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synced 2025-03-22 01:55:10 -04:00
Update plugins, prepare for 1.16.1
This commit is contained in:
15 changed files with 4917 additions and 34 deletions
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@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
# --------------------------------
# Geyser Configuration File
port: 19132
motd1: §7§lKaboom > §rFree OP - Anarchy
motd2: §7§lKaboom > §rFree OP - Anarchy
port: 25565
auth-type: offline
floodgate-key-file: public-key.pem
ping-passthrough: false
max-players: 10000
debug-mode: false
general-thread-pool: 32
allow-third-party-capes: true
default-locale: en_us
enabled: false
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@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
# --------------------------------
# Geyser Configuration File
# A bridge between Minecraft: Bedrock Edition and Minecraft: Java Edition.
# GitHub: https://github.com/GeyserMC/Geyser
# Discord: https://discord.geysermc.org/
# --------------------------------
# The IP address that will listen for connections.
# There is no reason to change this unless you want to limit what IPs can connect to your server.
# The port that will listen for connections
port: 19132
# The MOTD that will be broadcasted to Minecraft: Bedrock Edition clients. Irrelevant if "passthrough-motd" is set to true
motd1: "§7§lKaboom > §rFree OP - Anarchy"
motd2: "§7§lKaboom > §rFree OP - Anarchy"
# The IP address of the remote (Java Edition) server
# The port of the remote (Java Edition) server
port: 25565
# Authentication type. Can be offline, online, or floodgate (see https://github.com/GeyserMC/Geyser/wiki/Floodgate).
auth-type: offline
# Floodgate uses encryption to ensure use from authorised sources.
# This should point to the public key generated by Floodgate (Bungee or CraftBukkit)
# You can ignore this when not using Floodgate.
floodgate-key-file: public-key.pem
## the Xbox/MCPE username is the key for the Java server auth-info
## this allows automatic configuration/login to the remote Java server
## if you are brave/stupid enough to put your Mojang account info into
## a config file
# bluerkelp2: # MCPE/Xbox username
# email: not_really_my_email_address_mr_minecrafter53267@gmail.com # Mojang account email address
# password: "this isn't really my password"
# herpderp40300499303040503030300500293858393589:
# email: herpderp@derpherp.com
# password: dooooo
# Bedrock clients can freeze when opening up the command prompt for the first time if given a lot of commands.
# Disabling this will prevent command suggestions from being sent and solve freezing for Bedrock clients.
command-suggestions: true
# The following two options enable "ping passthrough" - the MOTD and/or player count gets retrieved from the Java server.
# Relay the MOTD from the remote server to Bedrock players.
passthrough-motd: false
# Relay the player count and max players from the remote server to Bedrock players.
passthrough-player-counts: false
# Enable LEGACY ping passthrough. There is no need to enable this unless your MOTD or player count does not appear properly.
# This option does nothing on standalone.
legacy-ping-passthrough: false
# How often to ping the remote server, in seconds. Only relevant for standalone or legacy ping passthrough.
# Increase if you are getting BrokenPipe errors.
ping-passthrough-interval: 3
# Maximum amount of players that can connect
max-players: 10000
# If debug messages should be sent through console
debug-mode: false
# Thread pool size
general-thread-pool: 32
# Allow third party capes to be visible. Currently allowing:
# OptiFine capes, LabyMod capes, 5Zig capes and MinecraftCapes
allow-third-party-capes: true
# Allow third party deadmau5 ears to be visible. Currently allowing:
# MinecraftCapes
allow-third-party-ears: true
# Allow a fake cooldown indicator to be sent. Bedrock players do not see a cooldown as they still use 1.8 combat
show-cooldown: true
# The default locale if we dont have the one the client requested. Uncomment to not use the default system language.
# default-locale: en_us
# Configures if chunk caching should be enabled or not. This keeps an individual
# record of each block the client loads in. While this feature does allow for a few
# things such as block break animations to show up in creative mode and among others,
# it is HIGHLY recommended you disable this on a production environment as it can eat
# up a lot of RAM. However, when using the Spigot version of Geyser, support for features
# or implementations this allows is automatically enabled without the additional caching as
# Geyser has direct access to the server itself.
cache-chunks: false
# Bedrock prevents building and displaying blocks above Y127 in the Nether -
# enabling this config option works around that by changing the Nether dimension ID
# to the End ID. The main downside to this is that the sky will resemble that of
# the end sky in the nether, but ultimately it's the only way for this feature to work.
above-bedrock-nether-building: false
# bStats is a stat tracker that is entirely anonymous and tracks only basic information
# about Geyser, such as how many people are online, how many servers are using Geyser,
# what OS is being used, etc. You can learn more about bStats here: https://bstats.org/.
# https://bstats.org/plugin/server-implementation/GeyserMC
# If metrics should be enabled
enabled: false
# UUID of server, don't change!
config-version: 3
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@ -27,13 +27,20 @@ Permissions:
# FALSE = No one can see this without permissions to allow it
# OP = Only operators can see this
# NOT_OP = Only non operators can see this
SeeCommands: TRUE
SeeCommands: true
# Some disguises have randomized options on disguise, such as a fox type or a villager breed.
# This may be problematic for some server owners, so you can disable it below
RandomDisguiseOptions: true
# You can also get this information through /libsdisguises config
# Should the plugin output missing config options instead of just counting them
VerboseConfig: false
# Should the plugin output changed config options? Will also list unknown extra options
ChangedConfig: false
# Should the config automatically update itself each time there's a config entry missing?
# The old config will have any custom comments or invalid config entries wiped.
UpdateConfig: false
# Disables commands with the exception of /libsdisguises. Useful if you don't want the plugin to be used by anything
# but a plugin
@ -63,13 +70,21 @@ SaveDisguises:
Players: false
Entities: false
# Do names go beyond the 16 char limit for player disguises?
ExtendedNames: false
# Do names resolve into scoreboard teams so changing the player name is flawless?
# This will only work properly for names 28 chars or less in length.
# Notch [DragonSlayer lvl: 28]
# It's recommended to leave this on unless you need it off
ScoreboardNames: true
# There are four options you can use
# VANILLA - Names are limited to 16 chars but can't be changed without resending disguise
# TEAMS - Names are limited to 32 chars but can be changed willy nilly
# EXTENDED - Names are limited to 48 chars but can't be changed without resending disguise
# ARMORSTANDS - Names are limited to 256 chars, uses a mix of armorstands and teams to do this. Slightly hacky.
# Downside of armorstand names is that there's a chance of it becoming desynced from the player disguise
# And names will always display even if the entity is invisible using potion effects
PlayerNames: TEAMS
# If doing ARMORSTANDS in the above option, should CustomNames be overridden to use armorstands too?
# This allows multiline names
OverrideCustomNames: true
# How many ticks before tab packet is sent to remove from tablist. This shouldn't need to be touched
TablistRemoveDelay: 3
# Does the player keep their disguise after they die?
@ -98,9 +113,8 @@ Scoreboard:
# Shall I notify those with the correct permission when there's a LibsDisguises update?
NotifyUpdate: false
# Whats the permission to get the notification?
Permission: 'libsdisguises.update'
# Should the plugin automatically update?
AutoUpdate: false
# Where should the plugin check for updates?
# SAME_BUILDS - Will check snapshots if you're not using a release build
@ -118,6 +132,11 @@ UndisguiseRadiusMax: 50
# Best used when viewing yourself in 3rd person
ViewSelfDisguises: true
# Some disguises are rather big and tall and block your vision
# By default those disguises are enabled despite misgivings, such as zombies, players, etc.
# The baby versions however, should be short enough that it's a non-issue
TallSelfDisguises: true
# Shall I disguise the sounds?
# This turns your damage sound into a MOOOO
DisguiseSounds: true
@ -137,6 +156,10 @@ BossBarColor: GREEN
# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/boss/BarStyle.html
BossBarStyle: SOLID
# By the default the plugin saves the users of the /viewdisguisebar and /viewselfdisguises to a file
# So that it persists after restart
SaveUserPreferences: true
# Shall I send the velocity packets? I REALLY recommend you don't disable.
# This is the only thing allowing the mobs to fly without glitching out.
SendVelocity: true
@ -300,6 +323,9 @@ PacketsEnabled:
Riding: true
# When disguised as a wither skull, it sends a look packet every tick so that the wither skull is facing the right way.
WitherSkull: true
# This is only used when using a modded disguises thingy, check disguises.yml for more info
# This is used as a hack to bypass bungeecord issues
LoginPayload: true
# Added to support a Chinese Minecraft Server which uses their own skin server unless the UUID is not version 4.
# Changing this from 4 to say, 3. Means their server will fetch skins from Mojang instead.
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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# Specifies how 1.8.x clients should see the cooldown indicator
# You can choose between TITLE, ACTION_BAR, BOSS_BAR and DISABLED
cooldown-indicator: TITLE
# Replaces Adventure mode with Survival mode for 1.7.x clients
# Enable this option if your server is using the 'CanDestroy'
# or 'CanPlaceOn' flags on items
replace-adventure: false
# Whether 1.9 particles should be replaced by similar ones in
# 1.8 and lower
replace-particles: true
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@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ messages:
whitelist: The server is temporarily down for maintenance. Please try again later!
unknown-command: Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.
server-full: The server is temporarily down for maintenance. Please try again later!
outdated-client: Your client is outdated. Please join with Minecraft version 1.15.2!
outdated-server: The server is outdated. Please join with Minecraft version 1.15.2!
outdated-client: Your client is outdated. Please join with Minecraft version 1.16.1!
outdated-server: The server is outdated. Please join with Minecraft version 1.16.1!
restart: The server is restarting. Please wait...
timeout-time: 60
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