/* * Copyright 2011-2016 Branimir Karadzic. All rights reserved. * License: https://github.com/bkaradzic/bgfx#license-bsd-2-clause */ #include #include #include // Just hacking DDS loading code in here. #include "bgfx_p.h" #include "image.h" #include #include #include #include #include #define STB_IMAGE_IMPLEMENTATION #include #if 0 # define BX_TRACE(_format, ...) fprintf(stderr, "" _format "\n", ##__VA_ARGS__) #endif // DEBUG #include #include #include #include namespace bgfx { const Memory* alloc(uint32_t _size) { Memory* mem = (Memory*)::realloc(NULL, sizeof(Memory) + _size); mem->size = _size; mem->data = (uint8_t*)mem + sizeof(Memory); return mem; } const Memory* makeRef(const void* _data, uint32_t _size, ReleaseFn _releaseFn, void* _userData) { BX_UNUSED(_releaseFn, _userData); Memory* mem = (Memory*)::realloc(NULL, sizeof(Memory) ); mem->size = _size; mem->data = (uint8_t*)_data; return mem; } void release(const Memory* _mem) { Memory* mem = const_cast(_mem); ::free(mem); } void imageEncodeFromRgba8(uint8_t* _dst, const uint8_t* _src, uint32_t _width, uint32_t _height, uint8_t _format) { TextureFormat::Enum format = TextureFormat::Enum(_format); switch (format) { case TextureFormat::BC1: case TextureFormat::BC2: case TextureFormat::BC3: case TextureFormat::BC4: case TextureFormat::BC5: squish::CompressImage(_src, _width, _height, _dst , format == TextureFormat::BC2 ? squish::kDxt3 : format == TextureFormat::BC3 ? squish::kDxt5 : format == TextureFormat::BC4 ? squish::kBc4 : format == TextureFormat::BC5 ? squish::kBc5 : squish::kDxt1 ); break; case TextureFormat::BC6H: nvtt::compressBC6H(_src, _width, _height, 4, _dst); break; case TextureFormat::BC7: nvtt::compressBC7(_src, _width, _height, 4, _dst); break; case TextureFormat::ETC1: etc1_encode_image(_src, _width, _height, 4, _width*4, _dst); break; case TextureFormat::ETC2: case TextureFormat::ETC2A: case TextureFormat::ETC2A1: case TextureFormat::PTC12: break; case TextureFormat::PTC14: { using namespace Javelin; RgbBitmap bmp; bmp.width = _width; bmp.height = _height; bmp.data = const_cast(_src); PvrTcEncoder::EncodeRgb4Bpp(_dst, bmp); bmp.data = NULL; } break; case TextureFormat::PTC12A: break; case TextureFormat::PTC14A: { using namespace Javelin; RgbaBitmap bmp; bmp.width = _width; bmp.height = _height; bmp.data = const_cast(_src); PvrTcEncoder::EncodeRgba4Bpp(_dst, bmp); bmp.data = NULL; } break; case TextureFormat::PTC22: case TextureFormat::PTC24: break; case TextureFormat::BGRA8: imageSwizzleBgra8(_width, _height, _width*4, _src, _dst); break; case TextureFormat::RGBA8: memcpy(_dst, _src, _width*_height*4); break; default: break; } } } // namespace bgfx void help(const char* _error = NULL) { if (NULL != _error) { fprintf(stderr, "Error:\n%s\n\n", _error); } fprintf(stderr , "texturec, bgfx texture compiler tool\n" "Copyright 2011-2016 Branimir Karadzic. All rights reserved.\n" "License: https://github.com/bkaradzic/bgfx#license-bsd-2-clause\n\n" ); fprintf(stderr , "Usage: texturec -f -o -t \n" "\n" "Supported input file types:\n" " *.png Portable Network Graphics\n" " *.tga Targa\n" " *.dds Direct Draw Surface\n" " *.ktx Khronos Texture\n" " *.pvr PowerVR\n" "\n" "Options:\n" " -f Input file path.\n" " -o Output file path (file will be written in KTX format).\n" " -t Output format type (BC1/2/3/4/5, ETC1, PVR14, etc.).\n" " -m, --mips Generate mip-maps.\n" "\n" "For additional information, see https://github.com/bkaradzic/bgfx\n" ); } int main(int _argc, const char* _argv[]) { bx::CommandLine cmdLine(_argc, _argv); if (cmdLine.hasArg('h', "help") ) { help(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } const char* inputFileName = cmdLine.findOption('f'); if (NULL == inputFileName) { help("Input file must be specified."); return EXIT_FAILURE; } const char* outputFileName = cmdLine.findOption('o'); if (NULL == outputFileName) { help("Output file must be specified."); return EXIT_FAILURE; } bx::CrtFileReader reader; if (0 != bx::open(&reader, inputFileName) ) { help("Failed to open input file."); return EXIT_FAILURE; } const bool mips = cmdLine.hasArg('m', "mips"); const char* type = cmdLine.findOption('t'); bgfx::TextureFormat::Enum format = bgfx::TextureFormat::BGRA8; if (NULL != type) { format = bgfx::getFormat(type); if (!isValid(format) ) { help("Invalid format specified."); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } uint32_t size = (uint32_t)bx::getSize(&reader); const bgfx::Memory* mem = bgfx::alloc(size); bx::read(&reader, mem->data, mem->size); bx::close(&reader); { using namespace bgfx; uint8_t* decodedImage = NULL; ImageContainer imageContainer; bool loaded = imageParse(imageContainer, mem->data, mem->size); if (!loaded) { int width = 0; int height = 0; int comp = 0; decodedImage = stbi_load_from_memory( (uint8_t*)mem->data, mem->size, &width, &height, &comp, 4); loaded = NULL != decodedImage; if (loaded) { release(mem); mem = makeRef(decodedImage, width*height*4); imageContainer.m_data = mem->data; imageContainer.m_size = mem->size; imageContainer.m_offset = 0; imageContainer.m_width = width; imageContainer.m_height = height; imageContainer.m_depth = 1; imageContainer.m_format = bgfx::TextureFormat::RGBA8; imageContainer.m_numMips = 1; imageContainer.m_hasAlpha = true; imageContainer.m_cubeMap = false; imageContainer.m_ktx = false; imageContainer.m_ktxLE = false; imageContainer.m_srgb = false; } } if (loaded) { bx::CrtAllocator allocator; const Memory* output = NULL; ImageMip mip; if (imageGetRawData(imageContainer, 0, 0, mem->data, mem->size, mip) ) { uint32_t size = imageGetSize(TextureFormat::RGBA8, mip.m_width, mip.m_height); uint8_t* rgba = (uint8_t*)BX_ALLOC(&allocator, size); imageDecodeToRgba8(rgba , mip.m_data , mip.m_width , mip.m_height , mip.m_width*mip.m_bpp/8 , mip.m_format ); uint8_t numMips = mips ? imageGetNumMips(format, mip.m_width, mip.m_height) : 1 ; imageContainer.m_size = imageGetSize(format, mip.m_width, mip.m_height, 0, false, numMips); imageContainer.m_format = format; output = alloc(imageContainer.m_size); imageEncodeFromRgba8(output->data, rgba, mip.m_width, mip.m_height, format); for (uint8_t lod = 1; lod < numMips; ++lod) { ImageMip mip1; imageGetRawData(imageContainer, 0, lod, output->data, output->size, mip1); uint8_t* data = const_cast(mip1.m_data); uint32_t width = bx::uint32_max(1, mip.m_width >>lod); uint32_t height = bx::uint32_max(1, mip.m_height>>lod); imageRgba8Downsample2x2(width, height, width*4, rgba, rgba); imageEncodeFromRgba8(data, rgba, mip.m_width, mip.m_height, format); } BX_FREE(&allocator, rgba); } if (NULL != output) { bx::CrtFileWriter writer; if (0 == bx::open(&writer, outputFileName) ) { if (NULL != bx::stristr(outputFileName, ".ktx") ) { imageWriteKtx(&writer, imageContainer, output->data, output->size); } bx::close(&writer); } release(output); } } release(mem); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }