#include "legoomni.h" #include "gifmanager.h" #include "legoanimationmanager.h" #include "legobuildingmanager.h" #include "legogamestate.h" #include "legoinputmanager.h" #include "legoobjectfactory.h" #include "legoplantmanager.h" #include "legosoundmanager.h" #include "legounksavedatawriter.h" #include "legoutil.h" #include "legovideomanager.h" #include "legoworld.h" #include "legoworldlist.h" #include "mxactionnotificationparam.h" #include "mxautolocker.h" #include "mxbackgroundaudiomanager.h" #include "mxdsfile.h" #include "mxomnicreateflags.h" #include "mxomnicreateparam.h" #include "mxticklemanager.h" #include "mxtransitionmanager.h" // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100f451c MxAtomId* g_copterScript = NULL; // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100f4520 MxAtomId* g_dunecarScript = NULL; // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100f4524 MxAtomId* g_jetskiScript = NULL; // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100f4528 MxAtomId* g_racecarScript = NULL; // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100f452c MxAtomId* g_carraceScript = NULL; // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100f4530 MxAtomId* g_carracerScript = NULL; // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100f4534 MxAtomId* g_jetraceScript = NULL; // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100f4538 MxAtomId* g_jetracerScript = NULL; // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100f453c MxAtomId* g_isleScript = NULL; // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100f4540 MxAtomId* g_elevbottScript = NULL; // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100f4544 MxAtomId* g_infodoorScript = NULL; // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100f4548 MxAtomId* g_infomainScript = NULL; // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100f454c MxAtomId* g_infoscorScript = NULL; // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100f4550 MxAtomId* g_regbookScript = NULL; // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100f4554 MxAtomId* g_histbookScript = NULL; // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100f4558 MxAtomId* g_hospitalScript = NULL; // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100f455c MxAtomId* g_policeScript = NULL; // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100f4560 MxAtomId* g_garageScript = NULL; // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100f4564 MxAtomId* g_act2mainScript = NULL; // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100f4568 MxAtomId* g_act3Script = NULL; // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100f456c MxAtomId* g_jukeboxScript = NULL; // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100f4570 MxAtomId* g_pz5Script = NULL; // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100f4574 MxAtomId* g_introScript = NULL; // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100f4578 MxAtomId* g_testScript = NULL; // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100f457c MxAtomId* g_jukeboxwScript = NULL; // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100f4580c MxAtomId* g_sndAnimScript = NULL; // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100f4584 MxAtomId* g_creditsScript = NULL; // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100f4588 MxAtomId* g_nocdSourceName = NULL; // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100f6718 const char* g_current = "current"; // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x101020e8 void (*g_omniUserMessage)(const char*, int); // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10015700 LegoOmni* Lego() { return (LegoOmni*) MxOmni::GetInstance(); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10015710 LegoSoundManager* SoundManager() { return LegoOmni::GetInstance()->GetSoundManager(); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10015720 LegoVideoManager* VideoManager() { return LegoOmni::GetInstance()->GetVideoManager(); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10015730 MxBackgroundAudioManager* BackgroundAudioManager() { return LegoOmni::GetInstance()->GetBackgroundAudioManager(); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10015740 LegoInputManager* InputManager() { return LegoOmni::GetInstance()->GetInputManager(); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10015750 LegoControlManager* ControlManager() { return LegoOmni::GetInstance()->GetInputManager()->GetControlManager(); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10015760 LegoGameState* GameState() { return LegoOmni::GetInstance()->GetGameState(); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10015770 LegoAnimationManager* AnimationManager() { return LegoOmni::GetInstance()->GetAnimationManager(); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10015780 LegoNavController* NavController() { return LegoOmni::GetInstance()->GetNavController(); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10015790 IslePathActor* GetCurrentVehicle() { return LegoOmni::GetInstance()->GetCurrentVehicle(); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100157a0 LegoWorld* GetCurrentWorld() { return LegoOmni::GetInstance()->GetCurrentOmniWorld(); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100157e0 LegoPlantManager* PlantManager() { return LegoOmni::GetInstance()->GetLegoPlantManager(); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100157f0 LegoBuildingManager* BuildingManager() { return LegoOmni::GetInstance()->GetLegoBuildingManager(); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10015800 GifManager* GetGifManager() { return LegoOmni::GetInstance()->GetGifManager(); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100158c0 LegoEntity* FindEntityByAtomIdOrEntityId(const MxAtomId& p_atom, MxS32 p_entityid) { return LegoOmni::GetInstance()->FindByEntityIdOrAtomId(p_atom, p_entityid); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100158e0 MxDSAction& GetCurrentAction() { return LegoOmni::GetInstance()->GetCurrentAction(); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10015900 MxTransitionManager* TransitionManager() { return LegoOmni::GetInstance()->GetTransitionManager(); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10015910 void PlayMusic(MxU32 p_index) { // index is the entityid of the music in jukebox.si MxDSAction action; action.SetAtomId(*g_jukeboxScript); action.SetObjectId(p_index); LegoOmni::GetInstance()->GetBackgroundAudioManager()->PlayMusic(action, 5, 4); } // STUB: LEGO1 0x1001a700 void FUN_1001a700() { // TODO // This function seems to populate an unknown structure, and then calls 0x1001b230 } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1003dd70 LegoROI* PickROI(MxLong p_a, MxLong p_b) { return VideoManager()->Get3DManager()->GetLego3DView()->PickROI(p_a, p_b); } // STUB: LEGO1 0x1003ddc0 LegoEntity* PickEntity(MxLong, MxLong) { // TODO return NULL; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100528e0 void RegisterScripts() { g_copterScript = new MxAtomId("\\lego\\scripts\\build\\copter", LookupMode_LowerCase2); g_dunecarScript = new MxAtomId("\\lego\\scripts\\build\\dunecar", LookupMode_LowerCase2); g_jetskiScript = new MxAtomId("\\lego\\scripts\\build\\jetski", LookupMode_LowerCase2); g_racecarScript = new MxAtomId("\\lego\\scripts\\build\\racecar", LookupMode_LowerCase2); g_carraceScript = new MxAtomId("\\lego\\scripts\\race\\carrace", LookupMode_LowerCase2); g_carracerScript = new MxAtomId("\\lego\\scripts\\race\\carracer", LookupMode_LowerCase2); g_jetraceScript = new MxAtomId("\\lego\\scripts\\race\\jetrace", LookupMode_LowerCase2); g_jetracerScript = new MxAtomId("\\lego\\scripts\\race\\jetracer", LookupMode_LowerCase2); g_isleScript = new MxAtomId("\\lego\\scripts\\isle\\isle", LookupMode_LowerCase2); g_elevbottScript = new MxAtomId("\\lego\\scripts\\infocntr\\elevbott", LookupMode_LowerCase2); g_infodoorScript = new MxAtomId("\\lego\\scripts\\infocntr\\infodoor", LookupMode_LowerCase2); g_infomainScript = new MxAtomId("\\lego\\scripts\\infocntr\\infomain", LookupMode_LowerCase2); g_infoscorScript = new MxAtomId("\\lego\\scripts\\infocntr\\infoscor", LookupMode_LowerCase2); g_regbookScript = new MxAtomId("\\lego\\scripts\\infocntr\\regbook", LookupMode_LowerCase2); g_histbookScript = new MxAtomId("\\lego\\scripts\\infocntr\\histbook", LookupMode_LowerCase2); g_hospitalScript = new MxAtomId("\\lego\\scripts\\hospital\\hospital", LookupMode_LowerCase2); g_policeScript = new MxAtomId("\\lego\\scripts\\police\\police", LookupMode_LowerCase2); g_garageScript = new MxAtomId("\\lego\\scripts\\garage\\garage", LookupMode_LowerCase2); g_act2mainScript = new MxAtomId("\\lego\\scripts\\act2\\act2main", LookupMode_LowerCase2); g_act3Script = new MxAtomId("\\lego\\scripts\\act3\\act3", LookupMode_LowerCase2); g_jukeboxScript = new MxAtomId("\\lego\\scripts\\isle\\jukebox", LookupMode_LowerCase2); g_pz5Script = new MxAtomId("\\lego\\scripts\\isle\\pz5", LookupMode_LowerCase2); g_introScript = new MxAtomId("\\lego\\scripts\\intro", LookupMode_LowerCase2); g_testScript = new MxAtomId("\\lego\\scripts\\test\\test", LookupMode_LowerCase2); g_jukeboxwScript = new MxAtomId("\\lego\\scripts\\isle\\jukeboxw", LookupMode_LowerCase2); g_sndAnimScript = new MxAtomId("\\lego\\scripts\\sndanim", LookupMode_LowerCase2); g_creditsScript = new MxAtomId("\\lego\\scripts\\credits", LookupMode_LowerCase2); g_nocdSourceName = new MxAtomId("\\lego\\scripts\\nocd", LookupMode_LowerCase2); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100530c0 void UnregisterScripts() { delete g_copterScript; delete g_dunecarScript; delete g_jetskiScript; delete g_racecarScript; delete g_carraceScript; delete g_carracerScript; delete g_jetraceScript; delete g_jetracerScript; delete g_isleScript; delete g_elevbottScript; delete g_infodoorScript; delete g_infomainScript; delete g_infoscorScript; delete g_regbookScript; delete g_histbookScript; delete g_hospitalScript; delete g_policeScript; delete g_garageScript; delete g_act2mainScript; delete g_act3Script; delete g_jukeboxScript; delete g_pz5Script; delete g_introScript; delete g_testScript; delete g_jukeboxwScript; delete g_sndAnimScript; delete g_creditsScript; delete g_nocdSourceName; g_copterScript = NULL; g_dunecarScript = NULL; g_jetskiScript = NULL; g_racecarScript = NULL; g_carraceScript = NULL; g_carracerScript = NULL; g_jetraceScript = NULL; g_jetracerScript = NULL; g_isleScript = NULL; g_elevbottScript = NULL; g_infodoorScript = NULL; g_infomainScript = NULL; g_infoscorScript = NULL; g_regbookScript = NULL; g_histbookScript = NULL; g_hospitalScript = NULL; g_policeScript = NULL; g_garageScript = NULL; g_act2mainScript = NULL; g_act3Script = NULL; g_jukeboxScript = NULL; g_pz5Script = NULL; g_introScript = NULL; g_testScript = NULL; g_testScript = NULL; g_jukeboxwScript = NULL; g_sndAnimScript = NULL; g_creditsScript = NULL; g_nocdSourceName = NULL; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10053430 const char* GetNoCD_SourceName() { return g_nocdSourceName->GetInternal(); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10058a00 LegoOmni::LegoOmni() { Init(); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10058b50 LegoOmni::~LegoOmni() { Destroy(); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10058bd0 void LegoOmni::Init() { MxOmni::Init(); m_unk0x68 = 0; m_inputMgr = NULL; m_unk0x6c = 0; m_gifManager = NULL; m_worldList = NULL; m_currentWorld = NULL; m_unk0x80 = FALSE; m_currentVehicle = NULL; m_saveDataWriter = NULL; m_plantManager = NULL; m_gameState = NULL; m_animationManager = NULL; m_buildingManager = NULL; m_bkgAudioManager = NULL; m_unk0x13c = TRUE; m_transitionManager = NULL; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10058c30 void LegoOmni::Destroy() { MxAutoLocker lock(&this->m_criticalsection); m_notificationManager->Unregister(this); if (m_worldList) { delete m_worldList; m_worldList = NULL; } if (m_gameState) { delete m_gameState; m_gameState = NULL; } if (m_animationManager) { delete m_animationManager; m_animationManager = NULL; } if (m_saveDataWriter) { delete m_saveDataWriter; m_saveDataWriter = NULL; } if (m_plantManager) { delete m_plantManager; m_plantManager = NULL; } if (m_buildingManager) { delete m_buildingManager; m_buildingManager = NULL; } if (m_gifManager) { delete m_gifManager; m_gifManager = NULL; } if (m_unk0x6c) { // delete m_unk0x6c; // TODO m_unk0x6c = NULL; } if (m_inputMgr) { delete m_inputMgr; m_inputMgr = NULL; } if (m_inputMgr) { delete m_inputMgr; m_inputMgr = NULL; } // todo FUN_10046de0 if (m_bkgAudioManager) { m_bkgAudioManager->Stop(); delete m_bkgAudioManager; m_bkgAudioManager = NULL; } if (m_transitionManager) { delete m_transitionManager; m_transitionManager = NULL; } m_action.ClearAtom(); UnregisterScripts(); delete[] m_unk0x68; MxOmni::Destroy(); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10058e70 MxResult LegoOmni::Create(MxOmniCreateParam& p_param) { MxResult result = FAILURE; MxAutoLocker lock(&this->m_criticalsection); p_param.CreateFlags().CreateObjectFactory(FALSE); p_param.CreateFlags().CreateVideoManager(FALSE); p_param.CreateFlags().CreateSoundManager(FALSE); p_param.CreateFlags().CreateTickleManager(FALSE); if (!(m_tickleManager = new MxTickleManager())) return FAILURE; if (MxOmni::Create(p_param) != SUCCESS) return FAILURE; m_objectFactory = new LegoObjectFactory(); if (m_objectFactory == NULL) return FAILURE; if (m_soundManager = new LegoSoundManager()) { if (m_soundManager->Create(10, 0) != SUCCESS) { delete m_soundManager; m_soundManager = NULL; return FAILURE; } } if (m_videoManager = new LegoVideoManager()) { if (m_videoManager->Create(p_param.GetVideoParam(), 100, 0) != SUCCESS) { delete m_videoManager; m_videoManager = NULL; } } if (m_inputMgr = new LegoInputManager()) { if (m_inputMgr->Create(p_param.GetWindowHandle()) != SUCCESS) { delete m_inputMgr; m_inputMgr = NULL; } } // TODO: there are a few more classes here m_gifManager = new GifManager(); m_plantManager = new LegoPlantManager(); m_animationManager = new LegoAnimationManager(); m_buildingManager = new LegoBuildingManager(); m_gameState = new LegoGameState(); m_worldList = new LegoWorldList(); if (m_unk0x6c && m_gifManager && m_worldList && m_plantManager && m_animationManager && m_buildingManager) { // TODO: initialize a bunch of MxVariables RegisterScripts(); FUN_1001a700(); // todo: another function call. in legoomni maybe? m_bkgAudioManager = new MxBackgroundAudioManager(); if (m_bkgAudioManager != NULL) { m_transitionManager = new MxTransitionManager(); if (m_transitionManager != NULL) { if (m_transitionManager->GetDDrawSurfaceFromVideoManager() == SUCCESS) { m_notificationManager->Register(this); SetAppCursor(1); m_gameState->SetSomeEnumState(0); return SUCCESS; } } } } return FAILURE; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1005ac90 void LegoOmni::CreateInstance() { MxOmni::DestroyInstance(); MxOmni::SetInstance(new LegoOmni()); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1005ad10 LegoOmni* LegoOmni::GetInstance() { return (LegoOmni*) MxOmni::GetInstance(); } // STUB: LEGO1 0x1005af10 void LegoOmni::RemoveWorld(const MxAtomId&, MxLong) { // TODO } // STUB: LEGO1 0x1005b0c0 LegoEntity* LegoOmni::FindByEntityIdOrAtomId(const MxAtomId& p_atom, MxS32 p_entityid) { // TODO return NULL; } // STUB: LEGO1 0x1005b1d0 void LegoOmni::DeleteObject(MxDSAction& p_dsAction) { // TODO } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1005b2f0 MxEntity* LegoOmni::FindWorld(const char* p_id, MxS32 p_entityId, MxPresenter* p_presenter) { LegoWorld* foundEntity = NULL; if (strcmpi(p_id, g_current)) { foundEntity = (LegoWorld*) FindByEntityIdOrAtomId(MxAtomId(p_id, LookupMode_LowerCase2), p_entityId); } else { foundEntity = this->m_currentWorld; } if (foundEntity != NULL) { foundEntity->VTable0x58(p_presenter); } return foundEntity; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1005b3a0 void LegoOmni::NotifyCurrentEntity(MxNotificationParam* p_param) { if (m_currentWorld) NotificationManager()->Send(m_currentWorld, p_param); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1005b3c0 MxBool LegoOmni::DoesEntityExist(MxDSAction& p_dsAction) { if (MxOmni::DoesEntityExist(p_dsAction)) { if (FindByEntityIdOrAtomId(p_dsAction.GetAtomId(), p_dsAction.GetObjectId()) == NULL) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1005b400 MxS32 LegoOmni::GetCurrPathInfo(LegoPathBoundary** p_path, MxS32& p_value) { if (GetCurrentWorld() == NULL) { return -1; } return GetCurrentWorld()->GetCurrPathInfo(p_path, p_value); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1005b560 void LegoOmni::CreateBackgroundAudio() { if (m_bkgAudioManager) m_bkgAudioManager->Create(*g_jukeboxScript, 100); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1005b580 MxResult LegoOmni::Start(MxDSAction* p_dsAction) { MxResult result = MxOmni::Start(p_dsAction); this->m_action.SetAtomId(p_dsAction->GetAtomId()); this->m_action.SetObjectId(p_dsAction->GetObjectId()); this->m_action.SetUnknown24(p_dsAction->GetUnknown24()); return result; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1005b5f0 MxLong LegoOmni::Notify(MxParam& p_param) { MxBool isCD = FALSE; if (((MxNotificationParam&) p_param).GetType() == c_notificationEndAction && ((MxActionNotificationParam&) p_param).GetAction()->GetAtomId() == *g_nocdSourceName) { isCD = TRUE; } MxLong result = MxOmni::Notify(p_param); if (isCD) { // Exit the game if nocd.si ended PostMessageA(m_windowHandle, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); } return result; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1005b640 void LegoOmni::StartTimer() { MxOmni::StartTimer(); SetAppCursor(2); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1005b650 void LegoOmni::StopTimer() { MxOmni::StopTimer(); SetAppCursor(0); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100acf50 MxResult Start(MxDSAction* p_dsAction) { return MxOmni::GetInstance()->Start(p_dsAction); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100b6ff0 void MakeSourceName(char* p_output, const char* p_input) { const char* cln = strchr(p_input, ':'); if (cln) { p_input = cln + 1; } strcpy(p_output, p_input); strlwr(p_output); char* extLoc = strstr(p_output, ".si"); if (extLoc) { *extLoc = 0; } } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100b7050 MxBool KeyValueStringParse(char* p_outputValue, const char* p_key, const char* p_source) { MxBool didMatch = FALSE; MxS16 len = strlen(p_source); char* temp = new char[len + 1]; strcpy(temp, p_source); char* token = strtok(temp, ", \t\r\n:"); while (token) { len -= (strlen(token) + 1); if (strcmpi(token, p_key) == 0) { if (p_outputValue && len > 0) { char* cur = &token[strlen(p_key)]; cur++; while (*cur != ',') { if (*cur == ' ' || *cur == '\0' || *cur == '\t' || *cur == '\n' || *cur == '\r') break; *p_outputValue++ = *cur++; } *p_outputValue = '\0'; } didMatch = TRUE; break; } token = strtok(NULL, ", \t\r\n:"); } delete[] temp; return didMatch; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100b7210 void SetOmniUserMessage(void (*p_userMsg)(const char*, int)) { g_omniUserMessage = p_userMsg; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100c0280 MxDSObject* CreateStreamObject(MxDSFile* p_file, MxS16 p_ofs) { char* buf; _MMCKINFO tmpChunk; if (p_file->Seek(((MxLong*) p_file->GetBuffer())[p_ofs], 0)) { return NULL; } if (p_file->Read((MxU8*) &tmpChunk.ckid, 8) == 0 && tmpChunk.ckid == FOURCC('M', 'x', 'S', 't')) { if (p_file->Read((MxU8*) &tmpChunk.ckid, 8) == 0 && tmpChunk.ckid == FOURCC('M', 'x', 'O', 'b')) { buf = new char[tmpChunk.cksize]; if (!buf) { return NULL; } if (p_file->Read((MxU8*) buf, tmpChunk.cksize) != 0) { return NULL; } // Save a copy so we can clean up properly, because // this function will alter the pointer value. char* copy = buf; MxDSObject* obj = DeserializeDSObjectDispatch(&buf, -1); delete[] copy; return obj; } return NULL; } return NULL; }