#include "mxbitmap.h" #include "decomp.h" DECOMP_SIZE_ASSERT(MxBitmap, 0x20); DECOMP_SIZE_ASSERT(MxBITMAPINFO, 0x428); // Bitmap header magic string "BM" (42 4d) // Sources: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/wingdi/ns-wingdi-bitmapfileheader, DirectX Complete // (1998) GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x10102184 MxU16 g_bitmapSignature = TWOCC('B', 'M'); // Bit mask trick to round up to the nearest multiple of four. // Pixel data may be stored with padding. // https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/medfound/image-stride inline MxLong AlignToFourByte(MxLong p_value) { return (p_value + 3) & -4; } // Same as the one from legoutil.h, but flipped the other way // TODO: While it's not outside the realm of possibility that they // reimplemented Abs for only this file, that seems odd, right? inline MxLong _Abs(MxLong p_value) { return p_value > 0 ? p_value : -p_value; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1004e0d0 int MxBitmap::vtable28(int) { return -1; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100bc980 MxBitmap::MxBitmap() { this->m_info = NULL; this->m_bmiHeader = NULL; this->m_paletteData = NULL; this->m_data = NULL; this->m_isHighColor = FALSE; this->m_palette = NULL; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100bca10 MxBitmap::~MxBitmap() { if (this->m_info) delete m_info; if (this->m_data) delete m_data; if (this->m_palette) delete m_palette; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100bcaa0 MxResult MxBitmap::SetSize(MxS32 p_width, MxS32 p_height, MxPalette* p_palette, MxBool p_isHighColor) { MxResult ret = FAILURE; MxLong size = AlignToFourByte(p_width) * p_height; m_info = new MxBITMAPINFO; if (m_info) { m_data = new MxU8[size]; if (m_data) { m_bmiHeader = &m_info->bmiHeader; m_paletteData = m_info->bmiColors; memset(&m_info->bmiHeader, 0, sizeof(m_info->bmiHeader)); m_bmiHeader->biSize = sizeof(*m_bmiHeader); // should be 40 bytes m_bmiHeader->biWidth = p_width; m_bmiHeader->biHeight = p_height; m_bmiHeader->biPlanes = 1; m_bmiHeader->biBitCount = 8; m_bmiHeader->biCompression = 0; m_bmiHeader->biSizeImage = size; if (!ImportColorsToPalette(m_paletteData, p_palette)) { if (!SetBitDepth(p_isHighColor)) { ret = SUCCESS; } } } } if (ret) { if (m_info) { delete m_info; m_info = NULL; } if (m_data) { delete[] m_data; m_data = NULL; } } return ret; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100bcba0 MxResult MxBitmap::ImportBitmapInfo(MxBITMAPINFO* p_info) { MxResult result = FAILURE; MxLong width = p_info->bmiHeader.biWidth; MxLong height = p_info->bmiHeader.biHeight; MxLong size = AlignToFourByte(width) * height; this->m_info = new MxBITMAPINFO; if (this->m_info) { this->m_data = new MxU8[size]; if (this->m_data) { memcpy(this->m_info, p_info, sizeof(*this->m_info)); this->m_bmiHeader = &this->m_info->bmiHeader; this->m_paletteData = this->m_info->bmiColors; result = SUCCESS; } } if (result != SUCCESS) { if (this->m_info) { delete this->m_info; this->m_info = NULL; } if (this->m_data) { delete this->m_data; this->m_data = NULL; } } return result; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100bcc40 MxResult MxBitmap::ImportBitmap(MxBitmap* p_bitmap) { MxResult result = FAILURE; this->m_info = new MxBITMAPINFO; if (this->m_info) { MxLong height = _Abs(p_bitmap->m_bmiHeader->biHeight); this->m_data = new MxU8[AlignToFourByte(p_bitmap->m_bmiHeader->biWidth) * height]; if (this->m_data) { memcpy(this->m_info, p_bitmap->m_info, sizeof(*this->m_info)); height = _Abs(p_bitmap->m_bmiHeader->biHeight); memcpy(this->m_data, p_bitmap->m_data, AlignToFourByte(p_bitmap->m_bmiHeader->biWidth) * height); result = SUCCESS; this->m_bmiHeader = &this->m_info->bmiHeader; this->m_paletteData = this->m_info->bmiColors; } } if (result != SUCCESS) { if (this->m_info) { delete this->m_info; this->m_info = NULL; } if (this->m_data) { delete this->m_data; this->m_data = NULL; } } return result; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100bcd10 MxLong MxBitmap::Read(const char* p_filename) { MxResult result = FAILURE; HANDLE handle = CreateFileA(p_filename, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && !LoadFile(handle)) result = SUCCESS; if (handle) CloseHandle(handle); return result; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100bcd60 MxResult MxBitmap::LoadFile(HANDLE p_handle) { MxResult result = FAILURE; DWORD bytesRead; BITMAPFILEHEADER hdr; BOOL ret = ReadFile(p_handle, &hdr, sizeof(hdr), &bytesRead, NULL); if (ret && (hdr.bfType == g_bitmapSignature)) { this->m_info = new MxBITMAPINFO; if (this->m_info) { ret = ReadFile(p_handle, this->m_info, sizeof(*this->m_info), &bytesRead, NULL); if (ret && (this->m_info->bmiHeader.biBitCount == 8)) { MxLong size = hdr.bfSize - (sizeof(MxBITMAPINFO) + sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)); this->m_data = new MxU8[size]; if (this->m_data) { ret = ReadFile(p_handle, this->m_data, size, &bytesRead, NULL); if (ret) { this->m_bmiHeader = &this->m_info->bmiHeader; this->m_paletteData = this->m_info->bmiColors; if (this->m_info->bmiHeader.biSizeImage == 0) { MxLong height = _Abs(this->m_info->bmiHeader.biHeight); this->m_info->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = AlignToFourByte(this->m_info->bmiHeader.biWidth) * height; } result = SUCCESS; } } } } } if (result != SUCCESS) { if (this->m_info) { delete this->m_info; this->m_info = NULL; } if (this->m_data) { delete this->m_data; this->m_data = NULL; } } return result; } // STUB: LEGO1 0x100bce70 void MxBitmap::vtable2c(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) { } // STUB: LEGO1 0x100bd020 void MxBitmap::vtable30(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) { } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100bd1c0 MxPalette* MxBitmap::CreatePalette() { MxBool success = FALSE; MxPalette* palette = NULL; switch (this->m_isHighColor) { case FALSE: palette = new MxPalette(this->m_paletteData); if (palette) success = TRUE; break; case TRUE: palette = this->m_palette->Clone(); if (palette) success = TRUE; break; } if (!success && palette) { delete palette; palette = NULL; } return palette; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100bd280 void MxBitmap::ImportPalette(MxPalette* p_palette) { // Odd to use a switch on a boolean, but it matches. switch (this->m_isHighColor) { case FALSE: ImportColorsToPalette(this->m_paletteData, p_palette); break; case TRUE: if (this->m_palette) { delete this->m_palette; } this->m_palette = p_palette->Clone(); break; } } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100bd2d0 MxResult MxBitmap::SetBitDepth(MxBool p_isHighColor) { MxResult ret = FAILURE; MxPalette* pal = NULL; if (m_isHighColor == p_isHighColor) { // no change: do nothing. ret = SUCCESS; } else { switch (p_isHighColor) { case FALSE: ImportColorsToPalette(m_paletteData, m_palette); if (m_palette) delete m_palette; m_palette = NULL; break; case TRUE: pal = NULL; pal = new MxPalette(m_paletteData); if (pal) { m_palette = pal; // TODO: what is this? zeroing out top half of palette? MxU16* buf = (MxU16*) m_paletteData; for (MxU16 i = 0; i < 256; i++) { buf[i] = i; } m_isHighColor = p_isHighColor; ret = SUCCESS; } break; } } // If we were unsuccessful overall but did manage to alloc // the MxPalette, free it. if (ret && pal) delete pal; return ret; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100bd3e0 MxResult MxBitmap::StretchBits( HDC p_hdc, MxS32 p_xSrc, MxS32 p_ySrc, MxS32 p_xDest, MxS32 p_yDest, MxS32 p_destWidth, MxS32 p_destHeight ) { // Compression fix? if ((this->m_bmiHeader->biCompression != BI_RGB_TOPDOWN) && (0 < this->m_bmiHeader->biHeight)) { p_ySrc = (this->m_bmiHeader->biHeight - p_destHeight) - p_ySrc; } return StretchDIBits( p_hdc, p_xDest, p_yDest, p_destWidth, p_destHeight, p_xSrc, p_ySrc, p_destWidth, p_destHeight, this->m_data, (BITMAPINFO*) this->m_info, this->m_isHighColor, SRCCOPY ); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100bd450 MxResult MxBitmap::ImportColorsToPalette(RGBQUAD* p_rgbquad, MxPalette* p_palette) { MxResult ret = FAILURE; PALETTEENTRY entries[256]; if (p_palette) { if (p_palette->GetEntries(entries)) return ret; } else { MxPalette local_pal; if (local_pal.GetEntries(entries)) return ret; } for (MxS32 i = 0; i < 256; i++) { p_rgbquad[i].rgbRed = entries[i].peRed; p_rgbquad[i].rgbGreen = entries[i].peGreen; p_rgbquad[i].rgbBlue = entries[i].peBlue; p_rgbquad[i].rgbReserved = 0; } ret = SUCCESS; return ret; }