mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 03:39:51 -04:00
* Parse cvdump TYPES section. Add datacmp tool. * Corrections * Use static * Revert "Use static" This reverts commit e0a4324e004e83565a9880e457c588ed0cf71931. * Handle partially initialized variable * Shuffle order of legounksavedatawriter * Revert "Shuffle order of legounksavedatawriter" This reverts commit 506e06f1174739fdbfade73e29b9ce4eac44b06c. --------- Co-authored-by: Christian Semmler <mail@csemmler.com>
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#if !defined(AFX_CONFIG_H)
#define AFX_CONFIG_H
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "compat.h"
#include "decomp.h"
#include <d3d.h>
class MxDeviceEnumerate;
struct Direct3DDeviceInfo;
struct MxDriver;
#define currentConfigApp ((CConfigApp*) afxCurrentWinApp)
// VTABLE: CONFIG 0x00406040
// SIZE 0x108
class CConfigApp : public CWinApp {
// Overrides
// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
BOOL InitInstance() override;
int ExitInstance() override;
// Implementation
BOOL WriteReg(const char* p_key, const char* p_value) const;
BOOL ReadReg(LPCSTR p_key, LPCSTR p_value, DWORD p_size) const;
BOOL ReadRegBool(LPCSTR p_key, BOOL* p_bool) const;
BOOL ReadRegInt(LPCSTR p_key, int* p_value) const;
BOOL FUN_004033d0() const;
D3DCOLORMODEL GetHardwareDeviceColorModel() const;
BOOL IsPrimaryDriver() const;
BOOL ReadRegisterSettings();
BOOL ValidateSettings();
DWORD FUN_004037a0() const;
DWORD FUN_004037e0() const;
BOOL FUN_00403810();
void CConfigApp::WriteRegisterSettings() const;
// NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove member functions here.
// DO NOT EDIT what you see in these blocks of generated code !
BOOL IsLegoNotRunning();
MxDeviceEnumerate* m_device_enumerator; // 0x0c4
MxDriver* m_driver; // 0x0c8
Direct3DDeviceInfo* m_device; // 0x0cc
int m_display_bit_depth; // 0x0d0
BOOL m_flip_surfaces; // 0x0d4
BOOL m_full_screen; // 0x0d8
BOOL m_3d_video_ram; // 0x0dc
BOOL m_wide_view_angle; // 0x0e0
BOOL m_3d_sound; // 0x0e4
BOOL m_draw_cursor; // 0x0e8
BOOL m_use_joystick; // 0x0ec
int m_joystick_index; // 0x0f0
BOOL m_run_config_dialog; // 0x0f4
int m_model_quality; // 0x0f8
int m_texture_quality; // 0x0fc
undefined m_unk0x100[4]; // 0x100
BOOL m_music; // 0x104
// SYNTHETIC: CONFIG 0x00402cd0
// CConfigApp::`scalar deleting destructor'
// FUNCTION: CONFIG 0x402c20
// CConfigApp::_GetBaseMessageMap
// FUNCTION: CONFIG 0x402c30
// CConfigApp::GetMessageMap
// GLOBAL: CONFIG 0x406008
// CConfigApp::messageMap
// GLOBAL: CONFIG 0x406010
// CConfigApp::_messageEntries
#endif // !defined(AFX_CONFIG_H)