Anonymous Maarten 5f413165cc
Spinoff some sources to static libraries (#484)
* cmake: use imported targets for 3rd party libs

* Fix casing of skateboard.h include

* cmake: tglrl realtime viewmanager mxgeometry

* cmake: spin off some source in static libraries

* dx5 for everyone

* ci: bump actions/checkout to v4

* move LEGO1/realtime/realtimeview.cpp to lego1 because it exports symbols

* add misc library

* Add omni library

* Return of the .def's

* Remove COMPAT_CONST in MxVideoParam::MxVideoParam

* Run clang-format

* move LEGO1/realtime/realtimeview.cpp to realtime lib

* Add 3dmanager library

* Rename .def files

* Remove incorrect deps to Omni

* Remove DLL expor decls

* Remove unnecessary library dep from ROI


* Move 3dmanager lib before Omni

* Remove mxgeometry lib (`geom` is actually `lego/sources/geom`, which we don't have in our decomp yet)

* viewmanager has a dependency on realtime + fix mingw's def

* Remove Smacker::Smacker from lego1 link libraries


Co-authored-by: Christian Semmler <>
2024-01-24 21:16:29 -05:00

114 lines
4.6 KiB

#ifndef MXOMNI_H
#define MXOMNI_H
#include "mxcore.h"
#include "mxcriticalsection.h"
#include "mxstring.h"
class MxAtomId;
class MxAtomIdCounterSet;
class MxDSAction;
class MxEventManager;
class MxMusicManager;
class MxNotificationManager;
class MxNotificationParam;
class MxObjectFactory;
class MxOmniCreateParam;
class MxPresenter;
class MxSoundManager;
class MxStreamer;
class MxTickleManager;
class MxTimer;
class MxVariableTable;
class MxVideoManager;
class MxEntity;
class MxStreamController;
// VTABLE: LEGO1 0x100dc168
// SIZE 0x68
class MxOmni : public MxCore {
static void DestroyInstance();
static const char* GetCD();
static const char* GetHD();
static MxOmni* GetInstance();
static MxBool IsSound3D();
static void SetCD(const char* p_cd);
static void SetHD(const char* p_hd);
static void SetSound3D(MxBool p_use3dSound);
virtual ~MxOmni() override;
virtual MxLong Notify(MxParam& p_param) override; // vtable+04
virtual void Init(); // vtable+14
virtual MxResult Create(MxOmniCreateParam& p_param); // vtable+18
virtual void Destroy(); // vtable+1c
virtual MxResult Start(MxDSAction* p_dsAction); // vtable+20
virtual void DeleteObject(MxDSAction& p_dsAction); // vtable+24
virtual MxBool DoesEntityExist(MxDSAction& p_dsAction); // vtable+28
virtual MxResult CreatePresenter(MxStreamController* p_controller, MxDSAction& p_action); // vtable+2c
virtual MxEntity* FindWorld(const char*, MxS32, MxPresenter*); // vtable+30
virtual void NotifyCurrentEntity(MxNotificationParam* p_param); // vtable+34
virtual void StartTimer(); // vtable+38
virtual void StopTimer(); // vtable+3c
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10058a90
virtual MxBool IsTimerRunning() { return m_timerRunning; }; // vtable+40
static void SetInstance(MxOmni* p_instance);
static MxBool ActionSourceEquals(MxDSAction* p_action, const char* p_name);
HWND GetWindowHandle() const { return this->m_windowHandle; }
MxObjectFactory* GetObjectFactory() const { return this->m_objectFactory; }
MxNotificationManager* GetNotificationManager() const { return this->m_notificationManager; }
MxTickleManager* GetTickleManager() const { return this->m_tickleManager; }
MxTimer* GetTimer() const { return this->m_timer; }
MxStreamer* GetStreamer() const { return this->m_streamer; }
MxSoundManager* GetSoundManager() const { return this->m_soundManager; }
MxVideoManager* GetVideoManager() const { return this->m_videoManager; }
MxVariableTable* GetVariableTable() const { return this->m_variableTable; }
MxMusicManager* GetMusicManager() const { return this->m_musicManager; }
MxEventManager* GetEventManager() const { return this->m_eventManager; }
MxAtomIdCounterSet* GetAtomIdCounterSet() const { return this->m_atomIdCounterSet; }
MxLong HandleActionEnd(MxParam& p_param);
// SYNTHETIC: LEGO1 0x100aefd0
// MxOmni::`scalar deleting destructor'
static MxOmni* g_instance;
MxString m_mediaPath; // 0x8
HWND m_windowHandle; // 0x18
MxObjectFactory* m_objectFactory; // 0x1C
MxVariableTable* m_variableTable; // 0x20
MxTickleManager* m_tickleManager; // 0x24
MxNotificationManager* m_notificationManager; // 0x28
MxVideoManager* m_videoManager; // 0x2C
MxSoundManager* m_soundManager; // 0x30
MxMusicManager* m_musicManager; // 0x34
MxEventManager* m_eventManager; // 0x38
MxTimer* m_timer; // 0x3C
MxStreamer* m_streamer; // 0x40
MxAtomIdCounterSet* m_atomIdCounterSet; // 0x44
MxCriticalSection m_criticalsection; // 0x48
MxBool m_timerRunning; // 0x64
MxTickleManager* TickleManager();
MxTimer* Timer();
MxStreamer* Streamer();
MxSoundManager* MSoundManager();
MxVariableTable* VariableTable();
MxMusicManager* MusicManager();
MxEventManager* EventManager();
MxResult Start(MxDSAction*);
MxNotificationManager* NotificationManager();
MxVideoManager* MVideoManager();
MxAtomIdCounterSet* AtomIdCounterSet();
MxObjectFactory* ObjectFactory();
void DeleteObject(MxDSAction& p_dsAction);
#endif // MXOMNI_H