2024-05-30 15:54:24 +02:00

67 lines
2.1 KiB

#include "compat.h"
#include "mxparam.h"
#include "mxtypes.h"
class MxCore;
// Several of those should be defined in LegoOmni
enum NotificationId {
c_notificationType0 = 0,
c_notificationStartAction = 1, // 100dc210:100d8350
c_notificationEndAction = 2, // 100d8358:100d8350
c_notificationType4 = 4, // 100dc208:100d8350
c_notificationPresenter = 5,
c_notificationStreamer = 6, // 100dc760
c_notificationKeyPress = 7, // 100d6aa0
c_notificationButtonUp = 8, // 100d6aa0
c_notificationButtonDown = 9, // 100d6aa0
c_notificationMouseMove = 10, // 100d6aa0
c_notificationClick = 11, // 100d6aa0
c_notificationDragEnd = 12,
c_notificationDragStart = 13,
c_notificationDrag = 14,
c_notificationTimer = 15, // 100d6aa0
c_notificationControl = 17,
c_notificationEndAnim = 18, // 100d7e80
c_notificationType19 = 19, // 100d6230
c_notificationType20 = 20,
c_notificationNewPresenter = 21,
c_notificationType22 = 22,
c_notificationType23 = 23,
c_notificationTransitioned = 24
// VTABLE: LEGO1 0x100d56e0
// SIZE 0x0c
class MxNotificationParam : public MxParam {
inline MxNotificationParam() : m_type(c_notificationType0), m_sender(NULL) {}
inline MxNotificationParam(NotificationId p_type, MxCore* p_sender) : MxParam(), m_type(p_type), m_sender(p_sender)
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10010390
virtual MxNotificationParam* Clone() const { return new MxNotificationParam(m_type, m_sender); } // vtable+0x04
inline NotificationId GetNotification() const { return m_type; }
inline MxCore* GetSender() const { return m_sender; }
inline NotificationId GetType() const { return m_type; }
inline void SetType(NotificationId p_type) { m_type = p_type; }
inline void SetSender(MxCore* p_sender) { m_sender = p_sender; }
NotificationId m_type; // 0x04
MxCore* m_sender; // 0x08
// SYNTHETIC: LEGO1 0x10010430
// MxNotificationParam::`scalar deleting destructor'
// SYNTHETIC: LEGO1 0x100104a0
// MxNotificationParam::~MxNotificationParam