-- -- Copyright 2010-2014 Branimir Karadzic. All rights reserved. -- License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause -- newoption { trigger = "with-tools", description = "Enable building tools.", } newoption { trigger = "with-shared-lib", description = "Enable building shared library.", } newoption { trigger = "with-sdl", description = "Enable SDL entry.", } newoption { trigger = "with-ovr", description = "Enable OculusVR integration.", } solution "bgfx" configurations { "Debug", "Release", } platforms { "x32", "x64", -- "Xbox360", "Native", -- for targets where bitness is not specified } language "C++" startproject "example-00-helloworld" BGFX_DIR = (path.getabsolute("..") .. "/") local BGFX_BUILD_DIR = (BGFX_DIR .. ".build/") local BGFX_THIRD_PARTY_DIR = (BGFX_DIR .. "3rdparty/") BX_DIR = (BGFX_DIR .. "../bx/") defines { "BX_CONFIG_ENABLE_MSVC_LEVEL4_WARNINGS=1" } dofile (BX_DIR .. "scripts/toolchain.lua") if not toolchain(BGFX_BUILD_DIR, BGFX_THIRD_PARTY_DIR) then return -- no action specified end function copyLib() end if _OPTIONS["with-sdl"] then if os.is("windows") then if not os.getenv("SDL2_DIR") then print("Set SDL2_DIR enviroment variable.") end end end function exampleProject(_name) project ("example-" .. _name) uuid (os.uuid("example-" .. _name)) kind "WindowedApp" configuration {} -- don't output debugdir for winphone builds if "winphone81" ~= _OPTIONS["vs"] then debugdir (BGFX_DIR .. "examples/runtime/") end includedirs { BX_DIR .. "include", BGFX_DIR .. "include", BGFX_DIR .. "3rdparty", BGFX_DIR .. "examples/common", } files { BGFX_DIR .. "examples/" .. _name .. "/**.cpp", BGFX_DIR .. "examples/" .. _name .. "/**.h", } links { "bgfx", "example-common", } if _OPTIONS["with-sdl"] then defines { "ENTRY_CONFIG_USE_SDL=1" } links { "SDL2" } configuration { "x32", "windows" } libdirs { "$(SDL2_DIR)/lib/x86" } configuration { "x64", "windows" } libdirs { "$(SDL2_DIR)/lib/x64" } configuration {} end if _OPTIONS["with-ovr"] then links { "winmm", "ws2_32", } configuration { "x32" } libdirs { "$(OVR_DIR)/LibOVR/Lib/Win32/" .. _ACTION } configuration { "x64" } libdirs { "$(OVR_DIR)/LibOVR/Lib/x64/" .. _ACTION } configuration { "x32", "Debug" } links { "libovrd" } configuration { "x32", "Release" } links { "libovr" } configuration { "x64", "Debug" } links { "libovr64d" } configuration { "x64", "Release" } links { "libovr64" } configuration {} end configuration { "vs*" } linkoptions { "/ignore:4199", -- LNK4199: /DELAYLOAD:*.dll ignored; no imports found from *.dll } links { -- this is needed only for testing with GLES2/3 on Windows with VS2008 "DelayImp", } configuration { "vs201*" } linkoptions { -- this is needed only for testing with GLES2/3 on Windows with VS201x "/DELAYLOAD:\"libEGL.dll\"", "/DELAYLOAD:\"libGLESv2.dll\"", } configuration { "vs20* or mingw*" } links { "gdi32", "psapi", } configuration { "winphone8*"} removelinks { "DelayImp", "gdi32", "psapi" } links { "d3d11", "dxgi" } linkoptions { "/ignore:4264" -- LNK4264: archiving object file compiled with /ZW into a static library; note that when authoring Windows Runtime types it is not recommended to link with a static library that contains Windows Runtime metadata } -- WinRT targets need their own output directories are build files stomp over each other targetdir (BGFX_BUILD_DIR .. "arm_" .. _ACTION .. "/bin/" .. _name) objdir (BGFX_BUILD_DIR .. "arm_" .. _ACTION .. "/obj/" .. _name) configuration { "mingw-clang" } kind "ConsoleApp" configuration { "android*" } kind "ConsoleApp" targetextension ".so" linkoptions { "-shared", } links { "EGL", "GLESv2", } configuration { "nacl*" } kind "ConsoleApp" targetextension ".nexe" links { "ppapi", "ppapi_gles2", "pthread", } configuration { "pnacl" } kind "ConsoleApp" targetextension ".pexe" links { "ppapi", "ppapi_gles2", "pthread", } configuration { "asmjs" } kind "ConsoleApp" targetextension ".bc" configuration { "linux-*" } links { "X11", "GL", "pthread", } configuration { "rpi" } links { "X11", "GLESv2", "EGL", "bcm_host", "vcos", "vchiq_arm", "pthread", } configuration { "osx" } files { BGFX_DIR .. "examples/common/**.mm", } links { "Cocoa.framework", "OpenGL.framework", } configuration { "xcode4" } platforms { "Universal" } files { BGFX_DIR .. "examples/common/**.mm", } links { "Cocoa.framework", "Foundation.framework", "OpenGL.framework", } configuration { "ios*" } kind "ConsoleApp" files { BGFX_DIR .. "examples/common/**.mm", } linkoptions { "-framework CoreFoundation", "-framework Foundation", "-framework OpenGLES", "-framework UIKit", "-framework QuartzCore", } configuration { "qnx*" } targetextension "" links { "EGL", "GLESv2", } configuration {} strip() end dofile "bgfx.lua" group "examples" dofile "example-common.lua" group "libs" bgfxProject("", "StaticLib", {}) group "examples" exampleProject("00-helloworld") exampleProject("01-cubes") exampleProject("02-metaballs") exampleProject("03-raymarch") exampleProject("04-mesh") exampleProject("05-instancing") exampleProject("06-bump") exampleProject("07-callback") exampleProject("08-update") exampleProject("09-hdr") exampleProject("10-font") exampleProject("11-fontsdf") exampleProject("12-lod") exampleProject("13-stencil") exampleProject("14-shadowvolumes") exampleProject("15-shadowmaps-simple") exampleProject("16-shadowmaps") exampleProject("17-drawstress") exampleProject("18-ibl") exampleProject("19-oit") exampleProject("20-nanovg") exampleProject("21-deferred") exampleProject("22-windows") exampleProject("23-vectordisplay") exampleProject("24-nbody") if _OPTIONS["with-shared-lib"] then group "libs" bgfxProject("-shared-lib", "SharedLib", {}) end if _OPTIONS["with-tools"] then group "tools" dofile "makedisttex.lua" dofile "shaderc.lua" dofile "texturec.lua" dofile "geometryc.lua" end