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192 lines
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192 lines
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#ifndef ACT3_H
#define ACT3_H
#include "act3ammo.h"
#include "legogamestate.h"
#include "legostate.h"
#include "legoworld.h"
class Act3Brickster;
class Act3Cop;
class Act3Shark;
class Helicopter;
// Macros confirmed by BETA10
#define MAX_PIZZAS 20
#define MAX_DONUTS 20
// SIZE 0x0c
struct Act3ListElement {
MxU32 m_objectId; // 0x00
undefined4 m_unk0x04; // 0x04
undefined m_unk0x08; // 0x08
Act3ListElement() {}
Act3ListElement(MxU32 p_objectId, undefined4 p_unk0x04, undefined p_unk0x08)
: m_objectId(p_objectId), m_unk0x04(p_unk0x04), m_unk0x08(p_unk0x08)
int operator==(Act3ListElement) const { return 0; }
int operator<(Act3ListElement) const { return 0; }
// SIZE 0x10
class Act3List : private list<Act3ListElement> {
Act3List() { m_unk0x0c = 0; }
void Insert(MxS32 p_objectId, MxS32 p_option);
void FUN_10071fa0();
void Clear();
void FUN_100720d0(MxU32 p_objectId);
undefined4 m_unk0x0c; // 0x0c
// VTABLE: LEGO1 0x100d4fc8
// SIZE 0x0c
class Act3State : public LegoState {
Act3State() { m_unk0x08 = 0; }
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1000e300
const char* ClassName() const override // vtable+0x0c
// STRING: LEGO1 0x100f03f0
return "Act3State";
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1000e310
MxBool IsA(const char* p_name) const override // vtable+0x10
return !strcmp(p_name, Act3State::ClassName()) || LegoState::IsA(p_name);
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1000e2f0
MxBool IsSerializable() override { return FALSE; }
// SYNTHETIC: LEGO1 0x1000e3c0
// Act3State::`scalar deleting destructor'
undefined4 GetUnknown0x08() { return m_unk0x08; }
// TODO: Most likely getters/setters are not used according to BETA.
undefined4 m_unk0x08; // 0x08
// VTABLE: LEGO1 0x100d9628
// SIZE 0x4274
class Act3 : public LegoWorld {
~Act3() override;
MxLong Notify(MxParam& p_param) override; // vtable+0x04
MxResult Tickle() override; // vtable+0x08
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10072510
const char* ClassName() const override // vtable+0x0c
// STRING: LEGO1 0x100f013c
return "Act3";
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10072520
MxBool IsA(const char* p_name) const override // vtable+0x10
return !strcmp(p_name, Act3::ClassName()) || LegoWorld::IsA(p_name);
MxResult Create(MxDSAction& p_dsAction) override; // vtable+0x18
void Destroy(MxBool p_fromDestructor) override; // vtable+0x1c
void ReadyWorld() override; // vtable+0x50
MxBool VTable0x5c() override; // vtable+0x5c
void VTable0x60() override; // vtable+0x60
MxBool Escape() override; // vtable+0x64
void Enable(MxBool p_enable) override; // vtable+0x68
void SetHelicopter(Helicopter* p_copter) { m_copter = p_copter; }
void SetShark(Act3Shark* p_shark) { m_shark = p_shark; }
void SetDestLocation(LegoGameState::Area p_destLocation) { m_destLocation = p_destLocation; }
// SYNTHETIC: LEGO1 0x10072630
// Act3::`scalar deleting destructor'
void EatPizza(MxS32 p_index);
void EatDonut(MxS32 p_index);
void RemovePizza(Act3Ammo& p_p);
void RemoveDonut(Act3Ammo& p_p);
MxResult ShootPizza(LegoPathController* p_controller, Vector3& p_location, Vector3& p_direction, Vector3& p_up);
MxResult ShootDonut(LegoPathController* p_controller, Vector3& p_location, Vector3& p_direction, Vector3& p_up);
void FUN_10072ad0(undefined4 p_param1);
MxResult FUN_10073360(Act3Ammo& p_ammo, const Vector3& p_param2);
MxResult FUN_10073390(Act3Ammo& p_ammo, const Vector3& p_param2);
void SetBrickster(Act3Brickster* p_brickster);
void FUN_10073400();
void FUN_10073430();
void GoodEnding(const Matrix4& p_destination);
// BETA indicates that the following classes access certain members directly.
friend class Act3Ammo;
friend class Act3Brickster;
friend class Act3Cop;
friend class Act3Shark;
MxLong HandleTransitionEnd();
static void DebugPrintf(const char* p_format, ...);
static void DebugCopter(
const Matrix4& p_copter,
const Matrix4& p_destination,
const Matrix4& p_startPosition,
const Matrix4& p_endPosition,
const UnknownMx4DPointFloat& p_unk0x1f4
Act3State* m_state; // 0xf8
Act3Ammo m_pizzas[MAX_PIZZAS]; // 0xfc
Act3Ammo m_donuts[MAX_DONUTS]; // 0x217c
undefined m_unk0x41fc; // 0x41fc
Act3Cop* m_cop1; // 0x4200
Act3Cop* m_cop2; // 0x4204
Act3Brickster* m_brickster; // 0x4208
Helicopter* m_copter; // 0x420c
Act3Shark* m_shark; // 0x4210
MxFloat m_time; // 0x4214
undefined m_unk0x4218; // 0x4218
undefined m_unk0x4219; // 0x4219
undefined m_unk0x421a; // 0x421a
undefined m_unk0x421b; // 0x421b
undefined m_unk0x421c; // 0x421c
undefined m_unk0x421d; // 0x421d
undefined m_unk0x421e; // 0x421e
Act3List m_unk0x4220; // 0x4220
MxPresenter* m_helicopterDots[15]; // 0x4230
Act3Script::Script m_unk0x426c; // 0x426c
LegoGameState::Area m_destLocation; // 0x4270
// TEMPLATE: LEGO1 0x10071f10
// list<Act3ListElement,allocator<Act3ListElement> >::insert
// TEMPLATE: LEGO1 0x10071f70
// list<Act3ListElement,allocator<Act3ListElement> >::_Buynode
// TEMPLATE: LEGO1 0x10072220
// list<Act3ListElement,allocator<Act3ListElement> >::erase
// TEMPLATE: LEGO1 0x10072440
// list<Act3ListElement,allocator<Act3ListElement> >::~list<Act3ListElement,allocator<Act3ListElement> >
// TEMPLATE: LEGO1 0x100724b0
// List<Act3ListElement>::~List<Act3ListElement>
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10072650
// Act3List::~Act3List
#endif // ACT3_H