#include "mxdirect3d.h" #include <stdio.h> // for vsprintf DECOMP_SIZE_ASSERT(MxDirect3D, 0x894); DECOMP_SIZE_ASSERT(MxDeviceModeFinder, 0xe4); DECOMP_SIZE_ASSERT(MxDeviceEnumerate, 0x198); // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1009b0a0 MxDirect3D::MxDirect3D() { this->m_pDirect3d = NULL; this->m_pDirect3dDevice = NULL; this->m_unk0x88c = NULL; this->m_pDeviceModeFinder = NULL; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1009b140 MxDirect3D::~MxDirect3D() { Destroy(); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1009b1a0 BOOL MxDirect3D::Create( HWND hWnd, BOOL fullscreen_1, BOOL surface_fullscreen, BOOL onlySystemMemory, int width, int height, int bpp, const PALETTEENTRY* pPaletteEntries, int paletteEntryCount ) { BOOL success = FALSE; BOOL ret = MxDirectDraw::Create( hWnd, fullscreen_1, surface_fullscreen, onlySystemMemory, width, height, bpp, pPaletteEntries, paletteEntryCount ); if (ret && CreateIDirect3D() && D3DSetMode()) success = TRUE; if (!success) FUN_1009d920(); return success; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1009b210 void MxDirect3D::Destroy() { if (this->m_pDirect3dDevice) { this->m_pDirect3dDevice->Release(); this->m_pDirect3dDevice = NULL; } if (this->m_pDirect3d) { this->m_pDirect3d->Release(); this->m_pDirect3d = NULL; } if (this->m_pDeviceModeFinder) { delete m_pDeviceModeFinder; this->m_pDeviceModeFinder = NULL; } // This should get deleted by MxDirectDraw::Destroy if (m_pCurrentDeviceModesList) { // delete m_pCurrentDeviceModesList; // missing? m_pCurrentDeviceModesList = NULL; } MxDirectDraw::Destroy(); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1009b290 void MxDirect3D::Clear() { if (this->m_pDirect3dDevice) { this->m_pDirect3dDevice->Release(); this->m_pDirect3dDevice = NULL; } if (this->m_pDirect3d) { this->m_pDirect3d->Release(); this->m_pDirect3d = NULL; } MxDirectDraw::DestroyButNotDirectDraw(); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1009b2d0 BOOL MxDirect3D::CreateIDirect3D() { MxResult ret = IDirect3D_QueryInterface(m_pDirectDraw, IID_IDirect3D2, (LPVOID*) &m_pDirect3d); if (ret) { Error("Creation of IDirect3D failed", ret); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } // STUB: LEGO1 0x1009b310 BOOL MxDirect3D::D3DSetMode() { // TODO // if (m_pDeviceModeFinder) Error("This device cannot support the current display mode", 0); OutputDebugString("MxDirect3D::D3DSetMode() front lock failed\n"); OutputDebugString("MxDirect3D::D3DSetMode() back lock failed\n"); return TRUE; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1009b8b0 MxDeviceModeFinder::MxDeviceModeFinder() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1009b8d0 MxDeviceModeFinder::~MxDeviceModeFinder() { if (m_deviceInfo) { delete m_deviceInfo; m_deviceInfo = NULL; } } // STUB: LEGO1 0x1009c070 BOOL MxDeviceEnumerate::FUN_1009c070() { // TODO // HRESULT ret = DirectDrawCreate(); HRESULT ret = 0; if (ret) { MxDirect3D::BuildErrorString("GetCaps failed: %s\n", EnumerateErrorToString(ret)); } // IDirect3D2_EnumDevices return TRUE; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1009c4c0 void MxDirect3D::BuildErrorString(const char* p_format, ...) { va_list args; char buf[512]; va_start(args, p_format); vsprintf(buf, p_format, args); va_end(args); OutputDebugString(buf); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1009c6c0 MxResult MxDeviceEnumerate::DoEnumerate() { // TODO: what does ECX refer to in this context? if (m_unk0x010) return FAILURE; HRESULT ret = DirectDrawEnumerate(EnumerateCallback, this); if (ret) { MxDirect3D::BuildErrorString("DirectDrawEnumerate returned error %s\n", EnumerateErrorToString(ret)); return FAILURE; } m_unk0x010 = TRUE; return SUCCESS; } // STUB: LEGO1 0x1009c710 BOOL FAR PASCAL EnumerateCallback(GUID FAR*, LPSTR, LPSTR, LPVOID) { // TODO return FALSE; } // STUB: LEGO1 0x1009c730 const char* MxDeviceEnumerate::EnumerateErrorToString(HRESULT p_error) { // TODO: This is a list of error messages, similar to the function in // MxDirectDraw, except that this one now contains the Direct3D errors. // Probably just copied from a sample file in the dx5 sdk. return ""; }