diff --git a/LEGO1/mxdirectx/mxdirect3d.cpp b/LEGO1/mxdirectx/mxdirect3d.cpp index a224158b..be3f6bba 100644 --- a/LEGO1/mxdirectx/mxdirect3d.cpp +++ b/LEGO1/mxdirectx/mxdirect3d.cpp @@ -611,13 +611,208 @@ MxDeviceEnumerate::DirectDrawEnumerateCallback(LPGUID p_guid, LPSTR p_driverDesc return deviceEnumerate->EnumDirectDrawCallback(p_guid, p_driverDesc, p_driverName); } -// STUB: LEGO1 0x1009c730 +// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1009c730 const char* MxDeviceEnumerate::EnumerateErrorToString(HRESULT p_error) { - // TODO: This is a list of error messages, similar to the function in - // MxDirectDraw, except that this one now contains the Direct3D errors. - // Probably just copied from a sample file in the dx5 sdk. - return ""; + switch (p_error) { + case DD_OK: + return "No error."; + case DDERR_GENERIC: + return "Generic failure."; + case DDERR_UNSUPPORTED: + return "Action not supported."; + case DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS: + return "One or more of the parameters passed to the function are incorrect."; + case DDERR_OUTOFMEMORY: + return "DirectDraw does not have enough memory to perform the operation."; + case DDERR_CANNOTATTACHSURFACE: + return "This surface can not be attached to the requested surface."; + case DDERR_ALREADYINITIALIZED: + return "This object is already initialized."; + case DDERR_CURRENTLYNOTAVAIL: + return "Support is currently not available."; + case DDERR_CANNOTDETACHSURFACE: + return "This surface can not be detached from the requested surface."; + case DDERR_HEIGHTALIGN: + return "Height of rectangle provided is not a multiple of reqd alignment."; + case DDERR_EXCEPTION: + return "An exception was encountered while performing the requested operation."; + case DDERR_INVALIDCAPS: + return "One or more of the caps bits passed to the callback are incorrect."; + case DDERR_INCOMPATIBLEPRIMARY: + return "Unable to match primary surface creation request with existing primary surface."; + case DDERR_INVALIDMODE: + return "DirectDraw does not support the requested mode."; + case DDERR_INVALIDCLIPLIST: + return "DirectDraw does not support the provided cliplist."; + case DDERR_INVALIDPIXELFORMAT: + return "The pixel format was invalid as specified."; + case DDERR_INVALIDOBJECT: + return "DirectDraw received a pointer that was an invalid DIRECTDRAW object."; + case DDERR_LOCKEDSURFACES: + return "Operation could not be carried out because one or more surfaces are locked."; + case DDERR_INVALIDRECT: + return "Rectangle provided was invalid."; + case DDERR_NOALPHAHW: + return "Operation could not be carried out because there is no alpha accleration hardware present or " + "available."; + case DDERR_NO3D: + return "There is no 3D present."; + case DDERR_NOCOLORCONVHW: + return "Operation could not be carried out because there is no color conversion hardware present or available."; + case DDERR_NOCLIPLIST: + return "No cliplist available."; + case DDERR_NOCOLORKEY: + return "Surface doesn't currently have a color key"; + case DDERR_NOCOOPERATIVELEVELSET: + return "Create function called without DirectDraw object method SetCooperativeLevel being called."; + case DDERR_NOEXCLUSIVEMODE: + return "Operation requires the application to have exclusive mode but the application does not have exclusive " + "mode."; + case DDERR_NOCOLORKEYHW: + return "Operation could not be carried out because there is no hardware support of the destination color key."; + case DDERR_NOGDI: + return "There is no GDI present."; + case DDERR_NOFLIPHW: + return "Flipping visible surfaces is not supported."; + case DDERR_NOTFOUND: + return "Requested item was not found."; + case DDERR_NOMIRRORHW: + return "Operation could not be carried out because there is no hardware present or available."; + case DDERR_NORASTEROPHW: + return "Operation could not be carried out because there is no appropriate raster op hardware present or " + "available."; + case DDERR_NOOVERLAYHW: + return "Operation could not be carried out because there is no overlay hardware present or available."; + case DDERR_NOSTRETCHHW: + return "Operation could not be carried out because there is no hardware support for stretching."; + case DDERR_NOROTATIONHW: + return "Operation could not be carried out because there is no rotation hardware present or available."; + case DDERR_NOTEXTUREHW: + return "Operation could not be carried out because there is no texture mapping hardware present or available."; + case DDERR_NOT4BITCOLOR: + return "DirectDrawSurface is not in 4 bit color palette and the requested operation requires 4 bit color " + "palette."; + case DDERR_NOT4BITCOLORINDEX: + return "DirectDrawSurface is not in 4 bit color index palette and the requested operation requires 4 bit color " + "index palette."; + case DDERR_NOT8BITCOLOR: + return "DirectDrawSurface is not in 8 bit color mode and the requested operation requires 8 bit color."; + case DDERR_NOZBUFFERHW: + return "Operation could not be carried out because there is no hardware support for zbuffer blitting."; + case DDERR_NOVSYNCHW: + return "Operation could not be carried out because there is no hardware support for vertical blank " + "synchronized operations."; + case DDERR_OUTOFCAPS: + return "The hardware needed for the requested operation has already been allocated."; + case DDERR_NOZOVERLAYHW: + return "Overlay surfaces could not be z layered based on their BltOrder because the hardware does not support " + "z layering of overlays."; + case DDERR_COLORKEYNOTSET: + return "No src color key specified for this operation."; + case DDERR_OUTOFVIDEOMEMORY: + return "DirectDraw does not have enough memory to perform the operation."; + case DDERR_OVERLAYCANTCLIP: + return "The hardware does not support clipped overlays."; + case DDERR_OVERLAYCOLORKEYONLYONEACTIVE: + return "Can only have ony color key active at one time for overlays."; + case DDERR_PALETTEBUSY: + return "Access to this palette is being refused because the palette is already locked by another thread."; + case DDERR_SURFACEALREADYDEPENDENT: + return "This surface is already a dependency of the surface it is being made a dependency of."; + case DDERR_SURFACEALREADYATTACHED: + return "This surface is already attached to the surface it is being attached to."; + case DDERR_SURFACEISOBSCURED: + return "Access to surface refused because the surface is obscured."; + case DDERR_SURFACEBUSY: + return "Access to this surface is being refused because the surface is already locked by another thread."; + case DDERR_SURFACENOTATTACHED: + return "The requested surface is not attached."; + case DDERR_SURFACELOST: + return "Access to this surface is being refused because the surface memory is gone. The DirectDrawSurface " + "object representing this surface should have Restore called on it."; + case DDERR_TOOBIGSIZE: + return "Size requested by DirectDraw is too large, but the individual height and width are OK."; + case DDERR_TOOBIGHEIGHT: + return "Height requested by DirectDraw is too large."; + case DDERR_UNSUPPORTEDFORMAT: + return "FOURCC format requested is unsupported by DirectDraw."; + case DDERR_TOOBIGWIDTH: + return "Width requested by DirectDraw is too large."; + case DDERR_VERTICALBLANKINPROGRESS: + return "Vertical blank is in progress."; + case DDERR_UNSUPPORTEDMASK: + return "Bitmask in the pixel format requested is unsupported by DirectDraw."; + case DDERR_XALIGN: + return "Rectangle provided was not horizontally aligned on required boundary."; + case DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING: + return "Informs DirectDraw that the previous Blt which is transfering information to or from this Surface is " + "incomplete."; + case DDERR_INVALIDDIRECTDRAWGUID: + return "The GUID passed to DirectDrawCreate is not a valid DirectDraw driver identifier."; + case DDERR_DIRECTDRAWALREADYCREATED: + return "A DirectDraw object representing this driver has already been created for this process."; + case DDERR_NODIRECTDRAWHW: + return "A hardware-only DirectDraw object creation was attempted but the driver did not support any hardware."; + case DDERR_PRIMARYSURFACEALREADYEXISTS: + return "This process already has created a primary surface."; + case DDERR_NOEMULATION: + return "Software emulation not available."; + case DDERR_REGIONTOOSMALL: + return "Region passed to Clipper::GetClipList is too small."; + case DDERR_CLIPPERISUSINGHWND: + return "An attempt was made to set a cliplist for a clipper object that is already monitoring an hwnd."; + case DDERR_NOCLIPPERATTACHED: + return "No clipper object attached to surface object."; + case DDERR_NOHWND: + return "Clipper notification requires an HWND or no HWND has previously been set as the CooperativeLevel HWND."; + case DDERR_HWNDSUBCLASSED: + return "HWND used by DirectDraw CooperativeLevel has been subclassed, this prevents DirectDraw from restoring " + "state."; + case DDERR_HWNDALREADYSET: + return "The CooperativeLevel HWND has already been set. It can not be reset while the process has surfaces or " + "palettes created."; + case DDERR_NOPALETTEATTACHED: + return "No palette object attached to this surface."; + case DDERR_NOPALETTEHW: + return "No hardware support for 16 or 256 color palettes."; + case DDERR_BLTFASTCANTCLIP: + return "Return if a clipper object is attached to the source surface passed into a BltFast call."; + case DDERR_NOBLTHW: + return "No blitter hardware present."; + case DDERR_NODDROPSHW: + return "No DirectDraw ROP hardware."; + case DDERR_OVERLAYNOTVISIBLE: + return "Returned when GetOverlayPosition is called on a hidden overlay."; + case DDERR_NOOVERLAYDEST: + return "Returned when GetOverlayPosition is called on an overlay that UpdateOverlay has never been called on " + "to establish a destination."; + case DDERR_INVALIDPOSITION: + return "Returned when the position of the overlay on the destination is no longer legal for that destination."; + case DDERR_NOTAOVERLAYSURFACE: + return "Returned when an overlay member is called for a non-overlay surface."; + case DDERR_EXCLUSIVEMODEALREADYSET: + return "An attempt was made to set the cooperative level when it was already set to exclusive."; + case DDERR_NOTFLIPPABLE: + return "An attempt has been made to flip a surface that is not flippable."; + case DDERR_CANTDUPLICATE: + return "Can't duplicate primary & 3D surfaces, or surfaces that are implicitly created."; + case DDERR_NOTLOCKED: + return "Surface was not locked. An attempt to unlock a surface that was not locked at all, or by this " + "process, has been attempted."; + case DDERR_CANTCREATEDC: + return "Windows can not create any more DCs."; + case DDERR_NODC: + return "No DC was ever created for this surface."; + case DDERR_WRONGMODE: + return "This surface can not be restored because it was created in a different mode."; + case DDERR_IMPLICITLYCREATED: + return "This surface can not be restored because it is an implicitly created surface."; + case DDERR_NOTPALETTIZED: + return "The surface being used is not a palette-based surface."; + default: + return "Unrecognized error value."; + } } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1009ce60 @@ -734,7 +929,7 @@ int MxDeviceEnumerate::FUN_1009d0d0() int i = 0; int j = 0; int k = -1; - unsigned int und = FUN_1009d1a0(); + int cpu_mmx = SupportsMMX(); for (list<MxDriver>::iterator it = m_list.begin();; it++) { if (it == m_list.end()) { @@ -746,7 +941,7 @@ int MxDeviceEnumerate::FUN_1009d0d0() return j; } - if ((und && (*it2).m_HELDesc.dcmColorModel == D3DCOLOR_RGB && i == 0) || + if ((cpu_mmx && (*it2).m_HELDesc.dcmColorModel == D3DCOLOR_RGB && i == 0) || ((*it2).m_HELDesc.dcmColorModel == D3DCOLOR_MONO && i == 0 && k < 0)) { k = j; } @@ -760,16 +955,76 @@ int MxDeviceEnumerate::FUN_1009d0d0() return -1; } -// STUB: LEGO1 0x1009d1a0 -undefined4 MxDeviceEnumerate::FUN_1009d1a0() +// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1009d1a0 +int MxDeviceEnumerate::SupportsMMX() { - return 1; + int supports_mmx = SupportsCPUID(); + if (supports_mmx) { +#ifdef _MSC_VER + __asm { + mov eax, 0x0 ; EAX=0: Highest Function Parameter and Manufacturer ID +#if _MSC_VER > 1100 + cpuid ; Run CPUID +#else + __emit 0x0f + __emit 0xa2 +#endif + mov eax, 0x1 ; EAX=1: Processor Info and Feature Bits (unused) +#if _MSC_VER > 1100 + cpuid ; Run CPUID +#else + __emit 0x0f + __emit 0xa2 +#endif + xor eax, eax ; Zero EAX register + bt edx, 0x17 ; Test bit 0x17 (23): MMX instructions (64-bit SIMD) (Store in CF) + adc eax, eax ; Add with carry: EAX = EAX + EAX + CF = CF + mov supports_mmx, eax ; Save eax into C variable + } +#else + __asm__("movl $0x0, %%eax\n\t" // EAX=0: Highest Function Parameter and Manufacturer ID + "cpuid\n\t" // Run CPUID\n" + "mov $0x1, %%eax\n\t" // EAX=1: Processor Info and Feature Bits (unused) + "cpuid\n\t" // Run CPUID + "xorl %%eax, %%eax\n\t" // Zero EAX register + "btl $0x15, %%edx\n\t" // Test bit 0x17 (23): MMX instructions (64-bit SIMD) (Store in CF) + "adc %%eax, %%eax" // Add with carry: EAX = EAX + EAX + CF = CF + : "=a"(supports_mmx) // supports_mmx == EAX + ); +#endif + } + return supports_mmx; } -// STUB: LEGO1 0x1009d1e0 -undefined4 MxDeviceEnumerate::FUN_1009d1e0() +// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1009d1e0 +int MxDeviceEnumerate::SupportsCPUID() { - return 1; + int has_cpuid; +#ifdef _MSC_VER + __asm { + xor eax, eax ; Zero EAX register + pushfd ; Push EFLAGS register value on the stack + or dword ptr[esp], 0x200000 ; Set bit 0x200000: Able to use CPUID instruction (Pentium+) + popfd ; Write the updated value into the EFLAGS register + pushfd ; Push EFLAGS register value on the stack (again) + btr dword ptr[esp], 0x15 ; Test bit 0x15 (21) and reset (set CF) + adc eax, eax ; Add with carry: EAX = EAX + EAX + CF = CF + popfd ; Push EFLAGS register value on the stack (again, and makes sure the stack remains the same) + mov has_cpuid, eax ; Save eax into C variable + } +#else + __asm__("xorl %%eax, %%eax\n\t" // Zero EAX register + "pushfl\n\t" // Push EFLAGS register value on the stack + "orl $0x200000, (%%esp)\n\t" // Set bit 0x200000: Able to use CPUID instruction (Pentium+) + "popfl\n\t" // Write the updated value into the EFLAGS register + "pushfl\n\t" // Push EFLAGS register value on the stack (again) + "btrl $0x15, (%%esp)\n\t" // Test bit 0x15 (21) and reset (set CF) + "adc %%eax, %%eax\n\t" // Add with carry: EAX = EAX + EAX + CF = CF + "popfl" // Push EFLAGS register value on the stack (again, and makes sure the stack remains the same) + : "=a"(has_cpuid) // has_cpuid == EAX + ); +#endif + return has_cpuid; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1009d210 diff --git a/LEGO1/mxdirectx/mxdirect3d.h b/LEGO1/mxdirectx/mxdirect3d.h index 6ebf46f9..e884c741 100644 --- a/LEGO1/mxdirectx/mxdirect3d.h +++ b/LEGO1/mxdirectx/mxdirect3d.h @@ -216,8 +216,8 @@ public: LPD3DDEVICEDESC p_HELDesc, LPVOID p_context ); - static undefined4 FUN_1009d1a0(); - static undefined4 FUN_1009d1e0(); + static int SupportsMMX(); + static int SupportsCPUID(); friend class MxDirect3D;