This commit is contained in:
Branimir Karadžić 2015-08-14 11:01:22 -07:00
parent 042037085d
commit 031e2f7fbf
2 changed files with 556 additions and 568 deletions

View file

@ -12,16 +12,17 @@
#import <QuartzCore/CAMetalLayer.h>
#import <Metal/Metal.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
# import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
namespace bgfx { namespace mtl
//c++ wrapper
// objects with creation functions starting with 'new' has a refcount 1 after creation, object must be destroyed with release.
// commandBuffer, commandEncoders are autoreleased objects. Needs AutoreleasePool!
#define MTL_CLASS(name) \
class name \
{ \
@ -29,23 +30,24 @@ namespace bgfx { namespace mtl
name(id <MTL##name> _obj = nil) : m_obj(_obj) {} \
operator id <MTL##name>() const { return m_obj; } \
id <MTL##name> m_obj;
#define MTL_CLASS_END };
typedef void (*mtlCallback)(void* userData);
//TODO: ??MTLBlitCommandEncoder??
void* contents() { return m_obj.contents; }
uint32_t length() { return (uint32_t)m_obj.length; }
// Creating Command Encoders
id<MTLRenderCommandEncoder> renderCommandEncoderWithDescriptor( MTLRenderPassDescriptor *_renderPassDescriptor){
return [m_obj renderCommandEncoderWithDescriptor:_renderPassDescriptor];
id<MTLComputeCommandEncoder> computeCommandEncoder() { return [m_obj computeCommandEncoder]; }
// Scheduling and Executing Commands
void enqueue() { [m_obj enqueue]; }
void commit() { [m_obj commit]; }
@ -53,27 +55,27 @@ namespace bgfx { namespace mtl
void presentDrawable(id<MTLDrawable> _drawable) { [m_obj presentDrawable:_drawable]; }
void waitUntilCompleted() { [m_obj waitUntilCompleted]; }
id<MTLCommandBuffer> commandBuffer() { return [m_obj commandBuffer]; }
id<MTLCommandBuffer> commandBufferWithUnretainedReferences() { return [m_obj commandBufferWithUnretainedReferences]; }
void setComputePipelineState(id<MTLComputePipelineState> _state) { [m_obj setComputePipelineState:_state]; }
void setBuffer(id<MTLBuffer> _buffer, NSUInteger _offset, NSUInteger _index) { [m_obj setBuffer:_buffer offset:_offset atIndex:_index]; }
void setTexture(id<MTLTexture> _texture, NSUInteger _index) { [m_obj setTexture:_texture atIndex:_index]; }
void setSamplerState(id<MTLSamplerState> _sampler, NSUInteger _index) { [m_obj setSamplerState:_sampler atIndex:_index]; }
void endEncoding() {[m_obj endEncoding] ;}
bool supportsFeatureSet(MTLFeatureSet _featureSet) { return [m_obj supportsFeatureSet:_featureSet]; }
id<MTLLibrary> newLibraryWithData(const void* _data) {
NSError* error;
id<MTLLibrary> lib = [m_obj newLibraryWithData:(dispatch_data_t)_data error:&error];
@ -88,20 +90,20 @@ namespace bgfx { namespace mtl
BX_WARN(error==NULL,"Shader compilation failed:%s", [error.localizedDescription UTF8String]);
return lib;
id<MTLCommandQueue> newCommandQueue() { return [m_obj newCommandQueue]; }
id<MTLCommandQueue> newCommandQueueWithMaxCommandBufferCount(NSUInteger _maxCommandBufferCount) { return [m_obj newCommandQueueWithMaxCommandBufferCount:_maxCommandBufferCount]; }
// Creating Resources
id<MTLBuffer> newBufferWithLength(unsigned int _length, MTLResourceOptions _options) { return [m_obj newBufferWithLength:_length options:_options ]; }
id<MTLBuffer> newBufferWithBytes(const void *_pointer, NSUInteger _length, MTLResourceOptions _options) { return [m_obj newBufferWithBytes:_pointer length:_length options:_options]; }
id<MTLTexture> newTextureWithDescriptor(MTLTextureDescriptor * _descriptor) { return [m_obj newTextureWithDescriptor:_descriptor]; }
id<MTLSamplerState> newSamplerStateWithDescriptor(MTLSamplerDescriptor * _descriptor) { return [m_obj newSamplerStateWithDescriptor:_descriptor]; }
// Creating Command Objects Needed to Render Graphics
id<MTLDepthStencilState> newDepthStencilStateWithDescriptor(MTLDepthStencilDescriptor * _descriptor) { return [m_obj newDepthStencilStateWithDescriptor:_descriptor]; }
id <MTLRenderPipelineState> newRenderPipelineStateWithDescriptor(MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor *_descriptor)
NSError *error;
@ -109,7 +111,7 @@ namespace bgfx { namespace mtl
BX_WARN(error==NULL,"newRenderPipelineStateWithDescriptor failed:%s", [error.localizedDescription UTF8String] );
return state;
id <MTLRenderPipelineState> newRenderPipelineStateWithDescriptor(MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor *_descriptor, MTLPipelineOption _options, MTLRenderPipelineReflection** _reflection)
NSError *error;
@ -118,7 +120,7 @@ namespace bgfx { namespace mtl
BX_WARN(error==NULL,"newRenderPipelineStateWithDescriptor failed:%s", [error.localizedDescription UTF8String] );
return state;
// Creating Command Objects Needed to Perform Computational Tasks
id <MTLComputePipelineState> newComputePipelineStateWithFunction(id <MTLFunction> _computeFunction)
@ -128,15 +130,15 @@ namespace bgfx { namespace mtl
return state;
NSArray *vertexAttributes() { return m_obj.vertexAttributes; }
id <MTLFunction> newFunctionWithName(const char* _functionName) { return [m_obj newFunctionWithName:@(_functionName)]; }
// Setting Graphics Rendering State
void setBlendColor(float _red, float _green, float _blue, float _alpha) { [m_obj setBlendColorRed:_red green:_green blue:_blue alpha:_alpha]; }
@ -150,41 +152,41 @@ namespace bgfx { namespace mtl
void setTriangleFillMode(MTLTriangleFillMode _fillMode) { [m_obj setTriangleFillMode:_fillMode]; }
void setViewport(MTLViewport _viewport) { [m_obj setViewport:_viewport]; }
void setVisibilityResultMode(MTLVisibilityResultMode _mode, NSUInteger _offset) { [m_obj setVisibilityResultMode:_mode offset:_offset]; }
// Specifying Resources for a Vertex Function
void setVertexBuffer(id<MTLBuffer> _buffer, NSUInteger _offset, NSUInteger _index) { [m_obj setVertexBuffer:_buffer offset:_offset atIndex:_index]; }
void setVertexSamplerState(id<MTLSamplerState> _sampler, NSUInteger _index) { [m_obj setVertexSamplerState:_sampler atIndex:_index]; }
void setVertexTexture(id<MTLTexture> _texture, NSUInteger _index) { [m_obj setVertexTexture:_texture atIndex:_index]; }
// Specifying Resources for a Fragment Function
void setFragmentBuffer(id<MTLBuffer> _buffer, NSUInteger _offset, NSUInteger _index) { [m_obj setFragmentBuffer:_buffer offset:_offset atIndex:_index]; }
void setFragmentSamplerState(id<MTLSamplerState> _sampler, NSUInteger _index) { [m_obj setFragmentSamplerState:_sampler atIndex:_index]; }
void setFragmentTexture(id<MTLTexture> _texture, NSUInteger _index) { [m_obj setFragmentTexture:_texture atIndex:_index]; }
//Drawing Geometric Primitives
//NOTE: not exposing functions without instanceCount, it seems they are just wrappers
void drawIndexedPrimitives(MTLPrimitiveType _primitiveType, NSUInteger _indexCount, MTLIndexType _indexType, id<MTLBuffer> _indexBuffer, NSUInteger _indexBufferOffset, NSUInteger _instanceCount)
[m_obj drawIndexedPrimitives:_primitiveType indexCount:_indexCount indexType:_indexType indexBuffer:_indexBuffer indexBufferOffset:_indexBufferOffset instanceCount:_instanceCount];
void drawPrimitives(MTLPrimitiveType _primitiveType, NSUInteger _vertexStart, NSUInteger _vertexCount, NSUInteger _instanceCount) {
[m_obj drawPrimitives:_primitiveType vertexStart:_vertexStart vertexCount:_vertexCount instanceCount:_instanceCount];}
void insertDebugSignpost(const char* _string) { [m_obj insertDebugSignpost:@(_string)]; }
void pushDebugGroup(const char* _string) { [m_obj pushDebugGroup:@(_string)]; }
void popDebugGroup() { [m_obj popDebugGroup]; }
void endEncoding() { [m_obj endEncoding]; }
// Copying Data into a Texture Image
void replaceRegion(MTLRegion _region, NSUInteger _level, NSUInteger _slice, const void *_pixelBytes, NSUInteger _bytesPerRow, NSUInteger _bytesPerImage) { [m_obj replaceRegion:_region mipmapLevel:_level slice:_slice withBytes:_pixelBytes bytesPerRow:_bytesPerRow bytesPerImage:_bytesPerImage]; }
// Copying Data from a Texture Image
void getBytes(void *_pixelBytes, NSUInteger _bytesPerRow, NSUInteger _bytesPerImage, MTLRegion _region, NSUInteger _mipmapLevel, NSUInteger _slice) { [m_obj getBytes:_pixelBytes bytesPerRow:_bytesPerRow bytesPerImage:_bytesPerImage fromRegion:_region mipmapLevel:_mipmapLevel slice:_slice]; }
// Creating Textures by Reusing Image Data
id<MTLTexture> newTextureViewWithPixelFormat(MTLPixelFormat _pixelFormat) { return [m_obj newTextureViewWithPixelFormat:_pixelFormat]; }
@ -192,30 +194,30 @@ namespace bgfx { namespace mtl
uint32_t height() { return (uint32_t)m_obj.height; }
MTLPixelFormat pixelFormat() const { return m_obj.pixelFormat; }
typedef id<MTLComputePipelineState> ComputePipelineState;
typedef id<MTLDepthStencilState> DepthStencilState;
typedef id<MTLRenderPipelineState> RenderPipelineState;
typedef id<MTLSamplerState> SamplerState;
//NOTE: [class new] is same as [[class alloc] init]
typedef MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor* RenderPipelineDescriptor;
RenderPipelineDescriptor newRenderPipelineDescriptor() { return [MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor new]; }
void reset(RenderPipelineDescriptor _desc) { [_desc reset]; };
typedef MTLRenderPipelineColorAttachmentDescriptor* RenderPipelineColorAttachmentDescriptor;
typedef MTLDepthStencilDescriptor* DepthStencilDescriptor;
MTLDepthStencilDescriptor* newDepthStencilDescriptor() { return [MTLDepthStencilDescriptor new]; }
typedef MTLStencilDescriptor* StencilDescriptor;
MTLStencilDescriptor* newStencilDescriptor() { return [MTLStencilDescriptor new]; }
typedef MTLRenderPassColorAttachmentDescriptor* RenderPassColorAttachmentDescriptor;
typedef MTLRenderPassDepthAttachmentDescriptor* RenderPassDepthAttachmentDescriptor;
typedef MTLRenderPassStencilAttachmentDescriptor* RenderPassStencilAttachmentDescriptor;
typedef MTLRenderPassDescriptor* RenderPassDescriptor;
MTLRenderPassDescriptor* newRenderPassDescriptor() { return [MTLRenderPassDescriptor new]; }
@ -228,7 +230,7 @@ namespace bgfx { namespace mtl
typedef MTLTextureDescriptor* TextureDescriptor;
MTLTextureDescriptor* newTextureDescriptor() { return [MTLTextureDescriptor new]; }
typedef MTLRenderPipelineReflection* RenderPipelineReflection;
//helper functions
@ -236,17 +238,16 @@ namespace bgfx { namespace mtl
void retain(NSObject* _obj) { [_obj retain]; }
const char* utf8String(NSString* _str) { return [_str UTF8String]; }
#define MTL_RELEASE(_obj) \
[_obj release]; \
_obj = nil;
bool OsVersionEqualOrGreater(const char* _version) { return ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] compare:@(_version) options:NSNumericSearch] != NSOrderedAscending); }
//TODO: this could be in bx ?
// end of c++ wrapper
template <typename Ty>
class StateCacheT
@ -256,7 +257,7 @@ namespace bgfx { namespace mtl
m_hashMap.insert(stl::make_pair(_id, _item) );
Ty find(uint64_t _id)
typename HashMap::iterator it = m_hashMap.find(_id);
@ -264,54 +265,52 @@ namespace bgfx { namespace mtl
return it->second;
return NULL;
void invalidate(uint64_t _id)
typename HashMap::iterator it = m_hashMap.find(_id);
if (it != m_hashMap.end() )
//DX_RELEASE_WARNONLY(it->second, 0);
void invalidate()
for (typename HashMap::iterator it = m_hashMap.begin(), itEnd = m_hashMap.end(); it != itEnd; ++it)
//DX_CHECK_REFCOUNT(it->second, 1);
uint32_t getCount() const
return uint32_t(m_hashMap.size() );
typedef stl::unordered_map<uint64_t, Ty> HashMap;
HashMap m_hashMap;
struct BufferMtl
: m_buffer(NULL)
, m_dynamic(false)
: m_buffer(NULL)
, m_dynamic(false)
void create(uint32_t _size, void* _data, uint16_t _flags, uint16_t _stride = 0, bool _vertex = false);
void update(uint32_t _offset, uint32_t _size, void* _data, bool _discard = false);
void destroy()
if (NULL != m_buffer)
@ -321,76 +320,76 @@ namespace bgfx { namespace mtl
m_dynamic = false;
Buffer m_buffer;
uint32_t m_size;
uint16_t m_flags;
bool m_dynamic;
typedef BufferMtl IndexBufferMtl;
struct VertexBufferMtl : public BufferMtl
: BufferMtl()
: BufferMtl()
void create(uint32_t _size, void* _data, VertexDeclHandle _declHandle, uint16_t _flags);
VertexDeclHandle m_decl;
struct ShaderMtl
: m_function(NULL)
: m_function(NULL)
void create(const Memory* _mem);
void destroy()
Function m_function;
struct ProgramMtl
: m_vsh(NULL)
, m_fsh(NULL)
, m_processedUniforms(false)
, m_vshConstantBuffer(NULL)
, m_fshConstantBuffer(NULL)
, m_numPredefined(0)
, m_vshConstantBufferSize(0)
, m_vshConstantBufferAlignmentMask(0)
, m_fshConstantBufferSize(0)
, m_fshConstantBufferAlignmentMask(0)
: m_vsh(NULL)
, m_fsh(NULL)
, m_processedUniforms(false)
, m_vshConstantBuffer(NULL)
, m_fshConstantBuffer(NULL)
, m_numPredefined(0)
, m_vshConstantBufferSize(0)
, m_vshConstantBufferAlignmentMask(0)
, m_fshConstantBufferSize(0)
, m_fshConstantBufferAlignmentMask(0)
void create(const ShaderMtl* _vsh, const ShaderMtl* _fsh);
void destroy();
RenderPipelineState getRenderPipelineState(uint64_t _state, uint32_t _rgba, FrameBufferHandle _fbHandle, VertexDeclHandle _declHandle, uint16_t _numInstanceData);
StateCacheT<RenderPipelineState> m_renderPipelineStateCache;
uint8_t m_used[Attrib::Count+1]; // dense
uint32_t m_attributes[Attrib::Count]; // sparse
uint32_t m_instanceData[BGFX_CONFIG_MAX_INSTANCE_DATA_COUNT+1];
const ShaderMtl* m_vsh;
const ShaderMtl* m_fsh;
bool m_processedUniforms;
uint32_t m_vshConstantBufferSize;
uint32_t m_vshConstantBufferAlignmentMask;
@ -401,18 +400,18 @@ namespace bgfx { namespace mtl
PredefinedUniform m_predefined[PredefinedUniform::Count*2];
uint8_t m_numPredefined;
struct TextureMtl
: m_ptr(NULL)
, m_ptrStencil(NULL)
, m_sampler(NULL)
, m_numMips(0)
, m_flags(0)
: m_ptr(NULL)
, m_ptrStencil(NULL)
, m_sampler(NULL)
, m_numMips(0)
, m_flags(0)
void create(const Memory* _mem, uint32_t _flags, uint8_t _skip);
void destroy()
@ -421,7 +420,7 @@ namespace bgfx { namespace mtl
void update(uint8_t _side, uint8_t _mip, const Rect& _rect, uint16_t _z, uint16_t _depth, uint16_t _pitch, const Memory* _mem);
void commit(uint8_t _stage, uint32_t _flags = BGFX_SAMPLER_DEFAULT_FLAGS);
Texture m_ptr;
Texture m_ptrStencil; // for emulating packed depth/stencil formats - only for iOS8...
SamplerState m_sampler;
@ -430,39 +429,38 @@ namespace bgfx { namespace mtl
uint8_t m_textureFormat;
uint8_t m_numMips;
struct FrameBufferMtl
: //m_swapChain(NULL) //TODO: swapchain
, m_num(0)
, m_pixelFormatHash(0)
: //m_swapChain(NULL) //TODO: swapchain
, m_num(0)
, m_pixelFormatHash(0)
m_depthHandle.idx = invalidHandle;
void create(uint8_t _num, const TextureHandle* _handles);
void create(uint16_t _denseIdx, void* _nwh, uint32_t _width, uint32_t _height, TextureFormat::Enum _depthFormat);
void postReset();
uint16_t destroy();
// SwapChainMtl* m_swapChain;
uint32_t m_width;
uint32_t m_height;
uint16_t m_denseIdx;
uint32_t m_pixelFormatHash;
TextureHandle m_depthHandle;
uint8_t m_num; // number of color handles
} /* namespace metal */ } // namespace bgfx

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff