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synced 2025-03-17 02:10:00 -04:00
* Match MxBitmap::vtable+40 (CopyColorData) It's basically a call to StretchDIBits, which copies color data for a rectangle * Name a ternary raster op * Name variable m_unk18 (m_bmiColorsProvided) Since this variable is passed to StretchDIBits, we can see what its supposed to mean. We dont have DX5 docs, but we have docs of the current day, and this as its 'iUsage': "Specifies whether the bmiColors member of the BITMAPINFO structure was provided and, if so, whether bmiColors contains explicit red, green, blue (RGB) values or indexes." The second part (about what the bmiColors contains) seems redundant, since we know this is a boolean. Source: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/wingdi/nf-wingdi-stretchdibits * MxBitmap::CreatePalette is now up to 60% * Add progress on MxBitmap::LoadFile, add the global bitmap signature, add Clone call in CreatePalette * getting closer * Implement MxBitmap::vtable18 * Got vtable18 into a better state It's progress doesn't affect the status of CopyColorData, which is back at 100%, as it makes sense the loop is a memcpy * if you want to do more of vtable18 have fun * Cleanup MxBitmap::LoadFile * Begin work on FUN_100bd450 (ImportColorsToPalette) This took a lot of time, finally I got a good understanding of it. Primarily what's left now is the loop https://hackmd.io/@KsNMFSBHTO2gxDyRIPRQ1g/H1LCVQXon * Don’t include class name in method declaration * yolo vtable38 (I can't test the build atm) I moved up ImportColorsToPalette so other functions, including this one can use it * Cleanup while i keep getting bored of matching these functions that wont match * likely malloc is an operator new * A few things for MxBitmap * new struct MxBITMAPINFO * vtable18 and ImportPalette 100% * ImportColorsToPalette improvement * Match vtable1c and vtable3c * use MxResult return types * CreatePalette - Use MxResult to track success * Define types for the bit depth That boolean is not really a boolean, its just a variable to store the bit depth as some DWORD. 0 = 256 color, 1 = High Color (16-bit). * Match MxBitmap::CreatePalette * Match LoadFile YEGYEEHEEHEHEHEHEHE3 YES THIS IS FINALLY DONE OMFG * Reorder variable placement in CreatePalette * Start vtable14 * Match MxBitmap vtable14, down to reg swap. Maybe some import function? * Name MxBitmap vtable functions --------- Co-authored-by: disinvite <disinvite@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Christian Semmler <mail@csemmler.com>
370 lines
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#include "mxbitmap.h"
#include "decomp.h"
// The way that the BITMAPFILEHEADER structure ensures the file type is by ensuring it is "BM", which is literally just 0x424d.
// Sources: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/wingdi/ns-wingdi-bitmapfileheader, DirectX Complete (1998)
// GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x10102184
undefined2 g_bitmapSignature = 0x424d;
// OFFSET: LEGO1 0x100bc980
this->m_info = NULL;
this->m_bmiHeader = NULL;
this->m_paletteData = NULL;
this->m_data = NULL;
this->m_bitDepth = LOWCOLOR;
this->m_palette = NULL;
// OFFSET: LEGO1 0x100bca10
if (this->m_info)
delete m_info;
if (this->m_data)
delete m_data;
if (this->m_palette)
delete m_palette;
// OFFSET: LEGO1 0x100bcc40
MxResult MxBitmap::ImportBitmap(MxBitmap *p_bitmap)
MxLong height;
MxResult result = FAILURE;
this->m_info = new MxBITMAPINFO;
if(this->m_info) {
height = p_bitmap->m_bmiHeader->biHeight;
if (height <= 0L) {
height = -height;
this->m_data = (LPVOID*) new MxU8[(p_bitmap->m_bmiHeader->biWidth + 3U & -4) * height];
if(this->m_data) {
memcpy(this->m_info, p_bitmap->m_info, sizeof(MxBITMAPINFO));
height = p_bitmap->m_bmiHeader->biHeight;
if (height <= 0L) {
height = -height;
memcpy(this->m_data, p_bitmap->m_data, (p_bitmap->m_bmiHeader->biWidth + 3U & -4) * height);
result = SUCCESS;
this->m_bmiHeader = &this->m_info->bmiHeader;
this->m_paletteData = this->m_info->bmiColors;
if (result != SUCCESS) {
if (this->m_info) {
delete this->m_info;
this->m_info = NULL;
if (this->m_data) {
delete this->m_data;
this->m_data = NULL;
return result;
// OFFSET: LEGO1 0x100bcba0
MxResult MxBitmap::ImportBitmapInfo(MxBITMAPINFO *p_info)
MxResult result = FAILURE;
MxLong width = p_info->bmiHeader.biWidth;
MxLong height = p_info->bmiHeader.biHeight;
// ((width + 3) & -4) clamps width to nearest 4-byte boundary
MxLong size = ((width + 3) & -4) * height;
this->m_info = new MxBITMAPINFO;
if (this->m_info) {
this->m_data = (LPVOID*) new MxU8[size];
if(this->m_data) {
memcpy(this->m_info, p_info, sizeof(MxBITMAPINFO));
this->m_bmiHeader = &this->m_info->bmiHeader;
this->m_paletteData = this->m_info->bmiColors;
result = SUCCESS;
if (result != SUCCESS) {
if (this->m_info) {
delete this->m_info;
this->m_info = NULL;
if (this->m_data) {
delete this->m_data;
this->m_data = NULL;
return result;
// OFFSET: LEGO1 0x100bd450
MxResult MxBitmap::ImportColorsToPalette(RGBQUAD* p_rgbquad, MxPalette* p_palette)
MxResult ret = FAILURE;
PALETTEENTRY entries[256];
if (p_palette) {
if (p_palette->GetEntries(entries))
return ret;
} else {
MxPalette local_pal;
if (local_pal.GetEntries(entries))
return ret;
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
p_rgbquad[i].rgbRed = entries[i].peRed;
p_rgbquad[i].rgbGreen = entries[i].peGreen;
p_rgbquad[i].rgbBlue = entries[i].peBlue;
p_rgbquad[i].rgbReserved = 0;
ret = SUCCESS;
return ret;
// OFFSET: LEGO1 0x100bcaa0
MxResult MxBitmap::SetSize(int p_width, int p_height, MxPalette *p_palette, int p_bitDepth)
MxResult ret = FAILURE;
MxLong size = ((p_width + 3) & -4) * p_height;
m_info = new MxBITMAPINFO;
if (m_info) {
m_data = (LPVOID*) new MxU8[size];
if (m_data) {
m_bmiHeader = &m_info->bmiHeader;
m_paletteData = m_info->bmiColors;
memset(&m_info->bmiHeader, 0, sizeof(m_info->bmiHeader));
m_bmiHeader->biSize = sizeof(*m_bmiHeader); // should be 40 bytes
m_bmiHeader->biWidth = p_width;
m_bmiHeader->biHeight = p_height;
m_bmiHeader->biPlanes = 1;
m_bmiHeader->biBitCount = 8;
m_bmiHeader->biCompression = 0;
m_bmiHeader->biSizeImage = size;
if (!ImportColorsToPalette(m_paletteData, p_palette)) {
if (!SetBitDepth(p_bitDepth)) {
ret = SUCCESS;
if (ret) {
if (m_info) {
delete m_info;
m_info = NULL;
if (m_data) {
delete[] m_data;
m_data = NULL;
return ret;
// OFFSET: LEGO1 0x100bcd60
MxResult MxBitmap::LoadFile(HANDLE p_handle)
BOOL ret;
LPVOID* lpBuffer;
MxLong height;
MxResult result = FAILURE;
DWORD bytesRead;
MxLong size;
ret = ReadFile(p_handle, &hdr, sizeof(hdr), &bytesRead, NULL);
if (ret && (hdr.bfType == g_bitmapSignature)) {
this->m_info = new MxBITMAPINFO;
if(this->m_info) {
ret = ReadFile(p_handle, this->m_info, sizeof(MxBITMAPINFO), &bytesRead, NULL);
if (ret && ((this->m_info->bmiHeader).biBitCount == 8)) {
size = hdr.bfSize - (sizeof(MxBITMAPINFO) + sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER));
lpBuffer = (LPVOID*) new MxU8[size];
this->m_data = lpBuffer;
if (lpBuffer) {
ret = ReadFile(p_handle, lpBuffer, size, &bytesRead, NULL);
if(ret) {
this->m_bmiHeader = &this->m_info->bmiHeader;
this->m_paletteData = this->m_info->bmiColors;
if((this->m_info->bmiHeader).biSizeImage == 0) {
height = (this->m_info->bmiHeader).biHeight;
if (height <= 0L) {
height = -height;
(this->m_info->bmiHeader).biSizeImage = ((this->m_info->bmiHeader).biWidth + 3U & -4) * height;
result = SUCCESS;
if (result != SUCCESS) {
if (this->m_info) {
delete this->m_info;
this->m_info = NULL;
if (this->m_data) {
delete this->m_data;
this->m_data = NULL;
return result;
// OFFSET: LEGO1 0x100bcd10
MxLong MxBitmap::Read(const char *p_filename)
MxResult result = FAILURE;
HANDLE handle = CreateFileA(
if (handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && !LoadFile(handle))
result = SUCCESS;
if (handle)
return result;
// OFFSET: LEGO1 0x1004e0d0
int MxBitmap::vtable28(int)
return -1;
// OFFSET: LEGO1 0x100bce70 STUB
void MxBitmap::vtable2c(int, int, int, int, int, int, int)
// OFFSET: LEGO1 0x100bd020 STUB
void MxBitmap::vtable30(int, int, int, int, int, int, int)
// OFFSET: LEGO1 0x100bd1c0
MxPalette *MxBitmap::CreatePalette()
MxBool success = FALSE;
MxPalette *palette = NULL;
switch (this->m_bitDepth) {
palette = new MxPalette(this->m_paletteData);
if (palette)
success = TRUE;
palette = this->m_palette->Clone();
if (palette)
success = TRUE;
if (!success && palette) {
delete palette;
palette = NULL;
return palette;
// OFFSET: LEGO1 0x100bd280
void MxBitmap::ImportPalette(MxPalette* p_palette)
// This is weird but it matches. Maybe m_bmiColorsProvided had more
// potential values than just true/false at some point?
switch (this->m_bitDepth) {
ImportColorsToPalette(this->m_paletteData, p_palette);
if (this->m_palette) {
delete this->m_palette;
this->m_palette = p_palette->Clone();
// OFFSET: LEGO1 0x100bd2d0
MxResult MxBitmap::SetBitDepth(MxBool p_bitDepth)
MxResult ret = FAILURE;
MxPalette *pal = NULL;
if (m_bitDepth == p_bitDepth) {
// no change: do nothing.
ret = SUCCESS;
} else {
// TODO: Another switch used for this boolean value? Is it not a bool?
switch (p_bitDepth) {
case 0:
ImportColorsToPalette(m_paletteData, m_palette);
if (m_palette)
delete m_palette;
m_palette = NULL;
case 1:
pal = NULL;
pal = new MxPalette(m_paletteData);
if (pal) {
m_palette = pal;
// TODO: what is this? zeroing out top half of palette?
MxU16 *buf = (MxU16*)m_paletteData;
for (MxU16 i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
buf[i] = i;
m_bitDepth = p_bitDepth;
ret = SUCCESS;
// If we were unsuccessful overall but did manage to alloc
// the MxPalette, free it.
if (ret && pal)
delete pal;
return ret;
// OFFSET: LEGO1 0x100bd3e0
MxResult MxBitmap::StretchBits(HDC p_hdc, int p_xSrc, int p_ySrc, int p_xDest, int p_yDest, int p_destWidth, int p_destHeight)
// Compression fix?
if ((this->m_bmiHeader->biCompression != 16) && (0 < this->m_bmiHeader->biHeight)) {
p_ySrc = (this->m_bmiHeader->biHeight - p_destHeight) - p_ySrc;
return StretchDIBits(p_hdc, p_xDest, p_yDest, p_destWidth, p_destHeight, p_xSrc, p_ySrc, p_destWidth, p_destHeight, this->m_data, (BITMAPINFO*)this->m_info, this->m_bitDepth, SRCCOPY);
} |