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* Scintilla source code edit control
* InfoBar.mm - Implements special info bar with zoom info, caret position etc. to be used with
* ScintillaView.
* Mike Lischke <mlischke@sun.com>
* Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* This file is dual licensed under LGPL v2.1 and the Scintilla license (http://www.scintilla.org/License.txt).
#import "InfoBar.h"
@implementation VerticallyCenteredTextFieldCell
// Inspired by code from Daniel Jalkut, Red Sweater Software.
- (NSRect) drawingRectForBounds: (NSRect) theRect
// Get the parent's idea of where we should draw
NSRect newRect = [super drawingRectForBounds: theRect];
// When the text field is being edited or selected, we have to turn off the magic because it
// screws up the configuration of the field editor. We sneak around this by intercepting
// selectWithFrame and editWithFrame and sneaking a reduced, centered rect in at the last minute.
if (mIsEditingOrSelecting == NO)
// Get our ideal size for current text
NSSize textSize = [self cellSizeForBounds: theRect];
// Center that in the proposed rect
CGFloat heightDelta = newRect.size.height - textSize.height;
if (heightDelta > 0)
newRect.size.height -= heightDelta;
newRect.origin.y += ceil(heightDelta / 2);
return newRect;
- (void) selectWithFrame: (NSRect) aRect inView: (NSView*) controlView editor: (NSText*) textObj
delegate:(id) anObject start: (NSInteger) selStart length: (NSInteger) selLength
aRect = [self drawingRectForBounds: aRect];
mIsEditingOrSelecting = YES;
[super selectWithFrame: aRect
inView: controlView
editor: textObj
delegate: anObject
start: selStart
length: selLength];
mIsEditingOrSelecting = NO;
- (void) editWithFrame: (NSRect) aRect inView: (NSView*) controlView editor: (NSText*) textObj
delegate: (id) anObject event: (NSEvent*) theEvent
aRect = [self drawingRectForBounds: aRect];
mIsEditingOrSelecting = YES;
[super editWithFrame: aRect
inView: controlView
editor: textObj
delegate: anObject
event: theEvent];
mIsEditingOrSelecting = NO;
@implementation InfoBar
- (id) initWithFrame: (NSRect) frame
self = [super initWithFrame: frame];
if (self)
NSBundle* bundle = [NSBundle bundleForClass: [InfoBar class]];
NSString* path = [bundle pathForResource: @"info_bar_bg" ofType: @"tiff" inDirectory: nil];
mBackground = [[NSImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile: path];
if (![mBackground isValid])
NSLog(@"Background image for info bar is invalid.");
mScaleFactor = 1.0;
mCurrentCaretX = 0;
mCurrentCaretY = 0;
[self createItems];
return self;
* Called by a connected component (usually the info bar) if something changed there.
* @param type The type of the notification.
* @param message Carries the new status message if the type is a status message change.
* @param location Carries the new location (e.g. caret) if the type is a caret change or similar type.
* @param value Carries the new zoom value if the type is a zoom change.
- (void) notify: (NotificationType) type message: (NSString*) message location: (NSPoint) location
value: (float) value
switch (type)
case IBNZoomChanged:
[self setScaleFactor: value adjustPopup: YES];
case IBNCaretChanged:
[self setCaretPosition: location];
case IBNStatusChanged:
[mStatusTextLabel setStringValue: message];
* Used to set a protocol object we can use to send change notifications to.
- (void) setCallback: (id <InfoBarCommunicator>) callback
mCallback = callback;
static NSString *DefaultScaleMenuLabels[] = {
@"20%", @"30%", @"50%", @"75%", @"100%", @"130%", @"160%", @"200%", @"250%", @"300%"
static float DefaultScaleMenuFactors[] = {
0.2f, 0.3f, 0.5f, 0.75f, 1.0f, 1.3f, 1.6f, 2.0f, 2.5f, 3.0f
static unsigned DefaultScaleMenuSelectedItemIndex = 4;
static float BarFontSize = 10.0;
- (void) createItems
// 1) The zoom popup.
unsigned numberOfDefaultItems = sizeof(DefaultScaleMenuLabels) / sizeof(NSString *);
// Create the popup button.
mZoomPopup = [[NSPopUpButton allocWithZone:[self zone]] initWithFrame: NSMakeRect(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0) pullsDown: NO];
// No border or background please.
[[mZoomPopup cell] setBordered: NO];
[[mZoomPopup cell] setArrowPosition: NSPopUpArrowAtBottom];
// Fill it.
for (unsigned count = 0; count < numberOfDefaultItems; count++)
[mZoomPopup addItemWithTitle: NSLocalizedStringFromTable(DefaultScaleMenuLabels[count], @"ZoomValues", nil)];
id currentItem = [mZoomPopup itemAtIndex: count];
if (DefaultScaleMenuFactors[count] != 0.0)
[currentItem setRepresentedObject: [NSNumber numberWithFloat: DefaultScaleMenuFactors[count]]];
[mZoomPopup selectItemAtIndex: DefaultScaleMenuSelectedItemIndex];
// Hook it up.
[mZoomPopup setTarget: self];
[mZoomPopup setAction: @selector(zoomItemAction:)];
// Set a suitable font.
[mZoomPopup setFont: [NSFont menuBarFontOfSize: BarFontSize]];
// Make sure the popup is big enough to fit the cells.
[mZoomPopup sizeToFit];
// Don't let it become first responder
[mZoomPopup setRefusesFirstResponder: YES];
// put it in the scrollview.
[self addSubview: mZoomPopup];
[mZoomPopup release];
// 2) The caret position label.
Class oldCellClass = [NSTextField cellClass];
[NSTextField setCellClass: [VerticallyCenteredTextFieldCell class]];
mCaretPositionLabel = [[NSTextField alloc] initWithFrame: NSMakeRect(0.0, 0.0, 50.0, 1.0)];
[mCaretPositionLabel setBezeled: NO];
[mCaretPositionLabel setBordered: NO];
[mCaretPositionLabel setEditable: NO];
[mCaretPositionLabel setSelectable: NO];
[mCaretPositionLabel setDrawsBackground: NO];
[mCaretPositionLabel setFont: [NSFont menuBarFontOfSize: BarFontSize]];
NSTextFieldCell* cell = [mCaretPositionLabel cell];
[cell setPlaceholderString: @"0:0"];
[cell setAlignment: NSCenterTextAlignment];
[self addSubview: mCaretPositionLabel];
[mCaretPositionLabel release];
// 3) The status text.
mStatusTextLabel = [[NSTextField alloc] initWithFrame: NSMakeRect(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0)];
[mStatusTextLabel setBezeled: NO];
[mStatusTextLabel setBordered: NO];
[mStatusTextLabel setEditable: NO];
[mStatusTextLabel setSelectable: NO];
[mStatusTextLabel setDrawsBackground: NO];
[mStatusTextLabel setFont: [NSFont menuBarFontOfSize: BarFontSize]];
cell = [mStatusTextLabel cell];
[cell setPlaceholderString: @""];
[self addSubview: mStatusTextLabel];
[mStatusTextLabel release];
// Restore original cell class so that everything else doesn't get broken
[NSTextField setCellClass: oldCellClass];
- (void) dealloc
[mBackground release];
[super dealloc];
* Fill the background.
- (void) drawRect: (NSRect) rect
// Since the background is seamless, we don't need to take care for the proper offset.
// Simply tile the background over the invalid rectangle.
NSPoint target = {rect.origin.x, 0};
while (target.x < rect.origin.x + rect.size.width)
[mBackground drawAtPoint: target fromRect: NSZeroRect operation: NSCompositeCopy fraction: 1];
target.x += mBackground.size.width;
// Draw separator lines between items.
NSRect verticalLineRect;
CGFloat component = 190.0 / 255.0;
NSColor* lineColor = [NSColor colorWithDeviceRed: component green: component blue: component alpha: 1];
if (mDisplayMask & IBShowZoom)
verticalLineRect = [mZoomPopup frame];
verticalLineRect.origin.x += verticalLineRect.size.width + 1.0;
verticalLineRect.size.width = 1.0;
if (NSIntersectsRect(rect, verticalLineRect))
[lineColor set];
if (mDisplayMask & IBShowCaretPosition)
verticalLineRect = [mCaretPositionLabel frame];
verticalLineRect.origin.x += verticalLineRect.size.width + 1.0;
verticalLineRect.size.width = 1.0;
if (NSIntersectsRect(rect, verticalLineRect))
[lineColor set];
- (BOOL) isOpaque
return YES;
* Used to reposition our content depending on the size of the view.
- (void) setFrame: (NSRect) newFrame
[super setFrame: newFrame];
[self positionSubViews];
- (void) positionSubViews
NSRect currentBounds = {{0, 0}, {0, [self frame].size.height}};
if (mDisplayMask & IBShowZoom)
[mZoomPopup setHidden: NO];
currentBounds.size.width = [mZoomPopup frame].size.width;
[mZoomPopup setFrame: currentBounds];
currentBounds.origin.x += currentBounds.size.width + 1; // Add 1 for the separator.
[mZoomPopup setHidden: YES];
if (mDisplayMask & IBShowCaretPosition)
[mCaretPositionLabel setHidden: NO];
currentBounds.size.width = [mCaretPositionLabel frame].size.width;
[mCaretPositionLabel setFrame: currentBounds];
currentBounds.origin.x += currentBounds.size.width + 1;
[mCaretPositionLabel setHidden: YES];
if (mDisplayMask & IBShowStatusText)
// The status text always takes the rest of the available space.
[mStatusTextLabel setHidden: NO];
currentBounds.size.width = [self frame].size.width - currentBounds.origin.x;
[mStatusTextLabel setFrame: currentBounds];
[mStatusTextLabel setHidden: YES];
* Used to switch the visible parts of the info bar.
* @param display Bitwise ORed IBDisplay values which determine what to show on the bar.
- (void) setDisplay: (IBDisplay) display
if (mDisplayMask != display)
mDisplayMask = display;
[self positionSubViews];
[self needsDisplay];
* Handler for selection changes in the zoom menu.
- (void) zoomItemAction: (id) sender
NSNumber* selectedFactorObject = [[sender selectedCell] representedObject];
if (selectedFactorObject == nil)
NSLog(@"Scale popup action: setting arbitrary zoom factors is not yet supported.");
[self setScaleFactor: [selectedFactorObject floatValue] adjustPopup: NO];
- (void) setScaleFactor: (float) newScaleFactor adjustPopup: (BOOL) flag
if (mScaleFactor != newScaleFactor)
mScaleFactor = newScaleFactor;
if (flag)
unsigned count = 0;
unsigned numberOfDefaultItems = sizeof(DefaultScaleMenuFactors) / sizeof(float);
// We only work with some preset zoom values. If the given value does not correspond
// to one then show no selection.
while (count < numberOfDefaultItems && (fabs(newScaleFactor - DefaultScaleMenuFactors[count]) > 0.07))
if (count == numberOfDefaultItems)
[mZoomPopup selectItemAtIndex: -1];
[mZoomPopup selectItemAtIndex: count];
// Set scale factor to found preset value if it comes close.
mScaleFactor = DefaultScaleMenuFactors[count];
// Internally set. Notify owner.
[mCallback notify: IBNZoomChanged message: nil location: NSZeroPoint value: newScaleFactor];
* Called from the notification method to update the caret position display.
- (void) setCaretPosition: (NSPoint) position
// Make the position one-based.
int newX = (int) position.x + 1;
int newY = (int) position.y + 1;
if (mCurrentCaretX != newX || mCurrentCaretY != newY)
mCurrentCaretX = newX;
mCurrentCaretY = newY;
[mCaretPositionLabel setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%d:%d", newX, newY]];
* Makes the bar resize to the smallest width that can accommodate the currently enabled items.
- (void) sizeToFit
NSRect frame = [self frame];
frame.size.width = 0;
if (mDisplayMask & IBShowZoom)
frame.size.width += [mZoomPopup frame].size.width;
if (mDisplayMask & IBShowCaretPosition)
frame.size.width += [mCaretPositionLabel frame].size.width;
if (mDisplayMask & IBShowStatusText)
frame.size.width += [mStatusTextLabel frame].size.width;
[self setFrame: frame];