_transientIb = createTransientIndexBuffer(BGFX_CONFIG_TRANSIENT_INDEX_BUFFER_SIZE); frame(); for (uint8_t ii = 0; ii < BGFX_CONFIG_MAX_VIEWS; ++ii) { char name[256]; bx::snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%02d view", ii); setViewName(ii, name); } } void Context::shutdown() { getCommandBuffer(CommandBuffer::RendererShutdownBegin); frame(); destroyTransientVertexBuffer(m_submit->m_transientVb); destroyTransientIndexBuffer(m_submit->m_transientIb); m_textVideoMemBlitter.shutdown(); m_clearQuad.shutdown(); frame(); destroyTransientVertexBuffer(m_submit->m_transientVb); destroyTransientIndexBuffer(m_submit->m_transientIb); frame(); frame(); // If any VertexDecls needs to be destroyed. getCommandBuffer(CommandBuffer::RendererShutdownEnd); frame(); m_declRef.shutdown(m_vertexDeclHandle); #if BGFX_CONFIG_MULTITHREADED if (m_thread.isRunning() ) { m_thread.shutdown(); } #endif // BGFX_CONFIG_MULTITHREADED s_ctx = NULL; // Can't be used by renderFrame at this point. renderSemWait(); m_submit->destroy(); m_render->destroy(); if (BX_ENABLED(BGFX_CONFIG_DEBUG) ) { #define CHECK_HANDLE_LEAK(_handleAlloc) \ do { \ BX_WARN(0 == _handleAlloc.getNumHandles() \ , "LEAK: " #_handleAlloc " %d (max: %d)" \ , _handleAlloc.getNumHandles() \ , _handleAlloc.getMaxHandles() \ ); \ } while (0) CHECK_HANDLE_LEAK(m_dynamicIndexBufferHandle); CHECK_HANDLE_LEAK(m_dynamicVertexBufferHandle); CHECK_HANDLE_LEAK(m_indexBufferHandle); CHECK_HANDLE_LEAK(m_vertexDeclHandle); CHECK_HANDLE_LEAK(m_vertexBufferHandle); CHECK_HANDLE_LEAK(m_shaderHandle); CHECK_HANDLE_LEAK(m_programHandle); CHECK_HANDLE_LEAK(m_textureHandle); CHECK_HANDLE_LEAK(m_frameBufferHandle); CHECK_HANDLE_LEAK(m_uniformHandle); #undef CHECK_HANDLE_LEAK } } void Context::freeDynamicBuffers() { for (uint16_t ii = 0, num = m_numFreeDynamicIndexBufferHandles; ii < num; ++ii) { destroyDynamicIndexBufferInternal(m_freeDynamicIndexBufferHandle[ii]); } m_numFreeDynamicIndexBufferHandles = 0; for (uint16_t ii = 0, num = m_numFreeDynamicVertexBufferHandles; ii < num; ++ii) { destroyDynamicVertexBufferInternal(m_freeDynamicVertexBufferHandle[ii]); } m_numFreeDynamicVertexBufferHandles = 0; } void Context::freeAllHandles(Frame* _frame) { for (uint16_t ii = 0, num = _frame->m_numFreeIndexBufferHandles; ii < num; ++ii) { m_indexBufferHandle.free(_frame->m_freeIndexBufferHandle[ii].idx); } for (uint16_t ii = 0, num = _frame->m_numFreeVertexDeclHandles; ii < num; ++ii) { m_vertexDeclHandle.free(_frame->m_freeVertexDeclHandle[ii].idx); } for (uint16_t ii = 0, num = _frame->m_numFreeVertexBufferHandles; ii < num; ++ii) { destroyVertexBufferInternal(_frame->m_freeVertexBufferHandle[ii]); } for (uint16_t ii = 0, num = _frame->m_numFreeShaderHandles; ii < num; ++ii) { m_shaderHandle.free(_frame->m_freeShaderHandle[ii].idx); } for (uint16_t ii = 0, num = _frame->m_numFreeProgramHandles; ii < num; ++ii) { m_programHandle.free(_frame->m_freeProgramHandle[ii].idx); } for (uint16_t ii = 0, num = _frame->m_numFreeTextureHandles; ii < num; ++ii) { m_textureHandle.free(_frame->m_freeTextureHandle[ii].idx); } for (uint16_t ii = 0, num = _frame->m_numFreeFrameBufferHandles; ii < num; ++ii) { m_frameBufferHandle.free(_frame->m_freeFrameBufferHandle[ii].idx); } for (uint16_t ii = 0, num = _frame->m_numFreeUniformHandles; ii < num; ++ii) { m_uniformHandle.free(_frame->m_freeUniformHandle[ii].idx); } } uint32_t Context::frame() { BX_CHECK(0 == m_instBufferCount, "Instance buffer allocated, but not used. This is incorrect, and causes memory leak."); // wait for render thread to finish renderSemWait(); frameNoRenderWait(); return m_frames; } void Context::frameNoRenderWait() { swap(); // release render thread gameSemPost(); #if !BGFX_CONFIG_MULTITHREADED renderFrame(); #endif // BGFX_CONFIG_MULTITHREADED } void Context::swap() { freeDynamicBuffers(); m_submit->m_resolution = m_resolution; m_submit->m_debug = m_debug; memcpy(m_submit->m_fb, m_fb, sizeof(m_fb) ); memcpy(m_submit->m_clear, m_clear, sizeof(m_clear) ); memcpy(m_submit->m_rect, m_rect, sizeof(m_rect) ); memcpy(m_submit->m_scissor, m_scissor, sizeof(m_scissor) ); memcpy(m_submit->m_view, m_view, sizeof(m_view) ); memcpy(m_submit->m_proj, m_proj, sizeof(m_proj) ); m_submit->finish(); Frame* temp = m_render; m_render = m_submit; m_submit = temp; m_frames++; m_submit->start(); memset(m_seq, 0, sizeof(m_seq) ); freeAllHandles(m_submit); m_submit->resetFreeHandles(); m_submit->m_textVideoMem->resize(m_render->m_textVideoMem->m_small, m_resolution.m_width, m_resolution.m_height); } bool Context::renderFrame() { if (m_rendererInitialized) { m_renderCtx->flip(); } gameSemWait(); rendererExecCommands(m_render->m_cmdPre); if (m_rendererInitialized) { m_renderCtx->submit(m_render, m_clearQuad, m_textVideoMemBlitter); } rendererExecCommands(m_render->m_cmdPost); renderSemPost(); return m_exit; } void rendererUpdateUniforms(RendererContextI* _renderCtx, ConstantBuffer* _constantBuffer, uint32_t _begin, uint32_t _end) { _constantBuffer->reset(_begin); while (_constantBuffer->getPos() < _end) { uint32_t opcode = _constantBuffer->read(); if (UniformType::End == opcode) { break; } UniformType::Enum type; uint16_t loc; uint16_t num; uint16_t copy; ConstantBuffer::decodeOpcode(opcode, type, loc, num, copy); uint32_t size = g_uniformTypeSize[type]*num; const char* data = _constantBuffer->read(size); if (UniformType::Count > type) { if (copy) { _renderCtx->updateUniform(loc, data, size); } else { _renderCtx->updateUniform(loc, *(const char**)(data), size); } } else { _renderCtx->setMarker(data, size); } } } void Context::flushTextureUpdateBatch(CommandBuffer& _cmdbuf) { if (m_textureUpdateBatch.sort() ) { const uint32_t pos = _cmdbuf.m_pos; uint32_t currentKey = UINT32_MAX; for (uint32_t ii = 0, num = m_textureUpdateBatch.m_num; ii < num; ++ii) { _cmdbuf.m_pos = m_textureUpdateBatch.m_values[ii]; TextureHandle handle; _cmdbuf.read(handle); uint8_t side; _cmdbuf.read(side); uint8_t mip; _cmdbuf.read(mip); Rect rect; _cmdbuf.read(rect); uint16_t zz; _cmdbuf.read(zz); uint16_t depth; _cmdbuf.read(depth); uint16_t pitch; _cmdbuf.read(pitch); Memory* mem; _cmdbuf.read(mem); uint32_t key = m_textureUpdateBatch.m_keys[ii]; if (key != currentKey) { if (currentKey != UINT32_MAX) { m_renderCtx->updateTextureEnd(); } currentKey = key; m_renderCtx->updateTextureBegin(handle, side, mip); } m_renderCtx->updateTexture(handle, side, mip, rect, zz, depth, pitch, mem); release(mem); } if (currentKey != UINT32_MAX) { m_renderCtx->updateTextureEnd(); } m_textureUpdateBatch.reset(); _cmdbuf.m_pos = pos; } } typedef RendererContextI* (*RendererCreateFn)(); typedef void (*RendererDestroyFn)(); extern RendererContextI* rendererCreateNULL(); extern void rendererDestroyNULL(); extern RendererContextI* rendererCreateGL(); extern void rendererDestroyGL(); extern RendererContextI* rendererCreateD3D9(); extern void rendererDestroyD3D9(); extern RendererContextI* rendererCreateD3D11(); extern void rendererDestroyD3D11(); struct RendererCreator { RendererCreateFn createFn; RendererDestroyFn destroyFn; const char* name; bool supported; }; static const RendererCreator s_rendererCreator[RendererType::Count] = { { rendererCreateNULL, rendererDestroyNULL, BGFX_RENDERER_NULL_NAME, !!BGFX_CONFIG_RENDERER_NULL }, // Null { rendererCreateD3D9, rendererDestroyD3D9, BGFX_RENDERER_DIRECT3D9_NAME, !!BGFX_CONFIG_RENDERER_DIRECT3D9 }, // Direct3D9 { rendererCreateD3D11, rendererDestroyD3D11, BGFX_RENDERER_DIRECT3D11_NAME, !!BGFX_CONFIG_RENDERER_DIRECT3D11 }, // Direct3D11 { rendererCreateGL, rendererDestroyGL, BGFX_RENDERER_OPENGL_NAME, !!BGFX_CONFIG_RENDERER_OPENGLES }, // OpenGLES { rendererCreateGL, rendererDestroyGL, BGFX_RENDERER_OPENGL_NAME, !!BGFX_CONFIG_RENDERER_OPENGL }, // OpenGL }; uint32_t getWindowsVersion() { #if BX_PLATFORM_WINDOWS OSVERSIONINFOEXA ovi; memset(&ovi, 0, sizeof(ovi) ); ovi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(ovi); if (!GetVersionExA( (LPOSVERSIONINFOA)&ovi) ) { return 0x0501; // _WIN32_WINNT_WINXP } // _WIN32_WINNT_WINBLUE 0x0602 // _WIN32_WINNT_WIN8 0x0602 // _WIN32_WINNT_WIN7 0x0601 // _WIN32_WINNT_VISTA 0x0600 return (ovi.dwMajorVersion<<8) | ovi.dwMinorVersion ; #else return 0; #endif // BX_PLATFORM_WINDOWS } RendererContextI* rendererCreate(RendererType::Enum _type) { if (RendererType::Count == _type) { again: if (BX_ENABLED(BX_PLATFORM_WINDOWS) ) { RendererType::Enum first = RendererType::Direct3D9; RendererType::Enum second = RendererType::Direct3D11; if (0x602 == getWindowsVersion() ) { first = RendererType::Direct3D11; second = RendererType::Direct3D9; } if (s_rendererCreator[first].supported) { _type = first; } else if (s_rendererCreator[second].supported) { _type = second; } else if (s_rendererCreator[RendererType::OpenGL].supported) { _type = RendererType::OpenGL; } else if (s_rendererCreator[RendererType::OpenGLES].supported) { _type = RendererType::OpenGLES; } } else if (BX_ENABLED(0 || BX_PLATFORM_ANDROID || BX_PLATFORM_EMSCRIPTEN || BX_PLATFORM_IOS || BX_PLATFORM_NACL ) ) { _type = RendererType::OpenGLES; } else { _type = RendererType::OpenGL; } if (!s_rendererCreator[_type].supported) { _type = RendererType::Null; } } RendererContextI* renderCtx = s_rendererCreator[_type].createFn(); if (NULL == renderCtx) { goto again; } return renderCtx; } void rendererDestroy() { const RendererType::Enum type = getRendererType(); s_rendererCreator[type].destroyFn(); } void Context::rendererExecCommands(CommandBuffer& _cmdbuf) { _cmdbuf.reset(); bool end = false; do { uint8_t command; _cmdbuf.read(command); switch (command) { case CommandBuffer::RendererInit: { BX_CHECK(!m_rendererInitialized, "This shouldn't happen! Bad synchronization?"); RendererType::Enum type; _cmdbuf.read(type); m_renderCtx = rendererCreate(type); m_rendererInitialized = true; } break; case CommandBuffer::RendererShutdownBegin: { BX_CHECK(m_rendererInitialized, "This shouldn't happen! Bad synchronization?"); m_rendererInitialized = false; } break; case CommandBuffer::RendererShutdownEnd: { BX_CHECK(!m_rendererInitialized && !m_exit, "This shouldn't happen! Bad synchronization?"); rendererDestroy(); m_renderCtx = NULL; m_exit = true; } break; case CommandBuffer::CreateIndexBuffer: { IndexBufferHandle handle; _cmdbuf.read(handle); Memory* mem; _cmdbuf.read(mem); m_renderCtx->createIndexBuffer(handle, mem); release(mem); } break; case CommandBuffer::DestroyIndexBuffer: { IndexBufferHandle handle; _cmdbuf.read(handle); m_renderCtx->destroyIndexBuffer(handle); } break; case CommandBuffer::CreateVertexDecl: { VertexDeclHandle handle; _cmdbuf.read(handle); VertexDecl decl; _cmdbuf.read(decl); m_renderCtx->createVertexDecl(handle, decl); } break; case CommandBuffer::DestroyVertexDecl: { VertexDeclHandle handle; _cmdbuf.read(handle); m_renderCtx->destroyVertexDecl(handle); } break; case CommandBuffer::CreateVertexBuffer: { VertexBufferHandle handle; _cmdbuf.read(handle); Memory* mem; _cmdbuf.read(mem); VertexDeclHandle declHandle; _cmdbuf.read(declHandle); m_renderCtx->createVertexBuffer(handle, mem, declHandle); release(mem); } break; case CommandBuffer::DestroyVertexBuffer: { VertexBufferHandle handle; _cmdbuf.read(handle); m_renderCtx->destroyVertexBuffer(handle); } break; case CommandBuffer::CreateDynamicIndexBuffer: { IndexBufferHandle handle; _cmdbuf.read(handle); uint32_t size; _cmdbuf.read(size); m_renderCtx->createDynamicIndexBuffer(handle, size); } break; case CommandBuffer::UpdateDynamicIndexBuffer: { IndexBufferHandle handle; _cmdbuf.read(handle); uint32_t offset; _cmdbuf.read(offset); uint32_t size; _cmdbuf.read(size); Memory* mem; _cmdbuf.read(mem); m_renderCtx->updateDynamicIndexBuffer(handle, offset, size, mem); release(mem); } break; case CommandBuffer::DestroyDynamicIndexBuffer: { IndexBufferHandle handle; _cmdbuf.read(handle); m_renderCtx->destroyDynamicIndexBuffer(handle); } break; case CommandBuffer::CreateDynamicVertexBuffer: { VertexBufferHandle handle; _cmdbuf.read(handle); uint32_t size; _cmdbuf.read(size); m_renderCtx->createDynamicVertexBuffer(handle, size); } break; case CommandBuffer::UpdateDynamicVertexBuffer: { VertexBufferHandle handle; _cmdbuf.read(handle); uint32_t offset; _cmdbuf.read(offset); uint32_t size; _cmdbuf.read(size); Memory* mem; _cmdbuf.read(mem); m_renderCtx->updateDynamicVertexBuffer(handle, offset, size, mem); release(mem); } break; case CommandBuffer::DestroyDynamicVertexBuffer: { VertexBufferHandle handle; _cmdbuf.read(handle); m_renderCtx->destroyDynamicVertexBuffer(handle); } break; case CommandBuffer::CreateShader: { ShaderHandle handle; _cmdbuf.read(handle); Memory* mem; _cmdbuf.read(mem); m_renderCtx->createShader(handle, mem); release(mem); } break; case CommandBuffer::DestroyShader: { ShaderHandle handle; _cmdbuf.read(handle); m_renderCtx->destroyShader(handle); } break; case CommandBuffer::CreateProgram: { ProgramHandle handle; _cmdbuf.read(handle); ShaderHandle vsh; _cmdbuf.read(vsh); ShaderHandle fsh; _cmdbuf.read(fsh); m_renderCtx->createProgram(handle, vsh, fsh); } break; case CommandBuffer::DestroyProgram: { ProgramHandle handle; _cmdbuf.read(handle); m_renderCtx->destroyProgram(handle); } break; case CommandBuffer::CreateTexture: { TextureHandle handle; _cmdbuf.read(handle); Memory* mem; _cmdbuf.read(mem); uint32_t flags; _cmdbuf.read(flags); uint8_t skip; _cmdbuf.read(skip); m_renderCtx->createTexture(handle, mem, flags, skip); bx::MemoryReader reader(mem->data, mem->size); uint32_t magic; bx::read(&reader, magic); if (BGFX_CHUNK_MAGIC_TEX == magic) { TextureCreate tc; bx::read(&reader, tc); if (NULL != tc.m_mem) { release(tc.m_mem); } } release(mem); } break; case CommandBuffer::UpdateTexture: { if (m_textureUpdateBatch.isFull() ) { flushTextureUpdateBatch(_cmdbuf); } uint32_t value = _cmdbuf.m_pos; TextureHandle handle; _cmdbuf.read(handle); uint8_t side; _cmdbuf.read(side); uint8_t mip; _cmdbuf.read(mip); _cmdbuf.skip(); _cmdbuf.skip(); _cmdbuf.skip(); _cmdbuf.skip(); _cmdbuf.skip(); uint32_t key = (handle.idx<<16) | (side<<8) | mip ; m_textureUpdateBatch.add(key, value); } break; case CommandBuffer::DestroyTexture: { TextureHandle handle; _cmdbuf.read(handle); m_renderCtx->destroyTexture(handle); } break; case CommandBuffer::CreateFrameBuffer: { FrameBufferHandle handle; _cmdbuf.read(handle); uint8_t num; _cmdbuf.read(num); TextureHandle textureHandles[BGFX_CONFIG_MAX_FRAME_BUFFER_ATTACHMENTS]; for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < num; ++ii) { _cmdbuf.read(textureHandles[ii]); } m_renderCtx->createFrameBuffer(handle, num, textureHandles); } break; case CommandBuffer::DestroyFrameBuffer: { FrameBufferHandle handle; _cmdbuf.read(handle); m_renderCtx->destroyFrameBuffer(handle); } break; case CommandBuffer::CreateUniform: { UniformHandle handle; _cmdbuf.read(handle); UniformType::Enum type; _cmdbuf.read(type); uint16_t num; _cmdbuf.read(num); uint8_t len; _cmdbuf.read(len); const char* name = (const char*)_cmdbuf.skip(len); m_renderCtx->createUniform(handle, type, num, name); } break; case CommandBuffer::DestroyUniform: { UniformHandle handle; _cmdbuf.read(handle); m_renderCtx->destroyUniform(handle); } break; case CommandBuffer::SaveScreenShot: { uint16_t len; _cmdbuf.read(len); const char* filePath = (const char*)_cmdbuf.skip(len); m_renderCtx->saveScreenShot(filePath); } break; case CommandBuffer::UpdateViewName: { uint8_t id; _cmdbuf.read(id); uint16_t len; _cmdbuf.read(len); const char* name = (const char*)_cmdbuf.skip(len); m_renderCtx->updateViewName(id, name); } break; case CommandBuffer::End: end = true; break; default: BX_CHECK(false, "Invalid command: %d", command); break; } } while (!end); flushTextureUpdateBatch(_cmdbuf); } uint8_t getSupportedRenderers(RendererType::Enum _enum[RendererType::Count]) { uint8_t num = 0; for (uint8_t ii = 0; ii < uint8_t(RendererType::Count); ++ii) { if (s_rendererCreator[ii].supported) { _enum[num++] = RendererType::Enum(ii); } } return num; } const char* getRendererName(RendererType::Enum _type) { BX_CHECK(_type < RendererType::Count, "Invalid renderer type %d.", _type); return s_rendererCreator[_type].name; } void init(RendererType::Enum _type, CallbackI* _callback, bx::ReallocatorI* _allocator) { BX_TRACE("Init..."); memset(&g_caps, 0, sizeof(g_caps) ); g_caps.supported = 0 | (BGFX_CONFIG_MULTITHREADED ? BGFX_CAPS_RENDERER_MULTITHREADED : 0) ; g_caps.emulated = 0; g_caps.maxDrawCalls = BGFX_CONFIG_MAX_DRAW_CALLS; g_caps.maxFBAttachments = 1; if (NULL != _allocator) { g_allocator = _allocator; } else { bx::CrtAllocator allocator; g_allocator = s_allocatorStub = BX_NEW(&allocator, AllocatorStub); } if (NULL != _callback) { g_callback = _callback; } else { g_callback = s_callbackStub = BX_NEW(g_allocator, CallbackStub); } s_threadIndex = BGFX_MAIN_THREAD_MAGIC; s_ctx = BX_ALIGNED_NEW(g_allocator, Context, 16); s_ctx->init(_type); BX_TRACE("Init complete."); } void shutdown() { BX_TRACE("Shutdown..."); BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); Context* ctx = s_ctx; // it's going to be NULLd inside shutdown. ctx->shutdown(); BX_ALIGNED_DELETE(g_allocator, ctx, 16); if (NULL != s_callbackStub) { BX_DELETE(g_allocator, s_callbackStub); s_callbackStub = NULL; } if (NULL != s_allocatorStub) { s_allocatorStub->checkLeaks(); bx::CrtAllocator allocator; BX_DELETE(&allocator, s_allocatorStub); s_allocatorStub = NULL; } s_threadIndex = 0; g_callback = NULL; g_allocator = NULL; BX_TRACE("Shutdown complete."); } void reset(uint32_t _width, uint32_t _height, uint32_t _flags) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); s_ctx->reset(_width, _height, _flags); } uint32_t frame() { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); return s_ctx->frame(); } const Caps* getCaps() { return &g_caps; } RendererType::Enum getRendererType() { return g_caps.rendererType; } const Memory* alloc(uint32_t _size) { Memory* mem = (Memory*)BX_ALLOC(g_allocator, sizeof(Memory) + _size); mem->size = _size; mem->data = (uint8_t*)mem + sizeof(Memory); return mem; } const Memory* copy(const void* _data, uint32_t _size) { const Memory* mem = alloc(_size); memcpy(mem->data, _data, _size); return mem; } const Memory* makeRef(const void* _data, uint32_t _size) { Memory* mem = (Memory*)BX_ALLOC(g_allocator, sizeof(Memory) ); mem->size = _size; mem->data = (uint8_t*)_data; return mem; } void release(const Memory* _mem) { BX_CHECK(NULL != _mem, "_mem can't be NULL"); BX_FREE(g_allocator, const_cast(_mem) ); } void setDebug(uint32_t _debug) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); s_ctx->setDebug(_debug); } void dbgTextClear(uint8_t _attr, bool _small) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); s_ctx->dbgTextClear(_attr, _small); } void dbgTextPrintfVargs(uint16_t _x, uint16_t _y, uint8_t _attr, const char* _format, va_list _argList) { s_ctx->dbgTextPrintfVargs(_x, _y, _attr, _format, _argList); } void dbgTextPrintf(uint16_t _x, uint16_t _y, uint8_t _attr, const char* _format, ...) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); va_list argList; va_start(argList, _format); s_ctx->dbgTextPrintfVargs(_x, _y, _attr, _format, argList); va_end(argList); } IndexBufferHandle createIndexBuffer(const Memory* _mem) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); return s_ctx->createIndexBuffer(_mem); } void destroyIndexBuffer(IndexBufferHandle _handle) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); s_ctx->destroyIndexBuffer(_handle); } VertexBufferHandle createVertexBuffer(const Memory* _mem, const VertexDecl& _decl) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); BX_CHECK(0 != _decl.m_stride, "Invalid VertexDecl."); return s_ctx->createVertexBuffer(_mem, _decl); } void destroyVertexBuffer(VertexBufferHandle _handle) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); s_ctx->destroyVertexBuffer(_handle); } DynamicIndexBufferHandle createDynamicIndexBuffer(uint32_t _num) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); return s_ctx->createDynamicIndexBuffer(_num); } DynamicIndexBufferHandle createDynamicIndexBuffer(const Memory* _mem) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); BX_CHECK(NULL != _mem, "_mem can't be NULL"); return s_ctx->createDynamicIndexBuffer(_mem); } void updateDynamicIndexBuffer(DynamicIndexBufferHandle _handle, const Memory* _mem) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); BX_CHECK(NULL != _mem, "_mem can't be NULL"); s_ctx->updateDynamicIndexBuffer(_handle, _mem); } void destroyDynamicIndexBuffer(DynamicIndexBufferHandle _handle) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); s_ctx->destroyDynamicIndexBuffer(_handle); } DynamicVertexBufferHandle createDynamicVertexBuffer(uint16_t _num, const VertexDecl& _decl) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); BX_CHECK(0 != _decl.m_stride, "Invalid VertexDecl."); return s_ctx->createDynamicVertexBuffer(_num, _decl); } DynamicVertexBufferHandle createDynamicVertexBuffer(const Memory* _mem, const VertexDecl& _decl) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); BX_CHECK(NULL != _mem, "_mem can't be NULL"); BX_CHECK(0 != _decl.m_stride, "Invalid VertexDecl."); return s_ctx->createDynamicVertexBuffer(_mem, _decl); } void updateDynamicVertexBuffer(DynamicVertexBufferHandle _handle, const Memory* _mem) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); BX_CHECK(NULL != _mem, "_mem can't be NULL"); s_ctx->updateDynamicVertexBuffer(_handle, _mem); } void destroyDynamicVertexBuffer(DynamicVertexBufferHandle _handle) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); s_ctx->destroyDynamicVertexBuffer(_handle); } bool checkAvailTransientIndexBuffer(uint32_t _num) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); BX_CHECK(0 < _num, "Requesting 0 indices."); return s_ctx->checkAvailTransientIndexBuffer(_num); } bool checkAvailTransientVertexBuffer(uint32_t _num, const VertexDecl& _decl) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); BX_CHECK(0 < _num, "Requesting 0 vertices."); BX_CHECK(0 != _decl.m_stride, "Invalid VertexDecl."); return s_ctx->checkAvailTransientVertexBuffer(_num, _decl.m_stride); } bool checkAvailInstanceDataBuffer(uint32_t _num, uint16_t _stride) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); BX_CHECK(0 < _num, "Requesting 0 instances."); return s_ctx->checkAvailTransientVertexBuffer(_num, _stride); } bool checkAvailTransientBuffers(uint32_t _numVertices, const VertexDecl& _decl, uint32_t _numIndices) { BX_CHECK(0 != _decl.m_stride, "Invalid VertexDecl."); return checkAvailTransientVertexBuffer(_numVertices, _decl) && checkAvailTransientIndexBuffer(_numIndices) ; } void allocTransientIndexBuffer(TransientIndexBuffer* _tib, uint32_t _num) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); BX_CHECK(NULL != _tib, "_tib can't be NULL"); BX_CHECK(0 < _num, "Requesting 0 indices."); return s_ctx->allocTransientIndexBuffer(_tib, _num); } void allocTransientVertexBuffer(TransientVertexBuffer* _tvb, uint32_t _num, const VertexDecl& _decl) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); BX_CHECK(NULL != _tvb, "_tvb can't be NULL"); BX_CHECK(0 < _num, "Requesting 0 vertices."); BX_CHECK(UINT16_MAX >= _num, "Requesting %d vertices (max: %d).", _num, UINT16_MAX); BX_CHECK(0 != _decl.m_stride, "Invalid VertexDecl."); return s_ctx->allocTransientVertexBuffer(_tvb, _num, _decl); } bool allocTransientBuffers(bgfx::TransientVertexBuffer* _tvb, const bgfx::VertexDecl& _decl, uint16_t _numVertices, bgfx::TransientIndexBuffer* _tib, uint16_t _numIndices) { if (checkAvailTransientBuffers(_numVertices, _decl, _numIndices) ) { allocTransientVertexBuffer(_tvb, _numVertices, _decl); allocTransientIndexBuffer(_tib, _numIndices); return true; } return false; } const InstanceDataBuffer* allocInstanceDataBuffer(uint32_t _num, uint16_t _stride) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); BX_CHECK(0 != (g_caps.supported & BGFX_CAPS_INSTANCING), "Instancing is not supported! Use bgfx::getCaps to check backend renderer capabilities."); BX_CHECK(0 < _num, "Requesting 0 instanced data vertices."); return s_ctx->allocInstanceDataBuffer(_num, _stride); } ShaderHandle createShader(const Memory* _mem) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); BX_CHECK(NULL != _mem, "_mem can't be NULL"); return s_ctx->createShader(_mem); } uint16_t getShaderUniforms(ShaderHandle _handle, UniformHandle* _uniforms, uint16_t _max) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); return s_ctx->getShaderUniforms(_handle, _uniforms, _max); } void destroyShader(ShaderHandle _handle) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); s_ctx->destroyShader(_handle); } ProgramHandle createProgram(ShaderHandle _vsh, ShaderHandle _fsh, bool _destroyShaders) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); ProgramHandle handle = s_ctx->createProgram(_vsh, _fsh); if (_destroyShaders) { destroyShader(_vsh); destroyShader(_fsh); } return handle; } void destroyProgram(ProgramHandle _handle) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); s_ctx->destroyProgram(_handle); } void calcTextureSize(TextureInfo& _info, uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height, uint16_t _depth, uint8_t _numMips, TextureFormat::Enum _format) { _width = bx::uint32_max(1, _width); _height = bx::uint32_max(1, _height); _depth = bx::uint32_max(1, _depth); uint32_t width = _width; uint32_t height = _height; uint32_t depth = _depth; uint32_t bpp = getBitsPerPixel(_format); uint32_t size = 0; for (uint32_t lod = 0; lod < _numMips; ++lod) { width = bx::uint32_max(1, width); height = bx::uint32_max(1, height); depth = bx::uint32_max(1, depth); size += width*height*depth*bpp/8; width >>= 1; height >>= 1; depth >>= 1; } _info.format = _format; _info.storageSize = size; _info.width = _width; _info.height = _height; _info.depth = _depth; _info.numMips = _numMips; _info.bitsPerPixel = bpp; } TextureHandle createTexture(const Memory* _mem, uint32_t _flags, uint8_t _skip, TextureInfo* _info) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); BX_CHECK(NULL != _mem, "_mem can't be NULL"); return s_ctx->createTexture(_mem, _flags, _skip, _info); } TextureHandle createTexture2D(uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height, uint8_t _numMips, TextureFormat::Enum _format, uint32_t _flags, const Memory* _mem) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); _numMips = bx::uint32_max(1, _numMips); if (BX_ENABLED(BGFX_CONFIG_DEBUG) && NULL != _mem) { TextureInfo ti; calcTextureSize(ti, _width, _height, 1, _numMips, _format); BX_CHECK(ti.storageSize == _mem->size , "createTexture2D: Texture storage size doesn't match passed memory size (storage size: %d, memory size: %d)" , ti.storageSize , _mem->size ); } uint32_t size = sizeof(uint32_t)+sizeof(TextureCreate); const Memory* mem = alloc(size); bx::StaticMemoryBlockWriter writer(mem->data, mem->size); uint32_t magic = BGFX_CHUNK_MAGIC_TEX; bx::write(&writer, magic); TextureCreate tc; tc.m_flags = _flags; tc.m_width = _width; tc.m_height = _height; tc.m_sides = 0; tc.m_depth = 0; tc.m_numMips = _numMips; tc.m_format = uint8_t(_format); tc.m_cubeMap = false; tc.m_mem = _mem; bx::write(&writer, tc); return s_ctx->createTexture(mem, _flags, 0, NULL); } TextureHandle createTexture3D(uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height, uint16_t _depth, uint8_t _numMips, TextureFormat::Enum _format, uint32_t _flags, const Memory* _mem) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); BX_CHECK(0 != (g_caps.supported & BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_3D), "Texture3D is not supported! Use bgfx::getCaps to check backend renderer capabilities."); _numMips = bx::uint32_max(1, _numMips); if (BX_ENABLED(BGFX_CONFIG_DEBUG) && NULL != _mem) { TextureInfo ti; calcTextureSize(ti, _width, _height, _depth, _numMips, _format); BX_CHECK(ti.storageSize == _mem->size , "createTexture3D: Texture storage size doesn't match passed memory size (storage size: %d, memory size: %d)" , ti.storageSize , _mem->size ); } uint32_t size = sizeof(uint32_t)+sizeof(TextureCreate); const Memory* mem = alloc(size); bx::StaticMemoryBlockWriter writer(mem->data, mem->size); uint32_t magic = BGFX_CHUNK_MAGIC_TEX; bx::write(&writer, magic); TextureCreate tc; tc.m_flags = _flags; tc.m_width = _width; tc.m_height = _height; tc.m_sides = 0; tc.m_depth = _depth; tc.m_numMips = _numMips; tc.m_format = uint8_t(_format); tc.m_cubeMap = false; tc.m_mem = _mem; bx::write(&writer, tc); return s_ctx->createTexture(mem, _flags, 0, NULL); } TextureHandle createTextureCube(uint16_t _size, uint8_t _numMips, TextureFormat::Enum _format, uint32_t _flags, const Memory* _mem) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); _numMips = bx::uint32_max(1, _numMips); if (BX_ENABLED(BGFX_CONFIG_DEBUG) && NULL != _mem) { TextureInfo ti; calcTextureSize(ti, _size, _size, 1, _numMips, _format); BX_CHECK(ti.storageSize*6 == _mem->size , "createTextureCube: Texture storage size doesn't match passed memory size (storage size: %d, memory size: %d)" , ti.storageSize*6 , _mem->size ); } uint32_t size = sizeof(uint32_t)+sizeof(TextureCreate); const Memory* mem = alloc(size); bx::StaticMemoryBlockWriter writer(mem->data, mem->size); uint32_t magic = BGFX_CHUNK_MAGIC_TEX; bx::write(&writer, magic); TextureCreate tc; tc.m_flags = _flags; tc.m_width = _size; tc.m_height = _size; tc.m_sides = 6; tc.m_depth = 0; tc.m_numMips = _numMips; tc.m_format = uint8_t(_format); tc.m_cubeMap = true; tc.m_mem = _mem; bx::write(&writer, tc); return s_ctx->createTexture(mem, _flags, 0, NULL); } void destroyTexture(TextureHandle _handle) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); s_ctx->destroyTexture(_handle); } void updateTexture2D(TextureHandle _handle, uint8_t _mip, uint16_t _x, uint16_t _y, uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height, const Memory* _mem, uint16_t _pitch) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); BX_CHECK(NULL != _mem, "_mem can't be NULL"); if (_width == 0 || _height == 0) { release(_mem); } else { s_ctx->updateTexture(_handle, 0, _mip, _x, _y, 0, _width, _height, 1, _pitch, _mem); } } void updateTexture3D(TextureHandle _handle, uint8_t _mip, uint16_t _x, uint16_t _y, uint16_t _z, uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height, uint16_t _depth, const Memory* _mem) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); BX_CHECK(NULL != _mem, "_mem can't be NULL"); if (_width == 0 || _height == 0 || _depth == 0) { release(_mem); } else { s_ctx->updateTexture(_handle, 0, _mip, _x, _y, _z, _width, _height, _depth, UINT16_MAX, _mem); } } void updateTextureCube(TextureHandle _handle, uint8_t _side, uint8_t _mip, uint16_t _x, uint16_t _y, uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height, const Memory* _mem, uint16_t _pitch) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); BX_CHECK(NULL != _mem, "_mem can't be NULL"); BX_CHECK(_side <= 5, "Invalid side %d.", _side); if (_width == 0 || _height == 0) { release(_mem); } else { s_ctx->updateTexture(_handle, _side, _mip, _x, _y, 0, _width, _height, 1, _pitch, _mem); } } FrameBufferHandle createFrameBuffer(uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height, TextureFormat::Enum _format, uint32_t _textureFlags) { _textureFlags |= _textureFlags&BGFX_TEXTURE_RT_MSAA_MASK ? 0 : BGFX_TEXTURE_RT; TextureHandle th = createTexture2D(_width, _height, 1, _format, _textureFlags); return createFrameBuffer(1, &th, true); } FrameBufferHandle createFrameBuffer(uint8_t _num, TextureHandle* _handles, bool _destroyTextures) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); BX_CHECK(NULL != _handles, "_handles can't be NULL"); FrameBufferHandle handle = s_ctx->createFrameBuffer(_num, _handles); if (_destroyTextures) { for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < _num; ++ii) { destroyTexture(_handles[ii]); } } return handle; } void destroyFrameBuffer(FrameBufferHandle _handle) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); s_ctx->destroyFrameBuffer(_handle); } UniformHandle createUniform(const char* _name, UniformType::Enum _type, uint16_t _num) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); return s_ctx->createUniform(_name, _type, _num); } void destroyUniform(UniformHandle _handle) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); s_ctx->destroyUniform(_handle); } void setViewName(uint8_t _id, const char* _name) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); s_ctx->setViewName(_id, _name); } void setViewRect(uint8_t _id, uint16_t _x, uint16_t _y, uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); s_ctx->setViewRect(_id, _x, _y, _width, _height); } void setViewRectMask(uint32_t _viewMask, uint16_t _x, uint16_t _y, uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); s_ctx->setViewRectMask(_viewMask, _x, _y, _width, _height); } void setViewScissor(uint8_t _id, uint16_t _x, uint16_t _y, uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); s_ctx->setViewScissor(_id, _x, _y, _width, _height); } void setViewScissorMask(uint32_t _viewMask, uint16_t _x, uint16_t _y, uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); s_ctx->setViewScissorMask(_viewMask, _x, _y, _width, _height); } void setViewClear(uint8_t _id, uint8_t _flags, uint32_t _rgba, float _depth, uint8_t _stencil) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); s_ctx->setViewClear(_id, _flags, _rgba, _depth, _stencil); } void setViewClearMask(uint32_t _viewMask, uint8_t _flags, uint32_t _rgba, float _depth, uint8_t _stencil) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); s_ctx->setViewClearMask(_viewMask, _flags, _rgba, _depth, _stencil); } void setViewSeq(uint8_t _id, bool _enabled) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); s_ctx->setViewSeq(_id, _enabled); } void setViewSeqMask(uint32_t _viewMask, bool _enabled) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); s_ctx->setViewSeqMask(_viewMask, _enabled); } void setViewFrameBuffer(uint8_t _id, FrameBufferHandle _handle) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); s_ctx->setViewFrameBuffer(_id, _handle); } void setViewFrameBufferMask(uint32_t _mask, FrameBufferHandle _handle) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); s_ctx->setViewFrameBufferMask(_mask, _handle); } void setViewTransform(uint8_t _id, const void* _view, const void* _proj) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); s_ctx->setViewTransform(_id, _view, _proj); } void setViewTransformMask(uint32_t _viewMask, const void* _view, const void* _proj) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); s_ctx->setViewTransformMask(_viewMask, _view, _proj); } void setMarker(const char* _marker) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); s_ctx->setMarker(_marker); } void setState(uint64_t _state, uint32_t _rgba) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); s_ctx->setState(_state, _rgba); } void setStencil(uint32_t _fstencil, uint32_t _bstencil) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); s_ctx->setStencil(_fstencil, _bstencil); } uint16_t setScissor(uint16_t _x, uint16_t _y, uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); return s_ctx->setScissor(_x, _y, _width, _height); } void setScissor(uint16_t _cache) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); s_ctx->setScissor(_cache); } uint32_t setTransform(const void* _mtx, uint16_t _num) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); return s_ctx->setTransform(_mtx, _num); } void setTransform(uint32_t _cache, uint16_t _num) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); s_ctx->setTransform(_cache, _num); } void setUniform(UniformHandle _handle, const void* _value, uint16_t _num) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); s_ctx->setUniform(_handle, _value, _num); } void setIndexBuffer(IndexBufferHandle _handle, uint32_t _firstIndex, uint32_t _numIndices) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); s_ctx->setIndexBuffer(_handle, _firstIndex, _numIndices); } void setIndexBuffer(DynamicIndexBufferHandle _handle, uint32_t _firstIndex, uint32_t _numIndices) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); s_ctx->setIndexBuffer(_handle, _firstIndex, _numIndices); } void setIndexBuffer(const TransientIndexBuffer* _tib) { setIndexBuffer(_tib, 0, UINT32_MAX); } void setIndexBuffer(const TransientIndexBuffer* _tib, uint32_t _firstIndex, uint32_t _numIndices) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); BX_CHECK(NULL != _tib, "_tib can't be NULL"); uint32_t numIndices = bx::uint32_min(_numIndices, _tib->size/2); s_ctx->setIndexBuffer(_tib, _tib->startIndex + _firstIndex, numIndices); } void setVertexBuffer(VertexBufferHandle _handle) { setVertexBuffer(_handle, 0, UINT32_MAX); } void setVertexBuffer(VertexBufferHandle _handle, uint32_t _startVertex, uint32_t _numVertices) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); s_ctx->setVertexBuffer(_handle, _startVertex, _numVertices); } void setVertexBuffer(DynamicVertexBufferHandle _handle, uint32_t _numVertices) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); s_ctx->setVertexBuffer(_handle, _numVertices); } void setVertexBuffer(const TransientVertexBuffer* _tvb) { setVertexBuffer(_tvb, 0, UINT32_MAX); } void setVertexBuffer(const TransientVertexBuffer* _tvb, uint32_t _startVertex, uint32_t _numVertices) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); BX_CHECK(NULL != _tvb, "_tvb can't be NULL"); s_ctx->setVertexBuffer(_tvb, _tvb->startVertex + _startVertex, _numVertices); } void setInstanceDataBuffer(const InstanceDataBuffer* _idb, uint16_t _num) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); s_ctx->setInstanceDataBuffer(_idb, _num); } void setProgram(ProgramHandle _handle) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); s_ctx->setProgram(_handle); } void setTexture(uint8_t _stage, UniformHandle _sampler, TextureHandle _handle, uint32_t _flags) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); s_ctx->setTexture(_stage, _sampler, _handle, _flags); } void setTexture(uint8_t _stage, UniformHandle _sampler, FrameBufferHandle _handle, uint8_t _attachment, uint32_t _flags) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); s_ctx->setTexture(_stage, _sampler, _handle, _attachment, _flags); } uint32_t submit(uint8_t _id, int32_t _depth) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); return s_ctx->submit(_id, _depth); } uint32_t submitMask(uint32_t _viewMask, int32_t _depth) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); return s_ctx->submitMask(_viewMask, _depth); } void discard() { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); s_ctx->discard(); } void saveScreenShot(const char* _filePath) { BGFX_CHECK_MAIN_THREAD(); s_ctx->saveScreenShot(_filePath); } } // namespace bgfx #include BX_STATIC_ASSERT(bgfx::RendererType::Count == bgfx::RendererType::Enum(BGFX_RENDERER_TYPE_COUNT) ); BX_STATIC_ASSERT(bgfx::Attrib::Count == bgfx::Attrib::Enum(BGFX_ATTRIB_COUNT) ); BX_STATIC_ASSERT(bgfx::AttribType::Count == bgfx::AttribType::Enum(BGFX_ATTRIB_TYPE_COUNT) ); BX_STATIC_ASSERT(bgfx::TextureFormat::Count == bgfx::TextureFormat::Enum(BGFX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_COUNT) ); BX_STATIC_ASSERT(bgfx::UniformType::Count == bgfx::UniformType::Enum(BGFX_UNIFORM_TYPE_COUNT) ); BX_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(bgfx::Memory) == sizeof(bgfx_memory_t) ); BX_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(bgfx::VertexDecl) == sizeof(bgfx_vertex_decl_t) ); BX_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(bgfx::TransientIndexBuffer) == sizeof(bgfx_transient_index_buffer_t) ); BX_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(bgfx::TransientVertexBuffer) == sizeof(bgfx_transient_vertex_buffer_t) ); BX_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(bgfx::InstanceDataBuffer) == sizeof(bgfx_instance_data_buffer_t) ); BX_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(bgfx::TextureInfo) == sizeof(bgfx_texture_info_t) ); #define BGFX_C_API extern "C" BGFX_C_API void bgfx_vertex_decl_begin(bgfx_vertex_decl_t* _decl, bgfx_renderer_type_t _renderer) { bgfx::VertexDecl* decl = (bgfx::VertexDecl*)_decl; decl->begin(bgfx::RendererType::Enum(_renderer) ); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_vertex_decl_add(bgfx_vertex_decl_t* _decl, bgfx_attrib_t _attrib, uint8_t _num, bgfx_attrib_type_t _type, bool _normalized, bool _asInt) { bgfx::VertexDecl* decl = (bgfx::VertexDecl*)_decl; decl->add(bgfx::Attrib::Enum(_attrib) , _num , bgfx::AttribType::Enum(_type) , _normalized , _asInt ); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_vertex_decl_skip(bgfx_vertex_decl_t* _decl, uint8_t _num) { bgfx::VertexDecl* decl = (bgfx::VertexDecl*)_decl; decl->skip(_num); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_vertex_decl_end(bgfx_vertex_decl_t* _decl) { bgfx::VertexDecl* decl = (bgfx::VertexDecl*)_decl; decl->end(); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_vertex_pack(const float _input[4], bool _inputNormalized, bgfx_attrib_t _attr, const bgfx_vertex_decl* _decl, void* _data, uint32_t _index) { bgfx::VertexDecl& decl = *(bgfx::VertexDecl*)_decl; bgfx::vertexPack(_input, _inputNormalized, bgfx::Attrib::Enum(_attr), decl, _data, _index); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_vertex_unpack(float _output[4], bgfx_attrib_t _attr, const bgfx_vertex_decl_t* _decl, const void* _data, uint32_t _index) { bgfx::VertexDecl& decl = *(bgfx::VertexDecl*)_decl; bgfx::vertexUnpack(_output, bgfx::Attrib::Enum(_attr), decl, _data, _index); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_vertex_convert(const bgfx_vertex_decl_t* _destDecl, void* _destData, const bgfx_vertex_decl_t* _srcDecl, const void* _srcData, uint32_t _num) { bgfx::VertexDecl& destDecl = *(bgfx::VertexDecl*)_destDecl; bgfx::VertexDecl& srcDecl = *(bgfx::VertexDecl*)_srcDecl; bgfx::vertexConvert(destDecl, _destData, srcDecl, _srcData, _num); } BGFX_C_API uint16_t bgfx_weld_vertices(uint16_t* _output, const bgfx_vertex_decl_t* _decl, const void* _data, uint16_t _num, float _epsilon) { bgfx::VertexDecl& decl = *(bgfx::VertexDecl*)_decl; return bgfx::weldVertices(_output, decl, _data, _num, _epsilon); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_image_swizzle_bgra8(uint32_t _width, uint32_t _height, uint32_t _pitch, const void* _src, void* _dst) { bgfx::imageSwizzleBgra8(_width, _height, _pitch, _src, _dst); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_image_rgba8_downsample_2x2(uint32_t _width, uint32_t _height, uint32_t _pitch, const void* _src, void* _dst) { bgfx::imageRgba8Downsample2x2(_width, _height, _pitch, _src, _dst); } BGFX_C_API uint8_t bgfx_get_supported_renderers(bgfx_renderer_type_t _enum[BGFX_RENDERER_TYPE_COUNT]) { return bgfx::getSupportedRenderers( (bgfx::RendererType::Enum*)_enum); } BGFX_C_API const char* bgfx_get_renderer_name(bgfx_renderer_type_t _type) { return bgfx::getRendererName(bgfx::RendererType::Enum(_type) ); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_init(bgfx_renderer_type_t _type, struct bgfx_callback_interface* _callback, struct bgfx_reallocator_interface* _allocator) { return bgfx::init(bgfx::RendererType::Enum(_type) , reinterpret_cast(_callback) , reinterpret_cast(_allocator) ); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_shutdown() { return bgfx::shutdown(); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_reset(uint32_t _width, uint32_t _height, uint32_t _flags) { bgfx::reset(_width, _height, _flags); } BGFX_C_API uint32_t bgfx_frame() { return bgfx::frame(); } BGFX_C_API bgfx_renderer_type_t bgfx_get_renderer_type() { return bgfx_renderer_type_t(bgfx::getRendererType() ); } BGFX_C_API bgfx_caps_t* bgfx_get_caps() { return (bgfx_caps_t*)bgfx::getCaps(); } BGFX_C_API const bgfx_memory_t* bgfx_alloc(uint32_t _size) { return (const bgfx_memory_t*)bgfx::alloc(_size); } BGFX_C_API const bgfx_memory_t* bgfx_copy(const void* _data, uint32_t _size) { return (const bgfx_memory_t*)bgfx::copy(_data, _size); } BGFX_C_API const bgfx_memory_t* bgfx_make_ref(const void* _data, uint32_t _size) { return (const bgfx_memory_t*)bgfx::makeRef(_data, _size); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_debug(uint32_t _debug) { bgfx::setDebug(_debug); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_dbg_text_clear(uint8_t _attr, bool _small) { bgfx::dbgTextClear(_attr, _small); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_dbg_text_printf(uint16_t _x, uint16_t _y, uint8_t _attr, const char* _format, ...) { va_list argList; va_start(argList, _format); bgfx::dbgTextPrintfVargs(_x, _y, _attr, _format, argList); va_end(argList); } BGFX_C_API bgfx_index_buffer_handle_t bgfx_create_index_buffer(const bgfx_memory_t* _mem) { union { bgfx_index_buffer_handle_t c; bgfx::IndexBufferHandle cpp; } handle; handle.cpp = bgfx::createIndexBuffer( (const bgfx::Memory*)_mem); return handle.c; } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_destroy_index_buffer(bgfx_index_buffer_handle_t _handle) { union { bgfx_index_buffer_handle_t c; bgfx::IndexBufferHandle cpp; } handle = { _handle }; bgfx::destroyIndexBuffer(handle.cpp); } BGFX_C_API bgfx_vertex_buffer_handle_t bgfx_create_vertex_buffer(const bgfx_memory_t* _mem, const bgfx_vertex_decl_t* _decl) { const bgfx::VertexDecl& decl = *(const bgfx::VertexDecl*)_decl; union { bgfx_vertex_buffer_handle_t c; bgfx::VertexBufferHandle cpp; } handle; handle.cpp = bgfx::createVertexBuffer( (const bgfx::Memory*)_mem, decl); return handle.c; } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_destroy_vertex_buffer(bgfx_vertex_buffer_handle_t _handle) { union { bgfx_vertex_buffer_handle_t c; bgfx::VertexBufferHandle cpp; } handle = { _handle }; bgfx::destroyVertexBuffer(handle.cpp); } BGFX_C_API bgfx_dynamic_index_buffer_handle_t bgfx_create_dynamic_index_buffer(uint32_t _num) { union { bgfx_dynamic_index_buffer_handle_t c; bgfx::DynamicIndexBufferHandle cpp; } handle; handle.cpp = bgfx::createDynamicIndexBuffer(_num); return handle.c; } BGFX_C_API bgfx_dynamic_index_buffer_handle_t bgfx_create_dynamic_index_buffer_mem(const bgfx_memory_t* _mem) { union { bgfx_dynamic_index_buffer_handle_t c; bgfx::DynamicIndexBufferHandle cpp; } handle; handle.cpp = bgfx::createDynamicIndexBuffer( (const bgfx::Memory*)_mem); return handle.c; } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_update_dynamic_index_buffer(bgfx_dynamic_index_buffer_handle_t _handle, const bgfx_memory_t* _mem) { union { bgfx_dynamic_index_buffer_handle_t c; bgfx::DynamicIndexBufferHandle cpp; } handle = { _handle }; bgfx::updateDynamicIndexBuffer(handle.cpp, (const bgfx::Memory*)_mem); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_destroy_dynamic_index_buffer(bgfx_dynamic_index_buffer_handle_t _handle) { union { bgfx_dynamic_index_buffer_handle_t c; bgfx::DynamicIndexBufferHandle cpp; } handle = { _handle }; bgfx::destroyDynamicIndexBuffer(handle.cpp); } BGFX_C_API bgfx_dynamic_vertex_buffer_handle_t bgfx_create_dynamic_vertex_buffer(uint16_t _num, const bgfx_vertex_decl_t* _decl) { const bgfx::VertexDecl& decl = *(const bgfx::VertexDecl*)_decl; union { bgfx_dynamic_vertex_buffer_handle_t c; bgfx::DynamicVertexBufferHandle cpp; } handle; handle.cpp = bgfx::createDynamicVertexBuffer(_num, decl); return handle.c; } BGFX_C_API bgfx_dynamic_vertex_buffer_handle_t bgfx_create_dynamic_vertex_buffer_mem(const bgfx_memory_t* _mem, const bgfx_vertex_decl_t* _decl) { const bgfx::VertexDecl& decl = *(const bgfx::VertexDecl*)_decl; union { bgfx_dynamic_vertex_buffer_handle_t c; bgfx::DynamicVertexBufferHandle cpp; } handle; handle.cpp = bgfx::createDynamicVertexBuffer( (const bgfx::Memory*)_mem, decl); return handle.c; } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_update_dynamic_vertex_buffer(bgfx_dynamic_vertex_buffer_handle_t _handle, const bgfx_memory_t* _mem) { union { bgfx_dynamic_vertex_buffer_handle_t c; bgfx::DynamicVertexBufferHandle cpp; } handle = { _handle }; bgfx::updateDynamicVertexBuffer(handle.cpp, (const bgfx::Memory*)_mem); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_destroy_dynamic_vertex_buffer(bgfx_dynamic_vertex_buffer_handle_t _handle) { union { bgfx_dynamic_vertex_buffer_handle_t c; bgfx::DynamicVertexBufferHandle cpp; } handle = { _handle }; bgfx::destroyDynamicVertexBuffer(handle.cpp); } BGFX_C_API bool bgfx_check_avail_transient_index_buffer(uint32_t _num) { return bgfx::checkAvailTransientIndexBuffer(_num); } BGFX_C_API bool bgfx_check_avail_transient_vertex_buffer(uint32_t _num, const bgfx_vertex_decl_t* _decl) { const bgfx::VertexDecl& decl = *(const bgfx::VertexDecl*)_decl; return bgfx::checkAvailTransientVertexBuffer(_num, decl); } BGFX_C_API bool bgfx_check_avail_instance_data_buffer(uint32_t _num, uint16_t _stride) { return bgfx::checkAvailInstanceDataBuffer(_num, _stride); } BGFX_C_API bool bgfx_check_avail_transient_buffers(uint32_t _numVertices, const bgfx_vertex_decl_t* _decl, uint32_t _numIndices) { const bgfx::VertexDecl& decl = *(const bgfx::VertexDecl*)_decl; return bgfx::checkAvailTransientBuffers(_numVertices, decl, _numIndices); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_alloc_transient_index_buffer(bgfx_transient_index_buffer_t* _tib, uint32_t _num) { bgfx::allocTransientIndexBuffer( (bgfx::TransientIndexBuffer*)_tib, _num); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_alloc_transient_vertex_buffer(bgfx_transient_vertex_buffer_t* _tvb, uint32_t _num, const bgfx_vertex_decl_t* _decl) { const bgfx::VertexDecl& decl = *(const bgfx::VertexDecl*)_decl; bgfx::allocTransientVertexBuffer( (bgfx::TransientVertexBuffer*)_tvb, _num, decl); } BGFX_C_API bool bgfx_alloc_transient_buffers(bgfx_transient_vertex_buffer_t* _tvb, const bgfx_vertex_decl_t* _decl, uint16_t _numVertices, bgfx_transient_index_buffer_t* _tib, uint16_t _numIndices) { const bgfx::VertexDecl& decl = *(const bgfx::VertexDecl*)_decl; return bgfx::allocTransientBuffers( (bgfx::TransientVertexBuffer*)_tvb, decl, _numVertices, (bgfx::TransientIndexBuffer*)_tib, _numIndices); } BGFX_C_API const bgfx_instance_data_buffer_t* bgfx_alloc_instance_data_buffer(uint32_t _num, uint16_t _stride) { return (bgfx_instance_data_buffer_t*)bgfx::allocInstanceDataBuffer(_num, _stride); } BGFX_C_API bgfx_shader_handle_t bgfx_create_shader(const bgfx_memory_t* _mem) { union { bgfx_shader_handle_t c; bgfx::ShaderHandle cpp; } handle; handle.cpp = bgfx::createShader( (const bgfx::Memory*)_mem); return handle.c; } BGFX_C_API uint16_t bgfx_get_shader_uniforms(bgfx_shader_handle_t _handle, bgfx_uniform_handle_t* _uniforms, uint16_t _max) { union { bgfx_shader_handle_t c; bgfx::ShaderHandle cpp; } handle = { _handle }; return bgfx::getShaderUniforms(handle.cpp, (bgfx::UniformHandle*)_uniforms, _max); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_destroy_shader(bgfx_shader_handle_t _handle) { union { bgfx_shader_handle_t c; bgfx::ShaderHandle cpp; } handle = { _handle }; bgfx::destroyShader(handle.cpp); } BGFX_C_API bgfx_program_handle_t bgfx_create_program(bgfx_shader_handle_t _vsh, bgfx_shader_handle_t _fsh, bool _destroyShaders) { union { bgfx_shader_handle_t c; bgfx::ShaderHandle cpp; } vsh = { _vsh }; union { bgfx_shader_handle_t c; bgfx::ShaderHandle cpp; } fsh = { _fsh }; union { bgfx_program_handle_t c; bgfx::ProgramHandle cpp; } handle; handle.cpp = bgfx::createProgram(vsh.cpp, fsh.cpp, _destroyShaders); return handle.c; } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_destroy_program(bgfx_program_handle_t _handle) { union { bgfx_program_handle_t c; bgfx::ProgramHandle cpp; } handle = { _handle }; bgfx::destroyProgram(handle.cpp); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_calc_texture_size(bgfx_texture_info_t* _info, uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height, uint16_t _depth, uint8_t _numMips, bgfx_texture_format_t _format) { bgfx::TextureInfo& info = *(bgfx::TextureInfo*)_info; bgfx::calcTextureSize(info, _width, _height, _depth, _numMips, bgfx::TextureFormat::Enum(_format) ); } BGFX_C_API bgfx_texture_handle_t bgfx_create_texture(const bgfx_memory_t* _mem, uint32_t _flags, uint8_t _skip, bgfx_texture_info_t* _info) { union { bgfx_texture_handle_t c; bgfx::TextureHandle cpp; } handle; bgfx::TextureInfo* info = (bgfx::TextureInfo*)_info; handle.cpp = bgfx::createTexture( (const bgfx::Memory*)_mem, _flags, _skip, info); return handle.c; } BGFX_C_API bgfx_texture_handle_t bgfx_create_texture_2d(uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height, uint8_t _numMips, bgfx_texture_format_t _format, uint32_t _flags, const bgfx_memory_t* _mem) { union { bgfx_texture_handle_t c; bgfx::TextureHandle cpp; } handle; handle.cpp = bgfx::createTexture2D(_width, _height, _numMips, bgfx::TextureFormat::Enum(_format), _flags, (const bgfx::Memory*)_mem); return handle.c; } BGFX_C_API bgfx_texture_handle_t bgfx_create_texture_3d(uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height, uint16_t _depth, uint8_t _numMips, bgfx_texture_format_t _format, uint32_t _flags, const bgfx_memory_t* _mem) { union { bgfx_texture_handle_t c; bgfx::TextureHandle cpp; } handle; handle.cpp = bgfx::createTexture3D(_width, _height, _depth, _numMips, bgfx::TextureFormat::Enum(_format), _flags, (const bgfx::Memory*)_mem); return handle.c; } BGFX_C_API bgfx_texture_handle_t bgfx_create_texture_cube(uint16_t _size, uint8_t _numMips, bgfx_texture_format_t _format, uint32_t _flags, const bgfx_memory_t* _mem) { union { bgfx_texture_handle_t c; bgfx::TextureHandle cpp; } handle; handle.cpp = bgfx::createTextureCube(_size, _numMips, bgfx::TextureFormat::Enum(_format), _flags, (const bgfx::Memory*)_mem); return handle.c; } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_update_texture_2d(bgfx_texture_handle_t _handle, uint8_t _mip, uint16_t _x, uint16_t _y, uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height, const bgfx_memory_t* _mem, uint16_t _pitch) { union { bgfx_texture_handle_t c; bgfx::TextureHandle cpp; } handle = { _handle }; bgfx::updateTexture2D(handle.cpp, _mip, _x, _y, _width, _height, (const bgfx::Memory*)_mem, _pitch); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_update_texture_3d(bgfx_texture_handle_t _handle, uint8_t _mip, uint16_t _x, uint16_t _y, uint16_t _z, uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height, uint16_t _depth, const bgfx_memory_t* _mem) { union { bgfx_texture_handle_t c; bgfx::TextureHandle cpp; } handle = { _handle }; bgfx::updateTexture3D(handle.cpp, _mip, _x, _y, _z, _width, _height, _depth, (const bgfx::Memory*)_mem); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_update_texture_cube(bgfx_texture_handle_t _handle, uint8_t _side, uint8_t _mip, uint16_t _x, uint16_t _y, uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height, const bgfx_memory_t* _mem, uint16_t _pitch) { union { bgfx_texture_handle_t c; bgfx::TextureHandle cpp; } handle = { _handle }; bgfx::updateTextureCube(handle.cpp, _side, _mip, _x, _y, _width, _height, (const bgfx::Memory*)_mem, _pitch); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_destroy_texture(bgfx_texture_handle_t _handle) { union { bgfx_texture_handle_t c; bgfx::TextureHandle cpp; } handle = { _handle }; bgfx::destroyTexture(handle.cpp); } BGFX_C_API bgfx_frame_buffer_handle_t bgfx_create_frame_buffer(uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height, bgfx_texture_format_t _format, uint32_t _textureFlags) { union { bgfx_frame_buffer_handle_t c; bgfx::FrameBufferHandle cpp; } handle; handle.cpp = bgfx::createFrameBuffer(_width, _height, bgfx::TextureFormat::Enum(_format), _textureFlags); return handle.c; } BGFX_C_API bgfx_frame_buffer_handle_t bgfx_create_frame_buffer_from_handles(uint8_t _num, bgfx_texture_handle_t* _handles, bool _destroyTextures) { union { bgfx_frame_buffer_handle_t c; bgfx::FrameBufferHandle cpp; } handle; handle.cpp = bgfx::createFrameBuffer(_num, (bgfx::TextureHandle*)_handles, _destroyTextures); return handle.c; } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_destroy_frame_buffer(bgfx_frame_buffer_handle_t _handle) { union { bgfx_frame_buffer_handle_t c; bgfx::FrameBufferHandle cpp; } handle = { _handle }; bgfx::destroyFrameBuffer(handle.cpp); } BGFX_C_API bgfx_uniform_handle_t bgfx_create_uniform(const char* _name, bgfx_uniform_type_t _type, uint16_t _num) { union { bgfx_uniform_handle_t c; bgfx::UniformHandle cpp; } handle; handle.cpp = bgfx::createUniform(_name, bgfx::UniformType::Enum(_type), _num); return handle.c; } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_destroy_uniform(bgfx_uniform_handle_t _handle) { union { bgfx_uniform_handle_t c; bgfx::UniformHandle cpp; } handle = { _handle }; bgfx::destroyUniform(handle.cpp); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_view_name(uint8_t _id, const char* _name) { bgfx::setViewName(_id, _name); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_view_rect(uint8_t _id, uint16_t _x, uint16_t _y, uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height) { bgfx::setViewRect(_id, _x, _y, _width, _height); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_view_rect_mask(uint32_t _viewMask, uint16_t _x, uint16_t _y, uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height) { bgfx::setViewRectMask(_viewMask, _x, _y, _width, _height); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_view_scissor(uint8_t _id, uint16_t _x, uint16_t _y, uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height) { bgfx::setViewScissor(_id, _x, _y, _width, _height); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_view_scissor_mask(uint32_t _viewMask, uint16_t _x, uint16_t _y, uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height) { bgfx::setViewScissorMask(_viewMask, _x, _y, _width, _height); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_view_clear(uint8_t _id, uint8_t _flags, uint32_t _rgba, float _depth, uint8_t _stencil) { bgfx::setViewClear(_id, _flags, _rgba, _depth, _stencil); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_view_clear_mask(uint32_t _viewMask, uint8_t _flags, uint32_t _rgba, float _depth, uint8_t _stencil) { bgfx::setViewClearMask(_viewMask, _flags, _rgba, _depth, _stencil); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_view_seq(uint8_t _id, bool _enabled) { bgfx::setViewSeq(_id, _enabled); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_view_seq_mask(uint32_t _viewMask, bool _enabled) { bgfx::setViewSeqMask(_viewMask, _enabled); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_view_frame_buffer(uint8_t _id, bgfx_frame_buffer_handle_t _handle) { union { bgfx_frame_buffer_handle_t c; bgfx::FrameBufferHandle cpp; } handle = { _handle }; bgfx::setViewFrameBuffer(_id, handle.cpp); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_view_frame_buffer_mask(uint32_t _viewMask, bgfx_frame_buffer_handle_t _handle) { union { bgfx_frame_buffer_handle_t c; bgfx::FrameBufferHandle cpp; } handle = { _handle }; bgfx::setViewFrameBufferMask(_viewMask, handle.cpp); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_view_transform(uint8_t _id, const void* _view, const void* _proj) { bgfx::setViewTransform(_id, _view, _proj); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_view_transform_mask(uint32_t _viewMask, const void* _view, const void* _proj) { bgfx::setViewTransformMask(_viewMask, _view, _proj); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_marker(const char* _marker) { bgfx::setMarker(_marker); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_state(uint64_t _state, uint32_t _rgba) { bgfx::setState(_state, _rgba); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_stencil(uint32_t _fstencil, uint32_t _bstencil) { bgfx::setStencil(_fstencil, _bstencil); } BGFX_C_API uint16_t bgfx_set_scissor(uint16_t _x, uint16_t _y, uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height) { return bgfx::setScissor(_x, _y, _width, _height); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_scissor_cached(uint16_t _cache) { bgfx::setScissor(_cache); } BGFX_C_API uint32_t bgfx_set_transform(const void* _mtx, uint16_t _num) { return bgfx::setTransform(_mtx, _num); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_transform_cached(uint32_t _cache, uint16_t _num) { bgfx::setTransform(_cache, _num); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_uniform(bgfx_uniform_handle_t _handle, const void* _value, uint16_t _num) { union { bgfx_uniform_handle_t c; bgfx::UniformHandle cpp; } handle = { _handle }; bgfx::setUniform(handle.cpp, _value, _num); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_index_buffer(bgfx_index_buffer_handle_t _handle, uint32_t _firstIndex, uint32_t _numIndices) { union { bgfx_index_buffer_handle_t c; bgfx::IndexBufferHandle cpp; } handle = { _handle }; bgfx::setIndexBuffer(handle.cpp, _firstIndex, _numIndices); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_dynamic_index_buffer(bgfx_dynamic_index_buffer_handle_t _handle, uint32_t _firstIndex, uint32_t _numIndices) { union { bgfx_dynamic_index_buffer_handle_t c; bgfx::DynamicIndexBufferHandle cpp; } handle = { _handle }; bgfx::setIndexBuffer(handle.cpp, _firstIndex, _numIndices); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_transient_index_buffer(const bgfx_transient_index_buffer_t* _tib, uint32_t _firstIndex, uint32_t _numIndices) { bgfx::setIndexBuffer( (const bgfx::TransientIndexBuffer*)_tib, _firstIndex, _numIndices); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_vertex_buffer(bgfx_vertex_buffer_handle_t _handle, uint32_t _startVertex, uint32_t _numVertices) { union { bgfx_vertex_buffer_handle_t c; bgfx::VertexBufferHandle cpp; } handle = { _handle }; bgfx::setVertexBuffer(handle.cpp, _startVertex, _numVertices); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_dynamic_vertex_buffer(bgfx_dynamic_vertex_buffer_handle_t _handle, uint32_t _numVertices) { union { bgfx_dynamic_vertex_buffer_handle_t c; bgfx::DynamicVertexBufferHandle cpp; } handle = { _handle }; bgfx::setVertexBuffer(handle.cpp, _numVertices); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_transient_vertex_buffer(const bgfx_transient_vertex_buffer_t* _tvb, uint32_t _startVertex, uint32_t _numVertices) { bgfx::setVertexBuffer( (const bgfx::TransientVertexBuffer*)_tvb, _startVertex, _numVertices); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_instance_data_buffer(const bgfx_instance_data_buffer_t* _idb, uint16_t _num) { bgfx::setInstanceDataBuffer( (const bgfx::InstanceDataBuffer*)_idb, _num); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_program(bgfx_program_handle_t _handle) { union { bgfx_program_handle_t c; bgfx::ProgramHandle cpp; } handle = { _handle }; bgfx::setProgram(handle.cpp); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_texture(uint8_t _stage, bgfx_uniform_handle_t _sampler, bgfx_texture_handle_t _handle, uint32_t _flags) { union { bgfx_uniform_handle_t c; bgfx::UniformHandle cpp; } sampler = { _sampler }; union { bgfx_texture_handle_t c; bgfx::TextureHandle cpp; } handle = { _handle }; bgfx::setTexture(_stage, sampler.cpp, handle.cpp, _flags); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_set_texture_from_frame_buffer(uint8_t _stage, bgfx_uniform_handle_t _sampler, bgfx_frame_buffer_handle_t _handle, uint8_t _attachment, uint32_t _flags) { union { bgfx_uniform_handle_t c; bgfx::UniformHandle cpp; } sampler = { _sampler }; union { bgfx_frame_buffer_handle_t c; bgfx::FrameBufferHandle cpp; } handle = { _handle }; bgfx::setTexture(_stage, sampler.cpp, handle.cpp, _attachment, _flags); } BGFX_C_API uint32_t bgfx_submit(uint8_t _id, int32_t _depth) { return bgfx::submit(_id, _depth); } BGFX_C_API uint32_t bgfx_submit_mask(uint32_t _viewMask, int32_t _depth) { return bgfx::submitMask(_viewMask, _depth); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_discard() { bgfx::discard(); } BGFX_C_API void bgfx_save_screen_shot(const char* _filePath) { bgfx::saveScreenShot(_filePath); }