mirror of
synced 2025-03-26 06:40:00 -04:00
rework the samples
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 104 additions and 122 deletions
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ int _main_(int /*_argc*/, char** /*_argv*/)
float view[16];
float proj[16];
mtxLookAt(view, eye, at);
mtxLookAt(view, eye, at);
//setup a top-left ortho matrix for screen space drawing
float centering = 0.5f;
mtxOrtho(proj, centering, width+centering,height+centering, centering,-1.0f, 1.0f);
@ -12,39 +12,24 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
static const char* s_shaderPath = NULL;
long int fsize(FILE* _file)
inline void mtxTranslate(float* _result, float x, float y, float z)
long int pos = ftell(_file);
fseek(_file, 0L, SEEK_END);
long int size = ftell(_file);
fseek(_file, pos, SEEK_SET);
return size;
memset(_result, 0, sizeof(float)*16);
_result[0] = _result[5] = _result[10] = _result[15] = 1.0f;
_result[12] = x;
_result[13] = y;
_result[14] = z;
static const bgfx::Memory* loadShader(const char* _shaderPath, const char* _shaderName)
inline void mtxScale(float* _result, float x, float y, float z)
char out[512];
strcpy(out, _shaderPath);
strcat(out, _shaderName);
strcat(out, ".bin");
FILE* file = fopen(out, "rb");
if (NULL != file)
uint32_t size = (uint32_t)fsize(file);
const bgfx::Memory* mem = bgfx::alloc(size+1);
/*size_t ignore =*/ fread(mem->data, 1, size, file);
mem->data[mem->size-1] = '\0';
return mem;
return NULL;
memset(_result, 0, sizeof(float)*16);
_result[0] = x;
_result[5] = y;
_result[10] = z;
_result[15] = 1.0f;
int _main_(int /*_argc*/, char** /*_argv*/)
uint32_t width = 1280;
@ -68,92 +53,44 @@ int _main_(int /*_argc*/, char** /*_argv*/)
, 1.0f
, 0
// Setup root path for binary shaders. Shader binaries are different
// for each renderer.
switch (bgfx::getRendererType() )
case bgfx::RendererType::Direct3D9:
s_shaderPath = "shaders/dx9/";
case bgfx::RendererType::Direct3D11:
s_shaderPath = "shaders/dx11/";
case bgfx::RendererType::OpenGL:
s_shaderPath = "shaders/glsl/";
case bgfx::RendererType::OpenGLES2:
case bgfx::RendererType::OpenGLES3:
s_shaderPath = "shaders/gles/";
const bgfx::Memory* mem;
mem = loadShader(s_shaderPath, "vs_font_basic");
bgfx::VertexShaderHandle vsh = bgfx::createVertexShader(mem);
mem = loadShader(s_shaderPath, "fs_font_basic");
bgfx::FragmentShaderHandle fsh = bgfx::createFragmentShader(mem);
bgfx::ProgramHandle _basicProgram = bgfx::createProgram(vsh, fsh);
mem = loadShader(s_shaderPath, "vs_font_distance_field");
vsh = bgfx::createVertexShader(mem);
mem = loadShader(s_shaderPath, "fs_font_distance_field");
fsh = bgfx::createFragmentShader(mem);
bgfx::ProgramHandle _distanceProgram = bgfx::createProgram(vsh, fsh);
mem = loadShader(s_shaderPath, "vs_font_distance_field_subpixel");
vsh = bgfx::createVertexShader(mem);
mem = loadShader(s_shaderPath, "fs_font_distance_field_subpixel");
fsh = bgfx::createFragmentShader(mem);
bgfx::ProgramHandle _distanceSubpixelProgram = bgfx::createProgram(vsh, fsh);
//init the text rendering system
FontManager* fontManager = new FontManager(512);
TextBufferManager* textBufferManager = new TextBufferManager(fontManager);
textBufferManager->init(_basicProgram, _distanceProgram, _distanceSubpixelProgram);
//load a truetype files
TrueTypeHandle times_tt = fontManager->loadTrueTypeFromFile("c:/windows/fonts/times.ttf");
TrueTypeHandle times_tt = fontManager->loadTrueTypeFromFile("font/bleeding_cowboys.ttf");
//create a distance field font
FontHandle distance_font = fontManager->createFontByPixelSize(times_tt, 0, 48, FONT_TYPE_DISTANCE);
//create a scalled down version of the same font (without adding anything to the atlas)
FontHandle smaller_font = fontManager->createScaledFontToPixelSize(distance_font, 32);
//preload glyph and generate (generate bitmap's)
fontManager->preloadGlyph(distance_font, L"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ. \n");
fontManager->preloadGlyph(distance_font, L"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.,\" \n");
uint32_t fontsCount = 0;
FontHandle fonts[64];
fonts[fontsCount++] = distance_font;
//generate various sub distance field fonts at various size
int32_t step=4;
for(int32_t ii = 64; ii>1 ; ii-=step)
if(ii<32) step = 2;
//instantiate a usable font
FontHandle font = fontManager->createScaledFontToPixelSize(distance_font, ii);
fonts[fontsCount++] = font;
//You can unload the truetype files at this stage, but in that case, the set of glyph's will be limited to the set of preloaded glyph
TextBufferHandle staticText = textBufferManager->createTextBuffer(FONT_TYPE_DISTANCE, STATIC);
textBufferManager->setPenPosition(staticText, 10.0f, 70.0f);
textBufferManager->setTextColor(staticText, 0xFFFFFFFF);
//textBufferManager->setTextColor(staticText, 0x000000FF);
for(uint32_t ii = 0; ii< fontsCount; ++ii)
textBufferManager->appendText(staticText, fonts[ii], L"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog\n");
//textBufferManager->appendText(staticText, fonts[i], L"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\n");
TextBufferHandle staticText = textBufferManager->createTextBuffer(FONT_TYPE_DISTANCE, STATIC);
textBufferManager->setTextColor(staticText, 0xDD0000FF);
//textBufferManager->appendText(staticText, distance_font, L"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog\n");
//textBufferManager->appendText(staticText, distance_font, L"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\n");
textBufferManager->appendText(staticText, distance_font, L"BGFX ");
textBufferManager->appendText(staticText, smaller_font, L"bgfx");
int64_t timeOffset = bx::getHPCounter();
while (!processEvents(width, height, debug, reset) )
// Set view 0 default viewport.
@ -169,6 +106,7 @@ int _main_(int /*_argc*/, char** /*_argv*/)
last = now;
const double freq = double(bx::getHPFrequency() );
const double toMs = 1000.0/freq;
float time = (float)( (now - timeOffset)/double(bx::getHPFrequency() ) );
// Use debug font to print information about this example.
@ -178,17 +116,36 @@ int _main_(int /*_argc*/, char** /*_argv*/)
float at[3] = { 0, 0, 0.0f };
float eye[3] = {0, 0, -1.0f };
float view[16];
float proj[16];
mtxLookAt(view, eye, at);
mtxLookAt(view, eye, at);
float centering = 0.5f;
//setup a top-left ortho matrix for screen space drawing
mtxOrtho(proj, centering, width+centering,height+centering, centering,-1.0f, 1.0f);
mtxOrtho(proj, centering, width+centering,height+centering, centering,-1.0f, 1.0f);
// Set view and projection matrix for view 0.
bgfx::setViewTransform(0, view, proj);
bgfx::setViewTransform(0, view, proj);
TextRectangle rect = textBufferManager->getRectangle(staticText);
float mtxA[16];
float mtxB[16];
float mtxC[16];
mtxRotateZ(mtxA, time*0.37f);
mtxTranslate(mtxB, -(rect.width*0.5f), -(rect.height*0.5f), 0);
mtxMul(mtxC, mtxB, mtxA);
float scale=4.1f+4.0f*sinf(time);
mtxScale(mtxA, scale, scale, 1.0f);
mtxMul(mtxB, mtxC, mtxA);
mtxTranslate(mtxC, ((width)*0.5f), ((height)*0.5f), 0);
mtxMul(mtxA, mtxB, mtxC);
// Set model matrix for rendering.
//draw your text
textBufferManager->submitTextBuffer(staticText, 0);
@ -197,17 +154,11 @@ int _main_(int /*_argc*/, char** /*_argv*/)
//destroy the fonts
for(uint32_t ii=0; ii<fontsCount;++ii)
//destroy the fonts
delete textBufferManager;
delete fontManager;
@ -115,6 +115,9 @@ public:
uint32_t getIndexSize(){ return sizeof(uint16_t); }
uint32_t getTextColor(){ return toABGR(m_textColor); }
TextRectangle getRectangle() const { return m_rectangle; }
void appendGlyph(CodePoint_t _codePoint, const FontInfo& _font, const GlyphInfo& _glyphInfo);
void verticalCenterLastLine(float _txtDecalY, float _top, float _bottom);
@ -147,6 +150,8 @@ private:
float m_lineDescender;
float m_lineGap;
TextRectangle m_rectangle;
FontManager* m_fontManager;
@ -195,7 +200,8 @@ TextBuffer::TextBuffer(FontManager* _fontManager)
m_lineDescender = 0;
m_lineGap = 0;
m_fontManager = _fontManager;
m_rectangle.width = 0;
m_rectangle.height = 0;
m_vertexBuffer = new TextVertex[MAX_BUFFERED_CHARACTERS * 4];
m_indexBuffer = new uint16_t[MAX_BUFFERED_CHARACTERS * 6];
@ -224,8 +230,10 @@ void TextBuffer::appendText(FontHandle _fontHandle, const char * _string)
m_originY = m_penY;
m_lineDescender = 0;// font.m_descender;
m_lineAscender = 0;//font.m_ascender;
uint32_t codepoint;
uint32_t state = 0;
@ -294,6 +302,8 @@ void TextBuffer::clearTextBuffer()
m_lineStartIndex = 0;
m_lineAscender = 0;
m_lineDescender = 0;
m_rectangle.width = 0;
m_rectangle.height = 0;
void TextBuffer::appendGlyph(CodePoint_t _codePoint, const FontInfo& _font, const GlyphInfo& _glyphInfo)
@ -307,9 +317,10 @@ void TextBuffer::appendGlyph(CodePoint_t _codePoint, const FontInfo& _font, cons
m_lineDescender = 0;
m_lineAscender = 0;
m_lineStartIndex = m_vertexCount;
if( _font.m_ascender > m_lineAscender || (_font.m_descender < m_lineDescender) )
if( _font.m_descender < m_lineDescender )
@ -458,9 +469,12 @@ void TextBuffer::appendGlyph(CodePoint_t _codePoint, const FontInfo& _font, cons
m_indexBuffer[m_indexCount + 5] = m_vertexCount+3;
m_vertexCount += 4;
m_indexCount += 6;
//TODO see what to do when doing subpixel rendering
m_penX += _glyphInfo.m_advance_x;
if(m_penX > m_rectangle.width) m_rectangle.width = m_penX;
if( (m_penY - m_lineDescender) > m_rectangle.height) m_rectangle.height = (m_penY - m_lineDescender);
//if(x1 > m_rectangle.width) m_rectangle.width = x1;
//if(y1 > m_rectangle.height) m_rectangle.height = y1;
void TextBuffer::verticalCenterLastLine(float _dy, float _top, float _bottom)
@ -803,3 +817,10 @@ void TextBufferManager::clearTextBuffer(TextBufferHandle _handle)
BufferCache& bc = m_textBuffers[_handle.idx];
TextRectangle TextBufferManager::getRectangle(TextBufferHandle _handle) const
BX_CHECK( bgfx::invalidHandle != _handle.idx, "Invalid handle used");
BufferCache& bc = m_textBuffers[_handle.idx];
return bc.m_textBuffer->getRectangle();
@ -24,6 +24,11 @@ enum TextStyleFlags
struct TextRectangle
float width, height;
class TextBuffer;
class TextBufferManager
@ -54,6 +59,8 @@ public:
/// Clear the text buffer and reset its state (pen/color)
void clearTextBuffer(TextBufferHandle _handle);
TextRectangle getRectangle(TextBufferHandle _handle) const;
/// return the size of the text
//Rectangle measureText(FontHandle fontHandle, const char * _string);
@ -80,4 +87,7 @@ private:
bgfx::ProgramHandle m_basicProgram;
bgfx::ProgramHandle m_distanceProgram;
bgfx::ProgramHandle m_distanceSubpixelProgram;
float m_height;
float m_width;
Add table
Reference in a new issue