#ifndef __LEGOWEEDGE_H #define __LEGOWEEDGE_H #include "decomp.h" #include "legoedge.h" #include "misc/legotypes.h" // might be a struct with public members // VTABLE: LEGO1 0x100db7c0 // SIZE 0x0c class LegoWEEdge { public: LegoWEEdge(); virtual ~LegoWEEdge(); // vtable+0x00 virtual LegoResult VTable0x04(); // vtable+0x04 LegoU8 GetNumEdges() { return m_numEdges; } // FUNCTION: BETA10 0x1001cc30 LegoEdge** GetEdges() { return m_edges; } // TODO: The assertion at BETA10 0x10037352 suggests that this function might take a pointer instead of a reference // FUNCTION: BETA10 0x100373f0 LegoU32 IsEqual(LegoWEEdge& p_other) { return this == &p_other; } void SetEdges(LegoEdge** p_edges, LegoU8 p_numEdges) { m_edges = p_edges; m_numEdges = p_numEdges; } // SYNTHETIC: LEGO1 0x1009a570 // LegoWEEdge::`scalar deleting destructor' protected: LegoU8 m_numEdges; // 0x04 LegoEdge** m_edges; // 0x08 }; #endif // __LEGOWEEDGE_H