/* * Copyright 2011-2015 Branimir Karadzic. All rights reserved. * License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #define STB_IMAGE_IMPLEMENTATION #include #define BX_NAMESPACE 1 #include #include #include long int fsize(FILE* _file) { long int pos = ftell(_file); fseek(_file, 0L, SEEK_END); long int size = ftell(_file); fseek(_file, pos, SEEK_SET); return size; } void edtaa3(double* _img, uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height, double* _out) { uint32_t size = _width*_height; short* xdist = (short*)malloc(size*sizeof(short) ); short* ydist = (short*)malloc(size*sizeof(short) ); double* gx = (double*)malloc(size*sizeof(double) ); double* gy = (double*)malloc(size*sizeof(double) ); computegradient(_img, _width, _height, gx, gy); edtaa3(_img, gx, gy, _width, _height, xdist, ydist, _out); for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < size; ++ii) { if (_out[ii] < 0.0) { _out[ii] = 0.0; } } free(xdist); free(ydist); free(gx); free(gy); } void saveTga(const char* _filePath, uint32_t _width, uint32_t _height, uint32_t _pitch, bool _grayscale, const void* _data) { FILE* file = fopen(_filePath, "wb"); if ( NULL != file ) { uint8_t type = _grayscale ? 3 : 2; uint8_t bpp = _grayscale ? 8 : 32; uint8_t xorig = 0; uint8_t yorig = 0; putc(0, file); putc(0, file); putc(type, file); putc(0, file); putc(0, file); putc(0, file); putc(0, file); putc(0, file); putc(0, file); putc(xorig, file); putc(0, file); putc(yorig, file); putc(_width&0xff, file); putc( (_width>>8)&0xff, file); putc(_height&0xff, file); putc( (_height>>8)&0xff, file); putc(bpp, file); putc(32, file); uint32_t width = _width * bpp / 8; uint8_t* data = (uint8_t*)_data; for (uint32_t yy = 0; yy < _height; ++yy) { fwrite(data, width, 1, file); data += _pitch; } fclose(file); } } inline double min(double _a, double _b) { return _a > _b ? _b : _a; } inline double max(double _a, double _b) { return _a > _b ? _a : _b; } inline double clamp(double _val, double _min, double _max) { return max(min(_val, _max), _min); } inline double saturate(double _val) { return clamp(_val, 0.0, 1.0); } int main(int _argc, const char* _argv[]) { bx::CommandLine cmdLine(_argc, _argv); const char* inFilePath = cmdLine.findOption('i'); if (NULL == inFilePath) { fprintf(stderr, "Input file name must be specified.\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } const char* outFilePath = cmdLine.findOption('o'); if (NULL == outFilePath) { fprintf(stderr, "Output file name must be specified.\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } double edge = 16.0; const char* edgeOpt = cmdLine.findOption('e'); if (NULL != edgeOpt) { edge = atof(edgeOpt); } int width; int height; int comp; stbi_uc* img = stbi_load(inFilePath, &width, &height, &comp, 1); if (NULL == img) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to load %s.\n", inFilePath); return EXIT_FAILURE; } uint32_t size = width*height; double* imgIn = (double*)malloc(size*sizeof(double) ); double* outside = (double*)malloc(size*sizeof(double) ); double* inside = (double*)malloc(size*sizeof(double) ); for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < size; ++ii) { imgIn[ii] = double(img[ii])/255.0; } edtaa3(imgIn, width, height, outside); for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < size; ++ii) { imgIn[ii] = 1.0 - imgIn[ii]; } edtaa3(imgIn, width, height, inside); free(imgIn); uint8_t* grayscale = (uint8_t*)malloc(size); double edgeOffset = edge*0.5; double invEdge = 1.0/edge; for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < size; ++ii) { double dist = saturate( ( (outside[ii] - inside[ii])+edgeOffset) * invEdge); grayscale[ii] = 255-uint8_t(dist * 255.0); } free(inside); free(outside); saveTga(outFilePath, width, height, width, true, grayscale); free(grayscale); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }