#include "mxstreamcontroller.h" #include "legoomni.h" #include "legoutil.h" #include "mxautolocker.h" #include "mxdsmultiaction.h" #include "mxdsstreamingaction.h" #include "mxnextactiondatastart.h" #include "mxstl/stlcompat.h" #include "mxstreamchunk.h" #include "mxtimer.h" DECOMP_SIZE_ASSERT(MxStreamController, 0x64) DECOMP_SIZE_ASSERT(MxNextActionDataStart, 0x14) // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100b9400 MxResult MxStreamController::VTable0x18(undefined4, undefined4) { return FAILURE; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100b9410 MxResult MxStreamController::VTable0x1c(undefined4, undefined4) { return FAILURE; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100b9420 MxDSStreamingAction* MxStreamController::VTable0x28() { return NULL; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100c0b90 MxStreamController::MxStreamController() { m_provider = NULL; m_unk0x2c = NULL; m_action0x60 = NULL; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100c1290 MxStreamController::~MxStreamController() { MxAutoLocker lock(&m_criticalSection); MxDSSubscriber* subscriber; while (m_subscriberList.PopFront(subscriber)) delete subscriber; MxDSAction* action; while (m_unk0x3c.PopFront(action)) delete action; if (m_provider) { MxStreamProvider* provider = m_provider; m_provider = NULL; provider->VTable0x20(&MxDSAction()); delete provider; } if (m_unk0x2c) { delete m_unk0x2c; m_unk0x2c = NULL; } while (m_unk0x54.PopFront(action)) delete action; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100c1520 MxResult MxStreamController::Open(const char* p_filename) { char sourceName[256]; MxAutoLocker locker(&m_criticalSection); MakeSourceName(sourceName, p_filename); this->m_atom = MxAtomId(sourceName, LookupMode_LowerCase2); return SUCCESS; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100c15d0 void MxStreamController::AddSubscriber(MxDSSubscriber* p_subscriber) { m_subscriberList.push_back(p_subscriber); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100c1620 void MxStreamController::RemoveSubscriber(MxDSSubscriber* p_subscriber) { m_subscriberList.remove(p_subscriber); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100c1690 MxResult MxStreamController::VTable0x20(MxDSAction* p_action) { MxAutoLocker locker(&m_criticalSection); MxResult result; MxU32 offset = 0; MxS32 objectId = p_action->GetObjectId(); MxStreamProvider* provider = m_provider; if ((MxS32) provider->GetLengthInDWords() > objectId) offset = provider->GetBufferForDWords()[objectId]; if (offset) result = VTable0x2c(p_action, offset); else result = FAILURE; return result; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100c1740 MxResult MxStreamController::VTable0x24(MxDSAction* p_action) { MxAutoLocker locker(&m_criticalSection); VTable0x30(p_action); m_action0x60 = m_unk0x54.Find(p_action, TRUE); if (m_action0x60 == NULL) { return FAILURE; } else { p_action->SetUnknown24(m_action0x60->GetUnknown24()); p_action->SetObjectId(m_action0x60->GetObjectId()); return FUN_100c1f00(m_action0x60); } } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100c1800 MxResult MxStreamController::FUN_100c1800(MxDSAction* p_action, MxU32 p_val) { MxNextActionDataStart* dataActionStart = new MxNextActionDataStart(p_action->GetObjectId(), p_action->GetUnknown24(), p_val); if (dataActionStart == NULL) { return FAILURE; } m_nextActionList.push_back(dataActionStart); return SUCCESS; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100c1a00 MxResult MxStreamController::FUN_100c1a00(MxDSAction* p_action, MxU32 p_offset) { if (p_action->GetUnknown24() == -1) { MxS16 newUnknown24 = -1; // These loops might be a template function in the list classes for (MxStreamListMxDSAction::iterator it = m_unk0x54.begin(); it != m_unk0x54.end(); it++) { MxDSAction* action = *it; if (action->GetObjectId() == p_action->GetObjectId()) newUnknown24 = Max(newUnknown24, action->GetUnknown24()); } if (newUnknown24 == -1) { for (MxStreamListMxDSAction::iterator it = m_unk0x3c.begin(); it != m_unk0x3c.end(); it++) { MxDSAction* action = *it; if (action->GetObjectId() == p_action->GetObjectId()) newUnknown24 = Max(newUnknown24, action->GetUnknown24()); } if (newUnknown24 == -1) { for (MxStreamListMxDSSubscriber::iterator it = m_subscriberList.begin(); it != m_subscriberList.end(); it++) { MxDSSubscriber* subscriber = *it; if (subscriber->GetObjectId() == p_action->GetObjectId()) newUnknown24 = Max(newUnknown24, subscriber->GetUnknown48()); } } } p_action->SetUnknown24(newUnknown24 + 1); } else { if (m_unk0x3c.Find(p_action, FALSE)) return FAILURE; } MxDSStreamingAction* streamingAction = new MxDSStreamingAction(*p_action, p_offset); if (!streamingAction) return FAILURE; MxU32 fileSize = m_provider->GetFileSize(); streamingAction->SetBufferOffset(fileSize * (p_offset / fileSize)); streamingAction->SetObjectId(p_action->GetObjectId()); MxLong time = Timer()->GetTime(); streamingAction->SetUnknown90(time); m_unk0x3c.push_back(streamingAction); return SUCCESS; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100c1c10 MxResult MxStreamController::VTable0x2c(MxDSAction* p_action, MxU32 p_bufferval) { MxAutoLocker locker(&m_criticalSection); if (FUN_100c1a00(p_action, p_bufferval) != SUCCESS) { return FAILURE; } return FUN_100c1800(p_action, (p_bufferval / m_provider->GetFileSize()) * m_provider->GetFileSize()); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100c1ce0 MxResult MxStreamController::VTable0x30(MxDSAction* p_action) { MxAutoLocker locker(&m_criticalSection); MxResult result = FAILURE; MxDSAction* action = m_unk0x3c.Find(p_action, TRUE); if (action != NULL) { MxNextActionDataStart* data = m_nextActionList.Find(action->GetObjectId(), action->GetUnknown24()); delete action; delete data; result = SUCCESS; } return result; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100c1da0 MxResult MxStreamController::InsertActionToList54(MxDSAction* p_action) { MxAutoLocker locker(&m_criticalSection); MxDSAction* action = p_action->Clone(); if (action == NULL) { return FAILURE; } else { m_unk0x54.push_back(action); return SUCCESS; } } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100c1e70 MxPresenter* MxStreamController::FUN_100c1e70(MxDSAction& p_action) { MxAutoLocker locker(&m_criticalSection); MxPresenter* result = NULL; if (p_action.GetObjectId() != -1) { MxDSAction* action = m_unk0x3c.Find(&p_action, FALSE); if (action != NULL) { result = action->GetUnknown28(); } } return result; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100c1f00 MxResult MxStreamController::FUN_100c1f00(MxDSAction* p_action) { MxAutoLocker lock(&m_criticalSection); MxU32 objectId = p_action->GetObjectId(); MxStreamChunk* chunk = new MxStreamChunk; if (!chunk) return FAILURE; chunk->SetFlags(MxDSChunk::Flag_Bit3); chunk->SetObjectId(objectId); if (chunk->SendChunk(m_subscriberList, FALSE, p_action->GetUnknown24()) != SUCCESS) delete chunk; if (p_action->IsA("MxDSMultiAction")) { MxDSActionList* actions = ((MxDSMultiAction*) p_action)->GetActionList(); MxDSActionListCursor cursor(actions); MxDSAction* action; while (cursor.Next(action)) { if (FUN_100c1f00(action) != SUCCESS) return FAILURE; } } return SUCCESS; } // STUB: LEGO1 0x100c20b0 MxNextActionDataStart* MxStreamController::FindNextActionDataStartFromStreamingAction(MxDSStreamingAction* p_action) { return NULL; } // STUB: LEGO1 0x100c20d0 MxBool MxStreamController::FUN_100c20d0(MxDSObject& p_obj) { // TODO return TRUE; }