#ifndef LEGOCARBUILD_H #define LEGOCARBUILD_H #include "legogamestate.h" #include "legostate.h" #include "legoworld.h" #include "mxgeometry/mxquaternion.h" class LegoCarBuildAnimPresenter; class LegoControlManagerNotificationParam; class LegoEventNotificationParam; class MxControlPresenter; class MxStillPresenter; class MxSoundPresenter; class MxActionNotificationParam; // VTABLE: LEGO1 0x100d66e0 // VTABLE: BETA10 0x101bb910 // SIZE 0x50 class LegoVehicleBuildState : public LegoState { public: enum AnimationState { e_unknown0 = 0, e_entering = 1, e_unknown2 = 2, e_cutscene = 3, e_unknown4 = 4, e_exiting = 6 }; LegoVehicleBuildState(const char* p_classType); // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10025ff0 const char* ClassName() const override // vtable+0x0c { return m_className.GetData(); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10026000 MxBool IsA(const char* p_name) const override // vtable+0x10 { return !strcmp(p_name, m_className.GetData()) || LegoState::IsA(p_name); } MxResult Serialize(LegoStorage* p_storage) override; // vtable+0x1c // SYNTHETIC: LEGO1 0x100260a0 // LegoVehicleBuildState::`scalar deleting destructor' Playlist m_unk0x08[4]; // 0x08 // This can be one of the following: // * LegoRaceCarBuildState // * LegoCopterBuildState // * LegoDuneCarBuildState // * LegoJetskiBuildState MxString m_className; // 0x38 AnimationState m_animationState; // 0x48 MxU8 m_unk0x4c; // 0x4c MxBool m_unk0x4d; // 0x4d MxBool m_unk0x4e; // 0x4e MxU8 m_placedPartCount; // 0x4f }; typedef LegoVehicleBuildState LegoRaceCarBuildState; typedef LegoVehicleBuildState LegoCopterBuildState; typedef LegoVehicleBuildState LegoDuneCarBuildState; typedef LegoVehicleBuildState LegoJetskiBuildState; // VTABLE: LEGO1 0x100d6658 // VTABLE: BETA10 0x101bb880 // SIZE 0x34c class LegoCarBuild : public LegoWorld { public: // SIZE 0x1c struct LookupTableActions { undefined4 m_unk0x00; // 0x00 undefined4 m_unk0x04; // 0x04 undefined4 m_unk0x08; // 0x08 undefined4 m_unk0x0c; // 0x0c undefined4 m_unk0x10; // 0x10 undefined4 m_unk0x14; // 0x14 undefined4 m_unk0x18; // 0x18 }; enum Unknown0xf8 { c_unknownminusone = -1, c_unknown8 = 8 }; LegoCarBuild(); ~LegoCarBuild() override; // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10022930 // FUNCTION: BETA10 0x10070070 MxBool VTable0x5c() override { return TRUE; } // vtable+0x5c // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10022940 // FUNCTION: BETA10 0x10070090 const char* ClassName() const override // vtable+0x0c { // STRING: LEGO1 0x100f0504 return "LegoCarBuild"; } MxLong Notify(MxParam& p_param) override; // vtable+0x04 MxResult Tickle() override; // vtable+0x08 // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10022950 MxBool IsA(const char* p_name) const override // vtable+0x10 { return !strcmp(p_name, LegoCarBuild::ClassName()) || LegoWorld::IsA(p_name); } MxResult Create(MxDSAction& p_dsAction) override; // vtable+0x18 void ReadyWorld() override; // vtable+0x50 MxBool Escape() override; // vtable+0x64 void Enable(MxBool p_enable) override; // vtable+0x68 virtual void VTable0x6c(); // vtable+0x6c virtual void VTable0x70(); // vtable+0x70 virtual void VTable0x74(MxFloat p_param1[2], MxFloat p_param2[3]); // vtable+0x74 virtual void VTable0x78(MxFloat p_param1[2], MxFloat p_param2[3]); // vtable+0x78 virtual void VTable0x7c(MxFloat p_param1[2], MxFloat p_param2[3]); // vtable+0x7c virtual void VTable0x80( MxFloat p_param1[2], MxFloat p_param2[2], MxFloat p_param3, MxFloat p_param4[2] ); // vtable+0x80 MxS16 GetPlacedPartCount(); void SetPlacedPartCount(MxU8 p_placedPartCount); void InitPresenters(); void FUN_10022f00(); void FUN_10022f30(); void FUN_10023130(MxLong p_x, MxLong p_y); void FUN_100236d0(); undefined4 FUN_10024250(LegoEventNotificationParam* p_param); void FUN_100243a0(); undefined4 FUN_10024480(MxActionNotificationParam* p_param); undefined4 FUN_100244e0(MxLong p_x, MxLong p_y); undefined4 FUN_100246e0(MxLong p_x, MxLong p_y); MxS32 FUN_10024850(MxLong p_x, MxLong p_y); undefined4 FUN_10024890(MxParam* p_param); undefined4 FUN_10024c20(LegoEventNotificationParam* p_param); void FUN_10024ef0(); void FUN_10024f30(); void FUN_10024f50(); void FUN_10024f70(MxBool p_enabled); void SetPresentersEnabled(MxBool p_enabled); void TogglePresentersEnabled(); void FUN_100250e0(MxBool p_param); void FUN_10025350(MxS32 p_objectId); void FUN_10025450(); void FUN_10025720(undefined4 p_param1); void FUN_10025d10(MxS32 p_param); MxS32 FUN_10025d70(); void FUN_10025db0(const char* p_param1, undefined4 p_param2); void FUN_10025e40(); MxS32 FUN_10025ee0(undefined4 p_param1); // FUNCTION: BETA10 0x100735b0 void SetUnknown0x258(LegoCarBuildAnimPresenter* p_unk0x258) { m_unk0x258 = p_unk0x258; } // SYNTHETIC: LEGO1 0x10022a60 // LegoCarBuild::`scalar deleting destructor' private: // inline functions MxU32 Beta0x10070520(); void StopActionIn0x344(); Unknown0xf8 m_unk0xf8; // 0xf8 MxS16 m_unk0xfc; // 0xfc MxS32 m_unk0x100; // 0x100 undefined4 m_unk0x104; // 0x104 // name verified by BETA10 0x1006ebba MxS8 m_numAnimsRun; // 0x108 MxU8 m_unk0x109; // 0x109 MxU16 m_unk0x10a; // 0x10a DWORD m_unk0x10c; // 0x10c LegoROI* m_unk0x110; // 0x110 BoundingSphere m_unk0x114; // 0x114 MxMatrix m_unk0x12c; // 0x12c undefined m_unk0x174; // 0x174 MxMatrix m_unk0x178; // 0x178 MxMatrix m_unk0x1c0; // 0x1c0 MxMatrix m_unk0x208; // 0x208 // This is likely a location in pixel space MxS32 m_unk0x250[2]; // 0x250 LegoCarBuildAnimPresenter* m_unk0x258; // 0x258 MxQuaternionTransformer m_unk0x25c; // 0x25c // These two are likely locations in pixel space MxS32 m_unk0x290[2]; // 0x290 MxS32 m_unk0x298[2]; // 0x298 MxFloat m_unk0x2a0; // 0x2a0 Mx4DPointFloat m_unk0x2a4; // 0x2a4 Mx4DPointFloat m_unk0x2bc; // 0x2bc MxBool m_unk0x2d4; // 0x2d4 // variable names verified by BETA10 0x1006b27a MxStillPresenter* m_ColorBook_Bitmap; // 0x2dc MxControlPresenter* m_Yellow_Ctl; // 0x2e0 MxControlPresenter* m_Red_Ctl; // 0x2e4 MxControlPresenter* m_Blue_Ctl; // 0x2e8 MxControlPresenter* m_Green_Ctl; // 0x2ec MxControlPresenter* m_Gray_Ctl; // 0x2f0 MxControlPresenter* m_Black_Ctl; // 0x2f4 MxSoundPresenter* m_Shelf_Sound; // 0x2f8 MxSoundPresenter* m_PlaceBrick_Sound; // 0x2fc MxSoundPresenter* m_GetBrick_Sound; // 0x300 MxSoundPresenter* m_Paint_Sound; // 0x304 MxSoundPresenter* m_Decal_Sound; // 0x308 MxStillPresenter* m_Decal_Bitmap; // 0x30c MxControlPresenter* m_Decals_Ctl; // 0x310 MxControlPresenter* m_Decals_Ctl1; // 0x314 MxControlPresenter* m_Decals_Ctl2; // 0x318 MxControlPresenter* m_Decals_Ctl3; // 0x31c MxControlPresenter* m_Decals_Ctl4; // 0x320 MxControlPresenter* m_Decals_Ctl5; // 0x324 MxControlPresenter* m_Decals_Ctl6; // 0x328 MxControlPresenter* m_Decals_Ctl7; // 0x32c // variable name verified by BETA10 0x1006b219 LegoVehicleBuildState* m_buildState; // 0x32c // variable name verified by BETA10 0x1006d742 undefined4 m_carId; // 0x330 // variable name verified by BETA10 0x1006cba7 LegoGameState::Area m_destLocation; // 0x334 MxPresenter* m_unk0x338; // 0x338 MxControlPresenter* m_unk0x33c; // 0x33c undefined4 m_unk0x340; // 0x340 undefined4 m_unk0x344; // 0x344 MxU8 m_presentersEnabled; // 0x348 static MxS16 g_unk0x100f11cc; static MxFloat g_unk0x100d65a4; static MxFloat g_rotationAngleStepYAxis; static LookupTableActions g_unk0x100d65b0[]; }; #endif // LEGOCARBUILD_H