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#ifndef MXBITMAP_H
#define MXBITMAP_H
#include "mxcore.h"
#include "mxpalette.h"
#include "mxtypes.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
// The stock BITMAPINFO struct from wingdi.h only makes room for one color
// in the palette. It seems like the expectation (if you use the struct)
// is to malloc as much as you actually need, and then index into the array
// anyway even though its stated size is [1].
// https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/wingdi/ns-wingdi-bitmapinfo
// In our case, the size 0x428 is used frequently, which matches
// a 40-byte header plus 256 colors, so just use that as our template.
// SIZE 0x428
RGBQUAD m_bmiColors[256];
static MxU32 Size() { return sizeof(MxBITMAPINFO); }
// Non-standard value for biCompression in the BITMAPINFOHEADER struct.
// By default, uncompressed bitmaps (BI_RGB) are stored in bottom-up order.
// You can specify that the bitmap has top-down order instead by providing
// a negative number for biHeight. It could be that Mindscape decided on a
// belt & suspenders approach here.
#define BI_RGB_TOPDOWN 0x10
// SIZE 0x20
// VTABLE: LEGO1 0x100dc7b0
class MxBitmap : public MxCore {
~MxBitmap() override; // vtable+00
virtual MxResult ImportBitmap(MxBitmap* p_bitmap); // vtable+14
virtual MxResult ImportBitmapInfo(MxBITMAPINFO* p_info); // vtable+18
virtual MxResult SetSize(MxS32 p_width, MxS32 p_height, MxPalette* p_palette, MxBool); // vtable+1c
virtual MxResult LoadFile(HANDLE p_handle); // vtable+20
virtual MxLong Read(const char* p_filename); // vtable+24
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1004e0d0
virtual int VTable0x28(int) { return -1; } // vtable+28
virtual void BitBlt(
MxBitmap* p_src,
MxS32 p_left,
MxS32 p_top,
MxS32 p_right,
MxS32 p_bottom,
MxS32 p_width,
MxS32 p_height
); // vtable+2c
virtual void BitBltTransparent(
MxBitmap* p_src,
MxS32 p_left,
MxS32 p_top,
MxS32 p_right,
MxS32 p_bottom,
MxS32 p_width,
MxS32 p_height
); // vtable+30
virtual MxPalette* CreatePalette(); // vtable+34
virtual void ImportPalette(MxPalette* p_palette); // vtable+38
virtual MxResult SetBitDepth(MxBool); // vtable+3c
virtual MxResult StretchBits(
HDC p_hdc,
MxS32 p_xSrc,
MxS32 p_ySrc,
MxS32 p_xDest,
MxS32 p_yDest,
MxS32 p_destWidth,
MxS32 p_destHeight
); // vtable+40
// Bit mask trick to round up to the nearest multiple of four.
// Pixel data may be stored with padding.
// https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/medfound/image-stride
inline MxLong AlignToFourByte(MxLong p_value) const { return (p_value + 3) & -4; }
// Same as the one from legoutils.h, but flipped the other way
// TODO: While it's not outside the realm of possibility that they
// reimplemented Abs for only this file, that seems odd, right?
inline MxLong AbsFlipped(MxLong p_value) const { return p_value > 0 ? p_value : -p_value; }
inline BITMAPINFOHEADER* GetBmiHeader() const { return m_bmiHeader; }
inline MxLong GetBmiWidth() const { return m_bmiHeader->biWidth; }
inline MxLong GetBmiStride() const { return ((m_bmiHeader->biWidth + 3) & -4); }
inline MxLong GetBmiHeight() const { return m_bmiHeader->biHeight; }
inline MxLong GetBmiHeightAbs() const { return AbsFlipped(m_bmiHeader->biHeight); }
inline MxU8* GetImage() const { return m_data; }
inline MxBITMAPINFO* GetBitmapInfo() const { return m_info; }
inline MxLong GetDataSize() const
MxLong absHeight = GetBmiHeightAbs();
MxLong alignedWidth = AlignToFourByte(m_bmiHeader->biWidth);
return alignedWidth * absHeight;
inline MxLong GetAdjustedStride()
if (m_bmiHeader->biCompression == BI_RGB_TOPDOWN || m_bmiHeader->biHeight < 0) {
return GetBmiStride();
else {
return -GetBmiStride();
inline MxLong GetLine(MxS32 p_top)
MxS32 height;
if (m_bmiHeader->biCompression == BI_RGB_TOPDOWN || m_bmiHeader->biHeight < 0) {
height = p_top;
else {
height = GetBmiHeightAbs() - p_top - 1;
return GetBmiStride() * height;
inline MxU8* GetStart(MxS32 p_left, MxS32 p_top)
if (m_bmiHeader->biCompression == BI_RGB) {
return GetLine(p_top) + m_data + p_left;
else if (m_bmiHeader->biCompression == BI_RGB_TOPDOWN) {
return m_data;
else {
return GetLine(0) + m_data;
// SYNTHETIC: LEGO1 0x100bc9f0
// MxBitmap::`scalar deleting destructor'
MxResult ImportColorsToPalette(RGBQUAD*, MxPalette*);
MxBITMAPINFO* m_info; // 0x08
BITMAPINFOHEADER* m_bmiHeader; // 0x0c
RGBQUAD* m_paletteData; // 0x10
MxU8* m_data; // 0x14
MxBool m_isHighColor; // 0x18
MxPalette* m_palette; // 0x1c
#endif // MXBITMAP_H