mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 20:47:53 -05:00
* Implement most of `JetskiRace`, add BETA10 annotations * Fix declaration order issue * Clean up FUN_10012de0 * Fix regression * Address review comments * Address another review comment --------- Co-authored-by: jonschz <jonschz@users.noreply.github.com>
132 lines
3.9 KiB
132 lines
3.9 KiB
#include "legoracemap.h"
#include "legoracespecial.h"
#define LEGORACECAR_KICK1 2 // name guessed
#define LEGORACECAR_KICK2 4 // name validated by BETA10 0x100cb659
// SIZE 0x08
struct EdgeReference {
const char* m_name; // 0x00
// name verified by BETA10 0x100cbee6
LegoPathBoundary* m_b; // 0x04
// SIZE 0x10
struct SkeletonKickPhase {
EdgeReference* m_edgeRef; // 0x00
float m_lower; // 0x04
float m_upper; // 0x08
MxU8 m_userState; // 0x0c
// VTABLE: LEGO1 0x100d58a0 LegoRaceActor
// VTABLE: LEGO1 0x100d58a8 LegoAnimActor
// VTABLE: LEGO1 0x100d58b8 LegoPathActor
// VTABLE: LEGO1 0x100d5984 LegoRaceMap
// VTABLE: LEGO1 0x100d5988 LegoCarRaceActor
// VTABLE: BETA10 0x101be6ec LegoRaceActor
// VTABLE: BETA10 0x101be6f0 LegoAnimActor
// VTABLE: BETA10 0x101be708 LegoPathActor
// VTABLE: BETA10 0x101be7f8 LegoRaceMap
// VTABLE: BETA10 0x101be800 LegoCarRaceActor
// SIZE 0x200
class LegoRaceCar : public LegoCarRaceActor, public LegoRaceMap {
~LegoRaceCar() override;
MxLong Notify(MxParam& p_param) override; // vtable+0x04
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100142a0
const char* ClassName() const override // vtable+0x0c
// STRING: LEGO1 0x100f0548
return "LegoRaceCar";
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100142c0
MxBool IsA(const char* p_name) const override // vtable+0x10
return !strcmp(p_name, LegoRaceCar::ClassName()) || LegoCarRaceActor::IsA(p_name);
void ParseAction(char* p_extra) override; // vtable+0x20
void SetWorldSpeed(MxFloat p_worldSpeed) override; // vtable+0x30
MxU32 VTable0x6c(
LegoPathBoundary* p_boundary,
Vector3& p_v1,
Vector3& p_v2,
float p_f1,
float p_f2,
Vector3& p_v3
) override; // vtable+0x6c
void VTable0x70(float p_float) override; // vtable+0x70
MxResult VTable0x94(LegoPathActor* p_actor, MxBool p_bool) override; // vtable+0x94
void SwitchBoundary(LegoPathBoundary*& p_boundary, LegoUnknown100db7f4*& p_edge, float& p_unk0xe4)
override; // vtable+0x98
MxResult VTable0x9c() override; // vtable+0x9c
virtual void SetMaxLinearVelocity(float p_maxLinearVelocity);
virtual void FUN_10012ff0(float p_param);
virtual MxU32 HandleSkeletonKicks(float p_param1);
static void FUN_10012de0();
static void FUN_10013670();
// SYNTHETIC: LEGO1 0x10014240
// LegoRaceCar::`scalar deleting destructor'
undefined m_userState; // 0x54
float m_unk0x58; // 0x58
Mx3DPointFloat m_unk0x5c; // 0x5c
// Names verified by BETA10 0x100cb4a9
LegoAnimActorStruct* m_skelKick1Anim; // 0x70
LegoAnimActorStruct* m_skelKick2Anim; // 0x74
// Name verified by BETA10 0x100cb4f0
LegoPathBoundary* m_kick1B; // 0x78
// Name verified by BETA10 0x100cb537
LegoPathBoundary* m_kick2B; // 0x7c
// name verified by BETA10 0x100cbee6
static EdgeReference g_skBMap[];
static const SkeletonKickPhase g_skeletonKickPhases[];
static const char* g_strSpeed;
static const char* g_srtsl18to29[];
static const char* g_srtsl6to10[];
static const char* g_emptySoundKeyList[];
static const char* g_srtrh[];
static const char* g_srt001ra;
static const char* g_soundSkel3;
static MxU32 g_srtsl18to29Index;
static MxU32 g_srtsl6to10Index;
static MxU32 g_emptySoundKeyListIndex;
static MxU32 g_srtrhIndex;
static Mx3DPointFloat g_unk0x10102af0;
static MxLong g_timeLastSoundPlayed;
static MxS32 g_unk0x100f0b88;
static MxBool g_unk0x100f0b8c;
#endif // LEGORACERS_H
// GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100d5890
// LegoRaceCar::`vbtable'{for `LegoCarRaceActor'}
// GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100d5880
// LegoRaceCar::`vbtable'{for `LegoRaceMap'}
// GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100d5878
// LegoRaceCar::`vbtable'{for `LegoAnimActor'}
// GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100d5868
// LegoRaceCar::`vbtable'{for `LegoRaceActor'}