#ifndef __LEGONAVCONTROLLER_H #define __LEGONAVCONTROLLER_H #include "decomp.h" #include "mxcore.h" #include "mxtypes.h" #include "realtime/vector.h" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // LegoMouseController // VTABLE: LEGO1 0x100d85b8 // SIZE 0x70 class LegoNavController : public MxCore { public: LegoNavController(); ~LegoNavController() override; MxLong Notify(MxParam& p_param) override; // vtable+0x04 // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10054b80 inline const char* ClassName() const override // vtable+0x0c { // STRING: LEGO1 0x100f66d8 return "LegoNavController"; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10054b90 inline MxBool IsA(const char* p_name) const override // vtable+0x10 { return !strcmp(p_name, ClassName()) || MxCore::IsA(p_name); } void SetTargets(int p_hPos, int p_vPos, MxBool p_accel); void SetControlMax(int p_hMax, int p_vMax); void SetTrackDefaultParams(MxBool p_state) { m_trackDefault = p_state; } void SetToDefaultParams(); MxBool CalculateNewPosDir( const Vector3& p_curPos, const Vector3& p_curDir, Vector3& p_newPos, Vector3& p_newDir, const Vector3* p_und ); static void GetDefaults( int* p_dz, float* p_lv, float* p_rv, float* p_la, float* p_ra, float* p_ld, float* p_rd, float* p_lmina, float* p_rmina, float* p_rs, MxBool* p_urs ); static void SetDefaults( int p_dz, float p_lv, float p_rv, float p_la, float p_ra, float p_ld, float p_rd, float p_lmina, float p_rmina, float p_rs, MxBool p_urs ); static void SetLocation(MxU32 p_location); static MxResult UpdateCameraLocation(const char* p_location); // SYNTHETIC: LEGO1 0x10054c10 // LegoNavController::`scalar deleting destructor' protected: float CalculateNewVel(float p_targetVel, float p_currentVel, float p_accel, float p_time); float CalculateNewTargetVel(int p_pos, int p_center, float p_max); float CalculateNewAccel(int p_pos, int p_center, float p_max, int p_min); int FUN_10055750(MxBool& p_und); int FUN_100558b0(); int m_hMax; // 0x08 int m_vMax; // 0x0c int m_deadZone; // 0x10 float m_zeroThreshold; // 0x14 float m_linearVel; // 0x18 float m_rotationalVel; // 0x1c float m_targetLinearVel; // 0x20 float m_targetRotationalVel; // 0x24 float m_maxLinearVel; // 0x28 float m_maxRotationalVel; // 0x2c float m_linearAccel; // 0x30 float m_rotationalAccel; // 0x34 float m_maxLinearAccel; // 0x38 float m_maxRotationalAccel; // 0x3c float m_minLinearAccel; // 0x40 float m_minRotationalAccel; // 0x44 float m_maxLinearDeccel; // 0x48 float m_maxRotationalDeccel; // 0x4c float m_rotSensitivity; // 0x50 MxBool m_useRotationalVel; // 0x54 MxTime m_lastTime; // 0x58 MxBool m_trackDefault; // 0x5c MxBool m_unk0x5d; // 0x5d float m_unk0x60; // 0x60 float m_unk0x64; // 0x64 float m_unk0x68; // 0x68 MxBool m_unk0x6c; // 0x6c // one copy of defaults (these can be set by App.) static int g_defdeadZone; static float g_defzeroThreshold; static float g_defmaxLinearVel; static float g_defmaxRotationalVel; static float g_defmaxLinearAccel; static float g_defmaxRotationalAccel; static float g_defminLinearAccel; static float g_defminRotationalAccel; static float g_defmaxLinearDeccel; static float g_defmaxRotationalDeccel; static float g_defrotSensitivity; static MxBool g_defuseRotationalVel; }; #endif // __LEGOPOVCONTROLLER_H