#include "mxdsaction.h" #include "legoutil.h" #include "mxomni.h" #include "mxtimer.h" #include #include DECOMP_SIZE_ASSERT(MxDSAction, 0x94) // GLOBAL OFFSET: LEGO1 0x10101410 MxU16 g_unkSep = TWOCC(',', ' '); // OFFSET: LEGO1 0x100ad810 MxDSAction::MxDSAction() { this->m_flags = MxDSAction::Flag_Enabled; this->m_startTime = INT_MIN; this->m_extraData = NULL; this->m_extraLength = 0; this->m_duration = INT_MIN; this->m_loopCount = -1; this->SetType(MxDSType_Action); this->m_location.Fill(FLT_MAX); this->m_direction.Fill(FLT_MAX); this->m_up.Fill(FLT_MAX); this->m_unk84 = NULL; this->m_unk88 = 0; this->m_unk8c = NULL; this->m_unkTimingField = INT_MIN; } // OFFSET: LEGO1 0x100ada80 MxDSAction::~MxDSAction() { delete[] this->m_extraData; } // OFFSET: LEGO1 0x100adaf0 void MxDSAction::CopyFrom(MxDSAction& p_dsAction) { this->SetObjectId(p_dsAction.GetObjectId()); this->m_flags = p_dsAction.m_flags; this->m_startTime = p_dsAction.m_startTime; this->m_duration = p_dsAction.m_duration; this->m_loopCount = p_dsAction.m_loopCount; this->m_location.CopyFrom(p_dsAction.m_location); this->m_direction.CopyFrom(p_dsAction.m_direction); this->m_up.CopyFrom(p_dsAction.m_up); AppendData(p_dsAction.m_extraLength, p_dsAction.m_extraData); this->m_unk84 = p_dsAction.m_unk84; this->m_unk88 = p_dsAction.m_unk88; this->m_unk8c = p_dsAction.m_unk8c; this->m_unkTimingField = p_dsAction.m_unkTimingField; } // OFFSET: LEGO1 0x100adc10 MxDSAction& MxDSAction::operator=(MxDSAction& p_dsAction) { if (this == &p_dsAction) return *this; MxDSObject::operator=(p_dsAction); this->CopyFrom(p_dsAction); return *this; } // OFFSET: LEGO1 0x100adbe0 MxU32 MxDSAction::GetSizeOnDisk() { MxU32 totalSizeOnDisk; totalSizeOnDisk = MxDSObject::GetSizeOnDisk() + 90 + this->m_extraLength; this->m_sizeOnDisk = totalSizeOnDisk - MxDSObject::GetSizeOnDisk(); return totalSizeOnDisk; } // OFFSET: LEGO1 0x100adf70 void MxDSAction::Deserialize(char** p_source, MxS16 p_unk24) { MxDSObject::Deserialize(p_source, p_unk24); GetScalar(p_source, this->m_flags); GetScalar(p_source, this->m_startTime); GetScalar(p_source, this->m_duration); GetScalar(p_source, this->m_loopCount); GetDouble(p_source, this->m_location[0]); GetDouble(p_source, this->m_location[1]); GetDouble(p_source, this->m_location[2]); GetDouble(p_source, this->m_direction[0]); GetDouble(p_source, this->m_direction[1]); GetDouble(p_source, this->m_direction[2]); GetDouble(p_source, this->m_up[0]); GetDouble(p_source, this->m_up[1]); GetDouble(p_source, this->m_up[2]); MxU16 extraLength = GetScalar((MxU16**) p_source); if (extraLength) { AppendData(extraLength, *p_source); *p_source += extraLength; } } // OFFSET: LEGO1 0x100ad940 MxLong MxDSAction::GetDuration() { return this->m_duration; } // OFFSET: LEGO1 0x100ad950 void MxDSAction::SetDuration(MxLong p_duration) { this->m_duration = p_duration; } // OFFSET: LEGO1 0x100adc40 MxDSAction* MxDSAction::Clone() { MxDSAction* clone = new MxDSAction(); if (clone) *clone = *this; return clone; } // OFFSET: LEGO1 0x100add00 void MxDSAction::MergeFrom(MxDSAction& p_dsAction) { if (p_dsAction.m_startTime != INT_MIN) this->m_startTime = p_dsAction.m_startTime; if (p_dsAction.GetDuration() != INT_MIN) this->m_duration = p_dsAction.GetDuration(); if (p_dsAction.m_loopCount != -1) this->m_loopCount = p_dsAction.m_loopCount; if (p_dsAction.m_location[0] != FLT_MAX) this->m_location[0] = p_dsAction.m_location[0]; if (p_dsAction.m_location[1] != FLT_MAX) this->m_location[1] = p_dsAction.m_location[1]; if (p_dsAction.m_location[2] != FLT_MAX) this->m_location[2] = p_dsAction.m_location[2]; if (p_dsAction.m_direction[0] != FLT_MAX) this->m_direction[0] = p_dsAction.m_direction[0]; if (p_dsAction.m_direction[1] != FLT_MAX) this->m_direction[1] = p_dsAction.m_direction[1]; if (p_dsAction.m_direction[2] != FLT_MAX) this->m_direction[2] = p_dsAction.m_up[2]; // This is correct if (p_dsAction.m_up[0] != FLT_MAX) this->m_up[0] = p_dsAction.m_up[0]; if (p_dsAction.m_up[1] != FLT_MAX) this->m_up[1] = p_dsAction.m_up[1]; if (p_dsAction.m_up[2] != FLT_MAX) this->m_up[2] = p_dsAction.m_up[2]; MxU16 extraLength = p_dsAction.m_extraLength; char* extraData = p_dsAction.m_extraData; // Taking those references forces the compiler to move the values onto the stack. // The original code most likely looked different, but this yields a 100% match. MxU16& _extraLength = extraLength; char*& _extraData = extraData; if (extraLength && extraData) { if (!this->m_extraData || !strncmp("XXX", this->m_extraData, 3)) { delete[] this->m_extraData; this->m_extraLength = 0; AppendData(extraLength, extraData); } } } // OFFSET: LEGO1 0x100ad960 MxBool MxDSAction::HasId(MxU32 p_objectId) { return this->GetObjectId() == p_objectId; } // OFFSET: LEGO1 0x100ada40 void MxDSAction::SetUnkTimingField(MxLong p_unkTimingField) { this->m_unkTimingField = p_unkTimingField; } // OFFSET: LEGO1 0x100ada50 MxLong MxDSAction::GetUnkTimingField() { return this->m_unkTimingField; } // OFFSET: LEGO1 0x100adcd0 MxLong MxDSAction::GetElapsedTime() { return Timer()->GetTime() - this->m_unkTimingField; } // OFFSET: LEGO1 0x100ade60 void MxDSAction::AppendData(MxU16 p_extraLength, const char* p_extraData) { if (this->m_extraData == p_extraData || !p_extraData) return; if (this->m_extraLength) { char* concat = new char[p_extraLength + this->m_extraLength + sizeof(g_unkSep)]; memcpy(concat, this->m_extraData, this->m_extraLength); *(MxU16*) &concat[this->m_extraLength] = g_unkSep; memcpy(&concat[this->m_extraLength + sizeof(g_unkSep)], p_extraData, p_extraLength); this->m_extraLength += p_extraLength + sizeof(g_unkSep); delete[] this->m_extraData; this->m_extraData = concat; } else { char* copy = new char[p_extraLength]; this->m_extraData = copy; if (copy) { this->m_extraLength = p_extraLength; memcpy(copy, p_extraData, p_extraLength); } } }