// reccmp.js /* global data */ // Unwrap array of functions into a dictionary with address as the key. const dataDict = Object.fromEntries(data.map(row => [row.address, row])); function getDataByAddr(addr) { return dataDict[addr]; } // // Pure functions // function formatAsm(entries, addrOption) { const output = []; const createTh = (text) => { const th = document.createElement('th'); th.innerText = text; return th; }; const createTd = (text, className = '') => { const td = document.createElement('td'); td.innerText = text; td.className = className; return td; }; entries.forEach(obj => { // These won't all be present. You get "both" for an equal node // and orig/recomp for a diff. const { both = [], orig = [], recomp = [] } = obj; output.push(...both.map(([addr, line, recompAddr]) => { const tr = document.createElement('tr'); tr.appendChild(createTh(addr)); tr.appendChild(createTh(recompAddr)); tr.appendChild(createTd(line)); return tr; })); output.push(...orig.map(([addr, line]) => { const tr = document.createElement('tr'); tr.appendChild(createTh(addr)); tr.appendChild(createTh('')); tr.appendChild(createTd(`-${line}`, 'diffneg')); return tr; })); output.push(...recomp.map(([addr, line]) => { const tr = document.createElement('tr'); tr.appendChild(createTh('')); tr.appendChild(createTh(addr)); tr.appendChild(createTd(`+${line}`, 'diffpos')); return tr; })); }); return output; } // Special internal values to ensure this sort order for matching column: // 1. Stub // 2. Any match percentage [0.0, 1.0) // 3. Effective match // 4. Actual 100% match function matchingColAdjustment(row) { if ('stub' in row) { return -1; } if ('effective' in row) { return 1.0; } if (row.matching === 1.0) { return 1000; } return row.matching; } function getCppClass(str) { const idx = str.indexOf('::'); if (idx !== -1) { return str.slice(0, idx); } return str; } // Clamp string length to specified length and pad with ellipsis function stringTruncate(str, maxlen = 20) { str = getCppClass(str); if (str.length > maxlen) { return `${str.slice(0, maxlen)}...`; } return str; } function getMatchPercentText(row) { if ('stub' in row) { return 'stub'; } if ('effective' in row) { return '100.00%*'; } return (row.matching * 100).toFixed(2) + '%'; } function countDiffs(row) { const { diff = '' } = row; if (diff === '') { return ''; } const diffs = diff.map(([slug, subgroups]) => subgroups).flat(); const diffLength = diffs.filter(d => !('both' in d)).length; const diffWord = diffLength === 1 ? 'diff' : 'diffs'; return diffLength === 0 ? '' : `${diffLength} ${diffWord}`; } // Helper for this set/remove attribute block function setBooleanAttribute(element, attribute, value) { if (value) { element.setAttribute(attribute, ''); } else { element.removeAttribute(attribute); } } function copyToClipboard(value) { navigator.clipboard.writeText(value); } const PAGE_SIZE = 200; // // Global state // class ListingState { constructor() { this._query = ''; this._sortCol = 'address'; this._filterType = 1; this._sortDesc = false; this._hidePerfect = false; this._hideStub = false; this._showRecomp = false; this._expanded = {}; this._page = 0; this._listeners = []; this._results = []; this.updateResults(); } addListener(fn) { this._listeners.push(fn); } callListeners() { for (const fn of this._listeners) { fn(); } } isExpanded(addr) { return addr in this._expanded; } toggleExpanded(addr) { this.setExpanded(addr, !this.isExpanded(addr)); } setExpanded(addr, value) { if (value) { this._expanded[addr] = true; } else { delete this._expanded[addr]; } } updateResults() { const filterFn = this.rowFilterFn.bind(this); const sortFn = this.rowSortFn.bind(this); this._results = data.filter(filterFn).sort(sortFn); // Set _page directly to avoid double call to listeners. this._page = this.pageClamp(this.page); this.callListeners(); } pageSlice() { return this._results.slice(this.page * PAGE_SIZE, (this.page + 1) * PAGE_SIZE); } resultsCount() { return this._results.length; } pageCount() { return Math.ceil(this._results.length / PAGE_SIZE); } maxPage() { return Math.max(0, this.pageCount() - 1); } // A list showing the range of each page based on the sort column and direction. pageHeadings() { if (this._results.length === 0) { return []; } const headings = []; for (let i = 0; i < this.pageCount(); i++) { const startIdx = i * PAGE_SIZE; const endIdx = Math.min(this._results.length, ((i + 1) * PAGE_SIZE)) - 1; let start = this._results[startIdx][this.sortCol]; let end = this._results[endIdx][this.sortCol]; if (this.sortCol === 'matching') { start = getMatchPercentText(this._results[startIdx]); end = getMatchPercentText(this._results[endIdx]); } headings.push([i, stringTruncate(start), stringTruncate(end)]); } return headings; } rowFilterFn(row) { // Destructuring sets defaults for optional values from this object. const { effective = false, stub = false, diff = '', name, address, matching } = row; if (this.hidePerfect && (effective || matching >= 1)) { return false; } if (this.hideStub && stub) { return false; } if (this.query === '') { return true; } // Name/addr search if (this.filterType === 1) { return ( address.includes(this.query) || name.toLowerCase().includes(this.query) ); } // no diff for review. if (diff === '') { return false; } // special matcher for combined diff const anyLineMatch = ([addr, line]) => line.toLowerCase().trim().includes(this.query); // Flatten all diff groups for the search const diffs = diff.map(([slug, subgroups]) => subgroups).flat(); for (const subgroup of diffs) { const { both = [], orig = [], recomp = [] } = subgroup; // If search includes context if (this.filterType === 2 && both.some(anyLineMatch)) { return true; } if (orig.some(anyLineMatch) || recomp.some(anyLineMatch)) { return true; } } return false; } rowSortFn(rowA, rowB) { const valA = this.sortCol === 'matching' ? matchingColAdjustment(rowA) : rowA[this.sortCol]; const valB = this.sortCol === 'matching' ? matchingColAdjustment(rowB) : rowB[this.sortCol]; if (valA > valB) { return this.sortDesc ? -1 : 1; } else if (valA < valB) { return this.sortDesc ? 1 : -1; } return 0; } pageClamp(page) { return Math.max(0, Math.min(page, this.maxPage())); } get page() { return this._page; } set page(page) { this._page = this.pageClamp(page); this.callListeners(); } get filterType() { return parseInt(this._filterType); } set filterType(value) { value = parseInt(value); if (value >= 1 && value <= 3) { this._filterType = value; } this.updateResults(); } get query() { return this._query; } set query(value) { // Normalize search string this._query = value.toLowerCase().trim(); this.updateResults(); } get showRecomp() { return this._showRecomp; } set showRecomp(value) { // Don't sort by the recomp column we are about to hide if (!value && this.sortCol === 'recomp') { this._sortCol = 'address'; } this._showRecomp = value; this.callListeners(); } get sortCol() { return this._sortCol; } set sortCol(column) { if (column === this._sortCol) { this._sortDesc = !this._sortDesc; } else { this._sortCol = column; } this.updateResults(); } get sortDesc() { return this._sortDesc; } set sortDesc(value) { this._sortDesc = value; this.updateResults(); } get hidePerfect() { return this._hidePerfect; } set hidePerfect(value) { this._hidePerfect = value; this.updateResults(); } get hideStub() { return this._hideStub; } set hideStub(value) { this._hideStub = value; this.updateResults(); } } const appState = new ListingState(); // // Custom elements // // Sets sort indicator arrow based on element attributes. class SortIndicator extends window.HTMLElement { static observedAttributes = ['data-sort']; attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) { if (newValue === null) { // Reserve space for blank indicator so column width stays the same this.innerHTML = ' '; } else { this.innerHTML = newValue === 'asc' ? '▲' : '▼'; } } } class FuncRow extends window.HTMLElement { connectedCallback() { if (this.shadowRoot !== null) { return; } const template = document.querySelector('template#funcrow-template').content; const shadow = this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' }); shadow.appendChild(template.cloneNode(true)); shadow.querySelector(':host > div[data-col="name"]').addEventListener('click', evt => { this.dispatchEvent(new Event('name-click')); }); } get address() { return this.getAttribute('data-address'); } } class NoDiffMessage extends window.HTMLElement { connectedCallback() { if (this.shadowRoot !== null) { return; } const template = document.querySelector('template#nodiff-template').content; const shadow = this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' }); shadow.appendChild(template.cloneNode(true)); } } class CanCopy extends window.HTMLElement { connectedCallback() { if (this.shadowRoot !== null) { return; } const template = document.querySelector('template#can-copy-template').content; const shadow = this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' }); shadow.appendChild(template.cloneNode(true)); const el = shadow.querySelector('slot').assignedNodes()[0]; el.addEventListener('mouseout', evt => { this.copied = false; }); el.addEventListener('click', evt => { copyToClipboard(evt.target.textContent); this.copied = true; }); } get copied() { return this.getAttribute('copied'); } set copied(value) { if (value) { setTimeout(() => { this.copied = false; }, 2000); } setBooleanAttribute(this, 'copied', value); } } // Displays asm diff for the given @data-address value. class DiffRow extends window.HTMLElement { connectedCallback() { if (this.shadowRoot !== null) { return; } const template = document.querySelector('template#diffrow-template').content; const shadow = this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' }); shadow.appendChild(template.cloneNode(true)); } get address() { return this.getAttribute('data-address'); } set address(value) { this.setAttribute('data-address', value); } } class DiffDisplayOptions extends window.HTMLElement { static observedAttributes = ['data-option']; connectedCallback() { if (this.shadowRoot !== null) { return; } const shadow = this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' }); shadow.innerHTML = `
`; shadow.querySelectorAll('input[type=radio]').forEach(radio => { const checked = this.option === radio.getAttribute('value'); setBooleanAttribute(radio, 'checked', checked); radio.addEventListener('change', evt => (this.option = evt.target.value)); }); } set option(value) { this.setAttribute('data-option', parseInt(value)); } get option() { return this.getAttribute('data-option') ?? 1; } attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) { if (name !== 'data-option') { return; } this.dispatchEvent(new Event('change')); } } class DiffDisplay extends window.HTMLElement { static observedAttributes = ['data-option']; connectedCallback() { if (this.querySelector('diff-display-options') !== null) { return; } const optControl = new DiffDisplayOptions(); optControl.option = this.option; optControl.addEventListener('change', evt => (this.option = evt.target.option)); this.appendChild(optControl); const div = document.createElement('div'); const obj = getDataByAddr(this.address); const createHeaderLine = (text, className) => { const div = document.createElement('div'); div.textContent = text; div.className = className; return div; }; const groups = obj.diff; groups.forEach(([slug, subgroups]) => { const secondTable = document.createElement('table'); secondTable.classList.add('diffTable'); const hdr = document.createElement('div'); hdr.appendChild(createHeaderLine('---', 'diffneg')); hdr.appendChild(createHeaderLine('+++', 'diffpos')); hdr.appendChild(createHeaderLine(slug, 'diffslug')); div.appendChild(hdr); const tbody = document.createElement('tbody'); secondTable.appendChild(tbody); const diffs = formatAsm(subgroups, this.option); for (const el of diffs) { tbody.appendChild(el); } div.appendChild(secondTable); }); this.appendChild(div); } get address() { return this.getAttribute('data-address'); } set address(value) { this.setAttribute('data-address', value); } get option() { return this.getAttribute('data-option') ?? 1; } set option(value) { this.setAttribute('data-option', value); } } class ListingOptions extends window.HTMLElement { constructor() { super(); // Register to receive updates appState.addListener(() => this.onUpdate()); const input = this.querySelector('input[type=search]'); input.oninput = evt => (appState.query = evt.target.value); const hidePerf = this.querySelector('input#cbHidePerfect'); hidePerf.onchange = evt => (appState.hidePerfect = evt.target.checked); hidePerf.checked = appState.hidePerfect; const hideStub = this.querySelector('input#cbHideStub'); hideStub.onchange = evt => (appState.hideStub = evt.target.checked); hideStub.checked = appState.hideStub; const showRecomp = this.querySelector('input#cbShowRecomp'); showRecomp.onchange = evt => (appState.showRecomp = evt.target.checked); showRecomp.checked = appState.showRecomp; this.querySelector('button#pagePrev').addEventListener('click', evt => { appState.page = appState.page - 1; }); this.querySelector('button#pageNext').addEventListener('click', evt => { appState.page = appState.page + 1; }); this.querySelector('select#pageSelect').addEventListener('change', evt => { appState.page = evt.target.value; }); this.querySelectorAll('input[name=filterType]').forEach(radio => { const checked = appState.filterType === parseInt(radio.getAttribute('value')); setBooleanAttribute(radio, 'checked', checked); radio.onchange = evt => (appState.filterType = radio.getAttribute('value')); }); this.onUpdate(); } onUpdate() { // Update input placeholder based on search type this.querySelector('input[type=search]').placeholder = appState.filterType === 1 ? 'Search for offset or function name...' : 'Search for instruction...'; // Update page number and max page this.querySelector('fieldset#pageDisplay > legend').textContent = `Page ${appState.page + 1} of ${Math.max(1, appState.pageCount())}`; // Disable prev/next buttons on first/last page setBooleanAttribute(this.querySelector('button#pagePrev'), 'disabled', appState.page === 0); setBooleanAttribute(this.querySelector('button#pageNext'), 'disabled', appState.page === appState.maxPage()); // Update page select dropdown const pageSelect = this.querySelector('select#pageSelect'); setBooleanAttribute(pageSelect, 'disabled', appState.resultsCount() === 0); pageSelect.innerHTML = ''; if (appState.resultsCount() === 0) { const opt = document.createElement('option'); opt.textContent = '- no results -'; pageSelect.appendChild(opt); } else { for (const row of appState.pageHeadings()) { const opt = document.createElement('option'); opt.value = row[0]; if (appState.page === row[0]) { opt.setAttribute('selected', ''); } const [start, end] = [row[1], row[2]]; opt.textContent = `${appState.sortCol}: ${start} to ${end}`; pageSelect.appendChild(opt); } } // Update row count this.querySelector('#rowcount').textContent = `${appState.resultsCount()}`; } } // Main application. class ListingTable extends window.HTMLElement { constructor() { super(); // Register to receive updates appState.addListener(() => this.somethingChanged()); } setDiffRow(address, shouldExpand) { const tbody = this.querySelector('tbody'); const funcrow = tbody.querySelector(`func-row[data-address="${address}"]`); if (funcrow === null) { return; } const existing = tbody.querySelector(`diff-row[data-address="${address}"]`); if (existing !== null) { if (!shouldExpand) { tbody.removeChild(existing); } return; } const diffrow = document.createElement('diff-row'); diffrow.address = address; // Decide what goes inside the diff row. const obj = getDataByAddr(address); if ('stub' in obj) { const msg = document.createElement('no-diff'); const p = document.createElement('div'); p.innerText = 'Stub. No diff.'; msg.appendChild(p); diffrow.appendChild(msg); } else if (obj.diff.length === 0) { const msg = document.createElement('no-diff'); const p = document.createElement('div'); p.innerText = 'Identical function - no diff'; msg.appendChild(p); diffrow.appendChild(msg); } else { const dd = new DiffDisplay(); dd.option = '1'; dd.address = address; diffrow.appendChild(dd); } // Insert the diff row after the parent func row. tbody.insertBefore(diffrow, funcrow.nextSibling); } connectedCallback() { const thead = this.querySelector('thead'); const headers = thead.querySelectorAll('th:not([data-no-sort])'); // TODO headers.forEach(th => { const col = th.getAttribute('data-col'); if (col) { const span = th.querySelector('span'); if (span) { span.addEventListener('click', evt => { appState.sortCol = col; }); } } }); this.somethingChanged(); } somethingChanged() { // Toggle recomp/diffs column setBooleanAttribute(this.querySelector('table'), 'show-recomp', appState.showRecomp); this.querySelectorAll('func-row[data-address]').forEach(row => { setBooleanAttribute(row, 'show-recomp', appState.showRecomp); }); const thead = this.querySelector('thead'); const headers = thead.querySelectorAll('th'); // Update sort indicator headers.forEach(th => { const col = th.getAttribute('data-col'); const indicator = th.querySelector('sort-indicator'); if (indicator === null) { return; } if (appState.sortCol === col) { indicator.setAttribute('data-sort', appState.sortDesc ? 'desc' : 'asc'); } else { indicator.removeAttribute('data-sort'); } }); // Add the rows const tbody = this.querySelector('tbody'); tbody.innerHTML = ''; // ? for (const obj of appState.pageSlice()) { const row = document.createElement('func-row'); row.setAttribute('data-address', obj.address); // ? row.addEventListener('name-click', evt => { appState.toggleExpanded(obj.address); this.setDiffRow(obj.address, appState.isExpanded(obj.address)); }); setBooleanAttribute(row, 'show-recomp', appState.showRecomp); setBooleanAttribute(row, 'expanded', appState.isExpanded(row)); const items = [ ['address', obj.address], ['recomp', obj.recomp], ['name', obj.name], ['diffs', countDiffs(obj)], ['matching', getMatchPercentText(obj)] ]; items.forEach(([slotName, content]) => { const div = document.createElement('span'); div.setAttribute('slot', slotName); div.innerText = content; row.appendChild(div); }); tbody.appendChild(row); if (appState.isExpanded(obj.address)) { this.setDiffRow(obj.address, true); } } } } window.onload = () => { window.customElements.define('listing-table', ListingTable); window.customElements.define('listing-options', ListingOptions); window.customElements.define('diff-display', DiffDisplay); window.customElements.define('diff-display-options', DiffDisplayOptions); window.customElements.define('sort-indicator', SortIndicator); window.customElements.define('func-row', FuncRow); window.customElements.define('diff-row', DiffRow); window.customElements.define('no-diff', NoDiffMessage); window.customElements.define('can-copy', CanCopy); };