-- -- Copyright 2010-2014 Branimir Karadzic. All rights reserved. -- License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause -- function bgfxProject(_name, _kind, _defines) project ("bgfx" .. _name) uuid (os.uuid("bgfx" .. _name)) kind (_kind) if _kind == "SharedLib" then defines { "BGFX_SHARED_LIB_BUILD=1", } configuration { "mingw*" } linkoptions { "-shared", } links { "gdi32", } end includedirs { BGFX_DIR .. "3rdparty", BGFX_DIR .. "../bx/include", } defines { _defines, } if _OPTIONS["with-ovr"] then defines { "BGFX_CONFIG_USE_OVR=1", } includedirs { "$(OVR_DIR)/LibOVR/Include", } end configuration { "Debug" } defines { "BGFX_CONFIG_DEBUG=1", } configuration { "android*" } links { "EGL", "GLESv2", } configuration { "mingw* or vs2008" } includedirs { "$(DXSDK_DIR)/include", } configuration { "winphone8*"} linkoptions { "/ignore:4264" -- LNK4264: archiving object file compiled with /ZW into a static library; note that when authoring Windows Runtime types it is not recommended to link with a static library that contains Windows Runtime metadata } configuration { "xcode4 or osx or ios*" } files { BGFX_DIR .. "src/**.mm", } configuration { "osx" } links { "Cocoa.framework", } configuration { "not nacl" } includedirs { --nacl has GLES2 headers modified... BGFX_DIR .. "3rdparty/khronos", } configuration { "x64", "vs* or mingw*" } defines { "_WIN32_WINNT=0x601", } configuration {} includedirs { BGFX_DIR .. "include", } files { BGFX_DIR .. "include/**.h", BGFX_DIR .. "src/**.cpp", BGFX_DIR .. "src/**.h", } excludes { BGFX_DIR .. "src/**.bin.h", } configuration {} copyLib() end