namespace("WM"); WM.Window = (function() { var template_html = " \
Window Title Bar
"; function Window(manager, title, x, y, width, height, parent_node) { this.Manager = manager; this.ParentNode = parent_node || document.body; this.OnMove = null; this.Visible = false; this.AnimatedShow = false; // Clone the window template and locate key nodes within it this.Node = DOM.Node.CreateHTML(template_html); this.TitleBarNode = DOM.Node.FindWithClass(this.Node, "WindowTitleBar"); this.TitleBarTextNode = DOM.Node.FindWithClass(this.Node, "WindowTitleBarText"); this.TitleBarCloseNode = DOM.Node.FindWithClass(this.Node, "WindowTitleBarClose"); this.BodyNode = DOM.Node.FindWithClass(this.Node, "WindowBody"); // Setup the position and dimensions of the window this.SetPosition(x, y); this.SetSize(width, height); // Set the title text this.TitleBarTextNode.innerHTML = title; // Hook up event handlers DOM.Event.AddHandler(this.Node, "mousedown", Bind(this, "SetTop")); DOM.Event.AddHandler(this.TitleBarNode, "mousedown", Bind(this, "BeginMove")); DOM.Event.AddHandler(this.TitleBarCloseNode, "mousedown", Bind(this, "Hide")); // Create delegates for removable handlers this.MoveDelegate = Bind(this, "Move"); this.EndMoveDelegate = Bind(this, "EndMove"); } Window.prototype.SetOnMove = function(on_move) { this.OnMove = on_move; } Window.prototype.Show = function() { if (this.Node.parentNode != this.ParentNode) { this.ShowNoAnim(); Anim.Animate(Bind(this, "OpenAnimation"), 0, 1, 1); } } Window.prototype.ShowNoAnim = function() { // Add to the document this.ParentNode.appendChild(this.Node); this.AnimatedShow = false; this.Visible = true; } Window.prototype.Hide = function() { if (this.Node.parentNode == this.ParentNode) { if (this.AnimatedShow) { // Trigger animation that ends with removing the window from the document Anim.Animate( Bind(this, "CloseAnimation"), 0, 1, 0.25, Bind(this, "HideNoAnim")); } else { this.HideNoAnim(); } } } Window.prototype.HideNoAnim = function() { // Remove node this.ParentNode.removeChild(this.Node); this.Visible = false; } Window.prototype.SetTop = function() { this.Manager.SetTopWindow(this); } Window.prototype.SetTitle = function(title) { this.TitleBarTextNode.innerHTML = title; } // TODO: Update this Window.prototype.AddControl = function(control) { // Get all arguments to this function and replace the first with this window node var args = []; args[0] = this.BodyNode; // Create the control and call its Init method with the modified arguments var instance = new control(); instance.Init.apply(instance, args); return instance; } Window.prototype.AddControlNew = function(control) { control.ParentNode = this.BodyNode; this.BodyNode.appendChild(control.Node); return control; } Window.prototype.Scale = function(t) { // Calculate window bounds centre/extents var ext_x = this.Size[0] / 2; var ext_y = this.Size[1] / 2; var mid_x = this.Position[0] + ext_x; var mid_y = this.Position[1] + ext_y; // Scale from the mid-point DOM.Node.SetPosition(this.Node, [ mid_x - ext_x * t, mid_y - ext_y * t ]); DOM.Node.SetSize(this.Node, [ this.Size[0] * t, this.Size[1] * t ]); } Window.prototype.OpenAnimation = function(val) { // Power ease in var t = 1 - Math.pow(1 - val, 8); this.Scale(t); DOM.Node.SetOpacity(this.Node, 1 - Math.pow(1 - val, 8)); this.AnimatedShow = true; } Window.prototype.CloseAnimation = function(val) { // Power ease out var t = 1 - Math.pow(val, 4); this.Scale(t); DOM.Node.SetOpacity(this.Node, t); } Window.prototype.NotifyChange = function() { if (this.OnMove) { var pos = DOM.Node.GetPosition(this.Node); this.OnMove(this, pos); } } Window.prototype.BeginMove = function(evt) { // Calculate offset of the window from the mouse down position var mouse_pos = DOM.Event.GetMousePosition(evt); this.Offset = [ mouse_pos[0] - this.Position[0], mouse_pos[1] - this.Position[1] ]; // Dynamically add handlers for movement and release DOM.Event.AddHandler(document, "mousemove", this.MoveDelegate); DOM.Event.AddHandler(document, "mouseup", this.EndMoveDelegate); DOM.Event.StopDefaultAction(evt); } Window.prototype.Move = function(evt) { // Use the offset at the beginning of movement to drag the window around var mouse_pos = DOM.Event.GetMousePosition(evt); var offset = this.Offset; var pos = [ mouse_pos[0] - offset[0], mouse_pos[1] - offset[1] ]; this.SetPosition(pos[0], pos[1]); if (this.OnMove) this.OnMove(this, pos); DOM.Event.StopDefaultAction(evt); } Window.prototype.EndMove = function(evt) { // Remove handlers added during mouse down DOM.Event.RemoveHandler(document, "mousemove", this.MoveDelegate); DOM.Event.RemoveHandler(document, "mouseup", this.EndMoveDelegate); DOM.Event.StopDefaultAction(evt); } Window.prototype.SetPosition = function(x, y) { this.Position = [ x, y ]; DOM.Node.SetPosition(this.Node, this.Position); } Window.prototype.SetSize = function(w, h) { this.Size = [ w, h ]; DOM.Node.SetSize(this.Node, this.Size); } Window.prototype.GetZIndex = function() { return parseInt(; } return Window; })();