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synced 2025-03-27 15:10:19 -04:00
188 lines
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188 lines
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#ifndef ISLE_H
#define ISLE_H
#include "actionsfwd.h"
#include "legogamestate.h"
#include "legonamedplane.h"
#include "legostate.h"
#include "legoworld.h"
#include "radio.h"
class Ambulance;
class Bike;
class DuneBuggy;
class Helicopter;
class Jetski;
class JukeBoxEntity;
class LegoNamedTexture;
class Motocycle;
class LegoPathStructNotificationParam;
class Pizza;
class Pizzeria;
class RaceCar;
class SkateBoard;
class TowTrack;
// VTABLE: LEGO1 0x100d7028
// SIZE 0x26c
class Act1State : public LegoState {
enum ElevatorFloor {
c_floor1 = 1,
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100338a0
const char* ClassName() const override // vtable+0x0c
// STRING: LEGO1 0x100f0154
return "Act1State";
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100338b0
MxBool IsA(const char* p_name) const override // vtable+0x10
return !strcmp(p_name, Act1State::ClassName()) || LegoState::IsA(p_name);
MxBool Reset() override; // vtable+0x18
MxResult Serialize(LegoFile* p_file) override; // vtable+0x1c
void PlayCptClickDialogue();
void StopCptClickDialogue();
void RemoveActors();
void FUN_10034d00();
MxU32 GetUnknown18() { return m_unk0x018; }
ElevatorFloor GetElevatorFloor() { return (ElevatorFloor) m_elevFloor; }
MxU8 GetUnknown21() { return m_unk0x021; }
void SetUnknown18(MxU32 p_unk0x18) { m_unk0x018 = p_unk0x18; }
void SetElevatorFloor(ElevatorFloor p_elevFloor) { m_elevFloor = p_elevFloor; }
void SetUnknown21(MxU8 p_unk0x21) { m_unk0x021 = p_unk0x21; }
// SYNTHETIC: LEGO1 0x10033960
// Act1State::`scalar deleting destructor'
// TODO: Most likely getters/setters are not used according to BETA.
Playlist m_cptClickDialogue; // 0x008
IsleScript::Script m_currentCptClickDialogue; // 0x014
MxU32 m_unk0x018; // 0x018
MxS16 m_elevFloor; // 0x01c
MxBool m_unk0x01e; // 0x01e
MxBool m_unk0x01f; // 0x01f
MxBool m_planeActive; // 0x020
undefined m_unk0x021; // 0x021
MxBool m_unk0x022; // 0x022
undefined m_unk0x023; // 0x023
LegoNamedPlane m_motocyclePlane; // 0x024
LegoNamedPlane m_bikePlane; // 0x070
LegoNamedPlane m_skateboardPlane; // 0x0bc
LegoNamedPlane m_helicopterPlane; // 0x108
LegoNamedTexture* m_unk0x154; // 0x154
LegoNamedTexture* m_unk0x158; // 0x158
LegoNamedTexture* m_unk0x15c; // 0x15c
Helicopter* m_helicopter; // 0x160
LegoNamedPlane m_jetskiPlane; // 0x164
LegoNamedTexture* m_unk0x1b0; // 0x1b0
LegoNamedTexture* m_unk0x1b4; // 0x1b4
Jetski* m_jetski; // 0x1b8
LegoNamedPlane m_dunebuggyPlane; // 0x1bc
LegoNamedTexture* m_unk0x208; // 0x208
DuneBuggy* m_dunebuggy; // 0x20c
LegoNamedPlane m_racecarPlane; // 0x210
LegoNamedTexture* m_unk0x25c; // 0x25c
LegoNamedTexture* m_unk0x260; // 0x260
LegoNamedTexture* m_unk0x264; // 0x264
RaceCar* m_racecar; // 0x268
// VTABLE: LEGO1 0x100d6fb8
// SIZE 0x140
class Isle : public LegoWorld {
enum {
c_playCamAnims = 0x20,
c_playMusic = 0x40
~Isle() override;
MxLong Notify(MxParam& p_param) override; // vtable+0x04
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10030910
const char* ClassName() const override // vtable+0x0c
// STRING: LEGO1 0x100f0458
return "Isle";
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10030920
MxBool IsA(const char* p_name) const override // vtable+0x10
return !strcmp(p_name, Isle::ClassName()) || LegoWorld::IsA(p_name);
MxResult Create(MxDSAction& p_dsAction) override; // vtable+0x18
void ReadyWorld() override; // vtable+50
void Add(MxCore* p_object) override; // vtable+58
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10030900
MxBool VTable0x5c() override { return TRUE; } // vtable+5c
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10033170
void VTable0x60() override {} // vtable+60
MxBool Escape() override; // vtable+64
void Enable(MxBool p_enable) override; // vtable+68
virtual void VTable0x6c(LegoPathActor* p_actor); // vtable+6c
void SetDestLocation(LegoGameState::Area p_destLocation) { m_destLocation = p_destLocation; }
MxBool HasHelicopter() { return m_helicopter != NULL; }
void FUN_10033350();
friend class Act1State;
// SYNTHETIC: LEGO1 0x10030a30
// Isle::`scalar deleting destructor'
MxLong HandleEndAction(MxEndActionNotificationParam& p_param);
MxLong HandleControl(LegoControlManagerNotificationParam& p_param);
MxLong HandlePathStruct(LegoPathStructNotificationParam& p_param);
MxLong HandleTransitionEnd();
void HandleElevatorEndAction();
void UpdateGlobe();
void FUN_10032620();
void CreateState();
void FUN_10032d30(
IsleScript::Script p_script,
JukeboxScript::Script p_music,
const char* p_cameraLocation,
MxBool p_und
Act1State* m_act1state; // 0xf8
Pizza* m_pizza; // 0xfc
Pizzeria* m_pizzeria; // 0x100
TowTrack* m_towtrack; // 0x104
Ambulance* m_ambulance; // 0x108
JukeBoxEntity* m_jukebox; // 0x10c
Helicopter* m_helicopter; // 0x110
Bike* m_bike; // 0x114
DuneBuggy* m_dunebuggy; // 0x118
Motocycle* m_motocycle; // 0x11c
SkateBoard* m_skateboard; // 0x120
RaceCar* m_racecar; // 0x124
Jetski* m_jetski; // 0x128
Radio m_radio; // 0x12c
LegoGameState::Area m_destLocation; // 0x13c
#endif // ISLE_H