#include "legogamestate.h" #include "infocenterstate.h" #include "legoanimationmanager.h" #include "legoomni.h" #include "legostate.h" #include "legoutil.h" #include "legovideomanager.h" #include "legoworld.h" #include "mxbackgroundaudiomanager.h" #include "mxobjectfactory.h" #include "mxstring.h" #include "mxvariabletable.h" #include "roi/legoroi.h" #include // Based on the highest dword offset (0x42c) referenced in the constructor. // There may be other members that come after. DECOMP_SIZE_ASSERT(LegoGameState, 0x430) // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100f3e40 // STRING: LEGO1 0x100f3e3c const char* g_fileExtensionGS = ".GS"; // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100f3e44 // STRING: LEGO1 0x100f3e30 const char* g_playersGSI = "Players.gsi"; // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100f3e48 // STRING: LEGO1 0x100f3e24 const char* g_historyGSI = "History.gsi"; // This is a pointer to the end of the global variable name table, which has // the text "END_OF_VARIABLES" in it. // TODO: make g_endOfVariables reference the actual end of the variable array. // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100f3e50 // STRING: LEGO1 0x100f3e00 const char* g_endOfVariables = "END_OF_VARIABLES"; // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100f3e58 ColorStringStruct g_colorSaveData[43] = { {"c_dbbkfny0", "lego red"}, {"c_dbbkxly0", "lego white"}, {"c_chbasey0", "lego black"}, {"c_chbacky0", "lego black"}, {"c_chdishy0", "lego white"}, {"c_chhorny0", "lego black"}, {"c_chljety1", "lego black"}, {"c_chrjety1", "lego black"}, {"c_chmidly0", "lego black"}, {"c_chmotry0", "lego blue"}, {"c_chsidly0", "lego black"}, {"c_chsidry0", "lego black"}, {"c_chstuty0", "lego black"}, {"c_chtaily0", "lego black"}, {"c_chwindy1", "lego black"}, {"c_dbfbrdy0", "lego red"}, {"c_dbflagy0", "lego yellow"}, {"c_dbfrfny4", "lego red"}, {"c_dbfrxly0", "lego white"}, {"c_dbhndly0", "lego white"}, {"c_dbltbry0", "lego white"}, {"c_jsdashy0", "lego white"}, {"c_jsexhy0", "lego black"}, {"c_jsfrnty5", "lego black"}, {"c_jshndly0", "lego red"}, {"c_jslsidy0", "lego black"}, {"c_jsrsidy0", "lego black"}, {"c_jsskiby0", "lego red"}, {"c_jswnshy5", "lego white"}, {"c_rcbacky6", "lego green"}, {"c_rcedgey0", "lego green"}, {"c_rcfrmey0", "lego red"}, {"c_rcfrnty6", "lego green"}, {"c_rcmotry0", "lego white"}, {"c_rcsidey0", "lego green"}, {"c_rcstery0", "lego white"}, {"c_rcstrpy0", "lego yellow"}, {"c_rctailya", "lego white"}, {"c_rcwhl1y0", "lego white"}, {"c_rcwhl2y0", "lego white"}, {"c_jsbasey0", "lego white"}, {"c_chblady0", "lego black"}, {"c_chseaty0", "lego white"}, }; // NOTE: This offset = the end of the variables table, the last entry // in that table is a special entry, the string "END_OF_VARIABLES" extern const char* g_endOfVariables; // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10039550 LegoGameState::LegoGameState() { // TODO SetROIHandlerFunction(); this->m_stateCount = 0; this->m_unk0x0c = 0; this->m_savePath = NULL; this->m_currentArea = 0; this->m_previousArea = 0; this->m_unk0x42c = 0; this->m_isDirty = FALSE; this->m_loadedAct = e_actNotFound; m_backgroundColor = new LegoBackgroundColor("backgroundcolor", "set 56 54 68"); VariableTable()->SetVariable(m_backgroundColor); m_tempBackgroundColor = new LegoBackgroundColor("tempBackgroundcolor", "set 56 54 68"); VariableTable()->SetVariable(m_tempBackgroundColor); m_fullScreenMovie = new LegoFullScreenMovie("fsmovie", "disable"); VariableTable()->SetVariable(m_fullScreenMovie); VariableTable()->SetVariable("lightposition", "2"); SerializeScoreHistory(1); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10039720 LegoGameState::~LegoGameState() { LegoROI::SetSomeHandlerFunction(NULL); if (m_stateCount) { for (MxS16 i = 0; i < m_stateCount; i++) { LegoState* state = m_stateArray[i]; if (state) { delete state; } } delete[] m_stateArray; } delete[] m_savePath; } // STUB: LEGO1 0x10039780 void LegoGameState::FUN_10039780(MxU8) { // TODO } // STUB: LEGO1 0x10039940 void LegoGameState::FUN_10039940() { // TODO } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10039980 MxResult LegoGameState::Save(MxULong p_slot) { MxResult result; InfocenterState* infocenterState = (InfocenterState*) GameState()->GetState("InfocenterState"); if (!infocenterState || infocenterState->GetInfocenterBufferElement(0) == NULL) { result = SUCCESS; } else { result = FAILURE; MxVariableTable* variableTable = VariableTable(); MxString savePath; GetFileSavePath(&savePath, p_slot); LegoFile fileStream; if (fileStream.Open(savePath.GetData(), LegoFile::c_write) != FAILURE) { MxU32 maybeVersion = 0x1000C; fileStream.Write(&maybeVersion, 4); fileStream.Write(&m_unk0x24, 2); fileStream.Write(&m_currentAct, 2); fileStream.Write(&m_unk0x0c, 1); for (MxS32 i = 0; i < sizeof(g_colorSaveData) / sizeof(g_colorSaveData[0]); ++i) { if (WriteVariable(&fileStream, variableTable, g_colorSaveData[i].m_targetName) == FAILURE) { return result; } } if (WriteVariable(&fileStream, variableTable, "backgroundcolor") != FAILURE) { if (WriteVariable(&fileStream, variableTable, "lightposition") != FAILURE) { WriteEndOfVariables(&fileStream); // TODO: Calls down to more aggregate writing functions return SUCCESS; } } } } return result; } // STUB: LEGO1 0x10039c60 MxResult LegoGameState::Load(MxULong) { // TODO return 0; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10039f00 void LegoGameState::SetSavePath(char* p_savePath) { if (m_savePath != NULL) { delete[] m_savePath; } if (p_savePath) { m_savePath = new char[strlen(p_savePath) + 1]; strcpy(m_savePath, p_savePath); } else { m_savePath = NULL; } } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10039f70 MxResult LegoGameState::WriteVariable(LegoStorage* p_stream, MxVariableTable* p_from, const char* p_variableName) { MxResult result = FAILURE; const char* variableValue = p_from->GetVariable(p_variableName); if (variableValue) { MxU8 length = strlen(p_variableName); if (p_stream->Write((char*) &length, 1) == SUCCESS) { if (p_stream->Write(p_variableName, length) == SUCCESS) { length = strlen(variableValue); if (p_stream->Write((char*) &length, 1) == SUCCESS) { result = p_stream->Write((char*) variableValue, length); } } } } return result; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1003a020 MxResult LegoGameState::WriteEndOfVariables(LegoStorage* p_stream) { MxU8 len = strlen(g_endOfVariables); if (p_stream->Write(&len, 1) == SUCCESS) { return p_stream->Write(g_endOfVariables, len); } return FAILURE; } // 95% match, just some instruction ordering differences on the call to // MxVariableTable::SetVariable at the end. // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1003a080 MxS32 LegoGameState::ReadVariable(LegoStorage* p_stream, MxVariableTable* p_to) { MxS32 result = 1; MxU8 length; if (p_stream->Read((char*) &length, 1) == SUCCESS) { char nameBuffer[256]; if (p_stream->Read(nameBuffer, length) == SUCCESS) { nameBuffer[length] = '\0'; if (strcmp(nameBuffer, g_endOfVariables) == 0) { // 2 -> "This was the last entry, done reading." result = 2; } else { if (p_stream->Read((char*) &length, 1) == SUCCESS) { char valueBuffer[256]; if (p_stream->Read(valueBuffer, length) == SUCCESS) { result = 0; valueBuffer[length] = '\0'; p_to->SetVariable(nameBuffer, valueBuffer); } } } } } return result; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1003a170 void LegoGameState::GetFileSavePath(MxString* p_outPath, MxULong p_slotn) { char baseForSlot[2] = "0"; char path[1024] = ""; // Save path base if (m_savePath != NULL) { strcpy(path, m_savePath); } // Slot: "G0", "G1", ... strcat(path, "\\G"); baseForSlot[0] += p_slotn; strcat(path, baseForSlot); // Extension: ".GS" strcat(path, g_fileExtensionGS); *p_outPath = MxString(path); } // STUB: LEGO1 0x1003a2e0 void LegoGameState::SerializePlayersInfo(MxS16) { // TODO } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1003a720 void LegoGameState::StopArea(MxU32 p_area) { if (p_area == 0) { p_area = m_previousArea; } switch (p_area) { case 1: InvokeAction(Extra::e_stop, *g_isleScript, 0, NULL); InvokeAction(Extra::e_close, *g_isleScript, 0, NULL); InvokeAction(Extra::e_close, *g_sndAnimScript, 0, NULL); break; case 2: InvokeAction(Extra::e_stop, *g_infomainScript, 0, NULL); InvokeAction(Extra::e_close, *g_infomainScript, 0, NULL); break; case 3: InvokeAction(Extra::e_stop, *g_infodoorScript, 0, NULL); InvokeAction(Extra::e_close, *g_infodoorScript, 0, NULL); break; case 5: InvokeAction(Extra::e_stop, *g_elevbottScript, 0, NULL); InvokeAction(Extra::e_close, *g_elevbottScript, 0, NULL); break; case 6: case 7: RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x41b, *g_isleScript, 0); RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 1052, *g_isleScript, 0); RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x41d, *g_isleScript, 0); RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x41e, *g_isleScript, 0); RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x420, *g_isleScript, 0); RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x422, *g_isleScript, 0); RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x424, *g_isleScript, 0); RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x426, *g_isleScript, 0); RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x428, *g_isleScript, 0); RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x42a, *g_isleScript, 0); RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x42b, *g_isleScript, 0); break; case 8: RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x45b, *g_isleScript, 0); RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x45c, *g_isleScript, 0); RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x45d, *g_isleScript, 0); break; case 9: RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x475, *g_isleScript, 0); RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x476, *g_isleScript, 0); RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x477, *g_isleScript, 0); break; case 10: RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x45f, *g_isleScript, 0); RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x460, *g_isleScript, 0); RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x461, *g_isleScript, 0); RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x462, *g_isleScript, 0); RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x463, *g_isleScript, 0); RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x464, *g_isleScript, 0); RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x465, *g_isleScript, 0); RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x466, *g_isleScript, 0); RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x467, *g_isleScript, 0); RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x469, *g_isleScript, 0); RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x468, *g_isleScript, 0); RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x46a, *g_isleScript, 0); RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x46b, *g_isleScript, 0); RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x46c, *g_isleScript, 0); RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x46d, *g_isleScript, 0); RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x46e, *g_isleScript, 0); RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x46f, *g_isleScript, 0); RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x471, *g_isleScript, 0); RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x472, *g_isleScript, 0); RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x12, *g_isleScript, 0); break; case 0xb: RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x47a, *g_isleScript, 0); RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x47b, *g_isleScript, 0); RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x47c, *g_isleScript, 0); RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x47d, *g_isleScript, 0); break; case 0xc: InvokeAction(Extra::e_stop, *g_regbookScript, 0, NULL); InvokeAction(Extra::e_close, *g_regbookScript, 0, NULL); break; case 0xd: InvokeAction(Extra::e_stop, *g_infoscorScript, 0, NULL); InvokeAction(Extra::e_close, *g_infoscorScript, 0, NULL); break; case 0xe: InvokeAction(Extra::e_stop, *g_jetraceScript, 0, NULL); InvokeAction(Extra::e_close, *g_jetraceScript, 0, NULL); InvokeAction(Extra::e_close, *g_jetracerScript, 0, NULL); break; case 0x12: InvokeAction(Extra::e_stop, *g_carraceScript, 0, NULL); InvokeAction(Extra::e_close, *g_carraceScript, 0, NULL); InvokeAction(Extra::e_close, *g_carracerScript, 0, NULL); break; case 0x1a: Lego()->RemoveWorld(*g_garageScript, 0); InvokeAction(Extra::e_stop, *g_garageScript, 0, NULL); InvokeAction(Extra::e_close, *g_garageScript, 0, NULL); break; case 0x1b: RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x489, *g_isleScript, 0); RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x48a, *g_isleScript, 0); RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x48b, *g_isleScript, 0); RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x48c, *g_isleScript, 0); break; case 0x1e: InvokeAction(Extra::e_stop, *g_hospitalScript, 0, NULL); InvokeAction(Extra::e_close, *g_hospitalScript, 0, NULL); break; case 0x22: InvokeAction(Extra::e_stop, *g_policeScript, 0, NULL); InvokeAction(Extra::e_close, *g_policeScript, 0, NULL); break; case 0x23: RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x47f, *g_isleScript, 0); RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x480, *g_isleScript, 0); RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x481, *g_isleScript, 0); RemoveFromWorld(*g_isleScript, 0x482, *g_isleScript, 0); break; case 0x24: InvokeAction(Extra::e_stop, *g_jukeboxScript, 0x2f, NULL); InvokeAction(Extra::e_stop, *g_copterScript, 0, NULL); InvokeAction(Extra::e_close, *g_copterScript, 0, NULL); break; case 0x25: InvokeAction(Extra::e_stop, *g_jukeboxScript, 0x31, NULL); InvokeAction(Extra::e_stop, *g_dunecarScript, 0, NULL); InvokeAction(Extra::e_close, *g_dunecarScript, 0, NULL); break; case 0x26: InvokeAction(Extra::e_stop, *g_jukeboxScript, 0x33, NULL); InvokeAction(Extra::e_stop, *g_jetskiScript, 0, NULL); InvokeAction(Extra::e_close, *g_jetskiScript, 0, NULL); break; case 0x27: InvokeAction(Extra::e_stop, *g_jukeboxScript, 0x35, NULL); InvokeAction(Extra::e_stop, *g_racecarScript, 0, NULL); InvokeAction(Extra::e_close, *g_racecarScript, 0, NULL); break; case 0x2e: if (m_currentArea != 2) { InvokeAction(Extra::e_stop, *g_act2mainScript, 0, NULL); InvokeAction(Extra::e_close, *g_act2mainScript, 0, NULL); } break; case 0x2f: if (m_currentArea != 2) { InvokeAction(Extra::e_stop, *g_act3Script, 0, NULL); InvokeAction(Extra::e_close, *g_act3Script, 0, NULL); } break; case 0x35: InvokeAction(Extra::e_stop, *g_jukeboxwScript, 0, NULL); InvokeAction(Extra::e_close, *g_jukeboxwScript, 0, NULL); break; case 0x38: InvokeAction(Extra::e_disable, *g_histbookScript, 0, NULL); InvokeAction(Extra::e_stop, *g_histbookScript, 0, NULL); InvokeAction(Extra::e_close, *g_histbookScript, 0, NULL); break; } } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1003b060 void LegoGameState::SwitchArea(MxU32 p_area) { m_previousArea = m_currentArea; m_currentArea = p_area; FUN_10015820(TRUE, LegoOmni::c_disableInput | LegoOmni::c_disable3d); BackgroundAudioManager()->Stop(); AnimationManager()->FUN_1005ef10(); VideoManager()->SetUnk0x554(FALSE); LegoWorld* world; switch (p_area) { case 1: InvokeAction(Extra::ActionType::e_opendisk, *g_isleScript, 0, NULL); break; case 2: VideoManager()->SetUnk0x554(TRUE); InvokeAction(Extra::ActionType::e_opendisk, *g_infomainScript, 0, NULL); break; case 3: VideoManager()->SetUnk0x554(TRUE); InvokeAction(Extra::ActionType::e_opendisk, *g_infodoorScript, 0, NULL); break; case 4: case 0xf: case 0x10: case 0x11: case 0x13: case 0x14: case 0x15: case 0x16: case 0x19: case 0x1d: case 0x1f: case 0x20: case 0x39: case 0x3a: case 0x3b: case 0x3c: case 0x3d: case 0x40: case 0x42: world = FindWorld(*g_isleScript, 0); if (world != NULL) { if (world->GetUnknown0xd0().empty()) { break; } else { #ifdef COMPAT_MODE { MxNotificationParam param(c_notificationType20, NULL); NotificationManager()->Send(world, ¶m); } #else NotificationManager()->Send(world, &MxNotificationParam(c_notificationType20, NULL)); #endif break; } } InvokeAction(Extra::ActionType::e_opendisk, *g_isleScript, 0, NULL); break; case 5: InvokeAction(Extra::ActionType::e_opendisk, *g_elevbottScript, 0, NULL); break; case 6: case 7: world = FindWorld(*g_isleScript, 0); if (world == NULL) { InvokeAction(Extra::ActionType::e_opendisk, *g_isleScript, 0, NULL); } else if (!world->GetUnknown0xd0().empty()) { #ifdef COMPAT_MODE { MxNotificationParam param(c_notificationType20, NULL); NotificationManager()->Send(world, ¶m); } #else NotificationManager()->Send(world, &MxNotificationParam(c_notificationType20, NULL)); #endif } InvokeAction(Extra::ActionType::e_start, *g_isleScript, 1050, NULL); break; case 8: VideoManager()->SetUnk0x554(TRUE); InvokeAction(Extra::ActionType::e_start, *g_isleScript, 1114, NULL); break; case 9: InvokeAction(Extra::ActionType::e_start, *g_isleScript, 1140, NULL); break; case 10: InvokeAction(Extra::ActionType::e_start, *g_isleScript, 1118, NULL); break; case 11: InvokeAction(Extra::ActionType::e_start, *g_isleScript, 1145, NULL); break; case 12: VideoManager()->SetUnk0x554(TRUE); InvokeAction(Extra::ActionType::e_opendisk, *g_regbookScript, 0, NULL); break; case 13: VideoManager()->SetUnk0x554(TRUE); InvokeAction(Extra::ActionType::e_opendisk, *g_infoscorScript, 0, NULL); break; case 14: if (m_previousArea == 2) { m_currentArea = 15; world = FindWorld(*g_isleScript, 0); if (world != NULL) { if (world->GetUnknown0xd0().empty()) { return; } else { #ifdef COMPAT_MODE { MxNotificationParam param(c_notificationType20, NULL); NotificationManager()->Send(world, ¶m); } #else NotificationManager()->Send(world, &MxNotificationParam(c_notificationType20, NULL)); #endif } return; } else { InvokeAction(Extra::ActionType::e_opendisk, *g_isleScript, 0, NULL); break; } } InvokeAction(Extra::ActionType::e_opendisk, *g_jetraceScript, 0, NULL); break; case 18: if (m_previousArea == 2) { m_currentArea = 19; world = FindWorld(*g_isleScript, 0); if (world != NULL) { if (world->GetUnknown0xd0().empty()) { return; } else { #ifdef COMPAT_MODE { MxNotificationParam param(c_notificationType20, NULL); NotificationManager()->Send(world, ¶m); } #else NotificationManager()->Send(world, &MxNotificationParam(c_notificationType20, NULL)); #endif } return; } } InvokeAction(Extra::ActionType::e_opendisk, *g_carraceScript, 0, NULL); break; case 26: VideoManager()->SetUnk0x554(TRUE); InvokeAction(Extra::ActionType::e_opendisk, *g_garageScript, 0, NULL); break; // TODO: implement other cases case 56: VideoManager()->SetUnk0x554(TRUE); InvokeAction(Extra::ActionType::e_opendisk, *g_histbookScript, 0, NULL); break; default: break; } } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1003bac0 void LegoGameState::SetROIHandlerFunction() { LegoROI::SetSomeHandlerFunction(&ROIHandlerFunction); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1003bad0 MxBool ROIHandlerFunction(char* p_input, char* p_output, MxU32 p_copyLen) { if (p_output != NULL && p_copyLen != 0 && (strnicmp(p_input, "INDIR-F-", strlen("INDIR-F-")) == 0 || strnicmp(p_input, "INDIR-G-", strlen("INDIR-F-")) == 0)) { char buf[256]; sprintf(buf, "c_%s", &p_input[strlen("INDIR-F-")]); const char* value = VariableTable()->GetVariable(buf); if (value != NULL) { strncpy(p_output, value, p_copyLen); p_output[p_copyLen - 1] = '\0'; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1003bbb0 LegoState* LegoGameState::GetState(const char* p_stateName) { for (MxS32 i = 0; i < m_stateCount; ++i) { if (m_stateArray[i]->IsA(p_stateName)) { return m_stateArray[i]; } } return NULL; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1003bc00 LegoState* LegoGameState::CreateState(const char* p_stateName) { LegoState* newState = (LegoState*) ObjectFactory()->Create(p_stateName); RegisterState(newState); return newState; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1003bc30 void LegoGameState::RegisterState(LegoState* p_state) { MxS32 targetIndex; for (targetIndex = 0; targetIndex < m_stateCount; ++targetIndex) { if (m_stateArray[targetIndex]->IsA(p_state->ClassName())) { break; } } if (targetIndex == m_stateCount) { LegoState** newBuffer = new LegoState*[m_stateCount + 1]; if (m_stateCount != 0) { memcpy(newBuffer, m_stateArray, m_stateCount * sizeof(LegoState*)); delete[] m_stateArray; } newBuffer[m_stateCount++] = p_state; m_stateArray = newBuffer; return; } if (m_stateArray[targetIndex]) { delete m_stateArray[targetIndex]; } m_stateArray[targetIndex] = p_state; } // STUB: LEGO1 0x1003c870 void LegoGameState::ScoreStruct::WriteScoreHistory() { // TODO } // STUB: LEGO1 0x1003ccf0 void LegoGameState::ScoreStruct::FUN_1003ccf0(LegoFile&) { // TODO } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1003cdd0 void LegoGameState::SerializeScoreHistory(MxS16 p_flags) { LegoFile stream; MxString savePath(m_savePath); savePath += "\\"; savePath += g_historyGSI; if (p_flags == LegoFile::c_write) { m_unk0xa6.WriteScoreHistory(); } if (stream.Open(savePath.GetData(), p_flags) == SUCCESS) { m_unk0xa6.FUN_1003ccf0(stream); } } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1003cea0 void LegoGameState::SetCurrentAct(Act p_currentAct) { m_currentAct = p_currentAct; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1003ceb0 void LegoGameState::FindLoadedAct() { if (FindWorld(*g_isleScript, 0)) { m_loadedAct = e_act1; } else if (FindWorld(*g_act2mainScript, 0)) { m_loadedAct = e_act2; } else if (FindWorld(*g_act3Script, 0)) { m_loadedAct = e_act3; } else { m_loadedAct = e_actNotFound; } }