mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 05:15:28 -04:00
Added 23-vectordisplay example.
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 1978 additions and 0 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
$input v_color0, v_texcoord0
#include <bgfx_shader.sh>
SAMPLER2D(s_textureSampler, 0);
uniform float u_compose_alpha;
uniform float u_compose_mult;
void main() {
gl_FragColor = texture2D(s_textureSampler, v_texcoord0.xy) *
vec4(u_compose_mult, u_compose_mult, u_compose_mult, u_compose_alpha*u_compose_mult);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
$input v_color0, v_texcoord0
#include <bgfx_shader.sh>
SAMPLER2D(s_textureSampler, 0);
uniform vec2 u_blur_scale;
uniform float u_compose_alpha;
uniform float u_compose_mult;
void main() {
vec4 color = texture2D(s_textureSampler, vec2(v_texcoord0.x-4.0*u_blur_scale.x, v_texcoord0.y-4.0*u_blur_scale.y))*0.05;
color += texture2D(s_textureSampler, vec2(v_texcoord0.x-3.0*u_blur_scale.x, v_texcoord0.y-3.0*u_blur_scale.y))*0.09;
color += texture2D(s_textureSampler, vec2(v_texcoord0.x-2.0*u_blur_scale.x, v_texcoord0.y-2.0*u_blur_scale.y))*0.12;
color += texture2D(s_textureSampler, vec2(v_texcoord0.x-1.0*u_blur_scale.x, v_texcoord0.y-1.0*u_blur_scale.y))*0.15;
color += texture2D(s_textureSampler, vec2(v_texcoord0.x+0.0*u_blur_scale.x, v_texcoord0.y+0.0*u_blur_scale.y))*0.16;
color += texture2D(s_textureSampler, vec2(v_texcoord0.x+1.0*u_blur_scale.x, v_texcoord0.y+1.0*u_blur_scale.y))*0.15;
color += texture2D(s_textureSampler, vec2(v_texcoord0.x+2.0*u_blur_scale.x, v_texcoord0.y+2.0*u_blur_scale.y))*0.12;
color += texture2D(s_textureSampler, vec2(v_texcoord0.x+3.0*u_blur_scale.x, v_texcoord0.y+3.0*u_blur_scale.y))*0.09;
color += texture2D(s_textureSampler, vec2(v_texcoord0.x+4.0*u_blur_scale.x, v_texcoord0.y+4.0*u_blur_scale.y))*0.05;
gl_FragColor = color * vec4(u_compose_mult, u_compose_mult, u_compose_mult, u_compose_alpha*u_compose_mult);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
$input v_color0, v_texcoord0
#include <bgfx_shader.sh>
SAMPLER2D(s_lineTexture, 0);
uniform float u_compose_alpha;
void main() {
vec4 texColor = texture2D(s_lineTexture, v_texcoord0.xy);
gl_FragColor = v_color0 * texColor * vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, u_compose_alpha);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
* Copyright 2014 Kai Jourdan. All rights reserved.
* License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause
#include "common.h"
#include "bgfx_utils.h"
#include "vectordisplay.h"
struct PosColorVertex
float m_x;
float m_y;
float m_z;
uint32_t m_abgr;
static void init()
.add(bgfx::Attrib::Position, 3, bgfx::AttribType::Float)
.add(bgfx::Attrib::Color0, 4, bgfx::AttribType::Uint8, true)
static bgfx::VertexDecl ms_decl;
bgfx::VertexDecl PosColorVertex::ms_decl;
int _main_(int /*_argc*/, char** /*_argv*/)
uint32_t width = 1280;
uint32_t height = 720;
uint32_t debug = BGFX_DEBUG_TEXT;
uint32_t reset = BGFX_RESET_VSYNC;
bgfx::reset(width, height, reset);
const bgfx::RendererType::Enum renderer = bgfx::getRendererType();
float texelHalf = bgfx::RendererType::Direct3D9 == renderer ? 0.5f : 0.0f;
bool originBottomLeft = bgfx::RendererType::OpenGL == renderer
|| bgfx::RendererType::OpenGLES == renderer;
VectorDisplay vectorDisplay(originBottomLeft, texelHalf);
vectorDisplay.setup(width, height);
// Enable debug text.
// Set view 0 clear state.
bgfx::setViewClear(0, BGFX_CLEAR_COLOR_BIT | BGFX_CLEAR_DEPTH_BIT, 0x303030ff, 1.0f, 0);
// Create vertex stream declaration.
float at[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
float eye[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, -35.0f };
uint32_t oldWidth = width;
uint32_t oldHeight = height;
while (!entry::processEvents(width, height, debug, reset) )
if ( (oldWidth != width)
|| (oldHeight != height) )
oldWidth = width;
oldHeight = height;
vectorDisplay.resize(width, height);
float view[16];
float proj[16];
bx::mtxLookAt(view, eye, at);
bx::mtxProj(proj, 60.0f, float(width) / float(height), 0.1f, 100.0f);
// Set view and projection matrix for view 0.
bgfx::setViewTransform(0, view, proj);
// Set view 0 default viewport.
bgfx::setViewRect(0, 0, 0, width, height);
// This dummy draw call is here to make sure that view 0 is cleared
// if no other draw calls are submitted to view 0.
int64_t now = bx::getHPCounter();
static int64_t last = now;
const int64_t frameTime = now - last;
last = now;
const double freq = double(bx::getHPFrequency() );
const double toMs = 1000.0 / freq;
// Use debug font to print information about this example.
bgfx::dbgTextPrintf(0, 1, 0x4f, "bgfx/examples/23-vectordisplay");
bgfx::dbgTextPrintf(0, 2, 0x6f, "Description: Rendering lines as oldschool vectors.");
bgfx::dbgTextPrintf(0, 3, 0x0f, "Frame: % 7.3f[ms]", double(frameTime) * toMs);
//simplex test
vectorDisplay.setDrawColor(0.7f, 0.7f, 1.0f);
vectorDisplay.drawSimplexFont(50, 80, 1.5, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ");
vectorDisplay.drawSimplexFont(50, 140, 1.5, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");
vectorDisplay.drawSimplexFont(50, 200, 1.5, "!@#$%^&*()-=<>/?;:'\"{}[]|\\+=-_");
vectorDisplay.setDrawColor(1.0f, 0.7f, 0.7f);
//test pattern for lines
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) //draw more intensive lines
vectorDisplay.drawLine(50.0f, 350.0f + 40 * i, 200.0f, 350.0f + 40 * i);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++)
vectorDisplay.drawLine(50.0f + 40 * i, 600.0f, 50.0f + 40 * i, 700.0f);
// test pattern for shapes
vectorDisplay.setDrawColor(0.7f, 0.7f, 1.0f);
vectorDisplay.drawCircle(250, 450, 10, 32);
vectorDisplay.drawCircle(300, 450, 30, 32);
vectorDisplay.drawCircle(400, 450, 60, 32);
vectorDisplay.drawCircle(500, 450, 80, 64);
vectorDisplay.setDrawColor(0.7f, 1.0f, 0.7f);
vectorDisplay.drawBox(250, 600, 10, 10);
vectorDisplay.drawBox(300, 600, 30, 30);
vectorDisplay.drawBox(350, 600, 60, 60);
vectorDisplay.drawBox(450, 600, 80, 80);
vectorDisplay.setDrawColor(1.0f, 0.7f, 1.0f);
vectorDisplay.drawWheel(bx::pi, 800, 450, 80);
vectorDisplay.drawWheel(3 * bx::pi / 4, 950, 450, 60);
vectorDisplay.drawWheel(bx::pi / 2, 1150, 450, 30);
vectorDisplay.drawWheel(bx::pi / 4, 1250, 450, 10);
// draw moving shape
static float counter = 0.0f;
counter += 0.01f;
float posX = width / 2 + sin(counter * 3.18378f) * (width / 2);
float posY = height / 2 + cos(counter) * (height / 2);
vectorDisplay.drawCircle(posX, posY, 5, 10);
// Advance to next frame. Rendering thread will be kicked to
// process submitted rendering primitives.
// Cleanup.
// Shutdown bgfx.
return 0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
# Copyright 2011-2014 Branimir Karadzic. All rights reserved.
# License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause
include $(BGFX_DIR)/scripts/shader.mk
@make -s --no-print-directory TARGET=0 clean all
@make -s --no-print-directory TARGET=1 clean all
@make -s --no-print-directory TARGET=2 clean all
@make -s --no-print-directory TARGET=3 clean all
@make -s --no-print-directory TARGET=4 clean all
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
vec2 v_texcoord0 : TEXCOORD0 = vec2(0.0, 0.0);
vec4 v_color0 : COLOR0 = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
vec3 a_position : POSITION;
vec2 a_texcoord0 : TEXCOORD0;
vec4 a_color0 : COLOR0;
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
* Copyright 2014 Kai Jourdan. All rights reserved.
* License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause
* based on code from Brian Luczkiewicz
* https://github.com/blucz/Vector
* uses the SIMPLEX-Font which is a variant of the Hershey font (public domain)
* http://paulbourke.net/dataformats/hershey/
#include "bgfx.h"
#include <tinystl/allocator.h>
#include <tinystl/vector.h>
namespace stl = tinystl;
class VectorDisplay {
VectorDisplay(bool _originBottomLeft, float _texelHalf);
void setup(uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height, int _view = 2);
void resize(uint16_t _width, uint16_t _height);
void teardown();
void beginFrame();
void endFrame();
// Draw a series of connected line segments.
void beginDraw(float _x, float _y);
void drawTo(float _x, float _y);
void endDraw();
//HighLevel draw functions
void drawLine(float _x0, float _y0, float _x1, float _y1);
void drawBox(float _x, float _y, float _w, float _h);
void drawCircle(float _x, float _y, float _radius, float _steps);
void drawWheel(float _spokeangle, float _x, float _y, float _radius);
//Font Stuff (Simplex)
//void simplexMeasure(float _scale, const char *_string, float *_outWidth, float *_outHeight);
void drawSimplexFont(float _x, float _y, float _scale, const char* _string);
// Set the current drawing color
void setDrawColor(float _r, float _g, float _b, float _a = 1.0f);
// Set the number of frames of decay/fade to apply to the scene.
bool setDecaySteps(int _steps);
// Set the brightness multipler applied on each decay frame after the first.
bool setDecay(float _decay);
// Set the brightness multipler applied on the first decay frame.
bool setInitialDecay(float _initialDecay);
// Set a 2d transformation for the display.
// This relates logical coordinates, as passed to vector_display_begin_draw,
// vector_display_draw_to, and vector_display_draw, to coordinates from (0,0)
// to (width,height) in the destination framebuffer.
// The parameters impact coordinates as follows:
// framebuffer_x = x * scale + offset_x
// framebuffer_y = y * scale + offset_y
void setTransform(float _offsetX, float _offsetY, float _scale);
// Set the line thickness.
// The line thickness is measured in scene coordinates, and includes all pixels lit by
// the line before any post-processing. The apparent width of the line to the viewer
// is significantly narrower, since brightness decays exponentially to zero within the
// bounds of the line.
// Thickness, by default, is guessed based on width and height.
// This function clears the display.
bool setThickness(float _thickness);
void setDefaultThickness();
// Set the "brightness" of the display
// useful values range from [0.5, 1.5]. 0.0 disables all glow effects.
// Due to implementation details of the glow effect, glow is related to
// the pixel density of the framebuffer. It may require adjustment,
// particularly when moving between devices of very different pixel density.
void setBrightness(float _brightness);
// Get the size from a vector display.
void getSize(float* _outWidth, float* _outHeight);
void screenSpaceQuad(float _textureWidth, float _textureHeight, float _width = 1.0f, float _height = 1.0f);
typedef struct //has to match the spec submitted to the 3d-api!
{ float x, y, z;
float u, v;
uint32_t color; } point_t;
typedef struct
float x, y;
} pending_point_t;
typedef struct
float x0, y0, x1, y1; // nominal points
float a; // angle
float sin_a, cos_a; // precomputed trig
float xl0, yl0, xl1, yl1; // left side of the box
float xr0, yr0, xr1, yr1; // right side of the box
int is_first, is_last;
int has_next, has_prev; // booleans indicating whether this line connects to prev/next
float xlt0, ylt0, xlt1, ylt1; // coordinates of endcaps (if !has_prev/!has_next)
float xrt0, yrt0, xrt1, yrt1; // coordinates of endcaps (if !has_prev/!has_next)
float tl0, tl1, tr0, tr1;
float s0, s1; // shorten line by this amount
float len;
} line_t;
float effectiveThickness();
void setupResDependent();
void teardownResDependent();
void appendTexpoint(float _x, float _y, float _u, float _v);
float normalizef(float _a);
void drawFan(float _cx, float _cy, float _pa, float _a, float _t, float _s, float _e);
void drawLines(line_t* _lines, int _numberLines);
void genLinetex();
bool m_originBottomLeft;
float m_texelHalf;
bgfx::ProgramHandle m_drawToScreenShader; // program for drawing to the framebuffer
bgfx::UniformHandle u_compose_alpha;
bgfx::FrameBufferHandle m_sceneFrameBuffer;
bgfx::ProgramHandle m_blurShader; // program for gaussian blur
bgfx::UniformHandle u_blur_scale;
bgfx::UniformHandle u_compose_mult;
bgfx::UniformHandle s_textureSampler; //texture handle for blur
bgfx::ProgramHandle m_blitShader;
bgfx::FrameBufferHandle m_glow0FrameBuffer; // framebuffer for glow pass 0
bgfx::FrameBufferHandle m_glow1FrameBuffer; // framebuffer for glow pass 1
int m_view;
uint16_t m_screenWidth, m_screenHeight;
uint16_t m_glowWidth, m_glowHeight;
int m_numberDecaySteps;
float m_decayValue;
uint8_t m_drawColorR, m_drawColorG, m_drawColorB, m_drawColorA;
stl::vector<point_t> m_points;
stl::vector<pending_point_t> m_pendingPoints;
int m_currentDrawStep;
stl::vector<bgfx::DynamicVertexBufferHandle> m_vertexBuffers;
stl::vector<int> m_vertexBuffersSize;
bgfx::TextureHandle m_lineTexId;
bgfx::UniformHandle s_lineTexture;
float m_initialDecay;
float m_thickness;
bool m_customThicknessEnabled;
float m_brightness;
float m_drawOffsetX, m_drawOffsetY;
float m_drawScale;
#endif //#ifndef __BGFX_VECTORDISPLAY_H__
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
$input a_position, a_texcoord0, a_color0
$output v_texcoord0, v_color0
#include <bgfx_shader.sh>
void main() {
gl_Position = mul(u_modelViewProj, vec4(a_position, 1.0) );
v_color0 = a_color0;
v_texcoord0 = a_texcoord0;
Reference in a new issue