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synced 2025-03-01 15:33:52 -05:00
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520 lines
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# To use translations in Lib's Disguises, you must have the purchased plugin
# Name for the AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD disguise
"Area Effect Cloud": "Area Effect Cloud"
# Name for the ARMOR_STAND disguise
"Armor Stand": "Armor Stand"
# Name for the ARROW disguise
"Arrow": "Arrow"
# Name for the BAT disguise
"Bat": "Bat"
# Name for the BLAZE disguise
"Blaze": "Blaze"
# Name for the BOAT disguise
"Boat": "Boat"
# Name for the CAVE_SPIDER disguise
"Cave Spider": "Cave Spider"
# Name for the CHICKEN disguise
"Chicken": "Chicken"
# Name for the COD disguise
"Cod": "Cod"
# Name for the COW disguise
"Cow": "Cow"
# Name for the CREEPER disguise
"Creeper": "Creeper"
# Name for the DOLPHIN disguise
"Dolphin": "Dolphin"
# Name for the DONKEY disguise
"Donkey": "Donkey"
# Name for the DRAGON_FIREBALL disguise
"Dragon Fireball": "Dragon Fireball"
# Name for the DROWNED disguise
"Drowned": "Drowned"
# Name for the DROPPED_ITEM disguise
"Dropped Item": "Dropped Item"
# Name for the EGG disguise
"Egg": "Egg"
# Name for the ELDER_GUARDIAN disguise
"Elder Guardian": "Elder Guardian"
# Name for the ENDER_CRYSTAL disguise
"Ender Crystal": "Ender Crystal"
# Name for the ENDER_DRAGON disguise
"Ender Dragon": "Ender Dragon"
# Name for the ENDER_PEARL disguise
"Ender Pearl": "Ender Pearl"
# Name for the ENDER_SIGNAL disguise
"Ender Signal": "Ender Signal"
# Name for the ENDERMAN disguise
"Enderman": "Enderman"
# Name for the ENDERMITE disguise
"Endermite": "Endermite"
# Name for the EVOKER disguise
"Evoker": "Evoker"
# Name for the EVOKER_FANGS disguise
"Evoker Fangs": "Evoker Fangs"
# Name for the EXPERIENCE_ORB disguise
"Experience Orb": "Experience Orb"
# Name for the FALLING_BLOCK disguise
"Falling Block": "Falling Block"
# Name for the FIREBALL disguise
"Fireball": "Fireball"
# Name for the FIREWORK disguise
"Firework": "Firework"
# Name for the FISHING_HOOK disguise
"Fishing Hook": "Fishing Hook"
# Name for the GHAST disguise
"Ghast": "Ghast"
# Name for the GIANT disguise
"Giant": "Giant"
# Name for the GUARDIAN disguise
"Guardian": "Guardian"
# Name for the HORSE disguise
"Horse": "Horse"
# Name for the HUSK disguise
"Husk": "Husk"
# Name for the ILLUSIONER disguise
"Illusioner": "Illusioner"
# Name for the IRON_GOLEM disguise
"Iron Golem": "Iron Golem"
# Name for the ITEM_FRAME disguise
"Item Frame": "Item Frame"
# Name for the LLAMA disguise
"Llama": "Llama"
# Name for the LLAMA_SPIT disguise
"Llama Spit": "Llama Spit"
# Name for the LEASH_HITCH disguise
"Leash Hitch": "Leash Hitch"
# Name for the MAGMA_CUBE disguise
"Magma Cube": "Magma Cube"
# Name for the MINECART disguise
"Minecart": "Minecart"
# Name for the MINECART_CHEST disguise
"Minecart Chest": "Minecart Chest"
# Name for the MINECART_COMMAND disguise
"Minecart Command": "Minecart Command"
# Name for the MINECART_FURNACE disguise
"Minecart Furnace": "Minecart Furnace"
# Name for the MINECART_HOPPER disguise
"Minecart Hopper": "Minecart Hopper"
# Name for the MINECART_MOB_SPAWNER disguise
"Minecart Mob Spawner": "Minecart Mob Spawner"
# Name for the MINECART_TNT disguise
"Minecart Tnt": "Minecart Tnt"
# Name for the MULE disguise
"Mule": "Mule"
# Name for the MUSHROOM_COW disguise
"Mushroom Cow": "Mushroom Cow"
# Name for the OCELOT disguise
"Ocelot": "Ocelot"
# Name for the PAINTING disguise
"Painting": "Painting"
# Name for the PARROT disguise
"Parrot": "Parrot"
# Name for the PHANTOM disguise
"Phantom": "Phantom"
# Name for the PIG disguise
"Pig": "Pig"
# Name for the PIG_ZOMBIE disguise
"Pig Zombie": "Pig Zombie"
# Name for the PLAYER disguise
"Player": "Player"
# Name for the POLAR_BEAR disguise
"Polar Bear": "Polar Bear"
# Name for the PRIMED_TNT disguise
"Primed Tnt": "Primed Tnt"
# Name for the PUFFERFISH disguise
"Pufferfish": "Pufferfish"
# Name for the RABBIT disguise
"Rabbit": "Rabbit"
# Name for the SALMON disguise
"Salmon": "Salmon"
# Name for the SHEEP disguise
"Sheep": "Sheep"
# Name for the SHULKER disguise
"Shulker": "Shulker"
# Name for the SHULKER_BULLET disguise
"Shulker Bullet": "Shulker Bullet"
# Name for the SILVERFISH disguise
"Silverfish": "Silverfish"
# Name for the SKELETON disguise
"Skeleton": "Skeleton"
# Name for the SKELETON_HORSE disguise
"Skeleton Horse": "Skeleton Horse"
# Name for the SLIME disguise
"Slime": "Slime"
# Name for the SMALL_FIREBALL disguise
"Small Fireball": "Small Fireball"
# Name for the SNOWBALL disguise
"Snowball": "Snowball"
# Name for the SNOWMAN disguise
"Snowman": "Snowman"
# Name for the SPECTRAL_ARROW disguise
"Spectral Arrow": "Spectral Arrow"
# Name for the SPIDER disguise
"Spider": "Spider"
# Name for the SPLASH_POTION disguise
"Splash Potion": "Splash Potion"
# Name for the SQUID disguise
"Squid": "Squid"
# Name for the STRAY disguise
"Stray": "Stray"
# Name for the THROWN_EXP_BOTTLE disguise
"Thrown Exp Bottle": "Thrown Exp Bottle"
# Name for the TIPPED_ARROW disguise
"Tipped Arrow": "Tipped Arrow"
# Name for the TRIDENT disguise
"Trident": "Trident"
# Name for the TROPICAL_FISH disguise
"Tropical Fish": "Tropical Fish"
# Name for the TURTLE disguise
"Turtle": "Turtle"
# Name for the ZOMBIE_HORSE disguise
"Zombie Horse": "Zombie Horse"
# Name for the UNKNOWN disguise
"Unknown": "Unknown"
# Name for the VEX disguise
"Vex": "Vex"
# Name for the VILLAGER disguise
"Villager": "Villager"
# Name for the VINDICATOR disguise
"Vindicator": "Vindicator"
# Name for the WITCH disguise
"Witch": "Witch"
# Name for the WITHER disguise
"Wither": "Wither"
# Name for the WITHER_SKELETON disguise
"Wither Skeleton": "Wither Skeleton"
# Name for the WITHER_SKULL disguise
"Wither Skull": "Wither Skull"
# Name for the WOLF disguise
"Wolf": "Wolf"
# Name for the ZOMBIE disguise
"Zombie": "Zombie"
# Name for the ZOMBIE_VILLAGER disguise
"Zombie Villager": "Zombie Villager"
# Name for the Flying EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"Flying": "Flying"
# Name for the MagmaCube EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"MagmaCube": "MagmaCube"
# Name for the WaterMob EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"WaterMob": "WaterMob"
# Name for the Illager EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"Illager": "Illager"
# Name for the Weather EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"Weather": "Weather"
# Name for the PolarBear EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"PolarBear": "PolarBear"
# Name for the Ageable EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"Ageable": "Ageable"
# Name for the Golem EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"Golem": "Golem"
# Name for the DragonFireball EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"DragonFireball": "DragonFireball"
# Name for the SpectralArrow EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"SpectralArrow": "SpectralArrow"
# Name for the ZombieHorse EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"ZombieHorse": "ZombieHorse"
# Name for the LlamaSpit EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"LlamaSpit": "LlamaSpit"
# Name for the Monster EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"Monster": "Monster"
# Name for the ExperienceOrb EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"ExperienceOrb": "ExperienceOrb"
# Name for the ComplexLivingEntity EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"ComplexLivingEntity": "ComplexLivingEntity"
# Name for the EnderCrystal EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"EnderCrystal": "EnderCrystal"
# Name for the TropicalFish EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"TropicalFish": "TropicalFish"
# Name for the EnderSignal EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"EnderSignal": "EnderSignal"
# Name for the Boss EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"Boss": "Boss"
# Name for the IronGolem EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"IronGolem": "IronGolem"
# Name for the Vehicle EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"Vehicle": "Vehicle"
# Name for the Ambient EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"Ambient": "Ambient"
# Name for the Projectile EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"Projectile": "Projectile"
# Name for the TippedArrow EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"TippedArrow": "TippedArrow"
# Name for the LightningStrike EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"LightningStrike": "LightningStrike"
# Name for the Creature EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"Creature": "Creature"
# Name for the Explosive EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"Explosive": "Explosive"
# Name for the HumanEntity EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"HumanEntity": "HumanEntity"
# Name for the ArmorStand EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"ArmorStand": "ArmorStand"
# Name for the PigZombie EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"PigZombie": "PigZombie"
# Name for the ThrownPotion EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"ThrownPotion": "ThrownPotion"
# Name for the EnderPearl EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"EnderPearl": "EnderPearl"
# Name for the Spellcaster EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"Spellcaster": "Spellcaster"
# Name for the ItemFrame EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"ItemFrame": "ItemFrame"
# Name for the ShulkerBullet EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"ShulkerBullet": "ShulkerBullet"
# Name for the ChestedHorse EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"ChestedHorse": "ChestedHorse"
# Name for the LeashHitch EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"LeashHitch": "LeashHitch"
# Name for the LargeFireball EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"LargeFireball": "LargeFireball"
# Name for the Fish EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"Fish": "Fish"
# Name for the SplashPotion EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"SplashPotion": "SplashPotion"
# Name for the ElderGuardian EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"ElderGuardian": "ElderGuardian"
# Name for the CommandMinecart EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"CommandMinecart": "CommandMinecart"
# Name for the ExplosiveMinecart EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"ExplosiveMinecart": "ExplosiveMinecart"
# Name for the RideableMinecart EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"RideableMinecart": "RideableMinecart"
# Name for the HopperMinecart EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"HopperMinecart": "HopperMinecart"
# Name for the SpawnerMinecart EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"SpawnerMinecart": "SpawnerMinecart"
# Name for the PoweredMinecart EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"PoweredMinecart": "PoweredMinecart"
# Name for the StorageMinecart EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"StorageMinecart": "StorageMinecart"
# Name for the TNTPrimed EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"TNTPrimed": "TNTPrimed"
# Name for the Item EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"Item": "Item"
# Name for the NPC EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"NPC": "NPC"
# Name for the Mob EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"Mob": "Mob"
# Name for the WitherSkull EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"WitherSkull": "WitherSkull"
# Name for the EnderDragonPart EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"EnderDragonPart": "EnderDragonPart"
# Name for the FishHook EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"FishHook": "FishHook"
# Name for the MushroomCow EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"MushroomCow": "MushroomCow"
# Name for the LingeringPotion EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"LingeringPotion": "LingeringPotion"
# Name for the PufferFish EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"PufferFish": "PufferFish"
# Name for the SmallFireball EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"SmallFireball": "SmallFireball"
# Name for the FallingBlock EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"FallingBlock": "FallingBlock"
# Name for the EnderDragon EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"EnderDragon": "EnderDragon"
# Name for the AreaEffectCloud EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"AreaEffectCloud": "AreaEffectCloud"
# Name for the ComplexEntityPart EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"ComplexEntityPart": "ComplexEntityPart"
# Name for the Damageable EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"Damageable": "Damageable"
# Name for the Animals EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"Animals": "Animals"
# Name for the EvokerFangs EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"EvokerFangs": "EvokerFangs"
# Name for the LivingEntity EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"LivingEntity": "LivingEntity"
# Name for the ThrownExpBottle EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"ThrownExpBottle": "ThrownExpBottle"
# Name for the CaveSpider EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"CaveSpider": "CaveSpider"
# Name for the SkeletonHorse EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"SkeletonHorse": "SkeletonHorse"
# Name for the WitherSkeleton EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"WitherSkeleton": "WitherSkeleton"
# Name for the ZombieVillager EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"ZombieVillager": "ZombieVillager"
# Name for the Hanging EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"Hanging": "Hanging"
# Name for the AbstractHorse EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"AbstractHorse": "AbstractHorse"
# Name for the Tameable EntityType, this is used in radius commands
"Tameable": "Tameable"
# Used for the disgiuse radius command to list all entitytypes
"EntityType": "EntityType"
# Used for the disgiuse modify radius command to list all disguisetypes
"DisgiseType": "DisgiseType"