TimelineRow = (function() { var row_template = function(){/*
*/}.toString().split(/\n/).slice(1, -1).join("\n"); var CANVAS_Y_OFFSET = 0; var CANVAS_BORDER = 1; var SAMPLE_HEIGHT = 16; var SAMPLE_BORDER = 1; var SAMPLE_Y_SPACING = SAMPLE_HEIGHT + SAMPLE_BORDER * 2; var SAMPLE_Y_OFFSET = CANVAS_Y_OFFSET + CANVAS_BORDER + 1; function TimelineRow(name, width, parent_node, frame_history, check_handler) { this.Name = name; // Create the row HTML and add to the parent this.ContainerNode = DOM.Node.CreateHTML(row_template); this.Node = DOM.Node.FindWithClass(this.ContainerNode, "TimelineRowData"); this.LabelNode = DOM.Node.FindWithClass(this.ContainerNode, "TimelineRowLabel"); this.LabelNode.innerHTML = name; this.CheckboxNode = DOM.Node.FindWithClass(this.ContainerNode, "TimelineRowCheckbox"); var expand_node_0 = DOM.Node.FindWithClass(this.ContainerNode, "TimelineRowExpand", 0); var expand_node_1 = DOM.Node.FindWithClass(this.ContainerNode, "TimelineRowExpand", 1); this.IncNode = DOM.Node.FindWithClass(expand_node_0, "TimelineRowExpandButton"); this.DecNode = DOM.Node.FindWithClass(expand_node_1, "TimelineRowExpandButton"); this.CanvasNode = DOM.Node.FindWithClass(this.ContainerNode, "TimelineRowCanvas"); parent_node.appendChild(this.ContainerNode); // All sample view windows visible by default this.CheckboxNode.checked = true; DOM.Event.AddHandler(this.CheckboxNode, "change", function(evt) { check_handler(name, evt); }); // Manually hook-up events to simulate div:active // I can't get the equivalent CSS to work in Firefox, so... DOM.Event.AddHandler(this.IncNode, "mousedown", ExpandButtonDown); DOM.Event.AddHandler(this.IncNode, "mouseup", ExpandButtonUp); DOM.Event.AddHandler(this.IncNode, "mouseleave", ExpandButtonUp); DOM.Event.AddHandler(this.DecNode, "mousedown", ExpandButtonDown); DOM.Event.AddHandler(this.DecNode, "mouseup", ExpandButtonUp); DOM.Event.AddHandler(this.DecNode, "mouseleave", ExpandButtonUp); // Pressing +/i increases/decreases depth DOM.Event.AddHandler(this.IncNode, "click", Bind(IncDepth, this)); DOM.Event.AddHandler(this.DecNode, "click", Bind(DecDepth, this)); // Setup the canvas this.Depth = 1; this.Ctx = this.CanvasNode.getContext("2d"); this.SetSize(width); this.Clear(); // Frame index to start at when looking for first visible sample this.StartFrameIndex = 0; this.FrameHistory = frame_history; this.VisibleFrames = [ ]; this.VisibleTimeRange = null; // Sample the mouse is currently hovering over this.HoverSample = null; this.HoverSampleDepth = 0; // Currently selected sample this.SelectedSample = null; this.SelectedSampleDepth = 0; } TimelineRow.prototype.SetSize = function(width) { // Must ALWAYS set the width/height properties together. Setting one on its own has weird side-effects. this.CanvasNode.width = width; this.CanvasNode.height = CANVAS_BORDER + SAMPLE_BORDER + SAMPLE_Y_SPACING * this.Depth; this.Draw(true); } TimelineRow.prototype.Clear = function() { // Fill box that shows the boundary between thread rows this.Ctx.fillStyle = "#666" var b = CANVAS_BORDER; this.Ctx.fillRect(b, b, this.CanvasNode.width - b * 2, this.CanvasNode.height - b * 2); } TimelineRow.prototype.SetVisibleFrames = function(time_range) { // Clear previous visible list this.VisibleFrames = [ ]; if (this.FrameHistory.length == 0) return; // Store a copy of the visible time range rather than referencing it // This prevents external modifications to the time range from affecting rendering/selection time_range = time_range.Clone(); this.VisibleTimeRange = time_range; // The frame history can be reset outside this class // This also catches the overflow to the end of the frame list below when a thread stops sending samples var max_frame = Math.max(this.FrameHistory.length - 1, 0); var start_frame_index = Math.min(this.StartFrameIndex, max_frame); // First do a back-track in case the time range moves negatively while (start_frame_index > 0) { var frame = this.FrameHistory[start_frame_index]; if (time_range.Start_us > frame.StartTime_us) break; start_frame_index--; } // Then search from this point for the first visible frame while (start_frame_index < this.FrameHistory.length) { var frame = this.FrameHistory[start_frame_index]; if (frame.EndTime_us > time_range.Start_us) break; start_frame_index++; } // Gather all frames up to the end point this.StartFrameIndex = start_frame_index; for (var i = start_frame_index; i < this.FrameHistory.length; i++) { var frame = this.FrameHistory[i]; if (frame.StartTime_us > time_range.End_us) break; this.VisibleFrames.push(frame); } } TimelineRow.prototype.Draw = function(draw_text) { this.Clear(); // Draw all root samples in the visible frame set for (var i in this.VisibleFrames) { var frame = this.VisibleFrames[i]; DrawSamples(this, frame.Samples, 1, draw_text); } } function DrawSamples(self, samples, depth, draw_text) { for (var i in samples) { var sample = samples[i]; DrawSample(self, sample, depth, draw_text); if (depth < self.Depth && sample.children != null) DrawSamples(self, sample.children, depth + 1, draw_text); } } TimelineRow.prototype.UpdateHoverSample = function(mouse_state, x_offset) { var hover = GetSampleAtPosition(this, mouse_state, x_offset); if (hover) this.SetHoverSample(hover[1], hover[2]); return hover; } TimelineRow.prototype.UpdateSelectedSample = function(mouse_state, x_offset) { var select = GetSampleAtPosition(this, mouse_state, x_offset); if (select) this.SetSelectedSample(select[1], select[2]); return select; } TimelineRow.prototype.SetHoverSample = function(sample, sample_depth) { if (sample != this.HoverSample) { // Discard old highlight // TODO: When zoomed right out, tiny samples are anti-aliased and this becomes inaccurate var old_sample = this.HoverSample; var old_sample_depth = this.HoverSampleDepth; this.HoverSample = null; this.HoverSampleDepth = 0; DrawSample(this, old_sample, old_sample_depth, true); // Add new highlight this.HoverSample = sample; this.HoverSampleDepth = sample_depth; DrawSample(this, sample, sample_depth, true); } } TimelineRow.prototype.SetSelectedSample = function(sample, sample_depth) { if (sample != this.SelectedSample) { // Discard old highlight // TODO: When zoomed right out, tiny samples are anti-aliased and this becomes inaccurate var old_sample = this.SelectedSample; var old_sample_depth = this.SelectedSampleDepth; this.SelectedSample = null; this.SelectedSampleDepth = 0; DrawSample(this, old_sample, old_sample_depth, true); // Add new highlight this.SelectedSample = sample; this.SelectedSampleDepth = sample_depth; DrawSample(this, sample, sample_depth, true); } } function ExpandButtonDown(evt) { var node = DOM.Event.GetNode(evt); DOM.Node.AddClass(node, "TimelineRowExpandButtonActive"); } function ExpandButtonUp(evt) { var node = DOM.Event.GetNode(evt); DOM.Node.RemoveClass(node, "TimelineRowExpandButtonActive"); } function IncDepth(self) { self.Depth++; self.SetSize(self.CanvasNode.width); } function DecDepth(self) { if (self.Depth > 1) { self.Depth--; self.SetSize(self.CanvasNode.width); } } function GetSampleAtPosition(self, mouse_state, x_offset) { // Mouse movement can occur before any data is sent to a timeline row var time_range = self.VisibleTimeRange; if (time_range == null) return; // Get the time the mouse is over var x = mouse_state.Position[0] - x_offset; var time_us = time_range.Start_us + x / time_range.usPerPixel; var canvas_y_offset = DOM.Node.GetPosition(self.CanvasNode)[1]; var mouse_y_offset = mouse_state.Position[1] - canvas_y_offset; mouse_y_offset = Math.min(Math.max(mouse_y_offset, 0), self.CanvasNode.height); var depth = Math.floor(mouse_y_offset / SAMPLE_Y_SPACING) + 1; // Search for the first frame to intersect this time for (var i in self.VisibleFrames) { var frame = self.VisibleFrames[i]; if (time_us >= frame.StartTime_us && time_us < frame.EndTime_us) { var found_sample = FindSample(self, frame.Samples, time_us, depth, 1); if (found_sample != null) return [ frame, found_sample[0], found_sample[1] ]; } } return null; } function FindSample(self, samples, time_us, target_depth, depth) { for (var i in samples) { var sample = samples[i]; if (depth == target_depth) { if (time_us >= sample.us_start && time_us < sample.us_start + sample.us_length) return [ sample, depth ]; } else if (depth < target_depth && sample.children != null) { var found_sample = FindSample(self, sample.children, time_us, target_depth, depth + 1); if (found_sample != null) return found_sample; } } return null; } function DrawSample(self, sample, depth, draw_text) { if (sample == null) return; // Determine pixel range of the sample var time_range = self.VisibleTimeRange; var x0 = time_range.PixelOffset(sample.us_start); var x1 = x0 + time_range.PixelSize(sample.us_length); // Clip to padded timeline row var min_x = 3; var max_x = self.CanvasNode.width - 5; x0 = Math.min(Math.max(x0, min_x), max_x); x1 = Math.min(Math.max(x1, min_x), max_x); var offset_x = x0; var offset_y = SAMPLE_Y_OFFSET + (depth - 1) * SAMPLE_Y_SPACING; var size_x = x1 - x0; var size_y = SAMPLE_HEIGHT; // Normal rendering var ctx = self.Ctx; ctx.fillStyle = sample.colour; ctx.fillRect(offset_x, offset_y, size_x, size_y); // Highlight rendering var b = (sample == self.HoverSample) ? 255 : 0; var r = (sample == self.SelectedSample) ? 255 : 0; if (b + r > 0) { ctx.lineWidth = 1; ctx.strokeStyle = "rgb(" + r + ", 0, " + b + ")"; ctx.strokeRect(offset_x + 0.5, offset_y + 0.5, size_x - 1, size_y - 1); } // Draw sample names clipped to the bounds of the sample if (draw_text) { ctx.save(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.rect(offset_x + 2.5, offset_y + 1.5, size_x - 5, size_y - 3); ctx.clip(); ctx.font = "9px verdana"; ctx.fillStyle = "black"; ctx.fillText(sample.name, offset_x + 5.5, offset_y + 1.5 + 9); ctx.restore(); } } return TimelineRow; })();