#include "legoanim.h" #include "mxgeometry/mxmatrix.h" #include DECOMP_SIZE_ASSERT(LegoAnimKey, 0x08) DECOMP_SIZE_ASSERT(LegoTranslationKey, 0x14) DECOMP_SIZE_ASSERT(LegoRotationKey, 0x18) DECOMP_SIZE_ASSERT(LegoScaleKey, 0x14) DECOMP_SIZE_ASSERT(LegoMorphKey, 0x0c) DECOMP_SIZE_ASSERT(LegoUnknownKey, 0x0c) DECOMP_SIZE_ASSERT(LegoAnimNodeData, 0x34) DECOMP_SIZE_ASSERT(LegoAnimActorEntry, 0x08) DECOMP_SIZE_ASSERT(LegoAnimScene, 0x24) DECOMP_SIZE_ASSERT(LegoAnim, 0x18) // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1009f000 LegoUnknownKey::LegoUnknownKey() { m_z = 0.0f; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1009f020 LegoResult LegoUnknownKey::Read(LegoStorage* p_storage) { LegoResult result; if ((result = LegoAnimKey::Read(p_storage)) != SUCCESS) { return result; } result = p_storage->Read(&m_z, sizeof(m_z)); return result == SUCCESS ? SUCCESS : result; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1009f0a0 LegoAnimScene::LegoAnimScene() { m_unk0x00 = 0; m_unk0x04 = NULL; m_unk0x08 = 0; m_unk0x0c = NULL; m_unk0x10 = 0; m_unk0x14 = NULL; m_unk0x18 = 0; m_unk0x1c = 0; m_unk0x20 = 0; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1009f0d0 LegoAnimScene::~LegoAnimScene() { if (m_unk0x04 != NULL) { delete[] m_unk0x04; m_unk0x04 = NULL; } if (m_unk0x0c != NULL) { delete[] m_unk0x0c; m_unk0x0c = NULL; } if (m_unk0x14 != NULL) { delete[] m_unk0x14; m_unk0x14 = NULL; } } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1009f200 LegoResult LegoAnimScene::Read(LegoStorage* p_storage) { LegoResult result; LegoS32 i; if ((result = p_storage->Read(&m_unk0x00, sizeof(m_unk0x00))) != SUCCESS) { return result; } if (m_unk0x00) { m_unk0x04 = new LegoTranslationKey[m_unk0x00]; for (i = 0; i < m_unk0x00; i++) { if ((result = m_unk0x04[i].Read(p_storage)) != SUCCESS) { goto done; } } } if ((result = p_storage->Read(&m_unk0x08, sizeof(m_unk0x08))) != SUCCESS) { return result; } if (m_unk0x08) { m_unk0x0c = new LegoTranslationKey[m_unk0x08]; for (i = 0; i < m_unk0x08; i++) { if ((result = m_unk0x0c[i].Read(p_storage)) != SUCCESS) { goto done; } } } if ((result = p_storage->Read(&m_unk0x10, sizeof(m_unk0x10))) != SUCCESS) { return result; } if (m_unk0x10) { m_unk0x14 = new LegoUnknownKey[m_unk0x10]; for (i = 0; i < m_unk0x10; i++) { if ((result = m_unk0x14[i].Read(p_storage)) != SUCCESS) { goto done; } } } return SUCCESS; done: if (m_unk0x04 != NULL) { delete[] m_unk0x04; m_unk0x00 = 0; m_unk0x04 = NULL; } if (m_unk0x0c != NULL) { delete[] m_unk0x0c; m_unk0x08 = 0; m_unk0x0c = NULL; } if (m_unk0x14 != NULL) { delete[] m_unk0x14; m_unk0x10 = 0; m_unk0x14 = NULL; } return result; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1009f490 // FUNCTION: BETA10 0x10181a83 LegoResult LegoAnimScene::FUN_1009f490(LegoFloat p_time, Matrix4& p_matrix) { MxMatrix localb0; MxMatrix local4c; Vector3 local5c(localb0[0]); Vector3 local68(localb0[1]); Vector3 local54(localb0[2]); Vector3 localb8(localb0[3]); Mx3DPointFloat localcc; localb0.SetIdentity(); LegoU32 local60; if (m_unk0x08 != 0) { local60 = GetUnknown0x18(); LegoAnimNodeData::GetTranslation(m_unk0x08, m_unk0x0c, p_time, localb0, local60); SetUnknown0x18(local60); localcc = localb8; localb8.Clear(); } if (m_unk0x00 != 0) { local60 = GetUnknown0x1c(); LegoAnimNodeData::GetTranslation(m_unk0x00, m_unk0x04, p_time, localb0, local60); SetUnknown0x1c(local60); } local54 = localcc; local54 -= localb8; if (local54.Unitize() == 0) { local5c.EqualsCross(&local68, &local54); if (local5c.Unitize() == 0) { local68.EqualsCross(&local54, &local5c); localcc = p_matrix[3]; localcc += localb0[3]; p_matrix[3][0] = p_matrix[3][1] = p_matrix[3][2] = localb0[3][0] = localb0[3][1] = localb0[3][2] = 0; if (m_unk0x10 != 0) { LegoU32 locald0 = -1; LegoU32 locald8; locald0 = GetUnknown0x20(); LegoU32 localdc = LegoAnimNodeData::FindKeys(p_time, m_unk0x10, m_unk0x14, sizeof(*m_unk0x14), locald8, locald0); SetUnknown0x20(locald0); switch (localdc) { case 1: p_matrix.RotateZ(m_unk0x14[locald8].GetZ()); break; case 2: // Seems to be unused LegoFloat z = LegoAnimNodeData::Interpolate( p_time, m_unk0x14[locald8], m_unk0x14[locald8].GetZ(), m_unk0x14[locald8 + 1], m_unk0x14[locald8 + 1].GetZ() ); p_matrix.RotateZ(m_unk0x14[locald8].GetZ()); break; } } local4c = p_matrix; p_matrix.Product(local4c.GetData(), localb0.GetData()); p_matrix[3][0] = localcc[0]; p_matrix[3][1] = localcc[1]; p_matrix[3][2] = localcc[2]; } } return SUCCESS; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1009f900 // FUNCTION: BETA10 0x1017df90 LegoAnimKey::LegoAnimKey() { m_time = 0; m_flags = 0; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1009f910 LegoResult LegoAnimKey::Read(LegoStorage* p_storage) { LegoResult result; LegoS32 und; if ((result = p_storage->Read(&und, sizeof(und))) != SUCCESS) { return result; } m_flags = (LegoU32) und >> 24; m_time = und & 0xffffff; return SUCCESS; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1009f990 LegoTranslationKey::LegoTranslationKey() { m_x = 0.0F; m_y = 0.0F; m_z = 0.0F; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1009f9b0 LegoResult LegoTranslationKey::Read(LegoStorage* p_storage) { LegoResult result; if ((result = LegoAnimKey::Read(p_storage)) != SUCCESS) { return result; } if ((result = p_storage->Read(&m_x, sizeof(m_x))) != SUCCESS) { return result; } if ((result = p_storage->Read(&m_y, sizeof(m_y))) != SUCCESS) { return result; } if ((result = p_storage->Read(&m_z, sizeof(m_z))) != SUCCESS) { return result; } if (m_x > 1e-05F || m_x < -1e-05F || m_y > 1e-05F || m_y < -1e-05F || m_z > 1e-05F || m_z < -1e-05F) { m_flags |= c_bit1; } return SUCCESS; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1009faa0 // FUNCTION: BETA10 0x1017e2b3 LegoRotationKey::LegoRotationKey() { m_angle = 1.0F; m_x = 0.0F; m_y = 0.0F; m_z = 0.0F; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1009fac0 LegoResult LegoRotationKey::Read(LegoStorage* p_storage) { LegoResult result; if ((result = LegoAnimKey::Read(p_storage)) != SUCCESS) { return result; } if ((result = p_storage->Read(&m_angle, sizeof(m_angle))) != SUCCESS) { return result; } if ((result = p_storage->Read(&m_x, sizeof(m_x))) != SUCCESS) { return result; } if ((result = p_storage->Read(&m_y, sizeof(m_y))) != SUCCESS) { return result; } if ((result = p_storage->Read(&m_z, sizeof(m_z))) != SUCCESS) { return result; } if (m_angle != 1.0F) { m_flags |= c_bit1; } return SUCCESS; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1009fba0 LegoScaleKey::LegoScaleKey() { m_x = 1.0F; m_y = 1.0F; m_z = 1.0F; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1009fbc0 LegoResult LegoScaleKey::Read(LegoStorage* p_storage) { LegoResult result; if ((result = LegoAnimKey::Read(p_storage)) != SUCCESS) { return result; } if ((result = p_storage->Read(&m_x, sizeof(m_x))) != SUCCESS) { return result; } if ((result = p_storage->Read(&m_y, sizeof(m_y))) != SUCCESS) { return result; } if ((result = p_storage->Read(&m_z, sizeof(m_z))) != SUCCESS) { return result; } if (m_x > 1.00001 || m_x < 0.99999 || m_y > 1.00001 || m_y < 0.99999 || m_z > 1.00001 || m_z < 0.99999) { m_flags |= c_bit1; } return SUCCESS; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1009fcf0 // FUNCTION: BETA10 0x1017e71a LegoAnimNodeData::LegoAnimNodeData() { m_numTranslationKeys = 0; m_numRotationKeys = 0; m_numScaleKeys = 0; m_numMorphKeys = 0; m_name = NULL; m_translationKeys = NULL; m_unk0x20 = 0; m_rotationKeys = NULL; m_unk0x22 = 0; m_scaleKeys = NULL; m_morphKeys = NULL; m_translationIndex = 0; m_rotationIndex = 0; m_scaleIndex = 0; m_morphIndex = 0; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1009fda0 LegoAnimNodeData::~LegoAnimNodeData() { if (m_name) { delete[] m_name; } if (m_translationKeys) { delete[] m_translationKeys; } if (m_rotationKeys) { delete[] m_rotationKeys; } if (m_scaleKeys) { delete[] m_scaleKeys; } if (m_morphKeys) { delete[] m_morphKeys; } } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1009fe60 LegoResult LegoAnimNodeData::Read(LegoStorage* p_storage) { LegoResult result; LegoU32 length; if ((result = p_storage->Read(&length, sizeof(length))) != SUCCESS) { return result; } if (m_name) { delete[] m_name; m_name = NULL; } if (length) { m_name = new LegoChar[length + 1]; if ((result = p_storage->Read(m_name, length)) != SUCCESS) { return result; } m_name[length] = '\0'; } LegoU32 i; if ((result = p_storage->Read(&m_numTranslationKeys, sizeof(m_numTranslationKeys))) != SUCCESS) { return result; } if (m_translationKeys) { delete[] m_translationKeys; m_translationKeys = NULL; } if (m_numTranslationKeys) { m_translationKeys = new LegoTranslationKey[m_numTranslationKeys]; for (i = 0; i < m_numTranslationKeys; i++) { if ((result = m_translationKeys[i].Read(p_storage)) != SUCCESS) { return result; } } } if ((result = p_storage->Read(&m_numRotationKeys, sizeof(m_numRotationKeys))) != SUCCESS) { return result; } if (m_rotationKeys) { delete[] m_rotationKeys; m_rotationKeys = NULL; } if (m_numRotationKeys) { m_rotationKeys = new LegoRotationKey[m_numRotationKeys]; for (i = 0; i < m_numRotationKeys; i++) { if ((result = m_rotationKeys[i].Read(p_storage)) != SUCCESS) { return result; } } } if ((result = p_storage->Read(&m_numScaleKeys, sizeof(m_numScaleKeys))) != SUCCESS) { return result; } if (m_scaleKeys) { delete[] m_scaleKeys; m_scaleKeys = NULL; } if (m_numScaleKeys) { m_scaleKeys = new LegoScaleKey[m_numScaleKeys]; for (i = 0; i < m_numScaleKeys; i++) { if ((result = m_scaleKeys[i].Read(p_storage)) != SUCCESS) { return result; } } } if ((result = p_storage->Read(&m_numMorphKeys, sizeof(m_numMorphKeys))) != SUCCESS) { return result; } if (m_morphKeys) { delete[] m_morphKeys; m_morphKeys = NULL; } if (m_numMorphKeys) { m_morphKeys = new LegoMorphKey[m_numMorphKeys]; for (i = 0; i < m_numMorphKeys; i++) { if ((result = m_morphKeys[i].Read(p_storage)) != SUCCESS) { return result; } } } return SUCCESS; } // STUB: LEGO1 0x100a01e0 LegoResult LegoAnimNodeData::Write(LegoStorage* p_storage) { // TODO return SUCCESS; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100a0360 // FUNCTION: BETA10 0x1017f1e5 void LegoAnimNodeData::SetName(LegoChar* p_name) { if (m_name != NULL) { delete[] m_name; } m_name = new LegoChar[strlen(p_name) + 1]; strcpy(m_name, p_name); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100a03c0 LegoResult LegoAnimNodeData::CreateLocalTransform(LegoFloat p_time, Matrix4& p_matrix) { LegoU32 index; if (m_scaleKeys != NULL) { index = GetScaleIndex(); GetScale(m_numScaleKeys, m_scaleKeys, p_time, p_matrix, index); SetScaleIndex(index); if (m_rotationKeys != NULL) { MxMatrix a, b; a.SetIdentity(); index = GetRotationIndex(); GetRotation(m_numRotationKeys, m_rotationKeys, p_time, a, index); SetRotationIndex(index); b = p_matrix; p_matrix.Product(b, a); } } else if (m_rotationKeys != NULL) { index = GetRotationIndex(); GetRotation(m_numRotationKeys, m_rotationKeys, p_time, p_matrix, index); SetRotationIndex(index); } if (m_translationKeys != NULL) { index = GetTranslationIndex(); GetTranslation(m_numTranslationKeys, m_translationKeys, p_time, p_matrix, index); SetTranslationIndex(index); } return SUCCESS; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100a0600 inline void LegoAnimNodeData::GetTranslation( LegoU16 p_numTranslationKeys, LegoTranslationKey* p_translationKeys, LegoFloat p_time, Matrix4& p_matrix, LegoU32& p_old_index ) { LegoU32 i, n; LegoFloat x, y, z; n = FindKeys( p_time, p_numTranslationKeys & USHRT_MAX, p_translationKeys, sizeof(*p_translationKeys), i, p_old_index ); switch (n) { case 0: return; case 1: if (!p_translationKeys[i].TestBit1()) { return; } x = p_translationKeys[i].GetX(); y = p_translationKeys[i].GetY(); z = p_translationKeys[i].GetZ(); break; case 2: if (!p_translationKeys[i].TestBit1() && !p_translationKeys[i + 1].TestBit1()) { return; } x = Interpolate( p_time, p_translationKeys[i], p_translationKeys[i].GetX(), p_translationKeys[i + 1], p_translationKeys[i + 1].GetX() ); y = Interpolate( p_time, p_translationKeys[i], p_translationKeys[i].GetY(), p_translationKeys[i + 1], p_translationKeys[i + 1].GetY() ); z = Interpolate( p_time, p_translationKeys[i], p_translationKeys[i].GetZ(), p_translationKeys[i + 1], p_translationKeys[i + 1].GetZ() ); break; } p_matrix.TranslateBy(x, y, z); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100a06f0 /*inline*/ void LegoAnimNodeData::GetRotation( LegoU16 p_numRotationKeys, LegoRotationKey* p_rotationKeys, LegoFloat p_time, Matrix4& p_matrix, LegoU32& p_old_index ) { LegoU32 i, n; n = FindKeys(p_time, p_numRotationKeys & USHRT_MAX, p_rotationKeys, sizeof(*p_rotationKeys), i, p_old_index); switch (n) { case 0: return; case 1: if (p_rotationKeys[i].TestBit1()) { p_matrix.FromQuaternion(Mx4DPointFloat( p_rotationKeys[i].GetX(), p_rotationKeys[i].GetY(), p_rotationKeys[i].GetZ(), p_rotationKeys[i].GetAngle() )); } break; case 2: Mx4DPointFloat a; UnknownMx4DPointFloat b; if (p_rotationKeys[i].TestBit1() || p_rotationKeys[i + 1].TestBit1()) { a[0] = p_rotationKeys[i].GetX(); a[1] = p_rotationKeys[i].GetY(); a[2] = p_rotationKeys[i].GetZ(); a[3] = p_rotationKeys[i].GetAngle(); if (p_rotationKeys[i + 1].TestBit3()) { p_matrix.FromQuaternion(a); return; } Mx4DPointFloat c; if (p_rotationKeys[i + 1].TestBit2()) { c[0] = -p_rotationKeys[i + 1].GetX(); c[1] = -p_rotationKeys[i + 1].GetY(); c[2] = -p_rotationKeys[i + 1].GetZ(); c[3] = -p_rotationKeys[i + 1].GetAngle(); } else { c[0] = p_rotationKeys[i + 1].GetX(); c[1] = p_rotationKeys[i + 1].GetY(); c[2] = p_rotationKeys[i + 1].GetZ(); c[3] = p_rotationKeys[i + 1].GetAngle(); } b.Unknown4(a); b.Unknown5(c); b.Unknown6( p_matrix, (p_time - p_rotationKeys[i].GetTime()) / (p_rotationKeys[i + 1].GetTime() - p_rotationKeys[i].GetTime()) ); } } } inline void LegoAnimNodeData::GetScale( LegoU16 p_numScaleKeys, LegoScaleKey* p_scaleKeys, LegoFloat p_time, Matrix4& p_matrix, LegoU32& p_old_index ) { LegoU32 i, n; LegoFloat x, y, z; n = FindKeys(p_time, p_numScaleKeys & USHRT_MAX, p_scaleKeys, sizeof(*p_scaleKeys), i, p_old_index); switch (n) { case 0: return; case 1: x = p_scaleKeys[i].GetX(); y = p_scaleKeys[i].GetY(); z = p_scaleKeys[i].GetZ(); break; case 2: x = Interpolate(p_time, p_scaleKeys[i], p_scaleKeys[i].GetX(), p_scaleKeys[i + 1], p_scaleKeys[i + 1].GetX()); y = Interpolate(p_time, p_scaleKeys[i], p_scaleKeys[i].GetY(), p_scaleKeys[i + 1], p_scaleKeys[i + 1].GetY()); z = Interpolate(p_time, p_scaleKeys[i], p_scaleKeys[i].GetZ(), p_scaleKeys[i + 1], p_scaleKeys[i + 1].GetZ()); break; } p_matrix.Scale(x, y, z); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100a0990 LegoBool LegoAnimNodeData::FUN_100a0990(LegoFloat p_time) { LegoU32 i, n; LegoU32 index = GetMorphIndex(); LegoBool result; n = FindKeys(p_time, m_numMorphKeys, m_morphKeys, sizeof(*m_morphKeys), i, index); SetMorphIndex(index); switch (n) { case 0: result = TRUE; break; case 1: case 2: result = m_morphKeys[i].GetUnknown0x08(); break; } return result; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100a0a00 LegoU32 LegoAnimNodeData::FindKeys( LegoFloat p_time, LegoU32 p_numKeys, LegoAnimKey* p_keys, LegoU32 p_size, LegoU32& p_new_index, LegoU32& p_old_index ) { LegoU32 numKeys; if (p_numKeys == 0) { numKeys = 0; } else if (p_time < GetKey(0, p_keys, p_size).GetTime()) { numKeys = 0; } else if (p_time > GetKey(p_numKeys - 1, p_keys, p_size).GetTime()) { p_new_index = p_numKeys - 1; numKeys = 1; } else { if (GetKey(p_old_index, p_keys, p_size).GetTime() <= p_time) { for (p_new_index = p_old_index; p_new_index < p_numKeys - 1 && p_time >= GetKey(p_new_index + 1, p_keys, p_size).GetTime(); p_new_index++) { } } else { for (p_new_index = 0; p_new_index < p_numKeys - 1 && p_time >= GetKey(p_new_index + 1, p_keys, p_size).GetTime(); p_new_index++) { } } p_old_index = p_new_index; if (p_time == GetKey(p_new_index, p_keys, p_size).GetTime()) { numKeys = 1; } else if (p_new_index < p_numKeys - 1) { numKeys = 2; } else { numKeys = 0; } } return numKeys; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100a0b00 inline LegoFloat LegoAnimNodeData::Interpolate( LegoFloat p_time, LegoAnimKey& p_key1, LegoFloat p_value1, LegoAnimKey& p_key2, LegoFloat p_value2 ) { return p_value1 + (p_value2 - p_value1) * (p_time - p_key1.GetTime()) / (p_key2.GetTime() - p_key1.GetTime()); } inline LegoAnimKey& LegoAnimNodeData::GetKey(LegoU32 p_i, LegoAnimKey* p_keys, LegoU32 p_size) { return *((LegoAnimKey*) (((LegoU8*) p_keys) + (p_i * p_size))); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100a0b30 LegoAnim::LegoAnim() { m_duration = 0; m_actors = NULL; m_numActors = 0; m_camAnim = NULL; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100a0bc0 LegoAnim::~LegoAnim() { if (m_actors != NULL) { for (LegoU32 i = 0; i < m_numActors; i++) { delete[] m_actors[i].m_name; } delete[] m_actors; } if (m_camAnim != NULL) { delete m_camAnim; } } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100a0c70 LegoResult LegoAnim::Read(LegoStorage* p_storage, LegoS32 p_parseScene) { LegoResult result = FAILURE; LegoU32 length, i; if (p_storage->Read(&length, sizeof(length)) != SUCCESS) { goto done; } m_actors = new LegoAnimActorEntry[length]; m_numActors = 0; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { LegoU32 length; if (p_storage->Read(&length, sizeof(length)) != SUCCESS) { goto done; } if (length) { m_actors[i].m_name = new LegoChar[length + 1]; if (p_storage->Read(m_actors[i].m_name, length) != SUCCESS) { goto done; } m_actors[i].m_name[length] = '\0'; if (p_storage->Read(&m_actors[i].m_unk0x04, sizeof(m_actors[i].m_unk0x04)) != SUCCESS) { goto done; } } m_numActors++; } if ((result = p_storage->Read(&m_duration, sizeof(m_duration))) != SUCCESS) { goto done; } if (p_parseScene) { m_camAnim = new LegoAnimScene(); result = m_camAnim->Read(p_storage); if (result != SUCCESS) { goto done; } } result = LegoTree::Read(p_storage); done: if (result != SUCCESS && m_actors != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < m_numActors; i++) { delete[] m_actors[i].m_name; } m_numActors = 0; delete[] m_actors; m_actors = NULL; } return result; } // STUB: LEGO1 0x100a0e30 LegoResult LegoAnim::Write(LegoStorage* p_storage) { // TODO return SUCCESS; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100a0f20 const LegoChar* LegoAnim::GetActorName(LegoU32 p_index) { if (p_index < m_numActors) { return m_actors[p_index].m_name; } return NULL; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100a0f40 undefined4 LegoAnim::GetActorUnknown0x04(LegoU32 p_index) { if (p_index < m_numActors) { return m_actors[p_index].m_unk0x04; } return NULL; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100a0f60 // FUNCTION: BETA10 0x1018027c LegoMorphKey::LegoMorphKey() { m_unk0x08 = 0; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100a0f70 LegoResult LegoMorphKey::Read(LegoStorage* p_storage) { LegoResult result; if ((result = LegoAnimKey::Read(p_storage)) != SUCCESS) { return result; } result = p_storage->Read(&m_unk0x08, sizeof(m_unk0x08)); return result == SUCCESS ? SUCCESS : result; }