// // TODO: Window resizing needs finer-grain control // TODO: Take into account where user has moved the windows // TODO: Controls need automatic resizing within their parent windows // Settings = (function() { function Settings() { this.IsPaused = false; } return Settings; })(); Remotery = (function() { function Remotery() { this.WindowManager = new WM.WindowManager(); this.Settings = new Settings(); this.ConnectionAddress = LocalStore.Get("App", "Global", "ConnectionAddress", "ws://"); this.Server = new WebSocketConnection(); this.Server.AddConnectHandler(Bind(OnConnect, this)); // Create the console up front as everything reports to it this.Console = new Console(this.WindowManager, this.Server); // Create required windows this.TitleWindow = new TitleWindow(this.WindowManager, this.Settings, this.Server, this.ConnectionAddress); this.TitleWindow.SetConnectionAddressChanged(Bind(OnAddressChanged, this)); this.TimelineWindow = new TimelineWindow(this.WindowManager, this.Settings, this.Server, Bind(OnTimelineCheck, this)); this.TimelineWindow.SetOnHover(Bind(OnSampleHover, this)); this.TimelineWindow.SetOnSelected(Bind(OnSampleSelected, this)); this.NbSampleWindows = 0; this.SampleWindows = { }; this.FrameHistory = { }; this.SelectedFrames = { }; this.Server.AddMessageHandler("SAMPLES", Bind(OnSamples, this)); // Kick-off the auto-connect loop AutoConnect(this); // Hook up resize event handler DOM.Event.AddHandler(window, "resize", Bind(OnResizeWindow, this)); OnResizeWindow(this); // Hook up browser-native canvas refresh this.DisplayFrame = 0; this.LastKnownPause = this.Settings.IsPaused; var self = this; (function display_loop() { window.requestAnimationFrame(display_loop); DrawTimeline(self); })(); } function AutoConnect(self) { // Only attempt to connect if there isn't already a connection or an attempt to connect if (!self.Server.Connected()) self.Server.Connect(self.ConnectionAddress); // Always schedule another check window.setTimeout(Bind(AutoConnect, self), 2000); } function OnConnect(self) { // Connection address has been validated LocalStore.Set("App", "Global", "ConnectionAddress", self.ConnectionAddress); self.TimelineWindow.ResetTimeRange(); self.FrameHistory = { }; self.SelectedFrames = { }; } function OnAddressChanged(self, node) { // Update and disconnect, relying on auto-connect to reconnect self.ConnectionAddress = node.value; self.Server.Disconnect(); } function DrawTimeline(self) { // Has pause state changed? if (self.Settings.IsPaused != self.LastKnownPaused) { // When switching TO paused, draw one last frame to ensure the sample text gets drawn self.LastKnownPaused = self.Settings.IsPaused; self.TimelineWindow.DrawAllRows(); return; } // Don't waste time drawing the timeline when paused if (self.Settings.IsPaused) return; // requestAnimationFrame can run up to 60hz which is way too much for drawing the timeline // Assume it's running at 60hz and skip frames to achieve 10hz instead // Doing this instead of using setTimeout because it's better for browser rendering (or; will be once WebGL is in use) if ((self.DisplayFrame % 10) == 0) self.TimelineWindow.DrawAllRows(); self.DisplayFrame++; } function OnSamples(self, socket, message) { var name = message.thread_name; // Discard any new samples while paused if (self.Settings.IsPaused) return; // Add to frame history for this thread var thread_frame = new ThreadFrame(message); if (!(name in self.FrameHistory)) self.FrameHistory[name] = [ ]; var frame_history = self.FrameHistory[name]; frame_history.push(thread_frame); // Discard old frames to keep memory-use constant var max_nb_frames = 10000; var extra_frames = frame_history.length - max_nb_frames; if (extra_frames > 0) frame_history.splice(0, extra_frames); // Create sample windows on-demand if (!(name in self.SampleWindows)) { self.SampleWindows[name] = new SampleWindow(self.WindowManager, name, self.NbSampleWindows); self.SampleWindows[name].WindowResized(self.TimelineWindow.Window, self.Console.Window); self.NbSampleWindows++; MoveSampleWindows(this); } // Set on the window and timeline self.SampleWindows[name].OnSamples(message.nb_samples, message.sample_digest, message.samples); self.TimelineWindow.OnSamples(name, frame_history); } function OnTimelineCheck(self, name, evt) { // Show/hide the equivalent sample window and move all the others to occupy any left-over space var target = DOM.Event.GetNode(evt); self.SampleWindows[name].SetVisible(target.checked); MoveSampleWindows(self); } function MoveSampleWindows(self) { // Stack all windows next to each other var xpos = 0; for (var i in self.SampleWindows) { var sample_window = self.SampleWindows[i]; if (sample_window.Visible) sample_window.SetXPos(xpos++, self.TimelineWindow.Window, self.Console.Window); } } function OnSampleHover(self, thread_name, hover) { // Hover only changes sample window contents when paused var sample_window = self.SampleWindows[thread_name]; if (sample_window && self.Settings.IsPaused) { if (hover == null) { // When there's no hover, go back to the selected frame if (self.SelectedFrames[thread_name]) { var frame = self.SelectedFrames[thread_name]; sample_window.OnSamples(frame.NbSamples, frame.SampleDigest, frame.Samples); } } else { // Populate with sample under hover var frame = hover[0]; sample_window.OnSamples(frame.NbSamples, frame.SampleDigest, frame.Samples); } } } function OnSampleSelected(self, thread_name, select) { // Lookup sample window set the frame samples on it if (select && thread_name in self.SampleWindows) { var sample_window = self.SampleWindows[thread_name]; var frame = select[0]; self.SelectedFrames[thread_name] = frame; sample_window.OnSamples(frame.NbSamples, frame.SampleDigest, frame.Samples); } } function OnResizeWindow(self) { // Resize windows var w = window.innerWidth; var h = window.innerHeight; self.Console.WindowResized(w, h); self.TitleWindow.WindowResized(w, h); self.TimelineWindow.WindowResized(w, h, self.TitleWindow.Window); for (var i in self.SampleWindows) self.SampleWindows[i].WindowResized(self.TimelineWindow.Window, self.Console.Window); } return Remotery; })();