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349 lines
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349 lines
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#ifndef __LEGOANIM_H
#define __LEGOANIM_H
#include "decomp.h"
#include "misc/legostorage.h"
#include "misc/legotree.h"
class Matrix4;
// SIZE 0x08
class LegoAnimKey {
enum Flags {
c_bit1 = 0x01,
c_bit2 = 0x02,
c_bit3 = 0x04
LegoResult Read(LegoStorage* p_storage);
LegoFloat GetTime() { return m_time; }
// The different types (LegoFloat vs. MxS32) are correct according to BETA10
// FUNCTION: BETA10 0x100738a0
void SetTime(MxS32 p_time) { m_time = p_time; }
LegoU32 TestBit1() { return m_flags & c_bit1; }
LegoU32 TestBit2() { return m_flags & c_bit2; }
LegoU32 TestBit3() { return m_flags & c_bit3; }
// FUNCTION: BETA10 0x100739a0
void FUN_100739a0(MxS32 p_param)
if (p_param) {
m_flags |= c_bit1;
else {
m_flags &= ~c_bit1;
LegoU8 m_flags; // 0x00
LegoFloat m_time; // 0x04
// SIZE 0x14
class LegoTranslationKey : public LegoAnimKey {
LegoResult Read(LegoStorage* p_storage);
LegoFloat GetX() { return m_x; }
void SetX(LegoFloat p_x) { m_x = p_x; }
LegoFloat GetY() { return m_y; }
void SetY(LegoFloat p_y) { m_y = p_y; }
LegoFloat GetZ() { return m_z; }
void SetZ(LegoFloat p_z) { m_z = p_z; }
LegoFloat m_x; // 0x08
LegoFloat m_y; // 0x0c
LegoFloat m_z; // 0x10
// SIZE 0x18
class LegoRotationKey : public LegoAnimKey {
LegoResult Read(LegoStorage* p_storage);
// FUNCTION: BETA10 0x10073a00
LegoFloat GetAngle() { return m_angle; }
// FUNCTION: BETA10 0x10073a30
void SetAngle(LegoFloat p_angle) { m_angle = p_angle; }
// FUNCTION: BETA10 0x10073a60
LegoFloat GetX() { return m_x; }
// FUNCTION: BETA10 0x10073a90
void SetX(LegoFloat p_x) { m_x = p_x; }
// FUNCTION: BETA10 0x10073ac0
LegoFloat GetY() { return m_y; }
// FUNCTION: BETA10 0x10073af0
void SetY(LegoFloat p_y) { m_y = p_y; }
// FUNCTION: BETA10 0x10073b20
LegoFloat GetZ() { return m_z; }
// FUNCTION: BETA10 0x10073b50
void SetZ(LegoFloat p_z) { m_z = p_z; }
LegoFloat m_angle; // 0x08
LegoFloat m_x; // 0x0c
LegoFloat m_y; // 0x10
LegoFloat m_z; // 0x14
// SIZE 0x14
class LegoScaleKey : public LegoAnimKey {
LegoResult Read(LegoStorage* p_storage);
LegoFloat GetX() { return m_x; }
void SetX(LegoFloat p_x) { m_x = p_x; }
LegoFloat GetY() { return m_y; }
void SetY(LegoFloat p_y) { m_y = p_y; }
LegoFloat GetZ() { return m_z; }
void SetZ(LegoFloat p_z) { m_z = p_z; }
LegoFloat m_x; // 0x08
LegoFloat m_y; // 0x0c
LegoFloat m_z; // 0x10
// SIZE 0x0c
class LegoMorphKey : public LegoAnimKey {
LegoResult Read(LegoStorage* p_storage);
LegoBool GetUnknown0x08() { return m_unk0x08; }
// FUNCTION: BETA10 0x100738d0
void SetUnknown0x08(LegoBool p_unk0x08) { m_unk0x08 = p_unk0x08; }
LegoBool m_unk0x08; // 0x08
// SIZE 0x0c
class LegoUnknownKey : public LegoAnimKey {
LegoResult Read(LegoStorage* p_storage);
LegoFloat GetZ() { return m_z; }
LegoFloat m_z; // 0x08
// VTABLE: LEGO1 0x100db8c8
// SIZE 0x34
class LegoAnimNodeData : public LegoTreeNodeData {
~LegoAnimNodeData() override;
LegoResult Read(LegoStorage* p_storage) override; // vtable+0x04
LegoResult Write(LegoStorage* p_storage) override; // vtable+0x08
void SetName(LegoChar* p_name);
LegoResult CreateLocalTransform(LegoFloat p_time, Matrix4& p_matrix);
LegoBool FUN_100a0990(LegoFloat p_time);
// FUNCTION: BETA10 0x100595d0
LegoChar* GetName() { return m_name; }
// FUNCTION: BETA10 0x10073780
LegoU16 GetNumTranslationKeys() { return m_numTranslationKeys; }
// FUNCTION: BETA10 0x100737b0
LegoU16 GetNumRotationKeys() { return m_numRotationKeys; }
// FUNCTION: BETA10 0x100737e0
void SetNumRotationKeys(LegoU16 p_numRotationKeys) { m_numRotationKeys = p_numRotationKeys; }
// FUNCTION: BETA10 0x10073810
void SetRotationKeys(LegoRotationKey* p_keys)
m_rotationKeys = p_keys;
m_rotationIndex = 0;
LegoU32 GetTranslationIndex() { return m_translationIndex; }
LegoU32 GetRotationIndex() { return m_rotationIndex; }
LegoU32 GetScaleIndex() { return m_scaleIndex; }
LegoU32 GetMorphIndex() { return m_morphIndex; }
// FUNCTION: BETA10 0x1005abc0
LegoU16 GetUnknown0x20() { return m_unk0x20; }
LegoU16 GetUnknown0x22() { return m_unk0x22; }
// FUNCTION: BETA10 0x10073b80
LegoRotationKey* GetRotationKey(MxS32 index) { return &m_rotationKeys[index]; }
void SetTranslationIndex(LegoU32 p_translationIndex) { m_translationIndex = p_translationIndex; }
void SetRotationIndex(LegoU32 p_rotationIndex) { m_rotationIndex = p_rotationIndex; }
void SetScaleIndex(LegoU32 p_scaleIndex) { m_scaleIndex = p_scaleIndex; }
void SetMorphIndex(LegoU32 p_morphIndex) { m_morphIndex = p_morphIndex; }
// FUNCTION: BETA10 0x10073930
LegoMorphKey* GetMorphKeys() { return m_morphKeys; }
// FUNCTION: BETA10 0x10073960
void SetMorphKeys(LegoMorphKey* p_morphKeys)
m_morphKeys = p_morphKeys;
m_morphIndex = 0;
// FUNCTION: BETA10 0x10073900
void SetNumMorphKeys(LegoU16 p_numMorphKeys) { m_numMorphKeys = p_numMorphKeys; }
// FUNCTION: BETA10 0x10059600
void SetUnknown0x20(LegoU16 p_unk0x20) { m_unk0x20 = p_unk0x20; }
// FUNCTION: BETA10 0x1005f2e0
void SetUnknown0x22(LegoU16 p_unk0x22) { m_unk0x22 = p_unk0x22; }
LegoResult CreateLocalTransform(LegoTime p_time, Matrix4& p_matrix)
return CreateLocalTransform((LegoFloat) p_time, p_matrix);
LegoBool FUN_100a0990(LegoTime p_time) { return FUN_100a0990((LegoFloat) p_time); }
inline static void GetTranslation(
LegoU16 p_numTranslationKeys,
LegoTranslationKey* p_translationKeys,
LegoFloat p_time,
Matrix4& p_matrix,
LegoU32& p_old_index
/*inline*/ static void GetRotation(
LegoU16 p_numRotationKeys,
LegoRotationKey* p_rotationKeys,
LegoFloat p_time,
Matrix4& p_matrix,
LegoU32& p_old_index
inline static void GetScale(
LegoU16 p_numScaleKeys,
LegoScaleKey* p_scaleKeys,
LegoFloat p_time,
Matrix4& p_matrix,
LegoU32& p_old_index
inline static LegoFloat Interpolate(
LegoFloat p_time,
LegoAnimKey& p_key1,
LegoFloat p_value1,
LegoAnimKey& p_key2,
LegoFloat p_value2
inline static LegoAnimKey& GetKey(LegoU32 p_i, LegoAnimKey* p_keys, LegoU32 p_size);
static LegoU32 FindKeys(
LegoFloat p_time,
LegoU32 p_numKeys,
LegoAnimKey* p_keys,
LegoU32 p_size,
LegoU32& p_new_index,
LegoU32& p_old_index
// SYNTHETIC: LEGO1 0x1009fd80
// LegoAnimNodeData::`scalar deleting destructor'
LegoChar* m_name; // 0x04
LegoU16 m_numTranslationKeys; // 0x08
LegoU16 m_numRotationKeys; // 0x0a
LegoU16 m_numScaleKeys; // 0x0c
LegoU16 m_numMorphKeys; // 0x0e
LegoTranslationKey* m_translationKeys; // 0x10
LegoRotationKey* m_rotationKeys; // 0x14
LegoScaleKey* m_scaleKeys; // 0x18
LegoMorphKey* m_morphKeys; // 0x1c
LegoU16 m_unk0x20; // 0x20
LegoU16 m_unk0x22; // 0x22
LegoU32 m_translationIndex; // 0x24
LegoU32 m_rotationIndex; // 0x28
LegoU32 m_scaleIndex; // 0x2c
LegoU32 m_morphIndex; // 0x30
// SIZE 0x08
struct LegoAnimActorEntry {
LegoChar* m_name; // 0x00
undefined4 m_unk0x04; // 0x04
// TODO: Possibly called `LegoCameraAnim(ation)`?
// SIZE 0x24
class LegoAnimScene {
LegoResult Read(LegoStorage* p_storage);
LegoResult FUN_1009f490(LegoFloat p_time, Matrix4& p_matrix);
LegoU32 GetUnknown0x18() { return m_unk0x18; }
LegoU32 GetUnknown0x1c() { return m_unk0x1c; }
LegoU32 GetUnknown0x20() { return m_unk0x20; }
void SetUnknown0x18(LegoU32 p_unk0x18) { m_unk0x18 = p_unk0x18; }
void SetUnknown0x1c(LegoU32 p_unk0x1c) { m_unk0x1c = p_unk0x1c; }
void SetUnknown0x20(LegoU32 p_unk0x20) { m_unk0x20 = p_unk0x20; }
LegoU16 m_unk0x00; // 0x00
LegoTranslationKey* m_unk0x04; // 0x04
LegoU16 m_unk0x08; // 0x08
LegoTranslationKey* m_unk0x0c; // 0x0c
LegoU16 m_unk0x10; // 0x10
LegoUnknownKey* m_unk0x14; // 0x14
LegoU32 m_unk0x18; // 0x18
LegoU32 m_unk0x1c; // 0x1c
LegoU32 m_unk0x20; // 0x20
// VTABLE: LEGO1 0x100db8d8
// SIZE 0x18
class LegoAnim : public LegoTree {
~LegoAnim() override;
// FUNCTION: BETA10 0x100284c0
LegoTime GetDuration() { return m_duration; }
LegoU32 GetNumActors() { return m_numActors; }
LegoResult Write(LegoStorage* p_storage) override; // vtable+0x08
virtual LegoResult Read(LegoStorage* p_storage, LegoS32 p_parseScene); // vtable+0x10
const LegoChar* GetActorName(LegoU32 p_index);
undefined4 GetActorUnknown0x04(LegoU32 p_index);
// FUNCTION: BETA10 0x1005abf0
LegoAnimScene* GetCamAnim() { return m_camAnim; }
// SYNTHETIC: LEGO1 0x100a0ba0
// LegoAnim::`scalar deleting destructor'
LegoTime m_duration; // 0x08
LegoAnimActorEntry* m_actors; // 0x0c
LegoU32 m_numActors; // 0x10
LegoAnimScene* m_camAnim; // 0x14
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100a1040
LegoTreeNodeData* CreateData() override { return new LegoAnimNodeData(); } // vtable+0x0c
#endif // __LEGOANIM_H