# Does the player keep their disguise after they die?
# Should the plugin use translations? Note that a player must see the message before it will appear in translations.yml
# How should the plugin handle self disguises scoreboards? It disables pushing in whichever team they're assigned.
# If you want them to be able to push again when they undisguise, set this to CREATE_SCOREBOARD
# I have to disable pushing or you will be pushed around by your own self disguise
# MODIFY_SCOREBOARD - Modifies the player's current team if possible, otherwise assigns them to a new scoreboard team.
# IGNORE_SCOREBOARD - Doesn't touch scoreboards at all, effectively means that if you didn't disable pushing in their scoreboard team; They will still be pushed around
# CREATE_SCOREBOARD - Creates a new team which copies the attributes of their previous scoreboard team which they are then assigned to. This means they keep nametag color and other options.
# More options in case you want to disable a specific setting of the scoreboard
# Should it modify the scoreboard to turn collisions off?
# Should it modify the scoreboard teams to disable seeing friendly invisibles?
# Should the scoreboard warn you if it detects a potential conflict?
# If self disguises are disabled, or the scoreboard is using IGNORE_SCOREBOARD then this does nothing.
# Shall I notify those with the correct permission when there's a LibsDisguises update?
# Whats the permission to get the notification?
# Where should the plugin check for updates?
# SAME_BUILDS - Will check snapshots if you're not using a release build
# RELEASES - Only check for actual releases
# SNAPSHOTS - Only check for new snapshots
# Whats the max size allowed for command disguiseradius
# Whats the max size allowed for command undisguiseradius
# Shall the players view their disguises?
# Best used when viewing yourself in 3rd person
# Shall I disguise the sounds?
# This turns your damage sound into a MOOOO
# Shall the disguised hear their disguise sounds or their damage sounds.
# I disable this as it can be a little confusing when not used with self disguises
# Shall I send the velocity packets? I REALLY recommend you don't disable.
# This is the only thing allowing the mobs to fly without glitching out.
# For self disguises, they need to have the armor and the held item removed
# Else they see floating armor, floating held items.
# This turns the items invisible in the disguised players inventory. It does not actually remove them!
# Be warned that in creative this can actually delete the item from the inventory due to a weird bug
# If you set a disguise to burning, it will no longer be able to be shown as sneaking or invisible.
# Set this to true if you want the disguise to get the animations of the disguised entity. Such as invisible, on fire, sprinting, sneaking, blocking
# This is only valid if you set a animation on the disguise itself. Because the entity's animations are applied otherwise.
# When a sheep or wolf is right clicked with dye. The client automatically assumes it was successful and displays the sheep's wool or the wolfs collar as dyed.
# This is a option that either prevents that happening, or it changes their color officially in the plugin so that everyone sees it changed.
# Its currently set to false which means that the color is not changed and will refresh itself to the player.
# Please note that this will not remove the dye from their hands. This also does not check if the disguised entity is actually a sheep/wolf and wants a say in its color.
#Stop shulker disguises from moving, they're weird. This option only effects PLAYERS that are disguised, other entities disguised as shulkers will NOT be effected!
# A option to choose how many seconds a DisguiseEntity command is valid for people to right click a entity to disguise it before expiring
# Another option to choose the same thing for DisguiseClone command
# Max disguises to store at a time with the DisguiseClone command
# This controls if a entity's max health is determined by the entity, or by the disguise.
# Wither is 200, a player is 20. With this enabled, a player disguised as a wither will have the boss bar health accurate to the players health.
# Else it will be 1/20 of the boss bar when they are full health.
# Setting this in LivingWatcher overrides both values.
# This here is a option to turn off misc disguises.
# This means you can not have a living entity disguise as a non-living entity.
# This disables the Attributes packet, Non-living entities can still disguise as other non-living
# This means that the above option will not work as it uses the attribute packet.
# Turn this to true to have players undisguised when switching worlds
# Contact Mojang's servers? Disabling this option will disable player skin disguises!
# Hide players in tab when disguised? This means a disguised player cannot be seen when you press tab! This can be toggled on/off per disguise
# Always show player disguises in tab? The names will continue to appear in tab until the disguise is removed.
# On player disguise, a fake player is added to tablist so the skin can load properly.
# This option is ignored if 'ShowPlayerDisguisesInTab' is enabled.
# Don't like players able to set themselves invisible when using the disguise commands? Toggle this to true and no one can use setInvisible! Plugins can still use this however.
# Disguises have a 'setExpires' option which removes the disguise after a set amount of time
# By default, this is set to false which means it expires 9 minutes afterwards, even if they logged off.
# If true, it means they will experience the full 9 minutes, even if they log on for just a minute per day
# Expired message can be hidden with an empty translation message
# Due to safety reasons, self disguises can never have their packets disabled.
# This disables the animation packet. If a disguised entity sends a animation packet and they are using a non-living disguise. People will crash.
# Disabling this also means that if a player disguised as a non-player leaves a bug. People will crash
# This disguises the collect packet. If a living entity disguised as a non-living entity picks up a item. People will crash. This fixes it
# This also fixes people crashing if a item disguised as a sleeping player is picked up - Only true if Bed is enabled as well
# This disables a fix for when a disguised entity wearing armor dies, if the disguise can wear armor. It drops unpickupable items to anyone watching.
# Entity equipment is the packets that are sent to ensure that a disguise has or doesn't have armor, and their held item.
# Disabling this means that any disguises which can wear armor or hold items will show the armor/held item that the disguised is wearing.
# This doesn't actually disable the packet. It would introduce problems. Instead it does the next best thing and caches the data.
# This means that entity metadata will not change, and will only be sent in the spawn packet.
# This is good if performance is extremely in need.
# This is bad to disable unless you are ONLY going to use the disguises for decorations.
# To be honest. This is basically "Disable entity animations". That option is called 'AddEntityAnimations' in the config but unlike that, this is always in effect.
# Animations set by use of the api or through the disguise command are still in effect.
# Movement packets are the biggest cpu hit. These are majorly used to ensure that the disguises facing direction isn't bugged up.
# If you are using the Item_Frame disguise, when a packet is sent (Roughly every 2min) the disguise will bug up until they move.
# Disable this if you don't mind crashing everytime you see someone riding something disguised as a non-living entity
# When disguised as a wither skull, it sends a look packet every tick so that the wither skull is facing the right way.
# Added to support a Chinese Minecraft Server which uses their own skin server unless the UUID is not version 4.
# Changing this from 4 to say, 3. Means their server will fetch skins from Mojang instead.