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synced 2025-03-23 02:25:11 -04:00
Sync plugin config
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 123 additions and 52 deletions
@ -15,3 +15,4 @@ updateUsersIgnoreListUUID: true
updateUsersStupidLegacyPathNames: true
updateUsersMailList: true
updatePurgeBrokenNpcAccounts: true
newUidCacheBuilt: true
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
# These first 6 aren't configurable
issues: "https://github.com/IntellectualSites/FastAsyncWorldEdit/issues"
wiki: "https://intellectualsites.github.io/fastasyncworldedit-documentation/"
date: "Fri May 06 00:00:00 EEST 2022"
build: "https://ci.athion.net/job/FastAsyncWorldEdit/151"
commit: "https://github.com/IntellectualSites/FastAsyncWorldEdit/commit/fdb7c154"
date: "Sun Jul 23 00:00:00 BRT 2023"
build: "https://ci.athion.net/job/FastAsyncWorldEdit/494"
commit: "https://github.com/IntellectualSites/FastAsyncWorldEdit/commit/ffa2a52f"
platform: "Bukkit"
# Set true to enable WorldEdit restrictions per region (e.g. PlotSquared or WorldGuard).
# To be allowed to WorldEdit in a region, users need the appropriate
@ -39,6 +39,9 @@ clipboard:
delete-after-days: 1
# If a player's clipboard should be deleted upon logout
delete-on-logout: false
# Allows NBT stored in a clipboard to be written to disk
# - Requires clipboard.use-disk to be enabled
save-clipboard-nbt-to-disk: false
# If packet sending should be delayed until relight is finished
@ -64,17 +67,25 @@ tick-limiter:
physics-ms: 10
# Max item spawns per interval (per chunk)
items: 20
# Whether fireworks can load chunks
# - Fireworks usually travel vertically so do not load any chunks
# - Horizontal fireworks can be hacked in to crash a server
fireworks-load-chunks: false
# Web/HTTP connection related settings
# The web interface for clipboards
# - All schematics are anonymous and private
# - Downloads can be deleted by the user
# - Supports clipboard uploads, downloads and saves
url: "https://schem.intellectualsites.com/fawe/"
# The maximum amount of time in seconds the plugin can attempt to load images for.
max-image-load-time: 5
# The maximum size (width x length) an image being loaded can be.
# - 8294400 is 3840x2160
max-image-size: 8294400
# Whitelist of hostnames to allow images to be downloaded from
# - Adding '*' to the list will allow any host, but this is NOT adviseable
# - Crash exploits exist with malformed images
# - See: https://medium.com/chargebee-engineering/perils-of-parsing-pixel-flood-attack-on-java-imageio-a97aeb06637d
- "i.imgur.com"
# Don't bug console when these plugins slow down WorldEdit operations
@ -101,6 +112,12 @@ experimental:
# [SAFE] Keep entities that are positioned in non-air blocks when editing an area
# Might cause client-side FPS lag in some situations
keep-entities-in-blocks: false
# [SAFE] Attempt to remove entities from the world if they were not present in the expected chunk (default: true)
# - Sometimes an entity may have moved into a different chunk to that which FAWE expected
# - This option allows FAWE to attempt to remove the entity, even if present in a different chunk
# - If the entity is in an unloaded or partially loaded chunk, this will fail
# - If an entity cannot be removed, it is possible duplicate entities may be created when using undo and/or redo
remove-entity-from-world-on-chunk-fail: true
# Other experimental features
other: false
# Allow fluids placed by FAWE to tick (flow). This could cause the big lags.
@ -133,7 +150,8 @@ queue:
# - A larger value will use slightly less CPU time
# - A smaller value will reduce memory usage
# - A value too small may break some operations (deform?)
# - Values smaller than the configurated parallel threads are not accepted
# - Values smaller than the configurated parallel-threads are not accepted
# - It is recommended this option be at least 4x greater than parallel-threads
target-size: 64
# Force FAWE to start placing chunks regardless of whether an edit is finished processing
# - A larger value will use slightly less CPU time
@ -269,6 +287,10 @@ region-restrictions-options:
# - Will still search for current allowed regions to limit the edit to.
# - Any blacklist regions are likely to override any internal allowed regions.
worldguard-region-blacklist: false
# Restrict all edits to within the safe chunk limits of +/- 30 million blocks
# - Edits outside this range may induce crashing
# - Forcefully prevents any edit outside this range
restrict-to-safe-range: true
# The "default" limit group affects those without a specific limit permission.
# To grant someone different limits, copy the default limits group
# and give it a different name (e.g. newbie). Then give the user the limit
@ -322,14 +344,15 @@ limits:
# - If fast-placement is disabled, this may cause edits to be slower.
universal-disallowed-blocks: true
# List of blocks to deny use of. Can be either an entire block type or a block with a specific property value.
# Where block properties are specified, any blockstate with the property will be disallowed (i.g. all directions
# of a waterlogged fence). For blocking/remapping of all occurence of a property like waterlogged, see
# Where block properties are specified, any blockstate with the property will be disallowed (e.g. all directions
# of a waterlogged fence). For blocking/remapping of all occurrences of a property like waterlogged, see
# remap-properties below.
# To generate a blank list, substitute the default content with a set of square brackets [] instead.
# Example block property blocking:
# - "minecraft:conduit[waterlogged=true]"
# - "minecraft:piston[extended=false,facing=west]"
# - "minecraft:wheat[age=7]"
disallowed-blocks: []
# List of block properties that should be remapped if used in an edit. Entries should take the form
# "property_name[value1_old:value1_new,value2_old:value2_new]". For example:
# - "waterlogged[true:false]"
@ -1,18 +1,32 @@
# If you need help, you can join our Discord - https://viaversion.com/discord
# Always shows a mapped mob's original name, and not only when hovering over it with the cursor.
always-show-original-mob-name: true
# Writes name and level of custom enchantments into the item's lore.
# Set this to false if you see the entries doubled/if the custom-enchant plugin already writes these into the lore manually.
add-custom-enchants-into-lore: true
# Adds the color of a scoreboard team after its prefix for 1.12 clients on 1.13+ servers.
add-teamcolor-to-prefix: true
# Converts the 1.13 face look-at packet for 1.12- players. Requires a bit of extra caching.
fix-1_13-face-player: false
# Fixes 1.13 clients and lower not seeing color or formatting in inventory titles by converting them to legacy text.
# If you have issues with translatable text being displayed wrongly, disable this.
fix-formatted-inventory-titles: true
# Sends inventory acknowledgement packets to act as a replacement for ping packets for sub 1.17 clients.
# This only takes effect for ids in the short range. Useful for anticheat compatibility.
handle-pings-as-inv-acknowledgements: false
# 1.19.1 chat type formats.
chat.type.text: <%s> %s
chat.type.announcement: '[%s] %s'
commands.message.display.incoming: '%s whispers to you: %s'
commands.message.display.outgoing: 'You whisper to %s: %s'
chat.type.team.text: '%s <%s> %s'
chat.type.team.sent: -> %s <%s> %s
chat.type.emote: '* %s %s'
@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
# Specifies how 1.8.x clients should see the cooldown indicator
# You can choose between TITLE, ACTION_BAR, BOSS_BAR and DISABLED
#Specifies how 1.8.x clients should see the cooldown indicator
#You can choose between TITLE, ACTION_BAR, BOSS_BAR and DISABLED
cooldown-indicator: TITLE
# Replaces Adventure mode with Survival mode for 1.7.x clients
# Enable this option if your server is using the 'CanDestroy'
# or 'CanPlaceOn' flags on items
#Replaces Adventure mode with Survival mode for 1.7.x clients
#Enable this option if your server is using the 'CanDestroy'
#or 'CanPlaceOn' flags on items
replace-adventure: false
# Whether 1.9 particles should be replaced by similar ones in
# 1.8 and lower
#Whether 1.9 particles should be replaced by similar ones in
#1.8 and lower
replace-particles: false
#Max amount of pages for written books before a client gets kicked
max-book-pages: 100
#Max amount of characters in the json (!) string of a book page before a client gets kicked
max-book-page-length: 5000
@ -4,17 +4,21 @@
# Discord - https://viaversion.com/discord
# viaversion.com - Discussion tab
# Docs - https://docs.viaversion.com/display/VIAVERSION/Configuration
# ----------------------------------------------------------#
# ----------------------------------------------------------#
# Should ViaVersion check for updates?
checkforupdates: false
# Send the supported versions with the Status (Ping) response packet
send-supported-versions: false
# Block specific Minecraft protocols that ViaVersion allows
# List of all Minecraft protocol versions: http://wiki.vg/Protocol_version_numbers or use a generator: https://via.krusic22.com
# Easier to configure alternative to 'block-protocols'. Uses readable version strings with possible '<' and '>' prefixes.
# An example to block 1.16.4, everything below 1.16, as well as everything above 1.17.1 would be: ["<1.16", "1.16.4", ">1.17.1"]
# You can use both this and the block-protocols option at the same time as well.
block-versions: []
# Block specific Minecraft protocol version numbers.
# List of all Minecraft protocol versions: http://wiki.vg/Protocol_version_numbers, or use a generator: https://via.krusic22.com
block-protocols: []
# Change the blocked disconnect message
block-disconnect-msg: You are using an unsupported Minecraft version!
@ -24,22 +28,22 @@ block-disconnect-msg: You are using an unsupported Minecraft version!
reload-disconnect-msg: Server reload, please rejoin!
# We warn when there's a error converting item and block data over versions, should we suppress these? (Only suggested if spamming)
suppress-conversion-warnings: true
# ----------------------------------------------------------#
# ----------------------------------------------------------#
# Packets Per Second (PPS) limiter (Use -1 on max-pps and tracking-period to disable)
# Clients by default send around 20-90 packets per second.
# What is the maximum per second a client can send (Use %pps to display their pps)
# Use -1 to disable.
max-pps: -1
max-pps-kick-msg: You are sending too many packets!
# We can also kick them if over a period they send over a threshold a certain amount of times.
# Period to track (in seconds)
# Use -1 to disable.
tracking-period: -1
@ -49,11 +53,14 @@ tracking-warning-pps: 120
# This can never be higher than "tracking-period"
tracking-max-warnings: 4
tracking-max-kick-msg: You are sending too many packets, :(
# ----------------------------------------------------------#
# ----------------------------------------------------------#
# Whether to make sure ViaVersion's UserConnection object is already available in the PlayerJoinEvent.
# You may disable this for faster startup/join time if you are 100% sure no plugin requires this.
register-userconnections-on-join: true
# Should we enable our hologram patch?
# If they're in the wrong place enable this
hologram-patch: false
@ -90,7 +97,7 @@ fix-non-full-blocklight: true
fix-1_14-health-nan: true
# Should 1.15+ clients respawn instantly / without showing a death screen?
use-1_15-instant-respawn: true
# Enable serverside block-connections for 1.13+ clients - all of the options in this section are built around this option
serverside-blockconnections: false
# Sets the method for the block connections (world for highly experimental (USE AT OWN RISK) world-level or packet for packet-level)
@ -102,20 +109,35 @@ reduce-blockstorage-memory: true
flowerstem-when-block-above: false
# Vines that are not connected to blocks will be mapped to air, else 1.13+ would still be able to climb up on them.
vine-climb-fix: false
# Ignores incoming plugin channel messages of 1.16+ clients with channel names longer than 32 characters.
# CraftBukkit had this limit hardcoded until 1.16, so we have to assume any server/proxy might have this arbitrary check present.
ignore-long-1_16-channel-names: true
# Force 1.17+ client to accept the server resource pack; they will automatically disconnect if they decline.
forced-use-1_17-resource-pack: false
# The message to be displayed at the prompt when the 1.17+ client receives the server resource pack.
resource-pack-1_17-prompt: ''
# ----------------------------------------------------------#
# Caches light until chunks are unloaded to allow subsequent chunk update packets as opposed to instantly uncaching when the first chunk data is sent.
# Only disable this if you know what you are doing.
cache-1_17-light: true
# 1.19 chat type formats used for 1.19.1+ clients.
chat.type.text: <%s> %s
chat.type.announcement: '[%s] %s'
commands.message.display.incoming: '%s whispers to you: %s'
chat.type.team.text: '%s <%s> %s'
chat.type.emote: '* %s %s'
# Force-update 1.19.4+ player's inventory when they try to swap armor in a pre-occupied slot.
armor-toggle-fix: true
# ----------------------------------------------------------#
# No collide options, these allow you to configure how collision works.
# Do you want us to prevent collision?
prevent-collision: false
@ -147,15 +169,20 @@ use-new-effect-indicator: false
use-new-deathmessages: false
# Should we cache our items, this will prevent server from being lagged out, however the cost is a constant task caching items
item-cache: false
# Patch the anti xray to work on 1.9+ (If your server is 1.8) This can cost more performance, so disable it if you don't use it.
anti-xray-patch: false
# Should we replace extended pistons to fix 1.10.1 (Only on chunk load)
replace-pistons: false
# What id should we replace with, default is air. (careful of players getting stuck standing on them)
replacement-piston-id: 0
# Fix 1.9+ clients not rendering the far away chunks and improve chunk rendering when moving fast (Increases network usage and decreases client fps slightly)
chunk-border-fix: false
# Force the string -> json transform
force-json-transform: false
# Minimize the cooldown animation in 1.8 servers
minimize-cooldown: false
# Allows 1.9+ left-handedness (main hand) on 1.8 servers
left-handed-handling: false
# Get the world names which should be returned for each vanilla dimension
overworld: minecraft:overworld
nether: minecraft:the_nether
end: minecraft:the_end
@ -2,5 +2,7 @@
# To honor their work, you should not disable it.
# This has nearly no effect on the server performance!
# Check out https://bStats.org/ to learn more :)
enabled: false
logFailedRequests: false
serverUuid: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Reference in a new issue