diff --git a/commands.yml b/commands.yml
index 0cf89e5..c0981be 100644
--- a/commands.yml
+++ b/commands.yml
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ aliases:
   - []
   - []
   - []
diff --git a/plugins/Essentials.jar b/plugins/Essentials.jar
index 7159314..7cd16fc 100644
Binary files a/plugins/Essentials.jar and b/plugins/Essentials.jar differ
diff --git a/plugins/FastAsyncWorldEdit.jar b/plugins/FastAsyncWorldEdit.jar
index 8b133cb..13b879a 100644
Binary files a/plugins/FastAsyncWorldEdit.jar and b/plugins/FastAsyncWorldEdit.jar differ
diff --git a/plugins/FastAsyncWorldEdit/config.yml b/plugins/FastAsyncWorldEdit/config.yml
index 744d39f..ccbff41 100644
--- a/plugins/FastAsyncWorldEdit/config.yml
+++ b/plugins/FastAsyncWorldEdit/config.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 # These first 6 aren't configurable
 issues: "https://github.com/IntellectualSites/FastAsyncWorldEdit/issues"
-wiki: "https://github.com/IntellectualSites/FastAsyncWorldEdit-Documentation/wiki"
-date: "Wed Oct 13 00:00:00 GMT 2021"
-build: "https://ci.athion.net/job/FastAsyncWorldEdit-1.17/253"
-commit: "https://github.com/IntellectualSites/FastAsyncWorldEdit/commit/f255be76"
+wiki: "https://intellectualsites.github.io/fastasyncworldedit-documentation/"
+date: "Fri May 06 00:00:00 EEST 2022"
+build: "https://ci.athion.net/job/FastAsyncWorldEdit/151"
+commit: "https://github.com/IntellectualSites/FastAsyncWorldEdit/commit/fdb7c154"
 platform: "Bukkit"
 # Set true to enable WorldEdit restrictions per region (e.g. PlotSquared or WorldGuard).
 # To be allowed to WorldEdit in a region, users need the appropriate
@@ -17,14 +17,11 @@ max-memory-percent: 60
 # Enable or disable core components
   commands: true
-  update-notifications: false
-  # Disable the FAWE-PlotSquared hook to take over most intense P2 queueing
-  # Specific aspects can be turned on and off further below
-  # Only disables/enables the hook with v4. For v6, see PlotSquared settings.yml
-  plotsquared-v4-hook: true
   # Show additional information in console. It helps us at IntellectualSites to find out more about an issue.
   # Leave it off if you don't need it, it can spam your console.
   debug: false
+  # Whether or not FAWE should notify you on startup about new versions available.
+  update-notifications: false
   # Store the clipboard on disk instead of memory
@@ -36,9 +33,12 @@ clipboard:
   #  - 0 = No compression
   #  - 1 = Fast compression
   #  - 2-17 = Slower compression
+  #  - levels over 6 require ZSTD 1.4.8+ to be installed to the system
   compression-level: 0
   # Number of days to keep history on disk before deleting it
   delete-after-days: 1
+  # If a player's clipboard should be deleted upon logout
+  delete-on-logout: false
   # If packet sending should be delayed until relight is finished
@@ -76,15 +76,9 @@ web:
   #  - Supports clipboard uploads, downloads and saves
   url: "https://schem.intellectualsites.com/fawe/"
-  # Only disables/enables the components with PlotSquared v4.
-  # For v6, see PlotSquared settings.yml
-  clear: true
-  copy-and-swap: true
   # Don't bug console when these plugins slow down WorldEdit operations
-  #  - You'll see a message in console if you need to change this option
+  #  - You'll see a message in console or ingame if you need to change this option
   allowed-plugins: []
   # Should debug messages be sent when third party extents are used?
   debug: false
@@ -104,19 +98,15 @@ experimental:
   dynamic-chunk-rendering: -1
   # Allows brushes to be persistent (default: true)
   persistent-brushes: true
-  # Disable using native libraries
-  disable-natives: false
   # [SAFE] Keep entities that are positioned in non-air blocks when editing an area
-  # Might cause client-side FPS lagg in some situations
+  # Might cause client-side FPS lag in some situations
   keep-entities-in-blocks: false
   # Other experimental features
   other: false
-  # Allow blocks placed by WorldEdit to tick. This could cause the big lags.
+  # Allow fluids placed by FAWE to tick (flow). This could cause the big lags.
   # This has no effect on existing blocks one way or the other.
-  allow-tick-placed: false
-  # Force re-ticking of existing blocks not edited by FAWE.
-  # This will increase time taken slightly.
-  allow-tick-existing: false
+  # Changes due to fluid flow will not be tracked by history, thus may have unintended consequences
+  allow-tick-fluids: false
   # Sets a maximum limit (in kb) for the size of a player's schematics directory (per-player mode only)
   # Set to -1 to disable
   per-player-file-size-limit: -1
@@ -126,8 +116,6 @@ experimental:
 # This relates to how FAWE places chunks
-  # This should equal the number of processors you have
-  parallel-threads: 2
     # Display constant titles about the progress of a user's edit
     #  - false = disabled
@@ -138,11 +126,14 @@ queue:
     interval: 1
     # Delay sending progress in milliseconds (so quick edits don't spam)
     delay: 5000
+  # This should equal the number of processors you have
+  parallel-threads: 2
   # When doing edits that effect more than this many chunks:
   #  - FAWE will start placing before all calculations are finished
   #  - A larger value will use slightly less CPU time
   #  - A smaller value will reduce memory usage
   #  - A value too small may break some operations (deform?)
+  #  - Values smaller than the configurated parallel threads are not accepted
   target-size: 64
   # Force FAWE to start placing chunks regardless of whether an edit is finished processing
   #  - A larger value will use slightly less CPU time
@@ -159,7 +150,7 @@ queue:
   #  - Low values may result in FAWE waiting on requests to the main thread
   #  - Higher values use more memory and isn't noticeably faster
   #  - A good (relatively) safe way to set this is
-  #  - Use 32 x GB of RAM / number of players expected to be using WE at the same time
+  #  - Use 128 x GB of RAM / number of players expected to be using WE at the same time
   #  - Paper and derivatives only. (requires delay-chunk-unloads-by to be set).
   preload-chunk-count: 16
   # If pooling is enabled (reduces GC, higher memory usage)
@@ -169,7 +160,8 @@ queue:
   #  - E.g. A plugin creates an EditSession but never does anything with it
   #  - This only applies to plugins improperly using WorldEdit's legacy API
   discard-after-ms: 60000
-  # When using fastmode also do not bother to fix existing ticking blocks
+  # When using fastmode do not bother to tick existing/placed blocks/fluids
+  # Only works in versions up to 1.17.1
   no-tick-fastmode: true
@@ -203,6 +195,7 @@ history:
   # 8 = 1 x high, 1 x medium, 2 x fast
   # 9 = 1 x high, 1 x medium, 3 x fast (best compression)
   # NOTE: If using disk, do some compression (3+) as smaller files save faster
+  #  - levels over 6 require ZSTD 1.4.8+ to be installed to the system
   compression-level: 0
   # The buffer size for compression:
   #  - Larger = better ratio but uses more upfront memory
@@ -257,6 +250,25 @@ region-restrictions-options:
   #  - MEMBER = Players added to a region
   #  - OWNER = Players who own the region
   mode: "MEMBER"
+  # Allow region blacklists.
+  #  - Currently only implemented for WorldGuard
+  #  - see region-restrictions-options.worldguard-region-blacklist
+  allow-blacklists: false
+  # List of plugin mask managers that should be exclusive. Exclusive managers are not 
+  # checked for edit restrictions if another manager already allowed an edit, and further 
+  # managers are not checked if an exclusive manager allows an edit.
+  #  - May be useful to add PlotSquared if using both P2 and WorldGuard on a server
+  #  - Some custom-implementations in other plugins may override this setting
+  exclusive-managers: 
+  - "ExamplePlugin"
+  # If a worldguard-protected world should be considered as a region blacklist.
+  #  - This will create a blacklist of regions where an edit cannot operate.
+  #  - Useful for a "freebuild" worlds with few protected areas.
+  #  - May cause performance loss with large numbers of protected areas.
+  #  - Requires region-restrictions-options.allow-blacklists be true.
+  #  - Will still search for current allowed regions to limit the edit to.
+  #  - Any blacklist regions are likely to override any internal allowed regions.
+  worldguard-region-blacklist: false
 # The "default" limit group affects those without a specific limit permission.
 # To grant someone different limits, copy the default limits group
 # and give it a different name (e.g. newbie). Then give the user the limit 
@@ -281,7 +293,7 @@ limits:
     max-blockstates: 1337
     # Maximum size of the player's history in Megabytes:
     #  - History on disk or memory will be deleted
-    max-history-mb: -1
+    max-history-mb: 100
     # Maximum time in milliseconds //calc can execute
     max-expression-ms: 50
     # Cinematic block placement:
@@ -302,5 +314,25 @@ limits:
     # If undo and redo commands should be restricted to allowed regions
     #  - Prevents scenarios where players can delete/reset a region, and then continue to undo/redo on it
     restrict-history-to-regions: true
-    # List of blocks to strip nbt from
+    # List of nbt tags to strip from blocks, e.g. Items
     strip-nbt: []
+    # If the disallowed blocks listed in worldedit-config.yml should be disallowed in all edits,
+    # not just where blocks patterns are used.
+    #  - Can prevent blocks being pasted from clipboards, etc.
+    #  - If fast-placement is disabled, this may cause edits to be slower.
+    universal-disallowed-blocks: true
+    # List of blocks to deny use of. Can be either an entire block type or a block with a specific property value.
+    # Where block properties are specified, any blockstate with the property will be disallowed (i.g. all directions
+    # of a waterlogged fence). For blocking/remapping of all occurence of a property like waterlogged, see
+    # remap-properties below.
+    # Example block property blocking:
+    #  - "minecraft:conduit[waterlogged=true]"
+    #  - "minecraft:piston[extended=false,facing=west]"
+    #  - "minecraft:wheat[age=7]"
+    disallowed-blocks:
+    # List of block properties that should be remapped if used in an edit. Entries should take the form
+    # "property_name[value1_old:value1_new,value2_old:value2_new]". For example:
+    #  - "waterlogged[true:false]"
+    #  - "age[7:4,6:4,5:4]"
+    #  - "extended[true:false]"
+    remap-properties: []
diff --git a/plugins/FastAsyncWorldEdit/config-legacy.yml b/plugins/FastAsyncWorldEdit/worldedit-config.yml
similarity index 100%
rename from plugins/FastAsyncWorldEdit/config-legacy.yml
rename to plugins/FastAsyncWorldEdit/worldedit-config.yml
diff --git a/plugins/Geyser.jar b/plugins/Geyser.jar
index 1edfe79..d0906bd 100644
Binary files a/plugins/Geyser.jar and b/plugins/Geyser.jar differ
diff --git a/plugins/ViaBackwards.jar b/plugins/ViaBackwards.jar
index b8f1011..1b9e078 100644
Binary files a/plugins/ViaBackwards.jar and b/plugins/ViaBackwards.jar differ
diff --git a/plugins/ViaVersion.jar b/plugins/ViaVersion.jar
index cf273dc..102bcf3 100644
Binary files a/plugins/ViaVersion.jar and b/plugins/ViaVersion.jar differ
diff --git a/server.jar b/server.jar
index ea0e6f1..cc2476b 100644
Binary files a/server.jar and b/server.jar differ