Anonymous Maarten 57d5949d84
Implement some Act1State functions (#520)
* Implement some Act1State functions

* ci: push fix commits to pr

* ci fix

* Show diffs generated by clang-format

* Run clang-format

* Fix naming

* re-use _countof + add parentheses

* Fix naming

* Use MxS32

* Annotate Act1State::NamedPlane::~NamedPlane

* Apply suggestions

* Read and Write Mx3DPointFloat's

* Annotations, spacing

* Add Mx3DPointFloat copy ctor, match some functions

* Fix WriteVector3

* Adding more spacing for readability

* Use MxResult as a return type for Serialize


Co-authored-by: Christian Semmler <>
2024-02-03 02:03:52 +01:00

135 lines
3 KiB

#include "legotypes.h"
#include "mxgeometry/mxgeometry3d.h"
#include "mxstring.h"
#include <stdio.h>
// VTABLE: LEGO1 0x100d7d80
// SIZE 0x08
class LegoStorage {
enum OpenFlags {
c_read = 1,
c_write = 2,
c_text = 4
LegoStorage() : m_mode(0) {}
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10045ad0
virtual ~LegoStorage(){};
virtual LegoResult Read(void* p_buffer, LegoU32 p_size) = 0;
virtual LegoResult Write(const void* p_buffer, LegoU32 p_size) = 0;
virtual LegoResult GetPosition(LegoU32& p_position) = 0;
virtual LegoResult SetPosition(LegoU32 p_position) = 0;
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10045ae0
virtual LegoBool IsWriteMode() { return m_mode == c_write; }
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10045af0
virtual LegoBool IsReadMode() { return m_mode == c_read; }
// SYNTHETIC: LEGO1 0x10045b00
// LegoStorage::`scalar deleting destructor'
LegoU8 m_mode; // 0x04
// VTABLE: LEGO1 0x100db710
// SIZE 0x10
class LegoMemory : public LegoStorage {
LegoMemory(void* p_buffer);
LegoResult Read(void* p_buffer, LegoU32 p_size) override;
LegoResult Write(const void* p_buffer, LegoU32 p_size) override;
LegoResult GetPosition(LegoU32& p_position) override;
LegoResult SetPosition(LegoU32 p_position) override;
// SYNTHETIC: LEGO1 0x10045a80
// LegoMemory::~LegoMemory
// SYNTHETIC: LEGO1 0x100990f0
// LegoMemory::`scalar deleting destructor'
LegoU8* m_buffer; // 0x04
LegoU32 m_position; // 0x08
// VTABLE: LEGO1 0x100db730
// SIZE 0x0c
class LegoFile : public LegoStorage {
~LegoFile() override;
LegoResult Read(void* p_buffer, LegoU32 p_size) override;
LegoResult Write(const void* p_buffer, LegoU32 p_size) override;
LegoResult GetPosition(LegoU32& p_position) override;
LegoResult SetPosition(LegoU32 p_position) override;
LegoResult Open(const char* p_name, LegoU32 p_mode);
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100343d0
LegoStorage* WriteVector3(Mx3DPointFloat p_vec3)
float data = p_vec3[0];
Write(&data, sizeof(float));
data = p_vec3[1];
Write(&data, sizeof(float));
data = p_vec3[2];
Write(&data, sizeof(float));
return this;
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10034430
LegoStorage* ReadVector3(Mx3DPointFloat& p_vec3)
Read(&p_vec3[0], sizeof(float));
Read(&p_vec3[1], sizeof(float));
Read(&p_vec3[2], sizeof(float));
return this;
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10034470
LegoStorage* ReadString(MxString& p_str)
MxS16 len;
Read(&len, sizeof(MxS16));
char* text = new char[len + 1];
Read(text, len);
text[len] = '\0';
p_str = text;
delete[] text;
return this;
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10006030
LegoStorage* FUN_10006030(MxString p_str)
const char* data = p_str.GetData();
LegoU32 fullLength = strlen(data);
LegoU16 limitedLength = fullLength;
Write(&limitedLength, sizeof(limitedLength));
Write((char*) data, (LegoS16) fullLength);
return this;
// SYNTHETIC: LEGO1 0x10099230
// LegoFile::`scalar deleting destructor'
FILE* m_file; // 0x08
#endif // __LEGOSTORAGE_H