mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 16:33:31 -04:00
* Refactor file names based on BETA10 * Extract LegoDeviceEnumerate to dedicated file * Fix compiler errors * Migrate contiguous block of code to `LegoDeviceEnumerate` --------- Co-authored-by: jonschz <jonschz@users.noreply.github.com>
435 lines
10 KiB
435 lines
10 KiB
#include "config.h"
#include "ConfigCommandLineInfo.h"
#include "MainDlg.h"
#include "detectdx5.h"
#include <direct.h> // _chdir
#include <mxdirectx/legodxinfo.h>
#include <mxdirectx/mxdirect3d.h>
#include <process.h> // _spawnl
DECOMP_STATIC_ASSERT(offsetof(CConfigApp, m_display_bit_depth) == 0xd0)
// FUNCTION: CONFIG 0x00402c40
#define MiB (1024 * 1024)
// FUNCTION: CONFIG 0x00402dc0
BOOL CConfigApp::InitInstance()
if (!IsLegoNotRunning()) {
return FALSE;
if (!DetectDirectX5()) {
"\"LEGO\xae Island\" is not detecting DirectX 5 or later. Please quit all other applications and try "
return FALSE;
#ifdef _AFXDLL
CConfigCommandLineInfo cmdInfo;
if (_stricmp(afxCurrentAppName, "config") == 0) {
m_run_config_dialog = TRUE;
m_device_enumerator = new LegoDeviceEnumerate;
if (m_device_enumerator->DoEnumerate()) {
return FALSE;
m_driver = NULL;
m_device = NULL;
m_full_screen = TRUE;
m_wide_view_angle = TRUE;
m_use_joystick = FALSE;
m_music = TRUE;
m_flip_surfaces = FALSE;
m_3d_video_ram = FALSE;
m_joystick_index = -1;
m_display_bit_depth = 16;
MEMORYSTATUS memory_status;
memory_status.dwLength = sizeof(memory_status);
if (memory_status.dwTotalPhys < 12 * MiB) {
m_3d_sound = FALSE;
m_model_quality = 0;
m_texture_quality = 1;
else if (memory_status.dwTotalPhys < 20 * MiB) {
m_3d_sound = FALSE;
m_model_quality = 1;
m_texture_quality = 1;
else {
m_model_quality = 2;
m_3d_sound = TRUE;
m_texture_quality = 1;
if (!m_run_config_dialog) {
delete m_device_enumerator;
m_device_enumerator = NULL;
m_driver = NULL;
m_device = NULL;
char password[256];
ReadReg("password", password, sizeof(password));
const char* exe = _stricmp("ogel", password) == 0 ? "isled.exe" : "isle.exe";
char diskpath[1024];
if (ReadReg("diskpath", diskpath, sizeof(diskpath))) {
_spawnl(_P_NOWAIT, exe, exe, "/diskstream", "/script", "\\lego\\scripts\\isle\\isle.si", NULL);
return FALSE;
CMainDialog main_dialog(NULL);
return FALSE;
// FUNCTION: CONFIG 0x00403100
BOOL CConfigApp::IsLegoNotRunning()
HWND hWnd = FindWindowA("Lego Island MainNoM App", "LEGO\xae");
if (_stricmp(afxCurrentAppName, "config") == 0 || !hWnd) {
return TRUE;
if (SetForegroundWindow(hWnd)) {
ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_RESTORE);
return FALSE;
// FUNCTION: CONFIG 0x004031b0
BOOL CConfigApp::WriteReg(const char* p_key, const char* p_value) const
HKEY hKey;
DWORD pos;
if (RegCreateKeyExA(
"SOFTWARE\\Mindscape\\LEGO Island",
if (RegSetValueExA(hKey, p_key, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE) p_value, strlen(p_value)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
if (RegCloseKey(hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
return TRUE;
else {
return FALSE;
// FUNCTION: CONFIG 0x00403240
BOOL CConfigApp::ReadReg(LPCSTR p_key, LPCSTR p_value, DWORD p_size) const
HKEY hKey;
DWORD valueType;
DWORD size = p_size;
if (RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Mindscape\\LEGO Island", 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
if (RegQueryValueExA(hKey, p_key, NULL, &valueType, (LPBYTE) p_value, &size) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
if (RegCloseKey(hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
out = TRUE;
return out;
// FUNCTION: CONFIG 0x004032b0
BOOL CConfigApp::ReadRegBool(LPCSTR p_key, BOOL* p_bool) const
char buffer[256];
BOOL read = ReadReg(p_key, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
if (read) {
if (strcmp("YES", buffer) == 0) {
*p_bool = TRUE;
return read;
if (strcmp("NO", buffer) == 0) {
*p_bool = FALSE;
return read;
read = FALSE;
return read;
// FUNCTION: CONFIG 0x00403380
BOOL CConfigApp::ReadRegInt(LPCSTR p_key, int* p_value) const
char buffer[256];
BOOL read = ReadReg(p_key, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
if (read) {
*p_value = atoi(buffer);
return read;
// FUNCTION: CONFIG 0x004033d0
BOOL CConfigApp::IsDeviceInBasicRGBMode() const
* BUG: should be:
* return !GetHardwareDeviceColorModel() && (m_device->m_HELDesc.dcmColorModel & D3DCOLOR_RGB);
return !GetHardwareDeviceColorModel() && m_device->m_HELDesc.dcmColorModel == D3DCOLOR_RGB;
// FUNCTION: CONFIG 0x00403400
D3DCOLORMODEL CConfigApp::GetHardwareDeviceColorModel() const
return m_device->m_HWDesc.dcmColorModel;
// FUNCTION: CONFIG 0x00403410
BOOL CConfigApp::IsPrimaryDriver() const
return m_driver == &m_device_enumerator->GetDriverList().front();
// FUNCTION: CONFIG 0x00403430
BOOL CConfigApp::ReadRegisterSettings()
char buffer[256];
BOOL is_modified = FALSE;
int tmp = -1;
if (ReadReg("3D Device ID", buffer, sizeof(buffer))) {
tmp = m_device_enumerator->ParseDeviceName(buffer);
if (tmp >= 0) {
tmp = m_device_enumerator->GetDevice(tmp, m_driver, m_device);
if (tmp != 0) {
is_modified = TRUE;
tmp = m_device_enumerator->FUN_1009d0d0();
m_device_enumerator->GetDevice(tmp, m_driver, m_device);
if (!ReadRegInt("Display Bit Depth", &m_display_bit_depth)) {
is_modified = TRUE;
if (!ReadRegBool("Flip Surfaces", &m_flip_surfaces)) {
is_modified = TRUE;
if (!ReadRegBool("Full Screen", &m_full_screen)) {
is_modified = TRUE;
if (!ReadRegBool("Back Buffers in Video RAM", &m_3d_video_ram)) {
is_modified = TRUE;
if (!ReadRegBool("Wide View Angle", &m_wide_view_angle)) {
is_modified = TRUE;
if (!ReadRegBool("3DSound", &m_3d_sound)) {
is_modified = TRUE;
if (!ReadRegBool("Draw Cursor", &m_draw_cursor)) {
is_modified = TRUE;
if (!ReadRegInt("Island Quality", &m_model_quality)) {
is_modified = TRUE;
if (!ReadRegInt("Island Texture", &m_texture_quality)) {
is_modified = TRUE;
if (!ReadRegBool("UseJoystick", &m_use_joystick)) {
is_modified = TRUE;
if (!ReadRegBool("Music", &m_music)) {
is_modified = TRUE;
if (!ReadRegInt("JoystickIndex", &m_joystick_index)) {
is_modified = TRUE;
return is_modified;
// FUNCTION: CONFIG 0x00403630
BOOL CConfigApp::ValidateSettings()
BOOL is_modified = FALSE;
if (!IsPrimaryDriver() && !m_full_screen) {
m_full_screen = TRUE;
is_modified = TRUE;
if (IsDeviceInBasicRGBMode()) {
if (m_3d_video_ram) {
m_3d_video_ram = FALSE;
is_modified = TRUE;
if (m_flip_surfaces) {
m_flip_surfaces = FALSE;
is_modified = TRUE;
if (m_display_bit_depth != 16) {
m_display_bit_depth = 16;
is_modified = TRUE;
if (!GetHardwareDeviceColorModel()) {
m_draw_cursor = FALSE;
is_modified = TRUE;
else {
if (!m_3d_video_ram) {
m_3d_video_ram = TRUE;
is_modified = TRUE;
if (m_full_screen && !m_flip_surfaces) {
m_flip_surfaces = TRUE;
is_modified = TRUE;
if (m_flip_surfaces) {
if (!m_3d_video_ram) {
m_3d_video_ram = TRUE;
is_modified = TRUE;
if (!m_full_screen) {
m_full_screen = TRUE;
is_modified = TRUE;
if ((m_display_bit_depth != 8 && m_display_bit_depth != 16) && (m_display_bit_depth != 0 || m_full_screen)) {
m_display_bit_depth = 8;
is_modified = TRUE;
if (m_model_quality < 0 || m_model_quality > 2) {
m_model_quality = 1;
is_modified = TRUE;
if (m_texture_quality < 0 || m_texture_quality > 1) {
m_texture_quality = 0;
is_modified = TRUE;
return is_modified;
// FUNCTION: CONFIG 0x004037a0
DWORD CConfigApp::GetConditionalDeviceRenderBitDepth() const
if (IsDeviceInBasicRGBMode()) {
return 0;
if (GetHardwareDeviceColorModel()) {
return 0;
return m_device->m_HELDesc.dwDeviceRenderBitDepth & 0x800;
// FUNCTION: CONFIG 0x004037e0
DWORD CConfigApp::GetDeviceRenderBitStatus() const
if (GetHardwareDeviceColorModel()) {
return m_device->m_HWDesc.dwDeviceRenderBitDepth & 0x400;
else {
return m_device->m_HELDesc.dwDeviceRenderBitDepth & 0x400;
// FUNCTION: CONFIG 0x00403810
BOOL CConfigApp::AdjustDisplayBitDepthBasedOnRenderStatus()
if (m_display_bit_depth == 8) {
if (GetConditionalDeviceRenderBitDepth()) {
return FALSE;
if (m_display_bit_depth == 16) {
if (GetDeviceRenderBitStatus()) {
return FALSE;
if (GetConditionalDeviceRenderBitDepth()) {
m_display_bit_depth = 8;
return TRUE;
if (GetDeviceRenderBitStatus()) {
m_display_bit_depth = 16;
return TRUE;
m_display_bit_depth = 8;
return TRUE;
// FUNCTION: CONFIG 00403890
void CConfigApp::WriteRegisterSettings() const
char buffer[128];
#define WriteRegBool(NAME, VALUE) WriteReg(NAME, VALUE ? "YES" : "NO")
#define WriteRegInt(NAME, VALUE) \
do { \
sprintf(buffer, "%d", VALUE); \
WriteReg(NAME, buffer); \
} while (0)
m_device_enumerator->FormatDeviceName(buffer, m_driver, m_device);
WriteReg("3D Device ID", buffer);
WriteReg("3D Device Name", m_device->m_deviceName);
WriteRegInt("Display Bit Depth", m_display_bit_depth);
WriteRegBool("Flip Surfaces", m_flip_surfaces);
WriteRegBool("Full Screen", m_full_screen);
WriteRegBool("Back Buffers in Video RAM", m_3d_video_ram);
WriteRegBool("Wide View Angle", m_wide_view_angle);
WriteRegBool("3DSound", m_3d_sound);
WriteRegBool("Draw Cursor", m_draw_cursor);
WriteRegInt("Island Quality", m_model_quality);
WriteRegInt("Island Texture", m_texture_quality);
WriteRegBool("UseJoystick", m_use_joystick);
WriteRegBool("Music", m_music);
WriteRegInt("JoystickIndex", m_joystick_index);
#undef WriteRegBool
#undef WriteRegInt
// FUNCTION: CONFIG 0x00403a90
int CConfigApp::ExitInstance()
if (m_device_enumerator) {
delete m_device_enumerator;
m_device_enumerator = NULL;
return CWinApp::ExitInstance();
// GLOBAL: CONFIG 0x00408e50
CConfigApp g_theApp;