mirror of
synced 2025-03-18 10:50:10 -04:00
* All of the MxVectors share an inheritance chain. MxVector4 inherits from MxVector3 which inherits from MxVector2. * They all operate on a shared `float*` data member which points to the underlying storage. * There are also MxVector3/4Data classes, which inherit from Vector3/4, but add concrete storage for the Vector data rather than just an abstract data pointer. * The same is true for MxMatrix, with there being an abstract and a concrete variant of it. * Also improve reccmp.py register matching algorithm. It previously could not recognize an effective match when a swap had to take place between two registers used on the same line. It turns out this happens a lot in floating point math code so I adjusted the implementation to break the disassembly lines on spaces rather than just linebreaks allowing the existing effective match code to handle that case too.
599 lines
20 KiB
Executable file
599 lines
20 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import base64
from capstone import *
import difflib
import struct
import subprocess
import logging
import os
import sys
import colorama
import re
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(allow_abbrev=False,
description='Recompilation Compare: compare an original EXE with a recompiled EXE + PDB.')
parser.add_argument('original', metavar='original-binary', help='The original binary')
parser.add_argument('recompiled', metavar='recompiled-binary', help='The recompiled binary')
parser.add_argument('pdb', metavar='recompiled-pdb', help='The PDB of the recompiled binary')
parser.add_argument('decomp_dir', metavar='decomp-dir', help='The decompiled source tree')
parser.add_argument('--total', '-T', metavar='<count>', help='Total number of expected functions (improves total accuracy statistic)')
parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', metavar='<offset>', help='Print assembly diff for specific function (original file\'s offset)')
parser.add_argument('--html', '-H', metavar='<file>', help='Generate searchable HTML summary of status and diffs')
parser.add_argument('--no-color', '-n', action='store_true', help='Do not color the output')
parser.add_argument('--svg', '-S', metavar='<file>', help='Generate SVG graphic of progress')
parser.add_argument('--svg-icon', metavar='icon', help='Icon to use in SVG (PNG)')
parser.add_argument('--print-rec-addr', action='store_true', help='Print addresses of recompiled functions too')
parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_const', const=logging.DEBUG, dest='loglevel', help='Print script debug information')
args = parser.parse_args()
logging.basicConfig(level=args.loglevel, format='[%(levelname)s] %(message)s')
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
verbose = None
found_verbose_target = False
if args.verbose:
verbose = int(args.verbose, 16)
except ValueError:
parser.error('invalid verbose argument')
html = args.html
plain = args.no_color
original = args.original
if not os.path.isfile(original):
parser.error('Original binary does not exist')
recomp = args.recompiled
if not os.path.isfile(recomp):
parser.error('Recompiled binary does not exist')
syms = args.pdb
if not os.path.isfile(syms):
parser.error('Symbols PDB does not exist')
source = args.decomp_dir
if not os.path.isdir(source):
parser.error('Source directory does not exist')
svg = args.svg
# Declare a class that can automatically convert virtual executable addresses
# to file addresses
class Bin:
def __init__(self, filename):
logger.debug('Parsing headers of "%s"... ', filename)
self.file = open(filename, 'rb')
#HACK: Strictly, we should be parsing the header, but we know where
# everything is in these two files so we just jump straight there
# Read ImageBase
self.imagebase, = struct.unpack('<i', self.file.read(4))
# Read .text VirtualAddress
self.textvirt, = struct.unpack('<i', self.file.read(4))
# Read .text PointerToRawData
self.textraw, = struct.unpack('<i', self.file.read(4))
logger.debug('... Parsing finished')
def __del__(self):
if self.file:
def get_addr(self, virt):
return virt - self.imagebase - self.textvirt + self.textraw
def read(self, offset, size):
return self.file.read(size)
class RecompiledInfo:
def __init__(self):
self.addr = None
self.size = None
self.name = None
self.start = None
class WinePathConverter:
def __init__(self, unix_cwd):
self.unix_cwd = unix_cwd
self.win_cwd = self._call_winepath_unix2win(self.unix_cwd)
def get_wine_path(self, unix_fn: str) -> str:
if unix_fn.startswith('./'):
return self.win_cmd + '\\' + unix_fn[2:].replace('/', '\\')
if unix_fn.startswith(self.unix_cwd):
return self.win_cwd + '\\' + unix_fn.removeprefix(self.unix_cwd).replace('/', '\\').lstrip('\\')
return self._call_winepath_unix2win(unix_fn)
def get_unix_path(self, win_fn: str) -> str:
if win_fn.startswith('.\\') or win_fn.startswith('./'):
return self.unix_cwd + '/' + win_fn[2:].replace('\\', '/')
if win_fn.startswith(self.win_cwd):
return self.unix_cwd + '/' + win_fn.removeprefix(self.win_cwd).replace('\\', '/')
return self._call_winepath_win2unix(win_fn)
def _call_winepath_unix2win(fn: str) -> str:
return subprocess.check_output(['winepath', '-w', fn], text=True).strip()
def _call_winepath_win2unix(fn: str) -> str:
return subprocess.check_output(['winepath', fn], text=True).strip()
def get_file_in_script_dir(fn):
return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])), fn)
# Declare a class that parses the output of cvdump for fast access later
class SymInfo:
funcs = {}
lines = {}
def __init__(self, pdb, file, wine_path_converter):
call = [get_file_in_script_dir('cvdump.exe'), '-l', '-s']
if wine_path_converter:
# Run cvdump through wine and convert path to Windows-friendly wine path
call.insert(0, 'wine')
logger.info('Parsing %s ...', pdb)
logger.debug('Command = %r', call)
line_dump = subprocess.check_output(call).decode('utf-8').split('\r\n')
current_section = None
logger.debug('Parsing output of cvdump.exe ...')
for i, line in enumerate(line_dump):
if line.startswith('***'):
current_section = line[4:]
if current_section == 'SYMBOLS' and 'S_GPROC32' in line:
addr = int(line[26:34], 16)
info = RecompiledInfo()
info.addr = addr + recompfile.imagebase + recompfile.textvirt
use_dbg_offs = False
if use_dbg_offs:
debug_offs = line_dump[i + 2]
debug_start = int(debug_offs[22:30], 16)
debug_end = int(debug_offs[43:], 16)
info.start = debug_start
info.size = debug_end - debug_start
info.start = 0
info.size = int(line[41:49], 16)
info.name = line[77:]
self.funcs[addr] = info
elif current_section == 'LINES' and line.startswith(' ') and not line.startswith(' '):
sourcepath = line.split()[0]
if wine_path_converter:
# Convert filename to Unix path for file compare
sourcepath = wine_path_converter.get_unix_path(sourcepath)
if sourcepath not in self.lines:
self.lines[sourcepath] = {}
j = i + 2
while True:
ll = line_dump[j].split()
if len(ll) == 0:
k = 0
while k < len(ll):
linenum = int(ll[k + 0])
address = int(ll[k + 1], 16)
if linenum not in self.lines[sourcepath]:
self.lines[sourcepath][linenum] = address
k += 2
j += 1
logger.debug('... Parsing output of cvdump.exe finished')
def get_recompiled_address(self, filename, line):
addr = None
found = False
logger.debug('Looking for %s:%d', filename, line)
for fn in self.lines:
# Sometimes a PDB is compiled with a relative path while we always have
# an absolute path. Therefore we must
if os.path.samefile(fn, filename):
filename = fn
except FileNotFoundError as e:
if filename in self.lines and line in self.lines[fn]:
addr = self.lines[fn][line]
if addr in self.funcs:
return self.funcs[addr]
logger.error('Failed to find function symbol with address: 0x%x', addr)
logger.error('Failed to find function symbol with filename and line: %s:%d', filename, line)
wine_path_converter = None
if os.name != 'nt':
wine_path_converter = WinePathConverter(source)
origfile = Bin(original)
recompfile = Bin(recomp)
syminfo = SymInfo(syms, recompfile, wine_path_converter)
md = Cs(CS_ARCH_X86, CS_MODE_32)
class OffsetPlaceholderGenerator:
def __init__(self):
self.counter = 0
self.replacements = {}
def get(self, addr):
if addr in self.replacements:
return self.replacements[addr]
self.counter += 1
replacement = '<OFFSET%d>' % self.counter
self.replacements[addr] = replacement
return replacement
def sanitize(file, placeholderGenerator, mnemonic, op_str):
op_str_is_number = False
int(op_str, 16)
op_str_is_number = True
except ValueError:
if (mnemonic == 'call' or mnemonic == 'jmp') and op_str_is_number:
# Filter out "calls" because the offsets we're not currently trying to
# match offsets. As long as there's a call in the right place, it's
# probably accurate.
op_str = placeholderGenerator.get(int(op_str, 16))
def filter_out_ptr(ptype, op_str):
ptrstr = ptype + ' ptr ['
start = op_str.index(ptrstr) + len(ptrstr)
end = op_str.index(']', start)
# This will throw ValueError if not hex
inttest = int(op_str[start:end], 16)
return op_str[0:start] + placeholderGenerator.get(inttest) + op_str[end:]
except ValueError:
return op_str
# Filter out dword ptrs where the pointer is to an offset
op_str = filter_out_ptr('dword', op_str)
op_str = filter_out_ptr('word', op_str)
op_str = filter_out_ptr('byte', op_str)
# Use heuristics to filter out any args that look like offsets
words = op_str.split(' ')
for i, word in enumerate(words):
inttest = int(word, 16)
if inttest >= file.imagebase + file.textvirt:
words[i] = placeholderGenerator.get(inttest)
except ValueError:
op_str = ' '.join(words)
return mnemonic, op_str
def parse_asm(file, addr, size):
asm = []
data = file.read(addr, size)
placeholderGenerator = OffsetPlaceholderGenerator()
for i in md.disasm(data, 0):
# Use heuristics to disregard some differences that aren't representative
# of the accuracy of a function (e.g. global offsets)
mnemonic, op_str = sanitize(file, placeholderGenerator, i.mnemonic, i.op_str)
if op_str is None:
asm.append("%s %s" % (mnemonic, op_str))
return asm
'eax', 'ebx', 'ecx', 'edx', 'edi', 'esi', 'ebp', 'esp',
'ax', 'bx', 'cx', 'dx', 'di', 'si', 'bp', 'sp',
WORDS = re.compile(r'\w+')
def get_registers(line: str):
to_replace = []
# use words regex to find all matching positions:
for match in WORDS.finditer(line):
reg = match.group(0)
if reg in REGISTER_LIST:
to_replace.append((reg, match.start()))
return to_replace
def replace_register(lines: list[str], start_line: int, reg: str, replacement: str):
for i in range(start_line, len(lines)):
lines[i] = lines[i].replace(reg, replacement)
# Is it possible to make new_asm the same as original_asm by swapping registers?
def can_resolve_register_differences(original_asm, new_asm):
# Split the ASM on spaces to get more granularity, and so
# that we don't modify the original arrays passed in.
original_asm = [part for line in original_asm for part in line.split()]
new_asm = [part for line in new_asm for part in line.split()]
# Swapping ain't gonna help if the lengths are different
if len(original_asm) != len(new_asm):
return False
# Look for the mismatching lines
for i in range(len(original_asm)):
new_line = new_asm[i]
original_line = original_asm[i]
if new_line != original_line:
# Find all the registers to replace
to_replace = get_registers(original_line)
for j in range(len(to_replace)):
(reg, reg_index) = to_replace[j]
replacing_reg = new_line[reg_index:reg_index + len(reg)]
if replacing_reg in REGISTER_LIST:
if replacing_reg != reg:
# Do a three-way swap replacing in all the subsequent lines
temp_reg = "&" * len(reg)
replace_register(new_asm, i, replacing_reg, temp_reg)
replace_register(new_asm, i, reg, replacing_reg)
replace_register(new_asm, i, temp_reg, reg)
# No replacement to do, different code, bail out
return False
# Check if the lines are now the same
for i in range(len(original_asm)):
if new_asm[i] != original_asm[i]:
return False
return True
function_count = 0
total_accuracy = 0
total_effective_accuracy = 0
htmlinsert = []
# Generate basename of original file, used in locating OFFSET lines
basename = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(original)[0])
pattern = '// OFFSET:'
for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(source):
for file in files:
srcfilename = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(subdir), file)
srcfile = open(srcfilename, 'r')
line_no = 0
while True:
line = srcfile.readline()
line_no += 1
if not line:
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith(pattern) and not line.endswith("STUB"):
par = line[len(pattern):].strip().split()
module = par[0]
if module != basename:
addr = int(par[1], 16)
# Verbose flag handling
if verbose:
if addr == verbose:
found_verbose_target = True
find_open_bracket = line
while '{' not in find_open_bracket:
find_open_bracket = srcfile.readline()
line_no += 1
recinfo = syminfo.get_recompiled_address(srcfilename, line_no)
if not recinfo:
# The effective_ratio is the ratio when ignoring differing register
# allocation vs the ratio is the true ratio.
ratio = 0.0
effective_ratio = 0.0
if recinfo.size:
origasm = parse_asm(origfile, addr + recinfo.start, recinfo.size)
recompasm = parse_asm(recompfile, recinfo.addr + recinfo.start, recinfo.size)
diff = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, origasm, recompasm)
ratio = diff.ratio()
effective_ratio = ratio
if ratio != 1.0:
# Check whether we can resolve register swaps which are actually
# perfect matches modulo compiler entropy.
if can_resolve_register_differences(origasm, recompasm):
effective_ratio = 1.0
ratio = 0
percenttext = "%.2f%%" % (effective_ratio * 100)
if not plain:
if effective_ratio == 1.0:
percenttext = colorama.Fore.GREEN + percenttext + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL
elif effective_ratio > 0.8:
percenttext = colorama.Fore.YELLOW + percenttext + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL
percenttext = colorama.Fore.RED + percenttext + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL
if effective_ratio == 1.0 and ratio != 1.0:
if plain:
percenttext += "*"
percenttext += colorama.Fore.RED + "*" + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL
if not verbose:
if args.print_rec_addr:
addrs = '%s / %s' % (hex(addr), hex(recinfo.addr))
addrs = hex(addr)
print(' %s (%s) is %s similar to the original' % (recinfo.name, addrs, percenttext))
function_count += 1
total_accuracy += ratio
total_effective_accuracy += effective_ratio
if recinfo.size:
udiff = difflib.unified_diff(origasm, recompasm, n=10)
# If verbose, print the diff for that funciton to the output
if verbose:
if effective_ratio == 1.0:
ok_text = "OK!" if plain else (colorama.Fore.GREEN + "✨ OK! ✨" + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL)
if ratio == 1.0:
print("%s: %s 100%% match.\n\n%s\n\n" %
(hex(addr), recinfo.name, ok_text))
print("%s: %s Effective 100%% match. (Differs in register allocation only)\n\n%s (still differs in register allocation)\n\n" %
(hex(addr), recinfo.name, ok_text))
for line in udiff:
if line.startswith("++") or line.startswith("@@") or line.startswith("--"):
# Skip unneeded parts of the diff for the brief view
elif line.startswith("+"):
if plain:
print(colorama.Fore.GREEN + line)
elif line.startswith("-"):
if plain:
print(colorama.Fore.RED + line)
if not plain:
print(colorama.Style.RESET_ALL, end='')
print("\n%s is only %s similar to the original, diff above" % (recinfo.name, percenttext))
# If html, record the diffs to an HTML file
if html:
escaped = '\\n'.join(udiff).replace('"', '\\"').replace('\n', '\\n').replace('<', '<').replace('>', '>')
htmlinsert.append('{address: "%s", name: "%s", matching: %s, diff: "%s"}' % (hex(addr), recinfo.name, str(effective_ratio), escaped))
except UnicodeDecodeError:
def gen_html(html, data):
templatefile = open(get_file_in_script_dir('template.html'), 'r')
if not templatefile:
print('Failed to find HTML template file, can\'t generate HTML summary')
templatedata = templatefile.read()
templatedata = templatedata.replace('/* INSERT DATA HERE */', ','.join(data), 1)
htmlfile = open(html, 'w')
if not htmlfile:
print('Failed to write to HTML file %s' % html)
def gen_svg(svg, name, icon, implemented_funcs, total_funcs, raw_accuracy):
templatefile = open(get_file_in_script_dir('template.svg'), 'r')
if not templatefile:
print('Failed to find SVG template file, can\'t generate SVG summary')
templatedata = templatefile.read()
# Replace icon
if args.svg_icon:
iconfile = open(args.svg_icon, 'rb')
templatedata = templatedata.replace('{icon}', base64.b64encode(iconfile.read()).decode('utf-8'), 1)
# Replace name
templatedata = templatedata.replace('{name}', name, 1)
# Replace implemented statistic
templatedata = templatedata.replace('{implemented}', '%.2f%% (%i/%i)' % (implemented_funcs / total_funcs * 100, implemented_funcs, total_funcs), 1)
# Replace accuracy statistic
templatedata = templatedata.replace('{accuracy}', '%.2f%%' % (raw_accuracy / implemented_funcs * 100), 1)
# Generate progress bar width
total_statistic = raw_accuracy / total_funcs
percenttemplate = '{progbar'
percentstart = templatedata.index(percenttemplate)
percentend = templatedata.index('}', percentstart)
progwidth = float(templatedata[percentstart + len(percenttemplate) + 1:percentend]) * total_statistic
templatedata = templatedata[0:percentstart] + str(progwidth) + templatedata[percentend + 1:]
# Replace percentage statistic
templatedata = templatedata.replace('{percent}', '%.2f%%' % (total_statistic * 100), 2)
svgfile = open(svg, 'w')
if not svgfile:
print('Failed to write to SVG file %s' % svg)
if html:
gen_html(html, htmlinsert)
if verbose:
if not found_verbose_target:
print('Failed to find the function with address %s' % hex(verbose))
implemented_funcs = function_count
if args.total:
function_count = int(args.total)
if function_count > 0:
print('\nTotal effective accuracy %.2f%% across %i functions (%.2f%% actual accuracy)' %
(total_effective_accuracy / function_count * 100, function_count, total_accuracy / function_count * 100))
if svg:
gen_svg(svg, os.path.basename(original), args.svg_icon, implemented_funcs, function_count, total_effective_accuracy)